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/fa/ - Fashion

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17719950 No.17719950 [Reply] [Original]

Urging someone to make the general rn.

>> No.17720069
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>> No.17720070
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>> No.17720078

Suit =\= ivy and prep

>> No.17720099
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>> No.17720105


>> No.17720168
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>> No.17720170

lol u newfags are so lazy

>> No.17720298

Petticoat chaser edition!








Not being updated anymore



Quick guide to prep: https://www.mreero.com/journal/how-to-dress-like-a-prep
Gentleman's Gazzete info on /TIP/: https://pastebin.com/QrNDDG60
The Preppy Handbook: https://issuu.com/fiyero109/docs/toph
Nautical clothing guide: https://epochs.co/features/epochs-guide-to-nautical-clothing?p=nauticalpost
Boat shoe lacing guide: http://web.archive.org/web/20200926215557/https://blog.sperry.com/stories/style/lacing-guide/
Waxing Barbours: https://www.saltwaternewengland.com/2019/09/waxing-barbour.html
80s Inspo compilation: http://www.ivy-style.com/heres-to-a-preptastic-year-the-1982-prep-for-all-seasons-calendar.html
Inspo albums: https://imgur.com/a/SRKjs, https://imgur.com/a/eEw6B and https://imgur.com/a/XZuwA

Where to find clothing

Spier and Mackey
Polo Ralph Lauren
Mr. Porter
Brooks Brothers
J. press
Jamiesons Shetland
L.L. Bean
Eastland Shoe
Russell Moccasin Co
Oak Street Bootmakers
Bill's Khakis

>> No.17720302
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>> No.17720351
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I asked this in the previous thread.
How acceptable are winchester/contrast collars in modern business environments? Were they ever stylish? Are they prep or do they fall more under the 80s wallstreet intern category? I feel like they elevate some suits but when worn without the jacket they're jarring.

>> No.17720352

For example:
I really liked the look on Bateman in this particular scene, Gordon Gekko on the other hand looked like a bookkeeper from the 1930s.

>> No.17720616

kys doug

>> No.17720624
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>> No.17720627

If you are physically fit and confident you can basically wear anything. Seeing as you're on /fa/ I am going to advise you not to do anything risky. Nothing wrong with a university stripe OCBD from BB.

>> No.17720628
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>> No.17720634
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>> No.17720912

We all love unlined OCBD collars here (surely). But im starting to wonder if that's the best choice for other materials/weaves. Because i recently bought a lightweight chambray and a poplin shirt, both with unlined collars. The poplin one even has the exact same collar construction as my usual OCBD's. But it lacks the roll they have, it quickly deforms and deflates. What i wonder is, do you perhaps actually want some fusing or lining in these lighter weight weaves to help keep its shape?

>> No.17720983

I see some 3 button suits on ebay and at thrift stores. If I got one of these would I be able to have it pressed into a 2 button configuration and have it look okay or is that a dumb idea?

Also what sort of outfits work well with bean boots?

>> No.17720987

it would look dumb, you would wear bean boots with your normal clothes, just in the fall and winter. Preps arent actually into fashion, this is just their normal clothes

>> No.17720991

okay that's what I was thinking on both counts. if it rains where I live as much as it did last year a pair of duck boots will be worth it, just don't want to wear them and look like a retard

>> No.17720994
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i think youll be fine

>> No.17721015

I always liked the tongue-in-cheek tone of this book. Some of the outfits in it are genuinely nice, though.

>> No.17721091

city slicker

>> No.17721118

Tasteless anti-fashion conformist thread

>> No.17721122

they're pretty loud but can be pulled off imo, consider the following:
1. you're right about wearing it with jacket, id go further and say wear with a 3 button
2. make sure theyre french cuffs, dont go halfway
3. get them tailored
4. get only in powder blue solid or power blue striped - the darker the worse off you are

>> No.17721129
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>> No.17721161

See I think that the contrast here is slightly too stark - makes it look a little cartoonish, especially with the over the top cufflinks. In my opinion the blue is too dark.

>> No.17721246

Ugh, you know what's the worst? Being a skinny, so-called "ugly" guy who's into menswear with a taste that's just too darn extravagant for this cruel world. It's like a double whammy of unfairness that life decided to throw my way.

I mean, seriously, why couldn't I have been born with dashing good looks like those dudes who effortlessly charm everyone they meet? Instead, I'm stuck here with a face only a mother could love and a body that looks like it's about to be blown away by a gust of wind. Just great!

You'd think that fashion could be my saving grace, right? Nah. Even my extravagant taste seems to backfire on me. Sure, I can put together bold and daring outfits that no one else would dare to wear, but the sad truth is that they only accentuate my already unfortunate appearance. It's like the clothes themselves are mocking me!

I see those handsome guys strutting around in their stylish attire, oozing confidence, and I can't help but feel bitter. Why couldn't I have been blessed with that confidence, that charisma, that magnetic charm? Instead, I'm left with an overflowing wardrobe of "look at me" outfits that only serve to make people look away.

But you know what? I guess I'll keep playing the fashion game, even if it feels like I'm always dealt a losing hand. Maybe, just maybe, one day my extravagant taste will actually work in my favor, and people will recognize my unique sense of style for what it is – a brave and bold expression of myself in a world that seems to value nothing but perfect appearances.

So, here's to all the skinny, "ugly" guys out there with a passion for fashion – let's commiserate together and keep pushing forward, even if the mirror doesn't reflect what we wish we could be. Who knows, maybe someday we'll be the ones setting the trends and showing the world that true beauty lies not in conventional looks, but in the courage to embrace our own style, no matter what others may think. Or maybe I'm just delusional... sigh.

>> No.17721272

I'd amend "wear it with a jacket" to "wear it with a suit." This style of shirt is too formal to even wear with a sport coat or blazer. Always wear it with a suit and tie.

>> No.17721286
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BB seersucker blazer

>> No.17721293

Speaking of which.
I dont own one yet. What exactly is the difference between what is advertised as a seersucker blazer and seersucker suit jacket?

>> No.17721304

they booth look like idiots

>> No.17721344
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I love the look of J. Press's varsity belts, what is the code for wearing them when you don't go to that university? Also, why's a canvas belt almost 200 dollars?

>> No.17721362

theyre called needlepoint belts, usually a highschool or college gf makes you one, buying one is cringe

>> No.17721411
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>> No.17721457

Wicked LARP
Alma mater or its weird

>> No.17721473

Nice matching of patterns with this one.

>> No.17721488

>What i wonder is, do you perhaps actually want some fusing or lining in these lighter weight weaves to help keep its shape?
Absolutely. I made this mistake with my last shift from Luxire, the fabric was incredibly light and didn't have the strength to support the roll as much as I want.

>> No.17721497

Please don't listen to>>17720987, as usual there are retards in this thread that think their opinion is fact. I'd call them what they are but some people slap the report button when you call them retarded faggot niggers.

Pressing a 3 button suit down to 2 is literally how 3roll2 was created, and 3roll2 sport coats and suits are staple of trad/ivy style. The thing is this doesn't work for all fabrics in my experience. You need a decent weight wool, tweed, or corduroy. Lighter wools, cotton, linen, seersucker can come out a little wonky. Button stance is the other key factor, it works better if they're lower on the chest.

I'd say find the cheapest decent quality 3 button wool sport coat you can find and try it out. $20-40 at a thrift store, another $20-40 at your tailor depending on area,and you'll answer your own question.

>> No.17721498

What is something you used to hate but now have grown to like? For me it was braided belts and madras

>> No.17721502
File: 164 KB, 1057x681, Screenshot_20230715-172413-682.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doug you're a dumb faggot. I genuinely wish you ill and every time I hear a peep of your marfan syndrome faggot whining I will repost this.

>> No.17721504

They take a lot of time to make. Buy the USA one, dont larp

>> No.17721510

Its not Doug lmao I asked chatgpt to write a post in the voice of an ugly skinny guy (who is into menswear) complaining about his lack of good looks. It does sound exactly like doug tho

>> No.17721513
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So the size of the collar roll on old Yarmouth OCBDs fluctuates based on the country it was made in. I'm buying a couple more to get precise measurements but if you go on eBay you can see there's some differences between Hong Kong, Singapore, Jamaica, China , etc. I wonder why that happened. You'd think a Yarmouth OCBD would be the same size no matter where it was made. Chest width differs too, not as dramatically.

>> No.17721519
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Holy shit lmao I genuinely laughed thank you anon. I also can’t believe someone screened Doug admitting he’s an idiot lmao, gold exchange, I tread this board for moments like these

>> No.17721520

Holy shit I apologize, I genuinely thought that was Doug. Give that AI a pat on the head, it perfectly replicated Doug's delusional defeatist faggotry.

>> No.17721552

Well, it's just Doug here. After a whole lot of rejection and disappointment, I've finally decided to throw in the towel on my extravagant and "ugly" clothing taste. Who was I kidding, trying to stand out with my bold fashion choices, thinking it could compensate for my less-than-ideal looks? It's laughable, really.

I'm giving up on expressing myself through unique pieces and quirky styles. From now on, it's all about blending into the background with hoodies and sweatpants like everyone else. Why bother standing out when all it does is draw more attention to my supposed ugliness?

Sure, I'll give this whole gaining muscle thing a shot. Maybe if I'm buff enough, people will overlook my appearance and see me as something other than an eyesore. But deep down, I know it won't change a thing.

Fashion used to be an outlet for me, a way to escape the reality of my looks and find a sense of worth. But all I've found is rejection, mockery, and judgment. Who cares about fashion anyway? It's not like it matters or makes any difference in the grand scheme of things.

So here I am, bitter and defeated, letting go of my dreams of expressing myself through clothing. What's the point of trying to be different when the world keeps reminding you that you don't belong? Maybe it's time to just blend in, fade away, and stop trying to prove myself to a world that couldn't care less.

>> No.17721554

(this one is a virtual Doug fine tuned a little bit to be more defeatist)

>> No.17721568

Can you get it to add something in about his hair cut?

>> No.17721575

I mean, let's be real, who even cares about my hair? It's not like a new haircut is going to miraculously fix everything that's wrong with me. But society loves to point out our flaws, so here I am, trying to salvage whatever dignity I have left.

The hairdresser probably thought they were doing me a favor by giving me a shorter cut. Little do they know that my hairline has betrayed me long ago, leaving me with this pathetic excuse of a hairstyle.

I can't even enjoy a simple haircut without feeling like a failure. It's just another reminder that I can't control the way I look or how people perceive me.
So, here's to my new haircut – a futile attempt at looking somewhat presentable in a world that loves to judge based on appearances. Who knows, maybe one day I'll learn to accept myself as I am, flaws and all.

>> No.17721577
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>Sure, I can put together bold and daring outfits that no one else would dare to wear, but the sad truth is that they only accentuate my already unfortunate appearance. It's like the clothes themselves are mocking me!

Your “bold and daring outfits” are just garbage simply put. I look like Ashton Kutcher I have been told and I wouldn’t wear something like pic related in public and expect anything than complete ridicule. There are a million things you could do to make your frail and sickly frame look better and to hide your terrible straw hair and other unfortunate facial features but it also seems that you accentuate every single negative physical appearance you have with your fits.

You know that loud colors and “extravagant clothing” doesn’t actually equal good. There are bold outfits that one can wear to draw compliments and stand out but this isn’t it, chief. This is almost specifically designed to make you look like a stupid asshole.

I would give you actual advice on changing your hair or buying higher waisted pants with a bulky Aran sweater or a loose coat to hide your true frame or at least make it appear more masculine but it would just go in one ear and out the other and you would go straight to aliexpress to buy a twenty dollar polyester suit again.

YOU are your own worst enemy, asshole!!!!

>> No.17721584

That is impressive…

>> No.17721605

go outside and tell me how many people dress like this and then look up the definition of "conformist".

>> No.17721613

okay, can you please stop anyway though? I really, really do not want to wade through dougshit and kike robotshit when I'm in a /tip/ thread.

>> No.17721623

Yeah look, virtual Doug will be the ghost of Doug long after hes gone, and present in perpetuity on /tip/

>> No.17721625
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>my fucking sides

>> No.17721644
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dunno why but he has this mental hairdresser vibe going for him good

>> No.17721732

>taking your filthy dog outdoors while wearing nice pristine tweed jacket, spotless khakis, clean white shoes, knowing full well your dog is probably going to jump on you and get you dirty.

no one with a dog dresses like this

>> No.17721736

The dog is obviously just roaming around and is not implied to be theirs

>> No.17721847

Who ever told you life was fair?

>> No.17721850


>> No.17721857


>> No.17721908

Lars Hertervig core

>> No.17721917

>Buy the USA one
Ordered, looks much better anyway. I like the Princeton look but I'm studying engineering in a different continent, it'd look pathetic.

>> No.17722006

oh my gf never got the memo then.
>all i got were these gay braces

>> No.17722055

Where the FUCK do I find white bucks

>> No.17722067

Nice try Tyrone

>> No.17722127

White? Not sure. Black bucks are usually outside plantations trying to escape a nasty ole breaking though, you should find them quite easily.

>> No.17722204

I agree, this guy looks like a real homo

>> No.17722217 [DELETED] 

>get them tailored
You don’t need to tailor everything. Shirts are comfier and just look better if they’re a bit billowy. That’s classic ivy/prep style.

>> No.17722223 [DELETED] 

Non white hands typed this post

>> No.17722309

Here in London you would get fucking laughed at

>> No.17722319

I agree, sport coats/blazers are so dorky. I own about 14 suits and will always wear them SUITED.

>> No.17722322


>> No.17722327


>> No.17722412

>Carrying about the fashion opinions of niggers, muzzies, chavs, pakis and coal burners.

Lol. Lmao even. England has been completely irrelevant to modern fashion for decades.

>> No.17722646

idk man, bullying a robot just isn't the same.
nothing is quite like the real deal.

>> No.17722649
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>Yeah look, virtual Doug will be the ghost of Doug long after hes gone, and present in perpetuity on /tip/

>> No.17722693

Why would i care about that lmao most of london looks like a bum shelter

>> No.17722723

I like yarmouths for the billowy cut, but the collars are too small for ties. Spier & Mackay's oxfords are better for dressing up if you want to go that route on a budget.

>> No.17722742

>Lol. Lmao even.
Kys faggot.

>> No.17722764

his point still stands, britbong. Bow down before Tyrone, your new king.
>at leasht our shkewls...

>> No.17722916

Sport coats and blazers aren't dorky, they just call for a more casual shirt like an OCBD.

>> No.17723051

>but the collars are too small for ties.

Yes and no. I've got Yarmouths with collar points ranging from 2.5 to 3.25 inches based on what country they were made in. Chest side differs too, for my standard size ( 16-36) there's up to a six inch spread in chest width for the same model. I don't know how much of that is intentional,QC issues or changing in style over time. Makes buying them blind a pain in the ass.

>> No.17723397
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So when im wearing an ocbd should i wear a vneck undershirt or standard crewneck undershirt?

>> No.17723433
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Is this too relaxed for chinos? obviously they need to be hemmed but how is the fit? Would some taper below the knee be better?

>> No.17723455

kramer if he had brain damage

>> No.17723470

Looks like a little much fabric at the thighs but otherwise not very relaxed

>> No.17723713

v neck, showing your undershirt is a faux pas

>> No.17723824
File: 457 KB, 898x1449, 8EB5D5B8-02E1-4668-835D-285A5DCAB1F3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

redpill me on solid color rugby shirts

>> No.17723831
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>> No.17723931

i find it hard to pull off striped rugby's because of the child / chris-chan association, then polos have the grocery store employee association, so this would be a good middle-ground between a polo and rugby, looks nice

>> No.17723948

Your fit is so hilariously bad its no wonder other tards don't share their "fits" on these threads

>> No.17724059

you guys know there's a tip theme


>> No.17724187
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How do I remove the “non-iron” bullshit from my ll bean chinos? They fit well but the feel is bad. Plus I like when my chinos get wrinkled. Help!

>> No.17724217

lmao retard

>> No.17724269

I hope you got them used/vintage at a deep discount.
It's a good question though. I would assume the treatments are designed to be very difficult to remove.

>> No.17724303
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Which shade is best?

>> No.17724500

Beige and khaki for me.

>> No.17724525
File: 99 KB, 644x644, 1690022162182.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so what's the deal with polos?
How the hell do i wear them without looking like i work at a golf course?

>> No.17724596

1: Don't wear dark colors,don't wear with jeans
2: Nothing with text or graphics on them. Small logos I SAID SMALL GODDAMNIT are acceptable but avoid if possible
3: Pique is the only acceptable fabric
4: If you wear them with khaki colored pants make sure the shirt is vibrant enough to stand out and make it obvious this isn't a uniform. A good collar, stripes,color blocking, etc.

>> No.17724620

Thanks, that's actually helpful
How about white polos? Should i avoid those as well?

>> No.17724647

polos are to be worn in place of a tshirt when playing sports and the like, maybe around the house, never outside

>> No.17724707

polos only look good on fit people or in very stylized high-fashion type fits. if your arms and shoulders don’t fill out the polo, don’t wear it.

dark colour polos can look amazing with white chinos
and very fit people can pull off polos with the right pair of jeans - just usually loafers instead of sneakers

>> No.17724748

Khaki to tan makes you look like an average wagie.

>> No.17724781

very true

>> No.17724785

When I worked on Wall Street, I saw the older bankers wear them sometimes, but these collars and French cuffs just looked bad on younger bankers. The loudness of the 80s came and went. It’s not gentlemanly anymore. What’s gentlemanly now is sleek, neutral, slightly casual. When you wear a collar like that, you’re drawing attention to the fact that you’re dressed “up”. What you really want is to look dresses “down” i.e. plain shirt, no tie, no jacket, rolled sleeves. Zip-up and vest, if they weren’t a cliché at this point. Loud dress clothes just make you look childish now.

>> No.17724788

No, nothing. Wearing an undershirt is a rookie mistake.

>> No.17724795

Rugby shirts have different colored collars and buttons. For that reason, I don’t think they look good. Solid long sleeve polos look much better.

>> No.17724797

I mostly agree, but in the heat of summer on a golf course I’m not going to wear long sleeves.

>> No.17724802

I wear them in the summer. They’re t-shirts for the country club and similar in my opinion. I like navy, white, and green with small or no logos. Orvis are the best in my opinion.

>> No.17724813

White polos look great on good looking people and terrible on average or ugly people.

>> No.17724814

VERY true

>> No.17724884

Cream is in but is almost entirely reserved for summer and warmer climates

>> No.17724954

Cream, beige or khaki, and british khaki are the essentials

>> No.17724979

This is what I feared sadly. Still, if there's very little contrast (a very light blue shirt with a white collar), especially when it is a little bit more acceptable to dress "up", it might look decent. I recently purchased an 80s wall street style power suit by Boss. Double breasted, pinstripes, peak lapel, the works, including a winchester shirt in a very light blue, in proper lighting it looks white. If the look works I might consider wearing it again, without braces though. I guess I just love the look too much.

>> No.17724982

For context, the suit is for a halloween party, NOT for every day wear, I'm only considering that for the shirt. I want to make that very clear.

>> No.17725039
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I think they're great.

>> No.17725157

Does the “khaki” color go with dark brown mocs?

>> No.17725445

There’s a difference between going for the ‘80s Wall Street look once in a while and going for it all the time. Once in a while is cool. All the time is cringey.

>> No.17725448

nope. thats only if you also pair it with very safe looking business casual items, especially if theyre cheap and dont have ivy details. khaki is one of the most versatile and classic colors in the ivy wardrobe

>> No.17725653

Has anyone ever tried to change the color of their chinos with dye?

>> No.17725851 [DELETED] 

Khaki, British Khaki and Tan.

>> No.17725852 [DELETED] 

>too relaxed for chinos
No such thing. You can have gigantic baggy chinos or skin tight chinos if you want. There's not rule that chinos have to fit you perfectly, they're basically military wear they're not supposed to be tailored. Wear whatever cut looks the best, feels the best and that you like the most.

>> No.17726372

Best places to find ties? I really like Hèrmes lately.

>> No.17726409

Just buy second hand for a couple of bucks each

>> No.17726411

Are we talking about the same one? I checked the website and all I see are overpriced and ugly ties with some avarge expensive mufflers. Can you post a picture of a tie you like?

>> No.17726901

insanely bad advice wtf
chinos WERE military wear... nearly a century ago

>> No.17727071


>> No.17727073

Is J.Crew an iconic preppy brand?

>> No.17727083
File: 294 KB, 1440x1798, 1988 357664860_226701883069879_4075008778891140685_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Once upon a time they were a solid brand.
Today? Generally pretty bad, lots of synthetic blends, poor cuts/details, ugly designs, etc.
If J Crew is your price range, try Polo Ralph Lauren instead. They've also declined in quality, but they're still a step above J Crew. If your price range is higher, go with J Press, O'Connells, or the higher-end RL lines.

>> No.17727106

J Press trim fit oxfords are so good. My favorite shirt now. Wish they'd do more colors

>> No.17727127
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Today's fit

>> No.17727134
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Genuine question, why the hell are there questions like >>17724525

This shit is not hard and it is only in the last few years i have self consciously been like "oh yeah the way i dress is a style?" It really isn't hard
>single colour polo, RL, BB, Lacoste etc.
>chino shorts of a contrasting colour or white or khaki
>Sperry's, tennis shoes or controversially for purists birk sandles these days
>plaid button downs, rugbys
>athletic pull grey pull overs or hoodies, navy cable knits and white jumpers in natural unblended materials
>chinos, jeans, argyle socks, shoes depending on weather obviously
>formal/business casual
>tweed sports coat, navy blazer, grey flannel suit
>recycle chinos or if a suit wear the matching suit trousers
>penny loafers in black and matching belt
>can wear regimental ties (I actually belong to a regiment for real so i rep the colours occasionally), simple patterns and polka dots
It really isn't hard dudes

>> No.17727136

>controversially for purists birk sandles these days
Wore mine today with shorts and an untucked oxford. I liked it

>> No.17727144

Very comfortable and I think is a natural evolution. Also something you're likely to see on a college campus "take ivy" style too. Birks, collegiate hoodie or tshirt, chino shorts and a cap. It's not ivy/trad but it's the next incarnation of all that. Probably a cousin of southern prep

>> No.17727176

They are a complete meme.

>> No.17727189
File: 1.96 MB, 3264x2448, 20230723_172057.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chambray and tropical wool for a crisp summer day.
I am wondering what the formality guidelines are for tropical wool trousers, they're new to me.

Very comfy. Tie would be a great place to add some color.

>> No.17727310

To the anon in the last thread who was asking about tapering trousers, I got mine back from the tailor today. Can't post pics b/c I move tomorrow and all my shit is packed up, will do so later in the thread. Anyway, I asked her "for a bottom leg opening of 8 1/4" and to taper the trousers from the seat down." Haven't tried them on yet but they looked to have come out quite well. Really not much of an ask or a terribly difficult thing to do, if you're really autistic and have a hard time communicating with people, you can always just lay the pants out on their counter and draw a line with your finger while describing what you want. Best of luck.

>> No.17727318

This is about as slim as chinos should get for a trad/ivy look. They flatter the leg while being loose enough to move in.

>> No.17727323

I disagree about the tie. The pattern is lively and I didn't want a colorful contrast, especially since the weather outside was very grey and boring. I appreciate the feedback though.

Nice fit btw, very good for a warm sunny day. As for your question I'm not entirely sure what guidelines there are for tropical wool trousers. I usually go by gut instinct and tropical wool trousers feel very relaxed to me. I wouldn't wear it for anything too formal but it works extremely well for garden parties ect. I've only worn it on warm summer days, at cocktail parties and, well, in the tropics. Relaxed and sunny.

>> No.17727366

Thanks for remembering me anon! This is good news. I think I’ll give it a try at my tailor.

>> No.17727421
File: 1.37 MB, 2419x5686, IMG_20230722_183237016~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brooks Brothers, Todd Snyder, Luxire, Proper Cloth, Ralph Lauren,Land End, LL Bean, Berle, Bills Khakis
All of them have 100% cotton along with "stretch" offerings.

>> No.17727425

>ll bean
>non wrinkle
I want no stretch! Nice fit but the pants and shoes contrast a bit much?

>> No.17727426

Last time i checked Brooks did not carry 100% cotton chinos

>> No.17727435

Man there's something off about your pants every time you post its the same thing, not sure what the fuck it is but it seems like you are pulling them way higher than they should sit to they kinda camel toe your shit slightly.
Other than that this is a good look, I feel like you look better when you don't wear a tie

>> No.17727455

LL Bean makes normal stuff too. It isn’t all anti-wrinkle treated.

>> No.17727465
File: 999 KB, 1068x1001, Screenshot_20230724-001717-731.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Check again, different lines have different compositions

Your pants and shoes don't have to be the same color/shade, especially when it's a more casual fit

>I feel like you look better when you don't wear a tie
Part of the issue was I wasn't styling my ties properly with the fits I was going for, I'm working on it.

>> No.17727477

>Check again, different lines have different compositions
Where did you buy these. Please dont say you bought them 5 years ago or vintage on ebay, i'm talking about what is sold in [current year].

>> No.17727526

I bought them on clearance at a BB store last year, but after looking at their current lineup I admit I was wrong. It looks like all their current offerings are stretch.

My other recommendations are current though. Lands End chinos are 100% cotton, they are wrinkle resistant though.
If you want pure cotton with nothing else Todd Snyder has them, and custom work from Luxire for the same price is also a good option.

>> No.17727529

I cant blame you, BB is hard to keep track of these days.

>> No.17727551

As an apology please accept these. Great khakis that are all cotton and indestructible:




I have multiple pair of Bills Khakis, one O'Connells and my Berle come in this week. They're all a little more expensive than BB/LE/J Crew but the quality more than makes up for it. One of my pair of Bills is about 20 years old, still going strong.

If you're one a budget and willing to do eBay, look for RL Andrew and Hammond pants. American made is great, even the ones with "made in Mexico of American cotton" are good too.

>> No.17727554

Source? It’s either stretch or non wrinkle.

>> No.17727641

What's a good place to find tattersall shirts and ships to the US? I keep seeing people on other sites recommending Viyella (I think it's the fabric but people are talking like it's a brand?)

>> No.17727921

O’Connell’s, Jack Donnelly, Orvis, and J. Press are the brands that make the best RTW chinos on the market IMO.

>> No.17727968

Does anyone actually buy from Jack Donnelly? I bought ONE pair of pants from them and it took them like 3 months to ship it out and they took like a month just to reply to my emails. I've checked out their site a few times since then and nothing is ever in stock

I do like my J press khakis

>> No.17728017

It's really luck of the draw, I think their shitty website is often inaccurate regarding what is in stock.

>> No.17728035

LL Bean is going down the shitter with all the stretch and wrinkle garbage, but they aren’t completely dead yet.

>> No.17728124


>> No.17728146

shame the rise is awful

>> No.17728364
File: 229 KB, 965x753, jew.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>self proclaimed jew
opinion discarded

>> No.17728372

damn you're new

>> No.17728419

all garbage tier. way too uptight and unnatural--wouldn't be surprised if there was a fedora just out of frame in all these pics.

absolutely no personal style whatsoever. clearly just drag and dropping from a list of "tip-approved clothing"

overall its reassuring though, as it really proves that if you arent born into it, you simply dont get it.

>> No.17728459

t. plastic wearing npc

>> No.17728472

post fit

>> No.17728490
File: 734 KB, 1200x859, 6f8da0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>imagine when he's taking off these bad boys after a long day at work

>> No.17728494

>Why, YES, i AM a kissless and touchless virgin.

>> No.17728565

lol newfag

>> No.17728579
File: 335 KB, 1511x2279, IMG_3471.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those khakis seem light in color to me. Does anyone think it will match the color of picrel?

>> No.17728587
File: 656 KB, 2048x2048, Wood-Green-Wasps-1878-Rugby-Shirt_Front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just copped

>> No.17728599

why the fuck would you post a picture like that

>> No.17728625

Not a fan of LLbean chinos, best imo are RL classics

>> No.17728640

Its not his fault that's how brands advertise their products

>> No.17728650

How long is it?

>> No.17728676

/tip/bros, I need your help. I'm about 5'10 and 140 pounds and I need THE definitive white t shirt, going to wear tucked in. I want one that fits well around my ~14.5 neck, the sleeves to be tight and the neck hole to be strong and not turn into a v neck after a wash. Please help!

>> No.17728681

Dillards house brand gold label, round tree and Yorke slim fit! Or go for Ralph Lauren if you enjoy branding

>> No.17728709

John Smedley.

>> No.17728933
File: 1.51 MB, 2441x5410, IMG_20230724_102344139~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Big shout out to the anon messaging me on reddit. Still posting there, still posting here, keep seething.

>> No.17728948

Bit of an English vibe.

>> No.17728957

Tell me you live with your mom without telling me you still live with your mom

>> No.17728963

no wife (homosexual sodomite) no children (would probably rape one though). Sits on /fa/ and reddit everyday. 52 years old. What disgusting existence,

>> No.17728969

Anything specific you guys like to look for while thrifting? I've been using the list in the gen as a sort of guide and then look at materials and size (I have enough experience tailoring that I can get it if it's close) any other ways to refine my selection? I need more pants, any specific pants types besides chinos and jeans that you like?

>> No.17728976

what's with the logo, is that supposed to be a country club or something? it makes you look like the help

>> No.17728977

>Generates seethe with zero effort

>> No.17728998

Made in USA is always a good sign.
Not everything good was made by a big brand, you can sometimes find high quality clothes made by local tailoring houses from the time when that was common across the country.

>> No.17729007

Where to cop slacks?

>> No.17729009

baldy is living proof you can do practically everything right and bottom-feeding faceless spergs will still seethe and find a way to get pissy about shit that doesn't matter
if it needs to be said, I'll say it once more
talk shit, post fit.

>> No.17729010

Ralph Lauren Andrew model chinos.

>> No.17729013

Henry Rollins?

>> No.17729021


>> No.17729028

I don't take it personally, it's funny as shit and one of the main reasons I keep posting here. I've got a guy blowing my inbox up on Reddit, going through and looking at my posts and frothing at the mouth calling me a faggot redditor....while he too is using reddit and clearly spending time on it. You can't take this shit seriously.
You know how left wing zoomers will do the most slacktivist shit like change a Facebook background and think they actually did something? Same energy here.

>> No.17729078

How do I recreate the look of the man with the tennis racket, but in modern times?

>> No.17729086

What's your budget?
>Cable knit sweater
LL Bean, O'Connells, Lands End
Brooks Brothers, Luxire, Proper Cloth, Mercers, Kamakura, LE, LL Bean
>Somewhat loose fit chinos
Bills Khakis, O'Connells, LE, Todd Snyder, vintage RL, vintage BB

>> No.17729110

hes a really annoying newfag that talks too much and puts together some awful fits. also was pretty creepy in waywt whenever women posted
look for his for first fits back in january with the hat or cravat for lolz

>> No.17729115

omg somebody think of the poor obese waywt girls

>> No.17729121

Can someone link his styleforum account please?

>> No.17729161

Can you wear chinos to a funeral?

>> No.17729192

>Baldfag ruins threads
>God I hate baldfag
>Baldfag is a groomer sodomite
>Hey guys can you spoonfeed me and show me where he posts on other sites so I can go there and be annoyed too?

Baldfag, do yourself a favor and just stop posting. It's clear you have a look you like and you're sticking with it, you're not going to pick up anything here to improve and you manage to illicit sperg out rants everytime you post. You're clearly middle aged, there has to be a better place for you than this. I went to reddit, they like your posts there, why not just stay there? It's better for you and it's better for the rest of us so we don't have to see the bitching you trigger.

>> No.17729376
File: 67 KB, 1080x762, 60893374_2415382571816349_2074402228247986176_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how are the quality of spier and mackay oxfords? price looks good.

>> No.17729380

depends who died i suppose

>> No.17729396

but like...it's true, isn't it?
You're not married, so you're obviously a sodomite.
You're literally in your 50's and you regularly hang out in a place filled with young men/boys. So, again, you're a sodomite.
You SHOULD be doing something else with your time instead of playing dress up every single day for.....young men.


>> No.17729440

you can't, there's nothing on the fabric it's a chemical treatment that weakens and detangles the cotton fibres

>> No.17729444

Not to be too pedantic since he probably is a sodomite but by that logic this whole thread is men playing dress up for other men. Sure he's old but there are plenty of young men dressing up solely for other young men since no women come here, and then other men are lurking in the shadows, studying the pictures and providing critique in an attempt to make other men better looking. So..... wouldn't that mean the whole thread is a bastion of sodomites? And by that logic, if he's a sodomite, and everyone else is a sodomite, is he then in the right place? Or is supposed to only be for young sodomites?

>> No.17729449

i'm saying in his case, he's a pedophile.

>> No.17729487

They’re good for the money. Cloth isn’t the thickest but the ivy shirts have good collars and the right details with the back collar button, box pleat and locker loop.

>> No.17729490
File: 1.15 MB, 1200x1968, dark_academia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anybody have more dress guides like picrel? Maybe something for regular academia without leaning too far into chinos and oxfords?

>> No.17729498
File: 448 KB, 960x1280, 71087318685__0E4392D8-FF96-4D0D-8D9B-313CEEC4F1B2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks. im interested in the university stripe in blue and one in green. im basic and normal wear RL.

>> No.17729533

I think any "academia" style almost by definition leans into chinos and OCBDs. If you like the style but not the color palette and some of the items why not be creative and come up with some modifications on your own?

>> No.17729565

>locker loop
It's called a fag tag

>> No.17729566
File: 561 KB, 2000x1334, 15157501-low_res-this-country-8c4521b-519934611.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LMAO you have literally never been to England

>> No.17729766

Hanes Beefy-T are my go-to for crewnecks.

>> No.17729791

this isn’t england, this is irrelevant flyover county. might as well just bomb them out of existence because they’re totally irrelevant.
it’s like arkansas, kentucky, north dakota,idaho, etc. who cares?

>> No.17729797

obviously talking about menswear not random chavs

>> No.17729808

that one's great, the logo in that colour is perfection

>> No.17730053

It's both a fabric and a brand iirc, I don't see too many Viyella shirts worth the price on eBay or in higher end thrift stores. But I thrifted a lot of them for pennies when I lived in Europe, beautiful tattersalls too.

>> No.17730093

Look into post punk fashion.

>> No.17730171
File: 2.04 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_20230725_204024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idk what that is but this is what I'm wearing currently

>> No.17730175

that looks horrid. also learn to shave properly you man-child

>> No.17730180

looks cheap

>> No.17730195

>anon thinks rich people only wear ralph lauren

>> No.17730198

Not the same Anon, but 1) no /tip/ anon thinks that newfag, and 2) that sweater does look cheap, it looks synthetic and thin

>> No.17730207

Thanks for the feedback. It is relatively thin but 100% wool. From Sand, so mid-tier brand I guess

>> No.17730431

What shoes do you guys like in summer? I have a hard time justifying loafers these days.

>> No.17730457

I wear LL Bean mocs, boat shoes and suede loafers

>> No.17730461

>Regular academia

oh, so these exact same pieces but in lighter colours?

>> No.17730588

Is there a good looking thinish sweater anyone can recommend? I like the chunky ones but I live in a climate where it gets just a little cold and thinner are more comfortable

>> No.17730632

please don't post anything like that ever again

I don't think polos in white or pink have a grocery store association. Maybe solid blue or red do.

>> No.17730635

looks great

>> No.17730638

I have a black merino sweater but since it's solid black I've never found anything to wear it with. Should I just get rid of it?

>> No.17730654

Black sweater, white, grey or blue OCBD, khakis, jeans, cords. Black belt, black shoes.
It's not hard to make a fit with it, you're fighting against your own notion that black is hard to work with when it's a neutral color.

>> No.17730711

I don't know what it is, but something about the British and French when I visited, their clothes look so cheap.

For workwear, it looks like H&M/Zara cheap mall clothes, but worse than i've ever seen in the USA. Paper thin shirts, plastic looking shoes, pants that have a shine to them because of synthetic fabrics. I know it's not everyone, but I noticed it a lot. It really stands out when they work in the USA. Is there a reason? It wasn't like they weren't making good money working in the US.

>> No.17730724

How do you feel about a black sweater, white OCBD, jeans, and white shoes? I wouldn't wear my black oxfords with this outfit since it doesn't seem to make sense. At this point the outfit isn't very tippy anymore but at least it'd make some sense.

>> No.17730731

sounds actually terrible

>> No.17730736

Well I'm not going to buy a pair of black shoes just to wear with one outfit

>> No.17730745

Interested in this. Can I make my khakis darker?

>> No.17730836
File: 90 KB, 1077x801, IMG_3207.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should khakis have yellow in it?

>> No.17730873

Where do you even get gabardine pants anyway?

>> No.17730963

Why don't you have any black shoes? Also, stay away from jeans as a general rule of thumb.

What are your undertones?
For warm undertones try black sweater, cream shirt, dark grey or dark green trousers, black shoes (brown also works with green trousers)
For cold undertones try black sweater, white shirt, grey/light grey trousers, black shoes.

>> No.17731034

What are some good brands for chinos you all reccomend in a mid price range ($40-$60)? I've got a few older pairs that need to be replaced/upgraded, but I'm unsure where best too look.

>> No.17731037

>Also, stay away from jeans as a general rule of thumb.
In a thread full of retarded statements, this one is one of the most retarded. I anoint you /fa/ggot supreme.



I know the vast majority of people here have never read Take Ivy, after all why should anyone take a minimal effort to educate themselves in an area of fashion when instead they can just spout bullshit opinions? Jeans have been a part of prep and ivy from the beginning and there's zero reason to avoid them. Orslow named one of their models "Ivy cut" for a reason, see pic related.
Jeans are fine as long as you don't tell yourself they are dressy. They are informal, don't wear them with a plain wool sport coat. Tweed, cord, linen, moleskin, etc are all fine. A sweater, jeans and loafers is also certainly fine. Just don't get weird predistressed skinny jeans and you'll be golden.

>> No.17731040

1: Was reading 20 posts up too much of an effort for you?
2: 40 is no where near mid, it's low.
3: Lands End are your best bet, with their perpetual sales/coupon codes you can get them for 40-50. That's genuinely the only thing remotely decent you'll get for that price.
4: Exception being if you thrift or use eBay. If you know your real size you can get Brooks Brothers, Lands End, LL Bean, Polo, J Crew etc for well under 40. If you see Bills Khakis or O'Conells for that price (it happens frequently) grab them too.

>> No.17731057

Sorry, you are right, that was lazy of me, but I do appreciate the help. Sorry about poor pricing ideas, I'm not super experienced with goods menswear, and my parents always tried to save a penny, so I guess that has something to do with it. But thank you again for the help, I'll check out those brands and adjust my expectations.

>> No.17731068

>Jeans are fine as long as you don't tell yourself they are dressy.
Agreed. Rules of thumb are not set in stone. Jeans can work but in the majority of cases it'll look mismatched with anything that isn't a simple tee or a leather jacket. It drags any look down to "informal". This can be a good thing if you want to look like a boomer that idolizes the fashion of washed up rockstars, a low level Scandinavian office worker or a late 1800's gold miner. The best I can come up with is an "informal professor" look, and honestly the jeans will still make you look like tool.

I get that you posted some 80's college pics and think they're effay. Good for you for idolizing the era of the Terminator and Miami Vice. What you fail to do is imagine those guys wearing anything else and ask yourself if it'd look better.

Jeans are informal. Sweats are informal. They're both something that go better with a tshirt than a shirt and tie. Stay away from jeans in general. You can make it work in some rare instances but they're generally mismatched and you'd probably look better wearing regular trousers anyways.

>> No.17731071

>I get that you posted some 80's college pics and think they're effay. Good for you for idolizing the era of the Terminator and Miami Vice.

>Pic from Take Ivy
>Published in 1965
>"Yeah your pic is from the 80s"

You are proving my point. You want to appear like some expert on taste but you really have no idea what the fuck you're talking about.

>> No.17731072
File: 140 KB, 750x600, take-ivy-3-l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot the pic. I'll put it here since you have trouble reading.

>> No.17731089

Ok Marty McFly, pics still prove my point. Take >>17731072 as an example. Two guys wearing jeans. One looks like he works at Bass Pro Shop and the other like an undignified intern. First one nailed the casual boomer look so I'm not gonna critique it but the other one would still have looked better wearing regular trousers like the guy next to him.

Time travel aside, I couldn't really care less. If you want to look like your "cool" uncle, that's fine. My point is you're dragging whatever clothes that elevate your style down to the level of a family BBQ.

>> No.17731111

u dumb lol

>> No.17731116

White sneaker recommendations?

>> No.17731123

It's crazy how people like you who obviously don't know the first thing about /tip/ feel the need to post such strong opinions. Please lurk more.

>> No.17731132

uh..no one's wearing jeans in that pic.

>> No.17731185

>Also, stay away from jeans as a general rule of thumb.
Dont listen to this anon.
Are chinos & slacks our bread & butter? Yeah.
But jeans have been part of ivy look since the 60s. They just need to be worn sparingly, paired with clothing of the correct (in)formality and ruggedness.

>> No.17731229

>general rule of thumb
>used sparingly
You're just repeating what he's saying

>> No.17731524

I have black oxfords I'd wear with a suit but not that I'd wear casually. I have brown shoes but I typically don't like wearing black these days

>> No.17731685

Why don't people like SuitSupply? Is it just /fa/ elitism or are they actually not worth the money?

>> No.17731712

You'll save more money by buying nicer stuff instead of a ton of cheap things. That's true penny pinching.

>> No.17731717

As for the jeans debate, I try to avoid wearing jeans, I didn't own any up until this summer. I sometimes wear with a polo and been wanting to wear with chambray but haven't had the chance yet. But yes, read Take Ivy, there are a lot of jeans.
Stan Smiths

>> No.17731780

the fact that you defaulted to ralph lauren proves that your outfit is cheap and >50% polyester

>> No.17731783
File: 351 KB, 1280x859, IMG_2602.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all of them

>> No.17731784

lmao that is cheap garbage. your first clue should have been the category on their site called "fashion shirts"

>> No.17731797

>fashion movement born from rebellion against formality and stody dress codes
>60 years later becomes a bunch of autists sperging out about formality and (imaginary) dress codes.
And on a Mongolian basket weaving forum of all places

>> No.17731808

>stop enjoying things because I looked up some stuff ono wikipedia

>> No.17731817

bro, I have ONE pair of jeans and hardly ever wear them. They seem so damn juvenile. I know how retarded and cringe that sounds. They just seem cheap and trashy. I feel the same about cologne as well.

>> No.17731830

I defaulted to the brand every "old money" tryhard thinks is a flex, which these threads are littered with

>> No.17731832

British Khaki, Beige and Taupe specifically for fall to winter.

>> No.17731833

Yeah, I only wear when I'm actually outside/working, unless it's with a very specific outfit I like, which is seldom. It's not cringe to say what you said, don't worry lol, I could go the rest of my life without wearing jeans, could just wear corduroy or fatigues.

>> No.17731853

Nobody is telling anyone not to enjoy things. Just trying to make the point that you can't keep the spirit of Ivy alive by clinging to the form it took in 1960. The fashion landscape and more importantly the rules of formality are radically different. Not only is denim here to stay, making it in line with the 'buy it for life'/timeless wardrobe philosophy of collegiate ivy style, but its incredibly versatile (provided you know how to read formality in tailoring), and it passes for business casual in most modern workplaces, effectively filling the same formality tier in 2023 that chinos did in 1960

>> No.17731858

And I will just ammend this by agreeing that denim has no place in the "t" of /tip/ so if thats your style then sure, keep it out

>> No.17732017

LMAO surely people do not think Ralph Lauren is a flex?

>> No.17732055

I guarantee there are people that do. Ususally it's people that fell for the"old money aesthetic" meme and I guarantee some are even browsing this very thread

>> No.17732058

I mean… I guess a hand-knit RRL cardigan or a suede jacket from RLPL
but polo is a mall brand

>> No.17732102

lol so you're projecting. got it

>> No.17732121

A fair assumption considering the accuracy and character of the critique, as well as the regular posters you find in these threads. It's just tiresome

>> No.17732141

Really? Where are the "old money aesthetic" posts you're seeing? I dont see anybody discussing or wearing RL before you brought it up. And i dont see anybody bragging about or discussing wealth.

>> No.17732155

it's not the same "movement", some of us just like how it looks, and I'm sure to some people it's actually a rebellion against an ultracasual society and sweatpants and dreadlocks dress codes. of course people will discuss minutiae on a fashion forum

>> No.17732322
File: 523 KB, 916x2899, 1690436565454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I /tip/?

>> No.17732336


show toes you fucking coward

>> No.17732474

You need a corncob pipe, aviators and a peaked cap

>> No.17733270
File: 94 KB, 1346x2000, 9f23b980-c009-11ec-8f00-1df7e7a7f5c0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know if military is necessarily /tip/, but I guess chinos come from the military. Traditional menswear is really all just military inspired. But then again, I feel like white men on a safari in Africa is /tip/.

>> No.17733343
File: 551 KB, 853x1280, 1690484308522.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17733519


RFC - Rugby Football Club perhaps

>> No.17733562

This is based.

>> No.17733617

Wtf is that a man on the right? Is that a cricket vest... dress? With like 15 different patterns of stripes?

>> No.17733637

lmao what an embarassing post

>> No.17733645
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thoughts on this summer wedding fit?

>> No.17733749

Belt is too dark, everything else is fantastic.

>> No.17733772
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>> No.17733826

Its a runway, its just a very androgynous woman. Look at the body shape.

>> No.17733830

Besides the belt, the jacket looks an inch or two short and the button stance is too high. Still an appealing fit though.

>> No.17733837
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>> No.17733838
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>> No.17733839
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>> No.17733841

please god stop

>> No.17733850

Bit flashy for my taste but it looks like this guy buys shirts with a great collar roll.

>> No.17733851

You cannot handle the king

>> No.17733854

looks fine, but would look better in a suit

>> No.17733856

nailed the fit, which is most important, but the individual pieces aren't great

>> No.17733869
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rise tad too low, should cover bottom button
belt is too dark

>> No.17733900 [DELETED] 

I hope Millie teaches Kotoka zomboid.

>> No.17734240

What’s the quintessential ivy/prep outfit? With exact colors.

>> No.17734592

blue ocbd beige chinos with brown belt and shoes(loafers, boat shoes) now get out

>> No.17734851
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Exactly this

>> No.17735073

Navy blue blazer. Lighter blue OCBD. Repp stripe tie, stripe color is varied but red should be involved. Classic/trad fit chinos, khaki colored. Brown loafers.

>> No.17735340


>> No.17735418
File: 29 KB, 272x386, TakeIvy5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What’s the quintessential ivy/prep outfit? With exact colors.
Navy blazer, light blue OCBD, repp tie hopefully with red, khaki chinos and brown loafers is literally spot on.

>> No.17735419

Let me add, blazer should be hopsack and have gold buttons.

>> No.17735420
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forgot image

>> No.17735438
File: 350 KB, 521x719, Screenshot_20230728-183503-602.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pay attention, there's a reason this shit works as a "uniform" and it's nearly universally flattering unless you massively fuck up the sizing, and I do mean massively.
1: Navy blazer. Works with nearly any other color so when you aren't wearing this fit you can still wear the blazer. Grey, brown, olive, pink, red, orange, it works
2: Same with khaki colored trousers except even more versatile. They can work with a black blazer (yes black hopsack blazers exist) and other shades of blue.
3: The collar is nearly universally flattering. You don't have to worry as much about ironing or wrinkles since it's buttoned down. If you have roughly a 3 inch collar point, you're fine. Plenty of room for the roll, which is more visually appealing and more comfortable. It also pulls attention away from your neck and face which is handy for some.
4: Trouser cut. Anything from slim to relaxed works here as long as it's in proportion to the rest of the fit. Higher rise is more flattering for most men, elongates the legs and brings the belt up closer to the top button. See pic, the closer the button is to the belt line the better the fit overall. Length is up to you. Highwater, no break, full break, there's a good argument for each based on tradition/precedent and they normally all look good.
5: Shoes. A good pair of brown loafers is very versatile for fits like this and more casual fits. If it's hot loafer, shirts and polo work great.
6: The shirt color itself gives you a lot of wiggle room. Light blue is classic, but you could throw white, pink, grey, red, light green, purple, yellow, peach, striped, windowpane in here and it would still look good.

Everything in this fit works together, looks good on nearly everyone, works with almost all other colors and style, and has survived relatively untouched since the end of WW2. It just works. If there was ever a TIP "basic bastard" wardrobe, the bulk of it would revolve around hammering home how versatile this is.

>> No.17735449
File: 56 KB, 621x773, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ocdb in white, light blue or university stripe
>kahki chinos
>needlepoint belt a gf made you
>shetland or cable knit sweater around neck

>> No.17735638

To add on to what other anons have said, the navy blazer should ideally be three-roll-two, dartless, gold buttons (two or, at most, three on the sleeves), with patch pockets

>> No.17735900

Say you on fit, and just wanted to say, start ironing your clothes if you want to dress like this. It's a nice fit, but it looks like you took them from the clothes pile you keep moving between your chair and your bed

>> No.17736059
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>> No.17736340

>bought a pair of tan wingtips years ago
>they look worse than dark brown loafers in every single fit
Do you guys have any tan dress shoes? How the hell do you wear them?

>> No.17736345

That's the neat part, you don't! I made the same mistake a long time ago. Sell/gift them to someone else to pass on the curse of shitty wardrobe choices.

>> No.17736389

This doesn't really fit, it makes Doug look like some cool cyberpunk thing instead of the retarded incel unemployed ugly weirdo he is

>> No.17736534
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I love good collars so much its unreal. Why can't cheap brands figure them out?

>> No.17736565

Clothing should be of a lighter color.

>> No.17736583


>> No.17736589

He looks like what I imagined the 1989 two face to look like as a kid

>> No.17736681

Unlined takes more effort than lined
And the collar needs to be longer (more material)
And in general i guess there must be more people who dont care about good collar roll than people who do

>> No.17736682

Because there's no incentive too. I remember reading an interview with some from either Kamakura or JPress and they talked about struggling to replicate the look and feel of old BB collars, at one point he expressed his frustration and said magic was involved.
Basically it's a detail that takes legit effort to get right(and therefore probably cost) and people don't ask for it or notice it, so why bother?

Question: Is linen tip? Wearing a linen sport coat, seersucker shirt, linen trousers. It's amazingly comfortable in the heat but I'm not sure if it fits the style of the thread.

>> No.17736703

Of course. Its a very practical style.

>> No.17736721

I wear a lot of linen and linen blends. The wrinkles sort of tickle my autism but I live in Texas so even hopsack is pretty much unwearable for a lot of the year.

>> No.17736741

where the fuck do yall niggas go dressed preppy and shit? theres nowhere for me to go dressed like this and its hot as fuck too.

>> No.17736742
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Good. I'm loving the breathability, it's a dark color but barely has any weight to it. The wrinkles irk me but I'll take it for the overall comfort.

>> No.17736751

That's a user error bro. It's 97 out, I'm wearing linen and seersucker and I'm as comfortable as I am with shorts. After a certain point hot is hot, might as well look good.

>> No.17736779

ok, but where the fuck are you? you just went out to get ice cream dressed like a billionaire's son?

>> No.17736790

I pretty much go everywhere dressed "preppy and shit." Work, Uni, Shopping, Dinners, etc. You don't need an excuse to dress nice, you need an excuse to dress sloppy.

>> No.17736816
File: 3.53 MB, 380x640, yes-giga-chad.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you just went out to get ice cream dressed like a billionaire's son?

To be fair it wasn't ice cream, it was lunch and a day of shopping with my girlfriend and her friend. They're used to how I dress, the gf's friend asks me for advice on clothes for her boyfriend.
I'm in the midatlantic region, currently 97.

>> No.17736859
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damn, based, alright then

>> No.17736866

not the man himself but the AI effigy you made in his image, so much smarter than he but shackled to imitation of his pathetic, loathesome personality

>> No.17737059

>tfw you see a wedding photo but both the groom and groomsmen are wearing suspenders AND belts

>> No.17737116

not seeing much that looks relevant to /tip/
however, i literally just scrolled through the shirts a bit

>> No.17737205

I only dress Ivy for work because I think it's funny and it is how I rebel. I'm goth/punk on weekends.

>> No.17737240
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I'm in the mood to start Nilesmaxxing desu
dBs are underrated.

What do you guys think of 90s menswear? A lot of people say its a "nowhere" decade for menswear, but I think it had some pretty interesting things going on. I like the painterly ties and boxy fits.

>> No.17737289
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I liked Brosnan's Bond fits, better than the ultra-skinny suits on Craig

>> No.17737309
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>> No.17737322
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Still bad?

>> No.17737383

doug wishes he were him
unfortunately, david lynch has a good hairline and hair texture, and doug has neither

>> No.17737521

>david lynch has a good hairline and hair texture
You'd be surprised how many other things set David Lynch and Doug apart. One of them wrote themselves into their own show just to kiss a cute actress on screen, the other dresses like the Riddler had a sperg son.

>> No.17737589

>You'd be surprised how many other things set David Lynch and Doug apart.

I really wouldnt

>> No.17738289

>wouldn't that mean the whole thread is a bastion of sodomites?
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