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File: 102 KB, 1080x1920, suit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17691114 No.17691114 [Reply] [Original]

normalize wearing suits casually in day to day life, i'm so fucking sick of these gay ass zoomer clothes

>> No.17691116

Hey reviewbrah tell me what pepperoni pizza tastes like for the millionth time

>> No.17691119

Seems like the problem is you. You have a problem with the young and the gays.
You can wear your suits if you want, nobody is telling you not to. But leave the rest of us alone

>> No.17691128

kys you fucking zoomer

>> No.17691165

you dont even leave your moms house

>> No.17691383

>caring about what random people wear

>> No.17692513
File: 1.73 MB, 2658x1733, 1920s-mens-suits-of-boardwalk-empire-jpg1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i agree

>> No.17692598

Suits are formal attire, walking to the shops from your mums house for mt dew and doritos isn't exactly a formal event. Also normalising suit wearing outside of formal events will bring the perception of suits down. Also also you want to larp as a 1950s man yet you misunderstand that they all has jobs that required formal attire, something we shy away from in society because we collectively realise how stupid it is to put a person's career on a pedestal.

Suits are used plenty in the modern age, they're used at weddings, funerals, races and celebrations all throughout the average year. The problem you're facing is that you are an unsociable shut in, thus are never invited to such events.

>> No.17692600

I hate suits they are uncomfortable and suck for doing outdoors activities. I wish we could go back to medieval fashion or earlier.

>> No.17692601

>expecting everyone on the street to own tailor made suits made of the finest fabrics like nucky johnson

rose-colored glasses are the wost

>> No.17692643

Don't even shipyard labourers wear suit in the 20?

>> No.17692648

I'm 31 and never had to wear a suit.

>> No.17692708

Not quite a suit, but still nicer than a lot of what you see today.

>> No.17692712

In that case, you haven't lived much of a life have you!

>> No.17692713

I prefer that menswear is only used by menswear people, the fact people were forced to use suits is what made everything so casual nowadays, a bounce effect.

>> No.17692724

buy me a suit and i will

>> No.17692850
File: 238 KB, 855x425, Allure-Vintage-Mugshots-Blog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>expecting everyone on the street to own tailor made suits made of the finest fabrics like nucky johnson
I'll take "I didn't say that" for 500, thanks

there is however a bar that I don't think is unreasonable for most men, which would be 2 (3-piece ideally) suits, one for every day, one for special events
it doesn't have to be tailor-made, not even made to measure, just decently tailored*, not skinny fit, and below 50% polyester/rayon content

throw in 4-8 100% cotton shirts, 4-8 ties, 2 cheap dress shoes (dark brown and black), and whatever buck-fifty accessories one may come by thrifting for everything, and that's all you need.

This is not too much to expect of any adult man unless you are a jobless bum

*which means as little as shortening the sleeves and pants and slimming the jacket if need be

>> No.17692855

You have probably only worn slim cut, synthetic-laced, and poorly-fitting suits for prom or weddings\

>> No.17692862

Most men don't look good in suits. Notice how all these images that romanticize suits feature masculine men

>> No.17692863
File: 99 KB, 471x640, 1685059524611102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suits are a very tall order. Suits being normal everyday wear is going back over 50 years. But if you just look at random crowd photos from the 70s to 90s, people put a lot more effort into casual dressing and the clothes looked better. I wish we could go back to level of standards. It seems like partway through the 90s was when the majority stopped caring at all and t-shirt + jeans became the default. Then hoodies got bigger in the 00s. Now there's athleisure. Guys walking around in gym leggings, what the fuck man. My point is you don't need to go all the way back to a suit to look put-together compared to normie clothing today.

>> No.17692865

Straight fit khaki chinos
Fitted button up
Toned down sneakers

Literally the perfect inbetween, neither zoomer street shit or a fucking larp 1960s office suit look

>> No.17692869

literally the r/mfa uniform, cant you be more creative than that

>> No.17692870

The majority of men are masculine? Maybe you are just in college and are used to see younger men.

>> No.17692871

Bullshit. There’s a reason everyone wore them in the past. Unless the target audience is homosexuals, all images that romanticize male style feature masculine men.

>> No.17692873

Not if you want to larp as some menswear bullshit no, that's as far as you go
Menswear was historically limited to button up, dress pants, dress shoes, and a jacket since the Victorian era until the 1970s

>> No.17692875

The majority of men don't look like any of these pics
lol look up high mutational load

>> No.17692914

It's true. Most men do look like shit in suits. It would be criminal to allow everyone to wear one. It should be reserved for tall, handsome men.

>> No.17692966


what a faggot name. what he formerly called chuck's

>> No.17692968

fuck off boomer. your dying and everything your bitching about dies with you

>> No.17692977

Suits are a bit too much but no reason why you shouldn't wear formal shirts casually

>> No.17692994

EXACTLY. Look at fucking baldfag, shitting up this board 24/7. Dude looks like absolute shit. The only people that like his fits are faggot retards like OP that want everyone to wear suits, and not have tattoos, but fails to mention he also never leaves his parents house.

>> No.17693011
File: 63 KB, 624x760, a1734ddd052dd57d3cb37344f3f78cf2--white-linen-suit-white-suits.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think the days when suits were pretty much standard and "mandatory" for men weren't all that great. I mean, imagine you're expected to dress like pic related in the summer.
I think you can dress nicely without having to wear that many layers. It would be a huge improvement if more people ditched the baggy T-shirt.
>also normalize wearing a car accident for a face

>> No.17693769
File: 67 KB, 481x750, 1687833909813455.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17694196

i'm a zoomer man
and not like our generation of fashion has anything new to offer
your sense of fashion is just recycling stuff from 10-30 years ago, don't fucking talk to me about being outdated

>> No.17694233
File: 29 KB, 241x300, ab6775700000ee858bc3d907657bc508335739da.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it would be great to live in the time when men wore suits almost daily, I treat my suits/blazers as completely normal to wear to more formal occasions. I really enjoy it. Back then people spent a lot more money on clothes, something like 10% of their income. I think we can all agree men would look better in at least a polo shirt or OCBD, but with the bar this low, it's easy to look the best dressed in the room.

>> No.17694237

If all men one day just woke up and started wearing suits, would women start wearing dresses to keep up or just keep dressing like whores?

>> No.17694273

overdressing is almost as bad as dressing like a slob
you don't want to be "that guy" do you?

>> No.17694278

That guy that all the women get wet over?

>> No.17694282
File: 95 KB, 218x220, 446.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nigga you best be joking

>> No.17694740

They just need to find suits that flatter them.

>> No.17694744

They would definitely start wearing dresses. If you take a girl to a nice restaurant without warning her she'll writhe like a worm under a magnifying glass. Nothing enflames an inferiority complex more than being horrendously underdressed.

>> No.17694758

Get a job.

>> No.17694776

This is true. I sometimes make my GF uncomfortable by being dressed to well. Maybe I need to start being more formal and less casual and she will rise to meet me?

>> No.17694793

women already put a lot more effort than man into their outfits and looks in general, so I can't see that happening
dresses are also not the female equivalent of suits, you'd know if you had ever worked a day in an office, women wear dresses to occasions where men (are supposed to/used to) wear black tie

>> No.17694800

Thats the point isnt it. They put effort in to being as whorish as possible. It would be like a guy spending an hour matching the perfect t-shirt to his favorite socks and ripped unwashed jeans.
They have options but choose not to employ them just like men have the option of wearing a clean buttonup shirt and slacks.

>> No.17694829

It's mostly cultural. Men only wear suits for 3 occasions. Weddings, funerals and serious office jobs. Then the rest is financial. Who has several hundred dollars to buy midrange casual suits these days?

>> No.17694833 [DELETED] 

If you don't have $700 you're fucked

>> No.17694862

suit scares niggers and faggots

>> No.17694867

Theres a difference between fear and disgust

>> No.17694868
File: 1.46 MB, 217x217, 1688296354793856.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but there is a little difference between faggot and nigger

>> No.17694941

Actually also amongst homos there is an appreciation of "masculine/virile" appearance

>> No.17695152

the fact that it isn't normalized means you can make more of a statement wearing one day to day, why aren't you taking advantage of this?

>> No.17695302

>guy in the background to the left
like pottery

>> No.17695453

No suits flatter them. They look like retarded fat kids that got into their dad's closet

>> No.17695473

I live right by that mall lel

>> No.17695765

Tbf you shouldn't be eating Doritos and drinking Mt dew anyway. Also those are sold at the store. You go to the shops to get um bongo and hula hoops

>> No.17695769
File: 106 KB, 1067x1600, everyday summer wear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Once I turned 25 I stopped bothering with normal clothing and started wearing button up shirts with suspenders and dress pants. On cool days I add a tie and on warm summer days I unbutton the first two buttons. In the winter I add a sweater vest and on cold days I add a suit jacket or blazer on top of the sweater vest.

Stop dressing for other people, dress for your own happiness.

>> No.17695770

Once I started suitmaxxing my gf suddenly stopped wearing yoga pants outside and would occasionally ask me if I felt ashamed walking around with her dressed casually while I was in a 3-piece. I never once cared about it. When summer came around she bought 3 dresses and started wearing them whenever we went on dates. It was nice for a while.

>> No.17695834

Do you have any idea how much people hated having to put effort it casual dress? We might have go to far, but there's a reason suit every day was dropped so quickly

>> No.17695906

I started to wear formal shirts combined with skirts or wide dressy trousers a few years ago. I hated looking for things to fit and match and figured out the best way to dress without stress is the simple wardrobe. No strange patterns or flashy colors, no clothes with motives. It works pretty well, I also tend to notice when other people dress the same and I enjoy it because it looks beautiful.

Either way you can't tell people what to wear, but it surely makes people look more civilized.

>> No.17695924

Seems like black people actually tend to dress up more for family dinners, church, etc. You know, actual social occasions that call for wearing a suit

>> No.17695995

cope harder formaltard