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/fa/ - Fashion

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17664828 No.17664828 [Reply] [Original]

What makes it s*y?

>> No.17664831

for me it's the comfy "outdoor" look. thick fabrics which hide posture. also the complete lack of sex appeal.

over the top sexo outfits are fucking gay, but a complete lack of it is also wrong.

>> No.17664845

Stop eating bait newfag.

>> No.17664855

The fucking f*nder guitars obviously, are you blind or retarded?
That and he looks like he's trying to larp as hasan 9/11 piker

>> No.17664870

I dress like that but I'm pretty based, what's your point?

>> No.17664885

Stop making this thread

>> No.17664964

Rare case when quite literally EVERY piece contributes to a percolating vat of s*y sauce

>bright red beanie worn like that
>s*y clear glasses
>ok i take it back the hoodie is not inherently s*y
>s*y rings
>Carhartt jacket when this man has clearly never worked a day in his life
>stupid unflattering s*y pants
>ugly as sin New Balances worn ironically, these were the dad shoes for years but they are being forcibly memed back
>stupid pose and posture, all preening artifice
>room full of consumerist bullshit

The worst thing is that not a single individual, unique, creative thought went into creating this outfit. This is "fashion" concentrate, some shit Tim Dessaint would wear, mixed with the last flailings of the workwear miasma tha has loured upon our house from the late 2000s up till now, with a thick layer of pure basedbean paste. This is pure artifice, nothing about this image is real. You see this person and you know everything about him, there is no mystery to be discovered, no depths to be plumbed.

The sad thing is this guy genuinely seems like a good looking dude who could easily be /fa/ with a few adjustments, at least physically. But the rot at the core, which spreads out to the extremities, that's something that cannot be so easily done away with.

>> No.17665724

>buying anything carhartt except vintage on ebay.
There are half a dozen heavy canvans duck jackets made in the USA you can buy today, half of them are cheaper then the carshart. All of them are much better quality.

>> No.17665739

at this point it's not about the clothes, it's about the major faggot bitchass nigga wearing them

>> No.17665745

>soifaggot enviroment, couldn't be assed to walk outside
>faggy soi shoes
>pants literally never worn outside once
>rings... because that is peak workwear. fag!
>a cup full of onions milk
>larp jacket that has also never been worn
>retarded urban hoodie inside of a workwear hoodie because... ???
>where's waldo hat
>faggy expression on his face with a faggy stance

>> No.17665843

>Shit load of physical media
>Weird clothing to wear indoror
>4 guitars (none played well)
>That pallet
>Diy blue
>Shoes inside
And overall just a very manufactured look

>> No.17665876

clothes always look terrible brand new to me. they have to look lived in on ur body or it just doesn't look right to me

>> No.17665910

that stuffed up hooding underneath the jacket makes his neck look fatter and thus makes his already gay narrow shoulders look ever narrower and why did he stuff that stupid hoodie under the carhartt are you gay you look like a piece of bread

>> No.17665961

narrow shoulders

>> No.17665980

it's so puffy and clumped together, because the people that do this get extra giant hoods so that they are big enough to fit it over the papa smurf beanie thats barely on his head
what else do you expect him to do when it gets cold?
pull the beanie down below his ears? ha, don't be ridiculous!

>> No.17666012

i dont understand him hes obviously into fashion and yet disregards the proportion of the big fat head on his onions neck

>> No.17666072

Not even related to the fit but I hate how manufactured this all is. It looks like a catalog shot the way he's preened the decor for the sake of the online spectator rather than actual living. The old camera next to the few books he bought to project his tastes (juxtaposed with 8 shelves of DVDs in an era when any visual media can be consumed digitally - nothing wrong with collecting but he clearly isn't being discerning here). The "tasteful" black and white picture of an ox (yak?) you'd expect to see in a hotel lobby. The guitar rack that suggests that he indeed practices guitar in the same chair where he reads Neil Gaiman or plays his Switch and watches Star Wars. It's entirely manufactured, a fake personality showing how driven he is by external approval and "fitting in".

>> No.17666087

what do you mean? His shoulders look to be filling out a men's relaxed fit jacket just fine. How's that narrow?

>> No.17666092

His face, body language, facial hair, haircut, glasses, rings, mismatched shoes and especially that beanie that looks like it was photoshopped on top of his head to make him look silly silly.

>> No.17666102

gnomecore aka millennial redditor core

>> No.17666538

Basically, he's a try hard

>> No.17666667

>ox (yak?)
highland cow

>> No.17666734

everything is too clean. also the jacket is too small

>> No.17666735

i love how the guy has a crap ton of dvds (who can even watch those anymore) but like two books

>> No.17666769

This. That jacket is way too small. This fool just looks like hes a nerd who just found out about workwear.

>> No.17666806

from top to bottom:
>wearing beanie wrong
>ugly glasses frames
>jacket is nice but way too tight over his hoody
>rings don't match the fit
>pants are fine
>shoes are ugly, don't match the outfit and are meant for physical activity
>also everything looks brand new, not at all worn in, which gives the impression of a poser / tryhard
there you are.

>> No.17667052

Based and truthpilled

>> No.17667918

any fashion can be improved if people actually break in the pieces they have. posers will always look like posers because their shit is too clean and too new.

>> No.17667920

it's just doubly stupid when their pieces are traditionally 'work wear' with zero signs of either.

>> No.17668016

The person.

>> No.17668045

individually none of these clothes are that offensive, but put together its just an amalgamation of the instagram explore page from the past 6 months, its just clear there's absolutely zero original thought that went into putting it together

>> No.17668265

Posts like this give me hope for this God forsaken board.

>> No.17668269

>$2500 worth of electic instruments
>no amp
Ngmi incarnate

>> No.17669024

Garden gnome cosplay looking ass muhfugga

>> No.17669063

It looks like someone not only dressed themselves but also decorated their living space according to one of those shitty "complete the look" infographics that littered the net a decade ago. I assume leddit still does that shit.

>> No.17669257

good post glad to see some effort here

>> No.17669275

>shit taste in art
>shit taste in books
>shit taste in movies / tv (and hes spent
thousands of dollars on his collection at this point)
>has to shove all of his "cool" hobbies into this tiny space so randos on the internet know how cool he is

>> No.17669284

i dont know how much this contributes to the s*yness but that silhouette is horrendous, looks entirely shapeless

>> No.17669893

The Jizzmaster is what completes the onions

>> No.17669996

He only has 8 seasons of Seinfeld on the shelf, did he scrap one of the sets just to keep symmetry?

>> No.17670016

How do you avoid becoming this guy?

>> No.17670020

rip Ted K

>> No.17670027

I'm still here.

>> No.17670145

You grow balls

>> No.17670966

The background
The beanie
The fact that every piece of clothing looks brand new
The shoes dont fit in with the rest
Jewelry choices dont fit with the rest, way too much

>> No.17671074

Have a job that doesn't consist of sitting in an office all day. Develop hobbies that don't center around consooming. Regularly assess your strengths and weaknesses and how you can improve yourself. Don't live in a large, metropolitan city.

>> No.17671112

I was thinking that too, but you can't really become this without desperately trying to become this

>> No.17671156

larping as an working class outdoorsman from the comfiness of one's manchild/white collar room

>> No.17671160

it's bad because every single item in this image was consumed because the internet told him it was 'good'.
just develop some fucking taste and work out
it;s not hard lmao

>> No.17671168

Beard on a guy that looks like he's never worked out a day in his life.
Outdoor and work wear that's pristine and looks like it's never been used for it's intended function.

This is the liberal version of the conservative retard that wears casually wears hunting gear and drives a half-ton to a desk job.
Worse even, because at least that retard probably actually hunts a couple times a year.

>> No.17671374

>What makes it s*y?
spending all day on a niche internet forum based around hating everything, including the most inoffensive of fits imaginable (minus the retarded beanie)

>> No.17671414
File: 1.99 MB, 300x225, A5C11E6B-3068-45EB-9941-F41CD278B065.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the jacket is too short, niggas on the skreets know u want them pockeys covered boi

idk it looks fake as fuck and tryhard, imagine being a brandwhore into your thirties, like find a style that actually represents you!instead of watching like two tik toks and becoming a faggot.

if you want your fashin to look legit you have to "Live It"

asap rocky said
"half the world Live It the other half just push play"
in relation to his music and rap in general

this hipster nigga looks like he "hits play"

>> No.17671458

>dress like a laborer when your hands has never felt a day's work in its life

>> No.17671725

>fender hater
Gibbons player detected. Pathetic

>> No.17671727
File: 25 KB, 480x449, 1614375771914.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gibson basses are my favorite because they make fenderfags seethe extra hard
>NOOO your scale is too short and your neck dives and your bridge sucks and your 30kohm humbuckers scare me :(
>duh, chud, obviously fender is better, it sells way more!
Pic related

>> No.17671730

nothing wrong with short scale basses. I was considering a short scale Fender before settling on a J-Bass. I did used to have a Thunderbird, and the neck drive ended up pissing me off so I traded it in. idk about their other models though

>> No.17671736

Thunderbirds do have bad neck dive, they sound and look sick however.
I play an EB-0 in an old school rock band and it's absolutely perfect, no fender can compete with this earthshattering rumble and it practically plays itself

>> No.17671740

Thunderbirds do look sick. My dream guitar is actually one of the non-reverse Firebirds, but I can't find one for less than $6000, and I just can't justify spending that. Eastwood makes a similar looking one called the Stormbird, that's only about $1000 so that's a maybe. EB-0s are cool. The SG body shape is great. Maybe you Gibbons guys aren't so bad after all

>> No.17671753

It would be at least fine if he at least looked the part, and fully committed to the larp.
As in if his fit and frame were something an actual outdoorsman or laborer would wear.
They don't coordinate a fit, meticulously shape their beard, adorn multiple rings and wear a bunch of new pieces together.
If they're fat their framed in such a way that there's obviously muscle underneath.

This "man" is a pudgy skinnyfat fuck.

I have a similar jacket but it's well used, typically paired with denim and a pair of work boots.
If it's cold enough to wear a beanie I'm not wearing a fucking hoodie underneath my jacket because that's fucking moronic.

>> No.17671940

>what makes it onions

its disingenuous. This dude does not and will not do anything that justifies wearing head to toe Carhartt. It's a glorified larp.