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17658144 No.17658144 [Reply] [Original]

I'm not extremely short (5'9 on a good day) but want to know what I can do to appear taller. Inb4 platforms. Momma always said that horizontal stripes make you look shorter, will pinstrips make me taller? Any haircuts that I should go for? The swell of my back is very deep, if I fix this (Training lats?) will I gain a couple inches? Or is it already over for me as I am tallest in my family already

>> No.17658152

hang around short people

>> No.17658304

!!!!Wear high waisted trousers!!!!! Wear insoles, wear shoes with some height boost but not obvious ones (common manlet mistake), vertical stripes help a bit. These are in order of importance.

>> No.17659255

I'm hesitant to go full insoles. It just doesn't seem great for my body to constantly be walking essentially on my tip toes.

t. 5'7

>> No.17659710

Fuck off with the demoralization posts. I’m 5’ 10” barely any different than you and I’m not short. Go to /r9k/ or /fit/ you growth hormone shilling faggot

>> No.17659786
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jesus christ op, dont sell yourself short man
height is overrated, health is underrated

>> No.17660084

based as

>> No.17660188

What about 5’8? Is it over for me?

>> No.17660320

No. Don’t take any of that sarcastic “short king” bullshit (patronizing) and just dress well. You can do that at any height. I believe in you anon, don’t let the height-obsessed retards on this Afghans Spoiled Milk Discussion Forum(TM) make you feel bad about yourself. They’re just basement dwellers that need to seed insecurity in others because they have so much bullshit of their own to deal with. You are literally average height. That is not short. Enjoy the extra leg room in planes and cars that others so t have and will just complain about

>> No.17660332
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>> No.17660341

he just like me fr

>> No.17660458

>what I can do to appear taller.
Be skinny. I'm 6' and everyone thinks I'm the tallest person they know because I'm skinny and "look tall." People will argue with me when I tell them my height.

>> No.17660472

If you feel short at 5’9 you probably live in west michigan and that’s no fun for someone your height

>> No.17660718
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>What about 5’8? Is it over for me?
Again anon, read what I wrote: height is overrated, health is underrated

Being generally Healthy (not 8pack uber-toned fit, but functional healthy fit), Happy (people love confidence, being happy/positive is often interpreted by others as being in control of your environment, but it has to come from who you are, not some fake instagram pose) and having a Drive in life are big things in life (success/progress feels amazing).

Im a junior analyst working in big finance (not for money/status but bcs i am deeply passionate about analysis/data) and there are plenty of 6'3 - 6'10 model aesthetics types, but mostly their confidence is just not there, they are used to coasting on their height and looks etc. However the financial markets doesnt care if you're 4'5 or 7'1, it only cares about how well you do your job. Height will be an issue if you make it an issue - you decide.

So my advice to you, if you want it; build a healthy daily Routine (define: sleep, eat, exercise, work, socializing/family). Read GOOD books your whole life (anything that interests you, sci-fi, science, history, self-help, make sure to mix, reading is key) and NEVER EVER give up.
Its about defining your character, strengthening yourself into realizing the potential that is inherent to any human being - but most ppl let life slip away bcs they are absorbed by "what others think", wasting hrs per day on internet etc, procrastinating "i will do it tomorrow", bcs its easier than development, which means pain and discomfort. Anon, leave the comfort of being in the middle, the average, and show the rest of us the path forward in the field of your choice.
What you do is more is more important than who you are. Who you can be is more important than who you are. What you do for others is equally important as what you do for yourself. You are responsible for yourself and everyone else. Take care of yourself anon, take care of others.
Godspeed my friend

>> No.17660720
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If you turn into a girl then you won't have to worry about this anymore

>> No.17662098
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Just an average Manlet? Yeah, it’s over. You have to earn your “Short King” title and be at the top of your craft in Professional Sports, Business, or Music.

>> No.17662099
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>> No.17662100
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Technically, Bruce Lee was a Manlet. No one remembers him that way though because he was larger than life.

>> No.17662102
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>> No.17662331

what does baseball have to do with this thread

>> No.17662412

I wear Air Force ones with an insole

>> No.17662741

What is in west michigan?

>> No.17662817

I am 5'5" white male in the US

>> No.17662821

short king

>> No.17662829

thanks for sharing and being honest Tod Howard. your contribution to this discussion is very insightful

>> No.17662915

Manlets at the top of their craft, these are the " Short Kings".

>> No.17664332

>I'm hesitant to go full insoles
don't. just get regular shoes with chunky soles or men's shoes, they have a heel anyway and don't look ridiculous.
those insoles are asking to be embarrassed when you take them off.

>> No.17664449

This works but do not larp as a female.

I have been cursed to be 5'1. Despite this, I have managed to become a married man (to a real woman, btw).

When the norwood reaper strikes, I can just dwarfmax while safely knowing that I got the benefits of being androgynous in a world of social media MKULTRA'd females without having to have had cut my dick off. Can you say the same, troomer?

>> No.17664458

Develop a workman's style so you can wear western style work boots. They look better as general purpose footwear than cuban heels do while still giving the increased height.

The boots will make you more than tall enough. Also, it is well known that blue collar work make a lot of money. Looking like you're 5'9 while also appearing to make 38/hr will be more than enough to get dates, if that is your concern.

>> No.17664464

What do you wear?

>> No.17664466

>5'9 on a good day
What the fuck does this mean? Just be straightforward about your height. I'm 5'11 and have no issue telling people that.

>> No.17664470

Not OP but that's word for word what my dad says when you ask him.

>> No.17664476

Your dad sounds insecure about his height.

>> No.17664477

I don't think he's necessarily insecure about anything, he's handsome and built for his age, I think it's just a funny short guy thing.

>> No.17664490
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Surprisingly enough, I mostly wear stuff I get from the men's section. I have the occasional female shirt or jeans. I don't wear the stuff autogynephiles wear, stuff like the usual skirt and thigh highs bought from amazog combo. If you're actually considering femboymaxxing, do not wear the stuff you find attractive sexually for girls to wear. Being fetishistic in your approach will only make you look gross, especially when you go out in public.

The main thing is genetics, makeup, hygiene, and the gym. Keep a low body fat % (depending on your genes, of course. You might want a slightly higher body fat % depending on how your face looks), get enough sleep, keep yourself clean. You also gotta look naturally androgynous, though makeup might be able to carry you as you don't look like pic.

>> No.17664499

Thanks anon. I've been called a "pretty boy" or "pretty" to my face a decent amount and almost all of my girlfriends have been bisexual, I think I would say I'm at least a little "androgynous." I just don't know what an "androgynous" outfit would actually look like and am wondering examples.

>> No.17664508

Do you ever get called kid? I get called that a lot even though I'm 31 and 5'11

>> No.17664514

If I do it's probably because I'm not even 20 yet lol

>> No.17664515

You're under 20 and married?

>> No.17664516

Different anon lol

>> No.17664526

Here is an example outfit I actually wear:
Egrevore's chemtrail graphic T
Embellished jeans I got off Etsy
Aryanwear Panzer Boots (were hard as hell to find in my size)

>> No.17664534

Married anon here. I am no longer under 20 but I was when I (legally) married my wife. Teenage pregnancy + complicated family situation with her made it simpler for me to be her legal guardian. I was 18 and she was 17 at the time. The actual wedding happened last year.

My general recommendation for short bros is to marry young. Not as young as me, of course, but try to be married before age 30. This is for the simple fact that short men age worse than taller men.

>> No.17664543

I have never heard of that brand or boots before but I'm thinking based. Take a look at those treads, oof.

>> No.17664548

I'm 6ft and I might be the most miserable person on this board. Stop trying to look taller, it doesn't change anything.

>> No.17664549

What makes you so miserable Anon?

>> No.17664561

They're hard to find now that the brand is dead. Iirc, the creator was found out to be a rat. Even back when the store was active, boots were rare, especially in smaller sizes.

>> No.17664596

Inability to have any meaningful relationship in my life. I've pushed all friends and family away from me and I don't even know why. There is no joy in my life, I just hop from one hobby to another hoping to find some meaning (there isn't). Anyway, back to smelling perfumes for "fun".

>> No.17664658

>5'9 on a good day
Do you shrink on a cloudy day and grow on a super sunny day or some shit?

>> No.17664669

Yes, I am plant

>> No.17664690

I once stole my father's colognes and mixed them in a bowl, pissed in it then drank it.

>> No.17664770

Did you cry while drinking that holy concoction?

>> No.17665515

Dressing well is really the greatest equalizer in terms of height. Our outward appearance connotes a story of ourselves height does this on its own but you can achieve a similar effect just by dressing well or in line with your personality. Boots are always a good way to gain an extra inch, staying away from oversized styles, 7 or 5" inseam shorts for the summer, less contrast in your outfits, and staying away from patterns like large stripes will help too. It really isn't as big of a deal as its made out to be, I'm 5'9 as well and although its a disadvantage it easily gives you perspective on how to better yourself in plenty of other ways while others often lack that pressure to do so.

>> No.17665566

Well you already have something others want so of course it’s not a big deal to you. It will always be to a big deal to the manlets though because ie. “the grass is greener on the other side” syndrome.

>> No.17665656

Small shorts help. I have a really nice pair of shorts but I realized they were 9" too late. I might chop them or get them tailored.

>> No.17665665

ah, so this is why everybody wears those faggy little shorts

>> No.17665883

NTA but got married at 20 @ 5’ 9”

>> No.17666786

>Skin too shitty and face too gaunt to even femboycope/trannycope
You people will never know what it's like to truly suffer

>> No.17667054

What's gyno?
>Skin bad
Anyone can fix their face at least a bit
Speak English please !

>> No.17667078
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