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File: 106 KB, 960x580, business-suit-no-tie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17643231 No.17643231 [Reply] [Original]

A guy who wears a suit without a tie is a rebel who makes poor decisions and only cares about himself. He breaks tradition and rules. He does what he wants instead of doing what he should. He is the kind of man who would bake a jellyfish for Thanksgiving instead of a turkey because he does what he wants. He is immature, and he is more emotional compared to his tie-wearing counterparts. Ties are for MEN so if you struggle to wear one with your suit then you are, simply put, NOT A MAN. A tie shows respect so start wearing it.

Suit without tie guys are weak and bad. Stay the fuck away from me if you look like picrel. Rebellious children do not get my respect and they don't deserve it! Wear a tie!

>> No.17643425
File: 231 KB, 1200x675, Preston-Kyle-Raphael-1200-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17643438

A suit without a tie is pushing it, but a sports coat or blazer without a tie still looks great.

>> No.17643550

>He breaks tradition and rules.
That's the way things goes in fashion. If Beau Whatishissurname didn't do that by inventing the modern formal style of menswear, you wouldn't be jerking your beloved suits with ties today, for instance. You'd probably be saying "never trust a man without a wig and stockings to the knee"

>> No.17643557

it's a fucking yt channel, would people even have cared if they hired another white guy?

>> No.17643656


>> No.17643664
File: 592 KB, 1080x1920, 200a5702edb48d74dad2e07524cacaa683e118bedb1224b84705b0eee755e38a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You've got it completely backwards man
The people wearing suits without ties aren't rebels! They're conformists. Ties are not fashionable anymore. These people would probably love to wear a tie but they're afraid to do so. The business uniform nowadays is NO TIE.

Go watch any soulless corporate speech, none of them are wearing ties.
They're liable to also wear jeans even though they don't give a shit about them other than a desperate attempt to appear hip and cool.
They are not rebels, they are the most soulless pathetic corporate drones on the planet.
Real rebels wear ties

>> No.17643812

You may be right actually. Maybe it is rebellious to wear a tie today. Funny how that works out. Regardless the suit without tie look is terrible and less respectful. I can't stand it and I don't trust these kinds of people.

>> No.17643915
File: 2.78 MB, 1334x1514, WAYWT 21-04-2023 T-17588870.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17643918

i meant to say based

>> No.17643947

>Regardless the suit without tie look is terrible and less respectful
This is my main objection. Suits without ties just always look off to me.

>> No.17643992

I think suit without tie fills a niche in the formality spectrum. It's not a replacement for wearing a tie in traditional business or other formal events, but there are in-between occasions where business casual is too informal but a tie is too much.

>> No.17644037
File: 29 KB, 563x381, 8649495066d2e514bac41ba9430fab8b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a tie should never be too much and the fact that it sometimes is is an unfortunate decline of standards in society
i don't mind the slightly loosened look though.
just tie it back up whenever you want to be presentable.

>> No.17644080

Post tie collection

>> No.17644090
File: 1.92 MB, 1008x756, tiecollection.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry they're all in a bag at the moment, waiting on some renovations.

I like foulards a lot, not so much rep stripes

got some wool ties, some skinny mod ties, some bow ties, some over-the-top 70s ties, just a lot of fucking ties really, it'd be hard to get them all in one photo

this might not even be half of them

>> No.17644094

or maybe he's a man who doesn't want the restricted bloodflow caused by a necktie to increase blood pressure in the eyes and cause glaucoma

>> No.17644098
File: 43 KB, 640x427, gettyimages-1244770418.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking this, full classic suits are worn by scumbags and criminals nowadays.
OP is coping gigantically.

>> No.17644122

please find a better use of your time you sperg
you keep posting it and nobody cares

>> No.17644294
File: 165 KB, 1200x900, ezgif-5-2a6c6c283e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being this bitter about getting calling out being a scumbag uniform enjoyer
Sporty, summery suits are the way to go.

>> No.17644973

Classic suits are worn at weddings, funerals, formal parties, etc by common men. We find plenty of lawyers, doctors, church-goers, teachers, media men, and still some businessmen who wear them. Suit and tie is Western culture. You are a complete brainwashed retard if you think it's only for corrupt politicians.

>> No.17645071

>You'd probably be saying "never trust a man without a wig and stockings to the knee"
That's exactly what I'm saying. And that's another thing, what's with all the bathing nowadays??

>> No.17645207

You have a point that the tieless look fulfills a role, at times, but a tie could be appropriate at almost all times a suit or a sports jacket is expected, too, even during a business casual context, such as wearing a more casual type as a knitted tie. During situations people may go conventionally tieless while wearing a suit or sports coat, I would wear a knit tie, or at times, a cravat in a subtle pattern or plain, which would be barely visible beneath the shirt collar, not really any more than a t-shirt might be.

>> No.17645214

OP is correct, the seething in this thread is the proof.