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17630698 No.17630698 [Reply] [Original]

Being sexually attractive is universally effaced. Clothes are not a substitute for body. This applies to men and women both but more so women because the value of a woman is her looks, whereas a man can accrue wealth, power, and/or status. So, for all the roastie femoids on this board: Just give up
>You will only be 18, 19 once. If you wasted those years stop trying. A new generation of girls has replaced you and it’s embarrassing if you think you can compete
And to all the troons here, you can’t even be impregnated. That alone makes you useless. No matter how believable you look, or good you may look, a man will never be truly sexually attracted to you because sexual attraction all hinges on fertility

>> No.17630708

cope coomer

>> No.17630710
File: 393 KB, 1536x2048, IMG_0230.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And to the moids, don’t think you have it easy. Gymmaxxing isn’t going to mask poor genetics. You should be in shape, aiming to be lean. And you can’t dress like a slob, a cute girl can get away wearing anything but you as a man must put thought into how you dress. Your entire purpose is to pass down the best possible genetics for the next generation, so actively seek to better yourself to put yourself in positions that allow you to create beautiful children with young, beautiful girls

>> No.17630716
File: 284 KB, 1170x1937, IMG_0231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The biggest coper is you. Keep telling yourself and others that life does not revolve around beautiful teenage girls. If it didn’t, reproduction wouldn’t exist and neither would you. We need to as a society collectively embrace fertility as beauty and take away the status of any woman over the age of 21 to enter a new age that celebrates the female form at its peak, and encourage instead of discourage procreating with girls of a suitable age. It will lead to the births of effay humans instead of disgusting genetic trash. We must prune ourselves of old hags, shitskins, and trannies. Make the world beautiful. You however, would rather contribute to the problem of ugly people, like how your parents did. Please chemically castrate yourself and exit the future gene pool, you don’t have what it takes mentally or otherwise

>> No.17630788

This is a man right? I'm starting to figure out the code. If they hide their face with the camera it's because they don't want you to see their man face

>> No.17630791

teleology cope

>> No.17630797 [DELETED] 
File: 67 KB, 551x979, Dove Cameron.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>You will only be 18, 19 once. If you wasted those years stop trying. A new generation of girls has replaced you and it’s embarrassing if you think you can compete
Yes, that's the reason why zoomer girls are the hottest now. No competition, all the coping want change it for feminists and trannies.

>> No.17630804
File: 67 KB, 551x979, Dove Cameron.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You will only be 18, 19 once. If you wasted those years stop trying. A new generation of girls has replaced you and it’s embarrassing if you think you can compete
Yes, that's the reason why zoomer girls are the hottest now. No competition, all the coping won't change it for feminists and trannies.

>> No.17630866
File: 176 KB, 984x1312, IMG_0248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her Twitter is @minenmi and she is indeed a biological ripe Canadian teen prime for impregnation. Trannies aren’t effay anon

>> No.17631027

ur going to die alone

>> No.17631028

>says something rick owens said 40 years ago
wow this is groundbreaking thanks zoomie

>> No.17631034

unfortunately due to low infant mortality we will mutate more and more and we will get more ugly whether or not you breed with the best possible option, until we get so mutated and stupid that everything collapses

>> No.17631075
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>> No.17631084

>showing just enough thigh to entice the eye without being too slutty


>> No.17631098
File: 221 KB, 1080x1299, IMG_0266.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would rather die alone than settle. I can at least die with my cock in hand, my pants stained with cum right after I busted one last final nut to a tight teen
Rick Owens only preached going to the gym which is cope. He never once said the best fashion accessory is a white 18yr old girl with big tits standing next to you. Muscles don’t make you impressive, being a stud who can pull high value girls is
We have low infant mortality because we pretend that 25+ year old women have anything good to offer. We need to move away from shaming men for wanting to be with what we are naturally attracted to
I hate his clothes and I find him obnoxious but he is right
That’s it anon. Give her attention. Show the world of girls that she is the goals for what a female is. Create a world that celebrates 19 year olds so that young women aspire to be like her instead of wasting their youth then waiting. Make them mothers before they’re 20, when you’re attracted to them and actually want to put a baby in them. Children borne from when their parents were peaking will always be prettier than kids with “good genetics” but the parents aged and turned to shit before procreating. A healthier, prettier world is one that is made from young people fornicating NOW

>> No.17631155

lol have sex

>> No.17631180
File: 88 KB, 750x930, IMG_0275.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will but only with attractive teen nymphs as God intended. This way I will be driven to impart my seed in them due to overwhelming attraction, and thus I contribute to the population both in count and value-wise by only allowing good DNA to be passed down. I am doing the Lord’s work and you will benefit from it as I repopulate the planet with cute girls. You’re welcome anon

>> No.17631189

Ok incel. How are the genes of an attractive 18 year old better than say, an attractive 26 year old? Expired eggs?

>> No.17631246

modern girls are infertile sex only exists as a team sport lmao

>> No.17631277

you fucking mongoloid
>We have low infant mortality because we pretend that 25+ year old women have anything good to offer.

the age of women has nothing at all to do with infant mortality being so low, in fact age of woman being higher would increase child mortality. It is because of modern medicine which allows children who would've died in childhood to continue living despite their dysgenic traits, and this means that we are as a society becoming more ugly, (high mutational load is associated with a generally unattractive face) lower in testosterone, more mentally ill, more retarded, and less physically fit all because we are allowing people to live and reproduce who should never have been alive because of how genetically unfit they are. Mutants would've died in childhood in the past, but now they don't.
This is a phenomena observed in many native white populations with a 1st world level of healthcare, and it is expressed with a decrease in IQ, a fall of general health, a fall in testosterone, and an increase in mental health problems
Overall, this means that no matter what you do in selecting a woman, no matter how young, we are as a society becoming far more genetically mutated because unfit children no longer die in childhood like they are meant to.

>> No.17631284

the genes of an 18 year old are far less genetically frayed than a 26 year old, but not to the degree where it makes a fucking difference, however it starts making a difference around 30-35

However this guy is a retard, because having kids with young women will do nothing to fix this problem of increasingly dysgenic people. This is because it will not stop the increase in genetic mutation due to a decrease in child mortality. Child mortality means that people who are unfit to survive (i.e. dysgenic mutants) do not pass down their genes and keep the population genetically stable. He does not seem to plan on killing the unfit children, therefore he is doing nothing to solve the problem of increasingly ugly people.

>> No.17631312

Anybody below a 6/10 in looks and sub-120 IQ should be sterilized.
No antibiotics or medical care for children below the age of 2.
Ban caesarean sections.
Ban childhood vaccination. Aerosolize measle, mumps, rubella, polio, influenza, and whooping cough in the air conditioning systems of all schools, childcare centers and hospitals.
Couples where both parents are 8.5+/10 receive $100k per child per year. If they get divorced they have to pay all of it back.

>> No.17631314

trait driven genetic selection takes a lot longer than one or two generations to cause rapid changes within populations..

>> No.17631327

its been going on since the collapse of child mortality circa 1870, so many generations up to now

>> No.17631328


>> No.17631329

how are you going to even rule how somebody looks objectively, that is completely retarded and will never work ever, even basing it on something as basic as facial symmetry doesn't guarantee someone is good looking

on top of that, this level of eugenics would cause a population collapse so extreme there would be no government to continue to enforce these rules, on top of this level of eugenics being far too extreme

the main problem is the increased fertility rate of people with low iq, basically sterilizing sub 100 iq individuals would be nearly enough, and with other measures such as encouraging high iq families to have children through giving them money for having children as you said

>> No.17631331

being attractive is a different thing to being fashionable, why do you lookism retards even come to a fashion board?

>> No.17631337

but the things you mentioned have only been decreasing for about one generation? before that they were rapidly increasing
doesn't really seem coherent

>> No.17631732
File: 93 KB, 723x900, 1674574128696628.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who is the slut

>> No.17631753

testosterone has been decreasing for 50 years

However, the rise of these negative traits such as low IQ was easily balanced out by rapid advancements in nutrition, as good nutrition highly increases the IQ of a population. However, as genetic mutational load built on itself, and nutritional advancements either reached a point of diminishing returns, or even in some countries nutrition got worse, we begin to see the effects of this high mutational load in the population.

>> No.17632039

right, so you’re still claiming that we saw rapid change within a single generation due to this “mutational load”
unless you’re going to attribute the downswing largely to a decrease in nutrition, in which case, how were you controlling for nutrition in the first place when claiming these changes were a result of only/mostly genetics? how are you deciding what and what not to attribute to nutrition or other environmental factors?

>> No.17632130

I nutted
I nutted
I nutted
I nutted
I nutted
I nutted
I nutted
I nutted
Go ahead and tell me they’re trans it’s too late

>> No.17632137

maybe op is insisting that there is low infant mortality because men arent interested in reproduction with “old” women? back 20yrs ago when the population bloomed it was more common to get married and have kids in your early 20s. I think of my grandparents as an example. maybe hook ups instead of young families is affecting this? (likely) I also assume that men who are all inherently ehebephiles or however its spelled are more desperate to implant seeds into teens (the most searched for porn category) and are less enthusiastic about a roastie who rode the cock carousel