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17613094 No.17613094 [Reply] [Original]

Are buzzcuts on women effay? Should I get one?

How do I tell my headshape? Are they that hard to grow out? Is looking dyke-ish cool, or will I look too them-ey?

>> No.17613179

I think they look really good and you should get one.

>How do I tell my headshape
Mostly you just have to be lean and it will look good.

>will I look too them-ey?
You'll probably have more people thinking you're a lesbian. Which may or may not be a good thing.

>> No.17613540

you could also get it short like she has it here


>> No.17613541

only theythems will think you look themmy. stand your ground and call them out if they assume dumb shit.

>> No.17613542

cancer or mental illness core

>> No.17613547

Fun fact I’ve smoked many a Ciggie with Sinead O Connor

She was at the same mental hospital as my gf who was inpatient for her Anorexia

>> No.17613970
File: 629 KB, 1080x1892, Screenshot_20230508_210152.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of my doms recently buzzed.
She looks pretty I think.

>> No.17613993

you will look mentally ill. If that is the vibe you are going for, or if you are trying to signal danger to those around you, go for it.

>> No.17614124

You're on 4chan why pretend to be normal

>> No.17614141

Imagine getting "dominated" by something you can effortlessly beat to death. Somehow even gayer than prison rape. If I have to be dominated let it at least he believable.

>> No.17614152

It's mostly psychological but she's also strong as fuck.

>> No.17614210

Works better with darker features, and you need some definition in your face or else you look like a potato. I think it's pretty cool though, might as well. There is an expression that says "You only get to live one life"

>> No.17614218

GI Jane

>> No.17614249

Only thin and healthy looking women.

Otherwise they look like they are on day release from some kind of institution.

>> No.17614500
File: 165 KB, 689x1024, 5240658685_79617ef7a7_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buzzcuts suit like 1/1000 people, regardless of gender. It was big here among women a couple years ago, it screams desperately wanting to be perceived as interesting or edgy but mostly comes off as either mentally ill or trying too hard.

>> No.17614743

She's hot as fuck. Do you pay her?

>> No.17614766

I think absolutely but I also think it’s extremely sexy.

>> No.17614798

Looks good. Only pleb scum will think you are a dyke or a they, so it does not matter.

>> No.17614829

>are they effay
>should I get one
if you think it would go well with your style/personality/manner of self expression, sure
hair grows back anyway so you can use it as an opportunity to try a few different short hair styles if the buzzcut feels too extreme to you
>is looking dyke-ish cool
yes if you have the attitude to go with it, if you wear exaggerated make up and look like an insecure bitch who needs to have a strong opinion on everything even if she has no clue about it instead you'll look like >>17613970 up to you to decide whether that's desirable or not
>does it look too them-ey
again, depends on the attitude
if you behave """normally""" most likely not, though if you're overweight and you greet people with "hey gang" then yes
>no, I must let it be known that I'm a hardass alpha male at all times, even when I'm only sharing a room with a mirror
you sound like you and that girl would get along

>> No.17614840

She does pay to play in Brighton, London, Berlin and Paris.
Can link you if you're genuinely interested.

>> No.17614842

I'm mostly just curious how it works for you. Got a fetish for femdom, but I can't ever really see myself paying a sex worker.

>> No.17614916

Make the paying part of the femdom in your mind or just put it out there that you're interested and see if anyone comes forward but then annoyingly you might end up with a relationship.
You'll get your moneys worth if you pay though, well worth it if she's decent.

>> No.17614976

Don't do it, OP. There's only two types of bald women in the world.
>Those who are grievously ill
>Those seeking attention
I pray you're neither of those.

>> No.17614994

Role playing requires a suspension of disbelief. Maybe I'm a sperg, but I could never delude myself into thinking something half my weight could possibly dominate me. Maybe if she had a strongman build I'd accept it, but then again why would any straight man want to be dominated? Most of the dominatrix shit is so blatantly rooted in an inferiority complex.

>> No.17615118

actually interested since I'm based in berlin, does she have a site?

>> No.17615139

www dot minathesinner dot com

>> No.17615253

fuck I live in Brighton, am going to get ball busted by this chick

>> No.17615268

>being dominated in bed means being raped
>any straight man who wants to be dominated has an inferiority complex

>> No.17615284

More like cringe in berlin

>> No.17615288

Brighton is great, bought a suit there once from Jump the Gun. Really nice shop.

>> No.17615375

Kek, do it. Get pegged as well

>> No.17615840

>pay to play
Just say she’s a hooker dude

>> No.17617099

Only if they got really strong facial features

>> No.17617259
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fucking based and kekd

>> No.17617295
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I've always liked them as a straight guy but not sure if other guys feel the same. Only some people can pull it off though and they all seem to have similar face structure.

>> No.17617298
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Like both pic's look similar and both look great in it

>> No.17617300

her face would be better with hair

>> No.17617301
File: 1.16 MB, 730x998, Screen Shot 2023-05-10 at 9.51.42 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Long hair guy + short/buzzcut girl is effay combo

>> No.17617510

I like certain women with buzzcuts.
If she can pull it off without looking like a dyke and still looking feminine, its the ultimate statement about her beauty.
To be able to look like feminine without womanly features is pure beauty.

>> No.17617516

Might've been cool back in the early 2000s, but because of troon degenerate culture you will look pretty they/them, assuming you're an actual fem. I would advise against

>> No.17617527

>without womanly features
long hair have started being associated with women this strongly less than 300 years ago, female secondary sex features visible on or around the face are the lack of the adam's apple, the lack of facial hair, generally softer features, a different hairline...

>> No.17617529

O-One of?

>> No.17617533

Yes, but long hair is a statement about their female nature too. That's why most women have long hair and most lesbos have short ones.
Trannies either grow or cut their hair in accordance to their delusion too.
To be able to look feminine without something that IS a big part of it is very attractive to me. If a woman with an ugly face went buzz, she'd only look uglier; if a beautiful woman retains her beauty/cuteness even after a buzzcut it's a testament of it.
>>without womanly features
I guess I could've worded that better

>> No.17617555

you look in the max as good as with hair. but you need to be realy thin, and realy good looking. also only ill women have a buzzcut. they are physiically or mentally ill.

>> No.17617587

looking dykish isnt cool youre going to look like a cringe person