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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 3.59 MB, 2000x2000, 1672483015705984.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17594464 No.17594464 [Reply] [Original]


What do I need to care for my boots?
>Old cotton t shirt (one for cleaning, another for applying conditioners)
>Horsehair brush ($10-15)
>Wooden shoe trees ($10-15)
>Light conditioner like Lexol/Bck4/renovateur
>Heavy conditioner (if you live in terrible snow/rain areas) Sno seal/Obernauf LP
>Don't forget that boots need time to dry properly, rotate them an

How do I deal with x stain?
>mud: allow it to dry then brush off
>salt: water and cloth as soon as possible
>saturated wet: allow the boot to dry for a full day, stuff with newspaper
>scuffs and scratches: buff vigorously with horsehair brush

>Should I buy turdsdays/soloshits/doc shitans?
No they are filled with synthetic materials aimed at instant comfort but will not hold up to actual use.
>b-b-but muh ecelebs on youtube said they're good
no. you will waste your time and money and still have uncomfortable footwear at the end of the day. spend the extra $100 and get something real.

Manufacturer Red Flags
>Unknown leather source
>Made in Chyna/Mexico/Indonesia

Boot Red Flags
>Non gusseted tongues
>Excessive/unnecessary seams


>> No.17594478

What is a decent moc toe easily available in Yurop? I know its mostly a murrican thing, but i cant find almost anything good and what i find is imported and stupidly overpriced.

>> No.17594489

Alright cunts I need your recommendations: I need a pair of laced black matte leather boots. No fancy designs just straight simple and nice boots. Anywhere up to 150€ is perfectly fine. No docs.

>> No.17594508
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>> No.17594544

I was gonna say Red Wing because Cultizm always has them -25% but I see they no longer sell them

>> No.17594573
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Anyone know where to cop these? Or what they are? I thought they were Yuketen but maybe not.

Found them on a Levis model for the jeans.

>> No.17594623

Pretty decent actually. Got anything else?

>> No.17594672

And no soloshitters.

>> No.17594691

anyone know how often the light austrians are restocked on forcesuniform ?

>> No.17594799

me too but i'd buy shitovairs if they weren't 220 euro

>> No.17594849

Someone on these threads has some really sick black matte boots from a French website
Goodyear welted, I remember they weren't that expensive but probably more than 150

>> No.17594873
File: 77 KB, 459x569, 0FED81CA-B9C9-4756-8861-D947C81FF9F7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where to buy a pair of cowboy boots?

>> No.17594927

In my opinion Dan Post, but I'm a yuropoor and I don't have a pair. It's just that I want some milwaukees.

>> No.17594940
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what are you going to use them for? fashion? excessive use? work? do you live in a desert area or the city. for your first pair you cant beat boot barn as they are the largest chain and have a wide selection of boots. But I would also check and see if there are any western stores in your area also. for nicer introductory boots Ive been told that Tacovas are well made and are an online-only vendor. also what style do you want? pic related, these are ariats I have had for the last 2 months that I have worn almost every day. they have a rubber sole, but thats because I need the grip since I work on trucks and move furniture around. the style is a 7 toe or cutters toe which I like because it is a balance between a square toe and round toe boot.

>> No.17594944
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>> No.17594961

nice OP, i was thinking about having boondockers made by some Indog Bootmakers.

>> No.17594964

Are these Red Wings?

>> No.17594993
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>> No.17595007

These look unworn, are they new anon?
Hope they fit you

>> No.17595061

that's pretty bad desu. I can excuse a small difference but that should have been caught at lasting and corrected or taken off the line

>> No.17595066

Go on Jotex.at

>> No.17595082
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they need to hang the qc guy

>> No.17595090

its a redditors boot and he was apparently fine with it on his brand new $1000 boots.

>> No.17595095

I didn't even see the captoe at first

>> No.17595105
File: 84 KB, 348x539, 1681446998726924.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i got a compliment on my boots today :3

>> No.17595124
File: 1.64 MB, 1816x3956, 20230425_100813.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i know the thread is not supportive of nicks, but i just got my pair in. they are very comfortable out of the box, thankfully the sizing was spot on. this will be the last run of their chocolate leather too, apparently they are discontinuing it once their current stock runs out.

>> No.17595137

looks more medium brown than chocolate

>> No.17595148

americans only eat milk chocolate

>> No.17595158

very nice

>> No.17595169

i agree, i suppose it's just a name to differentiate it from the regular brown offering that looks darker.

>> No.17595177
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like i'd call my horsehides chocolate brown

>> No.17595183

I like them in this combination and with those laces

>> No.17595310

that brown is a dead ringer for a Cadbury bar

this is Hershey bar brown

>> No.17595321
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I want boots that last loooong ( say 5+ years).
Also I want them in sand colored roughout

Are iron rangers still the way to go ?
Is there something similar that looks a bit more minimal ?

I currently have golden fox boondockers.
Visually they are pretty spot on for me but the pair i have now has a a pretty big hole in them after a whooping 8 months of wear.

I have to add I'm an idiot.
I wear these things in the workshop, i wear them in the office, i wear them fixing my truck and on the weekend i wear them hiking.
Wearing the same stuff makes me feel comfortable, I'm autistic like that.

Still comfy boots though.
I talked to the support about them lasting half as long as the DMX trail shadows i wore before that they got me a 50% off coupon. So if anyone of you guys is interested i can post the coupon.

>> No.17595325

>I wear these things in the workshop, i wear them in the office, i wear them fixing my truck and on the weekend i wear them hiking.
and you want sand colored roughout?

>> No.17595373

Yeah I'm perfectly fine with them looking a bit weathered.
I brush mine from time to time and they look good to me.

But i try to use old sneakers when things get really dirty. I did some dry wall sanding last week and thats an example of where I draw a line

>> No.17595399


>> No.17595458

> have now has a a pretty big hole in them after a whooping 8 months
got pics?

>> No.17595486

What's your budget? There are plenty of boondockers out there, it's a common style with a massive range of quality and price.

>> No.17595493

they have this weird hoof thing at the heel

>> No.17595522
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they are quite comfy, got the size up bc UK manlet sizes and they fit perfectly
but my one complaint, which is moreso about the Chelsea design itself than the boots, is that theyre a pain to get on bc theyre not broke in
literally almost threw my shoulder out this morning shoving my fat hooves in them lmao

>> No.17595528
File: 780 KB, 4000x2252, IMG_20230416_110408.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure, that's one of the pics I sent to the support
Kinda odd, i wouldn't think that that's a stressed area.

>> No.17595534


Happy to hear that.
Max would be 500€.

Less would be better of course.
What I'm really looking for is sturdyness and minimal in styling.
Something like a half lug sole would be ideal as well. The golden fox sole was great in all conditions but outdoors.

>> No.17595542

>great in all conditions but outdoors
so a tennis shoe in disguise as a boot

>> No.17595543

Ngl i feel like that's what they are.

>> No.17595552

get some docs lol

>> No.17595568
File: 27 KB, 600x429, 20220425-1F7A7704-Edit_grande.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are your thoughts on pic related? $340, international shipping offered but I am not sure on price.

>> No.17595572

GS is shit value if ur outside the US. Else, sure its fine.
VAT+Customs+Shipping fucks u over and is closing in fast to your Norfhampton makers in pirce.

>> No.17595577

that is a weird spot for it to wear out

>> No.17595601


>> No.17595604
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>> No.17595702

wish they had restocked the ee sizes for this
ended up buying grant stones instead

>> No.17595715
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>> No.17595866
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>> No.17596030

What boots? Those look great

>> No.17596038
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>> No.17596044

Total speedhook death

>> No.17596049
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have I got the boots for you

>> No.17596054


>> No.17596055

why do you hate speedhooks so much?

>> No.17596062
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>> No.17596066

ugly, unnecessary and makes the facings sit closer

>> No.17596095

Should have bought Frank's

>> No.17596097

White's or Frank's

>> No.17596112

Not a big fan of the embossed logo on the whites.

Can you give me the proper name for the frank or link them ?

>> No.17596115
File: 390 KB, 1080x1414, IMG_20230426_072555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also how do you guys feel about the 1000 mile boots ?
They pretty much check all my boxes when I order them with the half lug sole.

But for whatever reason I don't see them in roughout when I navigate via their page.
However when I Google "1000 mile boots roughout" i can find them on their site but only with the no profile sole...
What's up with that ?

>> No.17596117


>> No.17596120

Franks boots, I’d you’re buying made to order boots you can likely call them up and ask about not getting the embossing, your pants are going to cover it anyway.

>> No.17596168

I like how these look but I could never wear them.

>> No.17596169

what are the recommended poorfag boots here?

>> No.17596171

red wing

>> No.17596185
File: 276 KB, 1080x2160, Screenshot_20230426-012435.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can get them without the logo

>> No.17596186

Jim Green, red wings aren’t even cheap.

>> No.17596241

since when the fuck is there a "frank"?
all i remember is whites, nicks, truman.
what's next? "bob"?

>> No.17596243

why not "Black's"

>> No.17596260

you already have nigs

>> No.17596318

>forgot wesco
>forgot Frank
>forgot drew
>forgot jk

>> No.17596402

Why dont you faggots have a guide on good brands/shoes?

>> No.17596417

To gatekeep.

>> No.17596421

no, no

>> No.17596440
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any high quality alernatives to these solovair that look like picrel related

>> No.17596458

It's just a derby with a chunky sole.

I doubt there's a shoemaker out there that doesn't make one, although it's a bit wasteful to get a high quality version of such a simple type of shoe.
It's probably so simple even Solovair can get it right, surely.

>> No.17596528
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Cop or not on Nick's urban logger with moc toe?

>> No.17596573

its called nigs

>> No.17596575

because everyone would hurr durr do you have this good brand but for 150 bucks

>> No.17596585

because it's actually a bit of effort to do that

>> No.17596598
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>> No.17596599

the list would just be too long, especially once you include all the smaller european shoemakers.

>> No.17596642
File: 699 KB, 1675x1728, thoughts on solovairs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because having a guide on shit brands is better. Solovair for example. Shit brand. Fully avoid.

>> No.17596645

someone post the eu infopic

>> No.17596681

>viberg at home
those arent vibergs. you have proven to be dishonest and unscrupulous anon

>> No.17596698

thats why I havent gotten around to making a new chart despite promising it like 3 times
that and sourcing the pics takes a while

>> No.17596729

He only owned and ran Nick's for years with his family before selling it to the current owners. Then he worked for them for a while before leaving and starting his own company because of the direction they were taking Nick's.

>> No.17596740

The family that owns Carmina used to own Yanko when they were the biggest shoemakers in the world.
Then they went bankrupt and made Carmina after abandoning ship.
His two sons later made Meermin.

One of the people who bought Yanko post-bankruptcy was Toni who later left to make TLB.

Someone else owns Yanko now I think.

>> No.17596754

>His two sons later made Meermin
weird to establish a downmarket brand with that kind of background

>> No.17596755
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What's /btg/ expecting in the coming weeks to months?
For me its
>RO service boot with rawcord soles from jakkrabbits
>NST in deerskin from Bonafe
>NST in hatch shell from Carmina
>PBT in janus calf from Carmina
if not expecting, what are you planning?
for me that's
>Balway or Jumper in Hidro Jasper suede (same as mink suede)
>Shell Jumper (also bonafe)
>Try out zonkeyboot

>> No.17596758

>>PBT in janus calf from Carmina

>> No.17596761

Meermin probably makes more money overall
It's popular and made in China definitely means bigger margins

>> No.17596767

I am waiting for a dark brown suede loafer from Bonafe and a snuff suede PTB from Carmina

Towards autumn I might do another Bonafe MTO, I am thinking a classic black chelsea boot

>> No.17596772

>a snuff suede PTB from Carmina
very nice, 531? I picked that one on Oscar.

>> No.17596776

I don't know the exact model, I picked the one where the whole derby looks like it's one panel. The one that looks like Alden's PTB.

>> No.17596778
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yea thats 531 probably, my inspiration was the tricker's robert but i didn't want to get that because W2998 doesn't seem to work for me, stupid amount of heel slip.

>> No.17596822

my loden suede deisels should be here by next week

>> No.17596891

i only have one boot on pre-order, some john lofgren donkey punchers.

>> No.17596894

Definitely not, Red Wing mocs have a toe box that is at least half-an-inch taller

>> No.17596917

Consumerism moment
What is wrong with you

>> No.17596922

what's wrong with spending a few grand on something you like and enjoy if you have the money?

>> No.17596969
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terrible stance

>> No.17597042

>boots and ncie shoes will last a lifetime
>buys 18 pairs and wears each one once a month

>> No.17597235

thoughts on color

>> No.17597238

not bad, lacks the orangey tones a lot of tan leathers have

>> No.17597290
File: 646 KB, 1080x1440, iron-boots-the-great-escape-initial-impression-v0-tqhhxt3165wa1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

interestingly anatomical without looking too strange

>> No.17597414

well.. i like the suede at least.

>> No.17597420
File: 429 KB, 1080x1440, iron-boots-the-great-escape-initial-impression-v0-rsi0at3165wa1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

desu is better looking than a corcoran for a munsn

>> No.17597423
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>bought expensive brown boots a few months ago
>only have black chinos and slacks

>> No.17597425

buy boots then figure out the pairings

>> No.17597462
File: 287 KB, 364x364, Original Haferl 1516 Juchtenhaferl Brown Top Down.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anybody have any experience with Original Haferl? Do they offer wide sizes if you request it?

>> No.17597464
File: 195 KB, 1500x1116, alden_ptb--3o85mgxdme_s1500x0_q80_noupscale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have these Aldens, they're pretty comfy.

>> No.17597544

>hey anon nice boot, what color are those
>oh its crazy hydro lollipop


>> No.17597747

Three minutes of brushing per boot for every day of wear is a pain in the ass

>> No.17597794
File: 49 KB, 689x689, E850FEEF-7408-4BF2-8A44-DCF44CACD0D1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what are some alternatives to this? thinking of getting these just cause they’re so cheap but I don’t really know any reasonable alternatives

>> No.17597797

Alden ravello shell indy's. I like the colour of these though. Have been wearing a col8 variant for a few years. Very comfortable.
Collect them in a week or two.

>> No.17597852

if i can try on a pair of solovairs in a store, are they really a bad purchase?

>> No.17597860


>> No.17597862


>> No.17597868

Because they're trash. See >>17596642

>> No.17597870
File: 192 KB, 1200x1200, S6-019-BK-G_Black_Hi-Shine_6_Eye_Brogue_Boot_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jfc kek
ok, so where can i get a boot like this with a nice, wide toebox instead of them?

>> No.17597874

>b-because they just are OK!?
if you like them and they're all you can afford and the pair you try on aren't riddled with QC issues then they're fine
they're just fucking boots no one gives a shit what you wear irl and docs/solos are like disposable sneakers; comfy enough and you chuck them out when they fall apart.
the end it's not that complicated

>> No.17597879

so theyre not worth/possible to repair at all?

>> No.17597919

Not sure. Maybe Velasca. Maybe Scarosso. Maybe somewhere else.

>> No.17597922

looks like a shitty stow, you can probably get a stow for cheaper on the outlet if you're lucky. I paid like $250 for mine.

>> No.17597925

Who are you quoting?

>> No.17597965

im in the UK

dont italian brands typically have a narrow last?

>> No.17597975

I just do a quick brush when it comes off the shelf and a quick brush when I get home
not too fussed about getting them shinny

>> No.17597976

>im in the UK
and incidentally tricker's are in the UK

>> No.17597978

trickers, grenson
just look for country boots

>> No.17597996

trickers are nice, but 3x the cost and none of them are of comparable styling in a wide toe fit. i dont mind paying more if need be but i want the styling at least to be compatible with a grungy aesthetic, and i want my feet to not hurt in them.

grenson are shit i hear. cost as much as trickers and built like upmarket docs.

>> No.17598004

>dont italian brands typically have a narrow last?

I have no idea at all. From memory I just think they have a couple of similar boot options. If you're in the UK do you have local TUK stores btw?

>> No.17598010


>> No.17598017

>grenson are shit i hear.
half are built in England and half are built in India I think
I think the ones made in England are ok. the triple welts are definitely made in england

>> No.17598021

thanks, ill be sure to talk to customer service before ordering then, confirm that what i want is indeed made in england.

>> No.17598022

Do you have a singular good thing in the UK then???

>> No.17598027

the last dregs of dying industry and plentiful tranny ass
inb4 >trannies
believe me, you dont want the local women
far better to settle for a tranny

>> No.17598074

bet you don't brush your teeth either



trickers stow

>> No.17598076

2 minutes of electric toothbrush twice a day is a lot easier than 6 minutes of vigorous boot brushing

>> No.17598082

why are homosexuals so catty lol a few of them in a room together is like a lunch table of 11 year old schoolgirls

>> No.17598084
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danners not even once

>> No.17598086
File: 88 KB, 1200x800, stow_5634_9_qtr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4497S is wide and the solovshits literally copy the stow pattern. If you get lucky on the outlet you'll get them for half the price.

>> No.17598087
File: 798 KB, 662x720, 1678906225811119.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>guys can you recommend quality alternatives to my shit
>no no i want it for the same price but higher quality

>> No.17598088

see >>17597996

thanks fren, will keep an eye open

>> No.17598091


>> No.17598093

>i dont mind paying more if need be but i want the styling at least to be compatible with a grungy aesthetic, and i want my feet to not hurt in them.
be less illiterate

>> No.17598094

Nah you're a faggot and should kys. And unfortunately I knew a weird kid from school that moved to the UK right after high shcool and became a tranny. That shit is disgusting.

>> No.17598097

its a lot of cope words for
>i don't wanna pay it

>> No.17598113

>i dont want to buy something i dont want
read you illiterate nigger

>> No.17598133

You replied to the wrong post now apologize to me.

>> No.17598165

>and i want my feet to not hurt in them
the solid veg tan insole on the trickers alone will ensure greater comfort than the synthetics in the solos

>> No.17598198

your town doesn't have a cowboy boot store? if you're in the US, I guarantee you can drive to the rural part of your area and the small towns will have a shop full of good cowboy boots
also, obviously avoid buying boots at any kind of strip mall/shopping center/urban/suburban area, that shit is laughably cheaply made and marked up

>> No.17598257
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>> No.17598261

half interested in the bison jumper

>> No.17598263

Only 1/4 with 3 days to go I doubt it's getting made
Dainite killed it for me

>> No.17598319
File: 2.21 MB, 5184x3456, f361fb25ebea8051a44ab45c1da00887.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17598321

>double monk chukka on veld
thats something else

>> No.17598355

>Dainite killed it for me
shame, should be on ridgeway

>> No.17598356
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>> No.17598396

> speed hooks
> still has a hole in the top lace
what in the fuck dude. not bad but why not just get trumans

>> No.17598404

that's typical for pnw boots
I think it's a good idea desu

>> No.17598479

No kiltie?

>> No.17598693
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Loake heat last.

>> No.17598695
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alden ptb

>> No.17598718
File: 45 KB, 762x523, Original Haferl Richard Rindleder Kaffee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I'm in love

>> No.17598748
File: 50 KB, 900x643, 1660716456903275.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

grant stones shoes
pic unrelatedish

>> No.17598761

are redwings still cool or kind of cringe now? I haven't looked into boots in years

>> No.17598852

they've definitely become normie core

>> No.17598947

ok build quality but cringe

>> No.17599134
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>> No.17599235

No handmade leather boots are normiecore.

>> No.17599381
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What to wear with picrel ?

>> No.17599393

a crisp wool suit, and someone elses husband

>> No.17599462

What are some "dress boots" I can wear to the office or a wedding that will give me some extra height.

>> No.17599469
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Edward Green Galway

>> No.17599478

what is a more affordable version of this boot?

>> No.17599483

I’m not sure, Im waiting on an answer to that as well
But really any boot with a heel will add some height, and you can fraud with an insert as well

>> No.17599516

someone post the fuggin eu store picture already

>> No.17599533
File: 2.09 MB, 2816x3738, 6789.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

luv me inside out horse

>> No.17599539


>> No.17599559

carmina galway

>> No.17599560

What is that ?

>> No.17599567

looks like a 350 to me

>> No.17599591

it helps with heel lock, if you want to really secure them. that is what i have been told, anyway.

they are in the box. i've been going back and forth on whether i like them.

>> No.17599609
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can i get an id on these?

>> No.17599649

White's Semi Dress

>> No.17599674

Specifically the 80791

>> No.17599679
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division road 15% off alden

>> No.17599747

long story short no
consider them like sneakers that look like boots
you might find a cobbler that might give it a go but the hassle and ensuing cost would likely be too great and the
it's not like they'll fall apart after 6months though
but if you can afford better then buy better
docs/solos have always, going back decades, been the coper's compromise
don't compromise and you won't have to cope

>> No.17599757

Alden forbids sales on their items so I guess they're burning that bridge and selling all remaining stock at a discount?

>> No.17599786

that's why its called ALL-DONE sale. FUCK alden!

>> No.17599877
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found these at the take it or leave it. looks like bean boots, but labels are worn. it looks like it says “made in canada” and has french and english writen on the lining material tag. it also has a logo I cant quite read, dont know if the boot’s brand or just the liner’s

>> No.17599879
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>> No.17599881

they look like bean boots at home

>> No.17599882
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>> No.17599884


could be old Sorel's

>> No.17599910

a leaf

>> No.17599921
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thanks, regardless, it was a pretty nice grab. a little tight, but the lining is pretty thick, so having it replaced should help. will have to replace the mumified laces, clean up the eyelets, and give some attention to the seam between the leather and rubber, but glad I found them.

>> No.17599939

watch out for the rubber cracking from age

>> No.17599967

dont see much, but how do you address? sone sort of sealant? tar?

>> No.17599971


>> No.17599986

can you use a spraybottle of an isopropyl alchihol-water mixture to clean the surface of leather?
I know getting it saturated is a bad idea, but would a light mist of it evaporate before ut does anything?
I know I have done this for clothe that shouldn't have alcohol due to non permanent dies, and it worked fine (cause again, it doesn't saturate and is so light)

>> No.17599992

if its actually dirty use saddle soap or similar. Else just a damp cloth.

>> No.17600025


>> No.17600090

I've only seen alcohol used when someone's fixing up very worn pairs of leather shoes or when inserting a stretcher inside.
On the outside i've seen guys on yt use it to help mitigate creasing on banged up 2nd hand things. They stick trees in and apply the alcohol mix on the outside and stretch and smooth that shit out until the creases are lessened.
I wouldn't use this to clean. Not even a little.
There's dedicated cleaners that you should use depending on the level of crap you've dealing with, and depending on how severe and thus now strong the cleaner, you'd have to recondition them accordingly afterwards.
How dirty is your shit?

>> No.17600222
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>> No.17600408
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>shits on cork

>> No.17600419
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>> No.17600421
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moc toes need to be on crepe

>> No.17600426

thats clean
what are they?

>> No.17600546

If Jew Anvil says boots are bad all it means is the check didn't clear. He's admitted on his channel that companies pay him for his reviews. He excoriates the Wolverine 1000 Mile for using a fiberboard insole but when reviewing Thursday boots he says fiberboard isn't a big deal.

>> No.17600549

no check can make the synthetics and shit construction look good m8
stop listening to his opinion and just use the info

>> No.17600559

imagine watching him not on mute

>> No.17600589
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What's the exact model of these? Are these tricker's?

>> No.17600599

possibly stows on commando soles

>> No.17600636
File: 129 KB, 800x800, 5938450802945234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thinking about getting some Benzeine engineers. They seem like the absolute biggest bang for your buck with legitimately great materials and build quality that are on par with Clinch but only half the price. Anyone have any experience with these?

>> No.17600828

the newsletter said DR is doing a sale on aldens stock models to make space for special make up collabs with them in the future
they are not dumping alden as a brand

damn is alden finally changing their garbage business model and allowing sales?

>> No.17600891

I don't like that you can see the seams between the panels so vividly

Should be skiving the edges a lot more

>> No.17601076

I don't know but either velasca or scarosso had a similar model.

>> No.17601134

i only wear either corcorans and palladiums.
Don't want go full Scrooge, do boots for straights have other brands?

>> No.17601152

Is Dr.Martins meme now?

>> No.17601158

always has been

>> No.17601167

Any good analog?

>> No.17601171

no because the reason you like them is the reason they're bad
you like the plastic coated leather, you like the plastic welt with low spi cosmetic stiching and you like the ugly translucent sole with the angled heel

>> No.17601181

Any recs for vegan boots or should i just buy martens

>> No.17601186

>vegan boots
do not eat
do not

>> No.17601215
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fuck outta here

>> No.17601225
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Copped these boots from some portuguese maker named OldMulla.

Did I get scammed or do they look legit?

>> No.17601235

They look good in the image and Portuguese makers are supposed to be good in general, but I can't confirm. Is there a shank in that sole?

>> No.17601243

their stance is fucked up with a straight back

>> No.17601249

I'm actually not sure. I heard the same about portuguese makers, and they popped up. Only $160 for handmade so I said fuck it. So far they seem good.

>> No.17601263
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To me, its a negligible quality. My pair of Mister Lous have the same thicknesses along the edges of the panels and it doesn't really bother me. At the end of the day, a pair of Clinch engineers cost $2k and are only made maybe once per year, while these are essentially the same materials and build quality for only $800. An absolute killer deal

>> No.17601264

take pics when they arrive

>> No.17601266

Absolutely no cows are being killed for their skin, it's all a byproduct of demand for other things.

So do not.

>> No.17601401

Plastic shoes are worse for the environment than using the leather from cattle killed for their meat.

>> No.17601415

Tbh i dont give a fuck about environment i dont want something to die because of me and i dont want to wear somethongs skin dead bodies belong into graves

>> No.17601433
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>i dont want something to die because of me
leather is always a byproduct of meat no cows were ever raised and slaughtered just for the leather

>> No.17601457

>on the fashion board and doesn’t know who Carol Christian Poell is

>> No.17601463
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it feels good wearing shell boots knowing you're standing in half a horses butt

>> No.17601498
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>try to date a hot vegan chick
>"So anon, what are your boots made of?"

>> No.17601501

Well you see they aren't made of leather
It's membrane.
>oh ok

>> No.17601508

>hot vegan chick
doesn't exist
also >>17601501

>> No.17601509

>hot vegan

>> No.17601659
File: 95 KB, 960x597, 343572177_539458048395225_1869602017595039160_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found these RM Williams for $12 at a thrift store, they are a tight fit so im unsure about te size, can you help me figure it out?

>> No.17601666
File: 53 KB, 525x960, 343964840_797352885141564_1635474880420457171_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what size are these supposed to be?

>> No.17601712

>I dont want something to die because of me
It died before you bought the shoe, and you're contributing to the deaths and displacement of far more by buying plastic garbage that you'll be throwing away every 5 months instead of leather that will last years and years.

>> No.17601722

>i dont want something to die because of me and i dont want to wear somethongs skin dead bodies belong into graves
most vegan shit is made from petrochemicals, which are just really really old dead bodies that have been distilled.

>> No.17601738

my rm williams have the size stamped on the bottom

>> No.17601741

>i wont buy the handmade leather shoes i need plastic sweatshop abortions because its moral

buy kangaroo then. they literally have to kill them or the horny retards pop out so many kids they starve

>> No.17601742
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Does the sole have any additional markings?

>> No.17601759

ahh thanks, after washing the soles i could see a marking that reads 7G, whihc i guess its an 8US ? if thats the case then its weird they feel thight on the uppers...

just on the bottom sole i found a 7G marking.

>> No.17601766

7g is the size

g is their standard width

>> No.17601779
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>> No.17601837

idk sorry

>> No.17601838

red wing huntsman (discontinued)

>> No.17601841

you can tell because its a good looking rw

>> No.17602133
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>> No.17602157

Theyre fucking cool

>> No.17602223

Hey friends, what are some socks you guys where?

>> No.17602324
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>sub $350

>> No.17602471

let me just travel to fucking vietnam to buy them

>> No.17602485



>> No.17602509

darn tough

>> No.17602569

This reddit personified soiboi's entire channel is just sponsor of the week shilling
If he says a boot is good it's because they paid him. If he says it's bad, it's because they didn't

>> No.17602635
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is it possible to wear jodhpurs without giving off ultra bottom energy

>> No.17602638

Americans have these 'darn tough' socks with cushioning that are made of wool and are meant to be indestructible
I have never tried them

I'm in Europe and for high end socks your best bet is Mes Chaussettes Rouges, they have some very high end socks mainly for thin OTC dress socks but also some thicker wool ones.
I bought 4 pairs of thick wool socks from them, they're very good but definitely not indestructible.

>> No.17602642

Hell no those are women shoes through and through

>> No.17602683

Imagine not skipping straight to the cut in the half while muted

>> No.17602686

Darn tough will apparently replace pairs if they wear out

>> No.17602731

I assume the rational is if you are going for speed hooks, you arent concerned with maximum security anyways, so you wouldnt use the top ones if you are putting your boots on quickly. but in case you do want a more secure bind, you can loop your laces through the top eyelets.
but thats just what pops into my mind.

>> No.17602740

not super dirty. thats what I meant by “surface”. I know its a trick used in stage play and uniforms for quickly surface cleaning and maintain things without damaging them. Even for stuff like wool which you usually have to be delicate with due to its oils and fibers. the mist bottle is so that it evaporates before penitrating into the fibers, but gets at stuff on the surface.

Also helps to reduce oders and any mold or mildue.

>> No.17602761

What size? No show, 1/4, micro crew, full crew, boot, or over calf?

>> No.17602772
File: 294 KB, 926x766, Screenshot 2023-04-30 230017.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Men’s Grizzly Boot from Quoddy.

Is that good?

>> No.17602777

>Men’s Grizzly Boot
I wish I can afford to buy them.

>> No.17602860
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What are your experiences with the fit of the Mister Lous? I've had mine for about a year and I'm starting to think that despite having the right size (trust me on this), these are just uncomfortable. The reason I say this is because the heel cup seems to have no shape and is not really that big, resulting in what feels like only half of my heel being cupped. I can't walk around town all day in the Wescos because my heels will start to ache. I have a pair of Lofgren engineers and those are some of the most comfortable boots I've worn mainly because of how well-shaped the heel cup is and how it has enough room. Does anyone else have this experience with the Mister Lous?

>> No.17602864

So... Which is the superior stitch? Goodyear or stitchdown?

>> No.17602873

It's because they use thermoplastic for the heel counter instead of a thick piece of vegtan because a lot of the boot making process is automated and they can't use a thick counter with those machines.

>> No.17602876

idk I like Stichdown, but goodyear is better for longevity.

>> No.17602898

That sounds pretty fucking retarded. For a pair of $800 dollar boots, you'd think that they would get the design and materials of the heel correct. Maybe I'm wrong, but I feel like even if they were to use a piece of veg tan for the heel counter, the design is still flawed due to how little shape and volume the heel has

>> No.17602908

>the design is still flawed due to how little shape and volume the heel has
That is a side effect of using the thermoplastic heel counter, you can't get that contoured heel that cups your heel.

>> No.17602923

boot for regular boots, OTC for engineers

>> No.17602924

its a c*lastic issue. the heel cup will either fit or not. I have the exact opposite with my lofgrens, the c*lastic toes leave very little vertical clearance whereas my wescos being a leather toe puff is much much more comfortable

>> No.17602964

Oh okay, thanks. I just bought a six pack of boot-length darn tough socks.

>> No.17603007

I don't like boots but want a pair, what's out there for weirdo like me?

Are Red Wings acceptable? I see the 875 are popular, but for whom are moc toes and that style? Looks a bit weird to me

Are the blacksmiths good? Should I kms?

>> No.17603014

Be prepared to buy conditioner, saddle soap, and protective spray. Your boot becomes an extension of your body. It breaths, it needs drying and gets thirsty.

>> No.17603027
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I would buy these.

>> No.17603047
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Does anyone know what kind of pants Mr.Gosling is wearing?

>> No.17603052

Calling it now, Red Wings will be 20,000 USD with adjusted inflation in the future.

>> No.17603092

don't be retarded

>> No.17603142

How much did you pay for your Jordan's, Tyrone?

>> No.17603183

maybe in 2099 where inflation makes a loaf of bread 500 USD.

>> No.17603185

>maybe in 2099
>He doesn't know

>> No.17603193
File: 1.03 MB, 1920x850, wagyu-mafia-cutlet-sandwiches-nakameguro-header.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We live in an age where consumers are willing to pay 500 dollars for small tea sandwich made of GMO cow and wheat.

>> No.17603194

luv me some rare jersey animal

>> No.17603361

Alden’s had like a 15% price increase over the past year sooo.

>> No.17603392

Most likely they'll go up to 500 and brands like Whites will have their entry level stuff start at 1k
Viberg 2030 boots will start at 2k

>> No.17603393

My Indys were 575 in 2021, up over 100 from previous years
They're 700 now

>> No.17603472
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Literally everything is going up in price like this except my salary
When does it stop

>> No.17603474

Let's put it this way: I've never heard of anyone using alcohol to clean footwear. Do other stuff, but not to clean. If it's lightly dirty then just a damp rag. If it's more dirty then saddlesoap or a dedicated leather cleaner.
If you're dead set on becoming a trendsetter then knock yourself out doing it.
Post results though for future record if it fucks up so we know why nobody does this.

>> No.17603485

I dumped an entire bottle of rubbing alcohol into a pair of used boots, then used laundry detergent to clean them further, then rinsed thoroughly, then oiled them while they were drying and they turned out fine. I wear them all the time, daily in the winter. They are old cop boots I got for $1 at a thrift store 15 years ago and were in good condition when I got them, well used now.

>> No.17603576

Are there any high-end non-North American bootmakers that uses stitchdown/handwelted construction?

>> No.17603580

I believe Enzo Bonafe.

>> No.17603589

Almost all of the really high end stuff is handwelted, but i assume you don't mean bespoke stuff. Most of the Italians do handwelted shoes and boots.
Bonafe, Vass, St Crispins, Cavour has a handwelted line, Meccariello, Stefano Bemer, Scafora, Zonkey boot are some i can recall from memory right now.
As for stitchdown, you won't find that in Europe, they use the more complex and durable veldtschoen construction instead. EG, C&J and Cheaney all have some boots using veldtschoen construction. All the Indonesian ones will be veldtschoen too.

>> No.17603673

Go back to sxhool, gook.

>> No.17603702

>non North American

The entire Europe, the more eastern, the cheaper, the entire East/ South east Asia

Handwelting is an anomaly in North America.

>> No.17603703

>Leather toe puff
dumb ass strikes again.

>> No.17603760

>When does it stop
It doesn't. Line must go up at all costs

>> No.17603812

Jim Green razor backs or Jim Green African ranger for trail hiking?
I like ankle support, not sure if the African rangers have any.

>> No.17603819

>going up in price When does it stop
during deflation/recession
you will be fired though

>> No.17603958

Thanks but mostly very fancy boots lel. Was thinking more in the line of Viberg and White's, heavy military/work heritage boots with purely leather insoles/midsoles.

>> No.17603969
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C&J snowdon in Zug, 360 degree veldtschoen, commando sole, full bellows tongue. Better built than any Viberg.

>> No.17604025
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>> No.17604027

which the chunky sole meme would go away
that would be great on anthing other than that luf sole

>> No.17604033
File: 160 KB, 720x480, SneakerCon-Parent-Looking-After-Sons-Sneakers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it normal that once I got my first pair, I no longer think of sneakers the same way again? Whenever I look at how the sneaker industry is proud to show off its low-durability synthetic material, I facepalm or shake my head. They are so ugly now

>> No.17604038





>> No.17604042
File: 1.04 MB, 2573x1753, imgonline-com-ua-twotoone-WQmOQn1B9qe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, in terms of outfits, boots are more versatile. While sneaker outfits look like the clothes, his mom bought for him.

>> No.17604194

I thought you couldn’t wear brown with black??

>> No.17604392

thanks for confirming my boot purchase for me

got any other ultra bottom styles of boot?