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17572782 No.17572782 [Reply] [Original]

Is there anything wrong with wearing business casual outside of work/church? I like the look. Something like pic related (I'd button another button on the shirt though).

>> No.17572787

What? No, of course there's nothing wrong. What kind of question is that?

>> No.17572794

Its boring compared to prep / ivy

>> No.17572804


Anon, throw a sport coat and a tie on and what does that look turn into? Ivy.

OP there's absolutely nothing wrong with it. People here loudly lament that formal attire is dead, people will judge you if you wear anything other than sex core jeans, you're a faggot if you wear a collared shirt, etc. They are just projecting their own insecurities and what they wish it meant to "dress well" rather than what it means to dress well.

There are certain classic fits that would work just as well in the 1930s as they would today, after slight tailoring. The look in your pic is good, you can dress like that and should if it makes you happy. Literally no one besides autistic manchildren will think negatively of you.

Also, remember there's a term called the spotlight effect:


Basically people vastly overestimate how much they are noticed in public.

>> No.17572874
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I feel like a poser when dressing really preppy. I grew up surrounded by people who dressed like that. The kind of people whose parents had lake houses, who had trust funds, who vacationed to the Caribbean on a yearly basis, who had $250,000 household incomes. As much as I wanted and kind of still want to be them, I'm not, and I don't like wearing their uniform.
Cool. I was wearing an outfit like that in a park yesterday because I had gone there after getting a jacket tailored and liked the feeling. Just want to make sure I didn't look like a faggot dressing non-casual in a casual setting.

>> No.17572920
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I know, right? They even think that this look is cringe and gay

>> No.17572922
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I want the old 4chan back

>> No.17572950
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>business causal
>for church
What ever happened to Sunday Best?
People are gonna be wearing torn jeans to the church by the end of the decade and consider it their best clothing.

Wear a full suit and tie to church, I don't give a fuck what retarded fashion ideas you have, wear a suit and shut the fuck up

>> No.17572961

Are you that much of a stupid nigger to think that OPs outfit is the same as blacksmith core? Do you genuinely think I will go "You're right, that's fine too"?
I fucking hate you people so goddamn much and I hate myself even more for being here so long that I'm unfit for anywhere else.

No, that fit is not ok. I'm not sure what sort of haha gotcha moment you had planned when you posted that but it's dumb, you're dumb and anyone who wears that shit is dumb. Extenuating circumstances exist but they don't invalidate my point. Sure, people would stare at village blacksmith here because that fit hasn't existed in the wild since the 1800s. Whereas OPs fit has been present in almost every situation in the western world since WW2.

>> No.17572965

>People are gonna be wearing torn jeans to the church by the end of the decade and consider it their best clothing.

Bro you are about ten years too late on that comment. I get that God loves everyone and if all you have is torn clothing he won't judge you at all. But if you have messed up clothes and nice clothes and choose to wear the messed up clothes to worship at his altar it just feels disrespectful.

>> No.17572966

duality of man

>> No.17572967

I see men in jeans and a polo here in Illinois. Sickening.

>> No.17573074

I wear business casual with combat boots to my manual labor job. Drives everyone fucking insanely mad so I keep doing it to fuck with them. I wear my shitty concrete/paint covered jeans from when I used to own my own construction company on my days off.

People definitely treat you differently if you're wearing nice clothes and you're going to get flak for it if you're in a minimum effort environment.

>> No.17573543

It was a joke u dumb autistic faggot

>> No.17573727

why is your god so obsessed about what clothes you wear to worship him?
did Jesus wear a suit?

>> No.17573980

i hate how much i stand out dressed preppy
walking down the street everyone is just in sneakers and sporty things it feels wrong being the 1 in 100 guy who isn't wearing sneakers

>> No.17574055

I feel great and confident at events where everyone tries to dress somewhat and look good.
But when I’m out in public I feel larpy and like I’m trying to stand out. Not a good feeling.
And I’m not even referring to actually “dressing up” I’m even talking about just polos chinos and loafers when everyone else in public is wearing t-shirts, sweatpants, cargo shorts, crocks/flip flops, etc.

>> No.17574375

Why are you posting this nonce?

>> No.17574693

>business casual

"Business casual" was just plain ordinary "casual" when it was applied to the office in the mid-90s as "casual fridays" look with chinos and without tie / jacket in various permutations.

Any outfit lacking dress slacks, tie, and/or blazer - jacket is casual. Feel free to wear it, and make bold move against further deterioration in standards of clothing formality. Soon denim / jeans and chinos will be considered "dressy". Kek.

>> No.17574696

>Soon denim / jeans and chinos will be considered "dressy"
It already is. Why do you think women wear them clubbing instead of leggings?

>> No.17574851
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You seem versed in fashion history so answer me this. Why does it seem like everyone wore suits everywhere until the 1960s, and what made them stop?

>> No.17574853

>no honduran slop fabrics and infinite cheap fast fashion clothes
>prewar seamstresses and master tailors still everywhere, though getting older
>people enjoy wearing quality

>> No.17574856

Was there nothing more comfortable than a fucking suit in 1900? Or did people think that made you look like a wagie?

>> No.17575447

business casual is a limited-pallette version of slightly-dressed-up imo. so there's nothing wrong with dressing business casual but if you're explicitly targeting an office dress code in your off hours, you're selling yourself short

>> No.17575536
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What makes you think a suit is uncomfortable?

>> No.17575565
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The mid-1960s (post-1963) marked the explosion of the Sexual Revolution and the violence of Civil Rights movement as well as Anti-Vietnam War civil unrest. In Europe, 1968 was crisis year of student occupations and violence in France. A time of rejection of old structures and ways.

All in all, the 1960s were a giant Cultural Revolution in America and Europe, where essentially the Boomers (in their teens and 20s) revolted against their parents' and grandparents' traditional social values, morals and customs (including manners of dressing -- conservative suits etc.). This was the real watershed point-of-no-return for future of suit.

>> No.17575595
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>> No.17575767

I relate to this on a spiritual level. The state I live in is very rural, and everyone wears boots and jeans with a t-shirt. I like dressing preppy, but God do I hate dealing with the shit these yokels say about it.

>> No.17575852

>dressing like 2010
lmao the absolute state of /fa/ggots

>> No.17576246

He has probably only worn a cheap poorly-fitted prom suit in his life

>> No.17576428
File: 693 KB, 730x518, cal weaver.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is your brain on ZOOMER

You've been brainwashed to dress like a bum, and if you wear a shirt with buttons, it can only be for work or church. How awful.

There is nothing wrong with dressing that way all the time. In fact, I urge people to do. Let us show pride and respect in ourselves, and against the degenerate shit show ongoing.

And believe me, dressing like that vs a zoomer will give you a different world perspective, how people interact with you will change. You'll go from child to man.

Most of the fits from Crazy, Stupid, Love are nice, I even love Cal's fits. But that's because I'm older.

But The Goose, has a lot of slim fit. Ditch that for simply fitting pants. Not big, not baggy. But not skin tight on the thighs. A little room on the thigh, with a nice taper towards the ankle.

>> No.17576678

It's not the shirt but the nicer pants that give me pause.

>> No.17576682

Loaded question.

>> No.17576794

Same. I live in the rural south. The towns that I would dress when visiting are modern goyslop hellholes. For one, almost half the people are black and literally no blacks buy outside of modern cheap crappy clothes. Then the majority of the whites are either “country” or “redneck”. The red necks will wear camo gear, ripped clothes, generic t shirts and jeans, boots, etc. the “country” people try to dress a little bit but wear stuff I personally dislike such as country brand t-shirts, shorts, flip flops/crocks. I tend to just wear athleisure since there’s no point in anything else anymore. Might dress some when I go out to eat or to an actual nice town like savannah or Charleston.

>> No.17576807

It's braindead and boring. If you want to dress nice, why not give more effort.

>> No.17576829

Post fit

>> No.17576837
File: 515 KB, 527x1275, 646316B2-8EF0-425A-9A4D-1353E71563F2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17577418

Very effay gray double-breasted pinstripe suit, and especially like cuffed hems, but there should be abit more hem - break over top of shoes imo.

>> No.17577737

know any good speakeasies?

>> No.17577762

omerta ass fit

>> No.17577843

In my country/ city it would not stand out , so no.

>> No.17577863

It's kind of boring. Bitches will look at you. Which is good. But, I only am out in strict business attire if I just got off work.

>> No.17578926

yea bro, its illegal. you cant do that.

>> No.17578928

sorry man, we grew up. when will you?