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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 151 KB, 680x860, ee1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17568357 No.17568357 [Reply] [Original]

how do i transition into a non-chud

>> No.17568366


>> No.17568370

Drop the nazi ideology

>> No.17568374
File: 95 KB, 1200x1500, gents-professional-yet-relaxed-long-hairstyle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly, long hair. A lot of people would look so much better if they grew out their hair a little longer. It covers fucked up ears, receding hairlines, weird skull shapes, long faces, and can also take away from prominent noses. pic rel is what I mean by 'longer'.

>> No.17568380

My hair is wavy/curly and cant cover my chin anyways

>> No.17568393
File: 146 KB, 1500x2250, GettyImages-1171717446-34ce26ef63d34bcba29424ec73f92765.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

grow a beard then chuddy, and you could always get pic rel as a cut

>> No.17568453

im apolotical

>> No.17568470

Being apolitical implies you are indifferent to the current status of the world thus supporting the status quo, thus being right wing aka nazi

>> No.17568474

i dont care about any of that i just want a gf

>> No.17568477

buy some crayons and color yourself

>> No.17568482

99.99% of men dont have these hair genetics

>> No.17568486

What do you mean? How hard could it be to replicate that haircut? It's not that extravagant or extreme in any way. I had something very close to that naturally when I just didn't cut my hair for 3 months. But my best friend bullied me into cutting it, wish I hadn't.

>> No.17568490

>How hard could it be to replicate that haircut?
impossible if you dont have very thick, somewhat curly hair

>> No.17568491

long hair isnt worth it
too much maintainence

>> No.17568493

change glasses shape or wear contacts
grow out hair a bit, style it and get frequent trims
wear fewer graphic tees
dress with thought. wear shit that actually fits
replace dumb Keens or whatever with nice sneakers or leather shoes
most importantly:

>> No.17568502

Start fighting niggers. Best way is to catch em off guard when they're outside a shopping mall in pairs, that way they are generally not armed and in manageable numbers. Does wonders for your testosterone levels

>> No.17568508

Look at the picture I posted

This is what I meant by longer.

>> No.17568512

And it depends on how your hair is naturally. I used to have below neck length hair and I woke up from bed took a shower and left the home. I might've ran a hand through them once in a while but that is literally it. They naturally stayed in place without having to do anything. Some people are just built different I guess.

>> No.17568547
File: 20 KB, 499x500, 0d2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the status quo
>right wing

>> No.17568583

Not that anon but America is not the only country in this world. And 18-25 is not the only age group.

>> No.17568590

>get a decent/trendy haircut that you like, screw face type cope shit. If you're bald... KEK
>wear contacts or get different frames (not rectangular alluminum ones)
>clean shave if you can't grow a decent beard
>get better clothes, look zara, h&m or similar fast fashion crap if you're too lazy

there you go... don't be afraid to change, leave that comfort zone

>> No.17568605

I mean, the world is currently controlled by a couple of ever growing corporations that have a hegemonic control of everything from production to culture. Absolute domination of finance capital. I dont see how that's not right wing.

The fact that it has some gay shit sprinkled on top doesn't mean it's not right wing. In fact trannyism is an obvious development of fascist and nazi ideology, the eugenicist approach to gender and tye submission to a better and superior race (black men) is literally just fascism evolved. This is why a cat boy screaming SIEG HEIL while cumming to sissy bbc hypno porn is such a common sight in nazi internet spaces.
Modern research also concludes that Hitler was definitely homosexual and most likely transexual, same with pretty much every single high nazi leader

>> No.17568609
File: 92 KB, 620x860, Chuddy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I changed the pic a bit. I made his hair longer, changed his glasses and erased some expression lines and I think it looks a lot better to be honest. Maybe you should try this irl.

>> No.17568619

you are a special kind of rwtard, aren't you?

>> No.17568632
File: 15 KB, 384x153, M4 SOY captcha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks expression lines can be erased irl

>> No.17568646
File: 71 KB, 640x514, lift.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just have a skincare routine bro

>> No.17568659

idk how that works, but he should've started a long ago to prevent some wrinkles. it doesn't happen over night

>> No.17568660

the billion dollar skincare industry that exists on convincing women they can stay 17 into their 40s would like you to believe you can

>> No.17568668

I only erased a few lines, just don't make that exaggerated facial expression and you will be fine.

>> No.17568672

keep the swastika shirt tho that is /fa/ as fuck

>> No.17568797

Could you give him some contacts and a little bit of facial hair? Im curious because I actually look like your edited pic.

>> No.17568877

you're politically illiterate

>> No.17569421

Why do you say that?