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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 336 KB, 1566x894, whyareyouwearingthat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17567038 No.17567038 [Reply] [Original]

grave digging edition. resurrect the regulars

>> No.17567039
File: 1.82 MB, 4096x6144, Compress_20230406_103855_5261.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17567043

previous (cursed) thread is dead. return to form

>> No.17567070
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>> No.17567079

fucking KYS

>> No.17567353

sauce on the jumper?

>> No.17567644
File: 1.30 MB, 1489x2064, B5DD93CD-8051-4B98-9103-7DDC0CA7FAE9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sup gamers

>> No.17567704

u used to dress dopw and swag, now you're gay and bad

>> No.17567766

I have no idea which thread is the correct one so I'm going to repost my fit here. The trousers are pretty cool, they're whipcord which is a fabric you don't really see much of anymore, like hopsack. Remarkably well constructed, this pair is a little under 60 years old.

>> No.17567770
File: 2.07 MB, 2251x6319, IMG_20230406_145126534_HDR~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Attaching the pic would be nice.

>> No.17567771

you want to much attention, big money big stoopid boot, fantasy adventurer's pack, photoshop + paint tshirt, skinny fat calves with shitty tattoos, the neck beard, the man bun.

>> No.17567777
File: 3.35 MB, 4798x4888, IMG_20230406_145531320~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The weave of the pants is what's interesting, it's incredibly dense. Makes it durable, but it's also incredibly warm for it's weight. They aren't quite as light as linen, but they're easily as warm as flannel wool or denim, up to I'd say a thin pair of moleskin trousers. They have a good texture, very knobby but soft at the same time. Colors are incredibly vibrant, especially considering their age. The blue is a very deep sapphire color, all in all I'm a huge fan, don't have anything like this in my collection.
Boots are teju lizard, first pair of exotics, won't be my last. Not too flashy in person, absolute nightmare to get on and off but once they're on it's amazing. They feel like they were somehow custom made for my foot, it's hard to convey how comfortable they were all day long.Ebay is amazing for vintage finds like these price was more than fair too. I've got two more pair of boots coming in, looking as eel next, caiman after that.

>> No.17567794

honestly want to tour america's fly by states just to shop the vintage cosignments

>> No.17567890

Never seen pants with texture like that, looks very durable. The pattern is definitely more flashy and 70s-reminiscent than your usual fits though.

>> No.17567911

>very durable....flashy and 70s-reminiscent

Both of those points are accurate, the pants are right under 60 years old. They are incredibly well made and they have a 70s vibe because I'm sure they were being worn in the 70s.

>> No.17567923
File: 392 KB, 1200x1200, ihm-29-kha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Iron Heart and some other jap-Americana brands make some stuff like the N-1 deck jacket made of what they call whipcord or jungle cloth or Bedford cord. Your whipcord is likely the wool-based version and is more twill-looking than the cotton fabric. The weave is probably the same but the yarn thickness is different.

>> No.17568262
File: 2.01 MB, 1920x1260, jackets.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i am looking for a cool double rider leather jacket without a belt and i cant decide between those.
What do you think? or can you show me something even better?



>> No.17568893
File: 486 KB, 1132x2164, PXL_20230404_112858423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gonna reply to some of the posts in the old thread since this is a new one.
FtM core is either wife beaters, or bow ties and suspenders. You look fine.
inoffensive/fine. coat is pretty nice.
just avoid shorts if possible. Also i think the shirt needs to kinda hang over more if you're going for a french tuck.
I hope ur going to a party with a weird 70s theme
Nice, assuming ur under the age of 24. Although some more interesting shoes would go a long way.
simple but rly nice. sweater matches the weather
haha xd quirky balenciaga trooper boot!! instead of a boot with a funny shape, why not a boot with a good shape?

>> No.17568899

The Schott is probably better

>> No.17568925
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>> No.17569076
File: 2.85 MB, 4032x3024, Trve fit posting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this the trve thread? About to head to a dive bar show.
Would play pretentious alt rock with.
Cozy on paper, don't care for the boots though
This is above my pay grade. Those Balenciaga(?) boots tie the chaos together imo
You look like that cool English teacher that everyone likes.
Hoodie around the waste is throwing me off but I other wise really like this
Dangerously based. You go innazone with.

>> No.17569106
File: 411 KB, 1107x1752, image010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

worlds cheapest suit for a christening

i know its trendy and gay but if you upsized everything in this fit it would look better imo
yeah this is gay lad
upper half and lower half dont match lad
my favorite fit itt but i would choose a darker coloured pant
the hats a meme but everything else looks really good
looks fine but i dont care for jeans where you can see where its been sown

>> No.17569256
File: 3.15 MB, 2322x7554, IMG_20230407_170520964_HDR~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Halves don't match
Disagree. Navy is neutral, off white is neutral. Bottom half is loud so I didn't want the top half to compete.

Have you posted this pic before? I feel like I've seen it. I hate the collar on your shirt, the jacket buttons are also oddly placed and too close together. Not bad otherwise, are you going to tailor it? Also is that black or navy?

Nicely put together, what kind of jeans and boots are those?

God tier. For me it's the mickey mouse ears.

>New Balance
Ah a fellow man of culture.

>Today's fit

>> No.17569340
File: 864 KB, 1142x2025, EB8D0843-A2A9-4E48-B1B4-1330EDE0E0E5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

r8 or suggest another jacket

>> No.17569356

Fashion with words on it makes it 2/10. Imagine paying to advertise shit.

>> No.17569375

it's not brand's name anyway, but suggest another jacket

>> No.17569377
File: 1.48 MB, 3951x4096, GridArt_20230407_144914578~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

porting this over cause collage thread is finally dieing. try ons at a consignment store. pants I'm wearing are by Orslow out of Japan - probably the nicest pants I've ever worn but I'm broke so had to leave them behind.

this is so swaggy. love everything going on here and how it fits your form. facial hair looks like a yikes though from what I can see of it
this is okay, has potential to be really good. The graphic tee makes the middle third look super cluttered. love the color match on the cardigan(?) and NBs though . curious about the frayed/tasseled item, is it a fanny?
incredible as always. the combat boot armoured glove combo is so sick. I like that hat in this outfit too, don't think I'd usually fuck with it. perfect set for the tones
nice everyday simple fit. good for dive bar show too. try carabiner on a side belt loop, looks cleaner imo and jangles less
not much to say. remove the tags before going out in it, anon
cafe racer that compliments leather color in boot would be cool. looks good as is though, albeit a slight incongruence between top and bottom half

>> No.17569386
File: 176 KB, 750x1103, BD9A2146-CBC1-4950-91D7-CEA020F4CFB1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still stuck in the backrooms. I know I need to iron

>> No.17569398

Literally any plain black jacket you tripfag

>> No.17569401

opps forgot to r8

Nice sweater but the overall vibe is hard to gauge. Wholesome stonercore?>>17567644
Please shave man. You've breached the abyss, you need to come back. Maybe try on some darker chinos and brogues, would probably cost less money too?>>17567770
Nice fit, reminds me of a couple profsI had in college. If I were you I'd maybe go with slightly baggier pants with a more defined crease/ pleat or whatever, since you dont seem emaciated enough to pull off the parisian tight fitting pants look.
Holy shit if you lived here you'd be absolutely slaying. The sweater tied around your waist is wierdly ornamental but altogether really ties everything up.
Not a big fan of the bleached jeans nor combat boots, since the bleach patterns is a hobo thing here; homeless people pile up shirts and jeans from the department stores in the changerooms and shit on them. Staff pour bleach on everything before throwing it in the dumpster to prevent people from wearing it. But they do anyways. And the combat boots thing seems psychological. Like you desire what they represent. Like a kid dressing up as his father or older brother. Idk not an expert but thats my personal opinion. Your previous stuff was sick tho
Solid. Esp shoes/ sweater.
Work on your physique a bit, especially traps, lats, chest, delts, and everything you wear will look 100x better dude
Fashionable but sends off gay interior designer vibes. Also your eyes look comically tired.
You look like you listen to phonk music and drive a straight pipe volkswagon golf
handsome boy. The wierd stitching on the trousers makes it obvious that you arent going for a traditional/ comventional look with the rest of the outfit, good addition.

>> No.17569404
File: 835 KB, 1318x1054, DSCF0829dark.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And the combat boots thing seems psychological. Like you desire what they represent. Like a kid dressing up as his father or older brother. Idk not an expert but thats my personal opinion. Your previous stuff was sick tho

They're not combat boots. Just an old pair of I've destroyed that I particularly enjoy the wear on

>> No.17569411

Not original replyer but imo a different style of jacket altogether would be better, even a different black windbreaker, ideally something with more of a collar.

The jacket style you're wearing; I don't know the name of it but see it all the time here. Because we've got an army base nearby and the store that primarily sells to the troops has those jackets (without logos obviously) with epaulettes such that the soldiers can wear their ranks and use the jackets when they're around base or driving into town for errands. And then to be cool, the edgier college kids and high school students, black block types, buy those jackets and wear them as well, making it kind of overdone

>> No.17569413

I have mixed feelings about this. Love the fit of the shirt and pants but you look like you're in a dressing room with tags still on the blazer. Honestly think it's a better fix without it. Really cool though.
>what kind of jeans and boots are those?
Levi's 501 shrink to fit and White's "Perry" boots. Love your fit btw, especially that shirt jacket thing and the slim fatigue pants. The hat isn't for me but it works.
Give European techno fan vibes. I dig it.
Would drink PBRs with. Prefer the left to the right but those are both solid. The patch work jeans are a neat touch.
Ngl you look like a fed going to infiltrate some political ambiguous radical group. Everything fits your frame nicely though. Maybe try black or dark blue pants instead of the khakis, would help it look less normie? Plain? Idk how to describe it.

>> No.17569428

Alright thanks was thinking of picking up some navy blue or dark brown chinos or slacks.

That's a funny comment because I've tried joining crazy groups for kicks before and generally it didn't go super well. Obvs not a fed, just for entertainment. Anarcho-communists are suspicious of people who wear ironed khaki chinos, and identitarians are suspicious of everyone. The only groups that are really easy to join are the ones that are hard to leave, like some of the stranger christian churches.

>> No.17569450


>> No.17569478
File: 35 KB, 700x462, 1658218638323675.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can anyone id these pants?

>> No.17569576

because I consign things at the store and the owner is a homie. much of my wardrobe is stolen, but there's a time and place

>> No.17569775

The whole concept of this thread is so foreign to me like just wear your mediocre outfit & feel good & then do the same thing the next day with another outfit
it is never that serious, y’all are too insecure

>> No.17569811

just linen pants

>> No.17569982
File: 1.67 MB, 1440x2960, 1680963955124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feeling like a Byrd

>> No.17570024

So you're going to come into a thread you admittedly don't understand (somehow you are too stupid to comprehend the idea of posting a pic of what you're wearing) and rather than completing the herculean task of wrangling your two brain cells to think "Eh, this isn't for me, let me close the thread and find one that is my speed", you post this.

The alternative to you being stupid is that your fashion sense is shit and your fits are mid, so rather than improve yourself (you can't ) you talk shit.

>> No.17570082
File: 2.75 MB, 2874x6103, IMG_20230408_103508019_HDR~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really nice boots. The top half is a little muddled. Is the sweater navy and the coat black?

Linen pants, you can find a similar pair from almost any manufacturer.

For example:


If you're in a hot country, regular/loose/relaxed fit is better, keeps you cooler.

I dig the shirt but now that another anon called you a fed I can't unsee it, this sort of is glowie core. Need to see shoes. I think looser chinos in another color would help dramatically.

>Today's fit: Tweed overdose.
Harris Tweed sport coat and cap, Donegal tweed pants. It's cold outside today but tweed is comfy and warm. I like a functional fabric.

>> No.17570097
File: 1.90 MB, 4096x6144, Compress_20230408_091324_4573.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

simple fit for visiting family today. wearing black mono doc oxfords with this

shirt feels a little short to me. pattern looks nice enough though. a boring fit but it works - millenial business casual core
did you get lost
big big fan of this. blue and black tones aren't mixed enough, imo. everything fits you real nice too. pretty flawless, no critiques :)
this might be one of my favorites that I've seen you in. the texture on those tweed pieces is crazy. cowboy boots are a power move, and they match the sport coat and tie really well. this is the kinda thing I wanna be dressed up in for my open casket funeral

>> No.17570110

wearing Guerlain L'homme Ideal Cologne if anyone cares itt

>> No.17570175

Talk shit, post a fit.

>> No.17570296
File: 1.05 MB, 688x917, Untitledaaa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

theres hair on my face my facial hair doesnt look like that

>> No.17570415

Your face/hair reminds me of David Foster Wallace.

>> No.17570439
File: 901 KB, 1582x2109, 374B0498-F0EA-43BD-BD75-57D9F699C4E0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My shorts ripped

I like it a lot

Love the sweater

>> No.17570450
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feeling autistic

>> No.17570497
File: 2.08 MB, 4032x3024, 7F4CF28F-DEFB-4CB1-8FFD-88FCC7698B33.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How’s this new fit? Gonna have to see a tailor because the pants are too long unless if that’s /fa/

>> No.17570520

Not a chart thread, lrn2read

>> No.17570765
File: 149 KB, 960x1280, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pretty nice, don't like the boots tho

great fit

great fit

not great, not terrible

boring jacket

nah, but i think oversize clothes would look great on you

not great not terrible, don't like the pattern, otherwise ok

ok fit

>> No.17570828

Lmfao literal clowncore. Are those Sketchers?

>> No.17570945

do everybody a favor and kys

>> No.17570958

cry more you fucking pride flag saluting, leftist piece of shit faggot.

>> No.17571151

Ready for a safari, i like it
Maybe some boots would work well

>> No.17571159

Autism has become an epidemic. The fit is decent, shoes are slightly weird

>> No.17571188

The boots are total clowncore

>> No.17571210
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>> No.17571243
File: 239 KB, 1600x1417, 237540_WNV (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no, is widdle baby mad someone insulted his Sketchers?

Don't worry, there's plenty more to talk about with your clowniform fit.

The sleeves on your cardigan are too short, you know this that's why you have them pushed up. The cardigan itself looks gaudy and cheap, like something out of a Chinatown souvenir shop. I know what you're going to retort, it's from Brand X and costs a lot of money, but that makes it worse because it means you overpaid for something that looks like it was made by third world slave labor. And not even *good* slave labor.
Last but not least: What the fuck are those trousers? Are they jeans? Sweatpants? Joggers? Please say joggers, it would be the cherry on top. Whatever they are, they're amazing because somehow the actual fit is awful no matter what they are. The top block is too loose, and the bottom half is too tapered compared to the top and too long. And don't give me that "relaxed is in" bullshit, it is but relaxed doesn't mean sloppy and billowing like a sail on top and then stacked sausage casing on the bottom.

And of course once again, the whole outfit ends in pic related.

You are literally what's wrong with FA: Entitled morons who have no clue about fashion pontificating like they do. There's no excuse for this level of ignorance. There are plenty of anons with no budget who's fits on a bad day are better than yours. Normally I wouldn't say a damn thing but you have the gall to comment on other people's fits like your opinion matters.

Your taste is shit, your clothes are lame, you're stupid, you don't matter, do everyone a favor including yourself and never post again. Fuck you.

>> No.17571362

Jesus dude. You killed him.

>> No.17571397

and this is why i come here, great post

>> No.17571443

goddamn i hate how cool you are. pants id?

>> No.17571448

>no fit
stop reading

>> No.17571571

not sure of the brand. They're just some ripstop double knee cargos that got splashed with solvents too much. Wranglers riggs most likely

>> No.17572018
File: 80 KB, 736x917, 66166C05-46B9-4011-BF36-B6D2C6FE434A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my target demo is girls in clown makeup so sounds like im winning

these are cool

no offense but i think this one needs to go back to the drawing board, stuff seems to fit pretty poorly. top block of pants is too baggy for the cardigan and taper to much at the bottom for how bulky the shows are. Maybe just try some straight leg pants

>> No.17572053

Not only is "transgenderism" incredibly cringe as a fashion fad it's literally actually dangerous. The 2024 election will be run soely on the platform of making "transgenderism" completely illegal. You are on the wrong side of history and literally people will avoid you in real life because you have clearly idenitifed yourself asd mentally unstable and possibly violent.

>> No.17572096
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Low effort spring time dog walkin'.

>> No.17572134
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Merry Easter fellow public holiday enjoyers

>> No.17572249
File: 1.13 MB, 1081x1566, InCollage_20230409_122154352.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So warm.

>> No.17572350

Boring, stoner core, 2/10
Average beard haver type fit 1/10
Not bad, boots could be changed up though, 4/10
The blazer doesnt work with the pants, overall a pretty terrible fit, 0/10
Hodge podge of zoomerness, 0/10
Edgey, 1/10 hoodie is alright
Normie, nothing really worth noting going on here 2/10
Blazer doesnt fit, literally just black pants and blazer and white shirt, at least try 1/10
Again, pretty cringe and awful, consider monochrome 0/10
Le all black lol, 2/10
Right is ok left is bollocks, 3/10
Full h and m? Inoffensive but lacks personality 1/10
Boots dont go with the fit, otherwise its alright 3/10
Probably the best fit youve posted so far, still horrendous though, 0/10
Get higher waisted pants, 2/10
Black socks would look better here, 4/10
Lol a dolphin shirt haha thats epic 0/10
Alright 5/10
Crap, airmaxes are alright though 1/10
Comfycore but it doesnt look comfortable, 1/10
Why are you trying to not doxx your knuckles lol 0/10
Wow you searched up 'male fashion' and bought the first fit you saw -65/10
Pretty good minus the shirt 4/10

>> No.17572401
File: 3.18 MB, 1168x3478, 20230409_011425.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like the colors but it's too busy imo, boots look cumbersome
Kinda Larpy
Like it, I don't care for the sweater tied around your waist
bunny ears
Hate the baggy jeans, the cuffs, the boot laces, the carabiner, really don't like this one
I like the pink/green color coordination, I hate all sneakers on principle
looks fine but why even bother taking a picture of this
I like it but the asymmetric shirt tuck is a bit too obvious

>> No.17572479

>no fit

>> No.17572563

Crazy how the two worst fits ITT talked the most shit while looking like they robbed a mall in 2012, then took a time machine to escape being arrested. My man even has the Hitler youth cut and a v neck shirt.

>> No.17572683
File: 1.75 MB, 2034x5954, IMG_20230409_163304756_HDR~3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Took your suggestion for today's fit, let me know what you think. These pants are the lightest blue I own, and I'm going crazy because I know for a fact I had a pair of pale blue wool pants from Hickey Freeman and now I can't find them.i probably sent them to clothing gulag accidentally last time I did a purge.

Also that's awesome, didn't know you were into frags. L'ideal Cologne was discontinued, you're lucky you've got a bottle since eBay prices are insane. I'm equally obsessed with frags as I am men's clothing, went so far as to make a fragrance for a woman I was dating years ago. You don't strike me as the type who limits himself to purely "masculine" frags, do you wear unisex frags too?

David Foster Wallace x David Koresh

Very 1980s aerobics gym bunny, pretty cool.

Pants desperately need a hem. I'm a no break kind of guy but those are beyond full break. Other than that, I fucking love your pants. The fit is fantastic, they drape well, they look flowy without being sloppy, I've got a couple Zanella trousers that fit the same. If you're in the market for a similar cut, look Zanella up on eBay. Price to quality ratio is fantastic. Shirt is great, chain works well too. Not a fan of the tuck, my only real critique here is there's not much contrast between shirt and pants but that may be lighting. Awesome fit overall, I would wear that.

God I wished I could grow a moustache. And also put on 40lbs of muscle.

I don't hate this, it's actually kind of cool. A guy I went to college with dressed very similarly back in the 90s. Who's inspires you fashion wise?

Nice Wranglers. I want to buy a pearl button shirt, I'm worried it would be too LARPy on me.

I like this, feels like something I could pull off. What kind of shoes were you wearing?

>Today's fit
This coat is one of my favorite pieces of clothing, and I walked in on a woman taking nude pics so that was fun.

>> No.17572687
File: 992 KB, 1120x1400, DSCF1045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the ears are hella cute. I wanted to throw it in with this fit to make a slightly edgy fit more amusing

>> No.17572695


Ran out of room. I like the coat and the overall color combo. I've got a couple black and white floral shirts, I might try and do something similar. Overall I like it, only one real critique :I hate seeing an exposed undershirt. I get that it's part of the look and if you're going for some sort of indie sleaze look it works but it comes off sort of cheap/tacky/trashy. I fully admit that's my hang up, to me an undershirt is an undergarment and therefore shouldn't be seen, like underwear. Would you be open to wearing a tank top instead? I think that would actually work better with the look overall.
Also I can't tell what type of pants and shoes you're wearing. I get editing for anonymity, I do the same for my pics. Your pants here sort of look painted on, I can't make any details out on them or the shoes.

>> No.17572698

Bro I completely dug the ears, when I said Mickey Mouse I didn't mean it as an insult. Somehow they work with the fit.

>> No.17572702

yeah I figured I just wanted an excuse to post the headshot pic with the nice lighting

>> No.17572720
File: 1.98 MB, 4096x6144, Compress_20230409_143538_8430.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stole this jacket from my dad today

this actually looks incredible, my apologies. I've got the wish.com version
hair looks incredibly good. outfit is incredibly bad. why put tight ass shorts over tights?
looks good but put it on your body. this isn't a grid thread
looks like a good summer fit, but don't tuck like that. fit on the shirt is really nice. definitely hem the pants
this is really bad. dollar store core
hopefully pit vipers were just for the funnies. very cool otherwise. jacket and shoes are very much on the same wavelength and I love the crazy pants.
decent. put a belt on though, preferably with a big buckle
merry stat holiday, anon. jacket doesn't go all that well with the pants and turtleneck. I think it would work better with warm tones
based bluetooth earbud flip flop farm boy
post fit
looks okay. would be better with a crew neck tee
finally: pride flag bald dad. looks just alright, maybe my idea wasn't all that great after all. I do think a paler blue would work better though. also I think I've identified why I'm often at odds with your shirt choice; it's a lack of texture. I don't think the super high thread count shirts
work with your more textured pieces. this fit >>17567770 is a good example. the smooth fabrics feel like a shock next to the textured pants
yeah, I bought it a good while back and just recently realized how pricy it has gotten since being discontinued. kinda sucks because it's nearly perfect to me, but I'm hesitant to wear it too often now. I'm definitely not opposed to unisex scents, but I don't have many. I'm very curious about habit rouge. My partner is very sensitive to strong fragrances so I stopped collecting when we met (and only started shortly before) so I only have three: Versace pour homme(bought in highschool, lol), l'eau bleu d'issey, and the guerlain

>> No.17572733

fag haircut is killing my interest in posting in these threads

>> No.17572737

your dad has a good taste in jackets
buddy i think you got the wrong door, lovecraftian horrors club is two blocks down

>> No.17572753

uhm this is xirs blog and safe space sweaty…

>> No.17572759

>Textured clothes

I get your point, but when I wear fits where one piece is the clear/logical focal point like the whip cord pants I dial everything else back so it doesn't look loud/shouty. In >>17570082 that fit I had texture from the sport coat and pants because they were both muted colors and it's the same texture. Both were tweed, just different weaves. So for the whipcord pants they were much brighter and I didn't have anything with the same fabric to pair them with.
In today's fit the pants are denim, shirt is chambray and the jacket is suede so there are multiple textures, nothing is bold and stands out though.

I understand your point though, I think we're looking at fashion through two different lenses. I admire your self confidence, you have fits that I think look great but I couldn't pull off if my life depended on it. I try to dress well without drawing too much attention if that makes sense.

That sucks with having a partner who can't tolerate smells, mines the complete opposite. She jokes I've ruined future men for her, when we first went out she only had Calvin Klein Euphoria and some bath and body works shit. Now I've got her wearing Les Indemodables, Comme Des Garcon, Tom Ford, Rogue Perfumery, etc.

If you're willing to try something new in the light and musky citrus style I'd recommend sampling the Acqua Di Parma line, especially Colonia, Intensa, Essenza and even Pura. For roughly the same price I'd also say get a sample of Parfums D'Empire Azemour Les Orangers, one of my favorites of all time.

>> No.17572774


Fuck I forgot to say I really liked you fit today. That leather jacket is perfect for you, I'm looking at a couple coats on eBay right now. Ones a leather jacket from late 60s, it's a little banged up but I think that's part of the charm. Dig the boots, I was bidding on a pair of Chippewa Engineer boots from the 70s and got outbid by a fucking dollar because I was at work and couple monitor the auction. I'm on the lookout for a pair, trying to search Poshmark and Etsy as well but their system is literally trash.
Jeans look good too, just relaxed enough. Really good fit.

Also wanted to say thank you, the Nocona boots came in. I need to go up in width next time, the ones I got will take a few wears to stretch but they'll be doable.

Why the fuck even come to a fashion thread if you're going to be homophobic? Listen to yourself: You are saying you would post more but you're afraid of another man's haircut. Does that sound like something a virile, manly upstanding heterosexual man would say?

Also kindly link to any outfit you've posted previously, I'm dying of curiosity here.

>Aaaahhhhh is that a tentacle? I'm going insaaaaaannnnnnneeeeeee
Another anon dubbed the face blurring "0 days since last accident core" so that's what I'm rolling with now.

>> No.17572788
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>> No.17572795
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I'm not exactly sure who that's supposed to be, did a reverse image search and now I have even more questions.

>> No.17572834
File: 2.70 MB, 3024x4032, IMG_8719.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stole this jacket from my dad as well

peaky blinders. very nice
need tht watch
cholo core, love it
kinda silly balenciaga lookin fit but i see the vision
very dapper
based dad
cool boots and jacket, like ur hair too

>> No.17572839
File: 950 KB, 3024x4032, PXL_20221209_172522924.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah ur hairs lookin cool king also a good fit
pit vipers were originally for when i was cleaning pools

>Who's inspires you fashion wise?

I want to look like a ps2 snowboarding video game character lol.
also the sort of idealized japanese version of y2k stuff, the jacket and pants im wearing are both balmung so its sort of cheating. I mostly just wear this stuff to raves tho

>> No.17572857

>pairing hatra with the home depot 12X12 tile and fucked up split level

why the fuck do you retards wear designer clothes while living in abject poverty

>> No.17572952
File: 2.44 MB, 3024x4032, received_1304671897062720~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes I know my pants are wrinkled

>> No.17573002

you consider that guys jeans "baggy"? lol skinny is out buddy

>> No.17573004
File: 1.12 MB, 1439x1441, BITCH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice boots block-foot
Mr extra cool guy
Dad please stop
All black is the most entry level no effort conformist look
This is good but change the footwear
We lapping
I like it. Feels retro
Only thing worse than wearing all black is wearing all black with white footwear

>> No.17573014
File: 616 KB, 1536x2048, 1660837414006498.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Also kindly link to any outfit you've posted previously, I'm dying of curiosity here.

>> No.17573027

Good album with one of the most unfortunate covers ever.

>> No.17573096

It's finalhome anon's fit

>> No.17573105

Is it a thread rule that the people with the most basic ass fits feel the need to talk the most shit?
Did you look at yourself in the mirror? You are wearing a Sears tier fit. Jeans, plain Oxford, baseball cap, a nerdy ass digital watch, no shoes shown of course because part of you had to known the reception would be even worse if we saw the footwear.
What about anything you are wearing made you think "Yeah, this kicks ass, this is different,truly I am in a position to offer my opinion!"
Your shit is so basic it would easily neutralize fluoroantimonic acid. Don't get me wrong, there's absolutely nothing wrong with what you're wearing, it's just boring as fuck. If you ever go to /k alot of men are obsessed with the "grey man" look of blending into the background without drawing any attention. Your fit is a masterclass in that, if you could demonstrate how to hide a pistol up your ass with that fit you'd be worshipped as a god on /k.

>> No.17573106
File: 824 KB, 1753x2219, 20230409_195958.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got a couple shots on my walk this evening

>> No.17573159
File: 429 KB, 491x1014, image_2023-04-10_123512259.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

99% of my wardrobe is just black shirts and cargo pants, maybe a band shirt thrown in sometimes. I'm not very original.

>> No.17573160

sheepdog look lol

>> No.17573161
File: 904 KB, 1080x1080, image_2023-04-10_124132526.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17573177

chud core

>> No.17573199

not that anon but you sound pretty mad he didnt praise your fit
>plain oxford
do you know what an oxford is? i guess technically the material could be oxford cloth, i cant tell at that resolution, but thats not the cut of an oxford shirt at all

>> No.17573202

>I'm not very original
So why did you post? Do you want attention? Advice? What's the point here?

>> No.17573211

I dunno anon, I thought I'd check out /fa/ and see what people thought of the clothes I wear almost everyday.

>> No.17573220

security guy core

>> No.17573305
File: 218 KB, 800x1200, DSCF9848f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i can dig it
good execution
good top half
regular guy

>> No.17573422

Ok, here's what I think: You dress like the type of guy who did two years in the Army Reserves, didn't ever deploy, got discharged and now won't shut the fuck up about it. Your clothes carry the aura of relating to everything in terms of your "tactical experience" and/or football. Deep down you doubt your own masculinity and your clothes are part of the defense mechanism you've built up to project and overcompensate.

If this is an occasional fit, ok, it's fine. But by your own admission this is how you normally dress.

>> No.17573429

But I've never been in the army.

>> No.17573749
File: 2.12 MB, 4000x2252, 20230409_173752.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's absolutely fine, but I just see a lot of people dressed like this on the street.

It's simple and I like it.

I like the leather jacket, but the style just isn't mine, but again that's only my opinion.

It's normal, good.

Your pants are wrinkled

>> No.17573754
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>> No.17573949
File: 1.66 MB, 2013x5169, IMG_20230410_092850492_HDR~4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What fabric are those pants?

Nice, monochromatic but I think it's probably better than your pic is showing, I can see texture and it's not just flat black.

/K: The fit

Really like the jacket and jeans, what are they?

I like this. It's militaria without being shouty about it, and I like commando sweaters.

What are the hanging strap bits?

Today's fit is for you my son. TEXTURE and Nocona boots.

>> No.17573996

fat sperg is back

>> No.17574033
File: 2.10 MB, 2135x2969, IMG_5457 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

slenderman is here

>> No.17574047
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>> No.17574058
File: 406 KB, 1113x1264, B7A74BBA-CE22-4C62-A5C4-EA68316FB92D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vacation fit

>> No.17574059

Jacket is a vintage "first genuine leather" brand from 80s or 90s. Jeans are naked and famous weird guy in uard+soft selvedge.

>> No.17574073


>> No.17574080

Hard* +soft selvedge

>> No.17574116

not me sorry

>> No.17574210

>What are the hanging strap bits?
silk robe underneath the jacket
i like the cords and boot combo

>> No.17574246

Good looking people can literally wear whatever they want. A garbage bag even and still look good.

>> No.17574263

surely you're not trying imply >>17573004
is good looking??

>> No.17574293

Id suck him off to be desu

>> No.17574314
File: 163 KB, 1046x912, 20230410.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

feels a little too tryhard wearing portapros outside, but my regular earbuds are getting repaired cause the battery killed itself, fuck sony.

sick pants
i really like this but the footwear is throwing me off
rly nice
i remember you from ages ago, ikea girl..? ofc they ripped
top half is nice, i personally hate the look of legwarmers in 9/10 cases though
the boots ruined it

>> No.17574316
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>> No.17574353
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>> No.17574396

What fabric? Leather

>> No.17574408

Still not a grid thread.

>> No.17574416

that's what i wore today. i don't want to post a photo of myself

>> No.17574418

Go post in the grid thread or make one then.

>> No.17574421


>> No.17574484

well youre not going to get anyone engaging positively if youre posting off-topic stuff

>> No.17574485

Well enjoy wasting your time and no one responding to your shitty grids then.

>> No.17574488

somebody gave that homeless guy a coffee that's nice

>> No.17574498

it's not off topic

i am enjoying wasting your time, yes

>> No.17574899
File: 827 KB, 1576x2100, D71640DF-AD89-44F8-B32C-9DFEE843E416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Luvs my Bape simple as

>> No.17575031
File: 2.44 MB, 1860x4510, 20230411_00154777.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminded me to try my red sweater again

>> No.17575034

Everyone who posts in this thread wants attention, who are you trying to fool?

>> No.17575039

Id on the brown cord pants? Been looking for a similar pair for a while

>> No.17575137
File: 49 KB, 500x496, s-l500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17575222

Ralph Lauren cords, vintage. These are made in USA and have a high rise. Comfy as fuck, and considering their age they have held up beautifully.

Ralph Lauren used to be really fucking good, even their lower tier lines like Chaps and Polo University used to be really well made, I've got multiple items from both lines that are in great shape

>> No.17575237
File: 731 KB, 1363x4032, fit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Newfag here, I've had all this stuff for years but never cared much about making it look good until now

>> No.17575279
File: 32 KB, 600x600, poster,504x498,f8f8f8-pad,600x600,f8f8f8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>making it look good until now

>> No.17575352


>> No.17575423
File: 875 KB, 1355x4034, IMG_20230411_093126590_HDR~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is cool, I like how the body and sleeves are slim. Did you have that tailored?

I feel like I've seen you in this before. I like it but it feels familiar.

Is BAPES so outdated it's cool again?

Nice! That's a really nice sweater, I like all the versions except for bottom left, seems too dark but that might just be the pic itself.

Fucking kek

I don't know if this a troll or not but on the off chance it isn't: You need to get rid of the chin beard ASAP, and the skinny bootcut/flare jeans aren't flattering on you.

>Today's fit.
Got my second pair of Nocona boots in, and a new pair of Stan Ray loose fatigues. These are way better than the slim taper model I have.

>> No.17575429

What's your waist size? I'm thinking of getting some in khaki but I'm fairly slim (size 30)

>> No.17575459

>You need to get rid of the chin beard ASAP, and the skinny bootcut/flare jeans aren't flattering on you.
Ok about the chinbeard, I'm a terminal chinlet and wanted to hide it somehow at least (can't grow hair on cheeks yet) but I guess there are better ways. What's wrong with the pants though, is it just my fat thighs? I like having the bottom half loose, can't stand tapered pants.

>> No.17575481

I'm a 36, I'm fat.

>> No.17575609
File: 789 KB, 2448x3264, 20230409_072459.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heading to a resturant tonight, what do you guys think? too much?

>> No.17575612

reallyyy funny when you called >>17575237
a troll even though you dress just like him

>> No.17575648

the long-hair+bangs+earing is a little bit troon-core

>> No.17575651

they are cute, where can I get it?
Have some full length black boots I need to make less edgy

>> No.17575658

it's fine if you're working at the restaurant
nailed the custodial ascend

>> No.17575698
File: 2.41 MB, 2316x3088, 851540C2-518E-4F91-A4EC-6820F8238ABD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guy who posted the Bape fit yesterday. Wearing a Pendleton cardigan I found at goodwill. It’s my birthday but I’m just chilling around the house.

>> No.17575703

Nice cardigan, least shitty fit I have seen you post ever.
(But you still look like a suicidal mental case zoned out on a gigadose of antipsychotics.)

>> No.17575709

I don’t take any medications though I do have severe anxiety, I don’t bitch about it or let it keep me from being a productive member of society though just wrecks my social life.

Funny story actually Easter Sunday I stood up to fast, I can’t remember what happened but I was on the ground with blood all over my face and my family were freaking out. Just felt like telling someone

>> No.17575712

You look like a waiter lol

>> No.17575714

>I do have severe anxiety
>though just wrecks my social life.
That sucks, but stop making that facial expression when you take pics of yourself.
I used to be like you.

>> No.17575718
File: 1.79 MB, 3088x2316, 6DCCFEDE-CDD9-4D17-86AB-2AC087E05599.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any other expression I have to force and I’m probably autistic because posing for pictures or contorting my face into an unnatural shape for some picture feels fake and weird. Also my face hurts right now when I passed out I hit my face on a counter and had to get my lip stitched

>> No.17575745


>> No.17575756

Love the cardigan, nice find. Hope things get better for you.

>> No.17575761

Things aren’t to bad on a lot of fronts. I just started making 34$ an hour in KY (low cost state overall) so I can reasonably pull over 100k a year working overtime, no debt, but living at home in my late 20s and never really developed much skills for dealing with women and stuff like that and it’s really hard for me to talk in group situations

>> No.17575856

Taking anything but candid pictures is "fake and weird" by definition, and a selfie to show off a fit cant be candid.
Just get used to it, fake it till you make it etc, it will probably help you feel less anxious when you get used to it as well.

>> No.17575889

bless you anon

>> No.17575905

cheap jacket looks cheap

>> No.17576031
File: 2.15 MB, 638x638, coraline-dad.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coraline is such a cult classic, the style is on point. You know her dad was browsing /fa/.

>> No.17576043

It looks like shitty livery clothing. Your waistcoat is too high, your pants are too low, you're wearing a belt, and the back belt on the waistcoat isn't cinched. If there is no back belt, you're either fat (which is fine, I guess) or it doesn't fit. The only way to salvage this is to put on a jacket and keep it buttoned.

>> No.17576045

Oh, and you're supposed to unbotton the bottom button. It's protocol and makes it easier to sit.

>> No.17576114

You look like Xaryu

>> No.17576128

daddy core

>> No.17576224
File: 475 KB, 797x2298, 20230411_17380666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm wearing the Stan Ray Fatigues in slim cut size 30R here. My calves are 16 1/8 inches in circumference and this cut in this size is too tight for me. If I were to buy again I would choose the taper cut just for more calf room.
happy birthday

>> No.17576377
File: 912 KB, 2434x4032, 5776336.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will rate other fits in the morning

>> No.17576407
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>> No.17576408
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France just incinerated blackrock.

>> No.17576478
File: 52 KB, 1120x1080, Y052UIsyDB8LBIX_cSvTnkhPsqpSC7KDdNlRp9k7WHk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pants should be high enough that you can't see the shirt under the waistcoat. Also it seems a little strange to wear a waistcoat without a jacket or even tie.

>> No.17576480

I don't know if your posts keep pushing me a notch in the Kinsey scale or you're giving me something to aspire to.
I almost got a vintage levis shirt like that but at the moment I was over budget for clothes. I do the double denim blue on top black on bottom sometimes and I love it.
Very bold breaking the brown and black rule and the matching belt and shoes, even though perhaps a darker brown belt (or lighter brown boots) would have worked better. Gotta try something like that.

>> No.17576715
File: 519 KB, 720x1280, fit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17576750

Ok Im back

Really nice, especialy love the color scheme
I like the cuban collar but you should wear a proper shirt and tie for a Christening.
Bomber+skinnies+chelseas didn't look good when it was trendy, much less so now that its played out. A black suede type-3 or maybe a shorter m65 pattern would look better than what you have now
Right needs a collared shirt but otherwise works
Great use of colour
Would wear/10
This is so fucking good. I even think the hat works since it picks up the other textures throughout the fit. And those boots are amazing. Lizard?
Based chicken farmer
Really nice
Cool. What boots?
Solid. Cool pic too
Cool. And most earbuds sound like shit so its fine
This is all over the place. If you're legitimately a newfag go to r*ddit for a bit and look through their fashion advice sticky
Happy bday anon and cool sweater. You ever thought about leaning into heroin-core?
Good start
You forgot to say no homo anon. Anyway, black+brown doesn't really apply to casualwear. I recently re-watched the dollars trilogy (inspo for this fit actually), and the stranger is in black jeans, light brown boots, and a blue shirt for pretty much all of it. And I agree the belt could be darker- I don't wear it often so its still very bright and flat, but I'm hoping I just need to beat the shit out of it more to darken it up and give it some character.

>> No.17576785
File: 795 KB, 692x1385, 2A932986-FE40-4B12-B70E-515424464B4F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too much formality, not enough grooming
Looking very curated & put together as usual bro, hope you’re well

I’m walking around Dublin rn getting more mires than ever, feels good brahs
Lmk how to improve fit

>> No.17576894

>Lizard boots
You are correct sir, these are vintage Justin teju. I've got a vintage pair of Dan Post teju in an orangey brown too . I have no idea why more people don't wear cowboy boots with their fits, I get multiple compliments a day when I wear them. And as anyone can tell looking at my face, I'm not Chad so it's not like the praise is because I'm good looking.

Side note for my short kings: The boots have a two inch heel, I'm 6'5 in these things. If you want some lift, here you go.

I just watched For a Few Dollars more a couple days ago, now I know why your fit looked kind of familiar. Good shit as always. I bought a pair of grey boots and I'm buying charcoal jeans, plan to do my take on your overall style.

Dude I had a pair of slim Stan Rays and I had to ditch them for these new loose fits, they were too tapered for me. I'm wearing the tapers in the one pic with a pink suede jacket from last week, the regular cut is so much more comfortable.

Really nice color combo, I need a jacket that shade of brown/tan, very versatile.

You're the only person here who looks consistently more exhausted that I do. That sweater is really cool. I'm looking at sashiko jeans, it would pair nicely with something like that.

Bro I can tell you aren't a chinlet, ditch the beard, cut and comb your hair. Loose jeans are fine, I wear loose jeans. But have the top and bottom loose, this pair looks like girls jeans from 2005. Also the shirt doesn't go with the vibe of the jacket. I think you have the capacity to look good (almost anyone can) with a few minor tweaks.

>> No.17576895
File: 1.26 MB, 1805x4860, IMG_20230410_090701855_HDR~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so sorry but I really dislike this, I normally like your fits. The pants are really short, cropped is fine but not with boots. And your pants are too skinny, your upper body is more well developed than your legs and the way the jacket is cut combined with the skin pants isn't flattering, it makes you disproportionate. The size of the pattern on your sport coat is too close to that of the pants and just feels off to me.

There's plenty of good here though! The sport coat kicks ass, three button is awesome. I love the overall color combo, I like boots too. Honestly this would be a 9/10 for me with a pair of looser, longer solid pants. The pants just drag it down so much. You've got a great physique, I just think the pants are working against you

>today's fit
Tweed and corduroy go great together. Shoes didn't show up well in the light, they're shell cordovan Alden split toe and now I have to learn how to properly maintain shell since it's fucking expensive and I want to be able to pass these down to my son before he finds this place and transitions.

>> No.17576904

black pants and brown shoes?

>> No.17576906

>Bro I can tell you aren't a chinlet, ditch the beard, cut and comb your hair. Loose jeans are fine, I wear loose jeans. But have the top and bottom loose, this pair looks like girls jeans from 2005. Also the shirt doesn't go with the vibe of the jacket.
Well more of a jawlet I guess. I have a very rounded baby jaw that I hate but I don't know what to do about it. I'm not overweight.
I'll definitely be buying several new pairs of pants, need to replace most of my neglected wardrobe because I've been a poorfag until now, I've literally had these pants since my teens. I think I thrifted them back then.
I like your fit btw. Thanks

>> No.17576912
File: 1.26 MB, 2240x3360, 00001-Celine-Fall-21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cropped pants with boots are bad
its combination

>> No.17576914

*good combination

>> No.17576937

kek this clown thinks he looks like a celine runway model

>> No.17576947

You're too big for those pants. The chelseas look like they came from H&M (it's because they're tan). Straight or slim straight pants and darker boots would greatly elevate this. I'm pretty sure you have posted this exact fit before or something similar because the pants and boots ruined that fit too. Jacket is nice though.

>> No.17576973

This man is being pimped.

>> No.17576991


>> No.17577013 [DELETED] 
File: 202 KB, 1075x754, F611F86D-D6CA-453C-A308-738A84D958F5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Create a 4chan without Israeli fake moderators













Also look up Ex-gov “Cuomos” “goy” speech. Reject all of “Los Angeles” putrid “fashion”. It’s the liminal aesthetics of slavery.

>> No.17577021

mods clean up

>> No.17577038

Im not usually into denim shirts but that's killer.
You dont want skinny ankle pants with boots, makes the feet look too big in comparison.

>> No.17577193
File: 2.31 MB, 2316x3088, 1C29AE31-C385-4C39-BF3B-D7EACEB3913B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don’t feel like I look mature enough to dress this way, maybe when I age into it I think you look nice though.
Thank you I like this but something seems off, I’m not fashion inclined enough to pin down what though

Like others have said, really nice.

my third fit so far this thread

>> No.17577358
File: 217 KB, 1600x3200, 20230412_142152_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty sure i posted a similar fit before but its wiwt

Cool but needs contrast between the shirt & pants
Great, I feel sportjackets just work better than any other jackets you post
Simple and clean, nice shirt
Her pants are slim but not skinny like your's

>> No.17577360
File: 54 KB, 602x666, a731ce618b9126b3d1345ecee2f91585.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well yes I have posted multiple great fits to this thread, thank you for noticing.

>> No.17577457

useless advice pal, i dont think u have an eye for fashion

>> No.17577479

Only advice i gave was that tan shirt with tan pants is lacking in contrast. You think thats wrong?

>> No.17577580
File: 2.05 MB, 2992x2992, 20230412_194613.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I enjoy it when people make fun of me. 17573105
Can I get your take on todays fit please and thanks.

>> No.17577603
File: 776 KB, 2194x3681, 5678865.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking good Cork-bro. How's Dublin? I was there for uni a few years ago and I'm headed back this summer for a wedding. Can't wait
How's the care on teju boots? I've tried them on and loved the look but I can't be assed to baby boots

>> No.17577651

Simple but looks nice.

>> No.17577755
File: 1.11 MB, 4440x3696, owo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just imagine how productive you could be in the time it takes to call me a tranny.

>> No.17577757

>sage because I'm retarded
Meant to say that the skirt is silk velvet, and I have no idea how to store it without damaging the pile. It has some damage from a clip hanger from the previous owner, but I've had it folded over a hanger and that has left a couple lines as well. Is folding it into a drawer could to fuck me over by leaving lines behind?

>> No.17577758

I can just link you to the /lgbt/ waywt thread

>> No.17578273

Just condition them every four to six months with Bicks exotic or Sapphirs exotic, wipe them down when they're dirty. From what I've been told by actual, knowledge human beings teju is a very easy exotic to care for. It's less prone to fading and peeling as well.

>> No.17578285

Ok, time to fap

>> No.17578425
File: 923 KB, 1889x3840, ed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gorgeous hair
Would bust inside raw no hesitation
wholesome and underrated
Reminds me of my father, big boss
Would bust inside raw no hesitation
everyone else looks way too hot, my smoking weed uniform

>> No.17578541
File: 632 KB, 1100x618, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is fucking garbage so far.

>> No.17578546
File: 1.68 MB, 847x879, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17578656

Good job changing it with that awesome fit.

>> No.17578693

I've never seen a man more in need of a moustache

>> No.17578729
File: 2.01 MB, 4096x4096, Compress_20230413_151806_6004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ignore the room - closet is still out of commission. got a pair of Allen Edmonds loafers for $10

will sample Colonia soon
not a huge fan of the all black with white boot
eh it's fine. doesn't make up for the wrinkles though
boring and bad
hoodie is ruining it, color and silhouette-wise. good otherwise
fine. ex military vibe for sure
comfy and inoffensive
impossible to tell
I like it a lot dad. only thing I'd change is swapping the shirt out for something deep brown and unpatterned. the collar is distracting me
lol, nice
looks good for a mall designer millenial vibe. confidence is there
blue yaxi pads look great with that hoodie
impressive eyebags. still love these pants, glad you wear them often
2011 pilled
top right looks good
jacket sucks, pants and shoes are fine
nice boots, these ones look pretty similar to mine. not a fan of the shirt but I never like printed fabrics
server core. are you heading there to work?
cardigan is cool, but seems long to me. happy birthday anon :)
based chipmunk
pearl snap is working here. agree that fatigues are too slim
bottom half is great, don't love the shirt here
need more light
nice, just wish the pants were wider and an inch longer
this is excellent. the sport coat and pant are perfect together. shell shoes look nice though I'm curious about a deep blue leather here
sorry to break it to you but he's already here and is mid-transition, picrel
not bad
shoes feel too chunky with such a delicate fit
fine without the hat
really strange top combo
bottom half is really good
really nice
I'm trying my best. cursed genetics

>> No.17578752

wear gloves to hide your man hands and a turtleneck to hide your Adam's Apple
you're not even really trans, your just a badly dressed clown

>> No.17578869

>shoes feel too chunky with such a delicate fit
what kind of shoes would you recommend?

>> No.17578879

>it's better than the average /fa waywt
cisbros... we got too cocky

>> No.17578898
File: 2.06 MB, 576x432, 1673824463114036.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you upset because you actually think there's a tranny in your thread or upset because i beat you to the joke

>> No.17578899

ywnbawp (warrior princess)

>> No.17578900

They dress like teenagers since half of them are underage zoomers and almost all of them are turned on by the idea of themselves being a woman. The way I see it, that thread is just a mix of poorly put-together thot-core shit, bad photography, and people simping for trips. If you strip away all that garbage then they just look like this >>17573014
There's even people who talk shit >>>/lgbt/30477374 which is just funny
>>17578729 Can probably pull-off some /lgbt/-core fits if he tired

>> No.17578901
File: 23 KB, 400x397, 1593598980191.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ya got me

>> No.17579148

Right > middle > left

>> No.17579281
File: 1.15 MB, 1685x2747, 1681430192844396.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ne recs on my college fit

>> No.17579285

wash those grey stains off your shirt

>> No.17579332

Define transgender.

>> No.17579474

Imagine getting this flustered over an off-duty cleaning lady fit

>> No.17579477

>good with animals
Aww I feel bad for roasting you in the past. Seems like you're good with the helpless.

>> No.17579490
File: 508 KB, 1270x2461, 1674985506627643.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gives off main character vibes, I like it
what do you think of these new cargos I copped?

>> No.17579708
File: 3.25 MB, 3024x3720, 20230414_134458.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

waiting for a WAYWT without a newfag OP

>> No.17580288
File: 1.93 MB, 2299x3516, IMG_20230415_164255.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this outfit

This is me going to nice restaurant dinner today, shame the boots are scuffed up and the photo makes it look worse

>> No.17580298

What's with the cum stain on the polo? This fit is 100% 05' normie-core.

>> No.17581123
File: 2.81 MB, 4128x3096, 20230413_194205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17581125

Sorry this wasn't a great photo, I took it a couple days ago so I can't retake it...

>> No.17581284

Looks great m8 i rate 8/8

>> No.17581342


>> No.17581495

HOLY FUCK why didnt anyone tell me about this fa is obsolete

>> No.17581505

This looks ridiculous lol

>> No.17581541
File: 302 KB, 600x902, 484848488484848474.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There isn't a single woman on Earth that dresses like that my man. Why the fucking shit would you wear underwear over outerwear? LMAO you are literally a joke.

>> No.17581557


>> No.17581563

start one yourself bro clearly nobody is posting in this one cause its too close to death

>> No.17581565

Shirt contrasts too much but overall slick fit

>> No.17581571

/fit - lit/ uni brah
So good to see your post.

Very cool denim and earth tones outfit, so deftly unified by brown leather components, especially visual focal points of belt and medium brown buckskin mocassins (rly cool design details in edging stitching and laces). The silver / steel wristwatch, cuff -- especially heavy square man's ring add definite manly refinement.

Your fits are always effag + well considered and consistent in style balance, colors, contrast - complement, and tone. I remember well your very cool ivy - prep looks posted to wywt. <3

>> No.17581575

>fits are always effay* + well considered ^

dam autocorrect

>> No.17581577

I can smell your insecurity from here

>> No.17581784

I 100% agree with you that lingerie stores beginning to market their shit directly towards zoomer thots is a move in the wrong direction, but this is just a straight-up sleeveless top sold by a shitty fast fashion store for summer wear.

>> No.17581822

What happened to that poorly dressed cone tit tranny did he get banned or stop posting

>> No.17581878

i love how much everybody dislikes the hoodie. definitely keeping it.

>> No.17581886

lol sorry one linked did not say that. forgot i had posted in the last raw jeans thread, a few said there

>> No.17581891

Out of everyone in this thread, you actually look cool. The first look in your pic is the best. But you should get a pair of gray wool trousers. The second pair of pants you used look pretty cheap.

>> No.17581900


where are the jeans from

>> No.17581901


looks good g

>> No.17581903

yeah, I need to obtain more wool pants. The white corduroy pair of pants are made by Tommy Hilfiger and bought at a thrift store so yes pretty cheap

>> No.17581905
File: 413 KB, 836x836, mandybuzz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i rock with the shoes

>> No.17581914
File: 1.28 MB, 1922x3921, DF103E87-AD97-414F-ADB6-18670C13BB0A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello waywt long time no see
Goth might fit for friends bday

>> No.17581915

U look rly cute post uncensored :3

>> No.17582015
File: 3.46 MB, 3088x2316, 7DE68F44-E013-49AE-B900-7D47BD799FF4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you guys help me
I need fashion tips plz
I want cargos, and I also want to dress my alt/skater

Flannel is Abercrombie (I don't remember the price of the name but the flannels are usually 60 - 80$)
Shirt is a Indie Metal tee shirt (It was a gift)
Pants is Vans Authentic Chino Slim Pants 60$
Shoes is New Balance 550 White Summer Fog 158$

>> No.17582097
File: 54 KB, 600x800, 340921659_186358980878136_1132359165915628511_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

long day of trolling done and dusted!
one lazy fitpic before slippin into my jimjams and draggin on my bedrags.
this is just what i threw on today
will be here for replies in the morning

fit breakdown:
>t shirt i slept in
>severely stained and weathered suspenders
>metallic pinstripe pants
>knockoff sneeds, beat to shit
>shit-tier brown plaid suit jacket made of polyester. one day i will replace it with a custom flecked tweed suit. onwards and upwards!
>striped socks (not pictured)
goodnight gentlemen

>twink trying to dress preppy so he can get invited to the hedge fund boomer yacht orgy and fuck his way into affluence

i wouldn't trade my wardrobe for yours, but damn do i wish i had your kinda money

pants too short
>no tie + no jacket + belt with waistcoat + black waiter suit
its shit

>> No.17582107

Not my cup of tea but I'm glad to see you back, Doug

>> No.17582252

this lame joke again
find a new routine bro
dylan mulvaney has saturated the transgender fashion market
how many corporations pay you for your content? lmao

>> No.17582280
File: 1.10 MB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20230416-095549.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doug, I make it a point to be nice to people here and helpful so this comment is going to be out of character especially because I know you weren't being insulting with your comment to me: I don't know what defense mechanism you're using to cope but the claim that you wouldn't trade your wardrobe for mine is laughable. My fits aren't perfect but they're composed of articles of clothing that you frantically try and ape with your polyester fire hazard AliExpress ill fitting shit tier (as you admit in a moment of self awareness) clothing that I refuse to call a suit.

The fact you feel comfortable talking trash about anyone while proudly displaying your Anime x Circus Clown aesthetics is amazing. How someone with your exquisite lack of taste has the hubristic drive to critique anyone baffles me, did you look at the pic you just posted? I'm sure your justification will be this is some haute couture version of "I was only pretending to be retarded" but every aspect of what you present looks bad. You have achieved some perverse equilibrium where you aren't affected by people insulting you nor do you improve your taste/fashion in the slightest, you just show up occasionally existing in the same perpetual state of shit until one day god willing you wake up and think "What am I doing?" and get your shit together. In the future if you snap and shoot up Fashion Week I wouldn't be shocked, there's probably a niche you could fill as a fashion supervillain.

The fact you have seen enough of my fits to want the wardrobe while not listening to where and how I bought it is testament to your density.I have repeatedly said I buy second hand,90% of what I post is from eBay. See pic related. You don't need to have alot of amount of money to have my wardrobe, you could easily make a solid wardrobe using 1/5 the monthly budget I have for clothes and it's a workable number for a college student with a part time job. You have to know your own measurements and have patience.

>> No.17582282

>i wouldn't trade my wardrobe for yours,

>> No.17582283
File: 1.97 MB, 2713x4032, 3ADD7B36-ABA6-4D07-AD4D-2AE25D98AD4A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rate my drip

>> No.17582390

Based Doug. Is that a kids bed?

>> No.17582467

>In the future if you snap and shoot up Fashion Week I wouldn't be shocked, there's probably a niche you could fill as a fashion supervillain.

>> No.17582535

Based boomer

>> No.17582544

best itt

>> No.17582582

Love the ruffles

>> No.17582623
File: 1.43 MB, 1889x3840, weed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would cum in you raw zero hesitation

>> No.17582635
File: 43 KB, 473x506, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

goth clown has already been done mah dude

>> No.17582744

>The fact you have seen enough of my fits to want the wardrobe while not listening to where and how I bought it is testament to your density.
When I said I wouldn't trade it for yours, i meant purely that I wouldn't want to replicate your exact style as that isn't who I am and I'm not going to pretend being the kind of person for whom it makes sense to dress like that is anywhere within my wheelhouse.

I got tons of quality stuff on eBay saved to a makeshift pinterest-board-wishlist.
The issue is i'm 19 and my wardrobe only grows as fast as I can buy things with what little money i have while going to college, have them shipped to a storage suite in florida or england, then have enough in that suite to justify spending triple digits of money having them shipped down to new zealand. I have to buy from america and the UK because there is absolutely fucking nothing here. No vintage scene, nothing on facebook marketplace, or trademe, nada. On top of that, I'm a skinny manlet and as you might expect not as many options readily available to me as there are to you. The shitty brown suit (bought from eBay, not AliExpress) isn't much but I'm glad I bought it instead of being stuck with the same thrifted black ladies jacket and jeans I used to put up with, it has gone with a lot and made it way easier to build a coherent wardrobe around.
As I said, I fully intend to replace it with some good shit as soon as I can.

I wouldn't trade my wardrobe for yours but if I could trade my current wardrobe for something similar but much higher quality I would in a heartbeat. And I'm trying. I just can't do it as fast.

ALSO, this outfit was barely a serious fit, literally just what i threw on.

>> No.17582795

Thank you it needed to be said

>> No.17582806

doug you're an ugly poorfag with no taste. also you are very unintelligent, plz anhero

>> No.17582821
File: 1.49 MB, 1089x2185, eBay Purchases.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i actually have a suit at the tailors right now, which isn't perfect, it's only 50% wool but it beats the hell out of 0% like the brown suit, on top of actually having a long enough jacket that covers my ass.

I was going for a brown, picture looked brown, but it was actually a dark plum/burgundy, which isn't a tragedy as it probably goes with a lot of things I already have.
As soon as I get that I will start batching up some decent fitpics and maybe try chucking out some of my old stuff.

>The fact you feel comfortable talking trash about anyone while proudly displaying your Anime x Circus Clown aesthetics is amazing.

> it's a workable number for a college student with a part time job.
i don't even have a job i just get autism support payments, $235 a week. rent is 108 dollars. hopefully after my college course ends i'll just get a regular job.
last time i shipped a parcel from my suite it was 74 dollars, and that was just for some suspenders, a shirt, and 2 bow ties.

>there's probably a niche you could fill as a fashion supervillain.
I already am one, just look at how the /tip/sters think of me.
One of my favourite "menswear" shows ended up being HBO's gotham so that also checks out.

picrel is what I've bought recently

also yes
i agree
>plz anhero
i've considered it and figured it wasn't for me

>no taste
thats where you've crossed the line motherfucker, i will now live to spite you

beautiful as always. threesome with the curly haired four-eyes when?

>> No.17582879
File: 3.21 MB, 2787x7311, IMG_20230416_163017153_HDR~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No no no Doug, don't back down now. You decided to talk shit earlier, you pissed me off and now you're acting all cock and no balls.

I don't give two fucks you're 19, I grew up poor in bum fuck and still had better taste and wardrobe than you. As far as autism goes, I know it's a spectrum, I don't know you personally so you may be further up or down than I am but for fucks sakes act with some pride and dignity. Nothing wrong with having a disability you didn't infliction yourself but it's not a justification either. Get a fucking job, if you have the time to obsess over fashion and post on this shit hole you can get paid to do something. Also who the fuck "batches" fit picks? It's what are you wearing TODAY, take a ten second pic and keep it moving. Look at the absolute lack of photography skills of literally everyone here. Exception being our very own urbex eldritch abomination, long may his Fuiji camera reign over us all.

I genuinely can't stand people like you who feel comfortable judging others and then the second it gets turned back they crumple and go full Woody Allen. Noooooooo don't judge me I'm poor I'm ugly I'm dumb I'm short I'm only on neetbux I look like Butthead after being left in the microwave noooooo I can't do anything about the bad things in my life noooooooo

Ok cool, very pitiful, now shut the fuck up about what anyone else does until you can unfuck your existence.

>What I'm wearing TODAY

>> No.17582885

LOL this cracks me up. Very embarrassing, but thats nothing new from you

>> No.17582890

Go buy some more polyester shit Doug, may one of these days you'll figure out what colors go together.

>> No.17582920
File: 364 KB, 1017x1618, 6BAAB576-A597-4AD0-8C8E-B4F4DF311F08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doug is a treasure and my favorite poster

>> No.17582927
File: 16 KB, 533x532, 9ada0026337e175c787b9b47a3cd3de5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

doug here and i'm not this guy >>17582885

>No no no Doug, don't back down now.
Alright, I won't.

>Noooooooo don't judge me I'm poor I'm ugly I'm dumb I'm short I'm only on neetbux I look like Butthead after being left in the microwave noooooo I can't do anything about the bad things in my life noooooooo
I'm not asking for pity or making excuses for why i can't improve, I'm just trying to explain the fact that I want to improve, and fix things in my life, but I'm still on that journey and in the meantime i'll do what I can and not take myself too seriously. It's not like I'm gonna just throw away what I currently have in my wardrobe. Also,
>comparing me to beavis/butthead
unoriginal, and also low blow dude. Take the piss out of my fits, sure, but I can't exactly change my face.
With how you always blur the bottom half of your face in your fitpics, I'm willing to wager you have as much to be insecure about as I am. I have half a mind to start wearing a mask just so I don't have to hear people say I'm balding just because I have a shit skull shape or I look like beavis or shit like that. I'd rather be judged on the merits of my outfits alone, like you probably do.

As for me "judging" other people, I'll accept any explanation if people have one, and I think I'm smart enough to tell if things are an intentional style choice or just a regular lack of knowledge. Say what you want but you can probably tell my outfits are more intentionally strange than in any sense uneducated.

You're a 42L dude. I'm a 34S. Don't pretend I have anywhere near as much luck as you do with eBay and thrifting. That said, If I wanted to (and I don't really, I have my style and you have yours) I could put something together you would probably wear yourself. In fact, feel free to put me up to that.

I'm gonna admit I was a little too harsh on this guy >>17575609.

>Get a fucking job

I told you I'm at college, but not for much longer, we'll see.

WDYT of this?

>> No.17582934
File: 1.54 MB, 2064x4000, Hi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, its me again. The bag too big for me? What can I add/change to improve this look?

>> No.17582936

yeah bruh that bag looks comically big here

>> No.17582937

>im not going to take myself too seriously its just for fun hehe
>btw heres 20 paragraphs about how i actually look good and im not balding and im actually knowedgeable about menswear and you cant blame me for anything
This is why nobody here likes you. If you just posted le zany fits and left it at that, nobody would mind.

I am also a 34S and not wealthy. What I do is.... Just wait until i can find something actually good. Because i have standards. Wow, crazy concept.
Also, do you think its impossible for people in college to get a part-time job? Not everybody lives solely on their parents money.

>> No.17582956

yeah bag looks giant. try finding a shorter shirt, im guessing tucked isnt your style but your torso looks too long

>> No.17582958

>With how you always blur the bottom half of your face in your fitpics, I'm willing to wager you have as much to be insecure about as I am

My retort to this may surprise you: You're 100% right, I do cover my face to retain anonymity and protect my insecurity. I've said multiple times I literally have /pol face. Which is why I don't talk shit about other posters, you being the notable exception.

>Say what you want but you can probably tell my outfits are more intentionally strange than in any sense uneducated.

No, I literally can't tell that. Working with cheap material is one thing, but the way you match color and patterns sometimes is just fucking strange. Like your "joke" fit earlier.

>I'm in college, no job for me

Nope get a fucking job. All you do is complain about why you can't do something but won't take the most basic step to correct your problem. What the literal fuck is going on in your head that you can't conceive of working 10-20hrs a week to fund something you clearly care about?

You crave attention Doug, that's why you had a damn trip. You also used to try and act positive but today apparently felt like being a big dick player and teeing off on other posters and you are not the person to be able to pull that off.

>> No.17583005

>What the literal fuck is going on in your head that you can't conceive of working 10-20hrs a week to fund something you clearly care about?
you know what you're right. i have no excuse for this, and the explanation does not flatter me in any way so i will not try.

you win here, but you haven't covered all my other points yet so if do those if you care to

>> No.17583007


>> No.17583013

lel too dumb for a degree

>> No.17583075

Damn, do I look like a retard or can I somehow make it work? My confidence suddenly dropped and I dont wanna walk lol

>> No.17583090

I would wear the bag on a single shoulder and not across the body just to reduce the visible size from the front, it will still look big from the side but the side view is less important. Also tuck in the shirt to make pants longer, right now your legs look really short, especially when it's covered up by the bag like this

>> No.17583184

I mean it's pretty big but if you need a bag that large to carry things you shouldn't sacrifice function for looks. Maybe something more formal would look better than the boat shoes for a business casual look.

>> No.17583213

flanders core

>> No.17583244
File: 507 KB, 2192x2192, IMG_20230414_201251_275.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is a remix. Blue sweater distracting? Tale plaid shirt. I'm trying to break the mold of the le bad boi moto jacket.
Taken a couple days ago.

>> No.17583245

Take* dammit

>> No.17583246

teal you mean?

>> No.17583248 [DELETED] 

Sorry was referencing my former fit here>>17573106

>> No.17583251

The shirt looks too long for this jacket, I would tuck it in the jeans and open up the top 3-4 buttons if you want to show the tee
Even with your old fit >>17573106
I wonder how it looked when your hands are out of your pockets and not holding up the bottom edge of the blue zipped hoodie

>> No.17583255

About the same

>> No.17583270

There was some drama apparently he had two e-bfs at once or something, pretty chad in a tranny way desu

>> No.17583632
File: 765 KB, 1784x1870, 280D6244-9ACC-4D75-B0DA-52F4E893738E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What kind of shoes would fit? I currently just wear chucks with this aah

>> No.17583649
File: 11 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17583652

You shouldn't be wearing sneakers with that outfit. Anything like a nice sandal, boot, or semi-formal shoe should be good.

>> No.17583655

I think a pair of Solovair Highlanders would look good with this

>> No.17583660

plz stop posting fag

>> No.17583662

Better than docs ?

Then I’ll need to purchase something like that


>> No.17583841


>> No.17583857
File: 2.76 MB, 3880x5184, IMG_20230417_204350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thrifted the perfect companion jacket for my white/green sneakers. Super happy with it.

Chucks work IMO. Alternatively some chunky black boots if you want to dress it down or maybe a black wedge heel to keep it classy? Not the best with fem shoes.
The pants are too blue for the jacket IMO. I wish you had taken up one of the colors of the plaid shirt somewhere else in the fit. Khaki/olive chucks for example. I dig what you're doing and that jacket is hard to wear.
Dude. You're popping off at Doug. Get a grip, this is embarrassing.
>The bag too big for me?
>What can I add/change to improve this look?
You had a good idea with the neutrals and you matched the leather well, but the blue jacket has too much contrast to the other colors. You either need to introduce some more blue (maybe socks or blue canvas belt with tucked shirt) to ground it or take a hue of blue that is less saturated so it matches the pants.
Nice to have you back. I like the silhouette.
I wish I couldn't see the logo on that shirt. Kinda ruins a good fit for me.
I think that's my favorite of yours.
Left: Why combine the black with a deep blue? Two basic neutrals with low contrast.
Right: Brown everything isn't my cup of tea, but then you drop in the white socks? This is the straight up downgrade of...
Middle: Perfect handling of different browns you even managed to mix brown and black leathers. Impressive shit.
How to ruin a great fit with one item: pants edition. This fit screams for something light blue or tan and you go with black? And way too short? The fuck?>>17577358
Good color matching, nice balanced fit, but what's your point? I feel like this is too sweet and would have needed some bite. Some kind of statement piece.

>> No.17583870

fyi newfag doug is a cancer

>> No.17584050


>> No.17584099

Yes but I wouldn't sweat it too much if you need the room. Also, the bag looks nice anyway.
Like the other anon said, that shade of jeans do not look well with the jacket. I would go for either darker, like solid dark indigo, or lighter, even a medium lighter wash would work better. Not a fan of the beanie with the jacket neither.
That being said, though, I like your fits and think you can pull off the cool dude vibe.

>> No.17584105

Your arms are brutal, my dude, lmao
Also get a more believable wig, lol even

>> No.17584227

i prefer left, looks comfy, and people who think you cant mix black and blue/navy are dumb
>blue yaxi pads look great with that hoodie
>impressive eyebags.
life is on hell-on-earth mode rn, hanging on
>still love these pants, glad you wear them often
thanks :)
cant you just steam it gently?
i really like your blouse btw, the wide arms remind me of christopher nemeth stuff.

>> No.17584467

keep it simple, classic with leather boots and plain shirts.

>> No.17584484


Well at some point a pair of dark indigo jeans (these started as raws) must go through all shades before getting to that great light wash.

Next fit i'm gonna put a parrot print hawaii shirt under the jacket and add my doctor who scarf and a blue or purple beanie.

>> No.17584499

Love the bottom half. Not sure about the blazer although it matches your hat. Maybe no blazer for me. You really pull off those boots in that desu

>> No.17584514

Holy shit the Doug sperg kills every thread

>> No.17584535

Learned a lot from your posts actually thanks

>> No.17584541

Put some boots on we don't want to see your feet

>> No.17584545

low key god tier fit.

>> No.17585917

Solovairs are higher quality and look nicer imo