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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 2.25 MB, 3024x4032, 20230312_002739.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17526892 No.17526892 [Reply] [Original]

>wear a blue suit with a red tie
>"you look like trump"
>"you look like desantis"
>"republican outfit"


>> No.17526901

Yes pic is literally me earlier today
Yes i am short (5'-7")
No i didnt have a date to the function

>> No.17526905

that chin looks like it has some sort of bdsm cock ring on it

>> No.17526908

NPCs cannot function other than think in terms of "my foot ball team vs your football team"

>> No.17526913
File: 23 KB, 600x450, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's called a "power tie" and it's a fad that came and went in the 1980s
incidentally, Trump has been wearing power ties since the '80s.

>> No.17526918

red white and blue are known republican colors.
Your apreciation for cubism and having wood floors leading into tile further coorberate this suposition.

>> No.17526920

well, it's a cartoonishly red tie

>> No.17526923

you look like you're ready to participate in the 1st presidential debate

>> No.17526926

look like you are about to start an aggressive takeover of a small provincial pretzel buisness.

>> No.17526937

take your dads clothes off

>> No.17526941

you look cute in that fit bro

>> No.17527001
File: 61 KB, 539x573, 1676921932740725.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Because slouchy, ill-fitting suits made of cheap materials (such as the one pictured above) and the bright red tie are a trademark outfit for politicians. Look up the "power tie".

Also, you think you're being clever by matching shoes and belt but it looks terrible.

The whole outfit could be pulled off if you were using slightly textured fabrics (the formality skyrockets with those shiny ones), some pattern on the tie, suede loafers and belt, a colorful pocket square, a button down, patch pockets on the jacket, a slimmer tie knot, high rise trousers since you're a manlet and a tailor for some alterations cause the fit is garbage on you.

>> No.17527039

Kek fucking manlet
>wear your pants high to make yourself look taller
>Tell the guy clicking your pic to get a lower angle
>Stop posing like an autist and search some inspo on Instagram or Pinterest

>> No.17527423

You look like a child that's what you look like. Halloween costume suit and shoes too

>> No.17527468

All raise good points. Try a maroon tie with a pattern/texture. Maybe a repp or grenadine tie. Navy suits look better with black or very dark brown shoes. The trousers look a bit long. Those three things will go a long way in getting you away from the CPAC uniform.

>> No.17527474

nice epstein art

>> No.17527509

You look so short
I’m 5ft7 and you look way shorter than me. Unfortunate proportions

>> No.17527522
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>> No.17527529

OP here thanks for all the constructive criticism and brutally honest digs. Jokes on you though I didnt have any self esteem to ruin in the first place

My mom said I looked very handsome btw

>> No.17527532

You look good tho

>> No.17527712


>> No.17527751

It's literally just the red tie. American politics has completely devolved into Crips vs Bloods color wars.

>> No.17528193

You look terrible.
Blue is a terrible color for most humans complexion.
Red ties look awful.
Taken all together this is an absolute dumpster fire.

>> No.17528203

Sauce on that doggo painting?

>> No.17528204

>Blue is a terrible color for most humans complexion
what are good colours for normal human complexion?

>> No.17528209

You need to make friends with a good tailor ASAP because whoever sold you that suit did you dirty. You look like a politician because the suit doesn’t fit, the tie, belt, and shoes are awful and you don’t have a pocket square. The tie is actually offensive, I strongly recommend throwing it in the trash.

>> No.17528254

Got it at a flea market in rhode island, dont know who painted it sorry

Signature says something like "C Foster" but its hard to read

>> No.17528261

This red tie was originally bought to match a girl's dress. Only wore it once before with a black suit

>> No.17528265

2 plains 1 pattern come on man.
If you are not imitating trump you need to get some fashion sense.
These are basics

>> No.17528270

1. Get a suit that is a darker shade of blue and that wasn’t bought for like 100 or 200 dollars.
2. Get black shoes.
3. Get a better tie that is a darker shade of red.
There, I fixed your outfit.

>> No.17528278

Thanks it's Jenny Foster "Best Friends." Nice piece.
Not seeing it?

>> No.17528292

>wear an ill-fitting suit
You look like people with lumpy proportions in bad suits. ie Trump and the other guy.

>> No.17528295

as everyon else said, the pants and jacket are too baggy making you look even shorter. i'm assuming you got 32" pants? maybe go 30" or 29" for the length. same with the jacket, sleeves too long and the chest is too wide for you. go a size down. get rid of the solid color tie and get a pattern or textured one. get a pocket square that either matches the color, or texture of the tie, just don't make the pocket square match the tie exactly otherwise it looks cringe. i'm sure you can get good outfits at banana republic

t.5'7 fat manlet

>> No.17528304

Good advice. I don't like pocket squares personally and I'd be concerned about it looking funny on a smaller person like OP. Dressing all the way to the 9s at that height seems like it would give off a minor overcompensating vibe. But that's just me.
Also your tie is way too big, another thing Trump is famous for. Try slim ties and don't let it hang quite so low if you can avoid it. Someone said it above but they're right about how cartoonishly red it is.

>> No.17528308

Neon green

>> No.17528313

Consider hemming your pants higher if you're short.
Full break works on tall dudes, but if you're short you want to visually lengthen the leg line, meaning you want little to no break.

>> No.17528379

in this day and age of sweat pants and pop culture tshirts with basketball shoes or converse, a suit outside of a business or formal setting would be overcompensating on anyone that isn't attractive. in the case of us manlets, its just more overcompensation in their minds

>> No.17528389

Not in an east coast city.

>> No.17528554

I don’t care about any of this. That is just an objectively shitty suit. If I didn’t loose my job last week I would buy you a suit. That’s how insulting it looks.

>> No.17528557

Not specifically republican, but that outfit in those specific colors are pretty much the default politician outfit.

>> No.17528610
File: 107 KB, 683x1024, 914683E5-64FB-4A31-99F2-73597D923E29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is the shmutz on the left shoes part of the fit?

>> No.17529389
File: 2.42 MB, 1313x874, 8-Window.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the cheap plastic bright red tie just makes you look like a caricature. the cheap plain white shirt doesn't help.

if you dress better then people won't call you trump. you can still wear red and blue

>> No.17529479

A lot was already said here
>shoes look cheap (go with black or dark brown oxfords please)
>Suit doesn't fit you and looks cheap (your pants are way too long)
>The tie is awful

I guess you were wearing the suit outside of a professional setting when outside with friends. Which is fine, but you might want to dress it down a bit in this case, especially since you seem new to menswear. Honestly, skip the tie as long as you don't know what you are doing. Use a simple pocket square if a plain suit feels too boring, but since you are american you will likely stand out anyway, and might want to get used to the attention of others before you dress up even more. And also, don't put your phone or wallet into your pants, use the pockets on the inside of your jacket instead.

It honestly depends where you live. I want to puke when I see how many men (especially boomers) dress here in Germany. If they dress up, they wear cheap and squared toed leather shoes and pair a black suit jacket with jeans. I was recently in Paris and when visiting a decent Bar at least half of the men there were nicely dressed.

>> No.17529486

You look fine.

>> No.17529489

Bro, you need to shave that stubble off, it creates a weird outline around your chin.

>> No.17529495

As others have pointed out, the shade of red is disgustingly vibrant. Stands out in the worst way. Doesn't even need to be maroon, just not cartoon-red.

>> No.17529502

Bullshit. I dress nice every day and I can feel other men's insecurity when I walk by them and they look like a homeless slob. They look at me and then look down like they don't want to be seen.

>> No.17529535

When I walk around men check out my body and if I'm wearing short sleeved something, they check out my biceps and then look down like they don't want to be seen.
Women don't seem to give a shit though, maybe I should try dressing nice.

>> No.17529538
File: 550 KB, 576x768, image_2023-03-13_213749315.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tie too brite for the goddamn suit fr

>> No.17529868
File: 228 KB, 720x1080, a suit for some big dick niggas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


People have no taste or class nowadays Anon. Ignore the peasants who wear t-shirts and jeans and be proud of how easily you mog their pathetic excuse for "style".


>> No.17529874

Gaudy garbage

>> No.17529949

Pants and sleeves are way too long, you look goofy for that reason.

>> No.17530036

It's the white shirt, too stuffy

>> No.17530532
File: 226 KB, 800x1350, Lieutenant_Paul_von_Hindenburg_Postcard_1866_Berliner_Verlag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wear pickelhaube and säbel
>"you look like Bismarck"
>"you look like Wilhelm II."
>"prussian outfit"

>> No.17530541

>why when I emulate a style that is associated with a specific group do people associate me with a specific group?

are seriously THIS retarded?

>> No.17530542

>Tan shoes

Gaudy, classless, tasteless

Putting a bad fitting suit on does not make you stylish or respectable.

>> No.17530900

ok I threw them out, ill just wear hi top air force 1's like every other faggot

>> No.17531805
File: 255 KB, 759x751, 1669996120315801.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we don't need you

>> No.17532090

As other anons said, Red ties are now overdone and used for "seeming powerful", so people now use other similar colors or different patterns. It's an ok look, but you can go for something similar with a gold patterned one or something patterned that goes with the suit. Avoid Purple, it's the new "me strong" tryhard tie. I use Gold, silver, green, and Blue ties and they preform very well because of my dirty blonde hair and green eyes. Find something that works for you

>> No.17532123

have i been buying my pants wrong or why does this guy have a pocket going almost down to his knees?

>> No.17532165
File: 267 KB, 600x932, 46279231_p0_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>grey jacket
>blue slacks
>Japanese high school uniform mode: activate

>> No.17532174

Full size pockets on half size pants

>> No.17532217

Those pants don't fit properly. They should sit higher up on your waist and not droop off over your feet. Also you can do so much more with a tie and a handkerchief, why did you settle for such a boring tie and no handkerchief? You can do better

>> No.17533169

i can unironically put together a nicer outfit on aliexpress
you just have shit taste

>> No.17533183

is the OP's suit on purpose tailored THAT BADLY?

Why is the tie like 3 times too big for his head?

Honestly man, manlets never learn. He just looks ridiculous

>> No.17534749
File: 1.58 MB, 2560x1920, 2011-12-15 14.13.30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brah-hymen... you fucked up the proportions. I am also 5'7", and prefer "young republican" style. Actually this pic is from my college days when I attended the same Ivy League school as Donald Trump and basically all his kids

>> No.17534784

you look like a hotel concierge

don't bother going down this road, a suit doesn't suit you

>> No.17534794

>Shoulder divots
>Skinny lapels

Why cant conservatoid dress decent?

>> No.17536199

jesus nitpicking much?
fewer people care than you like to admit and you know this.

>> No.17536220

He's not nitpicking, he's pointing out that you have bad taste and don't know how a suit should fit. That you don't think it's a big deal just reinforces it.

>> No.17536488
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i know what a shoulder divot is and why it should typically be tailored away if possible, but genuinely who gives a fuck?
oh no! my suit is a half-inch too wide on my shoulders! looks like i can't wear it! because i have the money to give a shit about every single little imperfection in my wardrobe!
oh NO! my lapel is too skinny! I can't wear this! How am I supposed to show le heckin /tip/bros that I'm a based traditional proportion supporter even if wide lapels don't flatter me??? fucking christ, please please PLEASE get a life you genuinely autistic OCD pencilneck faggots

>> No.17536497

the colors are all bright and tacky which comes off very populist-republican-etcetcetc. muted colors will probably come off more refined or just generally neutral

>> No.17536503

>Let all wear tattered, cum stain T shirt because who gives a fuck

Cope harder.

>> No.17536512
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thats not what i said you disingenuous fucktard

>> No.17536596

Seethe more tasteless gaudy.

>> No.17536603
File: 210 KB, 820x798, waaaaaagh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No you can't point out I have no taste, no care for my appearance despite the "le traddy Ivy hecking cool kid" larpy rhetoric
>I-I j-just don't care alright
>Y-yea I looks like shit because I'm too cool to care.
>I-I rrreall-ly don't give a fuck