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17511467 No.17511467 [Reply] [Original]

Why are Asian women obsessed with showing that they're wearing a brand? What does that say about a person?

>> No.17511470

i would eat zennyrt's ass daily if i could

>> No.17511481 [DELETED] 
File: 228 KB, 2040x1040, Yellow fever fags.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Asians are just light skin niggers, no mental gymnastics won't change that fact.
Asian society is, also no matter how much you wann deny it, similar to third world countries and as such they want to show they wealth. Poor people who accomplish to get wealthy want to show they earnings.
Very different in the west, where the middle class and a certain wealthy standard is the norm. There is no need in the west to show your wealth, you will look like a low IQ third worlder.

>> No.17511490

third worlders are obsessed with flaunting wealth, whether they actually have it or not.

>> No.17511504

white roasties SEETHIN' ITT

>> No.17511515 [DELETED] 
File: 75 KB, 610x813, Drogo-and-Daenerys-Targaryen-Cosplay-610x813.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah just a brown bvll recognizing inferior girls from superior ones.

>> No.17511698

>Why are Asian women obsessed with showing that they're wearing a brand?
It's not just Asian women. It's everyone.
Branding now acts a stand-in for wealth, taste, and personality.

Think of the difference between the girl who carries a Chanel bag vs. one who carries a Prada bag vs. one who carries a Louis Vuitton bag

>> No.17511704

>Think of the difference between the girl who carries a Chanel bag vs. one who carries a Prada bag vs. one who carries a Louis Vuitton bag
I have no concept of what any of that means.

>> No.17511706

>t. has never talked to a woman

>> No.17511721 [DELETED] 
File: 93 KB, 1195x593, ojököio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's not just Asian women. It's everyone.
Literally no. It's a third world thing. Girls from richer countries care more for being vegan, climate change etc. wearing second hand clothes or wearing clothes that are inoffensive.

>> No.17511743

>Girls from richer countries care more for being vegan, climate change etc. wearing second hand clothes or wearing clothes that are inoffensive.
You have a very specific fantasy.

>> No.17511754

Nope. If you actually visit those "richer countries" they are wearing the same clothes, shoes and accessories that loudly proclaim their brand and, by implication, their price.

>> No.17511756 [DELETED] 
File: 196 KB, 1066x646, internationelltbesokny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You have a very specific fantasy.
Kek, are even living in a first world country?

>> No.17511760 [DELETED] 
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Absolute kek at the state of third worlders.

>> No.17511770

Does Denmark count as a first world country to you?

>> No.17511772

Yes, and they are all looking to be a tradwife in a wheat field for some distinguished gentleman with an extensive anime collection.

>> No.17511774

This is absolutely false maybe you should leave your country for some time and visit german/us/uk/danish/french universities.
At least considering euro-culture-influenced middleclass this holds true. On the other hand degenerate and/or nouveau-riche subcultures exist and grow anywhere in the western middleclass as well. Want to note I don't agree with the incelish race connotations the poster mentioned previously.

>> No.17511776

>visit german/us/uk/danish/french universities.
Because university students are indicative of the population as a whole? Is that what you're actually trying to argue?

>> No.17511781

Obviously, trying to paint any country with a broad brush is going to make you look stupid.
In just about any country and any social class you can find girls who want to flex their brands and others who want to look like they're wearing vintage stuff. Hilariously, oftentimes the vintage stuff costs just as much.

Also, people don't dress the same way all the time. My gf usually wears jeans and a pullover or a casual sundress but if we're going out some place fancy she's going to wear much more expensive clothes.

>> No.17511782 [DELETED] 
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Why not

>On the other hand degenerate and/or nouveau-riche subcultures
Yeah, but IMO that's not the majority and not represent how northern european dress.

You can literally spot a third worlder here on the way they dress and behave, too gaudy, brand logos everywhere, vulgar/loud way to speak.
The typical european dress like he/she isn't recognizable at all.

>> No.17511788
File: 242 KB, 828x494, 357DBB63-ED5F-49A0-965D-02A731B65758.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least for germany I'd say the overall impact of broader "university-culture" is noticeable and relevant. You also got to keep in mind the german vocational system which in some cases may even exceed foreign higher education (while oc there are more cases undercutting or drastically undercutting foreign higher education). Of course you also got poverty and lowlife culture in cities. Overall I still think the real-world- and media-impact of "uni" shouldn't be underestimated.

Generally you would want to be on the left of the OECD average in picrel and in a country with at least 50 years of little corruption and agriculture and high legal certainty (aka with a traditionally wealthy, euro-culture-influenced middleclass)

Sure, I'm not talking explicitly about expensive vs. inexpensive; Just some vague tendency in branded vs. non-branded.

>> No.17511795

>Why not
OK, just making sure. When people say "third world" here, you can never tell where people think the third world starts. I may not live in Copenhagen but it's not like I live in the middle of nowhere.
Some people mean central Africa, some people mean the United States, some people mean Germany.

>Just some vague tendency in branded vs. non-branded.
With regards to OP's original point (ignoring the racist parts) I believe some of it has to to with how Western text is considered exotic in east Asian countries. The same way that east Asian text is exotic to us.

>> No.17511806

>I believe some of it has to to with how Western text is considered exotic in east Asian countries. The same way that east Asian text is exotic to us
Fair argument! Didn't think about this.
Still I think asian text on clothes in the west is mostly considered lowlife or NEETy-anime or tacky-2013-techwear-lowlife. Only exception may have been Superdry 5 years ago.

>> No.17511811

*10 years ago, man oh man it's 2023.

>> No.17511837

because asians come from a 'face' culture where your appearance and wealth bring honor and dignity to your family. being rich and able to afford expensive clothing -- which means you have a lot of disposable income -- shows people that you are dignified. Koreans want to be pale because it shows that they get to work cushy jobs and make a lot of money and not be the brown-skinned field laborers. Everything in asian culture is about status and posturing.
i dont think this guy has ever met an asian or knows what 'first world' or 'third world' country means.

>> No.17511849 [DELETED] 
File: 59 KB, 888x440, sgfsgsdgf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i dont think this guy has ever met an asian or knows what 'first world' or 'third world' country means.
I totally met asians girls(asian bros are fine), you probably wanna defend they culture with every mental gymnastics imaginary.
>Everything in asian culture is about status and posturing.
Like it is in South America and Africa. In europe posturing is seen as third world behaviour.

>> No.17511853 [DELETED] 
File: 59 KB, 888x440, sgfsgsdgf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i dont think this guy has ever met an asian or knows what 'first world' or 'third world' country means.
I totally met asians, you probably wanna defend they culture with every mental gymnastics imaginary.
>Everything in asian culture is about status and posturing.
Like it is in South America and Africa. In europe posturing is seen as third world behaviour.

>> No.17511854

>i dont think this guy has ever met an asian
porn counts
>or knows what 'first world' or 'third world' country means.
it's whatever /pol/ says.

>> No.17511871
File: 86 KB, 888x440, 1677773216454552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinks cherry-picking images is proof of an argument
yes, we know that europeans are too poor to actually own anything because all of their money is stolen by the government to build more ghettos for rapist sand niggers. that's not the win you think it is.

>> No.17511875

*shows asian woman with extensive plastic surgery to look like white women*

>> No.17511878
File: 146 KB, 1100x733, greta-thunberg-andrew-tate,id=37e7de27,b=wunderweib,w=1100,rm=sk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what eurpeans think is "attractive"

>> No.17511883

Imagine writing this from the US where 40mil ppl are living on foodstamps or any place outside EU(+Canada+Aus+NZ) lmao.

>> No.17511884

Why are you even on /fa/ then?

>> No.17511885
File: 78 KB, 1200x630, Jeremy-Kyle-teeth-MAIN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yeah people in europe think that it is 3rd world behavior
>"people" in europe:

>> No.17511888

I was told that dressing better will get me laid.

>> No.17511889 [DELETED] 
File: 47 KB, 813x438, ggnfnf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Firstly this: >>17511875
Second: Compare them carefully, can you see the broad nigger nose, broad face, almost negroid features on the asian girl?

It's hilarious how the asian girl defenders get salty. Just accept the fact that you desire third world girls.

>> No.17511890

imagine writing this from a country that has food stamps built into the government. i know "40 million people" sounds like a lot to you, but that is literally the population of california. maybe look up how many people actually live in the US.

>> No.17511898 [DELETED] 
File: 47 KB, 813x438, ggnfnf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Firstly this: >>17511875
Second: Compare them carefully, can you see the broad nigger nose, broad face, almost negroid features on the asian girl?

It's hilarious how the asian girl defenders get salty. Just accept the fact that you desire third world girls.

Look closely Thunberg got some asian admixture. She's not typical "nordic" to me.

>> No.17511900

Unimaginable US state of brain-affairs. Mr. McCornsyrup you need and will have to leave the stage very soon.

>> No.17511901
File: 71 KB, 888x440, 1677773216454552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i cant believe this nigga posted a scientology alien next to a picture of a cute korean girl and thinks that's a dunk. im just going to close all of your posts at this point lmao.

>> No.17511902

you live in a US puppet state LMAO

>> No.17511908 [DELETED] 
File: 62 KB, 1097x385, 12123213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao, bro, bad edited pictures, here are some korean women. Same negroid features.
What's the point of posting heavily operated asian girls that want to look like white girls? It's like you're proving me right, nigger.

>> No.17511915

It was nice meeting you Mr McCornsyrup, you know I sadly got to leave now because I'm meeting Mr Wu and Mr Hosseini in Tbilisi now. No-no Mr McCornsyrup I think you wouldn't like it - No Mr. McCornsyrup. But keep me updated on the stuff -you know- inner cities, opioids and the funny stories about your sons! Sure, sure Mr McCornsyrup maybe we can visit a football game or such some time, I'll see if I can make it. And thanks for paying the military defence for the last 70 years!

>> No.17512063

Holy fuck you are dumb

>> No.17512138

because they are from coutries where everybody was poor two generations ago
in the west we have this understanding that you shouldnt flaunt your wealth, in korea and china its the complete opposite, this will change in a few more generations

>> No.17512288 [DELETED] 
File: 595 KB, 840x557, oie_MSt2LPJiXt1E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this will change in a few more generations
I doubt it. In my honest opinion asians are light skin niggers. It's in they blood to be selfish, without empathy, insane.
Look up some asian gore videos where someone get hit by a car in asia and everybody around don't care.
That's why white girls are the best, they're the most open hearted of all races of girls.

>> No.17512345

Most white people can only afford brand names like Nike and Under Armour because they spent all their money on drugs.

>> No.17512365 [DELETED] 
File: 709 KB, 1823x1031, 6AC07B99-6B0B-4C16-BF4C-CD8DC3BC5E68.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at pictures of the Khoisan people from South Africa. Proof asians are niggers.

>> No.17512593

her face looks kinda fucked up

>> No.17513273

Not quite so reductive. Hypebeast is almost exclusively an Asian phenomenon. There is a real trend with Asians feeling the need to be brand conscious.

>> No.17513553

>That's why white girls are the best, they're the most open hearted of all races of girls.
more like most open legged girls

>> No.17513595

You will either look like as asian with ZERO SELF AWARENESS, Or a third worlder trying to flex on other third worlders. It's never a good look.

>> No.17513608 [DELETED] 
File: 81 KB, 564x859, dbd2485cca035499c0b53bc50dbde0dc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>blonde, very pale girl being conservative on the outside, but extremely slutty, nasty, liking ass to mouth
That's all i want

>> No.17513634

How do I not become either

>> No.17513645

Just wear normal clothes. Don't worry about names. If it looks good, if it's good quality, that's all you really need. Maybe I'm just a poor fag but I swear to God I haven't met anyone since middle school who cared about such things.

>> No.17513714
File: 411 KB, 580x658, 1654462875258.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus christ. this post is a perfect examplewhy there should be a wall build around the US and you faggots should never have the option to post globally. I bet you are a poor, uneducated, untraveled looser from some shitty country who has never actually been in asia. Once you visit Japan, Taiwan, Singapore or South Korea you will probably die form jealousy, but I hope you never do. Those poor people should never be exposed to such garbage like you.

>> No.17513754
File: 361 KB, 1170x1411, IMG_3671.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just come out already

>> No.17513807

It's like the third time you make the same post why are you so obsessed with Asian women
what's your agenda, you are a new poster I come here often and you weren't here 3 months ago

>> No.17513956

Sorry I don't like ugly chinks with weak features lol.

>> No.17513962

You're tripping hard. lol, lmao even.

>> No.17513980 [DELETED] 
File: 74 KB, 874x574, Kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not from the US, but asians are literally everywhere where i live. You literally can sense they unempathetic, narcissistic, inferiority complex behaviour. The gore vids from asia where people lying on the floor bleeding and nobody cares is legit as fuck.
Even the nasty stares from them when i'm with a blonde girl, it's hilarious.
The real world isn't anime and asian girls literally have negroid features, broad nose, brown skin, broad face. >>17513754 You poster girl relies on heavy trickery.

Not OP, but i feel OP.

>> No.17513985 [DELETED] 
File: 74 KB, 874x574, Kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not from the US, but asians are literally everywhere where i live. You literally can sense they unempathetic, narcissistic, inferiority complex behaviour. The gore vids from asia where people lying on the floor bleeding and nobody cares is legit as fuck.
Even the nasty stares from asian girls when i'm with a blonde girl, it's hilarious.
The real world isn't anime and asian girls literally have negroid features, broad nose, brown skin, broad face. >>17513754 You poster girl relies on heavy trickery.

Not OP, but i feel OP.

>> No.17514080


>> No.17514543

he's a mullato with white fever

>> No.17514868

People like showing off their wealth

>> No.17514900

Materialistic and status obsessed. I've met women like this on dating apps and they're cold & boring as fuck. Chinese girls are the worst for this, and I strongly suspect a lot of their flashy designer stuff is fake. Avoid.

>> No.17514930 [DELETED] 
File: 65 KB, 870x549, 12312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>materialistic, cold hearted, no empathy, narcissistic
>Chinese girls are the worst for this
I would say asian girls in general. I observed that shit on them too.
Someone must be overly brainshrinked by yellow fever to overlook that traits.

>> No.17514934

no clue who they are, but sure
4 > 5 > 1 > 3 > 2

>> No.17514953

Growing up in California made me stay clear of Asian women forever. I think they’re sexy but personality wise they are terrible utterly materialistic, obnoxious, vapid and boring.
At least basic white girls often like dogs or hiking or care about the environment and shit

>> No.17515010

>but personality wise they are terrible utterly materialistic, obnoxious, vapid and boring
are you sure thats not because they are from california?

>> No.17515484

only fat weebs have yellow fever, if you spend any time around asian girls you'll see them as just another type of roastie within a week

>> No.17515486

They don't have christianity in the Far East. Asians, for all intents and purposes, are cultural atheists

>> No.17515520
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Even asian christians do convert as a cultured social thing. Because being christian means in asia to be european, rich, higher status.
Nah, bro, especially asian girls are over the top narcissistic, materialistic, without empathy, cold hearted.
Atleast white girls do some charity thing or are vegan or some shit like that.
>funny how weeb jannies deleted my posts

>> No.17515524

>>funny how weeb jannies deleted my posts
yeah lmao, how dare you insult muh azn waifus

>> No.17515532

anon posting here has a disturbing obsession with asian girls; making retarded comparisons to justify his hatred. nonetheless, this is not related to fashion, so please take this to /pol/!

>> No.17515534
File: 212 KB, 750x988, F6BA6388-0E03-4511-8F5D-0521DB77DCA8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Asian women are obsessed for real fur.

>> No.17515559
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Pointing out that asian girls are just light skin niggers. Broad nose, broad face, third world cultural background. That fact apparently made some people so salty that they went emotional.

>> No.17515915
File: 403 KB, 1040x2048, FVkHJUAX0AMAeZm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17516091

anon here has a disturbing obsession with OP; making retarded posts seething at threads every chance he gets instead of ignoring them or going outside. autism

>> No.17516419

single post is not obsession, sad to say.

>> No.17516441

Doesn't change the fact that you're bumping/giving attention to a thread that you don't like. It's retarded. If you don't like it, it's very easy to ignore it.

>> No.17516708

>What does that say about a person?
low class

>> No.17516988

How do I nab tight asian pussy?

>> No.17517008
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By disable your brain functions by anime and pay her half your assets, while your get topped by her. After that you supposed to pay your remaining assets to her family.

>> No.17517026

Asians are just as materialistic and shallow as black people hit they have better manners

>> No.17517186

what about asian bussy, is that better

>> No.17517195

>Think of the difference between the girl who carries a Chanel bag vs. one who carries a Prada bag vs. one who carries a Louis Vuitton bag
Can someone articlulate the difference for me? To me they all just mean "expensive handbag".

>> No.17517197

>showing that they're wearing a brand
A marker for low self-esteem.

>> No.17517200

>Can someone articlulate the difference for me
Just google:
symbolic purchasing
low self-esteem

>> No.17517205
File: 265 KB, 549x469, Screenshot 2023-03-05 at 19-31-06 -1117Wx1400H-460235237-black-MODEL.jpg (Imagen WEBP 1117 × 1400 píxeles) - Escalado (64 %).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What does that say about a person
That he is poor and nigger tier.
Brands should be unnoticeable/near unnoticeable since poeple with taste and money can spot the quality looking at the design and fabric of the clothes.
Each time I see a zoomer wearing some RL with a huge polo horse I think "what a tacky nigger". They are even worse than U.S. Polo Assn wearers.

>> No.17517352

god I wish I was rich enough to date a hot asian slut

>> No.17517353
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>> No.17517972

As man who lives in a city with a lot of Chinese people and currently dating one - it is entirely a status thing.

It shows you have money and are therefore valuable. At least in Chinese culture they value things like education and having a high paying job (which is generally what they believe education leads to). Even my girlfriend's mom constantly tells all her friends her daughter is in America and went to some well known university.

That said, you'll find that a lot of these women are extremely vapid. All they know is work, browsing their phones, and extremely low effort activities like getting bubble tea or some shit.

Most of the ones here come from money back home and came here to study. You'll usually see them with some Chinese guy and they pretty much only spend time with each other. Happened to a few of my buddies I used to play sports with.

All that said, still quite a few decent ones if you can deal with the shit ones.

>> No.17517992
File: 603 KB, 776x549, oie_zOrQWkxugLmA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cares more for her smartphone, money, career, you will marry her materialistic family, never taught to be empathic
Who want that shit?

>> No.17518002

How do they maintain their looks so well if all they do is sip bubble tea and do nothing? They must workout and shit right?

>> No.17518018

Not that it matters because none of them would be attracted to your incel ass.

>> No.17518022

And they'd be attracted to your incel ass? You're on the same mongolian basket weaving forum

>> No.17518088

Brand obsession and a desire to show off where your clothing was made is a peasant mindset. So usually it shows someone is either ignorant or views expensive brands and the perception of having money to throw at clothing as being high status. A good example is people who wear Gucci.

>> No.17518133

Because they literally starve themselves. I'm not joking. They will eat like a piece of fruit a day for weeks rather than work out.

But yeah, some do go to the gym.

>> No.17518294

Seething brown hands typed this

>> No.17518307

cringe insecure society

>> No.17518312

Some Gucci is great. Just not the gay logo shit

>> No.17518316

Everytime I see an Asian Wearing something branded I automatically think its chink made fake as fug.

>> No.17518319

those are literally nig brands

>> No.17518321

Why is Adidas not a nig brand btw

>> No.17518323

funny enough those 2 brands are considered
"high end" expensive brands in my 3rd world country.

While in America those two are just throw away fast fashions for white people

>> No.17518325

>Have money
>Money brings wealth to family
>Spend the money on clothes and travel to flaunt it
>No longer have as much money

Don't really understand this. The wealth is only wealth so long as you have enough self-control to hold it for savings or re-invest it. The expensive brand handbag or branded pants in no way represent wealth - secondhand examples exist, or you could have just beaten up a rich person and stolen a handbag. At its absolute best, people will take it at face value and it will mean that you spent your wealth on fucking clothes.

For what purpose? Unironically.

>> No.17518335

It's a status thing. Good education = Good Job = Money = Find a good husband/wife = raise kids -> repeat through your kids lives.

At the end of the day, at least in my experience dating Asian women it's just to flaunt status through money.

The ones I have dated (mostly) come from family wealth and often have a ton of money of their own. I once dated a girl who was a software engineer at a major tech company and got about 4k a month from her parents who were a doctor and lawyer respectively. She dressed like shit though and it was like talking to a wall.

>> No.17518537

based asian girls too alpha 4 u

>> No.17519100

this post just tells me you're poor
if you're working a $150k/year IT job, and you're barely making ends meet paying off an M4 or buying a new pair of $1500 shoes every time you get paid, it's not a sign of wealth
however if your net worth is tens of millions and you're making returns in the hundred-thousands yearly, you can afford to drop money on luxuries. you have no idea how much money these people have; a patek nautilus could fall off their wrist and down a sewer grate, and it wouldn't impact their life one iota

>> No.17519568
File: 617 KB, 1080x1020, 1638541152030.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whitoid cunts are actually quite barbaric subhuman who is obsessed with beastility, fucking animals, and other filthy stuff plus massive whore

>> No.17519570
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>> No.17519573

Love race baiting threads like this

>> No.17519577
File: 163 KB, 960x1200, FQGdjNuaUAADxtO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>filthy stuff plus massive whore
Literally wife material


But asian girls literally are similar to black girls, nigger nose, broad face, suspicious eye stare

>> No.17519595
File: 2.78 MB, 640x360, 1646130280515.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>filthy stuff plus massive whore
sure if you are cuck like typical whitoids nowdays