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File: 269 KB, 500x375, 1428833256982.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17510257 No.17510257 [Reply] [Original]

Everyone else is too lazy edition

>> No.17510271


Jacket is LL Bean, but it's old. It's made in the US, so we're looking at early 90s or older.

>Todays fit
Fully canvassed vintage Cricketeer 3roll2 sport coat. Heavy as hell, absolutely love it. Pants are a dark purple wool, shirt is blue and purple plaid, tie is purple paisley. Apologies for the shit light, couldn't get to my usual spot. Will have better lighting tomorrow.

>> No.17510275
File: 2.46 MB, 3791x5618, IMG_20230228_170244314_HDR~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck me I'm off to a great start.
Pic related is the fit

>> No.17510283

Mr. Biden, I am your biggest fan.

>> No.17510319
File: 1.75 MB, 1612x1903, b15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reposting from last thread since was posted at the end

>> No.17510323

hello newfriend, try using the 3 dots on the top left of your post to delete it and then post again with correct image

>> No.17510462
File: 267 KB, 1000x2925, sgc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17510500

Nice fit, clean & simple. Where'd you get them trousers?

>> No.17510551
File: 2.04 MB, 1936x3060, 1677699128045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure about the clashing patterns of the tie and shirt. Other than that, good
Seems too basic

>> No.17510587
File: 1.87 MB, 2294x4214, 2C34C741-46F6-4558-82FB-BA3A5BB0D839.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dislike shoes and shirt, like coat/pants/tie
Great jacket

No idea if I am pulling off this shirt. 90s L but it fits like XXL and I have to tuck it

>> No.17510627
File: 2.08 MB, 2872x3681, 445F4C59-0176-466D-935C-A4917BD27ABC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like everything except for the shirt
What boots are those?
Comfy vibes, love the shirt

>> No.17510651

>What boots are those?
Austrian paratroopers aka paramemes

>> No.17510712

fuck off normie

>> No.17510717

Love your hands. They look very masculine despite the myriad of effeminate features that define you

>> No.17510814


>> No.17510878

Most backhanded compliment ive ever heard

>> No.17510882

You did post your belly for everyone to feast on.

>> No.17510910

Nice. I have green pants and am never sure how to combine them.

Bit weird to wear docs or lookalikes with that fit, but I used to something similar in uni.

>> No.17510913

Oh im not that anon just an observation

>> No.17510952
File: 1.76 MB, 3024x4032, 20230301_181836.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anything worth checking out in austin this weekend
probably your best outfit so far. collar and tie knot are cohesive, good patterns and textures, nice silhouette.
also this >>17510323
pants ruin it, too slim
waste of posts
pants are low rise mall rubbish, if they had a better rise this would be interesting
bad and 5 years late to eboy trend

>> No.17510959

I like it. Dark academia vibe and also fit your face very well. The pose is pure faggotry though

>> No.17511038

figure out your pants game bro

>> No.17511130
File: 3.51 MB, 1686x2309, j2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

another attempt at this jacket, didnt wanna pair anything that wasnt solid colors w it since its so loud already, but i figured the shirt and jacket both have a sorta zog theme so went w it.

agree w the other guy, get better pants, def high waisted. shirts great, but i think thats a bad haircut for you, makes your forehead look massive.

v nice

pants seem a bit too long

>> No.17511133
File: 265 KB, 690x1508, 20230209_160735.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no idea what I'm doing (adding one homosexual element to the fit seems to make it fashionable)

I like it, although I wish the tie were a different colour :(

Can't say a lot other than I like it.

You look like a bloke I'd have a drink with

Nice... Headphones?

Average public transport customer

>> No.17511136

>mesh shirt
nah, man...

>> No.17511139

I know, but it got me into this girls apartment, so it works

>> No.17511141

I have a feeling your hair is what got you in. Thats the only thing i see that looks particularly good.

>> No.17511151
File: 1.25 MB, 1536x2048, FaceApp_1675802953249.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, fit's mid, I know. But thank you

>> No.17511218

This is the Stan Ray Slim Fatigue in 30R, it's honestly too slim in the calves even for me
this vascularity is abnormal, usually there is no vein bulge
I'm looking forward to if and when that guitarist anon posts an update for more midriff posting

>> No.17511269

best fit in the thread rn, everything else is good but this is the most interesting

>> No.17511280

Forgot to ask, is this a slim fit or heritage?
Vast majority I've seen online are slim, bloody annoying.

>> No.17511292

see >>17511218
Yes I regret buying the slim, I would go with the taper if buying today

>> No.17511297
File: 1.84 MB, 2208x2208, 20230301_161052.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do drywall in the iron hearts it's like breathing air it's nothing it means nothing
>tfw My laptop is dead so no shitty Gimp edits
Love the pockets on this
Pants seem a little slim for the bulky jacket but I appreciate the mil vibe on the fit
Not my style but you look like you'd bottle anyone who talked shit so take that as you want
Beautiful coat. I always have hangups mixing athletic wear with something like combat boots but that's my autism. You do it well
you can wear anything (or nothing) and still be a 10
These fits will never not get me. Pair it with a FBI Female Body Inspector hat for maximum glow
Good take but the mesh tank makes this incredibly homosexual. If thats not what you want then I'd advise against it and make just a plain v neck tee
How do you like the stans? I've wanted some for years but never bit the bullet because I'm unsure about the quality to price

>> No.17511298

I meant the bomber, not the pants.

>> No.17511307

It's alright so far, the panels and the stitching don't have any noticeable problems, the fabric has 1 weird knot thing but it's on the inside of the pocket so I can only feel it when I reach for my phone. Despite the fit being so slim for me, it is still holding up fine
oh shit, yeah the alpha bomber is the heritage fit

>> No.17511311

cheers, perfect

>> No.17511313
File: 3.44 MB, 2880x2880, Feb.27.2023-min-min.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cheers, perfect

>> No.17511380

I love bald men. They always remind me of how hard it is to build civilization

>> No.17511617
File: 1.92 MB, 2162x2400, 20230302_124220.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Concerning the shirt from the last thread: here it is up close

>> No.17511674

I called you a villian from a low budget 70's flick. That was meant as a compliment, btw. That shirt/polo looks so cool. Gotta find me something similar.

>> No.17511753


>> No.17511791
File: 410 KB, 1707x2560, FEE90423-6BB3-4EA7-AC2A-01DA0FAE0852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I crocheted the sweater myself :)

Love your hair! Great Fit and very dark academia vibes (i dig that)

Handsome like always

I dig it!

Whenever i see u in a waywt i get good energy

>> No.17511807

>jumper over collared shirt
>doc martens
>decades long style of average brit child
>:o spooky dusty academy core

>> No.17511844
File: 1.60 MB, 2139x5982, IMG_20230302_101501823_HDR~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really like the overall style but slim fit fatigue pants just seem off to me, I had a pair of Stan Rays I tossed because the more relaxed/original fit is more versatile IMHO.

You have Chad tier facial features and you look like you work out/take care of yourself. Please get a different haircut, it's working against you. Shirt is great, you're built enough to make it look flowy, not sloppy, so it looks like a choice not a mistake. I'd say pair it with some more relaxed and higher rise pants and you'd be set.

You are very attractive and look so much better in this than the turtlenecks. This is a perfect fit for you.

Great fit, apart from the hole in your tie I have nothing bad to say about it. I just ordered a few vintage knit ties, going to be trying something similar fit wise soon. Elegant fit without looking try hard.

So you don't know what you're doing and then immediately drop a pic rocking an ascot in a McDonalds? Somehow the pieces look good but it has this weird "I'm not like OTHER guys look at me look at me FUCKING LOOK AT MEEEEEEE" energy.

I like the fact you're doing manual labor in jeans and not just larping as a laborer. Good shit, I hope you get god tier fades.

I love this shirt. Shit like this makes me wish I was shorter because I never stumble on random cool shit like that shirt in my size.

Thank you! I really like your style as well, it's very unique and expressive, I never see you in anything that feels thrown together and I enjoy your creativity.

>Today's fit
Messing with textures today. Tweed sport coat, green oxford, orange knit tie, navy cords, brown split toes. Really happy with how it came together, feels a little more rustic/casual than my normal fits with ties.

>> No.17511856
File: 372 KB, 1198x1812, epkNRNZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lazy summer edition.

Need light brown shoes, I know.

>> No.17511865

Giving me homo vibes?
Looks okay, nice pants, not a fan of the jacket. ID on New Balance?
Looks stupid
Looks stupid
Good frame and fit, shirt pattern looks stupid. Try navy blue or white but same shirt cut.
First nice fit, feminine face. Italians wouldnt wear these boots.
Looks stupid and is boring and poor
Strong gay vibes but at least you're confident
Nice fit except the fishnet. Lose 70% of the dumb irony.
Same thing, lose the haha irony trait to some degree, it gives off lego collector zelda fan vibes if presented in the funny glasses/ gay pose strength.
Nice but sadly pear shaped body as I have. We should start working out. Also not a fan of the 2 pockets with shirt buttoned.
Imagine this effort while not being confident enough to show face. Do you get nervous when handing your phone to somebody? Very malefashionadvice vibes but oh well.
Looks like nice quality
I hope you are under 23, kind of cringey nintendo switch/ daddy issue/ art hoe but no individual aesthetic understanding vibes. Oh well a woman (hopefully)
Looks less gay, would preferred unbuttoned suit and little more modest red tie or same red tie without gold pin.

>> No.17511872

NIgga you is be wrinkly as fuck

>> No.17511880

The only homosexuality here is radiating from your nit picking obsessive bitch fit of a post where you have magical balls that are big enough to allow you to condescendingly quip at everyone else's fits but are sadly too small to allow you to post one of your own.

The fucking irony of
>Imagine this effort while not being confident enough to show face

Imagine typing your fucking wall of text and including that gem while completely lacking the self awareness to understand the same principle applies to you, you absolutely pathetic piss baby.

Tldr: You're as verbose as a woman while questioning others masculinity, post fit or fuck off faggot.

>> No.17511893

lol, seems like i made somebody very angry, sorry mister shiney-head

>> No.17511911

>no fit
opinion discarded

>> No.17511914

I hope you find enough strength to get to therapy one day and confront your homosexuality. It’s ok to be gay, pal!

Here is a useful website u might need:

>> No.17511926

Post asshole if bleached

>> No.17511929

Why can't I criticize without posting a picture? This makes literally no sense. I'm sorry if you all dress like shit imo and radiate strong homo vibes. I'm not trying to be offensive, honestly.
I have some gay friends and thought about bisexuality sometime. One time met a femboy/transexual and decided it wasn't for me. Still got a blowjob, but didn't feel gay. Thanks anyway mister mirror-head.

>> No.17511946

You first

>> No.17511951

It’s not bleached

>> No.17512000

Post fit. It matters because your understanding of the subject is proven by your appearance. You cant say that about, say, judging movies because the average person doesnt have the resources, time, etc to create a movie, but they can still learn about the art and form reasonable opinions. But with fashion, there's no excuse not to practice it in your life if you want to criticize others' fashion.

>> No.17512005
File: 835 KB, 1324x3002, PXL_20230302_133500516.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17512015

its mid

>> No.17512140
File: 3.03 MB, 2475x5632, IMG_20230302_111349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

really nice other than the chunky boomer shoes. coat looks lux
cool jacket, colors are working. would be better with wider pants
bad. f91w is swag though
good but boring. I think a touch more color would compliment the jacket
boss fit. put some shoes on though. brick wall sleezecore
like this a lot. classy and comfy. fit on everything looks immaculate
nice and clean
I like the jacket better here. the combo is definitely pretty intense but looks coherent
nothing is fitting all that well. v nice hair tho
ironheart sigma male. working in workwear, checks out
very nice
v cute. impressive crochet work
another gorgeous coat. I think this would work better with pants in a darker shade
bad and boring, double whammy
not bad but it's missing something. maybe tuck and add black belt ?

>> No.17512154

>pear shaped body as I have
It's cute tho.

>> No.17512156

This is such a stupid opinion. So much so, it's an opinion constantly sentenced as false by manhood since the dawn of it's existence. And you ineffable stupid folks dont get it and take strange selfies in your blissful ignorance. Maybe I'll post fit later anyways.

>> No.17512163

Doc Martens need to go

>> No.17512185
File: 122 KB, 446x994, hisspa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

executive, presidential
nice jacket
also nice jacket
holy fucking chad
nice fit
this looks amazing on you
hella spook, it's great
based blue collar chad
holy cute
nice and simple
good fit I like

>> No.17512188

Any recommendations?

>> No.17512212
File: 1.61 MB, 3492x4656, IMG_20230302_153158.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

selfish post

>> No.17512213

id on tower?

>> No.17512246
File: 403 KB, 2448x3264, 20230302_125719_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A very natural normal pose today.

Jacket goes very nicely with those purple tones.
Collar over sweater is such a classic tumblr look. Very cute though. Boots are an odd pairing.
So much swag
Great hair
Awesome colors on the jacket. Maybe a different colored/patterned tie would match better.

>> No.17512258
File: 454 KB, 1536x2048, IMG-20230302-WA0003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you.
I got it at this store in person https://www.atoberlinshop.de/
Don't know if they ship worldwide

>>>17511617 (YOU)
>I love this shirt. Shit like this makes me wish I was shorter because I never stumble on random cool shit like that shirt in my size.

I'm 190cm and I've got very wide shoulders, I have to go for 2XL slim fit. So I know that feeling

>>>17511133 (YOU)
>So you don't know what you're doing and then immediately drop a pic rocking an ascot in a McDonalds? Somehow the pieces look good but it has this weird "I'm not like OTHER guys look at me look at me FUCKING LOOK AT MEEEEEEE" energy.

Mind me, we were on acid and just decided to drink champagne at a McDonald's. None of this made any sense.

>>>17511133 (YOU)
>Nice fit except the fishnet. Lose 70% of the dumb irony.
>>>17511151 (YOU)
>Same thing, lose the haha irony trait to some degree, it gives off lego collector zelda fan vibes if presented in the funny glasses/ gay pose strength.

Chill dude, I get it

>>>17511617 (YOU)
>Looks like nice quality

It is!

>>>17511133 (YOU)
>nothing is fitting all that well. v nice hair tho
>>>17511133 (YOU)
>Great hair
>>>17511133 (YOU)
>I dig it!

Thanks! I don't put anything special in my hair and none of my clothes fit that well atm. I lost like 30 pounds and I've got weird proportions.

>> No.17512266

Do you happen to have a line of vacuum cleaners named after you? Because you look like you could suck the universe through a straw.

>> No.17512292

jesus christ i hate newfags please learn how to use 4chan

>> No.17512297

>Chill dude, I get it
No problem, didn't mean to offend. I dont like the shirt with the tshirt in car driving picture, the prior looks are nicer. Also your facial hair looks better groomed. Good for you taking LSD! Keep up and good job losing the weight. Just be silly and funny but don't be insecure. Hagd friend!

>> No.17512298

he sucked my heterosexuality out of me, if you catch my drift ;)

>> No.17512303


>> No.17512304

He's actually been posting for quite a while lel. He's been around for at least 3 years

>> No.17512319

he didn’t literally suck me off anon, it was a metaphor. but with those lips, he’d turn anyone gay, if you’re picking up what i’m putting down

>> No.17512356

yeah it took me a minute to figure out who he was with the schizo posting.
i remember his ugly chunky sweater fits

>> No.17512359

What kind of pants are those? They are perfect for you.

I really like that fit, it's more colorful than what you normally wear without being garish.
>Needs darker pants
They're navy, how much darker would you go?

>> No.17512381

Theyre tweed outdoors pants found on ebay. The maker is an outdoors company that doesnt seem to make anything good today, but the tag says made in USA so the pair must be old and decent quality. It was a truly lucky find because theyre 26 waist. Normally i buy 28 and have it tailored down, or buy womens 4 or 6 if the rise is high enough.

>> No.17512432

>how much darker
maybe not darker now that I've taken a second look. I think the color saturation is actually the issue. The jacket is already so interesting that I don't think you need to add more color here. It's a little overwhelming in the tone department. I think something that plays with the shade of the jacket stripe would compliment it better - something ochre adjacent that's not overly saturated perhaps

>> No.17512448

I really like this. Loving the color combination.

>> No.17512485

Glows, 10/10 w2c shirt & pants?

>> No.17512508
File: 1.11 MB, 2620x2960, PXL_20230303_002414307~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shirt from Poncho Outdoors just arrived. Not sure how I feel about it. Been dying to find a pearl snap shirt that actually fits me in all dimensions so I figured I'd drop the 75 bucks on this and see how it fit. This is a large slim and fits great through the shoulders and arms but I think would need taken in in the chest and waist. I think I was hoping to be a little more wowed but might just return it and continue my quest.

>> No.17512512
File: 1.58 MB, 1256x1501, barbour.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my dad gave me his old barbour, itll go great w some of my suits but trying to find other things it works with, i think this'd be good w a sweater in a similar green, maybe a commando sweater. rains every other day in seattle so im glad to finally have something waterproof that looks nice.

thought you looked familiar from the 70s fit pic, realized i had a pic you posted previously saved in an inspo folder. fantastic style. that shirts great, i gotta get one from the people you linked

:). love the sweater, really cool that you made it yourself.

excellent. browsing the sportcoats tn

shirt a friend found on etsy, try there/ebay. jeans are cheap from a thrift store.

v good

>> No.17512529
File: 626 KB, 1400x1340, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very cozy fit, I really like it! I've seen your posts on styleforum as well and love the positivity.
You look Mike Wheeler from Stranger Things and the esthetic also matches. That's very neat!
I've been wanting to get myself some Belgian loafers for a while now. Are they comfortable to walk in?

>> No.17512532

I think I'm gonna go ahead and return this and try some other colors. Think it was just the grey that wasn't doing it for me.

>> No.17512534

What makes it sòy

>> No.17512563

I always show up to these threads for you anon. I've never seen a bad fit.

>> No.17512714

NB model is 574 Rugged, color is Rain Cloud with White

>> No.17512732

i like both the mr. casual and the henri. i think they are only sold in NY?

>> No.17512747
File: 62 KB, 712x807, bbman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rate the fit fellas

>> No.17512912

this is your best yet, looks really good

>> No.17512948
File: 188 KB, 900x1200, 9a2be534cc379c9ced5c88d3303deb2e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u'd look good w/ dis

>> No.17512973

looks silly bro

>> No.17512975

your body type suits this style, and the belt and jeans look good, but yeah that shirt doesn't look great - very rumply and wrinkled. i'd suggest a patterned color shirt. there are tons of western wear stores with lots of pearl snaps like that near me, but i'm not sure how that is in your area

>> No.17512982
File: 2.05 MB, 3120x4160, IMG_20230303_095405.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like the sunglasses, but I'm not very fond of a lot of flashy colors in 1 fit.
Cool, but you already knew that.
Looks like a gentleman, like it.
I like it, resembles the style of a friend of mine.
Personally, I don't like the pose and the belt, the rest is good I guess.
Autumn... I like it a lot.

>> No.17512987
File: 1.32 MB, 857x715, WAYWT1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very nice, love the jacket.
I like that the whole outfit is all muted colors, goes well together.
I really like the jacket and the shoes, nice fit.
Love the shirt.
This outfit is very nice, I really like the texture on the tie and the loafers.
I like that the shoes match the shirt and the jacket.
It's ok, you have nice hair.
Nice, I like the jacket.
Love the pattern.
It's ok, I like the shoes.
One again, very nice, I prefer this one over the other. Really like the corduroy pants.
It's ok, I like the print on the shirt.
It's ok, the pants are nice.
Nice, you have great hair.
Very nice, love the pants and the shoes.
Nice, I like the coat.
It's ok, I like the jeans and the jacket.
It's ok. I like the print on the shirt, it reminds me of the Sonic Youth album.

>> No.17512990
File: 549 KB, 1512x1512, 1663706613804.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just posting from my phone that's why

Not me

Thank you, man!

>> No.17512994


>> No.17513005
File: 1.99 MB, 1536x2048, IMG-20230113-WA0047.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thought you looked familiar from the 70s fit pic,
Yeah that's me - thanks for all the compliments!

>I like it, resembles the style of a friend of mine.
At this point it's literally just not leaving the house naked

>> No.17513007

I mean... I guess I'm just used to it?

>> No.17513010
File: 1.34 MB, 1536x2048, 1677593168359.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hahah, I get it, dw

>> No.17513013

How many kids have you raped?

>> No.17513015

I think the color is actually what I disliked about it. I'm returning it and am ordering the same shirt but in burgundy, green, and tan. Hopefully getting them altered won't cost too much, but if I can finally get rid of all my shirts that don't quite fit me and just have a few that do I'll be so happy.

>> No.17513053

Oh god you look horrible. You look like you dont shower and masturbate a lot, I wouldnt hire you.

>> No.17513054

Are you the same person? If so stop looking like second pic and start looking more like first pic but without the aristocracy scarf.

>> No.17513082

Do you actually think that's fashion or is it just a lame boomer joke? I serious don't understand why you would post a pic like that.

>> No.17513090

>If so stop looking like second pic and start looking more like first pic but without the aristocracy scarf.

Ignore the second half of this statement. I'm trying to bring scarves and ascots back, keep rocking that shit.

>How many kids have you raped?
Do you mean today, or total?

I like this, it looks good but it's also really,really different from most other fits here. Its elegant, surprisingly conservative and slightly old fashioned without being like a costume. Legit cool because it's different.

>Corduroy pants
I'll be trying another cord centric fit later in the week, I need some lighter and brighter colors today though. Cords are great, I don't know why more people don't pair them with sport coats.

I'm guessing you're built similar to me, so I highly recommend vintage Wrangler shirts on eBay. You'll pay $75 or less and they will be higher quality with better construction and more interesting patterns.

Fuck anon is spot on, this shirt would be perfect on you. Hell I want to find something like that now.

Best itt.

>> No.17513097

Hey quick reminder you do in fact have a shiny bald head, radiate strong homo energy and look like early 40s posting "I'm trying to bring back scarfs and ascots" on 4chan

>> No.17513115

That's fine.
>Do you actually think that's fashion
I know it's not popular or "fashionable" to dress this way but it's what fits me best and I like it.
I'm 19.
Thank you. (:

>> No.17513161

Lmao, yes I am in my 40s, and yes I'm aware I'm bald. You seem to be posting under the belief that I'm somehow not aware that I'm bald, like you telling me this is some life shattering insult. I'm ok with being bald, I don't really tie my sense of worth to things beyond my control.
The difference between you and me is I'm comfortable with myself and generally try and stay positive and help people out here, maybe brighten their day somehow. Compliment their fits, answer questions, maybe help them find some clothes. Whereas you are so sad, empty and small that you derive satisfaction from poorly attempting to insult people while not having the meager courage to post yourself. How empty is your day that this is enjoyable for you? Also, how stupid are you that you'd come to a fashion board and try and offend someone based on their sexuality? Do you think a fashion thread is a strong bastion of conservative values and heterosexuality? Help me out, walk me through your thought process here.

>> No.17513254

Hey Mr. Bald! Thank you for the kind reply! Glad you take time out to argue with people half your age and a head full of hair on this precious dolphine pedicure forum. I am bored because I'm visiting family and university didn't start yet and thought that this is the perfect time to make some 45 year old bald guy posting his green corduroy pants and complimenting 18-21 year old feeble-minded goth girls realize something may be off. The length of your answer feels reassuring. Have a good day and don't forget to polish and call your probation officer!

>> No.17513278

Based Parameme enjoyer

>> No.17513285

What IH # are those? I like the look of that cut. Been thinking of picking up a pair of 21oz 888s.

>> No.17513292

blue and green should never be seen except in the washing machine

>> No.17513346
File: 2.78 MB, 3456x4608, IMG_20230303_170111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice shirt and pants combo also the necklace really suits your style

Your hair is just awesome man but please wear a different cap

You look kinda old (no offense though)

That shirt and the hoodie doesn't go well together. Shoes look cool though

Really like your grungey style and keep the glasses they suit your face alot

>> No.17513497

These are the 634S. Mid rise regular fit, they're probably the cheapest pairs you can find
Not a jacket but the wrangler shirt is good. ~7oz denim with real pearl snap buttons
Pioneer Elite by Andrew Jones. discontinued line but they still come up every now and then.
Oh hush *-*
buying jeans specifically not to work in them is cringe for anyone working a full time job. When the fuck are you even gonna wear them if you immediately take out 50hr/week?

>> No.17513679
File: 2.50 MB, 2565x5131, IMG_20230303_110225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

back on the grandpa core for today

nice, I like the reds here. I feel like something weird is happening with your pants/belt but maybe it's just to show off belt for pic
your fits are always mid but your vibe makes up for it. you look warm and inviting
shirt seems too big for the tuck here. bunching weirdly. pants and boots look lux tho
good call returning this. looks wide, even for a slim cut. I think thinner fabrics work better with pearl snaps too
this is very nice
why are the collars popped? also do you own anything other than loafers?
boring mall core
don't mind this. sweater is a little bright for the absence of color otherwise tho. either go darker sweater or add more color elsewhere
leo from gatsby core
this looks nice, show shoes tho! you look smol and cuddleable

>> No.17513682

for someone whose mommy sold to pedophiles, i happen to have an acute nose for nonces and this guy doesn't tickle my radar. you're not aware of how they carry themselves. you'd rather larp like you're competent because your guidance counselor guided his balls down your throat. your read on people is inferior
yea, no.

>> No.17513801
File: 951 KB, 2663x2916, whatever.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17513843

I don't get what you want to say. Can you explain what the first sentence should mean? Sounds scary

>> No.17513861

>asks about my childhood + rape
yeah, spotted the pedophile.
told you so

>> No.17513922

Shirt is a bit too busy but I love those western type shirts. I would have gone with pants in different color, since you're wraring three shades of black, but overall I like it.

>> No.17513936
File: 1.96 MB, 3023x2872, 3AEE4EFE-9F79-4013-9A24-6DED4E524EB6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17513970
File: 1.63 MB, 2213x5716, IMG_20230303_104325896_HDR~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Minimalist, clean, pants look to have a pattern/texture that doesn't come through well with that pose and mirror. Are they pinstripe? Cords?

I really like how you can switch styles/vibes dramatically but it always still feels recognizably you. I really like this, what shirt is that?

Nice boots, I need to buy a pair like that. I've got a pair of Dan Post Milwaukee in black cherry, incredibly comfortable.

Nice, only complaint is the pants are distractingly long

>Today's fit
Time for some bright colors, or as bright as I can comfortably go. One of my favorite pair of pants, they're Canali and made of wool but incredibly light. They go beyond "tropic weight wool" light, they feel like thin tissue paper. Great for warm weather, the problem is the are so light they don't hold their form and drape like my other wool pants.

>> No.17513979

What if I'm wearing noting but underwear and a comforter?

>> No.17514005
File: 1.17 MB, 1575x2100, 43EFC555-0C34-460B-95FA-2D9D15C47624.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

grey and rainy

hell yeah

audrey horne

>> No.17514066

>it's what fits me best
Dude, it literally doesn't fit you because women's clothes aren't engineered for men's bodies. It looks horrible and it's a huge red flag in public. Seriously.

>> No.17514086

If >>17513970 (You) are >>17513861 this, you should get help old bald homoman. I am pretty serious.

>> No.17514146

I just realized that half of my clothes are Mall core, I'm gonna kill myself

>> No.17514221
File: 1.88 MB, 1946x4032, A8EBFC67-4E85-49E0-AF94-D50D5EC07A8B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice jacket, would’ve gone with a crew neck over the collared shirt
Digging the ranchero vibes
I like it but think the shirt shirt should be a different color

>> No.17514231
File: 1.20 MB, 828x1028, DCFC6BB3-8C19-4355-BEB1-CC42A012ED03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Visited the vernissage of my hung boyfriend this eve, i'm a bottom even though i might not look like it

>> No.17514250

jeans are too long/baggy the rest looks ok
not that bad, the pants color doesnt work, too clashy
not bad, uncuff the jeans, the jacket looks too big and by cuffing the jeans it makes it look even bigger
not bad, shirt doesnt go with the fit, its too americana, the rest is ok
not bad
jeans and belt dont go with this fit you need chinos, otherwise ok
the pants shoes and belt dont go with this, you want a braided leather belt, or braided nylon, chinos, shoes that arent black
pretty good, previous poster this is kind of belt you need
ok but whatever
shoes are too shiny, pants color of blue doesnt look right, should be beige or grey, or white
pretty good, i just dont like those shoes, the buckle looks tacky
ahh its alright the jj looks too tight
lol looks ok except the shoes, those shoes do not go with this too pointy
filthy but ok
yup ok
ok but jacket could be a size larger, and pants are too tight

>> No.17514347

>no fit
Opinion discarded, no one cares.

>> No.17514385

Graffiti isn't art you dumb shit. Any time I see some asshole defacing property I call the cops. Oh yeah, almost forgot, your trousers are absolute boomer core dog-shit. Oh and one more thing, your beige turtleneck is also literal cringe. Sorry one more thing, your tweed jacket is ill-fitting, manky and forgettable. The hat is shit too. Good job on the boots! Nah, just kidding, they're obviously off of Amazon. All of this and colour blind too! Seriously stop posting pics of yourself, thanks.

>> No.17514392

Why do right wingers simp for cops so hard

>> No.17514397
File: 369 KB, 1177x1600, 1985 tumblr_dfe1259671c53b01bdce3b380314a9ae_ff5847b2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shirt seems too big for the tuck here. bunching weirdly. pants and boots look lux tho
My goal look is slim(ish) pants with baggy tops tucked at the natural waist. When i have the time i want to get the shirt tailored so it tapers a bit to the waist, and the pants to be slightly slimmer through the behind/thigh area.

>> No.17514441


Lmao at replying to yourself. I'm flattered that I've got a stalker now, BPD nutters like you have the perfect combination of manic energy to focus and lack of a job to take up their time. Good job going back multiple threads to find a pic I posted weeks ago, I've never had anyone build up a collection of me before. My dick's bald too, let me know if you want me to post that, give you something fresh to obsess over.

>> No.17514442 [DELETED] 

I respect it. A comfortable man has no need to be "stylish" for he has transcended such vanities.

Because they are enormously stimulated by the "bloodsport" of police brutality. That and they love hierarchy, authority, and power tripping, which the police have permissions to enact.

>> No.17514455

And I know you don't give two shit about fashion but if you're going to talk shit about clothes at least learn about them a little so you don't look dumb. Let me help you:


Talking points:
1: Over priced
2: The color blue isn't manly, real men should only wear blue and black
3: Not American made, therefore gay and globohomo
4: Boot are too informal and clash with the rest of the fit
5: Bright colors aren't practical, sole purpose is to lure young children into the tape dungeon

See, isn't that better and just a little more creative?

Regarding the "graffiti", I would have thought the carpet would have been a big clue to an astute intellectual titan like yourself that maybe it's not graffiti but clearly I was wrong there too.

>> No.17514462 [DELETED] 

They're enormously stimulated by police brutality.
That and they love hierarchy, authority, and power tripping, which the police have permissions to enact without recourse, generally.
There's a bunch more reasons but I'm sure this post will generate enough scorn as is.

>> No.17514479

They're enormously stimulated by police brutality against those who are a perceived threat.
That and they love hierarchy, authority, and power tripping, which the police have permissions to enact without recourse, generally.
There's a bunch of other reasons but I'm sure this post will generate enough scorn as is.

>> No.17514507

jesus christ there's a literal trash bag

>> No.17514530

It's full of used condoms from all the hole he's been slamming. Plus, he's clearly in the process of tidying his room, just a Dr Peterson prescribed, and if there's a man who knows the key to unlocking mad gash it's him.

>> No.17514567

>speech speech!
"Fat girls need love too" raises glass snaps photo

>> No.17514621

not with that stache

>> No.17514639

Fair point. But we can only see a fraction of his face. There's every possibility he's got thick, luscious hair literally dripping with pheromones and oceanic eyes you could get lost in for hours.
He could also look like Ian Fidance.
I guess we'll never know.

>> No.17514732
File: 768 KB, 2640x1488, 20230303_155431.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whole fit freshly thrifted. sweater mad comfy

>> No.17514739

Very nice but i wont read this. Available in print by any chance?

>> No.17514908

>sweater is a little bright for the absence of color
Noticed that after you said it, thanks.
Here's your (you).
Thank you.
Thank you.

>> No.17514968

comfy. jacket id?

>> No.17515035

It’s just a champion vest over a Kirkland quarter zip lol

>> No.17515142
File: 644 KB, 1500x2000, IMG_20230304_123233.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Help, something is off but I'm sure Green does go with Blue.

>> No.17515182
File: 538 KB, 437x1028, 1677890340205004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Regarding the "graffiti", I would have thought the carpet would have been a big clue to an astute intellectual titan like yourself that maybe it's not graffiti
Oh ok, cool, here's a little more art on top of that art. See how that works? Yeah, we all know it's an "art" installation my dude. Seriously tho, stop letting the White Male Gaze tell you what is and what isn't art. Graffitti is a crime and your fashion sense is too, lol.

>> No.17515339

I like how even more people join in confronting the 45 year old bald man! Keep it up!

>> No.17515359

this looks fine in an ad and awful on you

>> No.17515370
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>> No.17515469
File: 937 KB, 1024x1024, Resize_20230304_112342_2720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17515558

cohesive and form flattering

>> No.17515629
File: 2.65 MB, 1416x2048, Untitled2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgive my face

also can't really tell the colour of the pants but they're brown cords - which i have been told are way too short and that i'm retarded.
shaggy rogers inspo

>> No.17515634

id on that shirt?

>> No.17515766

Hey, it's ranch anon. As always, dighing your fits.

That's how I dressed in late 90's to early 00's. Not convinced about the shirts combo. The jacket makes the fit.

>> No.17515770

Pants looking zesty

>> No.17515780

Thanks. Out of the three pairs of Wrangler 0936's I have these ones started off the tightest and also shrunk the most. Just walked around for 2 hours in 'em and I think I need to size up now.

>> No.17515812
File: 1.76 MB, 4130x3790, OZWEEGOS-SUCK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17515814

why are you here?

>> No.17515820


>> No.17516593
File: 223 KB, 1500x1500, 167749122841484457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Y’all niggas need one of these

>> No.17516649
File: 620 KB, 1146x2454, 20230305.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I go with this

>> No.17516650
File: 412 KB, 923x2238, 20230306.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or this(I'll iron it I swear)

>> No.17516654
File: 72 KB, 1600x1067, 200622181858-noose-stock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go with this

>> No.17516657

but srs this is the best of the two. Honestly i'd change the pants.

>> No.17517146
File: 1.10 MB, 2736x3648, 20230305_083309.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where did you get that shirt from? Good fit overall but that shirt is something else, it's so good I wish I had one just like it.

I really like your shirt pal. Got a good few like that myself. Very nice choice of jewellery as well.

Minimalist but it looks pretty good on you.

>> No.17517376

roark on the range
might be tough to find now

>> No.17517394

Very Clean, I Fucking Love This Guy, I Don't Know Why But I Get Emotional When I See You, I Genuinely Just Started Crying, Keep Going Bro I'm Rooting For You

>> No.17517399

Hamilton /fa/g

>> No.17517464
File: 3.42 MB, 1532x1934, z2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

been meaning to try this combo for a bit, works p well imo.

very good

oh yeah that would be great, ty for the suggestion, gonna try and find similar. reminds me of scott frasers stuff

ty, makes me happy to hear

nice tie

>> No.17517525

Me and my friend shopping got a myself a nice pair of new balances

>> No.17517528
File: 1.06 MB, 1284x2778, Picsart_23-03-05_23-30-34-239.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot the pic lol

>> No.17517633

y-you too

>> No.17517666

Thank you, the tie is a vintage Ermenegildo Zegna. I like your clothes a lot, particularly the trousers. They have a certain 1930s feel to them and they really suit you well.

>> No.17517827

clownish. like really awful. cringe collection level. sorry
mob film stand in, also cringe

>> No.17517915

Nice fit nigger, you really showed them.

>> No.17517916


>> No.17517922
File: 900 KB, 1161x2841, 792B80C8-CBA2-4572-AD11-DC77A64DFD3B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17517930

7th itt

>> No.17517944

Lmfao, you're an absolute clown. This fit you? This is what you think allows you to critique?

You're not wearing clothes, you're wearing a costume. Fucking look at you. You read an article on Reddit that linked to Gentleman's Gazette, read it, popped a couple zits and thought "Mmmn yes I can dress Ivy, that will show what a classy gentleman I am."

And in your defense, the clothes selection is pretty decent. So why is it a costume? Look behind him at the room. You are poor. Shit furniture, no shade on the lamp, mirror just shoved on the floor, poorfag bet, etc.

You're dressing a style you think you understand but it's part of a culture that you clearly aren't. Hence the costume bit, you're a little kid playing dress up and calling other people cringe. Take a look in your sad, broke bitch mirror. You called the guy a stand in for a mob movie, which may be true, his lapels are so wide you could land a plane on them. But what the fuck are you supposed to be then? The stereotypical spoiled rich kid in an 80s movie?

>> No.17517948

You had a good body, you clearly work out. Your clothes fit well but are boring as fuck. Congratulations, you are a good looking normal person. You fit in well with the current societal norms and trends and will get attention from the opposite sex, get the fuck out of this thread it's the living embodiment of crab pot mentality populated by bitter peacock tryhards. You will not receive good advice, you will not receive constructive criticism or feedbacks, there's no good ending here. No matter what you wear or what you look like some shitbird will try and tear you down until you realize you aren't posting fits to have fun or learn, you're posting fits to prove them wrong which is impossible.

You look good, you've clearly done the work, go enjoy the well earned fruits of your labor and stay out of this place.

>> No.17517951

what kind of flyover do you come from to be this scared of a blazer and tie?
i can tell you the furniture brands if you wanna complain about those too

>> No.17517952

some people have jobs and social lives and cant larp eccentric outfits

>> No.17517954


>> No.17518007

>You have a good body, you clearly workout
These self repliers are getting insane

>> No.17518021

The reddit spacing is the cherry on top

>> No.17518233

Based autism.

>> No.17518248

I'm not scared of a blazer and tie, I'm tired of people like you putting on shit like a costume and calling it fashion. You're just a younger version of the old bald dumb fuck, people wearing uniforms of a bygone era and thinking they're well dressed with other morons lapping it up. Who dresses like that anymore? Ivy league professors? Taking a shot in the dark here but I'm betting the closest you came to Ivy league was a rejection letter. It's 2023, this is a fashion board, if you want to post here wear something vaguely current and appropriate.

>> No.17518252

Are you the bald man from

>> No.17518331

Absolutely correct.

>> No.17518404

>mob film stand in
Touché. You're not the first and likely wont be the last to make that observation, but if you're going to say I look cringe then surely you should also accept that label yourself for looking like an aspirant trust fund baby.

>> No.17518462
File: 1019 KB, 1072x715, Screenshot_20230306_173244_Gallery.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17518549
File: 400 KB, 712x716, summer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

from last summer

>> No.17518552
File: 985 KB, 713x707, winter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

currently (fuck winter)

>> No.17518564

ew youre back

>> No.17518565
File: 57 KB, 256x256, 167768456409581859.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17518582

Nice Jacket and tie especially. The shoes are a nice touch.
I'm usually against shirts that have conflicting patterns, and I don't like the paisley on checker plaid.
It was good of you to match your trousers with your tie.

>> No.17518588

Get wider pants, they're currently too tight. preferably some sort of corduroy. They shouldn't be touching your shoes especially with that kind of shoe. the shirt is also to long and would look better if it was white.

>> No.17518593
File: 398 KB, 1080x1920, IMG_20230306_203726_065.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17518595

Pants are shit and so is your haircut. fix these and you'll have a good outfit. You're wrists are bare, which means you should get some sort of watch.

>> No.17518600
File: 596 KB, 713x951, exercising_exerciser.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17518909

So fucking bad it killed the thread. Well done.

>> No.17518921

you look like 070 shake

>> No.17519113

incredibly disjointed, but if that's what you're going for great job.

>> No.17519165
File: 194 KB, 1080x1440, IMG_20220805_012623_815.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Disjointed huh

>> No.17519166
File: 269 KB, 1080x1920, IMG_20221108_224931_416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Y'all call me everything and anything kinda the only reason I post here

>> No.17519168
File: 3.01 MB, 3024x3024, IMG_20220829_204228_334.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More old "disjointed" fits

>> No.17519169

nice, certified qt
love it as always

>> No.17519170

go back to your discord fag

>> No.17519172
File: 634 KB, 1080x1078, Screenshot_20221212_044956.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Omg so disjointed

>> No.17519189
File: 676 KB, 1079x1439, Screenshot_20230307_045430.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

U ok? Discord what bby

>> No.17519190

Stunning, powerful and bold. Cohesive and evocative, literally and unequivocally the best fits in the thread, derided by people who cling to dressing like they're on the way to party with Buffy and Muffie at Cape Cod in 1986. This is a figure for *now*, this is fashion, this is relevant. Amazing. Sadly wasted, pearls before swine.

>> No.17519227
File: 168 KB, 1280x789, Untitled Large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's a 50% match

>> No.17519234

Is thst your sister?

>> No.17519237

kek this nigga has diabetes

>> No.17519246 [DELETED] 

Now cosplaying for when its spring.

>mob film stand in, also cringe
Do you say that because of the clothing or the Sil-esque widows peak
Very interesting but i feel the tucked in sweater is off and gives it a feminine feel

>> No.17519249
File: 379 KB, 2448x3264, 20230306_204302_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>17512246 (You)
Now cosplaying for when its spring.

>mob film stand in, also cringe
Do you say that because of the clothing or the Sil-esque widows peak
Very interesting but i feel the tucked in sweater is off and gives it a feminine feel

>> No.17519256

you candy ass faggot

>> No.17519274

nice ankle hair

>> No.17519288
File: 882 KB, 1125x1462, 34670BDD-8DEE-4051-ABCB-6592B5E6B1EC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yea but we fuckin tho

>> No.17519296
File: 3.48 MB, 4032x3024, A510B6EF-6D3A-460D-95B4-0B59BCCBFB11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bonus pet laughing gull

>> No.17519301
File: 345 KB, 1125x1991, 49220EE2-9E88-4F5C-9754-059729D0553E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it did that fucking new f word thing cuz im stupid

>> No.17519309

cap ruins it

your hair looks greasy dude, wear your hair on the back of your shoulders, looks so bad down like that

its bad, looks like a potatosack, shoes and colors dont really match

nigga you are extremely mentally ill, stay away from children and normal people, you're a burden.

its ok pretty basic "teah-wear"

why are you already dressing like its summer?




without the hat, this is good, reminds me of Slater

basic norm

the hat is so lame and yes you look like a faggot you didnt have to state it I could just tell, your choice of colors is just faggotry


this is good honestly and i dont say that because of the american jacket, thats a good fit regardless of what jacket you wear



I dig it the shirt is too frivolous but its alright

>white socks

its very basic man

pretty good desu


>white socks

no coat please wear a shorter one

hobocore its terrible by far the biggest slop so far

>> No.17519325

>cap ruins it
Do you dislike baseball caps in general or just this specific one

>> No.17519330

>your hair looks greasy dude, wear your hair on the back of your shoulders, looks so bad down like that

I'm not 070 shake, moron, I'm making a comparison between her and the guy that posted earlier in this thread

>> No.17519332

Dude I think your coat is uncircumcized

>> No.17519333

kek they literally are a schizo diabetic

>> No.17519346
File: 2.00 MB, 1594x1936, 20230306_22114999.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the only corduroy pants I have are white and brown

>> No.17519348
File: 240 KB, 1125x2000, 1C6A38BD-4751-4AB8-A3B1-19EC03A2B1D9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yea i got dealt the worst cards, except... ratio. i know you dont speak the language but these are from my medical journals and im sure you can figure out what this means. do a mensa or wais-iv test and give me more criticism about shit i cant control lmao

>> No.17519356

id on jacket?

>> No.17519370

Second hand from the 80s from a relative of mine

>> No.17519374
File: 13 KB, 143x422, IMG_0727.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tested out the new streetwear fit, whaddaya all think?

>> No.17519382
File: 517 KB, 765x1929, 20230306_22502555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more random shit

>> No.17519393

Longer shirt than jacket is a bad look.
Thats more like it, nice colors, nice belt. Thanks for refreshing the thread, I dont know why but it seems to have much more boring dogshit than usual.

>> No.17519613

stop shopping on amazon my bro

>> No.17519703

Timmy Turner? Is that you?

>> No.17519740
File: 335 KB, 448x898, WhatsApp Image 2023-03-07 at 15.59.46.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you do, fellow kids?

Are steel beam guy and sketches guy still with us?

>> No.17519744
File: 134 KB, 971x671, WhatsApp Image 2023-03-07 at 15.58.52.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17519748
File: 357 KB, 1170x1600, WhatsApp Image 2023-03-07 at 15.58.12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Lardini sport coat and trousers
Doppiaa sweater
Versace PS
Drake's scarf
Astorflex chukkas

>> No.17519764
File: 447 KB, 1290x1569, WhatsApp Image 2023-03-07 at 16.27.55.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17519773

How do you like the astroflex chukkas? Can you send some more pictures?
I was thinking about getting this exact model because I read they are great quality.

>> No.17519778
File: 3.99 MB, 4114x3512, fit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

n'other ozweego outfit.

looking kind of gay but i can dig it. Its a classy kind of gay. You look like you drive a convertible.

Not a fan. The trousers look way too long. Top looks too short, not a fan of the red jacket with the cream chinos/grey tee. Maybe its the angle
are both better but still not amazing. I think its the chinos i dont like. With the black pants looks way better.

Looking like a waiter on his first shift.

pajeetcore. not terrible fits but the hairline on the right is giving me nightmares about the norwood reaper.

too experimental for my tastes. I think you being kinda jacked actually makes these fits look a bit goofy. Ive seen u in here before. But u do u ig.

>> No.17519810
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Cause I'm thin and I'm neat?

>Not that there's anything wrong with that



The build quality is astounding and the suede is thick and rich in color. It ain't Alden LHS tier but it's close. I ended up getting a pair of Beenflex after those Dukeflex cause they're so comfy and versatile.

The Dukeflex pictured above are really low/flat in the toe box (and partially in the vamp) tho, so I had to size up half a size.

Also, get some Saphir super Invulner waterproof spray and apply every 6 months or so, that'll keep them in pristine conditions for a long time.

>> No.17519838


>> No.17519839
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yeah that's the balenciaga

>> No.17519861

Incredibly based fit.

>> No.17519864

lose some weight and you could look like the star in an 90s film about bittersweet love. you aren't handsome, but you're ugly in a very good way.
there's a mafia movie about two people shown in a very homoerotic light waiting just for you!
wow did you shit out your period blood? haha
could you look a little more cheerful man? you're getting a picture taken, you aren't shooting a tv show about detectives. seriously, why so grumpy? it's not like you just stepped on a pile of dogshit. you gotta chill out!

>> No.17519944
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Not that guy however, believe it or not, 4chan was around back in 2004 when people pushing 40 were around your age and it's basically the only place left on the internet that doesn't revolve around likes or karma-whoring, so why would we stop posting on here, you f zoomer?

How about you go back to *eddit, where you belong, with your preposterous gatekeeping, if it bothers you so much? We were here first.

>> No.17519980
File: 70 KB, 599x595, Zoom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Whoa, zoom, I'd like to fly far away from here
>Where my mind can see fresh and clear
>And I'll find the love that I long to see
>People can be as what they wanna be

>> No.17519989

you are the most homosexual nigger i have ever seen on this board. to put it frankly, if you are not a user of reddit or twitter, you ought to kill yourself, since you STILL have such a terrible sense of humor and inability to write to save your damn life. you've been on 4chan for what, 20 years? and you post like this? fucking faggot. if these are oldfags, i see why this site's declined so much.

>> No.17520050
File: 622 KB, 1536x864, WIN_20230307_19_45_27_Pro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just imagine I was wearing a jeans. I love these simple sweaters

>> No.17520058
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You gonna pee pee your pants you little retard?

>> No.17520061

imagine buying ozweegos when the rest of your closet is walmart
reddit spacing

>> No.17520178

Not part of the on-going tirade between you and that other guy, just wanted to say that I really hate this little frog for some reason.

>> No.17520193
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jeans and tee are apc. Dunno what the jacket is.

Also please tell me what you're SUPPOSED to style ozweegos with. Im not being snarky, i just want fit inspo for em. I think my fit looks okay tho.

>> No.17520194

walmart clothes with ozweegos sounds kino

>> No.17520281

>not asking about the furniture
bummer. anyways the fact you brought up bald anon just goes to show how scared you are of tailoring. stay away from NY you'd have a heart attack!
kek. lurk moar btw

>> No.17520359

ID on sweater?

>> No.17520408

i bet that guy is sad hes becoming known as "bald anon" lel

>> No.17520434
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>> No.17520435
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I normally like muted tone, I think there needs to be a different sport coat though to give more contrast or texture. I like the tie, I really like the collar on the shirt and the pattern on the shirt, they're being dulled down by the top layer.

Normally I like and compliment your fits but this doesn't quite work. I can't tell if it's old age or my phone but the sport coat looks to be a different shade of blue than the pants and the stripe a different width and color. Sometimes when two pieces of clothing are very, very close in matching but don't it's more visually jarring than if they were no where near matching. Only exception IMHO are black and grey.
If I just look at the left image I like it.


Your argument is insane because beyond a certain level of necessity ALL fashion is costume or uniform. A sport coat is ivy league larp? I've tried to remain positive and upbeat but that's just stupid. I will concede that wearing sport coats isn't as common as before especially due to COVID but in many professions beyond your clearly hated academic bogeymen a certain level of formality is still required. And even if anon doesn't work in those fields and just dresses this way in his free time, so what? Not everyone has to dress the exact same way, life sucks and if he gets some modicum of happiness from dressing well who gives a shit?

Everything except the cap is great. You do a great job of matching colors and tones though, your fits feel cohesive and don't look forced/unnatural.

Great fit. How many pair of wranglers do you have? I've got two modern pair that are both size 36 in the waist, on 13 and one 936. They fit great. I lucked out and found a pair from the 80s that are a size 38, but they're a perfect fit.

That's a really good look for you anon.

I kneel, looks amazing. Also vaguely like Robert Carlyle in Trainspotting decided to dress trad.

>> No.17520442
File: 2.43 MB, 2402x6709, IMG_20230307_173750151_HDR~3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What's the point/Walmart-core

>anyways the fact you brought up bald anon just goes to show how scared you are of tailoring.

Your fits are great. I'm getting a perverse enjoyment now that I know how much I make people seethe by being bald and wearing a sport coat aka just going about my day.

>Today's fit
>>17519740 aka moustache daddy manages to shit all over what I'm wearing but I am really digging this Zegna sport coat. Completely unstructured and unlined, incredibly soft and comfortable.

>> No.17520503

show me the tag then

>> No.17520641

nothing new, but gonna go to nyc soon and planning to thrift a lot w friends there so i expect ill put some neat new fits together soon enough

I think the color clash is somewhat lighting. they are dif shades, but close enough that under most conditions people don't notice. the stripes are dif too, which is less of an issue than i thought itd be when i bought the jacket. I think a darker under layer helps the two blend better, cleaner look imo and get an order of magnitude more compliments on this with a black sweater/belt/shoes than i did w this combo.

ye, ultimately the ideal for some of how i'd wanna dress and how i'd like to look dont always line up. some of this is also angling to accentuate shoulders, i tend to bc i have wide as shit obliques and so waist/midsection often doesnt look v good from direct front

v good

>> No.17520685
File: 855 KB, 618x927, Screenshot 2022-07-14 at 15-39-07 DtNhFYWWjoi8nZ41yzuDZA_uEcVfVWZ2NfamKIIMOpw.jpg (immagine WEBP 640 × 960 pixel) - Riscalata (96%).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Not the guy you were answering to, however, I happen to work in publishing (clinical trials, medical journals, etc.) in Italy and, although it's an extremely relaxed working environment and the girls are a tad more casual, everyone at my office dresses like an Ivy professor. Suits, blazers and proper shirts are a common sight and ties seem to be a must among the higher ups (I don't wear them as often, I tend to try to defuse the formality a tad with turtlenecks, foulards, scarves and ascots instead).

This carries over to my social life as well, although elegance is context sensitive so I have to bring the formality even further down when I'm going out with friends - since the vast majority of them will be wearing athleisure/streetwear - mixing in different fabrics (hence the denim trousers) and workwear/americana/gorpcore with the occasional streetwear piece (think of ALD and Drake's lookbooks).

Bottom line is, classic menswear is VERY current, influential and feasible, mileage may vary however depending on your circles/social class and I'm under the impression that a lot of the people posting on here live in the middle of nowhere in the countryside of some flyover state and never leave their house.

You should appreciate that people from different walks of life come here to post, giving you some perspective.

Pic related is likely how (YOU) look on a good day btw.

>> No.17520889

I like that you took the criticism without saltiness or anger. You're alright anon. you're alright. I also have a wide midsection so i feel your pain. Even when i was like 10% bf i still had a 33 inch waist.

>> No.17520926

spoiler: nyc thrift scene is awful

>> No.17520966

Based desu

>> No.17520979

Every thrift “scene” is awful
I would even say thrifting was never good

>> No.17520990

thrifting sucked ever since covid when thrift stores found out they could easily exploit chloe price wannabes

>> No.17521053

Is this the guy who made the long hair thread?

>> No.17521078

Thrifting has sucked for over a decade, longer if you're not a standard/easy size.

I'm tall and not fat, so finding shit in a thrift store is near impossible for me, that's why I don't understand people who love going to thrift store. Fuck that,eBay exists. Don't buy anything unless they have pics of the actual measurements ie a tape measure against the actual item. Way easier, literally never been disappointed that way.

>> No.17521093
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desu, i don't give a single fuck

>> No.17521109
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>> No.17521166

wrong, the thrift scene north of nyc is incredible

>> No.17521269
File: 2.01 MB, 4080x2888, IMG_4937.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Scoliosis. That's why my posture is weird, I'm trying not to look like the virgin meme with my neck at a 90 degree angle. I also don't know how to take pics of myself. I have a date today, should I just swap the shirt out for a white sweater/turtleneck?

I love that jacket, I wish I could find a longer one...

>> No.17521295

i would never buy used clothes items because i'm afraid of getting parasites or diseases especially clothes from a large urban area
stay safe bros buy new

>> No.17521303

That jacket is too long

>> No.17521373

Don’t wear that jacket or a black shirt to a date unless you’re meeting a man to fuck you in the ass. Fuck me dead mate

>> No.17521495

no that's someone else

>> No.17521532

pack it up boys

>> No.17521682

Only to say that he do snowboard

>> No.17521685

So true

>> No.17521744
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>> No.17521770
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>> No.17521796

post more please. also requesting deets

>> No.17521827
File: 1.15 MB, 1737x2723, IMG_5179.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

coat - Ann D (2010 or 2011? dont remember)
boots - premiata

>> No.17521836

as other anons said, pretty unique face in a good way, lose weight and exercise and you'll look better

>> No.17521840

>>17521836 was meant for

>> No.17521977

hay bro u need 2 kill yorself

>> No.17522050
File: 164 KB, 800x1200, DSCF0186f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm the one outside. solovair 8 eye greasy, ll bean cardigan you can't really see there, and the rest is random thrift stuff.
just be short. ez

>> No.17522205

getting rape vibes lol ew

>> No.17522434

Love it, fun anime tranniecore looks good

>> No.17522437

Fa victim from 2014 core

>> No.17522449
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>> No.17523170
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Whose fit went harder?
