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File: 2.71 MB, 2449x3674, E6Q2170.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17502276 No.17502276 [Reply] [Original]

What makes it onions?

>> No.17502278

the guy and the clothes

>> No.17502286

Eggers killed modern horror with the witch. Nowadays every horror movie is some half assed drama about how the monster is a metaphor for capitalism or the patriarchy or whatever.
He also cursed us by introducing anya taylor joy, now we have to endure her walled face and mexican tier opera acting in every other movie

>> No.17502287

His beard, hair and glasses makes him looks like someone from the city who wants to look like he goes out in the woods, without ever actually going out there.

>> No.17502289

but he is in the woods though

>> No.17502290

You can see he's barely 50 feet away from the treeline. He walked in there, posed for a photo, then got back in his Tesla and drove to the nearest Starbucks to write an article about how hiking needs to be more diverse.

>> No.17502291

Looks okay to me except for the boots, they have a terrible elevated flamenco boot style appearance.

Are these boots from the brand Whites?

>> No.17502293

He's probably just filming yet another one of his anti white movies

>> No.17502295

those specific beard,glasses,jacket,boots

>> No.17502299
File: 2.92 MB, 291x300, ECE3BE08-E52D-4475-A677-7F9F34AEAD1D.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like a faggot city dweller that has no business being in the woods he would probably catch a cold from a stiff breeze

>> No.17502300

pose boots facefat

>> No.17502301

>high heel shoes
>shit body language
>very groomed hair, that you can see they just came from the city, did a picture and will leave
>soft looking face
absolutely looks like a city slicker visting the woods for a photo

>> No.17502302

>You can see he's barely 50 feet away from the treeline.
What is a treeline?

>> No.17502308
File: 14 KB, 310x464, Robert Eggers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's too well groomed. Like a caricature of what a redneck thinks a city fag looks like.
Also his clothes look brand new.

>> No.17502322
File: 183 KB, 2000x1270, Robert-Eggers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he took the buzzpill

>> No.17502327

>he followed the newest trend

>> No.17502332
File: 71 KB, 735x549, F230CAB3-EF7D-4CF7-9D71-7D15FA8F5578.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate Eggers movies but he’s definitely not the sole reason for the recent decline of horror movies. Shit like the Babadook and Ari Aster’s movies laid the ground work for the twitter-brained s*y horror movie culture that exists now. Movies like Men, Barbarian, X, Pearl, Infinity Pool (and many others) are all shitty flavor of the month flicks that induce shock without any depth or reason for existing besides getting people to talk about them on twitter for a month before they’re instantly forgotten when the next one comes out.
But also fuck you Anya was a top tier qt before she became a bogged cokehead

>> No.17502339

Are these cuban heels on hiking/trecking boots? WTF ARE YOU BURGERS DOING?

>> No.17502341

the edge of where the trees grow

>> No.17502347

they're logger boots

>> No.17502348

round glasses
beard too clean
clothes too fit

>> No.17502357

mega woman pose

>> No.17502362

looks good

>> No.17502473


>> No.17502493


It's not onions. Nothing about this is onions. He's a sharp, handsome man, and you are projecting your own insecurities onto him, and it's quite obvious. By all means, he is what this board consideres effay. Go on any thread about jackets, boots, glasses, watches. etc. and you all give the same advice. So what gives then?

It's because YOU are searching for shortfalls in his appearance, ASSUMING that he is as insecure about it as you are. But you don't know that. That's why it's so obvious that you find your own flaws in him. I think he's handsome. He has a nice beard. I'm sure you will call it an onions hipster beard, even though it's approved by the beard thread. He has a nice beige jacket that I see come up often in the jacket thread. This is getting ridiculous.

He's not smiling enough and his hands are closed because he's probably a little nervous, so you probably came to the conclusion that he is insecure when in reality most people are a little camera shy.

Thank God this is an anonymous forum because I'd be so embarrassed dumping all my mom's spaghetti out of my pockets like you are. Get a grip.

>> No.17502500

looks like he's playing a character rather than being himself

>> No.17502503

Beard to make up for the withering masculinity and lack of muscles obviously, any self-respecting man refuses to fall into corruption (constant drinking, drugs, american "food").
The only masculine people that have beards are either faggots, old people or dwarves. The non masculine version is just an "intellectual" like in op pic.

>> No.17502504

Holy kvetching

>> No.17502509 [DELETED] 

teaching people psychology terms has been humanities biggest mistake

>> No.17502512

teaching millennials psychology terms has been humanity's biggest mistake.

>> No.17502524
File: 1.85 MB, 3516x1504, 1673271193947.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What makes this obviously not soi?

>> No.17502529

based eggers saving cinema

>> No.17503339

he is chubby and emasculated
that's what makes it sóy

>> No.17503598

low bodyfat

>> No.17503600

he's very soft looking to me.

>> No.17503611

still pure onions

>> No.17503773

That type of horror began way firther back with Martyrs. But yeah, A24 and The VVitch specifically made it more popular. I think that type of horror is way better than slasher flicks, though.

>> No.17503777


>> No.17503885

It was brewing on two fronts with the aftermath of the blair witch project driving a "new" type of horror and american directors pulling from giallo. I don't think anyone has really nailed the thriller aspects but I agree it's way better than the slasher formula which has been forced into everything 30 years after it peaked.

>> No.17503916

is it really that simple not to be soi? Just don't be fat?

>> No.17503924

the babyface

>> No.17504008

you really can't figure it out by looking at the picture you dumb fuck

>> No.17504011

what is it about him that looks like a woman or a little boy? I can't place it. Just the eyes? It really looks like an ftm

>> No.17504012

this is equivalent to saying that everyone who hates gays is actually gay themselves. you're not wise. get over yourself.

>> No.17504095

>he didnt build that shit himself
>he still has will to live
>he leans his head to the side like girls do
>he sets up his camera on a tripod to take his gay ass pic
>pants are too tight
>carhart hat taken off to show his perfect hair
>fat like he never done any sports
>married (cuck shed)
> looks like a fat lesbian that transitionned to a male
>no shoulders
most importantly
>looks like automne judging by the dead trees and gray skies and he's not dressed to last more than 10 minutes without getting cold
>no hat

>> No.17504117

I was going to say "I dont understand what drives bugmen to this faux-rugged cosplay", but after a little bit of thinking it makes sense. They probably feel consciously or subconsciously guilty about their privileged, upper/upper-middle class life and want to feel more like what their idea of an "authentic" American man is.
Which is understandable to an extent, I also feel somewhat guilt about my easy sedentary life. But i dont dress to try to hide it.

Theres nothing really wrong with the clothing itself (minus weird boots and carhartt branded cap), the problem is that it doesnt match his face and grooming and lifestyle. Thats what ruins all of thee workwear fits, above the neck they look like chubby metrosexuals.

>> No.17504118
File: 177 KB, 634x951, E31261DCACE045C882DB4A86B2F8211B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No cargos

>> No.17504135

p3's are quite alright, much better than the rectangular incel brand alternative

>> No.17504137

This is mostly it, but that >>17502493 is also true

>> No.17504460

Hi david

>> No.17504537

I think you nailed it

>> No.17504550
File: 2.22 MB, 2225x2487, 1513502936797.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What makes it onions?

>> No.17504554
File: 1.58 MB, 2081x2602, 1510482632663.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
