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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 58 KB, 531x494, Ba737748r8r48383.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17495865 No.17495865 [Reply] [Original]

Thoughts goys?

>> No.17495870

you looked fine before, you look slightly better now

>> No.17495906


>> No.17495923
File: 45 KB, 501x680, 8de089b7ae76e58db08a4a05881bb0fc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe better now, but probably didn't matter at all for your looks given you're a guy, so a bit stupid to fraud on this.

>> No.17495933

Ah yes, the good old "Just Be Gandy"

>> No.17495936
File: 154 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't understand peoples obsession with their own noses. I've never noticed the nose shape of people across from me.
If you're going to fraud on your physique, at least make it something apparent

>> No.17495939
File: 138 KB, 736x1144, bf766fe662e88ec257f0586914455791.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Show me one example of a man looking good before while having this type of nose and looking even better without it.

OR someone looking bad with this nose that went to looking actually good.

You can't which means that this nose type doesn't contribute to a guy's looks either way.

>> No.17495944
File: 195 KB, 1219x1624, 3e5013716381a533cb507fedbc4cc20a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Waiting btw

>> No.17496000

That kind of nose is great if you want to be a hot medi chad. However, some of us want to imitate faggy nord twinks, and it doesn't fucking work.

In short, get whatever surgery you need to be happy

>> No.17496018

Kind of a reddit tier goycattle nose t b h imho. The kikeschnozz had way more character and distinction. Now you’re just another NPC nose in a sea of NPC noses, which would be okay if you were in the witness protection program or something.

>> No.17496030

i think you traded a nose women like for a nose you like

>> No.17496035


This shit is caused by addiction to anime & p0rn. You watch 1000s of hours of big eyes/small nose and get body dysmorphia over it. You are so used to snapchat/instagram slightly changing how you look (they still filter your face even when you don't use filters so you will keep using it since it looks good) that you go through a narcissistic collapse whenever someone takes a photo of your side profile.
In reality, men who keep their ethnic noses are extremely attractive. Now you just look like a estrogenized beady eye anglo or a danecuck & no that's not a compliment.

Stop listening to morbidly obese losers on /pol/ with anime/pr0n addictions who project their failed lives at jews because they are successful & actually attractive IRL so they make jabs at their appearance.

Women & gays love men with prominent noses because it is strong & masculine. I bet your forehead slope doesn't even match your nose. Everyone will know you have rhino now because it doesn't fit your vibe. And you'll probably have post-nasal drip for the rest of your life so everyone's going to think you're a coke addict wannabe influencer. Congratulations.

>> No.17496041

Did you get a feminine nose because you are transitioning?

>> No.17496319
File: 620 KB, 821x661, 3dpg25s5ik031.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you guys retarded?
"Yeah doc give me a nose twice as big and make it crooked like adrien brody , i need SOVL"

>> No.17498408

why are you such a mad little faggot? he looks better after and hey go kill yourself nigger i hope you get aids

>> No.17498517

No way that's real, that has to be shooped holy shit lmao.

>> No.17498845

I think you look better. I never thought I'd say that about plastic surgery

>> No.17498850

What’s before and what’s after?
Waste of money

>> No.17498857

>air is free

>> No.17498963

That's a bad nose, as opposed to OP's which is a good nose for a male.

>> No.17500349

sad that you have been psyopped into paying doctors to change your appearance. i hope you get the therapy you need anon

>> No.17501530
File: 36 KB, 600x579, 1651522657825.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i look like this but with straight hair, what ruins the whole look

>> No.17501650

I’m thinking about it but really worried about scarring.

>> No.17502187

If you avoid the sun it should be almost invisible after 1 month

>> No.17502196

There's nothing sadder than women paying a doctor to turn their natural beauty into cookie cutter porn star faces. You're a man though. A mentally ill one. And you're still covering blemishes while posting on an anonymous image board. Who are you trying to look like?

>> No.17502202

>straight hair
literally infinite products to change that.

>> No.17503045

>implying his nose looked anything like that

>> No.17504621


>> No.17505146

No , its real