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17487366 No.17487366 [Reply] [Original]

What are the key pieces to trick npcs into thinking I’m old money

I know real money wear corduroy with holes in the knees and don’t give a fuck about appearances. That’s not what I’m asking about

>> No.17487376
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>What are the key pieces to trick npcs into thinking I’m old money

>> No.17487379

You can’t fool anyone, you either have the swagger and rizz that comes from being brought up in this ecosystem and you pass, or you don’t and get clocked a mile away.

Sorry bud!

>> No.17487427


>> No.17487429

make sure you look like 1, 4 or 5 but definitely not 2 or 3 if you know what I mean.

>> No.17487444

Impossible. You might fool some dumb bitches in Cancun wearing some polo shit, you'll stick out like a sore thumb around old money. I'm always very honest around them and it's appreciated, they give me great advice when we talk and I surprise them with stories from the world outside of their bubble.

>> No.17487450

simping for feudal lords won't make them anoint you as part of their club, retard

>> No.17487478

I’m going to Paris. I want to hang out with the higher class just out of curiosity. I’m an academic elite but was born into a poor American family. I’m white. Any tips on where to go or what to wear? I wear suits for these work conferences but normally just wear flannels and jeans.

>> No.17487489

Your only hope is that you build a net worth of 10mil and create a trust fund for your grand kids and then have your kids build their own net worth of 10mil and hope your grand kids don’t turn into faggots

>> No.17487492

Just be your real striver self you retard. Euros (1) don't care because they view all Americans as new money and (2) will make fun of your anyway. If you want to impress frogs you should be aggravatingly American.

>> No.17487494

I look like 4 but I'm an Indian

>> No.17487495

Dress well for yourself, not to impress others or compensate for your poor upbringing. You’re superior to those who were given wealth because you earned it. You don’t have to impress them.

>> No.17487496

You don't get it. There are no tips. Be yourself, if that doesn't work you're shit out of luck.

>> No.17487497

Unironic delusion

>> No.17487498

Not even kidding I look better. Have better eyes too.

>> No.17487500

Am not brown though, so not really the caricature of an Indian you might be looking for. I'm pretty pale.

>> No.17487503

>You’re superior to those who were given wealth because you earned it.
Don't say this. Moralizing retard mindset

>> No.17487507

Sure thing pal

>> No.17487508

Ignore all other replies in this thread

The whole point of old money is that it’s not a state of being that just anybody can acquire. It’s not a matter of taste or strategy, it’s a matter of being born with so much money and prosperity that you’re simultaneously uninterested in showing off, but also used to the absolute highest quality of product. That’s why the aesthetic has nothing to do with particular brands or designers, as much as Ralph Lauren would like to convince you. People in this strata get everything custom made. Almost everything they wear is extremely high quality, probably tailored, and likely not replicated on some clothing rack somewhere.

Tldr you can’t bullshit your way into looking like someone who can order a new $1000 pair of shoes every day of the year, and not even feel it

>> No.17487512

Thanks, I guess I was more considering where can I go to meet these people in Paris and if I can even get inside wearing normal American clothes (nice flannel and jeans) or if I would have to wear something more formal like my work clothes (suit and tie or blazer tie and khakis). I’m autistic but a special kind of autistic. I am good at meeting people while on travel.

>> No.17487513

What about that is hard for you to believe? I'm actually curious now.

>> No.17487519

Nothing really, I do believe that a random indian on /fa/ is better looking than a ralph lauren model. Lets see a pic of you

>> No.17487521

I am Indian and I am very white. I just tell people that I'm Italian now.

>> No.17487522

fuck off

>> No.17487528

Those guys look like no money posing as old money

>> No.17487530

Good point actually. I have no rebuttal as I'm not going to post my picture here. Hope you have a good day lad

>> No.17487533

Yeah, have had people question my identity as an Indian a few times. I don't understand why the world only sees Indians as brown and doesn't seem to understand that a pretty large chunk of us is pretty white or even black.

>> No.17487534

Why are pajeets invading our board?

>> No.17487536

>I don't understand why the world only sees Indians as brown
Because 90%+ of you are brown or in the brown spectrum, even the pajeets you would consider 'white' in pajeetland are probably seen as regular brown by westerners

>> No.17487539

>2 pajeets in thread

Why are le heckin pajeets shitting in our retarded thread?


>> No.17487540

Because I'm white now fr fr

>> No.17487547

Close your mouth, I can smell your curry stank, you reek of unwashed ass and body odour

>> No.17487548


>> No.17487552

You're the one giving shit advice. "muh work. muh me better cus me EARNED IT!!!!" is the best way to never be invited to any polite event ever again.

>> No.17487566
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>I'm an Indian
>I'm pretty pale
>I am Indian and I am very white
What about that is hard for you to believe?

>> No.17487567

I know this sounds plausible but I am casually acquainted with an old industrial family in the "our whims affect the trajectory of western consciousness" tier, and while your point about being indifferent to clothes as a status symbol has some truth, the reality is they wear completely boring normie clothes most of the time, and don't seem to think about it at all. They simply don't have any coherent sense of what money is "worth" that would jive with what a normal person would think. They do pay lip service to it, like they will order the $150 wine and not the $200 wine apparently to seem "normal" while being fully conscious that nobody normal orders $150 wine. They'll bicker about an RMA for some toy they bought online that you or I could afford easily, and then absentmindedly mention that they bought an aircraft (which they don't need and don't appear to have any real desire to own).

Basically all the obsession normal people have over money and acquiring things and whatever, doesn't exist for them, they understand that being cost conscious is something you are "supposed" to do but they obey those rules the way you or I might obey the rule that says you're supposed to put your knife and fork in a certain position on the plate. They do it because "you're supposed to" even though it can't possibly make any real difference, whereas you and I do it because it will have a material impact on our wellbeing.

That is the indifference that you can't cultivate and even if you try you just look like you're obsessed with money and status even more.

>> No.17487568
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>> No.17487578

What's that?

>> No.17487583


>> No.17487590
File: 406 KB, 922x445, me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I look exactly like this guy and I pass for white european constantly, despite as I said being Indian.
Seethe now, sir.

>> No.17487599
File: 53 KB, 1024x576, 1293817938239123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I pass for white

>> No.17487607

This, even if you do dress in their made-to-measure costume, you are still a giant LARP. Imagine someone picking their nose, and then putting a finger up their ass. Repulsed? This is how much they are repulsed if you stir tea the wrong way.
100%, there is a point of diminishing returns for everything - watches, sweaters, trousers. Yes, fast fashion could be off limits, but you can buy quality clothes for a decent price.

>> No.17487609

East slav here. If you look 99% like the right pic, i'd not take you for an Indian if i ever spotted you on a street. Either a Turk or a Bulgarian

>> No.17487611

Theres nothing white about this guy, hes all brown.
The concept of white pajeets have is hilarious

>> No.17487614

Kek that’s clearly an Indian and not white. I mean he’s not ugly but clearly isn’t white. Be proud of yourself don’t larp

>> No.17487618

Any tips on where to hang out with the elite old money types in paris? Which bars do they frequent? Do I have a chance at picking up one of the girls? I don’t go out much but when I do I usually get lucky

>> No.17487627

Kek really man?

Huh, you actually do look non-Indian. You're cute no homo

>> No.17487629

Old money people can go anywhere in the world anytime they want. They'll either be behind tinted windows going to ultra private/exclusive places or blending in with locals at just random clubs/bar/restaurants most likely in ultra hipster underground places.
There aren't really places where the super rich/old money go regularly and if they do they have their own little corner apart from all the commoners

>> No.17487642

Makes sense, I just figured paris has some posh bars or clubs where they frequent. I plan on mostly going to the bars near the colleges. That’s usually where you find the most night life during the week. The weekend I’ll leave paris.

>> No.17487650

>What are the key pieces to trick npcs into thinking I’m old money
you are the npc my nigga
your entire self-worth is rooted in the external. sad

>> No.17487752
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Protip: you are an NPC

>> No.17487762

case study: Prince Harry, do you *really* want to be one of these retards? Aristocrats have no power and therefore are not educated or intelligent, they don't have to - the high managerial class has power for them. If you want to look like an old money WASP, just dress casual with expensive shit and act as if money didn't matter, but don't forget the most important part, be a dimwitted cuck

>> No.17487770

Prince Harry is textbook retard. He married a nigger and gave up his birthright.

>> No.17487771

Wear a MAGA hat without looking like you care

>> No.17487775
File: 557 KB, 112x112, 1656721230585.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there's a polo club near my town
>Wanna learn how to play cuz I like horses and like the whole aesthetic
>Make some enquires
>you have to own at least 5 horses
>you have to pay a shitton just to play for the year's season
It's ovah, unless i manage to land a rich bf it won't happen
Well I can always buy a sailing boat

>> No.17487778

>wow anon is wearing a 60 dollar polo shirt
>he must be from a noble billionaire family
l m a o

>> No.17487781

Anon, he clearly looks indian, the diffraction is that he's attractive-ish

>> No.17487784


>> No.17487811

Is that not what they wear, or should it be Purple Label?

>> No.17487859

The 'old money aesthetic' is just another iteration of what dark academia was a couple of years ago. Just regular european clothes associated with wealth, prestige and some mysticism. Which is pretty easy to achieve, there are tons of brands doing that

If by old money you mean families that were feudal lords or royalty back in the day then you can trace down their young members online and stalk them on instagram or other social media to see what they are up to, most of them probably live a life similar to what celebrities like cara delevigne (before the drug shit) live , of course mixed with some formal events only those in the know can participate in, the older generations are just fat guys who golf a lot go on boat trips, probably don't give much of a shit about fashion but still have tons of bespoke suits that cost like $50k or whatever

>> No.17487962

here’s your (You), Prakesh, you smelly brown fuck

>> No.17488886

Your father old expensive suit from Savile Row.

>> No.17488900

unironically depends what part of the world or country you are in.

>> No.17490193

If you’re even falling for the whole “old money” trend, you’re not old money. Actual rich white people have been calling this “prep” for years. Amerimutt zoomers should just dress in their Walmart clothes and leave nice things to the actual elite whites.

>> No.17490194

Ewwwww…. Sorry, I’ve got some bad news. You can never and will never be “old money,” Pajeet.

>> No.17490203

A pajeet who can’t cope with the fact he’s an ethnic street shitter is telling the actual whites to seethe lmao

>> No.17490473

Say sike

>> No.17491136

I have known/met millionaires and genuine "Lords". You'll get further with them by not pretending to be something you aren't. It also helps if you have your own achievements. You'll be regarded as little more than a curiosity either way.

>> No.17491509


I live in a rich ass neighbourhood. most guys here wear mostly hiking outdoor brands or athletic wear brands.

they also just donate anything that's 1-2 years old. they don't care just buy new. I don't think its to have the newest shit. its just having high quality stuff to use for X. going on a trip ? need a new jacket etc.

>> No.17492795

Jews and neo-liberals let them flood into our beautiful countries and unfortunately a lot of them learnt English (as well as they could). We are the dead Romans the barbarians dress up as.

>> No.17492812

Cope. My great granddaddy was literally a fucking mine owner and had millions of dollars in gold. I am fucking rich.

>> No.17493004

I also grew up poor and worked my way up, but consider that that has been true for many people in history and their descendants squandered it. Old money is defined as a consistent level of performance down the family line. Its also quite impressive and not something to turn your nose at. Lastly, just how you couldn't choose your starting position neither could they, so its unfair to judge them in that regard before you even get to know them.

>> No.17493036

This. They have a fundamentally different value structure than the nouveau riche or merely well off and it's damn near alien. The only thing they really value are heirlooms, it's a very dynastic frame of mind. Grandad's beater Rolex that he wore on a safari holds more value than the stable of dress watches. American nobility also have different concerns than their landed and titled counterparts in Europe. Different bubbles follow different trends and there are layers of microstatus at play.

The part about being aware of of the game and the absurdity of it rings especially true. There's this very real desire not to be seen as an eccentric that paradoxically makes them eccentric as fuck because they have no normal frame of reference. Having a larp suit for driving and a fencing vest is normal to them.

What new money gets wrong is trying to project and display status; there's no need when you wear a name. Also >>17491136 is on the money, you're a curio to them. They don't really relate unless you share a passion and even then "friends" are more like potential business partners.

>> No.17493040

You could be Mukesh Ambani, and still you would not be European old money. Because, well, you’re not European.

>> No.17493088

Go to zurich and walk around, everyone walks around like their family were the official Rothschild shoe cleaners (and most of them are)

>> No.17493611

I dont get what you mean. I swear ive looked at this pic for like 3 minutes and can't find anything that groups up only 1, 4 and 5. Its gotta be the shorts right?

>> No.17493733

>Old money aesthetic.
>Nigger and pajeet.

>> No.17493750

Cool I’m curious about them too. Maybe I’ll meet one in Paris.

>> No.17493949

White. Nonwhites can’t be old money. Simple as.

>> No.17493950

My culture is not shitskin’s costume

>> No.17493977

Good morning sir I got enough google play points to cash in and wear a new polo shirt.

>> No.17493979

I saw a guy with a Maybach that I see every now and then. He wears Columbia shirts and Merrell shoes. I do live in the southeast though so that kind of outfit is very common.

>> No.17493982
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Meanwhile the actual old money aesthetic.

>> No.17494222

>old money
>posts a nouveau riche American tech CEO

>> No.17494246

>Balenciaga grey Polo ($870)
>Prada black leather belt ($1200)
>Louis Vuitton grey shorts ($600)

>> No.17494411

theres no old money in the usa, burgers wouldn't know.

>> No.17494414

That's not old money you dense retard

>> No.17494418

I leave in small Moldova village with salary around 100-150$
Should I try wear old money stuff here?

>> No.17495239

>value structure
>talks about heirlooms
You have no idea bro
Those old money bcbg people have a “feeling” to them.
Yeah they are depressed because they will never achieve something considered worthy to them.
Shitfazed on benzodiazepines just not to feel like waste of space and money they’ve never worked for.
Not like I’m jealous because I really understand what it means to have everything and not worry about money.
But if you mix with people sitting a dozen echelons above your curry ass, you will have moments when you feel like you owe them something and the only thing you can give them is you and your attention.
They are more out of this world to you than you are to them and you think will handle it because you are cool ass Indian with obsession on castes.
There is really more to pity them than to envy.

>> No.17495255

His mom gave him the money to start Microsoft. He was never poor.

Yeah, the plantations were made dollars and not with French and British capital from wealthy families. kek

>> No.17495256

Wear layered clothes in the summer and not much in the winter.
Research royal dog breeds and dress their colour schemes.
Invest in bespoke sunglasses.