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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 107 KB, 668x1024, D0FABED7-580E-4FDF-9899-8CFD41E14BDB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17484411 No.17484411 [Reply] [Original]

just turned 22 a few days ago. give it to me straight, /fa/. how much time do I have left?

>> No.17484421

none kill yourself now

>> No.17484428

25 if you're lucky

>> No.17484465
File: 53 KB, 512x640, rgvf7nj6g7391.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Women peak with 19-21. With 25 they're grannies.

>> No.17484495

It's funny how their scrotums are accurate, you can see how the testicle is positioned, you almost see the epididymis.

>> No.17484575

i freaked out about gay death at 26 and went on tranny hormones. now ppl either think i'm woman (or lesbo since short hair) or 14 yo boy. would highly prefer latter but former is acceptable too compared to what i would probably be in my 30s natty. so all's good for another decade or two

>> No.17484660

When you stop looking like a twink, anon. It is highly dependent on genetics and whether or not your kill your own twinkdom by becoming fat, ripped or growing a beard or whatever.

>> No.17484665

what's it like having peter pan syndrome so bad that you trannify yourself?

>> No.17484696

i don't care what reasons ppl psychoanalyze for it, i'm in fucking bliss. i love just seeing myself in the mirror. i love being asked for id in every bar. i love men treating me like a dumb child

i've never been able to find appeal in penetrating others or pleasure in masturbating my pp, so pp not working was just irrelevant to me. breasts u can prevent or get rid of. slight gyno for me but men don't care about it so it doesn't matter

>> No.17484701
File: 528 KB, 1080x2316, Screenshot_20230211-191423_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll be your bf and won't abandon you when twink death occurs. Pic is me.

>> No.17484703

so are you living as a woman or as a literal meme of a man on hrt who looks like a woman but does nothing else?

>> No.17484733

male clothes and binder. i had longer hair for a while, and then i passed to everyone. now with short hair and lower e dose most think i'm a 14yo boy (tho some still occasionally think i'm woman)

so, while the female-ish skin texture can be uncanny imo in some situations for this use case (and very uncanny for actual men who are on hrt, not some underdeveloped bottoms like me), overall it's still working for me

>> No.17484739

Okay but how can I have sex with you and buy you cute clothes?

>> No.17484753

how big are your tits? it must be weird to live as a man but still need a bra.

and did you get electro on your face? that's the first thing trannies want.

>> No.17484769

i would maybe but i have a man
gyno size. i don't need a bra, but just wear a binder when i want to wear tighter clothes. didn't have body hair but had a bit of facial hair and yeah had to do electrolysis for that

but anyway i recommend hrt for bottoms. and i recommend researching how to minimize getting breasts. don't want to shit up this thread more with some essentially tranny shit

>> No.17484777

Oh. Do you have any friends?

>> No.17484784

ur horny

>> No.17484785

No, just want a twink.

>> No.17484791

Yeah idk why they made the dicks so big tho it’s distracting!

>> No.17485673

>castor & pollux

so twinky refined fuuuck

>> No.17485764
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>> No.17485805

You need to start transitioning into a twunk at that age

>> No.17486007

depends, some twinks i know are older than 30 and still look pretty cute.

>> No.17486186

You are either are or are not a vampire. There was a point in my life where I tried everything to look older, to fit in with my peers at the time. This is akin to “lipstick on a pig”. Nowadays I champion the clean-shaven face, my clothes don’t follow any sort of propaganda or agenda, and I still work out a lot. If you dismiss the “fashion” altogether, a twink will forever be a twink if they workout and shave every couple days. There is no such thing as “twink death” for actual vampires.

>> No.17486211

So are genetically blessed and don't hit twink death until 30 but mid/late 20s is the average. This is why it's dangerous to invest your self-worth in twink aesthetics, it has an incredibly short life cycle.

>> No.17486234
File: 762 KB, 1080x1023, skin-goals.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This, I turn 30 this year and I still pass as younger/twink. I get away with saying I'm 23/24. Even still, I don't like to refer to myself as a femboy or twink, at best I use slim or fem/androgynous.

I'm still cute but I have lines under my eyes now and my body's skin tone isn't the same as when I was 15, but it's still juicy. It's more work to maintain a cute appearance now, there's more creams and supplements (collagen, not hrt)

What makes me feel oldest is cultural relevancy. I dropped out of culture somewhere around the Skrillex era when I was still in high school. I don't listen to whatever new shit zoomers listen to, and I don't try to copy their aesthetic, so it feels a little uncanny looking young but being culturally outdated.

>> No.17486248


Skrillex just collab'd with Bladee, now's your chance to get into Drain Gang and Hyperpop and be pop culturally literate again.

>> No.17486256

You look amazing

>> No.17486259

This I am 42 and still can get away with saying 24.

>> No.17486262

I started using moisturizer, sunscreen and tretinoin when I was 18 though.

>> No.17486656

no amount of skincare gonna fix this niggas face

>> No.17486672
File: 81 KB, 500x750, cffac_interview-with-the-vampire_cruise_pitt_5d99.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no such thing ... for vampires

So true

>> No.17487103

>my body's skin tone isn't the same as when I was 15
do daily cardio (indoors, not under the sun) and u'll get it back fast. capillary networks, circulation etc are pretty important for how ur skin looks and feels and ages

>> No.17487677


>> No.17487790

holy based
I also got hrt for this reason, hopefully I don't grow big tits cause I can't afford keyhole right now

>> No.17487807

That genitalia isn't accurate, there's like a covering over the head of the penis

>> No.17487815


>> No.17487824
File: 1.22 MB, 1913x2868, NINTCHDBPICT000741056960.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ask Harry Styles. Holy shit. What went wrong?

>> No.17487935

Harry Styles always looked like your average handsome footie fan, except he's done up in silly outfits.

>> No.17488008

24 probably
people that fuck twinks are pedophiles and probably don't want you any more mature than that

>> No.17488437

turning 32 in a few days, I'm still very much a twink

>> No.17488451

shut up, ibizan

>> No.17488558

>now ppl either think i'm woman
Yeah no they don't. Any interactions you have are just people trying to be nice.

>> No.17488695

i did everything wrong in terms of that but they're still manageable gyno size. but if i could do it again i would research a bit more
u don't seem to grasp the difference between some random nerd and feminine gay boy going on hrt

>> No.17488842

I'll bite ya

>> No.17488875
File: 6 KB, 233x217, 4BFD19E4-F7BD-4142-89A5-7E101CE7A98C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have fucked up thyroid so barely producing test
>as a result be perfect twink through the entirety of high school and first year of uni, but do nothing with it thanks to weak af sex drive
>get my thyroid fixed
>go through second puberty and become a horny masc loser
Thankfully I still have my gorgeous hair, but everything else that people found attractive about me is forever lost. I fucking hate being human and dealing with this monkey paw bullshit.

>> No.17488902

>someone on cgl was a huge hapa twink
>but gets married around 22 or something to an asian

>rediscover them this past year
>he's now trans, but still married to the same person (both pronounced gay)
>social media whore


>> No.17488940

I miss being cute and desired by women, to the point my own aunt molested me once.
Fuck being 23.

>> No.17488968

Unironically this, my grandpa and my mom were vampires
Tfw 24 but people think I'm 16 feels good desu

>> No.17488969

seek Jesus

>> No.17488970

>Fuck being 23.
if you were cute at 17 but ugly at 23 there's something seriously wrong with your lifestyle and diet lol

>> No.17488978

please don’t i’ll cum

>> No.17488980

I’ve been through hell, yeah. Constant grey hairs, permanent purple circles under eyes, scars on body and face. Just makes me wanna either die or wait long enough for illegal brain transplants to become a thing.

>> No.17488992

i used to want to look twinkish, now i don't hurt my body/psyche/self to try and stop what is natural facial hair, ect

>> No.17489088

just get laser hair removal lol, de aged me like 5 years

>> No.17489101

I turned 23 in 2020 and got fat working from home. I haven't been able to recover

>> No.17489127

have you thought about seeking Jesus

>> No.17489143

Have YOU thought about switching to a religion not made up by kikes?

>> No.17489147

You're a faggot. Twinks 4 Christ!

>> No.17489452
File: 724 KB, 1298x3000, owe-zerge_st.-sebastian_12179419_fullsize.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

St. Sebastian, martyr O.P.N.

>> No.17489569

this is why you don't revolve your entire life and personality around something that requires you to look young and fresh. I see the twink death trend as a precursor to "zoomer death" in a few years and it's going to be brutal.

it's all about aging gracefully, not trying to look like a fucking 18 yr old for the rest of your life.

>> No.17489587

This. Depends on race, genetics and many factors. Numbers are irrelevant. I met a 33 yo Jap who looked 17-18, had to ask him for his ID to make sure he was not a minor.
Nice toy gun.

>> No.17489598

Yeah that's gonna be rough

>> No.17490348

>not hung
sculptor had shit taste

>> No.17490441


>> No.17490663

Youth hits the wall at 25, there's no escape

>> No.17491882

>not hung
Ancient Greek artistic convention

>> No.17491889
File: 24 KB, 389x550, FCs2ZggX0AIots5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>underdeveloped bottoms like me
how underdeveloped? I wanna go on HRT too avoid twinkdeath but I'm bi and I want kids so I'd go on HRT AFTER I have kids, which will be after 30, so IDK.

>> No.17491939

well ancient greek conventions fucking suck then

>> No.17491950

depends on your genes
You can be twink material until 30 if you take care of yourself.

>> No.17491951
File: 296 KB, 1400x1400, 475af566189abcc1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking hate how LGBT propaganda turned me into a bisexual and now I regret missing out on being a twink. Fucking hell

>> No.17491975

I love that artists were able to get away with these hot blatantly gay paintings for hundreds of years.

>> No.17492053


I am 24, I still look like a 18 yo boy freshman because I am practically beardless. I still have the weird moustache and chin beard since 15 yo. Both blessing and a curse.

>> No.17492075

Genelet cope

>> No.17492145

well homoeroticism can be very subtle, I.e., "in the eyes of the beholder" just as beauty... ;)

>> No.17492437

Wtf I literally look like that. Well, uh… I uh—this is kind of embarrassing… I have a huge cock. I know you need a small cock, I have a massive cock. Multiple sculptors have turned me down when they saw the sheer size of it, and then there’s my nuts. If I went on… even the most dry anatomical description would turn into smut, the kind of dirt that gets the most puritan nun Niagara falls.
I know models have to be tall and slim, some are not, that standard gets subverted, but have you seen them? It’s pitiful. I haven’t seen a mason in a few years, it’s soon going to be time, twink death, but I wouldn’t want my picture to be that of a pitiful quota cock, a schlong amidst snips, to stand in for the minority of length encumbered men looking at statues.
It’s over, isn‘t it… back in the day times were better, when no one was above 5‘‘ — I think about their cocks and wonder, were there Romans like me, fifteen inchers giving their all for patria?
I wonder and cry myself to sleep.

>> No.17492449

There's nothing gay about dispassionately contemplating a lithe young man's body faggot

>> No.17492855

I bet you still attract women though. I've never seen pretty teens turn into ugly men

>> No.17492859

Pls dont have kids

>> No.17492860

Post face

>> No.17492933

I'm gonna have 50 of them minimum.

>> No.17493719

lol smol pp

>> No.17493722
File: 46 KB, 480x480, 1672777261256869.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just go back to being straight

>> No.17493865

I feel for you brah, awash in the ubiquitous lgbtq homo propaganda floodin our western culture fuuuck

>> No.17494087

anon that is a PERFECT pp size

>> No.17494101

if his dick (which would be larger than mine) isnt flopping around as he's getting railed i dont want him

>> No.17494310
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>> No.17494492
File: 228 KB, 1446x2674, IMG_20230219_155024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm approaching 29 and I don't think I'm twink dead just yet.
The only hard part is losing the extra 10kg of weight I started to put on at around 25 and that you can see on my belly.

>> No.17494690


>> No.17494789

lose weight tubby

>> No.17495548

why are there so many twinks in christian artworks

>> No.17495561


>> No.17495571

>There's nothing gay about dispassionately contemplating a lithe young man's body faggot

exactly this, and perhaps ... you're hyper-projecting just a bit ;)

>> No.17495605

20, it's over

>> No.17495617


>> No.17495622

whatever age it is when you stop taking care of yourself, that is, whenever you get fat, lose your hair, can no longer groom your body hair, or fuck up your skin.

>> No.17496003

Matt Watson from supermega?

>> No.17497053

It is a result of suppressing sexual urges for hundreds of years

>> No.17497391


>> No.17497402

Start lifting. You'll be more attractive when muscular anyway. Don't go to /fit/ for advice. Listen to people like Natural Hypertrophy and do a good beginner program like GZCLP. NEVER do stronglifts or starting strength unless you get fat. For muscle mass, volume >>> intensity

>> No.17497414

That's not exactly a belly. It's your (small) abs - you can see a clear definition outline - with a bit of fat in front of them. That fat's pretty normal unless you're on a cut, which is hard to maintain year round. Work your core hard to grow the muscles and then maybe cut a bit of fat for summer so they have more definition

>> No.17497420

Based and truthpilled

>> No.17499153

oh my word

>> No.17499194

wud boytoy

>> No.17499505

>The scrotum in humans is asymmetric, the right testicle being visibly higher than the left in most men. Paradoxically, it is also the case that the right testicle is somewhat larger, rather than smaller, as might be expected. Greek classical and pre-classical art, which took great care in its attention to anatomical detail, correctly portrayed the right testicle as the higher, but then incorrectly portrayed the left testicle as visibly larger. The implication is that the Greeks used a simple mechanical theory, the left testicle being thought to be lower because it was larger and hence more subject to the pull of gravity.

>> No.17499506

I'm 26 now and I've had 19-21 year olds tell me they thought I was the same age as them

t. boymoder

>> No.17499510

holy shit just watched this movie and it is THE AGP/manmoder movie

>> No.17499512
File: 1.83 MB, 2448x3264, PXL_20230107_174355239.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

26 here. People genuinely can't believe I used to have a full beard and body hair / was an otter

HRT is god's gift to bottoms

>> No.17499514

Big deal brother. I'm 42 and still get away with saying 22.

>> No.17499564

you look like a joke

>> No.17499606

How does that feel good? I have the same problem and peoples reaction when I tell them my actual age is soul-crushing every time. I hate my innocent type of look and my lack of masculine features, I don't get how any male could enjoy that or see it as something positive

>> No.17499620

I know :(

>> No.17500014
File: 1.56 MB, 1070x1122, Screenshot 2023-02-23 at 01.11.21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Depends how well you take care of yourself + genetics. This guy is 26 for example. I am 24 and most people think I am 18/19

>> No.17500262
File: 58 KB, 452x603, PXL_20220402_161915231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 30. Am I busted yet?

>> No.17500264


>> No.17500265

You look early 20s, idk if I would classify you as twink though

>> No.17500266

Cuz ur not a bottom I bet

>> No.17500273

Femmes are different from twinks I guess
course of action?

>> No.17501707

very cute ngl

>> No.17501968

I feel like cardio would age your skin. Look up “runners face” that all the over the hill roasties get in their 30s. Running is miserable and causes major increase in cortisol

>> No.17501970

Wdym “vampires” like you don’t go outside?

>> No.17501972

I’m assuming this is from wage slaving! I actually regressed in age when Covid happened. Once I went back to work I just got easier jobs (bartender). Less money but my stress levels after I leave work are pretty low

>> No.17501974

Whether or not it was made by Jews, it will give you a Rock to lean on. Christ is that rock, and he’ll comfort you when you are down on your luck. Even if it’s cope, it’s the best cope ever invented

>> No.17502041

Moisturize + Sunblock + Tretinoin.

>> No.17502298

Yeah. People say being born a femoid is easy mode, but the best life is being a pretty boy from a family wealthy enough to afford never having a stressful job.

>> No.17502306

How did you find out about your thyroid being fucked up and how was it fixed?

>> No.17502532


It depends on genetics and lifestyle. I am 28 and still get carded and confused for a 22 year old, because I DON'T take tranny hormones which WILL make you age like shit, both physically since you as a man need testosterone, and in perception as you willingly decided to put not only impossible standards upon yourself, but female beauty standards. By doing that, you are setting off the biological mating response from both men and women who immediately clock you as a man no matter how much spearmint tea or sissy hypno you imbibe.

I've seen time and time again my D&D group get ravaged by estrogen, like how crack ravaged the black community. Some are disgusting AGP hons with a 1000 yard porn addiction stare thinking they will reach nirvana and transform into a beautiful butterfly, and some are cute nerdy homo twinks who get caught up in the adrenaline rush of being a straight man's secret muse and get coaxed by snapchat filters that estrogen is some sort of fountain of youth, and then get faced with the blackpilled reality that ywnbaw and it won't stop you from aging. Unfortunately people go as far as castration in which they become eunuchs, which is NOT a solution to aging. In fact, eunuchs grow to be 7 feet tall and have unusually long arms because the lack of testosterone fucks their whole system up and they become lanky larry.
This is the reality of bottom surgery, this influencer has to poop in a bag attached to his stomach:

This is a repost from a detransitioner.

Please stop poisoning yourself with tranny lies.

The real anti-aging solution is GAIN THROUGH PAIN. You need to lift & eat healthy, and stop smoking/drinking. It's really straightforward and you've heard this a million times but you all refuse to accept that you have to work for it. It doesn't come from experimental medicine that your doc gets kickbacks from.

>> No.17502557


>no matter how much spearmint tea or sissy hypno you imbibe
>I've seen time and time again my D&D group get ravaged by estrogen, like how crack ravaged the black community
>disgusting AGP hons with a 1000 yard porn addiction stare
>reach nirvana and become a beautiful butterfly
>they become lanky larry

So many bangers. I can't breathe. Thanks anon for the laffs.

>> No.17503067

Kys chud

>> No.17503359

When people call you by "Sir" or "Mister" instead of "Lad".

>> No.17503506


>> No.17503531

Actually true lol. Sometimes people call me a "man" sometimes "lad" or "boy"

>> No.17503563

I get sometimes called "hey man" or "sir" depending on circumstances and how I'm dressed, but not lad or boy. Passed that stage now lol.

>> No.17503570

She aged very normally. Tom Cruise does NOT look like he's 60 years old there. Is he a vampire?

>> No.17504301

>tfw this is the look i unintentionally have rn

my upper lip is the only thing holding me back from clean shaven 24/7 it dont look right

>> No.17504770
File: 183 KB, 1080x1025, Screenshot_20230225_133037_Snapchat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Almost 30, though my twink death was realized as soon as I grew out the stache

>> No.17504774

same, my 21 year old coworker thought I was younger than him and I'm 26 lol

>> No.17504780


>> No.17504865

>People genuinely can't believe I used to have a full beard and body hair / was an otter
I believe it, good god.

>> No.17504916

Let's fucking go boys! Looks like I'm still a Twink.

>> No.17504920
File: 91 KB, 1200x800, interview-with-the-vampire_cruise_pitt_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, Tom and Brad are definitely eternal.

>> No.17505003

very surprised you're gay. you look like you identify as a lesbian and post on tranny subreddits fishing for compliments

>> No.17505534

Listen, the guy is crazy enough to openly be a Scientologist, and even other crazy celebs like Christian Bale think he’s a psycho. Of course he’s a vampire.

>> No.17506699

hapa? Whats your mix if you are (looking good btw)

>> No.17506865

>this literal model with god tier genetics is 26

yeah and? he could literally have done nothing and he'd still look like that. its genes.

>> No.17506872
File: 161 KB, 900x900, tom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He looks like a man in his 50s.

>> No.17506916

more just teen levels, not perma-shota levels. face is quite small and skeleton is narrow and petite
i had some sperm frozen before i started

>> No.17506922 [DELETED] 

post ur tits tranny

>> No.17506984 [DELETED] 

Nope, I'm completely Colombian actually

>> No.17506986

Nope, I'm completely Colombian actually

>> No.17506988

I literally mentioned genetics in my post. Learn to read nigger

>> No.17507015

you put take care of yourself first implying that is priority when its actually irrelevant, cant polish a turd.

>> No.17507024

It's not at all. Take the same person with same genetics. If one version of them worked out, didn't smoke, didn't do skincare, didn't eat right and the other one didn't then the one who didn't would look FAR older.

>> No.17507134

not true at all

>> No.17507140


>> No.17508487

Twinkdeath happens when i choke them to death my with BWC

>> No.17508491

>If one version of them worked out, didn't smoke, didn't do skincare, didn't eat right and the other one didn't then the one who didn't would look FAR older
I've read this several times now and I think I get the gist of what you're trying to say, but goddamn you fucked it up.

>> No.17510218

b ump

>> No.17511339

Most hot young guys keep their looks if they stay healthy. Look at Pitt, compared to DeCaprio.

>> No.17511343

Take good care of yourself and you can be a cute twink into your 40s for sure.
Verification not required.

>> No.17511847

pitt is hardly a twink though, he's masculine and has been since his 30s. dicaprio was a twink and got fat and old.

>> No.17512024


>> No.17512101

These two are 36 and 32.

>> No.17512104
File: 2.99 MB, 554x1080, language(1).webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17513140

>those dick schlorping lips on the left one

>> No.17513512
File: 88 KB, 714x732, bone hurt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>coming back from uni today
>qt twink femboy guy on the bus
>i am instantly reminded of my gigantic ogre ass and how i don't look like that
>day ruined

>> No.17513531

Start hitting the gym NOW and make sure to monitor your weight weekly.
Do not get fat, you will eventually reach a point where you think that it's ok to get fat, your best years are over etc but that is not true.
You can look great just being lean and having some muscle mass for at least another 30 years.

Source: I'm 36, everyone else on this board is 15 and they have no idea what they are talking about.

>> No.17513599

maybe he’s into ugly bastards???

>> No.17513767

Only if the ugly bastard has money.

>> No.17513815

Not necessarily. Even though I will be a multimillionaire soon, I'm currently lower middle-class. Despite this, I have had no problem finding twinks into me as a fat ugly bastard. It sounds cheesy, but a good chunk of it is confidence and how you carry yourself. You're going to make it.

>> No.17513820

for me it was 27, I killed the twin in me because I wanted to get stronger, I wanted more money, I started to lose interest in this superficial lifestyle and I wanted to create something cool, something I could be proud of, something my dad could be proud of, and in order to do that well, you have to get your hands dirty, for example, I used to be scared of the sun, I was very careful with everything because I didn't want to ruin my hair and my skin... but now I don't care
needless to say, I'm happier now
I will miss the good old days but anon, growing up is better than living in denial

>> No.17514419

Staying thin is more about what you eat than how much you exercise. If all you ever eat are un/minimally processed vegetables/grains/fruits/nuts/meat/dairy, it's hard to get fat.

>> No.17514729


>> No.17516293

ewww effeminate as fuck

>> No.17516300

use as many lotions as you can that have retinol
should delay the skin aging by 5-10 years

>> No.17516471

first time on /fa/ since 2011
sad to see it's full of faggots and troons now

>> No.17516493

>wanting to look young and attractive

Huh bro you want to be transgender, right? RIGHT? YES YOU DO SIS

You're mentally ill and are forwarding the fucking transgender agenda.

>> No.17516504

there are boyfuckers in this thread taking estrogen friendo
please go back to rebbit

>> No.17516628

Yeah same it sucks. I just want one thing in this world and I can’t have it. Hopefully I get lucky next reroll.

>> No.17516686
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Think creatively anon.

>> No.17516730

People literally say I look like the gigachad guy when they meet me and I still feel the same way about cute twinks.

>> No.17516736

You know what's funny... These two people have the exact same amount of aging. Look at the quality of their skin. It's identical. She's just obese, Tom just dyes his grey hair.

>> No.17516740

Those two guys are literally too masculine for me.

>> No.17516742
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It's not. It's full of straight women and guys who want to be attractive to women. Women love twinks.

>> No.17516745
File: 1.04 MB, 1500x1000, wallcruise.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17516748

Is he balding?

>> No.17516749

He was 15 here. He's 18 now. Ironically, his female audience (judging by the comments on his tiktoks) downsized since then. He's still very attractive and young but a little more on the "handsome" side rather than the raw male beauty like he was at 15. There's something about this puppy boy look women love. Usually only 15-16 year old males have it. I don't think he's balding yet, it's just lighter underneath.

>> No.17516761

god i wish that were me

>> No.17516772

So if I have that look going for me how do I maintain for as long as possible? Also please post what he looks like now.

>> No.17516781
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He still looks pretty much perfect, just slightly more masculine, which lessened his charm a bit.
The account is actually his older brother's. The brother is a comedian who coasted to fame by constantly showing his little brother's pretty face to get views. The little brother got older, and now they haven't posted in a year.

>> No.17516790
File: 1.70 MB, 576x1024, ezgif-5-24d7e19c87_Trim.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He was 17 here. From 2022. For reference, this is how he used to be. Almost the same, but the minor difference in how much younger he looked made him way cuter. Basically the difference between 8-9/10 and 10/10.

>> No.17516911
File: 629 KB, 1077x1406, 1634059730557.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

okay retard

>> No.17517918

Why is that bitch poking at his face?

>> No.17518130

you went from not twink to visibly trans, like a 5.5/10, body is probably kind of gross too

>> No.17518204

really no on cares about your opinion.

>> No.17518216

yes, take hormones because you are going to age
you definitely will enjoy living life looking like that

>> No.17518292
File: 144 KB, 1280x720, E39F4CF5-A02D-4A5A-8C59-7BF26B998F14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In my opinion, the goal should not be to avoid twink death but rather to age gracefully.
You should take care of yourself, exercise, eat right, good hygiene, skincare, etc.
Almost all the time I see an older person that looks like shit, it’s because they stopped giving a damn about themselves and they always say “at some point you don’t care either” like a big cope. You can’t expect to look good into old age if you are fat and eat tons of garbage, don’t exercise, and let yourself be exposed to uv all the time throughout your life without much thought.
Also, you should stay true to yourself. If you are changing your hormones in order to achieve a look or you are getting cosmetic/plastic surgery, you are being fake and superficial, it’s not really you, therefore you can’t say you aged well.
Taking measures to prevent or reduce hair loss is probably the only acceptable cause but even then there should be an asterisk next to you.
Just my 2 cents.

>> No.17518500
File: 1.85 MB, 600x300, wtf.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>26 here. People genuinely can't believe I used to have a full beard and body hair / was an otter
Ugh... you're already heavily wrinkling on your 29 yo face.

>> No.17519112
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Agree. It starts looking unsettling if you try too much anti-aging. My favorite twink (John Duda) avoided looking like total shit. He's a rare example, most men look like abominations, so I'm proud of him. He went from gorgeous to nice beta.

>> No.17519114
File: 50 KB, 864x485, jjdd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wouldn't necessarily call him attractive but he looks like a nice guy and semi-cute, which fares way better than most twinks do. Most men look disturbingly disgusting when they get older. He's kinda cringe but didn't appallingly transition from twink to horrorshow.

>> No.17519244

I'm 27 and have a twink body but have an average face and have had lines under my eyes and on forehead since I was 16 and... 18? respectively. I don't know when the latter emerged.

>> No.17520372

twink death doesnt happen at a sudden age, u dont wake up at your 25th birthday and suddenly u are old and ugly. if you work out and eat healthy, sleep, wear sunscreen etc, your youthful apperance will last longer.
same goes for women, who "hit the wall" at age 30, if they keep up with a good lifestyle, they age well.
there are alot of bitter people on the internet, who hate beauty. do yourself a favor and laugh at them.

>> No.17520389

I would say DiCaprio is a pretty good ideal.
He kind of let his body go a bit but overall he went from twink to distinguished looking gentleman. Obviously not everyone looks as good as him but the point still stands.

>> No.17520676
File: 75 KB, 750x674, 1676436545276059.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bruh what. Leo is the posterboy of horrifying twink death.