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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 463 KB, 1280x1843, tumblr_n5ox7ghJj71retxoxo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17425397 No.17425397 [Reply] [Original]

Is cross dressing /fa/?

>> No.17425481 [DELETED] 


>> No.17425489

I guess it’s technically fashion. If I catch you I might rape you though.

>> No.17425493
File: 83 KB, 259x194, lurking_lizard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute boys who cross dress like that make my cock /fa/t

>> No.17425518

>If I catch you I might rape you though.
That's what *we* want.

>> No.17425841 [DELETED] 


>> No.17425847 [DELETED] 


>> No.17425860
File: 171 KB, 743x1200, FlRHwGlWAAAM_ut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17425862

cross dressers arent trannies retard

>> No.17425863 [DELETED] 
File: 8 KB, 168x300, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ugly people exist
you don't say!
>therefore no one should get boners
lol ok

>> No.17425875

>>therefore no one should get boners
>lol ok
Not with that ugly faggot, seriously, what's the point of crossdressing if your face is a dead giveaway that you are male anyway?

>> No.17425876

i'm not gay but raping fags like this always seems like so much fun

>> No.17425895 [DELETED] 
File: 55 KB, 640x640, 207648885_217943470175090_4896052761933683499_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the point of face fucking an emasculated male in a dress and makeup if you can't tell you're mindbreaking someone's former son? If I wanted to fuck a biohole I'd just fuck a biohole, they're much more common and easy

>> No.17425902
File: 396 KB, 517x769, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It should be normal for men to wear feminine clothes. It looks elegant.

>> No.17425991
File: 1.88 MB, 1378x2834, 145724.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how are you supposed to crossdress without looking like you're trans?

i dont have many clothes since i don't get out much but its hard to find inspo when words like "crossdressing" and 'femboy" are full of aging coomers like >>17425860

>> No.17426008
File: 2.83 MB, 576x1080, ezgif-1-a07d98a331 (1).webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what's the point of crossdressing if your face is a dead giveaway that you are male anyway?
because you enjoy wearing the clothes

>> No.17426010

is this you?
post more and I will tell you.

>> No.17426031

only if you have a really feminine face, otherwise you'll end up looking like >>17425860

>> No.17426033 [DELETED] 

What do you mean by "looking like you're trans" and why would that be bad?

t. crossdresser enjoyer

>> No.17426035

>how are you supposed to crossdress without looking like you're trans?
don't have a masculine build
>shoulders wider than 15 inches
>chest wider than hips
>taller than 5'8"
>chest circumference higher than 34 inches
if you have any of this you're over

>> No.17426049

>tfw chest is 32.5 inches and hips are 33 inches
>tfw just look like a rectangle
What do

>> No.17426050

you don't want to see more

i mean the difference between a guy dressing effeminately but being aware he's a guy vs someone who's wearing girl clothes but doesn't look good enough to pull it off and just looks silly

>> No.17426055
File: 29 KB, 622x617, 1672556210816383.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you don't want to see more
Yes I do
A lot more

>> No.17426071

I dunno bro that sounds like the “agp hsts” bro science. If you look good you look good (ps if that’s you, yum)

>> No.17426321 [DELETED] 


>> No.17426356

>Rose's long, long legs

>> No.17426459

Would fuck.
you don't want to see more
Post more feet.

>> No.17426463

No and You Will Never be a Woman.

>> No.17426464

If I was a tranny I wouldn't call it cross dressing now would I?

>> No.17426466

stfu faggot.

>> No.17426471

Make me :3

>> No.17426474


>> No.17426502
File: 215 KB, 1080x1545, c7bb748ea524ee1e35f2ba93d62e2b911c96b97145443c6bd78884500f5a2c10_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread

>> No.17426505

That is straight up Xi Jinping.

>> No.17426508

This isn't a tranny thread

>> No.17426509

Crossdressing women are hot.

>> No.17426550
File: 959 KB, 600x514, gender reveal with close up.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17426555

Lmao, i feel bad for him

>> No.17426559

He was probably absent, that's why his son turned out like that.

>> No.17426565

yes, if you are hot (like most things)
butt workouts

>> No.17426567

I'm a father myself, it's hard. The best advice i give is to fucking select carefully who you gonna impregnate. Most in the time it's the emotional unstable mother who ruin the family dynamics.

>> No.17426586

>tfw engaged to a bipolar girl that i'm either having a great time with or a miserable time with
>tfw her parents are also complete scum
I wish I could turn off my emotions and leave.

>> No.17426597

You're a man. You can

>> No.17426599

I wish. I just worry about her, she doesn't have much else since her family is garbage.

>> No.17426627

>I wish
no you literally can. All men can
>she doesn't have much else since her family is garbage
Imagine subjecting yourself and your future children to years of emotional abuse because of muh feefees

>> No.17426649

stop being a bitch

>> No.17426775
File: 37 KB, 568x638, 1660264426901377.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>without looking like you're trans
you don't
trannies took that away from you, crossdressers literally do not exist in the minds of normies anymore
even if you press on and do it for fun even in settings where it's normalized like gay bars and anime conventions, people will still tread egg shells around you and call you she and her thinking you're transgender and not just dressed up in women's clothes for sport or erotic thrills.

>> No.17426776

How do you femboys keep your hair from falling out?

>> No.17426779

low 1-2mg dose of finasteride, enough to restart hair growth, but not enough to start you on hrt

>> No.17426783

does it give you girl thoughts? This is my nightmare.

>> No.17426789

if it did, wouldn't you be able to stop?
it's not like you're taking t-blockers with it

also sometimes I wonder if /a/'s tendency to identify with the cute anime girls in every SOL moe pig show makes their thought process more feminine than most, i'm sure this can happen to people without any drugs

>> No.17426794 [DELETED] 

I'll take the one on the top row please and thank you

>> No.17427114

>call you she and her
Thats cool it just makes me think that I kinda pass to deserve those words

>> No.17427144

no it doesn't, i went to a reddit meet for halloween and i was literally a guy wearing cat ears and a skirt and several people asked me what my pronouns were and if i was a "she"

it's nothing to do with how you look, just cautiousness because they don't want to offend anybody

>> No.17427174

>went to a reddit meet
go back

>> No.17427226

Will normal male BMI make you look like a fat pig while crossdressing

>> No.17427233

wish you just focus that mental illness into posting more of both menswear and lolita fits. cheap way of garnering more likes and grooming fuccbois is that's what you need.

>> No.17427239

crossdressing is fa always has been. no if the individual is doing it to trap. animal brain is not fa.

>> No.17427244

they literally are tho
lmao, lol

>> No.17427264

they literally are not

>> No.17427267

it depends where the fat is distributed.

if it's all in your belly then yes. needs to be in your ass and thighs to be good

>> No.17427273
File: 600 KB, 1302x2097, 153609.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry lad i don't have any fits i just bought one skirt to try before i turn 30

i wouldnt know what else to get because unsurprisingly a guy wearing ill fitting womens clothes just looks like a tranny

>> No.17427298
File: 111 KB, 960x480, Snapchat-1841924848.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how are you supposed to crossdress without looking like you're trans?

Makeup + grow out your hair. Hair volume is most important. I recommend going full nopoo and using egg as shampoo. Sleep on different sides of your pillow case each night and change it out every 2.

If you suck at makeup, just get a wife and make her to do it for you. That is what I do.

>> No.17427305


>> No.17427307

no, is mental illness.

>> No.17427312


>> No.17427313

r u telling me your pic is a boy?

who r they

>> No.17427327
File: 112 KB, 960x480, Snapchat-544209468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're me. I have a wife. You should stop being gay and talk to girls with XX chromosomes.

>> No.17427332

Post ass and thighs

>> No.17427334

Not normally into twinks but that pic makes my pp diamonds

>> No.17427336
File: 918 KB, 1724x2750, retard with wig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how old are you to have a wife?
i'm 24 and my wife chances are slim to none
i don't know how far makeup could take me

>grow out your hair
i used to have it long and cut it all off because it looked bad

>> No.17427337

You first, sodomite.

>> No.17427345

Ugh, it is one of those delusional hyperclosted schizos

>> No.17427347

post moar pls

>> No.17427348

I'm a little younger than you. My situation is unique because I got her pregnant while we were still in high school.

Makeup will do a massive amount of work for you. It will make the difference between passing and not passing. Though, your jawline might not be totally fixable. Depending on your fat distribution, you could increase your bodyfat percentage slightly to remedy it.

As per your hair, keep it at a length where it doesn't look like you're wearing a wig.

>> No.17427358

that is a wig

>> No.17427443
File: 92 KB, 1024x576, Giraffe attack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know you're using some kind of app to make you look more fem but I don't care, I would still fuck you

>> No.17427449
File: 54 KB, 900x750, jeffrey-dahmer-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope on your gay escapades you meet the zoomer version of this man

>> No.17427451

Post more of ur pics pls

>> No.17427452
File: 777 KB, 1080x1920, genesis 19 27-28.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17427454

Yep, anon is larping. That's just an ugly woman

>> No.17427699


>> No.17427704
File: 53 KB, 640x632, j910kthx4u381.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17427722

Imagine construction worker hands squeezing those mosquito bites

>> No.17427767


Not only is it /fa/, it's absolutely based.

>> No.17427820
File: 1.99 MB, 821x1304, 1671900456080894.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's all in your head. women are dressed as men in baggy clothes and nikes. men are going to the salon for perms. wearing
shoe lifts or platform heels. start by sharing your female inspo and build slowly to practice, edit mistakes and make tasteful choices. dont suddenly jump in full experimental make up, impulse buy cosplay and tacky heels.

>> No.17427835 [DELETED] 
File: 419 KB, 1802x2700, backstage-defile-gucci-printemps-ete-2018-milan-coulisses-43.jpg.ca5cfe8ec4687f332262c87348f72933.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17427840
File: 419 KB, 1802x2700, backstage-defile-gucci-printemps-ete-2018-milan-coulisses-43.jpg.ca5cfe8ec4687f332262c87348f72933.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17427878

Who is this???
Post moar!

>> No.17427884
File: 184 KB, 1394x1635, 1608237229635.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17427885


>> No.17427886
File: 131 KB, 1149x1437, instagram (35).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello? Based.

>> No.17427899
File: 78 KB, 640x800, l431gg9jw6l31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's holding it incorrectly

>> No.17427913

How the fuck do I get my legs like that? I have sub 18 BMI but all losing the fat has done for me is make my legs look more vascular and muscley

>> No.17427940


I already am, Chud!

>> No.17427959
File: 697 KB, 2000x3000, Autumn_Winter 2017_ Backstage Beauty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post a selfie

>> No.17427972

nice homestuck cosplay faggot

>> No.17427986

So "trans"gender "women" don't dress like women? That's literally the entire point of those dudes' existences.

>> No.17427992

No, crossdressers aren't transgenders

>> No.17428012

Putting on an article of clothing doesn't automatically make you believe you're a woman anon

>> No.17428014


We just wanna look cute. Doesn't mean we want to chop off our dicks.

>> No.17428059

>men are better at being women than women


>> No.17428080

I wonder what sort of noises you'd make if I tugged on your balls

>> No.17428114

damn didn't know rose lalonde was a guy

>> No.17428118

>how are you supposed to crossdress without looking like you're trans?
the same way some trans people (on /lgbt/ they call them "passoids") manage to pass perfectly or almost perfectly, theory, practice and dedication

>> No.17428120

Sodom and Gomorrah's destruction was about rape btw

>> No.17428121

Is it even possible to pass without HRT? I unironically want ffs but for non tramny reasons.

>> No.17428126
File: 46 KB, 831x432, Low-Testosterone (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when will you idiots learn that you can't just take fucking hormones without serious heath issues?

>> No.17428128

immense luck (mostly genetics) and more of what i mentioned above
it's the reason why hrt femboys exist, they want that further gender affirming care even if they're not necessarily trans
my piece of advice is the following
do what makes you happy

>> No.17428135

I never said I wanted to take hormones. That's why I asked if it's possible to pass without HRT.
I'm gonna save up moolah for ffs. People already say I look androgynous. Maybe do fat grafting to get nice hips. I'm going to go as far as possible without teh HRT. I like having my testosterone.

>> No.17428137

It's all about who you are, not what you wear.

>> No.17428147

Makeup, diet, exercise, clothing, and hair. Simple as that.

Makeup carries btw. If it can turn a cougar into a MILF, it can turn you into a femman to a femboy.

>> No.17428149
File: 58 KB, 1421x507, 1672953158300483.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't do fat graphing. Everything should be as natural as possible as unnatural techniques do not age well.

You should try to age like Bjorn. Pic related.

>> No.17428157

You know if you fucking losers spent as much time on literally ANYTHING else in your life as much as you spend obsessing over trannies you'd all probably be confident and successful men in your day to day

>> No.17428172

Fat grafting looks bad when it's done improperly. I mean it's real fat after all and it's yours.

>> No.17428223

I have foundation, setting powder, blush, eyeshadow, and things like that.

but it just doesn't look quite right. Idk how to contour the pale shades.

>> No.17428227

>shit flabby physique before
>shit flabby physique after
damn that's crazy

>> No.17428299


>> No.17428307

I can I get oestrogen? I'm straight btw

>> No.17428336


>> No.17428339

Anons where can i get an affordable and chic girly wardrobe

>> No.17428356

new old stock from ebay

>> No.17428357

what is that

>> No.17428376


>> No.17428562

Wanna join my harem?

>> No.17428566


>> No.17429458


>> No.17429707

Just recently got my first thongs, they’re actually a lot more comfortable than I had thought, definitely gonna get some more soon

>> No.17429862

i just want to be happy

>> No.17430056

Suffering is better

>> No.17430065

you just want to be fucked and make men rock hard slut dont lie thats why all you little faggots dress up

>> No.17430245

>some literal who

>> No.17430250

Nikita at least makes money.

>> No.17430255
File: 235 KB, 1080x1920, saffron-leigh-v0-TLutiOkVB-5TjRSNkCH-c88h1vX2Pe9iA0NoMiA82pY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop suffering, hit the gym, eat raw eggs, broccoli, zinc daily. Have 5 white girls as fuck routines, have a job that make sense, don't live in cities but on rural areas, start your own family, impregnate as much white girls as possible.
Your degeneration were there because of the matrix. I'm not even white, thank me later that i try to save white males who think themselves as females.

>> No.17430273

>how are you supposed to crossdress without looking like you're trans?

What kind of dumbass fucking question is this?

>> No.17430275
File: 89 KB, 600x856, sharp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it crossdressing if I just really prefer the silhouette of skirts versus pants?

>> No.17430676

No one called themselves female retard

>> No.17430677

Not in my eyes but in the eyes of others yes

Also omg this is so good. Please post more.

>> No.17430746

Here's my version of boomer cd core
https://unsee cc/album#LRO3gP0qUSfseKmA

>> No.17430747

>whole ass story
>every word
yeah theyre fags but this is even gayer

>> No.17430769

Not bad

>> No.17430937 [DELETED] 


>> No.17430997

I definitely can but I am very creatively bankrupt what do you have in mind

>> No.17431002

Is it not you in the pic?>>17430769

>> No.17431035

It is! But I dunno what else to do or poses

>> No.17431370
File: 70 KB, 749x863, glue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is it even crossdressing if you only do cosplay and you do outfits that real women don't wear IRL?

>> No.17431400

Nah its not cosplay but its fun having people mistake me for being an employee at some places

>> No.17431487

It can be the same pose, I can't offer you suggestions because IDK what clothes you have!

>> No.17431554

all tranny groomers should fucking hang

>> No.17431580
File: 68 KB, 500x889, 0758fa5a25e221115136b08eb943434b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17431679

>just want to be fucked and make men rock hard slut
no, i just want to look pretty and be forgiven for being autistic

>> No.17432533

kek based savior

>> No.17433197

This is kinda true lol. As a guy who likes to cross dress I used to obsess over the craft a lot, but it got way too distracting and was just becoming my life. Now I have some self restraint and keep it as something I do every now and then for fun. I'm not saying wearing crossdress all the time is a bad thing, I mean spending all your time online looking for inspo or how to pass all day everyday, that just eats away at your life.

>> No.17433217

>how to pass all day everyday
Crossdressing addiction is a real thing, but it usually comes a side effect of having a sex addiction and having grindr men "take your boicherry" everyday of the week.

>> No.17433289
File: 288 KB, 1509x2683, ut0astl25xa81.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

honestly there is alot of skill in it if your a twink but if your 6ft5 and built like a linebacker dont even try pic related is the best physique unfortunetly there tends to be tonnes of fat crossdressers instead of the rare ultra femme twinks

>> No.17433298
File: 16 KB, 127x102, Screenshot_2023-01-08_21-20-23.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention.

>> No.17433497

I never had a "sex addiction", but I certainly was addicted to crossdressing for a bit. I'm pretty sure it was because I had an overactive sex drive and seeing myself dressed up made me very happy. That and I was constantly chasing this idea of achieving perfection. Glad I broke away from that, it was unhealthy and exhausting. Crossdressing is now more enjoyable when I do it because I'm not overindulging myself in it all the time now.

I'm lucky I've got a twink body and fem face so I can pull off the look. I wouldn't say femme twinks are "ultra rare" though, there's more about than ever now.

I don't know why fat crossdressers even try. Crossdressing when you're fat just makes you look even worse. There's nothing attractive about it, all it does is make you look like a fat guy in a skirt. If anything it should serve as motivation for losing weight, but for whatever reason people seem content in being so grossly overweight. You cannot be a femboy if you don't have a twink physique, there's nothing feminine about being a fat sack of shit, period.

>> No.17433580

post body

>> No.17433592

that's a woman, ladies and gentlemen

>> No.17433722
File: 117 KB, 436x1106, boy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>used to eat a ton of raw eggs in the morning before boxing practice
>still eat 3 eggs every morning
>consume raw garlic constantly
>eat a ton of broccoli
>have experimented with a ton of supplements
>had sex with a ton of women
>stopped watching porn
>stopped masturbating even
>have had blue collar jobs pretty much my entire life
>spent most of my life around rural areas
>was always a huge homo regardless
>still ended up getting on 'mones in my 30s
what's next dude, I need to find god? Get real, homos are just gonna be fucked up homos regardless of anything they do. This shit might work if you're some prison gay incel that spends all day gooning in shitscord voice chats

>> No.17433868

egay sucks balls deep no joke

>> No.17433869

Good morning sirs

>> No.17433871


>> No.17433874
File: 509 KB, 739x824, ED9C9B6C-2969-48BC-9CDA-0D66A4649735.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17433901

Is there a chart for what measurements qualify as 'twink' for every height hate that word btw

>> No.17433910
File: 799 KB, 2045x2065, chadinsky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whoops brother, you misspelled chad haha

>> No.17433976
File: 194 KB, 1620x1703, 06099c8c6be115a7be1766092f6bc26a7e738f66.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably just being between 1 size to like 3 or 4 sizes under what regular clothing for your height would be. Like i'm 176cm but all of my tighter clothing is in womens/mens xs and s :)

>> No.17433981

Would it be better to be alone now, or to be sometimes comfy but ultimately tortured and end up divorced anyways? I dipped. You can dip too.

>> No.17434152

Some of my measurements seem to be in M and some in S

>> No.17434297

>I'm a little younger than you. My situation is unique because I got her pregnant while we were still in high school.

>Ugh, it is one of those delusional hyperclosted schizos

yep. on the other hand he has bio kids and a wife, so it served him well.

>Makeup will do a massive amount of work for you. It will make the difference between passing and not passing. Though, your jawline might not be totally fixable. Depending on your fat distribution, you could increase your bodyfat percentage slightly to remedy it.

advice from a totally straight broto another.

>> No.17434316

It's only /fa/ if you seek no validation or acknowledgement of it. Just post fits.

>> No.17434335

Like most things, if you look good, yes

>> No.17434532

Femininity is all about validation of others bro

>> No.17434538


>> No.17434553

it literally typed out >eat eat eat sit do nothing why am i still surrfering from homo poisoning. did you even lift, run, or introspect your mental illnesses bro

>> No.17434555

They are to the rest of us. How many different words for "faggot" do we need?

>> No.17434565

Faggots are faggots, trannies are trannies, cross dressers are cross dressers. Words have meanings.

>> No.17434588

many languages don't even make the distinction, and if they do, it's because the word transgender has been backported into their language.

>> No.17434638

thats pretty normal most women arent on size either

>> No.17434670

lol kike/10 with this picture...

...still would though, in a hate-fucky way.

>> No.17434671

Many languages don't distinguish between circles and squares. How's that my problem that ESL languages are retarded?

>> No.17434674

On this website? No way

>> No.17434677


>> No.17434700


>> No.17434744

>taller than 5'8"
Owari da

>> No.17434948

>did you even lift
yes, but it did fuck all, I was in boxing like 3 years and despite all the lifting, the constant nonstop cardio kept me looking like a faggot, stayed in welterweight the entire time. Guaranteed I can beat the shit out of 99% of you though, despite your posturings to seem like super macho hetero men. How physically active I am has never changed how I think
>introspect your mental illnesses bro
me introspecting and knowing why I am like this isn't going to suddenly going to erase how I feel or how I am. Get real. There might be a cure for you prison gay incels, but the rest of us don't have the luxury of a Jordan Peterson EZ 'cure'

>> No.17434951

i'm too committed to normcore to turn back now but i reckon i'd love dressing like a weirdo to send signals to all the mental girls who will swallow yr cum & say 'you're inside me forever now' and stuff

>> No.17434958
File: 128 KB, 2489x1101, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17435182

Fucking retarded first picture doesn't even look good

>> No.17435225


>> No.17435231

>different skull formation
Is this even bait or just flat out stpudity?

>> No.17435442

GME to the goon lmao

>> No.17435445

hard to bag a good one off the web, got to see that face first

>> No.17435977

>Almost 200 replies later and no sauce
Come guys

>> No.17436101


>> No.17436103

looks better than the average american "woman"

>> No.17436129

don't let those purge routines cost you a arm and a leg

>> No.17436243
File: 29 KB, 678x593, 8ED14492-EAF6-44FA-9916-6F2804A4F702.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shein is cheap shit that smells like plastic if you are going to dress up properly invest in quality stuff and stop purging it’s a huge waste of money

>> No.17436411

I'm going to fuck you in the ass

>> No.17436522

you do look like the chud wojak
i don't like the glasses or the curly hair

>> No.17436831

I don't care what you like. It's what I like. How about you keep your comments to yourself next time buddy, or else I might decide I don't like you and toss you inside the nearest garbage bin. Idiot

>> No.17436921

Jeez babe is it your time of the month

>> No.17436932

it's that time of the month where I make you bleed

>> No.17436951
File: 503 KB, 1245x1920, tumblr_mqly96ezzR1rnx4qyo4_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crossdressing is only /fa/ when the crossdresser in question is as deliciously bangable as this (no homo)

>> No.17437204

Yes, quite /fe/. Especially those toes, they look deliciously inviting, m'dear

>> No.17437226

will my sheins still fall apart if i keep proper poise and bearing as well as avoid unnecessary distress

>> No.17437263

They probably won't fall apart since you won't wear them that much like your regular clothes anyway

>> No.17438166

Only agp buy from shein

>> No.17438372
File: 47 KB, 919x555, oie_4aD8mzKoaASv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bro, what do you think you'll achieve as dressing like a female? You'll trigger my testo and make my oil driller diamonds.
I will shove my rock hard machine in your soft, wet prepared asshole fucking it merciless and cum in it. I will be on nofap for a week for the maximum load of semen in your rectum as possible.
Your ass will look like a cake with creamfilling coming out.

>> No.17438512

Im poor i swear i am a homosexual

>> No.17438805

Do you think that's better?

>> No.17438878

and people looking to buy clothes for their sex dolls.

>> No.17438965

God, butthole is so nice

>> No.17438969

i want to touch his legs

>> No.17439108

I want to look pretty

>> No.17439189

People often say "wife" or "the Mrs" when referencing their gf. Not the case with the op but it is something you should know.

>> No.17439190

Libra rising, probably chitra

>> No.17439259

Attention-grabbing fashion styles only work if you’re already attractive. “Crossdressing” and androgynous type stuff is the perfect example of this. It can be really cool but it can also be totally revolting.

>> No.17439334

aries sun, aquarius moon, asc cancers, tithi Krishna Dwadashi, yoga Brahma, nakshatra Purva Bhadrapad. of course i'm a late bloomer and don't really know what any of this means yet. another chart tells me asc leo, moon pisces.

>> No.17439348

no one calls their gf "my wife"

>> No.17439693


>> No.17439951

>complains about coomers
>wouldn't ever bother crossdressing if not for attention/validation from said coomers

People would unironically like trannies and crossdressers more if they just embraced being a fuckdoll for the 5 years max they can pull it off and cut out the "I'm depressed so I'm deep" LARP every basic bitch does

>> No.17439976
File: 21 KB, 360x360, E6rGh4mWYAE-1p3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have never had sex and never will have sex

>> No.17440191

I am thankful for its existence every day

>> No.17440276

I like it when boys try their best to look like girls but they still have masculine features like wide shoulders and boy feets that they cannot hide

>> No.17440286

I wouldn't mind this as much if they passed, but holy fuck they're so hideous. Infinite negative points if they snip themselves too.

>> No.17440290

if I see you I'm gonna kick your ass give you a wedgie and hang your underwear, with you in it, from a stop sign in front of blocker. you better watch out dweeb

>> No.17440301

I like it when I truly can't tell what sex they are and without the use of drugs

>> No.17440457

same i love masculine features

>> No.17440458

you a texas tech nerd or a lutheran bitch? I'll kick your ass all the same

>> No.17440471

no I mean I'm at A&M and if I see you I'm gonna mess you up

>> No.17440527

oh lol, I'm not an aggie, but most of my frens and family went there
I'm more of a san jac tier broke ass bitch :^)

>> No.17440531

hey whatever works honestly though

>> No.17440694

I lol every time I see this. God bless the dude who drew it.

>> No.17440696

>shitton of threads asking for actual style advice that get maybe 3 replies
>this thread gets 200+ replies

0% surprised but still baka famalam

>> No.17440715

Plenty of fits were posted ITT

>> No.17440791
File: 580 KB, 465x699, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's actually a shame because there is quite a trend of bringing dresses and skirts to menswear in a cool and fashion way happening RIGHT NOW, which would be interesting to discuss but the thread is just full of coomers and schizoposters as usual when you mention anything remotely linked to women

pic related from gucci fall 2023

>> No.17440792

What is this style called and w2c

>> No.17440793

Kek fuck that

>> No.17440935

fukin jew. this is gayer then traps

>> No.17441080

It's actually a fairly interesting show which presents a lot of ways to push current interests and trends further in a projected direction such as making sleazecore less sleazey and more indie while incorporating the current baggy pants trend. My main issue with the stylings is the actual fits of the oversized jackets being a touch too oversized and not actually being proportional to what would actually be complementary to the stylings of what's current.
The picture he posted in essentially a concept to push a drapier fit into menswear while not feminizing him, keeping the fit overall fairly masculine. I wouldn't wear that particular fit given it doesn't match my style, but god do I want to wear a men's dress/skirt because it just seems so fucking comfortable. It's the reason men used to wear robes and togas, because it's comfortable and breathable.

>> No.17441342
File: 5 KB, 300x168, images (5).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17442698
File: 181 KB, 750x1000, 1666026545411567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17442879
