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17422535 No.17422535 [Reply] [Original]

Necklaces/neck chains are making a major comeback in men's fashion. Is /fa/ pro-necklace or anti?

>> No.17422720

Anyone know where I can get a chain online? Been trying to find something like an 8mm cuban about 20 inches that won't turn my skin green but also I don't care if it's just something plated like vermeil, mainly just not looking to spend thousands on a solid 14k+ chain

>> No.17422781 [DELETED] 

What's the point of a chain if it's just going to be some cheap fake shit? The whole point of a chain is so you're carrying around thousands. It says "I can afford to lose this" or "I'm so strong thieves fear me" or "I have no common sense" depending on the time of day

>> No.17422793

Because if I'm spending thousands on gold it's not going to be jewelery it'd be bullions

>> No.17422801 [DELETED] 

>hey guys see all that complicated "index fund" shit? It's the JEWS trying to TRICK us! Here buy this instead, ignore the ridiculous spreads that make me rich and make you poor, you have to do this or the JEWS will win!

People who buy precious metals for reasons other than "it's pretty and fun to look at" are the biggest suckers on earth

>> No.17422815

the fuck are you talking about? where do the jews come into play with anything? i don't invest in precious metals anyway but if i wanted to spend a fuck ton of money on precious metals I'd rather it be a bar than something I'd be wearing on my person on a regular basis, I just want a chain to get something kinda nice for myself and mix my style up a bit but I don't want to drop thousands on the idea hence me wanting something on the cheaper end

>> No.17422817 [DELETED] 

If you don't know what I'm talking about then you haven't touched the bullion internet. I recommend you keep things that way.

>> No.17422845

If you want something kinda nice for yourself buy sterling silver. Gold chains are for middle eastern men.

>> No.17422852

what’s a chain that screams “i’m a bottom”? asking for a friend

>> No.17422855

Jewelry is for women.

>> No.17422857

vivienne westwood and chrome hearts necklaces, smallest sizes for chrome hearts, no pearls for vivienne westwood

>> No.17422881

For me, chains will always be associated with white wannabees. Whether it's wiggers, mallgoths, or pickup artists. At least in a white context. So I steer clear.

>> No.17422942
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2 situations:

1. wearing an open button-up shirt with a chain with a pendant in middle (picrel)

2. wearing a shorter chain(s) so they lay on top of a crew neck t-shirt (like OP's pic but with a shorter chain)

>> No.17422946
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show us where the mid 2000s hurt you

>> No.17423090
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I love necklaces. They are fashionable and easy to wear.

>> No.17423188

Harlembling is a good place to buy plated stuff online and afforadle chains. If you want diamonds, look into moissanite. Shines better than most diamonds and even pass testers, if you care about shit like that. Other than that, it's a gamble. If you're cool with something other than gold, sterling silver chains are pretty affordable. I mostly wear stainless steel because that shit shines and is dirt cheap. You can find 14mm Cubans for $12. But from my experience, it's a gamble if you're looking for plated stuff, since some people say their stuff hasn't tarnished and some people have their necks turning green. But hey as long as it looks good and shines the way you want it, it doesn't matter if you didn't pay shit for it. Hope this helps, anon good luck.

>> No.17423209

Vivienne Westwood choker

>> No.17423211

That one ain’t

>> No.17423213

how so? its a 5mm solid 14k gold miami cuban. Pretty timeless if I do say so myself

>> No.17423281


>> No.17423309

5mm miami cuban?

>> No.17423310

I bought mine at Mejuri

>> No.17423315

yep. seemed the perfect size to me. Big enough to not look dainty, but still small enough to tuck in and not look obnoxious at a job or formal event. Its about as thick as a 2 to 2.5mm rope chain which i also wear sometimes so it seemed like the perfect proportions to me.

>> No.17423362


>> No.17423487

ye i was thinking about getting a 5mm but an 18in i like flat links to be shorter for some reason

>> No.17423579

you better break the news to every powerful figure since the dawn of time

>> No.17423647

It’s Cuban alright

>> No.17423654

>crew neck with a button up
Absolutely disgusting, I hope you don't get fashion advice from this slob

>> No.17423658

You’re supposed to tuck it in all the time you gaudy fuck

>> No.17423659

The only acceptable jewelry for a man is a watch and/or wedding ring.

>> No.17423660
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>Making a comeback.
>Travel internationally as part of my job.
>Almost never see men wearing 'chains' except negroids and zoomers trying to be negroid adjacent.
What the fuck are you retards talking about?

>> No.17423675

no thank you

>> No.17423966

>travel to third world nonwhite shitholes
>see people too poor to afford jewelry

>> No.17423980

Its depends on how its styled

>> No.17424062

Better off buying jewelry because the government can confiscate all gold not for jewelry purposes. This is partly why Indians drape themselves in the stuff

>> No.17424064

wear a cross or a pendant with a Saint on it under your shirt

>> No.17424298

i think completely opposite to this.
the whole point is having things you can use to look good, in a variety of outfits and contexts. only being able to afford a few things that typically look like shit and you can't afford to lose doesn't help much. the aesthetics matter and nothing else does. do you think just spending money is stylish in and of itself? no wonder when you look at the state of fashion and this board.

also 'investing' is jewellery is the most retarded notion. it doesn't work like that.

>> No.17424304

actually to amend this: it depends. if you are around people who think like yourself and educated on these things, then it's not so much aesthetics but status that determines your fashionability among other things in their eyes. so it is bad to be rigid about this. considering different people and different purposes.

>> No.17424313

If it doesn’t matter whether your “gold” chain is gold then just buy something from the carnival vending machine and call it a day. Steel is stronger than gold and less likely to get you robbed, plus you saved yourself about $4000

>> No.17424511

Ewww at least get silver.

>> No.17424706

You’ve obviously never travelled to Italian-America then.

>> No.17425011
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I just bought this Taz pendant for my chain. How much pussy will this get me? Ladies reading this, please let me know what u think.

>> No.17425013 [DELETED] 

Why though? "The aesthetics matter and nothing else does". So why not silver plate? It's cheaper.

>> No.17425074

Better lasting quality if it's solid but hey if you wanna wear steel on your body no one's gonna stop you

>> No.17425084

>Better lasting quality
Objectively wrong. Steel is far more durable than silver. It doesn't tarnish either. Steel is utilitarian as fuck.

>> No.17425247

>So why not silver plate?

>> No.17426016

Wops come under negroids

>> No.17426017

What are you a pimp?

>> No.17426525

You're sadly getting left behind a bit. Current trends are showing that a simple necklace plus other simple accessories are rising up.

I do two rings (one per hand, non-married for now [popping the question in a few months, mostly likely]), one with a simple design one with a more complex statement-piece style design. I rotate between ring options from there.

For a bracelet, a simple thin metal cuff works, or beads. But only one beaded bracelet, since more looks a bit tacky and outdated. The goal is to find something that complements your watch on your other wrist: I do the cuff with my metal Orient and a black beaded bracelet for my Invicta Submariner homage. With a NATO strap on the Invicta, it's a solid look that I've gotten complements on.

Don't do the bracelet + watch thing imo, it's not great.

Top all of that off with a simple necklace (sterling silver if pale skin, gold if dark skin) worn under the shirt (so that the metal peeks out every so often rather than all the time), and you're pretty set.

Granted I live in Florida, so accessories have to do a lot of work during hot periods where layering is impossible. Either way, the key is to get simple pieces and not to overdo it. One statement piece is fine, more is pushing it.

>> No.17426533
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Typo, meant "don't do the bracelet + watch on the same wrist thing". Have a skincare guide I grabbed from another active thread in exchange for the extra post.

It's kinda crazy how much of a difference a simple skincare routine makes. People think the goal is to look younger with it, but it's really more about looking the best possible for your age, long term. You'll still age, but you'll age gracefully.

>> No.17426746

American negroids literally copied the gold chains thing from wops tho. When niggers were forced to America to be slaves, they were robbed of their names, robbed of their language; they lost their religion, their culture, their God. This resulted in them looking to those around them and mimicking their culture to the nth degree to somehow forge an identity in their new home.When they were in the south they were inspired by the lower class Scots Irish laborers around them to be loud drunk pieces of shit, and then they became drunk pieces of shit too but took it to the most extreme level imaginable in a bid to fit in somewhere within American society. When the southern negros moved northeast they brought their drunken piece of shit/southern-honor based violence culture with them. They looked around and saw that the wops were the most based alpha chads around so they copied their gold chain style and took that to the nth degree.
>nb4 wop
Not wop myself but I like wops a lot and grew up going to catholic school and playing sports with them. They have a better time than no chain virgin upper middle class descended Irish people like myself. My people literally don’t even know how to eat food because eating something that tastes good is “overindulgent” or something. My childhood was literally ‘wypipo food’ meme. My “white” high school friends are living in poverty getting their masters/law degree before they can start their boring lives, but all my Italian friends were living in mansions and driving Porsches by 23 because their dads helped them start construction companies. Kys nerd.

>> No.17426796


>> No.17426803

what’s wop?

>> No.17426817

Slur for Italian Americans. The origin of it is that it stands for With Out Papers. When they came to America via Ellis Island, New York, they routinely arrived without the proper immigration paperwork in hand - W.O.P.s for short.

>> No.17426861

>Necklaces/neck chains are making a major comeback in men's fashion
Delusional. They never left.

>> No.17427765

I wear a 3mm silver rope. Its simple and fashionable. I like how ropes wear because they roll around your neck instead of laying flat.

My chain is 24 inches which is the right size to slip over top of my head. But its also does not hang too low. I wear it all the time usually tucked into my shirt.

But during sexy time its easy to slip the chain over my head and use it as a whip on my girls ass.

>> No.17427777

Poorfag. Stick to stainless steel or sterling

>> No.17427778

It's ok to just admit you're poor

>> No.17427830

I have my eye on a gold 24 inch diamond cut franco chain.

I will buy it for myself if I am right about my crypto bet. I have an alt coin I am hoping moons.

>> No.17428087

correct, while what I said was true I also don't have thousands to drop on a necklace
but I don't want just stainless steel or sterling

>> No.17428105

Women and kings, warriors, and spiritual leaders, any man with a family. A beta male like you wouldn't understand

>> No.17428387

Cringe. Faggot.

>> No.17429103

where can I buy interesting mid-tier jewelry? Etsy? Not dropping for than like $200 on earrings

>> No.17429248

Gold looks so tacky tho

>> No.17429250

I don’t care about any of that because I’m not American

>> No.17429535

>I don’t care about any of that because I’m not American
I find that hard to believe. Where are you from if you don’t mind me asking? I’ve never even heard of a foreigner who isn’t totally obsessed with America, unless maybe they’re some kind of disingenuous Canadian coper feigning nonchalance in vain hopes that we’ll notice them.

>> No.17429544

I went with the 22''. Hope your bet pays off man

>> No.17430077
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>because their dads helped them start construction companies.
Wait do people unironically think "I'm in construction" literally means they're in construction? Are you 12?

>> No.17430871

only if its big, small bits of gold look classy

>> No.17430976


>> No.17431173

America has its offerings sure but I really don’t need to be caught up on what the dregs of Europe have been up to since leaving the old country.

>> No.17431210

Jews cannot touch silver

>> No.17431262 [DELETED] 

We’ve been in consistently kicking your ass in every measure, including even fashion now. Virgil Abloh was the designer of a generation. What have all the pedigreed Counts and Countesses and Lords and Draculas and Marquises of Europe accomplished lately, other than telling the world how delicious and nutritious eating bugs is? We just bombed the fuck out of your pipeline, bro. How are those energy bills treating ya? Have fun getting gouged buying liquefied natural gas from America. And we’ve also convinced your leaders that it’s a smart idea to draw Vladimir Putin into a nuclear conflict so the fun’s just getting started lol.

>> No.17431269

We’ve been iconsistently kicking your ass in every measure, including even fashion now. Virgil Abloh was the designer of a generation. What have all the pedigreed Counts and Countesses and Lords and Draculas and Marquises of Europe accomplished lately, other than telling the world how delicious and nutritious eating bugs is? We just bombed the fuck out of your pipeline, bro. How are those energy bills treating ya? Have fun getting gouged buying liquefied natural gas from America. And we’ve also convinced your leaders that it’s a smart idea to draw Vladimir Putin into a nuclear conflict so the fun’s just getting started lol.

>> No.17431354

It really doesn't. I used to think this too when I was a poor loser. Now that I'm rich, successful, and have a better life than you could possibly even imagine... I enjoy gold jewelry.

>> No.17431578

Where can I buy cheap gold necklace?

>> No.17431588

How do I get into trading?

>> No.17431592
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I'm a tracksuit wearing slav kraut mutt from latvia, who wears a thick golden chain.

>> No.17431594

I just love how gold feels against my skin.

>> No.17431611
File: 55 KB, 700x700, F01E4E18-E308-463D-9E11-713A042B37D3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chains are great when they’re subtle. My favourite is a 1.5mm silver box chain, it’s fine enough not to scream out for attention, but gives off a really nice shine.

>> No.17432043

Chill out

>> No.17432232

I am an investor not a gambler / trader.

My play is buying a crypto thats like Amazon, or Apple before they became big.

I am holding alot of coins waiting for the day crypto takes over finance.

>> No.17432306
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K homo