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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 496 KB, 1522x1528, F2D40B41-63BC-4C27-9B25-D27D63C96E4B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17418755 No.17418755 [Reply] [Original]

What Are You Wearing Today

>> No.17418758
File: 119 KB, 736x736, 00753E60-3852-4E75-9761-4BC8859A2224.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder to post threads and improve the catalogue. 4chan matters.


>> No.17418768
File: 3.60 MB, 2419x3225, fitt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

h-here I go...

>> No.17418773
File: 1.49 MB, 1500x2000, image(07).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i bought the meme boots

>> No.17418774

They look good. Brand new fakes or used originals?

>> No.17418850
File: 441 KB, 1698x2534, mlady.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

inspired by an amy schumer sketch

this inspired me to get some black jeans or pants or whatever.

I think the big faded shirt is the star of this fit

>> No.17418858
File: 853 KB, 1030x998, DF36BCBE-445E-42E9-BC22-A428D28E8DC4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love the before building too but this kind of energy is super good.

I’ve noticed that hoop earrings and Los Angeles aesthetics are going out of style. People are being more unique, creative, soulful, and expressive rather than trendy and aren’t buying fast-fashion either.

>> No.17418912
File: 540 KB, 2106x2459, PXL_20221230_220905437~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Breddy fuckin good

>> No.17418932

Why do you tell lies?

>> No.17418942
File: 1.11 MB, 1125x1125, 97A7632C-0A89-4799-8D90-2755B17E232B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You might not always notice but our would is filled with an utmost abundance of soulful artists.

I love seeing people become more expressive with their clothes because then you can often see more clearly how soulful humanity really is.

Take this girl for an example. You could presume anything about her without knowing her art.

Self greater clothing expression also cuts out bad small talk and lets people know your hidden layers that you truly wish to have your relationship based on.

>> No.17418943
File: 1.09 MB, 1184x1345, 113839575.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't usually just lurk /fa/, but
>embracing my nordic culture
I get so tired of this. Americans that pretend to be like us are the fucking worst. Everytime I visit the US, someone says that shit. Most recently this lady at a coffee shop goes "oh I'm scandinavian" in her hyper-Californian accent to the person next to me, followed by not knowing a lick of Scandinavian when I instinctively responded in Danish to her. Honest question for the Americans here: why do people say this shit?

Pic of my outfit during Nordic Council Session 21 so there's at least some relevance here.

>> No.17418946

>don't usually just lurk
don't usually post but just lurk*
excuse my retardation

>> No.17418953

Breivik ran out of ammo too soon

>> No.17418954
File: 147 KB, 732x876, 5B4C0E83-9971-4867-B068-338F6D7B5E9B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17418960

Top pic is before.
Bottom pic is now.

>> No.17418988
File: 265 KB, 720x1420, Snapchat-1385139631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kinda cringe ngl

>> No.17418998
File: 1.47 MB, 1170x991, 4AA035D4-BFD5-453E-BF13-3DA92D977631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like how u managed to make a bunch of colors work here
friendly dad core
classy looking fellow

>> No.17419011
File: 74 KB, 749x520, 8E9922B2-D29A-4107-8B91-3006B2B523B2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*greater self expression* also cuts out
unwanted interaction and lets people know your hidden layers that you truly wish to have your relationship based on.

>> No.17419012

ayo drip?

>> No.17419022
File: 743 KB, 4096x2818, 348093DF-3910-491D-9436-CE0E4EAC2283.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s not cringe. Lets stop calling things cringe.
Get it tailored. Tighten up. Add more self expression.

I myself would give it a tight tailoring and add striped leggings of a matching colour imo. Thus giving it a Wednesday adams vibe

>> No.17419091
File: 1.91 MB, 1125x2237, 859EAD41-90A4-4EFD-A50D-92F71F18808D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2023 vibes









>> No.17419160

based cursive enjoyer

>> No.17419164

Looks sick. God I wish I lived somewhere cold

>> No.17419246

Thanks :)

>> No.17419248

I'll have it tailored :]

>> No.17419260

worse example than the first one, this one is so sad

>> No.17419264

I love you LSDanon
don't listen to the haters

>> No.17419266
File: 784 KB, 1764x3044, IMG_20221230_190028270_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure if I should go skinnier on the pants or not, I'm worried about the thighs looking weird.

>> No.17419273

Mind sharing your routine? Mirin' the arms and thighs

>> No.17419274

I feel like your belt ought to be a little more prominent, so you have some leather in the middle to match the jacket and the boots.
Something layered on top would be nice, but I have no idea what.
You should get a watch to go with this!
Is that a Fitbit on the left wrist?
Otherwise, this is pretty solid.
I don't think your jacket fits as well as it should.
This is awesome. I feel like you might want one thing to make it stand out, like a white or yellow sling bag, but the color coordination is top-notch.

>> No.17419287

look out everyone it’s jarl faggot ass

>> No.17419301
File: 1.36 MB, 2620x3097, PXL_20221231_021837875~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've done everything from calisthenics to powerlifting to kettlebells. Right now I'm running a hybrid of all three training styles and I can post it if you want but imo the biggest thing is just being consistent in
>applying overload
Nope, two bracelets stacked

>> No.17419306

Thank you for your post, that pic and that Grimes song put me in that 2014-2017 atmosphere again for a brief moment. I also like OP's (it's LSD anon if I'm right, I came back lurking for a few days like one or two months ago) pic. Though now I think Grimes sucks.
I think I should start visiting /fa/ regularly again, it was fun back then. I should also get off of alcohol and get my shit back tohether again.
Sorry, I'm slightly drunk now

>> No.17419328
File: 2.54 MB, 2736x3648, 20221227_180618.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gr8 fits

>> No.17419438
File: 1.20 MB, 1125x1497, AF1C9E80-8956-48B5-8673-0F65AE719A74.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The implication is that collective society is now mass producing these kinds of structures.

It’s only the beginning. And I see globally that the value of aesthetics keeps rising in every way.

Progress is real.

I love you too. Thanks for existing.

>> No.17419445
File: 833 KB, 1533x1487, 3A632D6C-4BF2-4D6B-BF93-4D44CE0A1D43.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This doesn’t mean there’s a reduction in good modern aesthetics.

This is purely a good change for everyone.

I’m sure EVERYONE wants ever
more kinds of soul-ifications to be prospering in every way.

>> No.17419498

retard chat ai doesnt even understand the in thread topic what a fucking joke.

>> No.17419500

lmao did you spend your alt coin gambling money on pinterest inspo

>> No.17419555

saved up and bought used 8)

>> No.17419556

hmm I have a black sling/waistpack I use (not pictured obviously), but that’s pretty boring

Something white/yellow would look v sick, giving me stuff to think about, thanks!!

>> No.17419590
File: 1.89 MB, 1130x1363, B98C33C6-6C7D-4B98-A18F-463CC7CB46DE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



The pants are alright but you really have to change the shoes.

Try chuck taylors or Stan smith shoes.
Look up “pale wave”

If you get perfectly fitted Stan smiths that outfit will be goodder.

Or maybe even shoes reminiscent of what Eddie Redmayne wore in fantastic beasts.
I wonder about merging the 1950s and 60s with vibes like neo-folk. I have seen it done zestily.

Thank you for loving what you love. Yeah, be your truest self, you ARE the soul of that era. You ARE your love and you ARE a god of what you love. Only think, do; and be what you love. Give all your soul/thoughts to what you love.
I wish for the 2014-2017 4chan soul to ever increasingly prosper in every way.

It’s far more than just 4chan though. That unity. That true globalism. The ever increasing soulfulness and ever progressing utopia.

Things are good but everyone knows how good that good can get.

I love grimes. Music is soul. I feel the collective soul improving will improve music.

I think everyone can agree there was a drought to some extent beyond the less overt scenes and underground. Lets take the reigns of the mainstream. There’s a massive vacuum to fill with what we love.

>> No.17419598

Honestly yeah if you wouldn't mind posting if anything just for curiosity sake I'd like to see what you're working with atm

>> No.17419599

awful waywt polluted with LSD fag samefagging, and braindead newfags that dont know any better to not post fits

>> No.17419605
File: 372 KB, 1404x1124, 383F1C66-D9AF-4567-A929-5C6D5EF27F8C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




You should treat 4channers goodder. They’re my people.

>> No.17419609
File: 1.99 MB, 3024x3163, 28E17905-56DA-4E7A-821E-8554B6A5CC1C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

top too long

>> No.17419625

use this waywt if you dont want LSDanon to continue ruining generals on this board

>> No.17419708
File: 153 KB, 1080x1575, Screenshot_20221231-220428_Samsung_ApexService.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

spreading positivity

>> No.17419714
File: 323 KB, 1836x3264, 20221231_215038.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not wearing glasses this time around because I'm in a good mood and wanna be earnest.

this year and even the past month have been really fucking awful for me in a lot of different ways, but for some reason today I was in a good mood. Maybe it was the fact that "Smash Mouth - All-Star" was playing in my head, or maybe it was me finally accepting that I can, and should put the neuroses and misfortune of this past year behind me and live the life I truly want in 2023, maybe it was just pleasantly sunny.

Anyway, here's to a happy new year for me, and all of you too, even my fellow tripfags, strange bedfellows though they are.
A year where we can put the hardships of this last one behind us, and move forward in all our best qualities, values, and pursuits, and none of our worst flaws, anxieties, and vices.

And to those who aren't even sure what their best qualities, values, or pursuits are, who don't know who they wanna be, what they wanna do, or whether they even deserve to try, (and believe me, I've been there this year)
here's me praying to whoever's listening that the coming 12 months are packed sunday to saturday with growth and discovering the best version of yourself you can be, and that I'm able to have that too.

>> No.17419715
File: 1.57 MB, 1582x3302, IMG_20221231_110245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17419734

>here's me praying to whoever's listening that the coming 12 months are packed sunday to saturday with
prayer rejected: reason: weeks start on Mondays

>> No.17419814


1. Floor Press 2-3-5-2-3-5-2-3
2-1. Decline Weighted Pushup 5x8-12
2-2. Weighted Ring Row 5x8-12
3. BB Curl 5x8-12

1. Deadlift 2-3-5-2-3-5-2-3
2. Weighted Pullup 2-3-5-2-3-5-2-3
3-1. Front Squat 5x6-8
3-2. 1H KB Swings 5x10-20

100 1H Swings
5k Run

1-1. Double KB C&P 8x5-12
1-2. Ring Pullup 8xAMRAP
2. KB Snatch 3x5-15
3. DB Curl 5x8-12

1-1. Double KB FSQ 8x5-12
1-2. Double KB Swings 8x5-12

100 1H Swings
5k Run


>> No.17419828

Retarded routine.

>> No.17419961
File: 305 KB, 720x1600, 20221231-162841.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

henlo, any tips?

>> No.17419968

Jeans are too short mate, otherwise not a bad look!

>> No.17419975

Wonder what happened to all the historic buildings in Dresden

>> No.17419977

The jeans kinda fit like womens jeans - short and tight in some weird places. Also maybe just my opinion, but I'd say different shoes.

>> No.17420001

they look fine. you could go slimmer if you want but you don't need to
jeans are a disaster. everything else looks good

>> No.17420050

>jeans bad
noted, will find some better ones soon, thankyu for the advice

>> No.17420053
File: 531 KB, 855x636, 3ABBC5D4-24B4-4E83-8584-C998527A88F4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You look amazing Doug. I’m impressed. I love your new look. Keep it up. An angel-intelligencia vibe.

I think the boots are too big. But the rest is good. You’d want much bigger pants or something bigger above the boots for those boots. Like leg warmers

Extremely hot, extremely fresh.
A very 2023 aesthetic. I love the whole shape of all the whole look. From the baggy pants to the tight shirt. I get what’s happening in the waist is the highlight of attention and personally I’d leave it minimalist sometimes but sometimes I’d add some expressive buttons or stitchings or enamel pins etc. I feel it would increase the expression without diminishing any other kinds of expression.

It looks really good. Good jacket, good pants. But the shoes should be changed. They have too much mass on the bottom in my opinion

>> No.17420066
File: 2.41 MB, 1542x1518, 6021C63E-4E45-4459-9399-EAA8671A7D02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m curious what you’d look like with that outfit not having a tie and being tailored to be less tight. Your current build is rather slim. You may want to balance out your head shape with a larger wider outfit. Or even consider gaining weight and working out.

Your suit is tailored extremely good but I still recommend significant changes for a more balanced silhouette.

>> No.17420067

boring and your jeans fit is retarded

>> No.17420115

This faggot literally ruins general threads all over 4chan.
He’s a piece of shit and unironic CCP plant

>> No.17420148

cancer actively ruining the board

>> No.17420157

Kill yourself you are the cancer killing this entire website. So many fucking boards have kicked you out and /fa/ is the most filled with retarded underage b& who don’t recognize

>> No.17420290


>> No.17420307

With what?

>> No.17420345

With the fact that you still think programming past managing fatigue and applying overload

>> No.17420355

>I’m curious what you’d look like with that outfit not having a tie and being tailored to be less tight.
you're fucking retarded, this suit fits exactly how it should (minus the short jacket)
and i'm not ditching the tie, fuck you, bow ties are cool
>Or even consider gaining weight and working out.
trying to

>> No.17420362

*matters past managing fatigue and applying overload

>> No.17420365

kek two of the biggest faggots on /fa/ arguing

>> No.17420370

Retard did you have a seizure due to your shit routine?

>> No.17420392

Your suit fits great. Ignore the junkie.
He has never once in any of these threads posted a picture of his own body/fit

>> No.17420845
File: 533 KB, 1125x936, BE69322B-D4FA-4CB3-8766-22674B019A5F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Stay in your thread, huck.
Get a life. Make friends. Get a lover.
Move on.
Make your story a good story, not a bad story.

I never meant that the suit is unfitted.
I meant that maybe try a different kind of fit for your current silhouette. One of the easiest ways to gain weight is to overeat enough to stretch out your stomach lining so you’ll be more hungry in general.

And as far as I know, working out to gain mass is mostly about high weight but less reps.

>> No.17420865

>And as far as I know, working out to gain mass is mostly about high weight but less reps.
High weight low reps is for strength training, hypertrophy (ie gaining size) is usually lower weight more reps. Obviously there is some correlation between strength and size but guys that just train gor strength either look dyel or overweight

>> No.17421025

I’d disagree from what I’ve seen

I hate the forced-meme lingo like dyel. I love the 4chan that isn’t abrasive. I think the guy who is being referred to could use blunt mass even if it isn’t toned.

>> No.17421045


>> No.17421103
File: 914 KB, 1883x2767, PXL_20230101_094641888.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's so fucking cold in my office

>> No.17421276

Great look man I need to grab some turtlenecks during the summer at some point.


Not a fan but depending on facial aesthetics you might pull it off well

>> No.17421281
File: 724 KB, 1575x2100, 2A01C277-9B4E-4B93-A191-60A609122C08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol forgot to post fit

>> No.17421312

What's wrong with the current shoes, though? I liked the red trim and tried to match it to the color of the undershirt. Granted, they're kind of beat up at this point because I've been wearing them for a few years and I'm looking for some new ones. If I got Stan Smiths, I'd probably get ones with the stripes in red as well.
Otherwise, I'm going for for an "aviator casual" sort of look, so probably the Eddie Redmayne boots would work the best. Palewave isn't quite what I'm aiming towards.
In that case, you're fine. A Fitbit would've felt a little tryhard, but bracelets fit the rest of the outfit.
Yeah, I was thinking something that's both
a). a light color, and
b). diagonal
so that it kind of cuts through the already-great color coordination and gives a nice way to draw the eye up and down through the fit. I was actually thinking a bandolier at first, but a sling pack fits better with the functionality of the fit while also looking less LARP-y.

>> No.17421444
File: 3.49 MB, 3648x5472, 1661011036227.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


How is this for a wool trouser? I don't want to look like a boomer

>> No.17421525

The only one who should kys is you

>> No.17421556

used originals senpai

>> No.17421558
File: 1.90 MB, 787x1529, Skärmavbild 2022-08-09 kl. 20.43.03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My fit

>> No.17421584
File: 385 KB, 1029x1093, newyrs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i ended up wearing the meme hat all night anyhow
looking cool B^)
>dakimakura in the background
g*d bless
I'd get some slim boot jeans or just some straight jeans, but it doesn't look bad at all!
really good, I think you could ditch the hat and wear a nice striped toque and it would be godly

>> No.17421602
File: 665 KB, 1342x2995, dirtymirror.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my 2023-official homeless fit of the day

>> No.17421614
File: 564 KB, 1429x1554, 4C00E18B-7D0A-4E72-915A-7C94B52F6A79.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Nice buckle.

Yeah it’s good.
I’d go for a progressively sharper look though. Let your weird out.


However I’d wear pants like >>17419590
The top left if I were you

Those are nice but you’ll have to tailor them

Good. Just maximize the self expression

>> No.17421621
File: 2.51 MB, 1357x1496, A3345BF3-E578-43AB-8859-093824C3F3C5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still want to see you in baggier pants like >>17419590 #

Or whatever

Just get pants you’ve never tried yet

The rest is Wes Anderson good


The shoes are especially good

Add more expression

Self expression is the fucking key to everything

I’d wear that with a necklace with one of those blue evil eye wards on it

And stitch something unique on the jacket

For the world to be better we need more deviancy.

>> No.17421624
File: 264 KB, 1299x1188, ED1E77CB-7FE5-4A73-B496-B3C287DA02E1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17421634

Kill yourself. You schizophrenic fuck.
>everyone who hates me is the same
Nope you’re just that hatable. Fucking antichrist.

>> No.17421637

Post your fit.

>> No.17421654

>>17421624 ( continuing with my thoughts)
i love these hats, I wear mine with a pair of pilot goggles
i like this
wear a necklace with this
so pretty and mature
i like the length a lot
idrk if i like this or not
i like this v much
i like this v much also
rly rly cool n good

>> No.17421667

best post in the whole thread

>> No.17421675

thanks !!!

>> No.17421700

Whenever I ask clerks to have something tailored they gaslight me over whether it's necessary or whether it will work. How do I deal with this?

>> No.17421710

violence is the only answer

>> No.17421718

>I still want to see you in baggier pants like
lol I'm legit way too old for baggy pants like that, I'll stick to wearing 505s, 501s, and 514s that are a couple of sizes above what I should be wearing, that's what I wear in 99% of my fits
as for buying pants that aren't levis, I am super autistic and levis have never let me down, they are god tier no matter what anyone on this board says

>> No.17421739

kek cancer talking with cancer

>> No.17421740

Don’t reply to the junkie faggot

>> No.17421758

you dumb fucking retard, I'm a fucking pisces
why not

>> No.17422020
File: 31 KB, 295x640, C7E0F392-17F9-4FF4-BB51-0626D67EFFB7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fw this alot
Nice, feel like jeans at bit too tight around the ankles, and don’t like the socks showing.
Looks very good
Solid, not feelin the shoes though
Lookin goodthere , Robbie
Sick jacket

>> No.17422022
File: 125 KB, 591x1280, 6D0619E6-4413-43B7-9F7E-BE7B4691CF0B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tf is this ass quality

>> No.17422027

weird fit
but that's because where I'm from, people here aren't creative
cool boots

>> No.17422055

Needs thin boots in my opinion, not rangers

>> No.17422070

Lmfao a while ago I came up with a schitzo theory that LSDanon wad a paid Russian shill who somehow convinced his superiors that taking a bunch of drugs and shitposting on an anonymous fashion forum would somehow demoralize the west

or just got assigned to /fa/ thru nepotism because there needs to be one Russian Agent on every board

now I find out he's literally Russian

this is too much man

>> No.17422079

his posts just make me want to send a bunch of ATACMS to Ukraine

>> No.17422466

>honest, modest and based
>inauthentic, kitschy and cringe

Look what they took from us modernist bros

>> No.17422495

ID on boots?

>> No.17422668
File: 1.72 MB, 3640x2730, boot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

French army rangers.

Gr8 Megumin daki.

It's a wider leather belt that matches the boot leather, just hidden by my pants.

This is sick, also post your footy over at /esg/.

I'm inspired to get a pair too except it's literally impossible to find ones that fit right. They're always too short or too skinny. These ones were too long and I cut them with scissors. Finding trousers is a nightmare.

>> No.17422673
File: 2.25 MB, 2394x4505, 20221229_141927.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cop? I have abs btw.

>> No.17423059
File: 1.97 MB, 1125x1665, 9226B515-13AE-4D7B-8FCE-26C7E010942D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Keep experimenting

Very good

Very crisp

The best so far in my opinion


I’d love to copy your look

I would get bulkier pants or loose fit pants and a less thick coat.

>> No.17423251

Stay on this board, faggot. You aren’t welcome elsewhere

>> No.17423252
File: 1.09 MB, 1170x1373, A FUCKING JEW.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He’s unironically a canadian kike
Probably living in british columbia. Guy’s a faggot

>> No.17423497

thats not the LSDfag

>> No.17423526

You copped meh. It's nice. Good fit yeh? You see those other agents yet?

>> No.17423546

Match your shoes with your belt. It's a cardinal rule of fashion my guy.

>> No.17423723

It is the ladfag. He was posting on /k/ and confirmed he’s jewish and a fucking leaf

>> No.17423796
File: 562 KB, 1170x2080, 39575168-7AEA-482E-AB4B-B0853ED0673B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wore this today.
>13$ tommy hilfiger slides
>black socks (always)
>basketball shorts, cigarette hole unnoticable
>thrift store shirt didn’t fit my cousin so he gave it to me
>drakkar noir

>> No.17423803

filename doesnt match

>> No.17424394
File: 1.75 MB, 1476x2919, IMG_20230103_185335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this work or is it too edgy? Feel like I should switch to a normal belt and ditch the tie but I'm not sure. Sorry for the bad pic I don't have a full body mirror. Lower body is just average suit pants and chelsea boots.

Most of you look really good btw I'm jealous
I like this one a lot it resembles some kind of shady guy working for a russian mafia or something

>> No.17424407

I like yours too. I'd go for a thinner belt but I also want a belt like yours. I'm just damn sure none of my trousers will have loops this wide.

>> No.17424409

I'm 4eign socI don't understand your references mate. Didn't cop that, I actually copped this one in a smaller size on Yoox this week for 400.

>> No.17424413
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>> No.17424464
File: 1008 KB, 1125x1122, 48BE6633-4150-499F-A53D-46A6FF1E00F9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Bringing a new vapour-wave renaissance back single handedly

Keep doing you. Ever increase your unique expression/soul




I think you should go for a crispr tighter tailored look like the person you’re impressed by in this thread

I recommend less tight pants. Not oversized by aesthetically loose fit. There’s a lot of unique pant aesthetics to explore. I posted some loose fit pants but there’s classier versions people can wear with different textures. Consider the silhouette. Men in the 50s wore looser fit pants with jackets like that.
Also I don’t recommend t-shirt with that coat.

If you look up “1950s man” in google images you’ll notice they all have baggy pants.

>> No.17424491
File: 701 KB, 1125x773, 5D970655-9A40-4849-9691-28996FF3B25F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*Not oversized *but* aesthetically loose fit

The silhouette is crucial

>> No.17424765
File: 125 KB, 510x1026, joggy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks very good
godlike hair and awesome fit, don't ditch the tie, the belt maybe... but it looks fine as is

>> No.17424778

can anyone id the boots ????

>> No.17425106

Thanks for the advice, my shipment of yoox pants worth 2k (were it not for sales) hopefully has some loose pants in it. Incoming Friday.

>> No.17425393

Any particular reason this slow ass board needs two of the same thread

>> No.17425395

Guess you didnt read through the thread and realize half the responses are schizo babble from one poster

>> No.17425748
File: 1.64 MB, 2099x2499, 33892243-1BE3-4660-8E68-1991321B9EB8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are pretty much the only good fits on this thread. The rest of you need to stop dressing like you work at a mall or you live at urban outfitters

Unsound rags maxxing

Austrian army boots. They’re hard as fuck to find in sizes above 9, and usually when you do they’re beat to shit. I put a vibram sole on them, and I wore them more then my guidis. They’re fucking amazing.

>> No.17425752

This post was ment for >>17424778

>> No.17425786

Yeah yours look great for sure. I originally wanted Austrian memes too, but getting a pair was damn near impossible when I was trying so I just settled for the French rangers. After getting burned by solovair of course, twice. And before someone linking me these new shittyass Steinadlers and other shit, then no thank you. I wanted a good pair like this anon.

>> No.17425813

I bought them off eBay for 40$. No laces, leather was scuffed to hell, and the outsole was damn near flat. I put a Vibram Montagna sole and added an orthopedic foam heel insert for some height boost and comfort. After some elbow grease and a waxing, I’ve worn them to damn near everything.

If SHTF or nuclear war happens this is the boot I’ll be wearing the entire time.

>> No.17425814

ywnbaw but i would smash regardless

>> No.17425836

what shoes are those?

>> No.17425867

nice try but you were praising your own fit

>> No.17425869

Ironically I wasn't going for a crisper tighter tailored look and I wish I looked more like the sex hair guy.

>> No.17425989

This is stupid. You're never gonna get laid at this rate, grow up.

>> No.17426034
File: 1.35 MB, 2075x5509, IMG_20230104_112059135~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Starting to experiment more with looser fit jeans. Sugarcane 1947, didn't shrink anywhere near enough in the wash, going to a tailor this weekend. Going to hem them so there's enough for a small cuff and I'm going to taper very slightly from the knee down, 1-1.5 inches.

>> No.17426117
File: 1.15 MB, 1125x1699, B026FC23-9EB1-46B5-92C1-7BA84B514A1C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good pants but never wear that jacket ever again. In my opinion

Typically your jackets are good.

Don't do that with your pants. Tailor them instead.

I also recommend you keep evolving your aesthetics in general
Your look should be improved significantly

I don’t feel the shirt looks great and the leather jacket seems too small. Also get different and better shoes. Check out more inspo

It’s good that you have unique self expression but keep improving

>> No.17426264
File: 831 KB, 1636x2180, IMG_4840.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks mom n dad for christmas clothes, I forgot how much I love turtlenecks
Pretty solid, the white collar on that shirt kinda brings it all together

The right kinda understated

Man I feel like there's rarely a case where a flannel is the best choice, I hate plaid

probably just me though

I like the shirt

Private school-core (in neither a bad nor good way)

Shit man I'm usually not into techwear but this is super tasteful

Going outside-core (in a good way)

It feels like it's missing something, but I can't put my finger on it.

I feel like the top half and the bottom half don't quite go together

I'm sorry to hear this year has been so shitty for you, I hope this one turns around! You've consistently got some of my favorite fits around here

Damn very tastefully done

I don't think the shoes go with the rest of the outfit - you've got a sort of outdoorsy vibe going, but then the shoes scream city life

Also I don't think those jeans fit, they look a touch too small

Fuck dude that belt buckle is cool as shit, also scarves need to make a comeback

I think the hat doesn't totally go with the fit - maybe a beanie, beret, or some sort of brimmed forest service-esque hat would go better

Ticks all the boxes

I'm not sure the hat works

Jesus christ legwarmers and bean boots who would've thought

Everything in me says it shouldn't work but it does

Sharp and unobtrusive in a good way

The only person here who has sex

Thats alotta edge

Love the shirt, jean cuffs are a bit thicc for my taste

>> No.17426266

ah fuck /pol/fags are gonna shit on my gf's books

>> No.17426269

>still putting keyring on your belt loop
and your shit fit

>> No.17426291

>Love the shirt, jean cuffs are a bit thicc for my taste

I hate the cuffs too, didn't have time to get to a tailor yet due to the holidays. Going this weekend for a hem and a very mild taper. I still want them to be loose, they're just a touch too baggy past the knee.

I really dig this shirt too, it doesn't show in the pic but it's actually a sweater thickness. Most of the clothes express puts out are kinda shit but I found a few pieces there this year that were pretty cool and well worth it on sale.

>> No.17426296

Fuck I forgot: I have a turtleneck just like that,same shade. I like your fit, what boots are those?

>> No.17426301

>A poorly dressed black woman
>On an anonymous message board
>Trying to get even more attention by being a tripfag

Shocking. Unbelievable. Who would have ever expected something like this?

>> No.17426308

yikes.. learn what a trip is

>> No.17426314

No worries, I already know what a trip is: An attention seeking faggot

>> No.17426319

Too lazy to take a picture, but boomercore with a blue button-down, green cable knit sweater, tan chinos, and burgundy weejuns. Boring, but effective.

>> No.17426337

AE Chapmans - super on sale rn!

>> No.17426338

Love this one just bc your hair matches the fit so well. Everything about this is really harmonic

And yeah I think you're right about my fit being too edgy, will probably replace the belt and the shirt with something more classy

>> No.17426339

where am I supposed to put em

>> No.17426373

I just bought three pair of AE! Patton, Dalton and Freeport. Also got the pair of grey Grant Stones I'm wearing in the pic. Got a pair of Navy Chromexcel boots coming this week. I'm a huge fan of boots,would wear them every day if I could.

Sold some of my cologne collection, I was going to buy another back of Grants but I think I'll upgrade to a pair of Alden's.

>> No.17426422

>blonde hair
who dis?

>> No.17426504

I mess with this although brown boots are gay.

What's wrong with the shirt though?

>> No.17426513

>brown boots are gay.
Gonna need an explanation here chief

>> No.17426518

Just my personal opinion.

>> No.17426522

lol pol and it even takes space in your head

>> No.17426541

I want to know too

>> No.17426625

Nothing I still like the shirt itself but I feel it's more appropriate in combination of more urban stuff. I'll probably just use a regular white or black business shirt for this type of fit from now on

>> No.17426870

>brown boots are gay

Correct opinion anon

>> No.17426955

I lurk here more than I post

>> No.17427043

This line of thinking is complete bullshit because your standards of "authenticity" only apply to traditional or neo-classical architecture. Any kind of architecture is "authentic" as long as it doesnt attempt to learn from the past couple thousands of years of Western architecture. And even if there was a building that perfectly conformed to those arbitrary standards, you wouldn't actually care and would still prefer the concrete & glass abomination. Fuck post-modernists.

>> No.17427119

Wash your hair ffs

>> No.17427153

Cobler Union chukkas in brown Utah calf leather.

>> No.17427301
File: 1.92 MB, 960x960, 1671276073382342.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw went from waste of a post to kys to stop wearing converse to don't take pictures in an elevator to yikes to now allegedly being one of the good fits in the thread

>> No.17427362

bro don't date a negro tranny or start a band you'll regret it

>> No.17427508
File: 2.74 MB, 1784x3473, IMG_20230105_185829.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Better now? I know it's kinda basic but I dig this sorta aesthetic quite a lot especially bc I'm skinny.
Idk man this isn't my thing at all, but depending on your hair you could pull it off pretty well

>> No.17427520

Sex. Although previous shirt was better.

>> No.17427693
File: 1.22 MB, 2774x2995, IMG_20230105_150522945~4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>depending on your hair you could pull it off pretty well

I have dark brown and grey hair that's thinning so I just shave it off. Normally I use a trimmer with the guard removed, if I have time I use a safety razor and polish for shine. Same with face, shave it with a safety razor, so it's either smooth or short dark stubble.

Today's outfit, with link to better pics because I have to butcher them in order to fit the size limit. I really like my jacket, it's pink suede and more versatile than I initially thought it was going to be.


>> No.17427702

>depending on your hair you could pull it off pretty well

Also forgot to say I really like this outfit. It's a little too monochromatic for me to be able to pull it off but you look really good here. Big exhausted detective vibes, in a good way

>> No.17427734
File: 804 KB, 1464x3325, PXL_20230105_132559005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reposting in non-dead thread

>> No.17427746

You're dressed like a male lead in a late 90s Kevin Smith movie.

>> No.17427855

Randomass colors.

>> No.17427860

nice, like the colors but im not sure abt the blue on the shoes
based, everything fits v well
most basedest suitposter
p normal, could see some more accessories, maybe a belt
goofy pants
very good normal fit, i feel like the scarf could be different, mayb smth solid/lighter colored
nice, silhouette and fit is good
nice jacket and almost a nice fit, yr belt clashes with yr shirt and yr shoes suck tho, also do better with the cuffs
hot, also nice fit

>> No.17427864

>enya umanzor influencer copycat core
yawn. bet you can't even afford real cop copine.

>> No.17427968

>and yr shoes suck tho

What kind of shoes would you recommend?

>> No.17427973

combat boots or smth in black leather to go w the jacket

>> No.17428028
File: 780 KB, 756x1264, EE99488E-ACD6-4DAC-BDB3-58A221E486EC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thoughts on gf and I for date night?

>> No.17428034

patterns clash, 3 buttons undone looks immature, shirt collar is crumpled and looks cheap (fix the button down)

>> No.17428038

>gf and I
it should be gf and me
life is so unfair that someone with such bad grammar knows what the inside of a vagina feels like while I, a beneficiary of an elite education, have never been hugged

>> No.17428040

Tommy Hilfiger but I’ve had it like 3 years, and yeah she complained about the buttons too kek

>> No.17428043

American detected

>> No.17428051

Looking good, guys!

>der jealous bitter incels

Many such cases. Sad.

>> No.17428054

>>der jealous bitter incels
>Many such cases. Sad.
weren't you advocating for tall guy genocide on another thread?

>> No.17428082
File: 121 KB, 1056x888, live-gun-reaction.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

awful bait, kys

>> No.17428090
File: 444 KB, 1059x818, 1595958162600.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the face of the man giving advice. How's the job hunt going Cecil? Still "temporarily" unemployed?

>> No.17428108
File: 136 KB, 720x1280, IMG_20221224_164107_670.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17428112

Your point? Do you have one?

Another knuckle head with no point. I look alright there?

It's not going too bad, I just can't be fucked to fill in application forms. So I'll give it another go on Monday or so.

>> No.17428130

You look like shit. She looks like an oversized coat.

>> No.17428132

Casual, not immature.
I assume he's in his 20s or early 30s so theres nothing wrong with not looking completely "mature".
I agree about the collar though.

>> No.17428133

EYOOOO HAHAHHA someone come get they mans bruh look at this d00d

>> No.17428151

We’re both 22

>> No.17428156
File: 757 KB, 1030x712, problem.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PROBLEM, faggot?

>> No.17428212
File: 399 KB, 771x914, 1594426113135.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I genuinely feel bad for you Cecil. Everyone shits on you in literally every thread, and you keep coming back. Why? If you have information or commentary to share , you could turn the trip off like the rest of us and just be anonymous.

But you don't.

And I've wondered about why for years, and I think I figured it out but it makes me feel bad for you like I'm punching down. Your life is so empty and meaningless, no one acknowledges you in the real world at all. Sure I know you'll claim to be trolling, you're just acting like a sad useless unemployed asshole, etc. But we both know that's not true, this really is you.
As a man you have to feel some sting in whatever pride you have left. Knowing the only way people pay attention to you is if you debase yourself like an emotional abuse prostitute?
Come on man, I say this as someone who despises you: You don't deserve what you're doing to yourself, you can make it stop.

And I know you'll play this off and think you're the one trolling us but just think about it later when you manage to step away from this place. But come on man, people have been shitting on you for years here, there hasn't been any massive change in opinion over you. Has the lack of attention you get offline made you so empty, such a desperate yearning void that it's someone all worth it just for people to post pics of your face and laugh at you? Do you watch as people degrade you constantly and think it's a victory since you're acknowledged?

You claimed to serve in OIF, there has to be some pride left in you. If you won't change for yourself, think of the men you served with. Surely someone thought better of you than *this*.

>> No.17428220

Fucking hell man, no need to be horrible like this. NO need for it.

>I say this as someone who despises you

OMG why??? I'm kinda great.

>You claimed to serve in OIF

Look, I lied alright! I have washed dishes for restaurants on and off for about 5 years, and the rest of the time, unemployed. I am trying here.

>> No.17428252
File: 584 KB, 908x555, just sick of it.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hope you're proud of yourself for making me feel like this.. i was even feeling cheerful enough to get a shower, first time in 3 weeks, but i am not going to now.. seriously, hope you feel good.

>> No.17428262

really good, I want the ID for like everything

>> No.17428264
File: 614 KB, 914x609, 1594419385909.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao it's rare Cecil time now

>> No.17428266
File: 800 KB, 1112x628, 1594492810394.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You've been looking like that for a while chief

>> No.17428273
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>> No.17428283
File: 809 KB, 1151x662, fuck da haturz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>incels mad at cecil cuz they ain't him

>> No.17428379

Better not to mix patterns like that and I’d throw the shirt in the trash.

>> No.17428523

I like the pants a lot

>> No.17428528

I really like this

>> No.17428531

I love Enya

>> No.17428583
File: 40 KB, 302x664, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>instinctively responded in Danish
You're an idiot
Very nice, although you are posing quite a lot
This is stylish too, although I agree wider pants might suit better

>> No.17428587

>Your life is so empty and meaningless, no one acknowledges you in the real world at all.
Isn't this the case for basically everyone here?

>> No.17428631

The jacket isn't my usual style so I'm trying to figure out what works best footwear wise.
I don't own a motorcycle so I'm not going to wear motorcycle/engineer boots. I know plain boot military style boots like Corcoran jump boots will work, what about plain black cowboy boots?

What about non boot options? It doesn't look right with modern footwear like Nikes IMHO. Would something like an all white or all black thicker leather sneaker work?

>> No.17428642

They’re just uninteresting Americans who want to sound unique or exotic by pointing out distant, distant ancestry

>> No.17428697

Damn ok. Schott lcmaine2 jacket. Dark as day longsleeve. Basic black belt from massimo. Wasted Paris trousers I cut down with scizzors. Argueyrolles French ranger boots. Shredmaster Stinky socks V2. Black H&M undershirt. Black Lord underwear. Hawkins & brimble matt clay. Guerlain mythique. Black Casio AQ-230. Black MK1 Seat Leon Cupra keys. Airwaves cassis gum. Juju album face mask. I think that's all.

Jokes aside I forgot to ask you guys if you have any recs for a jewelry store in yurop. I think I want a short cuban chain or something. Might look good with that shirt.

>> No.17428747
File: 170 KB, 496x1052, l8bluemer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

still dunno what to wear with this oversized hoodie
amazing, just needs a cig and a glass of whiskey
maybe a nice black fedora too :}
maybe the shoes idk, but you look great
nice, it's like I time traveled back to 2005
I really like those shoes. Also what color is that shirt? I feel like a different color vest or shirt might be in order, but the fit looks good

>> No.17428875

ID on jeans? cut looks perfect

>> No.17428908

ID on coat?

>> No.17429024

It was a trenchcoat by mango for like 130€, bought it in 2021 but I don't think they're selling this exact model anymore

>> No.17429033
File: 713 KB, 1350x3449, IMG_20230106_143040193~3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Friday outfit. Trying to incorporate more patterns and textures into my clothes. Jacket is tweed, primary grey with blues, orange, red and green flecks.

>> No.17429046


>> No.17429069

nice shoes
cringe nu fedora

>> No.17429092

same here!

>> No.17429095

.... are you implying a flat cap is the same as a fedora?

>> No.17429363

It’s an ugly hat popularized by a corny goyslop tele show, so it’s hardly any better is it.

>> No.17429379

Who died

>> No.17429400

The drummer from modest mouse

>> No.17429455

I heard about that, very sad. Also Gangsta Boo of the 3 6 Mafia.

>> No.17429590

thanks bro
I copped the jacket

>> No.17430559

Ok but give me a jewelry store rec now.

>> No.17430597


>> No.17430599

Eat some food you fucking idiot and put on some muscle or something. your head is wayyy to big for you body and you need to even that shit out.

>> No.17430681

By the way I forgot to tell you QC on online Schott orders can be iffy. My first pair came fucked up, but thankfully customer support was great and they exchanged it with a good one. I also got the size wrong the first time and was able change it.

Pretty cool. And of course the woman's section has way more options and for cheaper.