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17418175 No.17418175 [Reply] [Original]

How do I wear hanfu in Western countries without looking autistic/eccentric/like a weeaboo/gay, etc.? I'm half Chinese so I'm basically immune to the cultural appropriation card. I really want to do it as daily wear even but I feel like people are gonna call me a faggot or a weeb behind my back.

>> No.17418183

>but I feel like people are gonna call me a faggot or a weeb behind my back.
Some will. That’s reality if you want to wear anything beyond NPC-core. You just have to grow some skin and ignore it.

>> No.17418210

You can't, it literally looks like some theme park/cosplay outfit. You will always be that oen autist if you choose to wear it outside of Chinese festivals or whatever

>> No.17418303
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>How do I wear hanfu in Western countries without looking autistic/eccentric/like a weeaboo/gay, etc.?

Impossible. You're gonna be seen as a weirdo/fag for dressing like that. And given everything that's been going on as of late, now especially is not a great time to attract attention to yourself wearing Chinese shit. You might get away with it as a halfie, but sooner or later it's gone cause more trouble than it's worth.

>I'm half Chinese so I'm basically immune to the cultural appropriation card

Don't be so sure of that. Apparently normies are unsure of whether mixed raced people can say nigger. I wouldn't rest on my laurels if I were you. You never know if some pink hair on the subway will start freaking out at you. Why go through the drama?

>I really want to do it as daily wear even but I feel like people are gonna call me a faggot or a weeb behind my back.

Dude it's not gonna work, it's not gonna be a thing, just let it go. You can only barely get away with doing hanfu in China; people there will also stare at you for being a weirdo. I can't even imagine the looks/comments/bullshit you'd get in America. Just drop it man. If you're tying to get in touch with your roots, doing hanfu in America is the wrong way to go about it. You're just making us look even worse than we already are. Tell your mom to teach you some basic Chinese if you're really want to "find your Asian side". Then you'll give up after a few weeks and go back to acting/looking/passing as a white guy, like all my halfie friends have done. Trust me, you aren't the first, and you won't be the last.

If you wanna dress like us, then dress like an Asian American. You've got options. You don't have to make yourself look like a sperg, my brother.

>t. Full Chinese

>> No.17418335

>I'm half Chinese so I'm basically immune to the cultural appropriation card.

From my experience as a half-Vietnamese, not guaranteed. I’ve learned that people will see what they want to see when you are racially ambiguous.

>> No.17419487

Sounds pretty gay ngl

>> No.17419512

2 things OP
>hanfu is the eastern equivalent of walking around in Victorian era shit with neck ruffles and blouses

>> No.17419532

I don't think they wore ruffles in the victorian era, correct me if I'm wrong.

>> No.17419604

Not really. The equivalent is more like a black/white tie dress code. The tang suits and cheongsam commonly associated with Chinese culture are actually Manchurian in origin, forcibly imposed by the Manchu-led Qing dynasty. The hanfu movement is about reviving the native Han Chinese dress of all the dynasties prior as the Chinese ethnic costume, similar to how it's not weird at all for Japanese people to wear kimono at certain culturally significant events.

>> No.17419611

I feel like if I wear some of the less gaudy stuff it wouldn't look that ridiculous--if I wear practical fabrics in muted colours without patterns, and not the shiny and colourful polyester over-the-top cosplay stuff for example. I don't know if you tried it, but robes are extremely comfortable to wear.

>> No.17419613

*natural and practical

>> No.17419856

>how do I do something completely outside of a place's culture without looking like I'm out of place
you literally can't, you'll stick out like a sore thumb and people will look at you funny at the very least
that said, if dressing like that makes you feel comfortable you should dress like that regardless of how out of place you'll look, though knowing that you look out of place and getting funny stares might make you feel uncomfortable, so back to the initial problem you go

>> No.17419867

>I feel like if I wear some of the less gaudy stuff it wouldn't look that ridiculous
It will be just as ridiculous. You can't wear a fucking robe around and try to make it 'subtle'. People WILL look, point nd laugh at you

>> No.17419900

>>t. Full Chinese
how do you feel about women leaving your country en masse to fuck & marry white dudes

>> No.17419911

Reality isn't your porn fantasy lmao.

>> No.17419915

Like if you think that your whiteness makes you extremely desireable, I'm inviting you to book a flight to East Asia right now. I mean why not, right? You'll be drowning in pussy after all. It's not like your coomer brain fantasy will be shattered or anything when you find out you're exactly the same loser you were back home.

>> No.17419916

Cope. Why do you think your birth rate is so low lol

>> No.17419918

Why bother when they come to me? Retard.

>> No.17419932

China has a higher birth rate than Europe lmao.

>> No.17419944
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>how do you feel about women leaving your country en masse to fuck & marry white dudes

While that is a gross exaggeration, it is 100% true that a majority of Asian women see scoring a white guy as the end goal for their lives. As for the reasons that happens, we'll I'm sure you already know a lot of them, but one of them you might not know is that Asian women see dating or marrying a white guy as a status symbol kinda thing. White guys are exotic, they're often taller, closer with their perceptions of who/what is beautiful, and more often than not you can really stick it to your Asian dad by dating a white guy, which is very important to a lot of Asian girls in America, as most of them have severe daddy issues. Having halfie children is just part of that for them.

If you're asking me how it makes me feel, well truthfully, it used to bother me a lot in my youth. Trust me, it isn't fun being unwanted by everyone around you, including your "own people". Think about it just from the perspective of a 4chan user for a sec; you can go on any board and complain about tfw no gf and how lonely you are and everyone will commiserate with you. But if you also include the fact that you're Asian, you suddenly become a soulless bugman ricel, or whatever other terms you guys like to use. As an Asian, we can't even talk about our situations anonymously on the internet without being ridiculed and insulted. Imagine what it's like irl. I can't talk with anyone about this without sounding like a jealous racist incel or some shit.

In my older age, I've come to really stop caring. People will do what people will do, there's literally nothing I can do or say to change it. Who am I to tell an entire group what's good or bad or what they should be doing. I've come to peace with the entire situation and I'm trying to not let it bother me, but yeah, it feels bad man being unwanted, I'm sure you know a bit about how that feels. Maybe not as much as me, but you can come close.

>> No.17419948

If it bothers you so much unironically why not just go back to asia.

>> No.17420102

based denier. demographic collapse imminent :)

>> No.17420122

I mean you can literally look it up online, it's a fact

>> No.17421247

just apply the same rules you would to literally any other piece of clothing when you go to wear one. do the colours clash? does it fit well? is it practical for the setting (less important as long as its not gonna make you embarass yourself by fucking up). if you can construct an outfit well in more standard items of clothing then you'll be able to do it with hanfu.

>> No.17422003

surprisingly reasonable and thought-out reply

>> No.17422026

I admite your levelheadness, a rare sight these days. Wish you well, bro.
