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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 140 KB, 1280x720, 60622-vehicle-1-large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17403231 No.17403231 [Reply] [Original]

Saw it in person, this car looks like literal sex. Like a dick thats just about to fuck your ass or throat.

All other cars just look like cars, even the nice ones. Challenger looks classic and manly, Mustang looks nice, sporty but kinda boring, FRS looks like mediocre over designed chinese car, Z comes closest but is no where near on the level of style. C7 looks meh, C8 just isnt doing it for me.

Easily best looking mordern front engine sports car on the market, its all style and performs good too.

>> No.17403239

>owning a car in the current year when uber black exists and allows you to summon a man in a suit to come pick you up in a new suburban and open the doors for you for $20 a trip

>> No.17403245
File: 657 KB, 1058x348, Screenshot 2022-12-20 at 22-55-08 dodge challenger hellcat - Google Search.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it's the dodge challenger hellcat widebody, pitch black. All the whores are mine.

>> No.17403247

Wrong board, but since I visit /fa/ maybe Ill keep it alive.

Especially when we got goobers like this guy >>17403239 who embody "you will own nothing and like it".

>> No.17403259

>imagine thinking the wef has any say over policy and isnt just a party stop on the billionaire yearly world tour
fucking hell >>>/pol/ just keeps getting more low iq schizo by the day, you have to go back

>> No.17403263

Yeah, OK buddy. Keep riding your bicycle in the cold peddling away in the freezing weather LOL.

Meanwhile I could take that 20$ from two seperate trips and have a full tank of gas for the week to go outside whenever I want wothout having to ask permission, even own the car too.

No wonder zoomer women arent fucking any of the men.

>> No.17403267

>another fag who thinks he is his car he doesnt even own and probably drives a civic
>thinks rolling up to a dates house and having a drive open your doors is a turn off
>thinks you cant order an uber at 3 am or some shit

>> No.17403285

Pretty sure its my car since Ive had it for years and the title is under my name.

Meanwhile youre begging dudes for rides, waiting, and paying them. Beta male.

>> No.17403287

I hire them to do a job for me, something a peasant like you doesn’t understand

>> No.17403295
File: 1.24 MB, 1431x1569, Mogged .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I literally have the fastest track car on this entire board and it's not even close

Lmao @ this little bitch fan boy talking about "all whores are mine" when he doesn't even own the car. Meds

And yeah, that's right. I wear my key fob as a necklace to mog other males. Definitely /fa/ related. I should make a thread about it...

>> No.17403297

Whatever you tell yourself to sleep at night, pussy.

Bet you call the cops too. Enjoy never getting laid or being taken seriously.

>> No.17403305

Please do tell me more about how you're very attracted to this car.

>> No.17403330

You’re a virgin, i have a uniformed driver, we are not the same

>> No.17403340

Older Z or Datsuns are pure aesthetic like it or not.

Most these Camaros are V6 trash, just get a Scatpack and go full thugmode

>> No.17403383

>You’re a virgin, i have a uniformed driver, we are not the same

You can just smell the soi coming off of these responses. Man's never touched a woman in his life.

Unpopular opinion but I really like the 280ZX, the long nose.

>> No.17403401

Literally married incel but stay mad you paid for a car you dont need to impress women you don’t have

>> No.17403427

While the rent and interest rate spoke future is gay and inevitable, don't forget cars and suburb by extension are a kike construct imitating a hell. Paying someone else and liberating everything related to car from your ego is fa.

>> No.17403429

I'd get married as soon as I could to grab onto desperately what I could get if I was as sad as you.

This man cant even go outside to buy a bag of groceries when he wants lmao. Bashing cars but hes literally paying people to use cars.

You can tell your "wife" fucks other men behind your back.

>> No.17403431

Zoomers are already getting groceries with uber. There are already heavy duty drones capable of lifting them too. The autonomous industrial generation just started.

>> No.17403436

>Paying someone else and liberating everything related to car from your ego is fa.

t. weak wrists who never turned a wrench in their life.

How much work do you think a car needs? Literally majority of shit takes 75 thousand miles to break. And you can send it to a mechanic to be fixed if you wanted.

We got men out here who cant even nail a two-by-four. Literally new male shit, living behind a phone, wasting money on stupid shit, taking a longer, more ineffecient, expensive way to do something. Its maximum stupidity.

Where the fuck would you be without the internet and other people to hold you hand. Literally women dont respect these men, what a disgrace to the human race.

>> No.17403460
File: 228 KB, 1920x1080, ford-very-gay-ranger-raptor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol have fun taking your gt350 to the track when it overheats and breaks like all fordcuck products

>> No.17403510

The 83' 280 with the digital dash is peak aesthetics. Before Uncle Joe distributed the stimmy and car prices were somewhat normal
I found a couple for sale locally but then everything went to shit. The used Japanese Car market blew up, and I decided to hold off.
Currently drive a pickup to lay fat mexican chicks who dress in shape wear but I'll be damned if I die before I own a Datsun of my own.

>> No.17403554

the utility of owning a car depends on where you live.
the last time I would have used my car was 7 months ago when it was raining hard for hours and I couldn't get a ride and I couldn't get where I was supposed to so I had to postpone a meeting
otherwise it seems like a hassle. mainly heavy traffic and parking spots.
if I had to commute to work or drive for my groceries, I'd have two cars just in case, a shitty one and a Yugo.

>> No.17403691

Yeah but theyre probably not worth it now and rusted to death.

Damn, well yeah you dont know anything about how cars even work or how anything even works.

Literally just typing behind a screen hoping someone will be around to help you do the most basic simple shit.

>> No.17403696

Yes yes, good goy, continue funding the (((insurance))) and (((oil))) companies

>> No.17403715

You don't even need insurance and can drive without insurance if you're not an idiot. Seen people do it for years.

Guud goy, yu guud goy. Keep using the megajews smart phones and coporations to help you do the most basic shit. Keep using the megajews monies to help those corporations and baby you. You're so smart bro, literally giving the ((megajew)) more for basic things. You don't help ((the megajew)) by driving cars, no sirry. You just pay other people to keep using cars and gas, you're even worse.

See two can play that game, dumb fucker. But you're actually the stupid one and dont even know it.

If an EMP bomb or something hit and those jew cooporations you depend on to do even the most basic things you'd literally die tommorrow. You're smart man, you beat the system alright. Living in a box ironically being what you hate.

>> No.17403738

>too poor to afford insurance
absolute paper-plate Nissan Altima tier
>Implying his privately-owned modern vehicles would survive an EMP bomb
>Actually defending Jewish corpos
Lol lmao

>> No.17403746

The ideal of life you aspire to is embarassing.

>> No.17403751

>Trying to obfuscate the problem by implying everything is jewish
Oy vey

>> No.17403769

So the point of a car is to be unused? Because I already told you the last time I'd have used id.

>> No.17403783

Lmao what a retard. It has multiple oil coolers, trans cooler, and a diff cooler. When the weather is below 70 degrees I have a hard time reaching 190 degree oil temps and this summer when it was over 100 and I had 190 degree intake temps my oil temp stayed below 250 while tracking it. You people are all retarded, stick to what you know best like video games or adult cartoons

>> No.17403841

Diesels require no electronics to run. You can jump start a old manual car going down a hill if your battery is dead too, you non car driving fag lol.

Point was that everyone else who's had basic normal living experience can survive while you soi infested brain cant figure out how to do anything. Point proven here when you don't even know there are cars that can start without electronics.

Just extremely ironic that you're blaming your inept abilities on the ((jew)) trying to laugh at others while your whole exitence is based off the ((jews)) money to pay people to live for you while you live cluelessly.

Sounds to me like you're the one trying to obfuscate after you got outsmarted.

>> No.17403864

>diesels with no electronics
>In [current year]
>Driving manual cars that are are old enough to still be carbureted
Keep coping and moving the goalposts anon
Also take your meds

>> No.17403872

>Keep coping and moving the goalposts anon

I will. When your (megajew) coporations go under at least I'll still be able to function. And yeah, there's plenty of old cars on the road, clueless dolt.

I'll take my meds, and your bitch too, pussy faggot.

>> No.17403928

>Guys I swear the jews won't be a problem if we just pretend they're everywhere!!! We'll get used to this new normal soon enough!!!

>> No.17403935

>plenty of old used cars
>he thinks old = no electronics
>somehow doesn't know about fuel injection or the 70s gas crisis
>probably doesn't even know how an emp works
Zoomers were a fucking mistake

>> No.17403956

I dont like sports cars. I like 4 doors on my cars
Am I gay?

>> No.17403960 [DELETED] 

4th gen 4runner

>> No.17403961

Never said that.

You were blaming all your problems on jews, gay motherfucker.

>> No.17403963 [DELETED] 

although the 1990's 4runner looks way cooler than the 21st century ones

>> No.17403966 [DELETED] 

Early 1990's 4runner with the stock rear carrier

>> No.17403974

Rich kids had parents buy them their own 4runners and pathfinders in the early 90's it was a different vibe

>> No.17403978

I will never have been a rich kid from a well adjusted family. Even among the kikes I was alien

>> No.17403980

We used to hotbox in this rich nerd's pathfinder in the early 1990's. He was a gay nerd and a druggie burn out, but looking back, he was slim, blond, nice facial structure, blue eyed. But he was a dweeb burn out

>> No.17403983

I wanna go back to my teenage years which coincided with the cozy early 1990's.

>> No.17404044

>not doing both

go touch bread, peon

>> No.17404051

Are people seriously attacking guys on a fashion board in a Japanese website?

Are guys seriously trying to defend themselves?

>> No.17404058
File: 855 KB, 500x281, 93c.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Japanese website

Who's gonna tell him?

>> No.17404060


>> No.17404062

Chinese also own the Russian 2ch, it's not KGB.

>> No.17404065

It's skynet, none of this shit is real

>> No.17404471
File: 52 KB, 640x426, 1994-pontiac-firebird-formula-v8-lt1-blkblk-low-miles-show-car-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thinking about getting one...

>> No.17404485

pay me 20 and I'll fuck your wife for you too

>> No.17404535

Lolz based

>> No.17405972

Only teenagers and wageslaves like driving, it gives them the illusion that they're in control of their lives.

Me, a gentlesir who's never had a boss, I don't need whatever pleasures you get from driving. What you feel when you drive is what I feel 24/7. When I'm going somewhere like to a meeting with my various underlings, I like to have my hands and eyes free to left swipe actresses and models on Raya.

>> No.17406034 [DELETED] 

When I was a teenager I used to drive my mom's car all the time and I hated driving, but it was an old piece of shit lebaron.

>> No.17406068

When I was a teenager still living with my mom, I used to drive her car all the time and I hated driving, too lazy, but then again, it was a busted old piece of shit lebaron.

>> No.17406077

Camaro owners, like hookers, suck a mean dick.

It's just that the Camaro owners will try to give you your money back once they're done sucking.

>> No.17406097
File: 2.61 MB, 1920x1280, rg-2018-volkswagen-coming-home-10[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>outruns you in a canyon run
heh nothin personnel kiddo

>> No.17406475
File: 3.63 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_3734.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17406562

Oh its the cobra fag again. How much for a backseat blowjob again?