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/fa/ - Fashion

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17402991 No.17402991 [Reply] [Original]

/fit/ edition

>> No.17403426

help is avaliable https://www.eatingdisorderhope.com/treatment-for-eating-disorders/international

>> No.17403440 [DELETED] 
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>> No.17404033

hoping some underweight guys here can post & show off their bones. skele-guys are the hottest

>> No.17404284

oh my god I want to bite his neck while railing him

>> No.17404523

Thread seems pretty dead so I'll post some of my go to meals
>Egg sandwich with cheese and sour kraut
>A bowl of boiled spiced mushrooms
>Canned peas mixed with canned vegetables, mushrooms, or rice
>Coffee and kratom
>Cheese sandwich with spicy mustard (made in toaster)
>Pint of blueberries

Writing this down made me realize I don't really eat meat anymore no wonder I feel so weak. Better add it back into the menu

>> No.17404593
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friday 101.8lbs felt jittery asf which i put down to irregular eating schedules
decided i had to bring it back up to 105lbs on monday
on tuesday i converted these gains into muscle mass 1 hr at the gym. maintained a hr of over 173 for over 16 mins
today i weighed the lightest ive ever been 101.6lbs

thanks for reading my shitty blog

>> No.17404594
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>> No.17404652

5'10" just got below 140!

ugw 125 oh yeah woo yeah

>> No.17405025

dude you have a mental illness and you'll eventually have to recon with what it has already taken from you

>> No.17405033 [DELETED] 
File: 1.48 MB, 1382x1824, 20221222_022309.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you'll eventually have to recon with what it has already taken from you
can you explain?
>mental illness
had a huge meal today, i gots a different metabolism to yours

>> No.17405037

god that looks delicious why do you do this to me anon

>> No.17405038

this is terribly sad. the very least you could do is keep your disordered behavior out of the public eye, to keep it from infecting others.

>> No.17405040 [DELETED] 

not doing anything haram. more halal than u kek

>> No.17405052

>can you explain?

early 20's osteoporosis is depressing

>> No.17405076
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wassup boyos

>> No.17405115 [DELETED] 

always had this condition even at 18-21BMI but working out fixes it

>> No.17405302

train your abs, you fat cunt

>> No.17405551

your navel looks like a balloon knot

>> No.17405596 [DELETED] 
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>> No.17405627

You really have strange genes to not have abs and be that veiny

>> No.17405866
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how do I attain this mode? (male)
aside from fasting of course, I mean the fitness part
>I start next month,I signed up already,for 5X a week swimming classes. i DO swim, but now ill have coach
>I like using my skip rope, and the local park calisthenics gym
>spot reduction may be false but what about spot muscle-growth? can I develop intentionally smaller waist-bigger hips+the gap between chest and arm ("hanging" from the shoulder)?

>> No.17406236
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>> No.17406263 [DELETED] 
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>> No.17406265

I can't wait to get skinny bone Jones again. I'm in a shitty ass relationship and got fat with my whore of my "partner". I used to be 76Kg standing at 1.75M (18-19 yrs old) now I'm 117 kilos (21 now) i really wanna start fucking cute bitches like back then.

>> No.17406283 [DELETED] 
File: 272 KB, 809x2012, Screenshot_20221222-230600_Connect.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why do you do this to me anon
>/fit/ edition
>50 floors in 13 mins 7 secs
>guy next to me doubled over and he's only climbed 35 floors after he got off kek
for the gains anon dear. your muscles burn more fat than being stationary

>> No.17406300

I'm 28 and well over 200 pounds.
Is it too late?

>> No.17406333 [DELETED] 
File: 158 KB, 1079x1201, Screenshot_20221223-001138_Connect.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is it too late
not at all. 170lbs 2015, 115lbs in 2019 and its taken 4 months to shave off 8lbs

>> No.17406393
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>> No.17406569
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Here be mine /fa/llas

>> No.17406574

Why are you still in the relationship

>> No.17407023

what are your stats? looking good

>> No.17407096
File: 1.92 MB, 3264x2448, BB9FF88A-FEE7-448F-8F0E-0E28C4BD5A7D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I definitely got more pussy when I was anorexic.

>> No.17407108 [DELETED] 

You look like David Tenant

>> No.17407123

>that scar
What type of heart defect do you have?

>> No.17407129

I’ve been told that so many times and never saw a resemblance.

>> No.17407223 [DELETED] 

It's a compliment.

>> No.17407508
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Will be intetesting to see how much damage Christmas/New Years will do. My BMR is like 1150kcal. I ate that and then some during brunch with friends today.

>> No.17407971

Careful m8 there was a youtuber who died not eating enough and spending a long time in the red zone. Low intensity is less strain on the heart

>> No.17408006

I don't lift and have been cutting pretty hard these past few months.
Went from skinny fat to less skinny fat. My collarbones are showing and ribs to an extent. Still have flab on my belly.

At what BMI does your stomach go completely flat?

>> No.17408029 [DELETED] 

>Careful m8 there was a youtuber who died not eating enough and spending a long time in the red zone
fr. don't worry, ate 3 lbs of ribs and a pound of sweet potato fries today. tyna work on my poor circulation

>> No.17408260

I'd prefer to think it looks like a heart....

I do have feint abs in lighting. Abs are disgusting

cool body

>> No.17408265

As a former male anorexic I’m going to say that what you guys are doing is not cool at all, you’re encouraging people to develop eating disorders and endanger their health.
It doesn’t even look good, I got zero pussy when I was skelly mode
Women don’t find this attractive at all

>> No.17408272

nice blogpost bro

>> No.17408273

It doesn't. You have to lift too
see supersize vs super skinny on the jewtube

>> No.17408274

OP here
That's why I specified /fit/ not skellington. nobody looks good without muscle, even skinny guys

>> No.17408276
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>It doesn’t even look good, I got zero pussy when I was skelly mode
definitely untrue if you have broad shoulders and are tall you will get female attention moreso if you workout and get toned/lean
will you be slaying pussy? of course not, but there is definitely a sizeable amount of people who like skelly white boys, even older ladies

>> No.17408315
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post inspo

>> No.17408326

Wow these threads are falling off. Posting stats to stay motivated: 112.4 lbs (with clothes, end of day weigh in) today

>> No.17408349 [DELETED] 


>> No.17408355 [DELETED] 

100 sit ups a day will begin to add definition within 4-5 months depending on regularity

>> No.17408614

>even older ladies
yeah you're mostly gonna be attracting pseudo pedophiles lol

>> No.17408733

My bad, forgot to post the rest:
>> 5'3
>> waist 25 inches

>> No.17408803

This pic is like 15 years old if not more

>> No.17408852
File: 333 KB, 647x971, 31162.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanted to crack 42 kgs by Christmas (170 cm). Weighed 41.85 kg this morning. Time to gorge on sweets, beer and good food. I haven't been under 42 kgs in 10-15 years.


>> No.17409079

>Matthew McConaughey


>> No.17409205
File: 818 KB, 1700x1192, 20221217_011539.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>At what BMI does your stomach go completely flat?
17.5 in my case. you should be looking at ideally 8-11% bf for a lean face and abs
noice. closest to my stats. 5"5', 103lbs, 24 waist

>> No.17409222

how do i stop relapsing on diet?
i can go for a few months at a time doing a large calorie deficit but then out of nowhere it just collapses and i gain almost all of it back

>> No.17409223
File: 90 KB, 1000x1000, 836B8345-2C6F-4DEF-B979-EEBE75B52B13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I came to this picture

>> No.17409255

>then out of nowhere it just collapses and i gain almost all of it back
you're plateauing. everyone has a weight where they plateau - for me it's 105lbs.
>buy digital scale for 20 buckaroos
>avoid shocking your body too early
>incrementally stagger down your calorie deficit over a week
>recoup calories within 2-3 days so that your body doesn't think you're going into starvation mode
>repeat lowering plateau threshold
my original plateau was 106lbs last year, took 4 months to drop it down to 103-104lbs

>> No.17409480


>> No.17409536

I'm old and have a face for radio - I couldn't pull off the androgynous boy toy type of look even if I wanted to. Rather, my motivation is to exacerbate the symptoms of disease. I'm aiming for 38 kgs by mid-February.

>> No.17409703 [DELETED] 
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>> No.17409799

+1 bro

>> No.17409928 [DELETED] 
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>> No.17409930 [DELETED] 
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>> No.17409936 [DELETED] 
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>> No.17410276

just curious- were you once obese? wondering from your belly button

>> No.17410277

merry christmas; coming in at 108.4 at 5'3. Ate like a fucking pig yesterday, so not too mad.

>> No.17410291

Starvation mode is a broscience Reddit tier myth, read a book

>> No.17410302 [DELETED] 
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115-120lbs was the most within the past 3 years. fluctuates a lot; get bored, new look, fit into different fits
same. ate a third of a duck, steamed egg, stir fried scallops

>> No.17410305 [DELETED] 

why don't you show your progress faggot?

>> No.17411066

How does a fatty mc fat fat drop weight fast without making their body freak the hell out and go into pure shock?

>Was a skinny fucking twig until 2019

I've thought about just ordering something like huel for my primary food so I have something with roughly 400 calories per meal with decent nutrition, but how do you combat the hunger pains til your body gets used to it??

>> No.17411176

>but how do you combat the hunger pains

sheer determination.

>> No.17411192

nicotine for me

>> No.17411354

Damn I look like this but I never thought this was so fucking hot

>> No.17411553
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What bodyfat percentage is this? Also at what bmi do you become svelte and thin as a male if you have 0 muscles? I'm currently at 22 bmi and Im so pudgy it's disgusting

>> No.17411598


>> No.17411788 [DELETED] 
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>> No.17412130

>but how do you combat the hunger pains
For beginners, an entire cucumber have like 53 calories in it.

i like to cut them into flat discs and put a small knob of strong hot sauce in the middle.
Sometimes i just dip them into the sauce but yeah, i use cucumbers alot.

>> No.17412143 [DELETED] 

This. Spices are great for appetite suppresion

>> No.17412150

he's 178cm and 47kg so around 15

>> No.17412166 [DELETED] 

Bf% isn't calculated by height and weight. You're getting confused with BMI

>> No.17412176

actually read what he's replying to

>> No.17413001


>> No.17413937
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what are some good movies with thinspo females I can watch with my gf to make her wanna lose weight?

>> No.17414078

Lol those fat responses. But looking good. I use vascularity to know my bf

>> No.17414499

to the bone? but in all honesty, that's not how the female brain works. just watching movies with thin women characters wont make it click in her brain to lose weight. maybe convincing her to go on a diet with you is a better idea.

>> No.17414588

Damn that' so faraway, it's so over. How do you know his weight?

>> No.17414600

what do u do when u feel like ur gonna faint?

>> No.17414615

Every time I try to not eat for a day I get a horrible burning in my chest like heartburn. Any fix?

>> No.17414958 [DELETED] 

drink onions milk. 90 cals per cup but easiest to burn

>> No.17415243

More like nick mullen

>> No.17415522

i forced my ex into becoming more thin by squishing her gut everytime we had sex, and telling her "OH, YOU GROW SO FAST"

>> No.17415732

thats why shes your ex

>> No.17415822

Doubtful I mean best to let crazy alone but that ride was always fun

>> No.17415826

U don't look like this lil bitch I do though

>> No.17415839 [DELETED] 

Post body.

>> No.17415915

he's not a femboy anymore but he had it on his twitter. plus mention it a lot on stream

>> No.17415989
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might just starve myself for heroin chic look this getting buff shit sucks

>> No.17416037

what's his name?

>> No.17416046


>> No.17416112

skill issue

>> No.17416595

Trying to quit smoking while trying to lose weight. Apart from drinking green tea, coffee and loads of water, do you have any advice so I don't go mad?

>> No.17416609

bases Townesposter

just do heroin my man

>> No.17416760

Hello hydra you retard

>> No.17416918

107.6 this morning

>> No.17417549

i drink lots of water ~3 liters a day, i also take Multi vitamin, Omega-3, CA/magnesium and D vitamin.

consider eating (small) meals with high nutritioun foods, rye bread is good, and water.

Pass out on the bed and try to sleep

post body

big if tru

>> No.17417562

I just come here because I love drawing and sometimes you guys post good references
I don't know if it's a weird request but when you post a photo of yourself... can you pose a little? like try not to look stuff as fuck

>> No.17417564

*not to look stiff

>> No.17417565
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Maybe if you post some of your drawings

>> No.17417639 [DELETED] 
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no zinc? rye bread causes bloat but anything unrefined is better than refined.
min carbs before bed and pufa during the day

>> No.17417788
File: 68 KB, 540x540, tumblr_a9ba3e70558efc70b8cf5efc77e05d7e_30121078_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute thinspo dump from Tumblr

>> No.17417791
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>> No.17417822

safest way to drop weight in a week. Might be getting laid next Sunday and I’m a bit fat

>> No.17417922
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I had to blast t3 to melt my core muscles to get a slimmer waist, other than that just workout legs and cardio, its still a work in progress but considering i looked like a trapezoid before im happy with it, 67 kg in pic going for 65 by February

>> No.17417973

how do I achieve this

>> No.17418143

and can you look like that at 15 bmi without going to the hetero mess that are gyms? i feel like even at 17 I'd look anorexic and not like a cute twink

>> No.17418184
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>> No.17418222
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mirin, what's your routine anon?
also, your tits are gross desu.

>> No.17418231
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>> No.17418234 [DELETED] 

sora is so cute. she also acts bi

>> No.17418275
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Today ive eaten 462 calories, burned 402 from cardio and idk how many from working out legs.
Should i eat more?

>> No.17418349


>> No.17418376
File: 966 KB, 1000x1600, 1661438391440521.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

absolutely nothing feels better than being skinny. being able to wear anything and look good in it, having defined facial features, having your body look good, being able to eat anything and knowing you'll still be skinny afterwards so long as you don't make a habit out of it, being able to see your veins, being able to lift up your own bodyweight with ease

>> No.17418418
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Here I am

>> No.17418443
File: 54 KB, 1080x608, BLACKHAINE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

probably ..

so ideal

>> No.17418489

for your sake and that of the ones who love you get off this board and visit /fit/

>> No.17418496

omg a heckin scientific study!

how pathetic must you be to spend your days virtue signalling online about something you don't care about that has nothing to do with you? why is it your business if somebody wants to be skinny? being a gymcel rat that has to constantly workout and eat 3000 calories a day to maintain their muscle is even more unhealthy than anything in these threads

>> No.17418517

/fit/ is too homosexual to me, i main /lgbt/

>> No.17418559
File: 59 KB, 640x640, bony boi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do I achieve THIS mode? without being skinnyfat or fitness-toned?
If I just do caloric restriction,ill remain thick and compressed due to all the years I lifted heavy until now.
but if I just do cardio, I might look weird\uneven.
I have the theory that if I over-work a muscle,it will shrink+calisthenics as cardio. so, doing 5000 abs a day,3000 pushups a day,etc
does that theory make sense? at all?

>> No.17418565

>absolutely nothing feels better than being skinny. being able to wear anything and look good in it,
but everything looks oversized on me even a mens small most of the time

>> No.17418590

No, you anamax and blast t3 until you melt your muscles to a desired size

>> No.17418623

This is some serious caloric deficit. I hope you don’t mind seeing your hair fall out too.

>> No.17418633

Does face yoga work only once youre thin?
what fat tissue,or other weight\fat related factors factor-in self-massage to contour and improve the face?

>> No.17418719
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>> No.17418743
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I just figured out how to use my rooms furniture as makeshift calisthenics parks(the two times I went to the public park's monkey gym,normies always wanted to interact with me..yikes!) so I think I will steadily make progress in my thinspo boy goals

>> No.17418817

they found out i've been faking breakfast and it was a whole big thing abd now my auntie says she has to weigh me every day and i might have to do inpatient. i hate the life i have.
I just want to be allowed my own decisions.
19f, 5ft2 77lb

>> No.17418847

Did you post a picture of yourself here before and claim to think you were "bloated"?
Assumimg that's you: You're hurting your family with your pathological desire for sympathy. You look alarming. Stop it.

>> No.17418854


>> No.17418875

Sadly no. The lower bmi you go the higher the risk of death for any reason. Fatties have medicine to assist, but going low there isn’t anything doctors can do.
I stopped at 16.2 bmi at 6’1 but come Jan I think I can get into 15 as people will be busy and not notice

>> No.17418887

to lose weight? no
to be a cute twink? yeah, sorry. you can still look good though

>> No.17418900

is there a secret to becoming a skelly ? is it really as simple as starvation?

>> No.17418906
File: 104 KB, 427x640, based desi uncle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate how 99% of fitness advice for men online is about lose fat-gain muscle, but mainstream fitness coaches never make thinspo boi plans
in the before-after photos,the guy is always less fat,but more ripped or muscled''never more skelly

>> No.17418909

I just fast and liss cardio while restricting. Easy 4lbs/wk lost. My bmr is like 1600 at 6’1 so I aim for 3 45 min sessions of 120 bpm cardio daily

>> No.17418950
File: 54 KB, 705x658, IMG_20210916_190905_658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Help, i cant get back into weight loss state after christmas. I need to limit to <1.5k and burn 500 from cardio, but i just end up eating ~2k if not more

>> No.17419024

Yep I’m giving up the booze as drunkorexic is getting tired of puking yellow shit after a few days in the cycle. Usually if I go 10 days I can then restrict for at least 3 months.
I tend to exercise to remove appetite maybe that’ll work for you

>> No.17419146

highly doubt anyone else will reply to this but just wanted to say that you look great here.

>> No.17419155

I mean he’s like 22 bmi of course no one here responds

>> No.17419159

Might be more 26 but I don’t really pay attention to these weights

>> No.17419172
File: 353 KB, 1316x2000, gQvsZqBgZgUVnNwkoTJT3_YwvS5-zX1oKx4qzVDnRJw[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank God im no longer a mentally ill anorexic.

>> No.17419173

So I been in the forced recovery before forced ip and gained weight so I lost my back ribs. I’m up 18% and bet I can lose it in a month

>> No.17419181

Most anorexic have other issues you know. Weird how common self harm is included go figure

>> No.17419298

I fucking hate being thin. It fucking sucks. Dad is also naturally thin so I'm gegenetically fucked as well. What was the purpose of thin men in tribal societies..

>> No.17419304

I just put myself in lots of stressful situations so my constant nervousness makes me not crave food.

>> No.17419341

So but I’m kinda fat. Like 12%. Fuck you.

>> No.17419631

I can only exercise so much, a 5 min binge can null 5 hours of cardio

>> No.17419666

to get fucked by big muscular gay men obvs you twink

>> No.17419848

lean men have higher test

>> No.17420475
File: 307 KB, 800x1363, Young_boxers_fresco,_Akrotiri,_Greece.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one of my favourite art malespo

>> No.17420540

What intensity and time should I devote to skip-rope per day(on top of other workouts OFC)
If I put attention, I can perform 100 skips in about one minute.
Should I do a circuit and put burpees between each bout of skips?

>> No.17420556


>> No.17420633
File: 30 KB, 139x1211, Screenshot_20230101_095146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that extreme anterior pelvic tilt
Also, fuck jannies, picrel

>> No.17420675
File: 21 KB, 250x354, 1534823158349.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4 years ago I weighed 145-150 lbs. I weighed myself today and I'm up to 180. I'm 6'3", so it's not so bad, but I need to get back down to around 160

>> No.17420772


That’s skeletal for your 6 foot 3 height.

>> No.17420783

what thread do you think you're in?

>> No.17420799

How do I gain weight?

>> No.17420861

If i deprive myself to only a bottle of water a day will i function normaly? The diet i want to follow is:
>moning -> hot aotmeal porridge
>afternoon -> a glass of milk
>night -> a boiled egg
Eat only healthy food in the beggining and then slowly put other shitty food in your diet. You don't need to be obese nor a skelton, just try to feed your body hearing how you feel after a meal.

>> No.17420882

There's only one way to find out, i would need 3-4 liters of water through out the day to function, half a liter Milk for dinner and maybe 3 eggs before sleep

>> No.17420887

I see. If i'm home it may do the job, i smoke a lot of cigs, would it make a difference?

>> No.17420910

Ask yourself man, obviously this is not healthy long term. But I can see it working for dropping weight fast, you should consider this a faste and do it in small intervals imo.
I use decent amounts of snus, but its harsh on empty stomach, drinking water makes it a lot better (maybe some comparisons with cigs?)

>> No.17420931

Yes, it's similar. Day 3 I will try it because the money will be here so I can eat the oatmeal after buy it. Here where I live this tobacco is not cheap so I smoke. Happy new year, fren.

>> No.17420960

I'm so fucking hungry i hate my life why dont i have any self discipline

>> No.17421151
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Even tho we consider spot reduction is a myth
do those workouts to "slim legs without bulk" really work?
the so-called toning,which isnt really the same as building muscle

>> No.17421161

I need to botox my calves

>> No.17421378

still 108.6 lol. Happy New Year!!

>> No.17421533
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>> No.17421561
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BMI calc says I’m 22.5? though I don’t feel like I can get that much skinnier (18ish bmi goal) without literally dying. I don’t think I can lose another 20lbs to get there. What gives? Am I just way fatter than I think?

>> No.17421570

Correction, 30lbs to reach 18

>> No.17421805

Bmi is innacurate, muscle weighs more than fat

>> No.17421887
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Back to eating <=1500 (1200-1300 today) and cant fall asleep from thinking about food

>> No.17421903

Do you think that dude has any muscles? Do you think anyone in this thread has any muscles?

>> No.17421915
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I skipped dinner yesterday and was feeling a lot of hunger and craving all evening, but when i woke up today i didnt feel any more hungry than a normal morning. This might be easier than expected.
My BMI is under 20 but i have skinnyfat stomach flab that makes me ashamed every time im nude.

>> No.17421931
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>Do you think that dude has any muscles?
Maybe, maybe not. My point is bmi is inaccurate af, you could be anorexic looking like rattlebones over here and still be 20 bmi if you have dense bones and shit. Goals shouldn't be numbers, goals should be a desired look regardless of the numbers.
>Do you think anyone in this thread has any muscles?
I have

>> No.17422219
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>> No.17422221
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>> No.17422225
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>> No.17422890
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How do you even find dress shirts with the right size collar, since everything is made for the average dude with a pretty thick neck?

>> No.17422910

Are you buying alpha-sized shirts (XS/S) or fitted shirts (neck size/sleeve length)? Most brands sell fitted shirts down to neck size 14 1/2 inches. Rarely youll find 14 or 13 1/2. If thats still too large you could try womens button-ups in the smallest size, have a shirt made custom, or see what a tailor can do with the smallest size.

>> No.17423181
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>tfw 291 pounds at 6 foot 1
ugh I just want to be skinny

>> No.17423626
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>> No.17423742

This guy is insanely hot, who is he?

>> No.17424411
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I have a couple of questions which May seem over-the-top ,but I assure you theyre genuine
>For religious reasons, I want to eat once every 3 days ,and sometimes once a week;how do I not-die doing this? do I need to take some supplement/salt/special vitamin water troghout the fasting days? 5 liters of water a day?
>How do I curve hunger under a nocaffeine(no coffee,no tea) rule?
>How do I make my food blander,tasteless,without goin as far as making it disgusting? over-cook? no spices or seasoning? mixing it all in a pot?

>> No.17424436
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Also a very related question; how do I reconcile *very* intense excercise/workouts,with my constant,rather long fasting?
>again; must I resort to any supplements, etc?
My routine would be(im still putting it together an executing it when I can):
>30 minutes on static bike,strongest setting,try to pedal fast
>2 hours swimming,vigorous pace
>30 minutes of HIIT cardio;skip rope,mountain climbers, sprints, burpees
>stretching before and after. bouts of 50-rep calisthenics troghout all day

>> No.17424902


>> No.17425878
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Christian Dalio

>> No.17426079

How do you anons manage to have enough energy day to day while maintaining low weight? Im 5'10, 120lbs (down from 150), and currently eating 1900-2000 calories a day and still feeling fatigued constantly. I work a decently physical job and do moderate body weight exercise daily

>> No.17426085

You might be overexerting yourself by combining daily exercise with a physical job. Try doing it every other day or something. There's also a chance 120lbs might be just too low for you to maintain at your height. It's kinda skeletor tier.

>> No.17426111

Wish it was but im still a bit more skinny fat than id like to be

>> No.17426119

1’64 (5’5) and 103 pounds. Exercising to loose weight and eating moderately

>> No.17426152
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How do i stop overeating?

>> No.17426208

103 today

>> No.17426767

bro stay off my thread lol. posting to keep track for myself.

>> No.17426942
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what i had today

>> No.17426951
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being told too thin now. 5 lbs away from goal and not toning quick enough
>1’64 (5’5) and 103 pounds
p-pic? don't forget deadhangs to decompress
aside from wanting my favorite physique, hunger has helped distract/break from more challenging mental loops. the focus being hungry gives me is an advantage. taking a pre-workout meal burns more

>> No.17426966

>Abs are disgusting
Funny looking at all those veins.

>> No.17427013

stop harassing that poor blond boy in WAYWT

>> No.17427036
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>lsd anon thread

>> No.17427475

Thank you

>> No.17428491

how do i get hair like this?

>> No.17428620

>A bowl of boiled spiced mushrooms
This sounds disgusting, bro. And yeah, add some meat and reduce all that veg you eat. I get the leanest when I go keto and eat little to no grains.

>> No.17428658

Like your hair. Bod too. Height?

>> No.17428716

It's actually pretty tasty. Keto just makes me sick and fat I've tried it numerous times. I get bored of just tasting meat and cheese and start overeating it. My body also never gets accustomed to only ketones either and I get headaches. I might as well just fast if I'm going to do keto. I would actually loose weight and there are more benefits to it. Keto is overrated

>> No.17428794

tf u talking about?
I have a BMI of 18 and I all my jeans look hella baggy on me cause I cant find my size, only in like kids sections

>> No.17428799
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this is the perfect female body

>> No.17428860

boring. doesn't take any effort to achieve that

>> No.17429004


>> No.17429019

she could lose some weight

>> No.17429188

too fat

>> No.17429199

Obesity is by far the most common eating disorder on earth, worry about that first

>> No.17429225

I hate trying to substract calories burned from physical activity, as I feel like it isn't remotely accurate.

>go for a 75 minute walk in hard terrain
>huffing and puffing, legs and lungs burning
>136 kcal burned over 75 minutes

>pedal gently on my stationary bike for 25 mintes
>reading a book, talking on the phone
>barely get out of breath
>153 kcal burned

I'm not buying it, but that's what my Apple Watch is tracking. My TDEE could be +/-1000 kcal from what I expect.

>> No.17429267

no idea brother

>> No.17429516
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Should I get a gym membership???

I used to work out a lot at home with youtube video work outs and stuff. Along with my calorie deficit it did wonders for me.
I got fat and lazy since then but I wanna see my bones again. It felt so good. But fuck ageing makes it harder to drop the pounds.

I've been eating better, not sure if its exactly at a caloric deficit but it's noticeably making a difference, but the working out is the hard part. I go walking almost every day for as long as I have time for, but in terms of more intense work outs, haven't been able to retrain my body. I used to have the space to do it in the home but now I live in a sharehouse and my bedroom is a shoebox. Live with 7 other people so no way am I doing it in the loungeroom.. Or should I just suck it up to avoid paying for a membership?

Also, if anyone has some good routines to share to get back into it, please do. I'm a chick btw.

>> No.17429519

HOW....... Whats your diet and routine? pls share

>> No.17429520

what is the broth made from?

>> No.17429527
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generally trust your gut. I'm not sure why the watch is saying that. Walking 75mins in hard terrain should burn at least 350cal in my eyes. 25mins gently riding a bike would be closer to 100cal.

if you wanna be "thinspo", I think gym membership is a lot of effort for the results you get. Running is a great calorie burner but also you don't need to drive to the gym, use the changing rooms, wait for ppl to get off machines, etc. Caloric intake is obviously gonna matter more than everything for losing weight, but if your goal is getting skinny instead of getting some muscle definition, I'd recommend cardio.

>> No.17429538

Yeah I figured as much. Gyms just seemed like the most accessible place to access certain equipment. I think that gyms sell an idea of 'fitness' so if you go to one you somehow fall under the category of 'fit' and if I can't at least be 'thin' I'd like to be 'fit'. But I don't like how muscles look on women, especially those gym butts/thighs. I'd probably kms if I developed those.

Also I have many gyms within walking distance of me I'd never drive to one. But I hate running. Does sprinting/walking intervals work better than jogging/running?

>> No.17429589

You hate running? That’s too bad. Running consistently will make you very thinspo.

>> No.17429625

Yeah I think it looks embarrassing. And it makes me feel like shit. Like the pleasure/pain I usually experience from exerting energy is just not there with running. I wish it was but nothing about it makes me want to really do it.

Also, any good low cal snacks to curb hunger?
-plain popcorn
-carrot sticks
can I add anything to this?

>> No.17429644

pickled celery

>> No.17429655

I'm at 72kg, 174cm.
My peak weight was 122kg (168lbs).
I still have a fatty abdomen, if I keep fasting with OMAD like I have been, will it eventually go away or do I HAVE to start lifting?
Like I want to be slender like a stick, is that possible if I just keep going with OMAD?
Don't get me wrong, I am still pretty slim . At least compared to being 122kg.

>> No.17429656

Running is easier if you have a specific goal imo. I have tried doing it before (lots of times) by just jumping on a treadmill and going for a set amount of time. It was always fuckin awful and felt like torture. A few weeks ago I downloaded a couch to 5K app and have been running 3-4 times a week on the provided plan and have found it much easier. I can easily see how much I've improved over these past weeks. I've also begun to record my distance and time on my phone so I can track improvement. As someone that has never been good at running it has helped me a lot. Lurking the /roon/ threads on /fit/has also helped. I have learned so much. Running isn't something anyone is good at at first. You gotta take it slow, have lots of rest days and stop if you're feeling any pain. Only once you've done it for a while can you increase how frequently you run.

You should definitely give it another shot after doing some research and picking a plan.

>> No.17430226
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God I want to look like this

>> No.17430349
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you mean like this.

>> No.17430356

w2c that cross necklace?

>> No.17430482

Etsy vintage shops

>> No.17430560

You look like a Demi-god, I'll suck your dick

>> No.17430723
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102.7 today

monday arms- straight arm push-ups, pull-ups, deadhang until failure
tuesday yoga- https://youtu.be/e4TKqJ_LwmM (courtesy of /fit/)
wednesday core- deadhang leg raises, forward dog to cobra pose 3 × 30, 20 min treadmill walk
thursday cardio- HIT heart rate zones 4&5 15 min treadmill walk warm up, stair stepper 50 floors 11 mins/100 floors 23 mins
as a beginner, stair stepper 35 min max
friday- leg lifts on all fours 3×60
saturday- leg lifts on all fours 3×60
sunday- leg extensions 3×30 30lbs, 10 min treadmill walk

leanness is achievable without working out
i consume the same i burn 1500-1800 calories daily. i don't eat more than 150g of carbs. advise against keto. cut out sugars from your drink if you want to eat carbs

it's charsu don

>> No.17430811

Today I drank so much tea and water to not-eat breakfast I ended up puking a vomit which resembled sewer water
WTF is up with that? will it be a normal occurence for me?
>o maybe i put too much stevia

>> No.17430855

102 lbs or kg?

>> No.17430859

Bump :-D

>> No.17430913
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take a wild guess

>> No.17430916

Oh, I see. Sorry.
Cute midriff though.

>> No.17430939

tf is this lmao

>> No.17431113

I have a BMI of 23 which isnt that low, especially here, I am aware of that.
But why is my abdomen still fatty with rolls and fat love handles?

>> No.17431123

Because you have fat on your body. Rolls and love handles are natural products of having fat on your body. The lower the fat, the less of the rolls. You need to reduce your BMI if you want to get rid of them.
Replace muscles with fat. You don't have to bulk, just tone, and cut out the sugar and carbs from your diet. It's not fucking rocket science. It's just about discipline. And majority of people nowadays do not have it.
Also genetics play a large part in fat distribution anyway. Some people can be 'healthy weight' but still look fatty. Underweight BMI is less than 18 but imo thats the ideal.

>> No.17431126

retard moment: Replace FAT with MUSCLES.. my mistake.

>> No.17431127

Do I change diet or lift weights?

>> No.17431128
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"healthy" bmi ranges are about health, not looking good. If you eat normally and do zero exercise, you will look like shit but you won't have any weight related health issues.
depends what your goal body is.
If you wanna be cute and skinny, eat less. Maybe do cardio, do some body weight exercises. If you wanna get muscular and fit, maybe you probably wanna eat more, focus on protein, and lift weights (go to /fit/ for details)

>> No.17431129

So if I wanted to be slender and skinny like a stick almost, could I technically achieve that by just strict dieting alone? Or is that retarded?
Sorry for my lack of knowledge, you are all being a great help though.

>> No.17431130

Diet. Don't focus on weight training, do cardio. Like I said, tone don't bulk. Diet is more important, but if you want to see the results you have to make the diet worth it through exercise. Don't just be a fucking monkey pumping weights, you've gotta actually work your cardiovascular system and engage all of your bodies muscles.
Depends on your desired outcome though but if you're on /thin/ then this is the general rule.

If you want your fat rolls to stay then continue being lazy and indulgent.

>> No.17431134

Like i said here >>17431130 you need to do both. I'd say start off with changing your diet if exercise is a barrier, but don't let yourself get lazy. Fixing your diet can help you kickstart that change in your body, you'll noticeably feel better and start to get a bit leaner, but it will only really start to be noticeable when you exercise.

>> No.17431136
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you can achieve it through strict dieting, but if you're a man, you're gonna distribute fat to your belly before anywhere else.
I dropped to 17bmi and still had a flabby belly. Then i started doing some body weight exercises at homes, and was able to get some little abs and chest definition.

Underweight women will store the small amount of fat they have in boobs/ass/thighs and can much more easily avoid having an ugly belly without exercise.

>> No.17431138

Is a daily run enough cardio? Or do you mean more extreme?
I do OMAD and have lost 40kg so far, surely doing it more and more will lose the fat? Maybe I am wrong?
Ok thanks. Is keto worth it? Or a fad? Keto OMAD?
Nice gains, or losses for that matter.
I have no weights or anything at home, would lifting something heavy and doing exercises do the job? Like could I literally train lifting a 10kg item in different positions for similar results?
Again sorry for my novice knowledge.

>> No.17431142
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Weights can be helpful, but I find that Calisthenics (body weight exercises requiring no equipment) are enough.
e.g. Push ups, sit ups, that sort of thing. there's a bunch of youtube guides. I also run daily but that's more for burning calories than helping any visual muscle definition.

>> No.17431162

Cardio workouts and HIIT get the best results. Daily run is always good for maintenance, but it doesn't sound like you're pairing it with proper diet.
Don't do keto. OMAD is hardly necessary, if you've lost weight but still have flab you've probably fucked your metabolism cause it's trying to store fat for the lack of sustenance you're giving it. Generally, you should eat at least be eating 2 meals a day, but SMALL meals with high nutritional value. I know /thin/ says starve yourself, and it's good to exercise self control to stop unnecessary snacking, but if you're really hungry, it's better to eat one or two rice crackers and maybe some almonds than to not have anything at all. Also eating in a small window of time is better than OMAD. So say 9 AM to 7 PM is your window to have 2-3 meals, with some light snacking when you're starting to get hunger pains. If you get hungry after 7PM, then you should go to sleep as soon as possible. That's another thing, if your sleep schedule is fucked, you're gonna struggle to shed pounds.
But yeah OMAD helps weight loss but not fat loss which will probably explain your flab problem. The skinny fat plateau is a huge barrier for a lot of people trying to get thinspo.

>> No.17431168
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Don't fuck up your health. Skinny should be a lifestyle, not a fad. You cannot maintain weight loss with OMAD.

>> No.17431178

hard agree. tried keto for two weeks and it drove me insane. couldn't sleep, irritable to the degree that i wanted to bash someone's face in search for carbs
your brain needs glucose to function.

>> No.17431196

do yoga

>> No.17431407

i love you

>> No.17431704

Sup. I'm 23, 5'11, 75-80kg, not much muscle. I look pretty average. I was thinking calorie deficit + calisthenics to get a lean toned body, since I want to be a twink before it's too late. Any advice? Thanks

>> No.17433115

8 days of counting calories and I haven't lost a pound yet. I thought I was doing so good and I would have lost 1 or 2 pounds by now. This is demoralizing.

>> No.17433149

weigh yourself after you've just woken up. if not, be consistent with when you weigh yourself i.e. before sleep, after dinner. weight fluctuates +/-5lbs

>> No.17433472

literally my ideal body no homo

>> No.17433474

same ngl

>> No.17433558
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How do I achieve this? Is this just a lifetime of never eating mcdonalds or anything processed? Do I need to live in the jungle and only eat food that I can catch?

>> No.17433563

>eat nothing but bamboo shoots, rice, chicken, and maybe pork a couple times a year
>slave in a rice field your whole life
>be incredibly fucking dehydrated for some reason
>pick up a chicken and tell someone to take a picture of you

>> No.17433985
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Is diet face real or just cope by fatties? My mother keeps warning me about it, but I have yet to see a case that looks too bad. Sure as hell is better looking than a face-thumb with 25% bf

Not that anon but thanks for the post. I've also tried running before and it's always felt like torture, that couch to 5K app is a great idea. If you were like me being able to enjoy, or simply tolerate, running is nothing short of miraculous. You don't mind me asking, how do you carry your phone with you on your runs? Armband or belt?

>> No.17434247

how do i lose the flab then? i lost weight fast, some muscle definition but a small layer of fat on my stomach and lower back

>> No.17434267

who is she?

>> No.17434352

mine looks awful because I can't loose fat on my jaw line at all. just makes me look flabby and old

>> No.17434554

either you have extra skin from being severely overweight or you need to lose more weight.

>> No.17434845

109.8 today. Planning on fasting most of the day, then having a mediterranean bowl.

>> No.17435487

Sorry to hear about it anon. At least your torso has to look pretty good if you've so much fat in your face.

>> No.17435490
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102.8 after afternoon bath

>> No.17435543

no, she's my ex cause she was ugly even in a thin body

>> No.17435682
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Oc bone rattling

>> No.17435691

Mmm coke girls :)

>> No.17435708
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Kinda sad that you can clock my coke use like that but yea :( lol. I use addys for restricting fr, blow just keeps me from binging when I get drunk.

>> No.17435722

please get off the drugs if you can.
i want you to live longer.

>> No.17435775

vyvanse is much better for restricting imo

>> No.17435828

How narrow are your guys' wrists?
I don't have one of those wrap around measurer things but mines pretty fuckin narrow.

>> No.17436299

74cm, i'm male 183cm height. it's really narrow, i would to change that a lil bit

>> No.17436554
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>> No.17436592

>easy starve yourself and only do abs

>> No.17436599

wild. i thought coke instantly too

>> No.17436632

I weigh 53 kg while 182 cm but people posted here look even skinnier.

>> No.17436941

1000Kcal per day until you reach ~60Kg or lower. I'm 1.8m and looked like that at 60Kg, with zero muscle. Cut out all exercise except walking and make sure to eat healthy to not damage your body too much.

Or become a hardcore marathon runner, that's healthier.

Problem for me too. Sometimes I think about next day's breakfast as motivation to sleep.

XS/S slim fit (sometimes called milano fit).

Not eating -- doing less dopaminergic activities in general -- makes me feel more in control of my life. My motivation is to look thin though, I like the look.

Cardio is better, don't push yourself too much while on a big deficit though.


I live in a country where being where being on the verge of obesity is considered normal. I frequently got weird looks, got asked if I've got an eating problem, etc. at 60Kg as an 1.8m man (which isn't that skinny). Currently trying to lose 2Kg so as to drop to 65Kg, which is the lowest I can go without drawing any attention to my weight as I recently got a corporate job, which means I have to look like everybody else.

>> No.17436943

I usually chew gum but that works too.

>> No.17437840
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Thinbros I need help. I need to lose 15kg in a month. Currently 94kg and skinny fat at 6'3".

Tell me what to eat every day I will stick to it 100% to reach the goal. I don't really work out but I am willing to also do this is if it will help me become thin.

>> No.17437846

it does not matter what you eat. look up tdee and just count calories so you eat in a caloric deficit. if you have to eat in a big deficit and essentially starve yourself, eating a lot of protein is a good idea if possible (chicken).

>> No.17437877

Damn I had about the same stats as you about a month ago. I'm 6'3" and got up to 99kgs at my absolute max, which was late November. I started trying to lose weight around mid-December. This morning I weighed in at 82kgs (trying to get to 75 or 70, depends how my body looks). I've been on one meal a day and have just been shedding weight. Noticeable changes every day. Doing lots of walking and occasionally swimming at the beach too. Make sure that one meal is nutritious though - and ideally a small size.

>> No.17437886
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Thanks anon, I tried omad a while ago but like an absolute fool I couldn't keep my hands of those fucking snacks. Doesn't help my mates always brought them around the place. I think I'll do that but this time cut the mess.

>> No.17437903

Snacks were what got me fat in the first place. That's where going for a walk comes in, I guess. Classic distraction + gets you away from the place that has food. I also drink tea and coffee all throughout the day to keep that snack-wanting part of the brain satisfied. Works well enough for me.

>> No.17437911
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It makes me so annoyed when all these fatsos are like "oh I eat so healthy I just ate a kale sandwich my body is just naturally like this" no it's not bitch did you forget about the extra large Starbucks iced mocha and box of donuts you've been picking at all day? How about the bag of chips or cans of soda?

>> No.17438164

skelly mode is hot as fuck, sorry.
t. bad relationship with food

>> No.17438185

100.4 lbs. so happy

>> No.17438513

Show body, fatty.

>> No.17438517

First and foremost, get yourself an absent father.

>> No.17438519

if I starve myself I either get hella skinny and look cool or die so I don't have to live another day on this hell hole.
win win EDbros

>> No.17439000
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>> No.17439792

wtf cara?

>> No.17439953

nobody will ever love you if your a fat faggot

>> No.17440037
File: 1.55 MB, 1440x2560, 20230113_165255.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

measured mine at 13cm

>> No.17440843

75 mins is ~10k steps and thats like 450 calories on flat terrain, also you burn fat when your bpm doesnt exceed ~60%, if it goes over that you burn carbs

>> No.17440847

Fa Thinspo server here

>> No.17440848


>> No.17440999

Found my red bracelet in a drawer beside my ex's scrunchie. It's fitting, I Just relapsed to burn off xmas weight

>> No.17441051
File: 1.13 MB, 1838x2159, AB4A794A-A42E-42B5-8835-8D009A056251.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What more do I need to achieve Griffith mode

>> No.17441075
File: 121 KB, 770x1036, 3B65699E-5CE6-49DD-A1C1-2D91273C592F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you say Petah Griffin? Just drink a lotta beers!

>> No.17441079
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>> No.17441097
File: 301 KB, 600x600, url(72).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wild that Nickelodeon let her wear that on her show back in the day

>> No.17441194
File: 47 KB, 400x400, FatMonkey_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>4000+ calories today
I sure love living with people who constantly buy fucking cookies and shit

>> No.17441335

Don’t listen to the other anon, I’ve known very cute twinks your age, and even early 30s
The question is, do you look younger?

>> No.17442074

Your never be griffin mode since your hips are too wide and your shoulders too narrow. You've done well with what you got though.

>> No.17442085

u need a more defined jaw. need more jaw exercises and mewing

>> No.17442094

why are you eating your roommates cookies you fucking sperg? You deserve to be fat.

>> No.17442141

wheres your discipline?

you clearly dont really want this

>> No.17442152

the longer you wait the worse it'll be. being a cute twink depends on your face genes, but you will still look better not being a fatass

>> No.17442231

Niggas in this thread be auschwitzmaxxing tbdesu

>> No.17442238

post body oinker.

>> No.17442356

I cant afford to live alone and live with parents as an late 20s man
When cookies are involved it doesn't exist

>> No.17442707

To all the dummies that keep these threads alive -
Get a membership for hot yoga. Go every other day and mix in hot Pilates. You get to eat anything you want and you’ll be shopping for smaller sizes in 2 weeks

>> No.17442858
File: 326 KB, 720x705, 1650120037348.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/fit/ twink mode is based, skellymode is disgusting. I'm huge though so I'll never look good lanky, I'm 6'5. Tall and skinny is a death sentence, you look like the fucking Home Depot Skeleton.

>> No.17442966

You’re kidding right? Women love tall lanky Chads.

>> No.17443206

to some of us thats hot af
high fashion runways seem to agree

>> No.17443236

Since you are a women, your numbers are completely irrelevant to 99% of this thread.
Men can have a lean look and lower bf at much higher bmi's since we are more muscular and have naturally lower bf.

>> No.17443305

i factored that into my response

>> No.17443349

>>At what BMI does your stomach go completely flat?
>17.5 in my case. you should be looking at ideally 8-11% bf for a lean face and abs
Men start getting flat stomachs around 15% bf, and if they have a decent core, faint abs while not flexing under like 10%.

>> No.17443412

>life starts at 11% bf
don't u want abs without flexin wtf

>> No.17443427


>> No.17443432

I'm around 8-10% bf, but that guy asked when you get a flat stomach.

>> No.17443437

Dont be an anatard it makes you go bald

>> No.17444324

Your navel is disturbing, gross

>> No.17444613

21.6 BMI i want to get to a sub 17 BMI by May
I've been eating around 700 cals or less since the beginning of the month
Started fasting yesterday

>> No.17444736

don't fuck up your metabolism or you'll stay fat

>> No.17444750

Do you just sit around all day doing nothing?

>> No.17444780

when i dont have class, yeah. ill just do dumbbell exercises for about 15 minutes.
the days that i do have class, ill go for a walk for about an hour, then later on do the dumbell exercises

>> No.17444785

yeah im planning on fasting and exercising more since now the college gym is back open

>> No.17445509

what's the best way to determine your bodyfat percentage
18M 6'2 133lbs

>> No.17445578

Clogged veins skinnyfat death at 60, move your body.

>> No.17446142

i exercise daily, i just couldn't do my full routine for a couple of weeks because the college gym was closed
dumb fucking niggers i swear

>> No.17446198

ok, how the fuck do I manage to look like OP's picrel?

I'm 5'6 with a bmi of 17, but still look fucking fat.
I have gyno so I'm doomed anyway, but how do I get rid of the fat in my gut?

>> No.17446208

look through this thread people have already posted workouts