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/fa/ - Fashion

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17395424 No.17395424 [Reply] [Original]

Are they /fa/? Should I get one?

>> No.17395432

do whatever you want and you like, don't ask some random dudes on the vietnamese forum

>> No.17395436

I'm wondering what's the audience of Machine R Kelly.

The guy is a millenial, so i guess zoomer girls see him more like a dad than anything. What's the appeal?

>> No.17396022

Generally speaking women do like tattoos on men.

>> No.17396025

I'll never understand the entire "tatoos are self expression" thing. Yeah, they sure are, if your personality and interests stop developing right when you get one.

>> No.17396095

He's tall and has bad boy tats. That's literally it.

>> No.17396419 [DELETED] 

If you want to be like everyone one else

>> No.17396424

They are conformist. Never be a conformist.

>> No.17396427

All women are into older guys you doofus. This will become extremely apparent when you hit your thirties.

>> No.17396447
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>Should I get one?
that may be alright, probably don't get a litany of drivel tho

>> No.17396467

Being a contrarian doesn't make you any better, it just makes you obnoxious.

>> No.17397530

No they look disgusting and people will confuse you with all manner of degenerates. My father has a tattoo of a chain and he doesn’t know that in some parts of Europe a tattoo of a chain is associated with gang culture. My family has thrown around the idea of inter-railing around Europe together and I’m both scared of and amused by the possibility of my father who wouldn’t hurt a fly being mistaken for a Russian gangster.

Also remember that what’s considered acceptable and what’s not can change overnight but a tattoo can’t. One of my friends was considering getting a tattoo of a Nordic symbol that may now be on the register of hate symbols in my country. I also know of a teacher who has to wear long sleeves everyday now as she also has this tattoo.

Take the money you would have spent on a tattoo and use it to buy chickens to keep for eggs and meat and seed potatoes to grow. You will thank me.

Love from khazakstan.

>> No.17397639

Agreed that tattoos are for degenerates but who on earth cares about some silly hate symbol list?

>> No.17397692

>photos that should have preceded a hand grenade explosion

>> No.17398055

Best advice, well said.
It's not that you should care in and of itself, but it's the kind of thing that could fuck you up financially. Basically, it's about limiting attack surface and not making disadvantageous decisions.

>> No.17398174

m8 if you think those two douchebags in that pic are the epitome of what a man should look like you need to reevaluate your life

>> No.17398175

the dynamic duo of literally no talent lol

>> No.17398178
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yeah bro do it

>> No.17398203
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>> No.17398205

i think it's just a meme normies cite for an emotional decision whose basis is something they don't really understand or would be embarrassed to say out loud.

their friends got them
their friends fuck
they want to fuck too

normies consider it to be low status to say a lot of things out loud so it's hard to know what they don't realize and what they do realize and refuse to say.

>> No.17398779

I don’t care about the list but it’s important to keep up with what the mainstream thinks while you still have to interact with them so you don’t make things more difficult than they have to be. 2 years ago the Ukrainian cost of arms was a hate symbol in my country, now it is displayed proudly and openly. If I had a tattoo of it two years ago I’d likely lose my job, if I had it today people would be indifferent or think its cool. Neurotypical ability to memory-hole things like this is astonishing to me.

>> No.17400318
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i grew up being a good for nothing punk, but since finishing college and getting a corporate job i have become much more stylistically tame. i still wish i wouldve gotten more ink, namely face tats lol

>> No.17400356

Tattoos are cringe, and scribbleskins get really defensive if you don’t affirm their ‘art’.

>> No.17400405

They both have hepatitis but not from the tattoos

>> No.17401158

Just jump off the tattoo train while you still can. We’re heading towards the tattoo singularity.
Just the other day I was getting gas, and from the pump to the clerk and back to the pump I counted no less than 3 guys with neck/face tattoos.
The tattoo singularity is upon us and can go one of two ways.
(1) clean skin becomes cool
(2) body mods go mainstream (tongue splitting, derma’s, eye tats, microchips)

It’s been a steady progression to this point on the tattoo timeline.

90’s>> (single upper bicep tats go mainstream)

00’s>> (tramp stamps and torso tats go mainstream)

10’s>> (sleeve tats, mural tats go mainstream)

20’s>> (neck and face tats go mainstream)

2030>> (designer dermal microchips and eye tats go mainstream)

>> No.17402013

>love from khazakstan

>> No.17402035

They're low class.

>> No.17403299
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Tattoos are degen

>> No.17403768

Tattoos are not /fa/ and never will be. I hate and utterly despise everyone who has tattoos. It's the biggest sign of "I'm a retard and never take my opinions seriously". Just imagine being at a business meeting with high-profile people and one of them notices your skull on fire tattoos that you thought were cool in your early 20s. Intelligent people will instantly lose all respect for you.

>> No.17403937

This is a retarded take. I wish i could see the person who posted this. Most tattoos are shit, and im sure a lot of people think mine and the ones i think are cool are shit. Like fashion, the board that you're on, it comes down to having the confidence to getting something you like without giving too much of a fuck what people will think. Tattoos show impulsiveness in a person, but also confidence. Stupidity may be a synonym but at the end of the day, these are some of the most sought after characteristics in a man. A tattoo, like an acessory, is a way of showing a part of yourself without any shame

>> No.17404268

Oh yeah, you're very confident for doing what everyone else who lack any sort of personality are doing. You sure showed me lol

>> No.17404438

You could apply that to clothing as well. Do you lack confidence for rocking a shoe or a fit other people wear as well? Do you need an entirely unique fashion sense to como across as confident. I understand not getting tattoos, but stating that they are not a way to express your identity is stupid. I agree that there are basic tattoos or terrible tattoos, but at the end of the day, it is another accessory or article of clothing, just permanent.

>> No.17404445

Do you think teeth blackening could become a trend

>> No.17404468
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Would it have the same effect if he had tattoos?

>> No.17404474

>implies I want a corporate aidsfest for a job
>implies an "intelligent" person cant see through ink under a persons skin
>implies the inked person automatically has to give a fuck what other people think about the color pigments under their skin

are you fucking retarded?
just get tattooed....or not
nobody gives a fuck, especially nowadays

>> No.17404497

Fuck off. I just fucking hate tattoos and the retards who want one or have them already.

>> No.17404505
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tattoos are never effay

>> No.17404559

It depends on your social class. I’m a Wasp who summers in the Hamptons and Cape Cod and almost never see tattoos on men or women on the beach.

>> No.17404659

>may now be on the register of hate symbols in my country
well i don't live in some gay faggot country with hate speech laws so its fine
i would never get a tattoo though desu

>> No.17404858

do it with intention, not for some "lmao funny pictures!"

>> No.17406109


>> No.17406448
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squadala we're off

>> No.17406449
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>> No.17406451
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>> No.17406454
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>> No.17406457
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>> No.17406458
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>> No.17406460
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>> No.17406461

The best advice I got from a tattoo artist was to only get things tattooed that I have already liked 10 or 20 years ago. That's how you get a tattoo that you will not regret. Some stuff you get into and just like forever.
For me that's plants. Other examples from my friends are motorcycles/cars, swords, the ocean, animals, space or fire.
The childish obsessions that you refused to let go in adulthood.

>> No.17406462
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>> No.17406463
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>> No.17406464
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>> No.17406466
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>> No.17406467
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>> No.17406469
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>> No.17406470
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>> No.17406471
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>> No.17406473
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>> No.17406474
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>> No.17406478
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>> No.17406480
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>> No.17406482

Does your personality change completely often?

>> No.17408303

How do I get a girlfriend with tattoos?