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17391833 No.17391833 [Reply] [Original]

Where can I cop that coat and those boots?

>> No.17392018

Fuck off useful idiot.

>> No.17392076

I love you

>> No.17392088

I hate living outside of the USA, if you live in the USA and dress terrorcore/camo people will think you are an armed autist ready to blow shit up, outside of the usa you are just a drunk slav (terrorcore) or a retarded hunter (camo)

>> No.17392120

>seed oils
I never got this meme

>> No.17392137

Unironically pushed by "olive oil" manufacturers.
>turns out that most of "olive oil" is fake and there are shitloads of counterfits with additives
>suddenly schizos (the easiest people to manipulate) start pushing the "olive oil good" narrative to other schizos
I swear, if you were to push that drinking your own piss/eating your own shit is good for you, all these "le alt hyperboreans" would do that without even thinking about it, just tell them that it would epically troll the leftists or whatever.

>> No.17392138

I know every piece in this image but I'm not going to tell you because this is a bait thread

>> No.17392148

Tell me you bloody bastard bitch

>> No.17392484

>people will think you are an armed autist ready to blow shit up
isn't that the whole idea of TERRORcore

>> No.17392553

what telegram was that pic from? I rememeber going on his page and there was good stuff of his making i saved but didn't join and then lost the channel

>> No.17392556

that's why you look into the product itself and don't blindly buy anything retard. and yes seed oils bad

>> No.17393042

Beef tallow is the alternative that is used by and large instead of seed oils, not olive oil, but nice try
Seed oils are awful for you
Stop shilling

>> No.17393058

Good little parrots, now fly back to whatever sketchy warehouse you bottle "italian" olive oil in.
>seed oils are signifcantly less expensive to produce because seed based cultures are far easier to grow and sustain hence less room and initiative for counterfits
>meanwhile muh olive oil is not only more expensive to produce but has more variety and room for fakes due to how it is categorized
There are literally mafia networks in Europe dedicated to doing that shit, it's a huge fucking problem for everyone and has been for years, meanwhile in the midst of it all some schizo pushes "ples buy olive oil it is vewwy good" shit and i'm supposed to take it seriously?

>> No.17393060

You are a subversive agent provocateur on the payroll of Big Jewish Seed

>> No.17393069

Very unbased of me, gotta go chug that diluted Extra Virgin Nachurul Olivia Wilde Premium Olive Oil and hop on esoteric Twitter.

>> No.17393075

I have never seen the type of right wing redpill schizo shill olive oil instead of seed oils. It's always beef tallow. In fact, the vast majority of them outright castigate olive oil and purity spiral away from it, excluding it from healthy oils like beef tallow, coconut oil, etc.

>> No.17393076

I cannot believe I used to find this kind of thing cool

>> No.17393080

And if it was the 90s they would cry about beef tallow containing muh saturated fats.

>> No.17393083

Psyops go a long way anon, we've all been there.

>> No.17393084

You're such a retard lmao holy shit

>> No.17393089

I'm not the one putting beef tallow into a "healthy" category, kek.

>> No.17393090

>describing things as hyperborean


>> No.17393467
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fit on the right