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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 384 KB, 627x973, EDFF7392-690A-4560-989D-DDFAC5E08A23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17391653 No.17391653 [Reply] [Original]

Going to a Tinder date today, what do you think?

>> No.17391654

you're gonna slay it, king.

>> No.17391668

Everything looks bad quality, especially coat

>> No.17391670

You look like doctor octopus in spiderman movies, pretty based

>> No.17391675

The clothes seem bit cheap, but they fit you and you have good frame for them. Those glasses however dont fit your fat face, try something more square

>> No.17391677

>what do you think?

I thought you said "what do you TWINK?"

>> No.17391699

you are fat

>> No.17391707

Nice shoes, the pants aren’t bad but they look like they have been washed too often(a problem black jeans often have) making the look cheap. and they are to skinny in places that you don’t want them to be. I would recommend you buy a decent pair of wide(ish) chinos at a store like uniqlo. They will go nice with the shoes and the jacket since it’s all buisness casual and the fit of chinos will fit your body better.

Also wear a shirt instead of a polo and do not do navy on black, it’s generally seen as a bad colour combination.

It’s a decent fit, you will do great. Lose the glasses though.

>> No.17391717

Chinos look boring. He should wear sweater instead or don’t wear that coat. I think wearing blazer, trousers and colorful shirt looks good

>> No.17391725

Boring is the look he is going for.

>> No.17391730

He wants to impress someone.

>> No.17391732

Not a fan of the glasses the rest is ok

>> No.17391739

You look like a matrix character with a SSB tier color swap. She'll know instantly that you're an internet goblin

>> No.17391753

A nice clean boring fit can still impress someone.

I am not going to tell this guy to buy a bunch of items out of his comfort zone. I am looking at the style he obviously likes, business casual, and giving him tips on how to improve it by changing out a view pieces in minor ways.

>> No.17391793

It's alright broseph, I'd lose the shades and hit the gym though

>> No.17391795

Don't wear sunglasses on dates unless it's really sunny out

>> No.17391801

You look kinda fat desu, are you fit? Because you really need to lose some weight in your face.

>> No.17391805

Women have no real taste anyway, boring but rich is exactly the type of look women go for. Being fit is more important anyway.

>> No.17391806

Turtle neck sweater and this fit would be impeccable. Some normie girl from tinder will probably still think you look great, remember the autistic fucks here are far more decerning than just about anyone you could possibly meeting IRL.

>> No.17391831
File: 601 KB, 1467x828, A64633DB-628D-4E0B-AB51-7D2993F11CCB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If he wore cheap black sweater it would look really bad.

>> No.17391838

wear a belt if you arent. also some color is flashing from your sock that doesnt fit the color harmony. otherwise pretty good imo.

>> No.17391933
File: 91 KB, 500x750, Paranormal-Urban-Fantasy-Man0043.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17392029

You look like a Venture Bros character, lol.

>> No.17392033

Dr. Octopus? Is that you?

>> No.17392035

Dating a woman of low character is not /fa/

>> No.17392057

I mean come on, that's like the one thing it actually is.

>> No.17392083

This looks forced af to me, but if you feel comfortable in that then good for you

>> No.17392096
File: 243 KB, 398x939, 5CDB9F45-3678-4C14-B01F-079328E6B94F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about this one?

>> No.17392103

The outfit is worse in every way, apart for you losing the glasses

>> No.17392104

there are lots of different kinds of girls with lots of different preferences and interests, one of which is "solid, stable and not flashier than me"

>> No.17392105

Harry Enfield looking ass.

>> No.17392112

the first pic is better. I would try to find a darker color to match with your pants more. Also, stop trying to look cool for the picture. Smile, laugh. you don't have the facial structure to pull off a tough guy gaze.

agreed, but I think if the glasses were square framed they might look decent.

>> No.17392114
File: 210 KB, 387x962, 199FE6EA-FDDD-4397-A956-C14E088FDA9B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I will go with something simpler. Wearing a coat seems too try-hard.

>> No.17392117

Why is it so hard for people to just not be fat? Seriously? Being thin is 90% of attractiveness.

>> No.17392119

I'm not fat. I go tho the gym 3 times a week. See >>17392114

>> No.17392123

your face looks like a deflated baloon. Your waist is wider than your upper chest. Eat less.

>> No.17392125


but fr OP first fit looks fine. Unless this bitch has top tier taste she'll think you're dressed super well.

But one piece of advice: get off tinder. You're a good looking dude, you'll find higher quality girls if you talk to em in person

>> No.17392143

You look like Chris Abroad in Japan, but fatter.

>> No.17392153

both are pretty good. you look great, man. -femanon
if she’s a normie, second is better, if she’s edgy, maybe first. first is sharper and intriguing, but feels a little forced. second is casually cultured and would definitely put her at ease, but if you’ve not talked to her enough for her to be able to get to know you through your personality a little, you might feel a bit like a general kid from one of her classes.
>>17391795 this, though if it were functional, you look fine both with and without
again, overall, you’re doing great dude. you know what’s up, your dress sense is solid enough it feels like any combo you’d pull out would be pretty great.

>> No.17392160

edit: oh, hey. this one’s wonderful: you’ve got my vote. hits all the right notes.
have an awesome date, man.

>> No.17392163

I was thinking a nice turtle neck sweater not some ASOS trash. Every man over 18 should own some nice knit wear. Especially if you live some where that has an actual winter.

>> No.17392181

who's your date Peter Parker?

>> No.17392187
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>> No.17392200

are you wearing a supreme graphic tee...

>> No.17392220

no, it's a Precum tee.

>> No.17392226

I think this is just gdp-4 trolling with AI generated images

>> No.17392266

You're not obese but you're not slim either.

>> No.17392283

this desu

>> No.17392297
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>> No.17392450
File: 2.65 MB, 1600x1200, 1665133059838.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17392470

Try folding the bottom part of your hoodie upward and inside. It will crop the hoodie and give you better proportions. Also try the nice dress shoes you have with this fit. Also also maybe try a color.

>> No.17393415

Iron your coat, wear a better shirt and the shoes from the 2nd outfit

>> No.17393465

You’re fat bro. Start doing OMAD and running.

>> No.17393535

Graphic t-shirt and sleeves of the coat are too long, nigga what are you doing.

>> No.17393539

drop the coat, it looks really awkward. trust me

>> No.17393545

j e w

>> No.17393730

Try this with a white button-down and a higher quality coat with a bit more structure.

>> No.17393773

coat wrinkled, shades a bit tryhard

coat too big, graphic tee no bueno (unless they paid you to advertise them), leave white for when you slim down a bit

low effort, dgaf vibes, I'd go with that

your clothes probably don't matter like at all. do you remember what any of your dates wore?
just be chill, ask questions and listen and nod and say oh, wow every minute and you'll do fine

source: had one traumatic date 12 years ago and gave up dating forever

>> No.17393853

Looking handsome king. crush that date for me

>> No.17394036
File: 3.44 MB, 5184x3456, fit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying more of a bad boy vibe

>> No.17394043

How did the date go?

>> No.17394154

>Going to a Tinder date today, what do you think?

Hit the gym and lose some fat and gain some muscle.

>> No.17394178

Nice outfit but rather than style, she probably just wants money, masculinity, and dick. Maybe just wear jeans and t-shirt and grow some facial hair.

>> No.17394180


>> No.17394181

The boots and pants look good, but do you have a different shirt? Something not white. Also, it’s the current year, why are you shaving?? Grow some stubble to show your man hormones work.

>> No.17394241

OP image is unironically the best and actually a pretty solid date fit.
It just kept going downhill from there.

>> No.17394285

>everything is wrinkled indicating cheap materials
>mixing blacks and browns

>> No.17394287
File: 33 KB, 1083x600, 1649503035807.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
