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File: 79 KB, 679x900, gziboky1ll2a1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17371166 No.17371166 [Reply] [Original]

How the fuck did generation X think this looked good?

>> No.17371168

they wanted women to starve themselves to look like boys bck then

>> No.17371212

It makes my dick erect so it automatically looks good

>> No.17371260

Yeah. You brain dead millenials are what caused the current culture war

>> No.17371264

It did look good. People were skinnier back then.

>> No.17371271

Jokes on you its already back in fashion.

>> No.17371310

Seething fatties will never look good.

>> No.17371341

Looks terrible. I was in middle school back then and went crazy every time I saw a thong, but it objectively looks like shit. Asses look so flat in low rise jeans.

>> No.17371347

Every normie wore:
>American Eagle
>American Apparel

>> No.17371400

Front looks good desu

>> No.17371404

Sex appeal, that's it. Especially men should stay far away from low rise anything.

>> No.17371419

Looks great on skinny girls

>> No.17371587

>sex appeal
Where? If you find those sticks attractive you are either
1 a pedo
2 extremely low test

>> No.17371592

Only 3rd world men like curvy women pajeet

>> No.17371723

Bullshit. Euros loved curvy women too. Obsession with being stick thin was only a few decades.

>> No.17371740
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Nah. You're a retard

>> No.17371786
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>waist 21 inches
ur a moron kys

>> No.17371876

Lose some weight, that's literally all it takes.

>> No.17371895

donut forget jack wills. anf was so soft. we will never get quality like that ever agen

>> No.17372105
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>> No.17372109
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i'm taking over this thread to remind fatties that obesity will never be attractive

>> No.17372113
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>> No.17372114

>taking over this thread
abt damn time bitch

>> No.17372117
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>> No.17372121
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>> No.17372122

>Real women have anterior pelvic tilt, wear a corset or are heavily edited in photoshop

>> No.17372123
File: 164 KB, 744x1079, 1641829522471.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the most effay thing you can wear is a good figure anons. never forget.

>> No.17372164

kek, if that's what you need to tell yourself. fit women exist anon.

>> No.17372169

its better than what we have now, at least low rise jeans encouraged skinniness and you could see girls buttcracks

>> No.17372263

>not finding sticcs and slampigs attractive
Found the low-t bitch boy

>> No.17372752

GenXers had great taste. It's millennials that fucked things up in the 2010s.

>> No.17372838

this is how millennials dressed as teens

>> No.17372844

White trash still dresses exactly like this.

>> No.17372858

Yeah and somehow in the 2010s, they decided they thought it was ugly while it never was and then switched. It wasn't gen x or zoomers who changed it.

>> No.17372952

Literally all you have to do is lose weight.
Just stop being fat and you can be attractive.

>> No.17373054

Has any of you considered that low rise jeans were uncomfortable as fuck and maybe not every girl wanted to walk around with her asscrack showing?
Not to mention how impractical they were in the winter because sweaters were never long enough to cover all the exposed skin

>> No.17373072

that's hot

>> No.17373089

Buttcracks are NOT hot

>> No.17373232

They are if the girls are hot.

>> No.17373478

>Blaming us for your absent minded parents who don't love you

>> No.17373481

Mine is pretty close senpai.

>> No.17373491

this is late millennial shit not gen x, high rise mom jeans were all the rage late eighties early nineties when gen x were young adults.

>> No.17373513

retarded take

>> No.17374131

Late millenials wore this when they were like 5 y/o. That was xennials and core millennials territoriy.

>> No.17374225
File: 87 KB, 537x1200, 5b531793e23dd1e429f5fe3420b5d94b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zoomie girls are the hottest

>> No.17374241

Wrong word, sorry. i meant older not late, i do remember these and i'm 33, it wasn't a very good look. I much prefer high rise what show ass curves off.

>> No.17374257

I'm the same age but I only started liking girls in jeans when mid-rise became the norm, then low-rise became my favorite. Never liked the 90210 Beverly Hills high-rise look.

>> No.17374291

>doesn't believe in thin women
I know everything about you based on this statement

>> No.17374294


>> No.17374302

I like ass, but these weird jean/spandex things just look so off-putting and strange (plus jeans are a male garment so if you find them hot on a woman -you're actually gay). Additionally, in order to get these big asses, these women end up over working their leg muscles and they take on this sickening cattle like over definition particularly in the thigh area. Disagree if you want, but you're intrinsically wrong.

>> No.17374333

>ugly face
>see no use in self improving
They're right.

>> No.17374637

low rise jeans are the hottest shit I'm glad they're coming back

>> No.17375001

i can almost see her pussy?

>> No.17375130
File: 101 KB, 640x864, rzxp0n8f66981.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just saying that zoomies are hotter than gen x. Gen x girls already hit the wall.

>> No.17375186

Gen X girls have become milfs. It's millennial roasties who are currently irredeemable.

>> No.17375202

there is no wall
if you don't believe me, make an on-line dating profile with photos of one of the "post-wall" women.

>> No.17375211
File: 187 KB, 1080x1350, 3BDJI_C7iFj0fUsDmxroxwVvc680inGHfJcPjMWz7tk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Agree, as a millennial myself, women my age are insufferable.

Bro, i did. In dating apps literally age 25 is the magical "wall" where you can see that the cock carousel took it's toll. With 30 most girls look like grannies.

>> No.17375219

>With 30 most girls look like grannies.
Doesn't matter what they look like but what they can get.
A woman who's 40 today has more and better men competing for her than the same woman had when she was 20. It's because dating apps have increased her reach a thousandfold. So because she's 40 she can't get thousands of attractive men willing to commit to her but she can get dozens, which is good enough.

>> No.17375225

When you’re used to food not being a problem the mindset changes. There’s a reason it’s always poorer places where weight is considered attractive

>> No.17375231 [DELETED] 
File: 225 KB, 1125x1371, vGURprB7dH_NDrAwHQqzIy1kuiEgVvVakgkmPj6V6fc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bro, what the hell. Most men on dating apps want sex. The average beta fag of course date a 40 dear old women, that dude usually is in your typical 9 to 5 job waging his ass off, probably looking sports at sky TV at his free time or worse still plays world of warcraft. Quality dudes with money, right mindset, ressources literally date young(19-21 year old). Why should i bother with a used up emotional car with high mileage? Makes no sense at all.

>> No.17375236
File: 225 KB, 1125x1371, vGURprB7dH_NDrAwHQqzIy1kuiEgVvVakgkmPj6V6fc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bro, what the hell. Most men on dating apps want sex. The average beta fag of course date a 40 year old women, that dude usually is in your typical 9 to 5 job waging his ass off, probably looking sports at sky TV at his free time or worse still plays world of warcraft. Quality dudes with money, right mindset, ressources literally date young(19-21 year old). Why should i bother with a used up emotional car with high mileage? Makes no sense at all.

>> No.17375241

Food is not a problem anywhere in the developed world. It's just that with experience you learn that girls who look skinny in clothes look a bit... skeletal when naked.For skinny girls clothes increase their apparent attractiveness not unlike makeup. You get a completely different impression when you get her naked. Not saying they're unattractive, but when I check them out, I always keep in mind that skinny in clothes = bony naked.

>> No.17375253

I dunno, but as I said make an on line dating profile as one of those women and see what you (she) can get. It's pretty crazy how many attractive but thirsty guys there are out there.

If you look at the most attractive and successful men, they're usually not with women in their early 20s even though every one of those guys could get yachtloads of young women. I'm not sure why but there's probably a good reason.

>> No.17375266
File: 74 KB, 640x676, Li81wtlpkrdRHMpf1MNc9F-fe3gfoT7jZgHku-dxJ5M.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

100% sure that also 40 year old women get male attention, but mostly sex.
Quality attention literally is for girls in they prime.
But yeah, i notice how "elite" faggots like Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk, Bill Gates simp for the wrinkled fruits. But this dudes get divorced the hell out for being beta nigs. Look at Trumps dating life. Always dating young models(19-21 year old) and dump them when they getting annoying and old.

>> No.17375315

Melania Trump is 50 and she was 35 when Trump married her. Why didn't he marry an 18 year old virgin or something?

>> No.17375345
File: 238 KB, 1080x1113, 3fbqmsu9ynp71.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, but 28 when Trump was dating her, that time he divorced from his old wife.
We all know what Trump did with Epstein.

>> No.17375350
File: 596 KB, 1600x1600, age-of-consent-europe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I don't get that idiot and the other idiots who risked so much. Don't they know where Europe is?

>> No.17375352

I was born in 95 and remember seeing a distinct difference between the millenials and upcoming genz. I'm convinced it was roastie elementary/middle/high school teachers seething about girls like >>17371166 that indoctrinated genz to fight a culture war as a means of coping.

>> No.17375461

>born in 95
Do you relate to zoomers or millenials?
>I'm convinced it was roastie elementary/middle/high school teachers seething about girls like >>17371166 (OP) that indoctrinated genz to fight a culture war as a means of coping.
It was. I remember in 2008, women would get shamed for wearing leggings. Now it is a wardrobe staple.

>> No.17375502

more to millenials probably. I went on a few dates with a gen z girl and she couldn't fathom that I had never seen stranger things or listened to billy eyelash before

>> No.17375738

Checked. It did look good. I like low rise jeans too bad I can't find any for men. I wear my pants on my hips and all my pants fit a bit baggy :(

>> No.17375782

low rise jeans are a billion times better than the fucking disgusting high rise/mom jeans trend of the 2010s

>> No.17375787
File: 347 KB, 640x901, 1C90626A-4417-483A-830C-3823324F9745.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

laughing my fucking ass off at this, why did it need to be labeled

>> No.17375813
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Somehow younger girls(19-21 years) are more open and interested to listen to your stuff. Literally talk about shit you do in freetime. Talking about my daily work routine, seeing costumers oversees etc. makes her eyes shiny. Makes sense, she's still in university or shit like that. Overall they are really easy going, it's easy for an older dude to fill in the daddy role.
Older women literally test you, don't believing you at first, or are argumentative, because her ex dude number 465# did better. The juice isn't worth the squeeze with high mileage cars(just for the easy ride=sex, but nothing more).

>> No.17375917

>pierced tongue
>exposted thongs
>don't look good
massive tastelet detected

>> No.17376037

Post wife

>> No.17377144

I'm a millennial but I don't relate to gen z at all... nor to millennials. If anything, I relate more to gen xers or xennials.

>> No.17377186

that's very chuuni of you

>> No.17377190


same, '91 millenial here, always thought gen X was cool as fuck

>> No.17377198

Thanks. Fashion peaked in the early 2000s thanks to low-rise jeans. Based gen xers for bringing it back during that era (iirc it was also a thing in the 70s plus low-slung skirts were a thing in foreign countries), but thanks also to their zoomer daughters for bringing it back this time.

>> No.17377347
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Tha's because you live mentally in the past.

>> No.17377399

Xennial fashion is coming back and soon will low-rise, so I'm good.

>> No.17377406
File: 178 KB, 798x928, took-me-a-good-minute-to-spot-they-had-drinks-o4a34yq0ig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As long as the next gen of "zoomie" girls(19-21 year old girls) wear it i'm fine

>> No.17377418
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It does, Low Rise > High Rise

>> No.17377421

Coping fattie spotted

>> No.17377437

Gen x'ers didn't wear this shit, early millennials did, the oldest millennials are now 40 years old.

>> No.17377439

most girls who wore low rise didn't look like this, fatties existed in a large number even 20 years ago it wasn't that long ago, it didn't look good, blubber hanging over jeans looks bad. You guys are cherry picking and having nostaligia for a time when you probably not even alive.

>> No.17377462
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So what? Girls in movies and videogames looked good in low rise, thats what matters

>> No.17377464

Late genxers and xennials absolutely did.

>> No.17377466

To be honest though, that's not entirely their fault when the industry only makes low-rise up to size 10 and there are no standard sizing. Fat girls can't even buy trendy jeans their size when it's not available in fast fashion shops.

>> No.17377471

They don't represent the majority, i was there, it wasn't a good look.
Most gen-x are now in there late forties and early to mid 50's, most people who wore these were early millenials like i said(81 to 83) of course you will have had a small amount of people older who wore them but most were young adults.

I was about 17 when these were popular, i didn't think it looked particularly good or flattering, most people don't look like celebrities or models.

>> No.17377476

There is a reason trousers with a natural rise which goes up to the navel were the norm for decades, it simply looks more flattering on a larger amount of body types and is more comfortable. Low rise makes the chest look longer and the legs shorter, which is not a good thing. Anyone who is a least bit into tailoring and fashion knows this, there is a reason why high rise has existed for centuries and low rise hasn't, high rise compliments the natural curvature of the body more. It wasn't even called high rise in the past, it was just normal.

>> No.17377490

>Low rise makes the chest look longer and the legs shorter, which is not a good thing
It's a good thing if you have a short chest and long legs though, low-rise balances them out. By the way, high-rise isn't universally flattering: some look good in them, others look better in low, some look better in mid. It depends heavily on the body type. I thought you knew that. I take into account that tailors already know that shit. Also, like I said, low-rise skirts were a common thing historically in eastern/tropical cultures.

>> No.17377653

fatties look bad in high rises as well

>> No.17377656

Yeah but atleast the flab isn't as visible, i still have nightmares seeing fat girls in thongs and low rise jeans

>> No.17377877

holy shit i made this a year ago

>> No.17377892

goes hard

>> No.17377908
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it wasn't like that where i live. it was just a few fatties and they didn't even wear jeans. nowadays it's a lot more polarized, seems like high schoolers and college students are either fitness freaks or have let themselves go, there are hardly any skinny people around bar some nerdy guys. just yesterday i walked into a bunch of high school girls at the grocery store, each of them at like 30 BMI, and thought they seemed the type that used to be skinny back in the 00s

>> No.17377951

I see plenty of skinny zoomettes at colleges, subways and downtown.

>> No.17378024

hijacking this thread because you cunts don't matter

where can i get jeans to fit my big dong and balls without looking like a forklift operator? all jeans now are made for zoomer dicklets, if i get hard it looks obscene

>> No.17378026
File: 87 KB, 735x981, bf7827945c7547d9899799090001149d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Glad that shit is over and zoomie girls are hot nowadays

>> No.17378057

It doesnt matter, I only care about movies and videogames

>> No.17378064
File: 304 KB, 955x666, abeja 1993.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gen X? We had this.

>> No.17378078

Baggy or carpenter jeans? Literally Target or Wal-Mart.

>> No.17378079

They're even hotter than millennial girls their age did ages ago.

>> No.17378675
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>> No.17378702

I want to fuck Renee Bellerive.

>> No.17379181
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>> No.17379495

Imagine her in low-rise jeans...

>> No.17379510

imagine the smell