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17365099 No.17365099 [Reply] [Original]

Boy/Femboy fashion/aesthetics that give straight men indecent thoughts

>> No.17365100
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>> No.17365102

Based preacher is not wrong

>> No.17365105

The best femboys are subtle, not trying too hard and dressed like actual female skanks. >>17365100

>> No.17365106
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>> No.17365111

Post example

>> No.17365130
File: 169 KB, 788x443, f089b3f5045557f987b5ce90c3ea0609786fcd0e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the more devout the muslim man the more gay he actually is

>> No.17365135

Who is this

>> No.17365140
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>> No.17365150
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>> No.17365186

Shut up, Jew

>> No.17365254

i never thought about it this way.

Thank you, imam.

>> No.17365406
File: 2.81 MB, 2880x3840, 351DBD86-5DEA-422A-A41C-C32F6248F639.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like him

>> No.17365442

it is. Leo Payan aka himecos

>> No.17365455

It’s also the opposite. Men with beards cause indecent thoughts in other men because they look like men. You’d be surprised at how many masc4masc muslims there are.

>> No.17366075

That's because they're m*slims so they hate themselves and try to justify being gay with masc4masc is not gay or some shit

>> No.17366176
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>> No.17366553

Funny how half the "femboys" posted on 4chan are biologically female/FTM

>> No.17366557

im ready 2 b male naow

>> No.17366560
File: 169 KB, 561x561, 20220817_060155.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

w2c cute femboy to abuse that isn't discord

>> No.17366564

To flex androgynous core you need to build big muscle otherwise you look gay

>> No.17366756

Androgyne has nothing resembling prominent muscularity. The whole notion is balancing the line between the two.

>> No.17367017

What do androgynousbros do when they turn 27?

>> No.17367044

start taking estrogen if they havent already

>> No.17367046
File: 51 KB, 736x629, 36c6a3749834d622c95b674ccc149db9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Correct. That´s why you need to balance feminine face with masculin body.

>> No.17367047
File: 454 KB, 1104x1472, 30yearoldman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make up and estrogen

>> No.17367051

I hate the modern world holy shit.

>> No.17367087

cuddle a femboy

>> No.17367125
File: 358 KB, 450x359, E3DE7F58-474B-4B98-A387-76E4C3E44B3C.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good god what a breedable slut bet he has a pretty pink waxed sissy pussy 10/10

>> No.17367329

I talk to a guy who’s pushing 30 and he’s honestly the most beautiful guy I know. I don’t know exactly how he does it but I know he’s got a solid hygiene routine. Def has given me good advice on my hair before.
Evola made me gay.

>> No.17367413

commit suicide

>> No.17367425

Cute cute cute!

>> No.17367504

"Feminine" males are not a modern invention (although technology helps a lot). The explosion of gender/sexual/etc identities in the last few decades correlates with the breakdown of bourgeois, Victorian morals; Evola talks about this. Besides, it's simply a biological fact that some men are cute and dainty, just like some women are built like tanks.

>> No.17367584

hot, i'd let him top me
neither of these are good femboy fashion they just look like w*men

>> No.17367675
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Based Secular Turk

srs tho why do they do this? seems only secular "muslims" are the normal ones

I rember people always saying fundamental Christians religious are repressed homos because of the intolerant attitude to gays, i usually said it was BS but looking at Muslims its so ridiculously common

maybe it ties in to suppression of women as well? look at most of the countries that are anti woman and they like wise have increased homo depravity

maybe people should just chill out and be normal

>> No.17367676




>> No.17367704
File: 109 KB, 783x1024, 1667929791322613m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What do androgynousbros do when they turn 27?

>> No.17367787

every fit in this thread is dogshit and the people here are unattractive. if you're going to be gay, at least make sure the faggots you fuck are hot.

>> No.17367793

true shit

>> No.17367796

Post example faggot

>> No.17367799

i unfortunately don't really have pictures of fuckable guys, but i can tell one when i see one. sorry.

>> No.17367800

Wtf is this for real?

Reminds of a story from Steve-O years ago that one time in the Jackass days he had to go to the hospital for some injury to his ass from a stunt and his asshole was so messed up from shoving things up there that the doctors assumed he was a gay man kek.

>> No.17367802

Can u share The hair advices he gave u?

>> No.17367819
File: 2.96 MB, 466x476, 1618675031631.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute sweaty twunk wrestlers fighting to get on top of each other gets me hard and I'm not even gay

>> No.17367824

>Reminds of a story from Steve-O years ago that one time in the Jackass days he had to go to the hospital for some injury to his ass from a stunt and his asshole was so messed up from shoving things up there that the doctors assumed he was a gay man kek.
Lmao , like this?

>> No.17367879

My hair is naturally straight and thin but I like it long, full, and curly/wavy. He recommended periodic split end trims, using curl cream on the ends of my hair and more frequent use of conditioner but not every shower. Keeps my hair nice and lush, and I genuinely love the way it looks. Really need to get it trimmed again soon though.

>> No.17368118

the more anti women a culture is, the more it is going to devolve into faggotry.
ancient example : the greeks who had their women locked inside the house and were giant faggots
modern example : the afghan and the saudis

>> No.17368122
File: 28 KB, 593x656, 1665449422067579.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh my god my chink mother was right, sage

>> No.17368141

pls pls pls ask him how he does it and post here
>evola made me gay

>> No.17369444
File: 110 KB, 709x1280, 5D050B82-9242-40D4-BB52-11F0E1638FAA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17369551

based chad fucking bussy is the manliest thing you can do

>> No.17369553

we are merely returning to TRADITVN anon

>> No.17369555

sauce me senpai

>> No.17369556

hmm as a man of science I can't help but wonder if anal sex inherently causes the need for diapers or if it is merely the bottoms who are obsessed with size that need them?

>> No.17369559

how about aesthetics for tempting lesbian-leaning bi girls?

>> No.17369560

Man I completely forgot who this is. Got it off Twitter though

>> No.17369686
File: 22 KB, 480x289, Picsart_22-11-27_20-11-13-173.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Boy/Femboy fashion/aesthetics that give straight men indecent thoughts

This shit will drive them INSANE!

>> No.17369712
File: 161 KB, 750x924, 1669269437110852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it safe to say that Top tier femboy/twink are harder to chase compare to top tier female?

I feel like attractive femboys and twinks in general really do have a higher standard than attractive female. can someone confirm this?
Like I have never been in a relationship or anything like that. so the thought of me getting a gf is already hard enough but getting a twink? that feel like something that's 10 times harder.

>> No.17369734

maybe consider that femboys are by nature controversial, and probably get more attention from haters and fetishist chasers.

alternatively, it could be a numbers thing. You meet more cute girls than cute femboys. So cute girls are "easier" to bag just by virtue of being more common. Food for thought.

>> No.17369748

"Femboy fashion" is literally just wearing whatever girl clothes are in vogue. It's not a unique enough aesthetic to warrant its own label.

>> No.17369793

likely the latter, you don't actually need anything big in your ass to feel pleasure, the prostate isn't that deep. it probably also doesn't help much if you are a sex addict getting fucked everyday, keep it low like once every week or two at most, should remove basically any risk

>> No.17369843

Is cum abrasive or acidic or something? Could there be a chemical aspect as well?

>> No.17369904

did some quick research and appears like it doesn't do much, although i've only looked into the effects of it on skin, but i imagine it's roughly the same for your insides

>> No.17369908

well to answer your specific questions, it is not abrasive, pH is about 7-8 so slightly alkaline, as for it's chemical composition, i cba to list it all here, you can find it easily online

>> No.17369962
File: 115 KB, 993x1200, Ffq1b9wVUAIQiOD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it also has to do with the dating pool being smaller and most femboys only releasing their power level if they look really good.
Otherwise I think you're right because a lot of femboys are bottoms who need a stronger/manlier man to balance the relationship dichotomy. A lot of girls are ok with normal looking guys but femboys need bears.
.t femboy

>> No.17369987

personally i need someone thats at least a couple inches taller than me, so ill still be shorter than them wearing platforms or heels, which isnt much of a criteria but all the gay guys that hit on me (in person) are short like sub 6 feet which wont work out because i dont top for most guys and i cant have a manlet topping me.

>> No.17370007

Cum is alkaline in order to defuse the acidic vagine

>> No.17370008
File: 373 KB, 498x487, emo-spongebob.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>be 5'3 Asian
>but want cute twink

I'm fucking doomed, aren't I? No twink is going to fall for me. I can't take it, I'll fucking end it all.

>> No.17370052

not at all, at least me, i wouldn't mind a short top

>> No.17370100
File: 45 KB, 220x188, ryan-gosling-breathing.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't have the build nor mental capability to actually top someone but then I'm not bottom neither. so I don't get it, what am I? I'm not even that gay to begin with. some men are just cute, and I don't mind being a homosexual from time to time.

>> No.17370108


>> No.17370135
File: 87 KB, 640x853, 50kk1jmlvuy71.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

androgynous women and feminine men are the best.

>> No.17370140

This board is 100% filled with actual faggots. If you think about Ken, you arent straight.

>> No.17370241

maybe you are just attracted towards men in a purely aesthetic way and not in a sexual manner?

>> No.17370283

based Side.
frotting and kissing is the final redpill.

>> No.17370417
File: 52 KB, 640x480, 1669826324986214[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm in a similar boat anon
I dont want to fuck twinks, be fucked by a twink, or do any type of gay homo sex
The most i would do is cuddle and hug a cute twink
I think a mostly platonic friendship with one would be fun though, too bad im literally not desirable at all

>> No.17370489

Get of the internet, my man. I'm not memeing you, and I know how hard that is in practice. But instead of being wrapped up in internet fantasies, try to become desirable, whatever that means. And do it through real work. Soon enough, you'll forget about hyper-specific androgynous fetishes you've developed. You both just seem lonely, and borderline gay porn on a Mongolian basket weaving forum will not help you.

>> No.17370501
File: 1.05 MB, 576x1024, 1669767824930178.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wtf is wrong with wanting to bang twinks

>> No.17371235
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>> No.17371320


>> No.17371337

name of this painting?

>> No.17371352

Henri de la Rochejaquelein by Pierre-Narcisse Guérin

>> No.17371355

Henri de la Rochejaquelein by Pierre-Narcisse Guérin

>> No.17372315
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>> No.17372423


>> No.17372616
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>> No.17373751
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>> No.17374282

But I don't want it to go away

Well I want to fuck Twink but all I'm saying that I don't have to capacity to actually top one. And I'm not really into anal neither. Whether it's giving or receiving.
I'm fucking doomed man.

>> No.17374286

Just bottom bro

>> No.17374301

you are cute ._.

>> No.17375107

why are so many femboys metalheads

>> No.17375143
File: 530 KB, 2273x2896, FPPDSFTUcAEfbVZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gigabased I'm wearing a Ride the Lightning shirt rn
metal is counterculture and usually if you listen to stuff like that you already don't care what others think about you, which is antithetical to toxic masculinity.
t. femboy metalhead

>> No.17375156

you might be asexual or just not that interested in sex, cuddling and making out is still nice to do even if you dont want sex as the endgame

>> No.17375164
File: 82 KB, 750x563, good.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to be a femboy or at least an andro twink, but I literally can't. I'm so fucking tired of living like this. Are there any ways I can cope as an ugly masculine man?

>> No.17375497

go matriarch mode

>> No.17375789

>bro is this random twitter post like for real??
room temp iq

>> No.17375790

Just maximize whatever you have. Being feminine is not actually a good thing unless you're 8/10+

>> No.17377069
File: 1.52 MB, 828x779, 1640583889338.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too ugly? Get rich and have some style/swagger thats it your never going to be one of these pretty boy twinks the sooner you realize this the better, you have a jocko picture saved so I know you know what he would say. Ugly? Good. Unrealizable sexual desires? Good. Its not going to happen so roll with what you were given. Its a bit of cope but if you are a man its really better not be one of these twinks and its a bit pathological to want to be one, the beauty of youth is temporary you will not be the object of desire forever this is why wahmen struggle if their single when their looks decline in their 30s. Picture yourself 28 starting to bald and having to wear a diaper and get plastic surgery to stay young/feminene not worth it. Man up. Be what you are.

Forget looking like one how do I pull one?

>> No.17377070

>Forget looking like one how do I pull one?
The same way you would a woman.

>> No.17377096

assert dominance over him, make him feel S/B around you

>> No.17377228

no. if you're not extremely autistic or otherwise socially stunted you're already better than most femboy chasers. maybe the top tier femboys will be picky but for most that don't literally look like women they're pretty niche appeal.

t. femboy volcel who only gets hit on by gross autistic incels who are sick of failing with women

>> No.17377300

dont kid yourself

>> No.17377307

god i wanna ravage a dressed up chasity cage wearing twink imagine how much of a man you feel like after cumming in his tight pussy showing the little bitch who the boss is pure chad mentality that you just defiled a man

>> No.17377573

true I'm like a 3/10 on a good day

>> No.17377633

I think I know this dude

>> No.17377906

If you don't fuck him you're gay.

>> No.17378629

my penis is only slightly above average in length and very average/mediocre in girth

how could i ever top someone, it's just not possible...

>> No.17378659

Like irl or his Twitter?

>> No.17378778

Secret knowledge: Masculinity is not about the size of your dick, but your ability to fight (and win). Beat the other guy in a fight and you automatically mogged him. It doesn't matter if he's taller, prettier and/or has a bigger dick.

>> No.17378783

but that has nothing to do with a civilized person who wants to top another civilized person in a civilized country

>> No.17378812

It’s about the aura one projects dude

>> No.17378818
File: 331 KB, 1080x374, Screenshot_2022-12-06-08-10-24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was wondering what this hoodie says please help

>> No.17379104

does that aura not instantly evaporate into nothingness when the person in questions drops his pants to reveal a pencil dick that's only slightly longer than average?

>> No.17379105


or Cowboy lel

>> No.17379234

Lol thanks, it's a hoodie I was getting for a Twink I like, it has a cowboy maid on the front

>> No.17379305

:0 im interested, whered you get it?

>> No.17379335

pajeet can do the needful with his stubby worm
dont blame your tiny penis

>> No.17379423

Can you post the whole thing? Sounds real cute

>> No.17379580

you gotta get over yourself

>> No.17379858
File: 365 KB, 1365x2048, 1632888954851.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being insecure about smoll wee wee gives off a weak aura

You can like men and not like anal sex. What's the problem?

High IQ post

>> No.17380810

This. I was blown away at how good it feels, though I've never done anal

>> No.17381586

Just this top with a normal pair of pants would unironically be hot as fuck. Boys look so good in crop tops like that. All the other accessories are ugly but that crop top is genuinely attractive.

>> No.17381978

Honestly for like normal everyday wear yeah it makes way more sense. The fit in the pic drives me wild but it is excessive and slutty. With normal pants it would prolly have the same affect in a mundane way, like it might highlight the latent sexiness of the wearer without being overtly showy. I always wonder how feminine boys can dress femininely and acceptable for public without straight up cross dressing. I have a friend who wear big loose fitting sweaters and honestly him showing a little shoulder in that is Goddamn unreal.

>> No.17382191
File: 3.01 MB, 1942x3840, Snapchat-447823039.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hot topic,

>> No.17382360

That person is FtM.

>> No.17382939

The inevitable advance of proletkult cannot be stopped by any reactionary force

>> No.17382946

They were called dandies.
Proletariat cannot be feminine. Productive labor and femininity clash with one another. Also if you were a femboy in the soviet union you would go to a re education camp. In the ussr even the women were masculine.

>> No.17382965


>> No.17382968

Being born a cute boy is a curious dilemma. They’re often bullied by their peers for failing to look and act masculine. I hope some day we live in a world where these boys can get the love they deserve.

>> No.17382991

No I am glad I was bullied because if I wasn't I wouldn't have learned how to defend myself. In fact I think all femme guys should get bullied because it's an essential part of male socialization.

>> No.17382995

I guess that’s true but the male psyche is fucked in general. I mean women have body esteem issues and all that but at least they talk, share feelings, and care for one another.

>> No.17383003

Men do this too, and actually you will find it's the most manly men who are able to talk about emotions. You just have to get them to open up, and a man won't do that unless he trusts you. Personally I also have body dysmorphia so that isn't only a result of female socialization.

>> No.17383013

If u show me ur body I’ll validate u, homie

>> No.17383040
File: 1.18 MB, 1440x2960, 20220909_090825.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The truth is more important to me than validation. My ass is too flat, my skin is too sallow, i don't gain fat in the places I want to gain fat, and my hands and feet look big disproportionately to my thin body

>> No.17383050

Do you exercise? If femme aesthetics are that important to you, you can either go on hormones or get plastic surgery. Both of those things can be life changing and irreversible though.

>> No.17383057

>do you exercise
No. Though people on here said yoga made their 'hips wider' so I may just start doing that. I don't want to do the ass workouts like squats because all that would do is just give me the lower body of a ball player. A manly muscle butt and thighs don't look feminine at all.

My fertility is too important to me do fuck with my hormones and I'm far too dignified to troon out. I would consider cosmetic procedures once I get older, perhaps.

>> No.17383076

>evola made me gay
it made me and at least 2 people I know gay it's like the genshin impact of philosophy

>> No.17383472

There’s really no hope is there. A beautiful boy convinced me to play it and now I hardly ever think about women

>> No.17383662

Would grope

>> No.17383699

Imagine being such a hopeless incel that you stop looking for actual women and settle for faggots who wax their bodies instead

>> No.17383705

It's pretty sad, and yet that's reality for some people. What can you do, eh? Not everyone gets the same in life.

>> No.17383712

Do you think women are naturally hairless?

>> No.17383719

What does that question have to do with my post?

>> No.17383899

>actual women and settle for faggots who wax their bodies instead
Both wax their bodies, unless you're the kind of fag that likes women with body hair

>> No.17383961

I don't see where you're going with this...women wax their bodies to look more feminine. And so do men. My point is that these pathetic incels (You) have given up on finding real women and are now chasing faggots who try to make themselves appear feminine

>> No.17384026
File: 591 KB, 406x720, 1669643578987.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was never looking for women

>> No.17385691

i fucking hate women so goddamn much

>> No.17385696

What is wrong with what I do?
t. faggot who trys to make themselves appear feminine.

>> No.17385706
File: 82 KB, 766x960, 1639608952228.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are contributing to the destruction of our civilization. But I'm sure a mentally nihilist like you thinks that's funny

>> No.17385714

The greatest Civilizations (rome, and greece) was filled with pederasts at their cultural peaks. Mind you, I am the passive one, certainly 'effeminate' in disposition. Why should it be my job to uphold civilization? Is that not the duty of the strong? I am the weak, how are the weak destroying civilization, when it is the strong who are in power? Are you not one of the strong ones? If you are strong then is the collapse of civilization not on you?

>> No.17385722

By the way, nihilism is the denial of the self, And I am an honest to god faggot. Not acting on my faggot drive would be denying myself, i.e nihilism.

>> No.17385727

You highlight the problem yourself. The strong are supposed to be in charge and uphold civilization. Yet our civilization is ruled by the weak, effeminate and perverted. We uphold victimhood, weakness and illness as virtues worthy of praise, and we shame those who adhere to real virtues like physical strength, mental fortitude, honor, responsibility, and truth. These people are "nazis". You personally may hold no power, but the ones who do hold all the power share your ideology and use you as their footsoldier.

You're a perfect example of what happens to a person when they're raised with the mindset that weakness should be embraced, and that adversity in life cannot be overcome. You are a microcosm of western civilization, and why it's on suicide watch.

>> No.17385749

>Yet our civilization is ruled by the weak, effeminate and perverted.
So you are ruled over by the weak? The weaklings have overpowered you? That means you are weaker than them and lower in the order of rank!
>We uphold victimhood, weakness and illness as virtues worthy of praise
Who is this 'we', I do no such thing!
>we shame those who adhere to real virtues like physical strength, mental fortitude, honor, responsibility, and truth.
I do no such thing, and no one I am acquainted with has such attitude!
>You personally may hold no power, but the ones who do hold all the power share your ideology and use you as their footsoldier.
Each individual has thwir very own quantum of power, if you were powerful enough you would be able to change that.
>You're a perfect example of what happens to a person when they're raised with the mindset that weakness should be embraced
You do not know me, I was not raised in such an enviorment! To be anle to survive as the weak, certainly that is a privilege, afforded to us by the strong, for nature is far foo cruel, but weakness— that is what the men find attractive. Men want to protect the weak, it is their natural drive. And I am a twinky petite boy, hairless and smoll. Pls protect me anon-kun! Save civilization! You can do it! :3

>> No.17385759

>So you are ruled over by the weak? The weaklings have overpowered you? That means you are weaker than them and lower in the order of rank!
The power structures in place today have been around a lot longer than I have. You're completely missing the point, intentionally it seems. There's no point in proceeding further now that you're exposing yourself as an intellectually dishonest person whose only interest is in justifying your sad and pathetic existence, and shifting responsibility for your personal shortcomings to others.

>> No.17385768

>The power structures in place today have been around a lot longer than I have
Of course! That is how it has always been! Have you never heard of 'aristocracy'. Anon, you are saying that you are rulled over! That would in fact make you one of the weak!
>There's no point in proceeding further now that you're exposing yourself as an intellectually dishonest person
No, you are just coping that in our society you have the same status as a lowly effeminate gay boi like me!
>whose only interest is in justifying your sad and pathetic existence, and shifting responsibility for your personal shortcomings to others.
But anon, you are the one who is so offended that I am am pointing out the real fact that you are ruled over— and if I am correct in my assessment of history, it is the aristocracy that always rules, and the slave class that always revolts. Why must you blame your shortcomings, on a twinky gay boi like me! Certainly I am not the one who has power over you! :P

>> No.17385791

anonnn are you there????
do you eant to be my bfff?? :33333

>> No.17385802
File: 22 KB, 480x480, 1655636902870.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>weak people can't be in positions of power
>there's no such thing as weak leadership
>being in a position of power is synonymous with strength
low IQ posts

>> No.17385810

>weak people can't be in positions of power
It's a 'Contradictio in adjecto'. The strong always rules over the weak. The weak cannot rule over the strong. What makes the strong strong is the fact that they are the ones ruling.
>being in a position of power is synonymous with strength
It quite literally is. Being in a position of weakness is certainly synonymous with impotence.

>> No.17385817

You have a very simplistic idea if what strength and weakness are.You would consider Jesus weak, and Joe Biden strong.

>> No.17385823

Either you are strong enough to shape the external world to your will, or the external world is stronger and shapes you according to it's will

And yes Jesus was weak. He was basically an annoying fucking hippy. That's why the romans (the strong) nailed him to a cross. Because he was an annoying weakling.

Biden does not have any power, but his masters (the international banking cartel) is certainly very strong. they are the most powerful force in histort, and responsible for two(2) world wars.

>> No.17385837

>weak man single-handedly takes down strong empire and changes the course of history more so than any other figure in history with 1/3 of the world still worshipping him as their God 2 thousand years later
yeah I'm thinking you're just not a smart person

>> No.17385845

>weak man single-handedly takes down strong empire
Yes because weakness corrupts civilization, didn't you already establish that? Christian values were slave values, and antithetical to roman values. 'Love thine neighbor', and all that crap. It was the barbarian invasions that destroyed rome, and the colored hordes that are once again destroying europe today.
>1/3 of the world still worshipping him as their God 2 thousand years later
Most of the world today worships liberalism and the cult of the individual. The level of culture of the masses is already low, and the attitudes they follow are the lowest common denominator.

So yes, Christian values are very much responsible for the decadence you see today.

>> No.17385863

Saliva is acidic and is frequently used as a lubricant.

>> No.17385870

cant hide that massive oval man skull and square jaw lol.

>> No.17385873

That ain't a tranny you retard, of course a man is going to have manly traits, but you know what? That just make it hotter to people attracted to men.

>> No.17385879

Please just post more menswear fits on fa seperate and contain the trap slut to the other board

>> No.17386499

its supposed to be a one way system. shoving things up there loosens it and causes tears in the walls leading to all sorts of infections. its not elastic and self lubricating like a vagina which also has some stuff that protect against stds unlike the bleeding shit filled anus which is the perfect breeding ground for disease.

>> No.17386719

>tfw your entire society never gets past making pillow forts with 'no girls allowed' signs

>> No.17386725

My GF likes anal and we do it a few times a month, used to a couple times a week when we got together and it was a novelty.

No long term damage over the course of years, she has toys but nothing crazy. She says that there is some spot that is really deep that makes her go crazy so most of the toys she has are narrow and flexible so that might help too. With enough lube and gentle pushing it's insane how far she can fit things in

Not a scientific opinion but I think as long as your not stretching out the o-ring of your asshole with objects significantly larger than a normal bowel movement or doing super vigorous pounding it's probably not going to do any damage your body can't recover from. It's the ass plugs the size of a soda can and "do speed and ass fuck for two hours" side of things that I assume causes major issues.

>> No.17387310

Ok Hear Me Out, Listen To What I Am About To Say.. It's ALMOST Like... Umm.. It's ALMOST Like People Aren't Actually Meant To ... Uhhh It's Like People Aren't ACTUALLY Supposed To Have .. Like Umm, Sex.. In The Ass.

>> No.17387503
File: 750 KB, 1170x1351, 9F9B693F-994C-4A6E-9DEE-977E3E5227CE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just post pics of cute boys in cute clothes like Jesus H. Christ man

>> No.17387885
File: 50 KB, 911x677, 1670710497194815[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

w2c this tummy?

>> No.17387887

i wish my midriff looked like that desu

>> No.17388589

Awful form

>> No.17388593


>> No.17388621
File: 37 KB, 872x654, 1568712867998.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No idea, sorry. Some twink from /fit/
Earliest image desuarchive found was from 2019 but i didnt see his name in the thread

>> No.17388663


>> No.17388870

Black bisexual BVLL here living on the San Fran Bay Area, any sissies want their bucks broken? Meet me at Castro Street (I’ll leave the specific nightclub meeting point to your discretion)

>> No.17388879

that is the opposite of christianity you retard

>> No.17388977

No it isn't.
Christianity = faggotry and nihilism

>> No.17389056

Nihilism? Bro?

>> No.17389062
File: 19 KB, 235x248, 7-virtues.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. Christianity = leftist humanism aka faggotry and nihilism

>> No.17389105

just get some fabric resistance bands and do donkey kicks, it aint hard dude

>> No.17389111
File: 77 KB, 607x455, FMUyyJ6XoAMnHK4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

honestly most e-boys are effectively femboys too, something to consider. as a general rule tight pants and a puffy top will do the job, throw on some layering and more traditionally feminine accessories like necklaces, rings, cuffs, dickey collars, etc and you're golden.

>> No.17389660

idk where you'd find him these days, maybe he still hangs out in the dota general on /vg/

>> No.17389666

Even women turn into men.

>> No.17389668

so basically the answer is yes. But really the answer is no because femboys are easy as fuck even the rare nonautistic ones.

>> No.17389683

Most intelligent faggot
I bet you didn't even read the bible and I say this as an atheist

>> No.17389704

Funny, ever since I grew a beard twinks started calling me zaddy and all that stupid zoomer shit.

>> No.17391161

haha you wouldnt happen to have any more pics of him would you, right? hahaha

>> No.17391187

no, he used to have a twitter. maybe he still does, but i can't find it.

>> No.17391445

grow beard
become sexy bearded guy

>> No.17391447


youd be suprised at the amount of closeted saudi homos there are

i got a handful of gay friends that are sugar babies, living in secrecy there.

>> No.17391448

is you penor the size of a finger? because if so you can hit the prostrate. remember that doctors can examine it by just shoving a finger up there.

>> No.17391449

>It was the barbarian invasions that destroyed rome
Rome fell because the legions were rebelling anon the Barbarians pretty much just walked in.

>> No.17392091

Again, you state that weak people can rule but fail to understand that they rule you. That says a lot more about you than them if you're complaining. How's that saving western civilization working out for you? Let me guess, you're saving it by whining on the internet? Strength speaks through action. I suggest you criticize yourself before you criticize others. The west is over, there's no saving it from technology.

>> No.17392116
File: 160 KB, 181x191, 1622397649344.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dislike the image, it implies a kid can't know what they are until they're old enough to be fucked. So until they're 18, they implicitly can't have any sort of identity contrary to their guardian's identity/thoughts, which is actual groomer behaviour.

>> No.17392367

it also just reads like they think children should be able to consent to sex

>> No.17393016
File: 459 KB, 1280x720, 1655087313859.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On 4chan, femboy fashion is literally just skater skirts, striped socks and oversized hoodies, deliberately slutty clothes that accentuate the most gender ambiguous parts of your body while hiding your masculine aspects.

>> No.17393518

>You are contributing to the destruction of our civilization
First year on /pol/?

>> No.17395185

give me the femboys, and I will give them purpose

>> No.17395922

works with christians as well, no matter the sect.

>> No.17395987

That's quite ironic, coming from a Muslim. Muslims are notorious paedophiles, paederasts and faggots. Even their fucking prophet was a paedophile, raping a 6-7-year-old.

>> No.17396201


>> No.17396212

Amém trappy-chan

>> No.17396214

anon tell me what is more valid,
having a huge but ugly ass or
having a flat but beautiful

>> No.17396261

I wouldn't know because mine is flat and ugly

>> No.17396395

I digivolved from trap to ambush.

I have great hair and face genetics, got electrolysis on the little body and facial hair I had the moment it started growing in, quit drinking and smoking when I was 23, wear sunscreen religiously, and hit the gym. I'm in my thirties now and having more sex than in my 20s and teens, which is insane because I was a huge thot then too.

>> No.17396513

Post physique yo

>> No.17396747

there's a difference between questioning your identity and getting your fucking cock cut off, you utter freak

>> No.17397420

i would kill you if i could, you have commited the greatest sin known to men, after being bourgeois obviously, not knowing roman history
if you actually think that the barbarians were the problem and not 10 thousand different crisis happening at the same time you're hopeless

>> No.17397449

Why the fuck should I take either of you faggot's word for it?

>The story of its ruin is simple and obvious; and, instead of inquiring why the Roman empire was destroyed, we should rather be surprised that it had subsisted so long. The victorious legions, who, in distant wars, acquired the vices of strangers and mercenaries, first oppressed the freedom of the republic, and afterwards violated the majesty of the purple. The emperors, anxious for their personal safety and the public peace, were reduced to the base expedient of corrupting the discipline which rendered them alike formidable to their sovereign and to the enemy; the vigour of the military government was relaxed, and finally dissolved, by the partial institutions of Constantine; and the Roman world was overwhelmed by a deluge of Barbarians.

This is according to Gibbon.

>i would kill you if i could
But you can't. You're a weakling. An even bigger weakling than a cock loving gay boi like me...

>> No.17397467

Gibbon is a completely outdated historian who had a fraction of the info we have today and was blinded by his enlightenment derived hatred for christianity
read modern historians retard
you're not better than them

>> No.17397485

>new = better
A new perspective doesn't make it better.

>> No.17397490

it's not better because it's new, it's better because we've had 200 years to accumulate new data regarding the history of rome, analyze it and discuss what it's implications are.
gibbon is an obviously important historian, but most of his positions are outdated today

>> No.17397502

>it's better because we've had 200 years to accumulate new data
There is barely any new data and the narrative has hardly changed.
>but most of his positions are outdated today
You don't even know what his positions are. You already overstated his negative attitude towards Christianity and you haven't even argued how the modern narrative has changed since Gibbon.

>> No.17399431
File: 151 KB, 1080x1920, 1670723868392123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17399434


>> No.17399443

idk some boyfriend of a guy on /fit/

>> No.17399564


How is that possible?

>> No.17399833

how do i say i want this hair without showing my stylist a picture of a twink wearing a fishnet top and a scrunchie

>> No.17399865

Are muslims this fucking gay, there's few men that even seem pretty like women.

>> No.17399866

Would tear that shit up in the public bath, I don't know what's happen, but I'm completely down for railing twinks, must be the med in me. Feels like conquering something that's a real challenge.

>> No.17399939

Islamic countries have the highest rates of gay porn consumption

>> No.17400255
File: 908 KB, 1170x1155, 9BCB7368-4299-4D0A-81EB-4EB1DCCDADDA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17400565

this has to be made up to get views obviously

>> No.17400772

crop the picture, mongo

>> No.17401754

who the fuck is this?
ive searched multiple archives and the oldest post ive found is from a thread on biz from this year on april 26 under the file name of IMG_3036.jpg (not that that means anything)
yandex didnt yield anything either
i am losing my fucking mind
im not even horny anymore. i just have this desire to know who this is at this point.