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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 185 KB, 1200x1200, 4080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17361728 No.17361728 [Reply] [Original]

/fa/ is official ground to be colonized by goths as is our god given right.
Please end all posts in this thread with goth.

>> No.17361745
File: 42 KB, 600x480, ir.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17361747

Stop starting all these goth threads. They’re not cool and never were or will be. Goths are just lost assholes craving attention. You’re better off commuting all the way and just be a gutter punk. At least those guys really don’t give a fuck.

>> No.17361753

Buck status: Broken.
The board belongs to goths now. Second, we're goth explicitly because we give a fuck but want to be uncool by rigid standards. That's why we aren't punks.

>> No.17361756

Yea well my 4 year old nephew is a punk so you’re not really making a point.
My point is 1 goth thread is already too much so pls chill out we see the damn things were just not interested. Shit quality won’t increase by more quantity

>> No.17361757

>My point is 1 goth thread is already too much so pls chill out we see the damn things were just not interested. Shit quality won’t increase by more quantity
That's not for you to decide boy, this isn't your board anymore.

>> No.17361760

Bitch you better sit the fuck down. I mean that in the nicest way possible.
As previously mentioned. Goth is wack. That goth leisure trend was alright. I’ll just never understanding trying so hard to look like a freak

>> No.17361762

Because it makes you seethe tranny, die mad.

>> No.17361766

I bet you’re the guy that ordered a bunch of pentacle/pentagram womens bathing suits from Amazon.
Am I right?

>> No.17361772

Goths are so weird they probably think the Addams Family are normal.

>> No.17361783 [DELETED] 

Daily reminder this thread is made by an industrial/metal cringe lord and rap fan trying to intentionally be stupid because they got called out for being posers.

>> No.17361785

Wrong, I ordered pentacle shorts for men.

>> No.17361980
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>> No.17362117
File: 253 KB, 960x1440, p26534_p_v8_aa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and to think this all started because of a samefag

i just wanted to talk about goth, in ONE thread. what the fuck

>> No.17362365
File: 89 KB, 740x929, da1e66b3736bced7ca72c58c4b5e2176.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you fags think everything is samefagging? There are clearly at least 3 different people involved, in addition to you guys.

>> No.17362819

no there's just two people at most. the metal/industrial cringe lord who is probably you and then there's the zoomer rap guy

you're such an insufferable samefagging poser faggot. you will never be goth

>> No.17362964

lol who are these gaylords

>> No.17362980

I had sex with a midget in Thailand. She wasn't a working girl, or she might have been, but I didn't pay, so idk. Shit was cash, she was just as tight but not as deep.

>> No.17362984

left looks like a beta incel who adopted goth to lose his virginity.

Center is legitmately alpha chad

right is a fucking fag, probably a pedo, i dont give a shit if he fucks 6 girls a night he's still a massive fucking faggot probably lowkey fucks little boys. fuck that dude i'll knock him out if ive been drinking wild turkey... and guess what FAGS this bottle of 101 is sitting empty

>> No.17362985

>he could have had literally any tube amplifier on earth and he went with crate

>> No.17363017

Based random assaulter.
Based midget fucker.

>> No.17363301

most of you faggots listen to metal and industrial. you're not goth. you're posers.

>> No.17363344
File: 9 KB, 254x276, siouxienilesnakedish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cope and dilate elsewhere tranny. I'm more goth than you ever will be and listen to goth music more than you ever could.

>> No.17363369

Nah not really you just come across as a fag whos trying too hard

>> No.17363375

lol you fucking poser. you probably went wikipedia and found out about siouxsie just now.

what a gaylord. you will never be goth

>> No.17363427

>what a gaylord. you will never be goth

pretty much sums him up.

>> No.17363466

>you probably went wikipedia and found out about siouxsie just now.
Nice projection

>> No.17364516
File: 41 KB, 402x604, 9fe58c7017588169386122feb867edb0--mirrors-edge-cyberpunk-fashion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17365161
File: 1.66 MB, 2800x4200, WRcrFYr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17365181

Nice, what maker?

>> No.17365449

when is goth #9 coming out?

>> No.17365480

idk im gonna have to think about it. too many of you are poser faggots who listen to metal and industrial

i guarantee i knew about siouxsie before any of you cringelord poser faggots were even born

>> No.17365485

What's Siouxsie? Is that some sort of underground indie band that no one knows about?

>> No.17365491

>What's Siouxsie?
Some edgy cunt who thought she was cool for wearing swastika arm bands.

>> No.17365503

Punks really are the biggest posers in music

>> No.17365520
File: 75 KB, 1000x750, Joy-Division.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Original goth fashion was just dressing in your work clothes.

(The reason its called Goth btw is that the lighting at Joy Division concerts was a static white to prevent Curtis from having a seizure. This was described as "gothic" by the music press)

>> No.17365529


The OG Punks tended to be like 18 year old kids who had severely fucked up homelives. The Nazi imagery was just a way to piss off your parents. TG which was punk adjacent really engaged with facism as an aesthetic (which influenced Joy Division) but it went out of fashion instantly. Most of the 77 punk bands were considered uncool by 78. It was a fashion trend that people cant let go of.

>> No.17365532

>76 KB
> Original goth fashion was just dressing in your work clothes.

Pretty based. It's a shame it didn't stay that way.

>> No.17365542
File: 67 KB, 460x414, Addams_Family_sketch_Charles_Addams.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrong, everyone knows that the goth subculture was originally started by the cult classic Addams family cartoon and the fandom that developed around it.

>> No.17365765
File: 347 KB, 719x884, Screenshot_20221123-100248_Instagram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17365769
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>> No.17366188

Ironically, the industrial metal autists seem to be what is keeping these threads alive. Much like the goth scene.