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17358528 No.17358528 [Reply] [Original]

A place for everyone thin or trying to get thin.

How to lose weight?
>Calculate your Total Daily Energy Expenditure or TDEE, using Google.
>For any lifestyle questions answer sedentary
>take the number they give you and subtract 500
>that's how many calories you should eat a day to lose 1 to 2 lbs a week

>> No.17358529
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So in my own example my TDEE for a sedentary lifestyle is 1957.
>subtract 500
>1457 calories
If I go a week eating 1457 calories evwryday ill lose at least 1lb.

Now you can always lose more. -1000 would be 2lbs. Typically every 500 is 1lb of weight loss. But remember the less calories you eat the harder it gets.

It's better to be consistent. Than to eat so little that you end up binging later

>> No.17358530

sometimes i regret taking this path, and not living a life full of huge rich french meat stews and spanish seafood platters.

>> No.17358533

These calculators are annoying because I have no idea what "light" or "moderate" means. Like I'm about to go out on a 40km ride with 900m elevation change, as I do 3-4 times a week, is that "light" or "moderate"? Because 250 calories is a big range

>> No.17358537

>how to eat less calories per day
Everyone is different and everyone has a diet that will work for them.

For me, I do an intermittent fasting where i eat my biggest meal at 10am and then a small 3 bite meal at 1 and another small 3 bite meal at 4. Then I dont eat for the rest of the day.

Drink lots of water. It will help flush you out

Focus on filling foods. Foods with protein/fat take the longest to break down so they keep you full longer. Don't worry about /fit/ anons saying you need X amount of protein per day. They can go back to /fit/ if they want to be big

For excessive you'll want to focus on cardio. 30 minutes of your preferred choice. Walking/running/biking/rowing are all good options.

Try lifting weights and getting a good starter program. Start with dumbells and machines then transition to barbells. Focus on upper body more than legs. This will keep you looking strong but not too bottom heavy.

A good thinspo goal for a beginner should be
>80lb push press
>135 bench
>185 squat
>225 deadlift
You could achieve these numbers within a year or 2 with consistent exercise. With the calorie restriction, theres no need to go beyond this unless you want. But understand you may have to eat more.
The numbers I've listed should be good enough even on a 500cal diet

>lost 40lbs last year
>lost another 30 this year
Still have 30 more lbs to go


>> No.17358538

Never seen a fit person counting their calories

>> No.17358541

The reason I said pick sedentary is because all calculators calculate exercise differently. One calculator will tell you one thing another with the same settings will tell you another

So to avoid calculator error, go for sedentary and subtract 500. Ultimately even if you aren't "sedentary" you'll end up around 500 to 1000 and you'll lose consistent weight

>> No.17358543

Eventually as you count calories you'll be able to eyeball your food portions, they won't necessarily count calories but they know from experience how much they need to eat to not overeat.

>> No.17358544

its mostly girls

>> No.17358545

It's a tough path yet it's necessary. It's better to look good and feel good than to endure in overeating and feel like shit and look like shit

>> No.17358546

Bodybuilders count calories as well but they do so to make sure they eat enough to get big rather than lose weight

>> No.17358547

Bro I'm not doing a 1k deficit lmao I'm going to be sick all the time and then I won't be able to exercise and I'll get depressed and binge eat

>> No.17358555

Then set it as light exercise.

A 1000 calorie deficit won't make you sick or depressed. It's just not recommended for beginners with low willpower

>> No.17358560

It will, because I've tried it. You try running a 1k deficit with 8 hours of cardio every week and see how far that gets you.

>> No.17358561

I do that every week.

I go to the gym 7 days a week for about 2 hours every time, and I lose consistently 1 to 2 lbs a week. It's not easy, but it's not going to make you sick or ill.

But then again everybody is different, and I'm not saying everyone should do it either. But there's no need for fear mongering either.

>> No.17358565

And what is your heart rate zone during these 2 hours?

>> No.17358567

thank you for saying this.

I'm sick of posts about "might have 300 calories today" or even worse "finally gonna break my fast after five days."

like what the fuck. are these people walking around totally fucked in the head all day?

>> No.17358569

I'd be lying if I said I knew

>> No.17358571

Get a heart rate monitor and then we can talk

>> No.17358575

Or? How about it doesn't have to be a competition. If you feel like eating more eat more. Just do what's right for you

Sounds like you work out more than the average person so youre going to need more calories to compensate. But if you find yourself not losing weight, you know what to do

>> No.17358601

I'm pretty sure they are just trolls. Nobody is eating 300 calories a day on a daily basis

>> No.17358613

post thinspo outfits pls

>> No.17358700

But that's exactly my concern. If we're going to keep score, let's keep score. If we're not, let's not. These numeric systems, CICO being the most obnoxious example, purport to offer a quantitative approach to weight control. Yet their proponents consistently become evasive as soon as you really start to dig into the numbers.

I think doing weight control by gut feel could have some merit for some people, "always be a little hungry" something like that, if paying attention to details is too frustrating. But if we're going to pretend to be scientific about this, let's actually make an effort to be scientific about it, instead of what CICO is which is basically fee-fees wrapped in a thin veneer of quantitative analysis.

>> No.17358715

Take some molly and start dancing. After you do it once you will be comfortable dancing again and dancing is great fun and exercise. It burns a lot of calories so you will be able to eat more.

I don't think the weight room is very thinspo or even that great of advice in general as a former gymcel. Other forms of exercise are more accessible or better. Calisthenics, running, dancing, and swimming are going to be a lot better for most people. I still think barbells are good fun but they are over hyped to hell.

>> No.17358929

I have never seen a soda drinker girl who is underweight or almost underweight, and I'm talking about 5+ cans of soda a day habit. Why?

>> No.17359600

The numbers are scientifically proven. LOTS of studies have proven that 500 calories a week equates to about a lb of weight loss. The problem with calculators is that PEOPLE have their own idea of what light or moderate exercise is. Someone who runs a 5k everyday might say that's light exercise while a fatass who walks the block thinks their little 10 minute walk is moderate exercise.

There are plenty of work around, like the one I gave you where you place your level at sedentary and eat less. Remember your unscientific retort was
>1000 is too hard

When also scientifically weight loss studies have found that you can lose up to 3lbs/week or -1500 before you start having major health issues.

So if you want to talk scientifically. Stop being a little bitch. Weight loss is supposed to be easy. So that's why I said it doesn't have to be a competition, and that you should eat at whatever lets you lose consistent weight. But since you insist on being scientific, let's scientifically stop acting as if -1000 is excessive. You big scientifically proven baby

>> No.17359705
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Reminder women are fucking gross and you should kill yourself if you were born with a vagina

>> No.17359817

>blah blah blah numbers
>oh but also, let's not talk about numbers though, I'll just cite vague studies
You can drop insults all you want but we both know you'll buckle again when we get down to business.

All I'm asking for you to do is to be consistent. If the numbers interest you, awesome. Since they don't, please drop the facade. No one is forcing you to measure this stuff, but you were the one pushing it.

>> No.17360227

I didn't buckle. You asked about my heart rate, as if I'm autistic enough to have that information for you readily available.

>All I'm asking for you to do is to be consistent. If the numbers interest you, awesome. Since they don't, please drop the facade. No one is forcing you to measure this stuff, but you were the one pushing it.
Could you have made less coherent statement?

I am consistent, the numbers do interest me, nobody is forcing you to measure it yet the difference in sucess between those that do measure calories and those that don't is proof enough that it works.

>> No.17360237

18 BMI chad who can eat anything he wants here. Everyone ITT is mentally ill and genetically inferior.

>> No.17360238

Lifters, bodybuilders, strongmen etc. count their calories

>> No.17360239

>keeping partial track of numbers is science
>keeping more detailed track of numbers is autism
Cargo cult science

>> No.17360251

One is basic food numbers that are readily available and east to count

The other requires special equipment and a data log. Also you should be focused on your exercise not your heartrate.

>> No.17360284

>special equipment
And wtf do you call going into a special room full of stuff that exists for the sole purpose of exercising your body?

>Also you should be focused on your exercise not your heartrate.
"Cardio training" is by definition focusing on your heart rate, if you're not focusing on your heart rate then you're just "getting tired" which is fine if that's your kink but some of us are actually interested in perfecting our physical form

Anyway, sounds to me like your definition of exercise is snapping a few selfies of yourself next to a stairmaster and hashtagging #justfitnessthings and then seething about "lunkheads" in the next breath. The idea of exercise is more improtant to you than the result, it's basically a lifestyle hashtag you use for fashion purposes, well you're on the right board for that

>> No.17360346

Lmao if you can't tell the difference between a heartrate monitor and a treadmill then youre just retarded

Go back to fit if you want to be so autistic about heart rate and cardio. Why you guys always come in here and shit up these thinspo threads is beyond me

>> No.17360383
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/n/ actually, anyway my bad, please resume your cargo cult circlejerking, I'll go back to my extremely obscure exotic DARPA-tier equipment like a bike computer and a $50 ANT+ elastic strap, have fun working out in blue jeans and a sweater because "specialized equipment" is for judgmental lunk alarm meatheads, I am sure running a 1k caloric deficit while actually exercising is no problem at all and anyone suggesting otherwise simply has no self control right?

>> No.17360658
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How has everyone's progress been I'm finally getting to be happy where I'm at and it's past thanksgiving now so I don't have to worry about it anymore.
I don't lift so don't call me fit

>> No.17360669

>bike computer
Please say this outloud.
Tell me that isn't autism

>> No.17360683

No, not really?

>> No.17360688
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>> No.17360697

Why? There is really no reason not to ride with one. Speed, temperature, heart rate, cadence, elevation, grade, those are nice things to keep in front of you. The navigation features aren't really that interesting to me but some people like it.

Power is good if you race, but I don't race, so I'm not going to drop $1000 on a power meter.

There's definitely autistic stuff you can do with them, like monitoring your tire PSI or the "car overtake radar telemetry" autism, or controlling the pulse mode of your headlight/taillight units, but just because it supports those things doesn't mean you have to buy the sensors.

>> No.17360945

ok well i have. she would drink 2-L bottles of diet coke and she was about 80 pounds. dont know what your point is, that its impossible to be skinny and drink soda?

>> No.17361958

Can you fatties stop appropriating my culture please? Being thin is about eating whatever you want and complaining to fat people about not being able to gain weight no matter what you do. You may or may not exercise; it makes no difference. If you're actually trying really hard to lose weight and be thin then you're genetic trash regardless of whether or not you're successful.

>> No.17362007

Height and weight?

>> No.17362023

That's what every 16yo says until they turn 26 and find out their metabolism isn't the same as it used to be, and then once they hit 30 its gg

Also the thread is called thin inspiration so gtfo if you're just going to be a spiteful faggot

>> No.17362034
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I'm in my 40s and I've never been fat, have you tried having good genetics?

>> No.17362037

I'm 35 and I don't gain weight any faster than I did when I was 16. To be fair though, I have cleaned up my diet a lot over the past 5 years or so.

>> No.17362127

honestly i can agree with this man

i was a fat fucking kid, but i literally just stopped laying around

ive lost 30 lbs since july just working a job

>> No.17362139

Nobody has yet to post timestamps

>> No.17362149

>ive lost 30 lbs since july
we've got a real bright one here

>> No.17362153

How exactly would a timestamp help prove my statement?

>> No.17362156

I posted a pic of myself once in an argument like this and it was deafening silence after that

I also posted a shirtless pic of just my shoulder/upper arm on /lgbt/ and I got a bunch of thirsty replies

Point being, I know I have a good physique according to 4chan standards, which are pretty unreasonable, so I definitely don't need to prove it to you

>> No.17362171

>still no timestamps

Show us how easy losing 30lbs is. 30lbs means nothing if you were 300lbs to start with

Because if you were thin and not skinny fat you'd have credibility. As of now you're just someone making shit up

Also another person making shit up. I could say I posted my cock and got 30 bitches flying out to my state the next day. Doesnt mean shit without proof. Also lgbt isn't a good indicator of attractiveness you faggot.

As of now all of you are just larpers. Especially the 35 and 40yo grandpa

>> No.17362216

>Show us how easy losing 30lbs is. 30lbs means nothing if you were 300lbs to start with
If I lost 30 lbs I would probably die. I've never been over 18 BMI in my life.

>Because if you were thin and not skinny fat you'd have credibility. As of now you're just someone making shit up
I don't really care if you believe me. I don't seek approval from fatties with eating disorders

>> No.17362250
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>I don't really care if you believe me. I don't seek approval from fatties with eating disorders
>I also posted a shirtless pic of just my shoulder/upper arm on /lgbt/ and I got a bunch of thirsty replies
Yet you seek approval from faggots with sexuality disorders lmao

Literally can't make this shit up

>> No.17362264

Hi, the person you're malding at is not the homosexual, that would be me. This is fun though, I am enjoying your meltdown

>> No.17362304

You're talking to two different people retard.

>> No.17362337
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>> No.17362339
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>> No.17362345
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>> No.17362350
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>> No.17362355
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>I seethe

>> No.17362356
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>> No.17362359
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>> No.17362404
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>> No.17362425

Am I? Because they both sound like fags to me

>> No.17362444
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>> No.17362965

looks 5'11 or taller and about 125-130

>> No.17363027

i'd like to rest my cock and balls on her forehead

>> No.17364736

>Don't worry about /fit/ anons saying you need X amount of protein per day. They can go back to /fit/ if they want to be big
oh nooooooo i'm skinnyfat how could this happen????? i thought the /fit/ anons wanted me to get big!!!!!

>> No.17364742

this retarded faggot trusted a female drug dealer and paid the price

>> No.17364748

With this much cardio you can just eat close to maintenance.

>> No.17365739
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>> No.17365743

But you don't get it. THE. NUMBERS. DONT. ADD. UP.

>> No.17365782
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Gained "some" muscle since I last posted

>> No.17365784

is there a thinspo selfie chart

>> No.17365786
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>> No.17366239

I'm 5'8 and of undetermined weight. I refuse to weigh myself since it always makes me think I can eat more or something.
There should be one

>> No.17366243

Can't even eyeball the weight?

>> No.17366268

When I looked around 12% body fat I was 162lbs I think I'm looking like 9% now so I've lost around 6lbs since then. Off of this I assume I'm 156 now but this sounds crazy heavy for someone of my height and leanness.

>> No.17366270

Sometimes on >>>/fit/fph there's this video I love of a huge guy having a huge platter of Spanish seafood who's clearly self-conscious of being recorded but can't do anything about it so he just keeps eating. Hopefully you can find it and realize that you're not missing out on anything.
>Captcha: DAY2SH

>> No.17367603

Have any of you tried heroin for weight loss. It seems a little bit more reasonable to me everyday, especially since I heard it's good for looking young if you keep your use light.

>> No.17367803

Yeah, I heard you can lose 5lbs a week. You should try it and get back to us. Preferably with progress pics

>> No.17367805

Your weight and looks won't matter to you anymore, coke and amphetamines work better if you stay hydrated and do damage reduction

>> No.17368120
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>> No.17368152

he looks like he's going to explode

>> No.17368266

what damage reduction can i do? i take 50mg vyvanse and it completely eliminates my appetite but i recently stopped bcoz it was fucking with my sleep schedule nd stuff, might try 40mg idk

>> No.17369248

Honestly, not too much. Drinking enough water and sleeping enough are the only things coming to mind, aside from eating actual nutrients when you do eat.
Amphetamines will fuck with your body no matter what, it'd be better to stick with Vyvanse if that seems to work for you

>> No.17369440

What time release is it? Amphetamines should only be instant release and not extended since that keeps you up.
Just get some addy the heroin will steal your soul

>> No.17369977

bet yea, i noticed i was feeling sick and weak at one point but i had only eaten bread for like 2 days, i take vitamins now
vyvanse is never ir, i also have an adderall ir 15mg script but i dont rly need it on top of the vyvanse so i end up trading most of them away for stuff

>> No.17370050

Are your Addy's ir? I would just swap to them and cut the vans out

>> No.17370280
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anons how do you deal with constant need for sleep after a few days on low kcal intake?

basically i go a few days on -1000 to -500 kcal and then after a few days i am sleepy all the time and energy drinks are the only thing keeping me awake

the weird thing is that the "sleepy phase" can appear after i go back to my normal kcal intake for a few days, like a delayed bomb

>> No.17370369


>> No.17370552

>constant need for sleep
You really shouldn't be lethargic unless you're eating junk. Are you getting enough vitamins? Try going on afternoon walks for a boost of energy.

>> No.17370710

So I went from 16.2 to 18.5 for this doc appointment and to shut everyone up. I do have the attention span of a hummingbird but wonder how one brings it up.
I’d like to see how those drugs help but of course they don’t prescribe them when someone is underweight right?
I can do 4.5/lbs loss a week easily with fasting and LISS cardio. So it took 3 months to gain what I can lose in like 3.5 weeks

>> No.17370719

Yep take a b complex, vit c usually in that, vit d+k, then a fish oil and a daily multi. If a women and drink coffee as breakfast, wait at least an hour before taking iron. If you do your survival stack first the coffee binds for around 2 hrs and tea longer.
Oh a magnesium tablet is good to take. I put potassium in my coffee. Sodium gets done via real meals otherwise just just 1.2g in like 2oz of water. Tastes good when the body really wants it

>> No.17371599

Vitamins are no replacement to a varied diet. You will not absorb the minerals and vitamins from a pill like you would from eating greens, meats, fruits and so on. Your bones will become brittle, your teeth will crack, crumble and fall out. You will lose hair. At best, you'll feel less lethargic, but you'll feel like a dead husk emotionally and psychologically from not sustaining your body with real nutrients. Your heart will give out on you. You will develop early on-set dementia.

>> No.17372363

Straight facts nothing can compete with whole foods eggs and potatoes are your friends