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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 198 KB, 1280x800, 98010A84-79D2-4BA7-8CF5-40865433514A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17358357 No.17358357 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.17358358


when did this happen
most effay /fa/meetup ever seen fr no cap

>> No.17358359


People are probably going to be dicks about this, but I think the lads look nice.

>> No.17358362

same unironically

>> No.17358364

who is the guy far right?
looks familiar

>> No.17358372

Where's most famous effay resident of Oz & Brisbane, i.e., Card?

>> No.17358376

LATE 2015

>> No.17358379

Omfg i want them to all push me down on the ground and then all pee and spit on me hnggggg so fuggin hottt

>> No.17358380

Orange pants weird but a decent bunch

>> No.17358384

Indigo blue shirt and rusty brown chinos were very trendy stylin 2015 - 2017 here in North America

>> No.17358386
File: 1.20 MB, 800x800, Fa Card collage 1890752.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Card of Oz and Brisbane

>> No.17358387
File: 100 KB, 479x719, B0271589-y720px.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know that it's like 30c right now, but I don't like any of it. Sorry, lads.

>> No.17358392
File: 1.14 MB, 1261x640, CardIlliterate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He would've been there, but couldn't read the address.

>> No.17358393

I know people meme about there being so much meth in Bris but fuck, so many girls I see look so fucked up and diseased around here.
And that's the fucking CBD too, West End and The Valley are so much worse.

>> No.17358394

Based fellow brisbanites

>> No.17358397

I thought this was the same in like every state capital city lmao

>> No.17358399
File: 8 KB, 381x93, image_2022-11-24_200308212.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

brisvegas lads rise up

>> No.17358401

Poor Card will never be able to live down the YouTube typos, although he's apparently pursing grad studies (MA) rn.

>> No.17358402

Not really. Brisbane is one of the few cities were drug use is right in the CBD while other cities have it in the outter suburbs.

IIRC Queensland has the worst drug problem of the country since Gympie, Ipswich and Bundaberg are also notorious for their druggies.

>> No.17358404

did he really have a chance in life though? he hangs out with trannies irl and posts le ironic clown fits on 4chan.

>> No.17358406

Melbourne cbd is pretty bad. I don't know if they have more or they're just more vocal

>> No.17358407

Well I've lived in both cities and Brisbane definitely has more druggies and homeless people. I've met some real scary cunts on Queen Street at night, they even put a strip club right on the mall too which is making things even worse at night.
I don't even dare go to The Valley at night anymore either, too much bad shit happens there during the day as it is.

>> No.17358409

I get you, walking in the city at night is a Deathwish, i don't even blame the druggies. There's literally nothing to do but meth in the cbd past midnight. valley at night is usually pretty safe because of the amount of people there though

>> No.17358411

> There's literally nothing to do but meth in the cbd past midnight.
Idk, I used to like some of the late night restaurants and also a walk through the botanical gardens but I no shit saw a bald naked guy trying to hide in the bushes out there, so I avoid anywhere without strong streetlights now. The CBD has become a lot worse over the last year or so.

>valley at night is usually pretty safe because of the amount of people there though
Hit and miss from what I've heard. Aside from stuff like mugging, mostly it's just hoping you don't somehow accidentally piss off some drunk guy that will punch you when you're not looking.

>> No.17358433

Yeah man botanical gardens is where its at. Smoked my fair share of joints around there over the years haha.

After late uni classes I'd see some cooked shit in the CBD too. Nothing story worthy though.

>Hit and miss from what I've heard. Aside from stuff like mugging, mostly it's just hoping you don't somehow accidentally piss off some drunk guy that will punch you when you're not looking.
Yeah pretty much this.

>> No.17358438

>I'd see some cooked shit in the CBD too. Nothing story worthy though.
Yeah that sums up most nights in the CBD. Nothing worth writing about but scary enough that you wouldn't want to stick around and find out how bad shit can get. I've had small things like some guy go completely nuts at me for taking a picture and demanded I pay him for it.

>> No.17358451

Wait, Australia is dangerous? As in it has gangsters and crazy druggos? when did this happen

also I looked up some pictures and YOU HAVE SKYSCRAPERS??? SINCE WHEN

>> No.17358452

idk a few weeks ago

>> No.17358456

Nigga what. Is this the state of american education?
Most if not all capital cities have skyscrapers these days.

What did you think Australia was? Just dessert and beaches?

>> No.17358507

kek bro you're all wearing the same uniform what's it like being a certified NPC

>> No.17358510

what is this wall and why do I keep seeing it?

>> No.17358556

1 and 4 are fuckable.
2 is "quirky" and probably knows a lot about meaningless historical topics with a left-wing spin.
3 definitely collects Funkopops and pokemon cards.
5 lives with parents.
6 is one of these mysterious world babies that could be from anywhere and probably works in "tech"

It's hard to comment on their outfits because they're all the same, except the one on the right who is dressed like he supports ukraine

>> No.17358566

Any of you blokes the same ones from that original meetup?
Also surprising seeing cunts in brissy dressing like this, was expecting more breathable shit and less combat boots and taticool

>> No.17359256

>high fashion/quirky male model

>> No.17359277

Probably to do with the guy who arranges the meet ups.

>> No.17359282

color bad
you WILL wear black grey and navy
you will NOT appear approachable or expressive

>> No.17359283

this is what they took from us

>> No.17359288

>the one on the right who is dressed like he supports ukraine

this color pattern has ruined my brain too

>> No.17359300

Wearing all black and all dark clothes is such a cop out. I don't take anyone's fashion seriously if they dress in all black. It's like you aren't even trying or are just doing the most entry level le fashion shit possible. It's so lazy and lame.

>> No.17359322

You guys look fine but why the fuck is everyone wearing the same clothes?

>> No.17359328

wearing dark clothes all the time is depressing af

>> No.17359368

these are the surviving members of the original brismeet, thats tess on the right, same as the original pic, stance is in the middle(take in the long neck)

are you retards blind?

>> No.17359450

how recent

>> No.17359458

Which one of them are you? Also
>no bro we are wearing different shades of gray pants and shirt
Fuck off. The guy on the right is obviously the exception but everyone else is wearing the same outfit.
>inb4 no there's a guy wearing brown pants and one guy is wearing a light blue tee
i will hurt you

>> No.17359473

Their all dressed the same and the outfit is extremely boring

>> No.17359474
File: 46 KB, 679x452, 36A1E917-F62F-41FD-AEBB-61BE178A7AC9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never forget

>> No.17359504

I mean it doesn't look bad, but they look like generic San Francisco tech workers to me, I see 100 of these people like this on my way to work.
Is this really a "fashion" meetup?

>> No.17359512

are any of original bris >>17359474
/fa/nons also included in later >>17358357 meetup at same place

>> No.17359537

Wait this photo was taken in Brisbane as well? FUCKING LOL

>> No.17359544

exact same wall in bg at Brisbane location but another anon in previous thread said wall behind was demolished for redevelopment few years ago

>> No.17360012

Looking good, and looks like you had a good time!

>> No.17360030

>most effay /fa/meetup ever seen fr no cap
I know right? Shirts, trousers, AND shoes! So much fashion on just one person. One of them even has a collar on his shirt. That's almost TOO MUCH fashion for just one person to have on him.

>> No.17360054

Imagine being this uneducated about the world. Americans just about pissed themselves in amazement when they found out it snows here.

>> No.17360055

Yeah, it's an alley way near Queen Street. It's been partially demolished but that lone part from the photo remains, so maybe the construction crew know it's historical kek.

>> No.17360122


>> No.17360123

Voting to have a monument of tessallate erected

>> No.17360928

If I visit Australia, would any of you fags join in another photo at this wall? I want to visit history.

>> No.17361443

sounds like cool.idea tb-h

>> No.17361807

Lol it’s half of the guys from here

>> No.17361823

why didnt i hear about this? i would have went >:(

(OG brismeet attendee)

>> No.17361827

Which OG are you?
Also is the giraffe neck guy ok? I heard he had some disease and was in a bad way in recent years.

>> No.17361833

im him and im doing well

>> No.17361842

Oh good, I was wondering for a long time how you're doing. Any neat stories or trivia about the day? Do you still live in Brissy?

>> No.17361858

I still live in Brissy and I've been sucking dick for fivers under the story bridge
How about you anon?

>> No.17361862

nothing really happened mate, it was just as uneventful and awkward as you can imagine. and no i dont live in brisbane anymore

>> No.17361864

Melb now right? Seems like /fa/ is mostly in Melb these days.

>> No.17361865

why are they wearing uniform?

>> No.17361866


>> No.17361869

lookin' pretty OK boys
happy with the bods, keep going to the gym stay healthy

>> No.17361954

What's your face look like now

>> No.17362775
File: 60 KB, 146x635, SmartSelect_20221126_171223.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ID on this guy's boots?

>> No.17362878
File: 3.71 MB, 4608x3456, IMG_20221125_191111616.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17362947

This faggot is trying so hard to meme himself but he's just an unfunny drama school student/failed comedian who lacks the talent to come up with a good routine so he just spams his "quirky professor" bit.

And from the looks of things a possible jew

>> No.17362954

We don't know much about Australia for the same reason we don't know much about basket weaving. Get over yourselves bogN

>> No.17363051

>being proud of ignorance

>> No.17363066

I'm German bros I legitimately had no idea you guys had big cities except for the one with the opera house thing from Finding Nemo lmao

>> No.17363077
File: 1.05 MB, 2560x1707, 2560px-CBD_Melbourne.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're a lot like America and Europe here desu. Pic related is my city, pretty much every other city in the country is pretty massive and has a lot of surrounding suburbs and regional towns/cities.

It snows (not in the city but in the nearby mountains), we have lush forests, wine regions that look like France etc. It's a very diverse country.

>> No.17363717


>> No.17365148

only 1 mullet?

>> No.17365533

I've been seeing zoomies with mullets lately, weird shit.

>> No.17365595

>black shoes
why do they all dress the same? nothing about this screams fashion meetup.

>> No.17365606

Guy on the right looks good but why's everyone else dressed like they're trying to blend with the wall?

>> No.17365614

Right? Why the fuck is everyone on this board a bore irl?

>> No.17365657

>colored shirt
>black bottoms
>black shoes
WOW. no cap thats the same shit id put on too fr on god ah ha