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File: 152 KB, 1080x1350, d43bc562f0a0967cf1f05ac813ccfd0b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17332282 No.17332282 [Reply] [Original]

This really is the best aesthetic for women.

>> No.17332285


So, goth chicks make everyone's dick go crazy, mine included, but they're often really crazy, really dull or really insecure. Or a combination of those things.

So, yeah, great to look at, but usually a lot of heartache to be with.

>> No.17332286

my goth gf is really crazy and really insecure i’m scared of her

>> No.17332322

nice larp but I agree

>> No.17332461

For mutt women

>> No.17332468

whats the best for men

also, these OTT goth chicks only look good online, they look like shit irl because they're not frauding with favourable camera angles, and good looking women never dress goth.

>> No.17332516


I disagree, I know a lot of goth chicks that look really good irl. That said, there's a lot of ugly chicks that try to cover up with goth make up.

>> No.17332518

I really don’t like this cartoony zoomer makeup style that makes girls look like a video game character or something.

>> No.17332530

Not at all
Sometimes the poser-goth look is okay, but a lot of these broads look like dogs without the clownpaint

>> No.17332533

>they look like shit irl because they're not frauding with favourable camera angles
Big facts
Shit is damn near catfishing with all of the angles and facetune abuse

>> No.17332535
File: 56 KB, 540x719, f29f00e35f63a9579ef7f8d5204179d6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you posted wrong picture

>> No.17332544


i've already had my heart obliterated by like 4 different alt / hipster / goth bitches and i'm definitely going to start dating normies.

got my ass shooketh

>> No.17332548

Girls are like cars. It's best to have two - the first being the main and reliable one and the second being the fun, cool to look at, crazy one. One guy and two girls are the best kind of relationships.

>> No.17332554


Nice dubs.

And yeah, honestly, might be a good choice. You can always strike gold, but a lot of extreme looking people tend to be a bit extreme (in a not so fun way).


Poly stuff is too much of a hassle to me, but if you can make it work: hell yeah.

>> No.17332556

This look was always terrible
Most scene girls were unironically white trash broads that were the embodiment of a Wal-Mart

>> No.17332557

It took you 4 times to get the memo?

>> No.17332627

Get out now. I believe you. If she’s crazy go away before ur life is ruined.

>> No.17332702

yea i think i just have to cut my losses and start dating normies.

3/4 were like when i was 14-19, but the last one i just broke up with was earlier this year. beyond the fact that she was a thot, she was kinda stagnating my personal growth and wasn't very motivated herself.

>> No.17332719

A lot of the whores at the Swiss brothels are kind of gothy.

>> No.17332887

Is it possible for my brown ass to get a goth girl (that isn’t a tranny)

>> No.17332902
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unless you look like pic related type brown, than no. Only chads do and chads are their own race

>> No.17332903

I see tons of white goth chicks with black and brown guys. This is very common with Gen Z.

Ignore the tradgoth boomers on here who will try to argue otherwise. They're old chuds who are irrelevant now.

>> No.17332906
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Not white enough.

>> No.17332908
File: 151 KB, 544x816, 710A32CC-5810-454A-898F-F946DC32A9A3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m Mexican

>> No.17332934
File: 42 KB, 736x576, mexican.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

unless you look like this, than no

if you look like an edgar its over

>> No.17332945

That is why you only want to use girls that look like that as cumdumbsters. If you're looking to settle down you go find a tradwife.

>> No.17333281

i'm black and what you're saying is demonstrably false, I don't know what you're getting at here

>> No.17333296

Is there something wrong with me that I just want a normal lady to eventually have kids with? These styles do nothing for me, I have never cared what my gf has worn ever

>> No.17333308

maybe I exaggerated a bit by saying a lot but it does happen.

just trying to give some hope for the brown guy.

>> No.17333310

what's wrong with black women?

>> No.17333317
File: 23 KB, 400x400, black_goth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17333328

Probably smell weird or something idk just a natural disinterest

>> No.17333350

My goth gf isn't crazy but she is a bit insecure. Not dull either, she's a modestly successful artist, does interior design for a day job, has decent taste in music, and is my best friend. Maybe you guys need to vet them a little better before you commit? Six year anniversary is tomorrow lmao.

>> No.17333636

Do goth girls despise rap?

>> No.17333758
File: 63 KB, 1260x922, 327.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aggressive, bitchy, not willing to submit, fake hair, hip hop culture, bad habits.

>> No.17333789

Damn man kinda extreme but i kinda agree lmao

>> No.17333790

Nothing wrong with being surface level

>> No.17333817
File: 766 KB, 1080x1303, Screenshot_2022-11-05-14-22-55-78_1c337646f29875672b5a61192b9010f9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man girls who look like this drive me crazy. I'm actually fairly tall and good looking, have attracted some of them on tinder, but it never amounted to anything, I'm kind of an autistic sperg. I don't even expect anything from them, like I don't care how they live, how many friends they have or how much money they make, I just want someone like this to cuddle and do random stuff with. But it seems like women expect you to be so well put together and everything, which I'm not. I don't have any friends or social life to speak of. Feels like I'm chasing a unicorn out here.

Thanks for reading my blog post

>> No.17333842

>women expect you to be so well put together
No. They just want to feel safe around you.
Love consists of 100% feeling of safety.
Same with friendship etc. but less percentage.
Problem is different people need different things for their safety.

>> No.17333843

This kind of watered down goth is absolute shit, you cant even commit to edginess?

>> No.17333925

>They just want to feel safe around you.
>Love consists of 100% feeling of safety.
My fucking god, finally someone got it

>> No.17333935


Simp City sounds like your home breh. You ARE chasing a unicorn because of the massive male to female imbalance.

To put it in other words, this girl (and I think she is pig ugly) could have 1000 guys a day fuck her.

What are you going to bring to the table to be better than them? Don't listen to the JUST BEE URSELF crowd, she just wants to feel safe!!

All you can do is SELF IMPROVE, call out SIMPS, and call out THOTS.

Once you do this, you ascend to the position above 90% of the simps.

And I am afraid you have that Disney kind of love feeling, don't worry most guys do, only it's not true. One day you will learn that's not a chick thing, they just want a nice guy to love and protect them, but a guy thing, who only wants a girl to love, take care of and hug when she is down.

Women want high status males, and the internet made that status bar 1000 times higher. You're not alone, stats prove it, masses single now, masses virgins.

It's shit, and not the lie you were sold, but here we are. All you can do is work with the environment you have.

>> No.17333937

>he shared my holy grail website for porn
Don't share it you nigger faggot. Some nigs gonna try to get it down again.

>> No.17334684

Yes and no. Old school ones might, e-girl ones like it.

>> No.17334751

I'm not against piercings per se but I think in this particular image the girl would look much better aesthetically without them. In the thumbnail I didn't notice the piercings.

>> No.17334756

This bitch isn't goth you cringy reddit zoomer retard.

>> No.17334791

Fucking cringe.

>> No.17334888

this is kind of a weird post. interracial dating really happens in 2022? no way!

>> No.17334890


>> No.17334891
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>> No.17335288

Prove it.

>> No.17335298


Honestly, that's why I said often, not always. I'm coming up on 11 years soon. Similar story to yours.

But to be frank, we still really fuck with the lifestyle, but we don't really go out in full goth garb anymore. There's usually references to the goth aesthetic in our fits, but if you don't know you probably won't notice.

>> No.17335304

>vetting goth girls

Imagine having the goth girl abundance luxury to be able to vet them. I've only seen two in my entire life.

>> No.17335463

no thanks. i've learned to appreciate normal girls.

>> No.17335477

Time to leave normie.

>> No.17335483

>very common
>maybe I exaggerated a bit

I really can't tell if you're a white cuck, or a chink.

>> No.17335490
File: 701 KB, 1280x719, 1620856334047.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what have become of this place.?

>> No.17335491

>just trying to give some hope for the brown guy.


What a great guy, helping those brown ones out, he is giving them hope, as they can't possibly have any for themselves.

What would "brown" people do without this guy?

What a terrible world it would be.

Oh yeah and what you're saying is total BS. Not because goth girls or goths are dats racist or whatever, but because they tend to meet people within their own circles, and the alt scene, and goth scene, is predominately white people.

But keep making stuff up to give those "brownies" hope, only someone like you could. Next you'll say you have a brown friend LOL.

>> No.17335494

>I don't know what you're getting at here

It's a "white ally" and you better show him some respect for helping you out, or else you would be totally screwed without him.

Oh no wait. It's a racist white cuck who sees brown and black people as inferior and they need his help so he can receive his virtue points for being the GOOD WHITE GUY.

>> No.17335499


>is predominantly white people

Depends on where you're from! Here in The Netherlands in the alt and goth scene we see more and more people with skintones other than white, cultural backgrounds and ethnicities, which I think is great.

I can't speak for other countries, of course.

>> No.17335517

I'll assume most people here are American, or English speaking countries.

>we see more and more people with skintones other than white

But still the majority are white? I mean I think there were a lot of blacks in the Dutch Euro dance scene.

But still, the vast majority of goth bands are white, and so is Wave-Gotik-Treffen.

But if you're into it, you're into it. I don't really care about the skin color. Seems kinda silly in my opinion thinking something is good, because some brown people are there now, which is really just basing it on the color of their skin. It makes them tokens.

People are all I love diversity and difference, yet when races divide into separate things they like, people complain, and try and mix them all, removing the very difference they said they like. Like rap is predominantly black people. And that''s OK.

If reach race is 90% in different music scenes, then that is difference and diversity. If it is all mixed just because of ideology, it destroys that.

Like if we saw a 99% black rap scene, and someone was like ohh it is so great to see someone white here, people should be like uhh okk.. why? because of their skin color?

Why not it's great to see another rap fan here?

And similar people of a similar culture and background are attracted to certain things, so to add all different people together, they're probably not going to like the same music.

Like black metal would appeal to kids spending most of the year in snow, dark, gloomy, not much to do, small little towns but with black metal to contact and appeal to them as one over that.

But some black girl in Jamaica.. it wouldn't have the same appeal. So "it's great everyone is different" is ideology again.

Even the clothing shows you that they are similar. If some guy in a suit turned up to a goth event, they would be seen as an outsider. But difference is good I thought? oh, only when it means skin color.

It's all so silly.

Just like the music. Simple as.

>> No.17335519

Said the shonenfag.

>> No.17335609

>which I think is great.
and I think you should take a knife to the jugular.

>> No.17335642


>Why not it's great to see another rap fan here?

Don't get me wrong, I completely agree with this sentiment.

I don't give a damn what you look like, as long as we can get along on some level.

I'll leave it at that, though, because these kinds of conversations can often turn sour rather quickly and that is by no means my intention.


Great idea, I'll get on it asap.

>> No.17335644
File: 185 KB, 1080x1350, Freckles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Normies are now the guys who simp for big titty goths that post thirst traps all day. Wanting a regular, non-ethot girl without BPD is having unique taste in current year.

>> No.17335675

Normalfags simp for egirls not goths.

>> No.17335685

90 to 95% of modern goths girls are juat egirls with blunt bangs and shitty tattoos.

>> No.17335706

No, those aren't goth girls.

>> No.17335715

True goth girls don't exist anymore bro, sorry.

>> No.17335721

Sad but true. You don't get real goth girls these days, only e-girl slags with black clothes and dyed hair. If anyone knows where to find the real McCoy do let me know because right now I'm inclined to believe they simply do not exist.

>> No.17335734

I see it as some people (black, white, asian etc.) like different things. And that's really OK. Why is it not? We somehow try and force them all together to all like the same things, and for what reason? We say that's so great, but why? Do we not wipe out difference and diversity then?

I think so. I think we say it is great and amazing, not because of true reason, but because of ideology in which saying such things makes us look like a good person. Ideology is dangerous in my opinion.

Instead I see it as it's fine for goth to be almost all white, or rap to be almost all black. It's fine for hockey to be almost all white, and basketball to be almost all black.

But if one wants to go to the other, we welcome and accept it. We should not think their color is a good thing, but our acceptance of whoever and whatever into our group. Now that is a good thing.

True and true. They are not goth girls, but most "goth girls" online are egirls who think they are goth girls.

You just have to be over 40. I know goth girls from the 90s still goth now, but yeah, over 40. And definitely nothing like an egirl.

>> No.17335743

I guess that rules out goth girls for me, unless there are some cougars out there among them. It's sad to see the gentrification of subcultures by normies, just glad mine is left alone for the most part.

>> No.17335771

Probably some genuine diamond in the rough in some small town, or some cold frozen wasteland. But Western city girls, not much of a chance. Tik tok 100% no. All attention seeking ethots.

There are girls with no tattoos or piercings, wearing dresses and heels though that are into alt stuff. So it doesn't always have to be about looks.

And I'll say it, to be honest now, if I was with some green haired girl with 10 piercings on her face, I'd be a little embarrassed being seen with her.

But cute natty looking girls who also like goth is pretty amazing.

>> No.17335854 [DELETED] 

>and the alt scene, and goth scene, is predominately white people.

you clearly have never been to Texas or southern California

>> No.17335864

Ok but I didn't ask.

>I know goth girls from the 90s still goth now, but yeah, over 40.

Hook me up.

>> No.17335875

You not asking just makes me twice as generous for giving you an answer.

>> No.17335887

They said if you can dance like this guy, then you're in..


>> No.17335898

No I can't plus lebanon hanover is overrated.

>> No.17335915
File: 750 KB, 859x901, crematory.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's cute. And yes, and no. A few months ago I went to an alternative night out bar. There were a handful of young ethot types and they all liked shit like Metallica. So in "elite" goth circles they might be, but if you go to alternative nights out, pretty much nobody will know who they are. They always like the most mainstream shit. Like 20 year old girls who look like OPs picture.

>i'm so gofff i love korn and metallica

OK, not goth, but I was wearing a Crematory shirt, and literally nobody had ever heard of them. They still say shit like Marilyn Manson.

Yeah, I might be being elitist now, but not really. You'd just be surprised how many people list nothing but the most mainstream of mainstream bands that they listen to.

oh, I did find one chick who liked Blutengel , which was pretty sweet.

>> No.17335920

And fuck.. this song is so depressing yet so real.

I first listened to it over 20 years ago, it has become all too real


>> No.17335922


Ok but I don't care and I didn't ask, because this isn't goth.

>> No.17335926

Don't be a fucking dickhead. It is goth rock and dark wave, most "goth" bands are not "goth" but dark wave. Most of the big 80s ones. You're being the gate keeping little prick who everyone despises, the kind who I embarrass the shit out of irl.

Go fuck yourself, before I knock you the fuck out.

>> No.17335930

Not to mention lebanon hanove are not classified as "goth" which you clearly thought they were from the comment. So you're only proving yourself a fucking idiot.

The Cure and Siouxsie and the Banshees are rock bands too.

>DiS IsNt GoFFiC

>> No.17335944

Kill yourself retard. This is your last reply.

>> No.17335953

Say that to my face fucker, and not online. Coward weak bitch. Incel loner that masturbates to internet thots all day. Total loser. Pathetic chud.

>> No.17335962
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>> No.17335966

I'll beat yo ass like a bald eagle, then fucking spoil your dinner by leaving it out in the snow. Then use your head as a dartboard, then I'll fuck it, then use it as a soccer ball, then fuck it again.

You know where to find me. Bring it bitch.

>> No.17335973
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>> No.17335975
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Will find you...

>> No.17336139

>Most scene girls were unironically white trash broads that were the embodiment of a Wal-Mart
unironically this for some reason

>> No.17336148

Can you tell me about the consistenzy of grass?