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/fa/ - Fashion

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17322982 No.17322982 [Reply] [Original]

Are they /fa/?

>> No.17322984

They often look silly, but their rules and advice are great

>> No.17323006

They’re dandys. Middle class narcissists who think they are dressing like how either the upper class does or did dress. They’re completely wrong on everything because it is impolite in upperclass etiquette to dress differently from your peers, you’re supposed to simply have the clothes made from high quality, and thus a true gentleman would never wear or have worn any of this

>> No.17323009
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They recently brought in two new people, and neither of them look good.
They're one of the biggest menswear youtubers out there, you'd think they'd be able to find someone good looking

>> No.17323016

They're men interested in classic style fashion. Nothing wrong with that, and it's not meant to be an upper class thing. I love classic style and I'm building a wardrobe with those items exclusively. And no, I don't want to demean anyone nor am I doing this because I wanna look "upper class". It's really just a passion

>> No.17323020

The left most guy doesn't look bad imo
Preston always look super weird because of his condition

>> No.17323023

stop being a faggot

>> No.17323027

Virgin Skeletor wizard: he will never look good in anything.
Maybe in full Rick because he could play the high fashion anorexia card but that's it. Cosplaying as a grandpa at a wedding will not help.

La monstruosidad del Brazil: still overdressed and bad color coordination, but he is not full cosplay here, so meh/10.

Token: the only one who looks decent, it looks natural on him, he is probably successful with women. Black can overdress because they start with an urban social stigma.

>> No.17323030
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I'll never udnerstand what it is about these menswear enthusiasts. They claim to love the styles and fashions of the past and yet they never actually dress in that manner.
Everything they wear is always something "more" than what someone in the past would have worn.

They are unable to settle for just a plain navy suit, it must always be something more, a check, a stripe, gold buttons, slanted pockets, they cannot wear JUST a navy suit.
They cannot be just a pair of black cap toe oxfords, they must be an oxblood or a quarter brogue or have red laces.
They cannot wear just a regular pair of cufflinks, or a regular watch, or a regular hat. It's always osmething weird and unusual.

How can they say they appreciate classic menswear when evidently they are bored to tears by its natural simplicity?

>> No.17323032

>La monstruosidad del Brazil: still overdressed and bad color coordination, but he is not full cosplay here, so meh/10.
His choice of colors are always weird as hell

The black dude looks awful to me he always seems to wear stuff that's too tight for his build

>> No.17323033

This isn’t classic menswear though, it’s not anything normal men ever wore and some pieces, like the tennis sweater, were worn only when playing tennis. They look like clowns
They’re faggots (literally)

>> No.17323034
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Are you quite sure about that?

Here is another example, their idea of a black tie outfit.
Atleast Presten here seems to be wearing the normal get up, but what do the rest of them wear?
Velvet, grey, white, blue pocket squares... what is the idea? Are they not satisfied with the elegant simplicity of black tie? The idea of black tie is that all the men looks elegant but ultimately uniform and reserved. It is the womens place to wear the bold outfit, not that man.
They are obsessed with standing out and being unique.

>> No.17323037
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It is hard to fault Zack Pinsent, because it takes an awful amount of confidence to wear what he wears... but he is not dressed like an average regency man, not in the slightest. Like Gentlemens gazette, he too is not satisfied with the common styles that 99% of people wore, it must always be something rare and unique

>> No.17323039

See >>17323006
theyre trying to peacock as better than they are, they’re not actually interested in classic menswear or etiquette, they want people to think they are classy or something, the same reason guys had beards and top knots to larp as vikings a few years back despite being from the suburbs

>> No.17323041

I agree, simplicity is a lot more interesting to me than those convoluted outfits they sometimes put together
>it’s not anything normal men ever wore and some pieces, like the tennis sweater, were worn only when playing tennis
Agreed, those are sort of stupid, but I can understand that they're just trying to explore different and more exotic combinations. After all, if they dressed in a simpler manner, they would have no content for their youtube channel

>> No.17323042

The two on the left are omega specimens, they are at the bottom of the natural hierarchy.
If they want to compete against average males in order to get females, they need to take steroids, unironically.

>> No.17323045
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That's exactly the word for it, peacocking.
The idea of classic menswear is that from a distance... you see nothing at all. Even up close you see nothing if you only catch a glance.... but only upon close inspection can you then appreciate a subtle texture, a subtle play of shapes in the shoulders and the collar, the elegance of the tie knot, and the beauty of the shoes.
At a glance, and from a distance, you should appear as boring and plain as can be.

>> No.17323046
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>It's over.

>> No.17323049
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The two omegas remind me of picrel.
Can you see those hands touching a woman?

>> No.17323058
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>> No.17323060

the thalmor on the left is just a fucking weirdo, egghead is a tryhard built like a bag of milk, and el negro needs to stop shopping in the youth section and get shit that fits properly

>> No.17323067

why do people always call skinny fags Skeletor? Skeletor was jacked as fuck.

>> No.17323071
File: 139 KB, 1080x1338, hugo-jacomet-dandy-plouc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A classic menswear enthusiast should have no more than 4 suits, all of them in conservative colours, a handful of shirts in white or blue, no crazy collars or patterns, and 2-3 pairs of shoes with one of them being a black cap toe oxford.
For a bit of fun, once in a blue moon he can get out something more unique like a checkered sport coat or a bold striped shirt... but day to day he should dress plainly.

Hugo Jacoment.. a man with very bold hair and probably over 40 suits at this point, definitely not the definition of a conservative wardrobe... but what does he wear most of the time in his videos?
A navy suit, a grey suit, a white shirt, a simple tie. He now owns a bright yellow suit.. and a bright blue suit.. but how often will he wear them? perhaps once a year as a one off

>> No.17323075

Exactly how old school British landed gentry look. I bet he went fox hunting after this

>> No.17323083

Speaking of hunting, did anybody watch that series by Kirby Allison where he gets the bespoke tweed suit from Henry Poole?

I was really enjoying it up until the suit was finished, everything after that was giving me secndhand anxiety by how much of a fish out of water he seemed when handling the guns and talking with the other guys in Scotland

>> No.17323084
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this, simplicity is louder than peacocking
my biggest inspiration is Cary Grant, he always dressed impeccably

>> No.17323090
File: 52 KB, 640x821, tumblr_pwt4buYIFU1s7n9hno3_640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All the biggest style icons that are name dropped. Cary Grant, Fred Astaire, Sean Connery. They all wear the most plain styles imaginable. And that is precisely why they look so good (well aside from being handsome and fit individuals of course)

>> No.17323101
File: 284 KB, 828x460, 3478145D-6BBD-410C-B2B3-E8570B96D2BB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy, an australian news anchor, was fed up with his cohost’s fashion always being judged and commented on so in protest he decided to wear the same suit for a second day in a row, when no one noticed, he wore again and again and again until a year had past and no one noticed when he revealed it on live tv. Not even his cohost or producer had noticed lmao. A man looks best in a navy blue suit and can wear them exclusively apart when activity or formality dictates something else

>> No.17323102

>ur not allowed to wear colors that aren't grey or navy: the thread
fuck u im gonna wear the loudest suit i possibly can just because i hate all of u

>> No.17323106

You’re free to do that and we’re free to laugh at you

>> No.17323117

preston and raphael are the only cool ones here

>> No.17323124

Because playing with colours and textures is fun?

>> No.17323127

the grandpa in red is ASMR

>> No.17323185
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Kinda. It's somewhere between admirable autism and cringy autism, for the whole channel. On one hand, many of the fits are good even if they are very costume-y. On another, they try a little too hard sometimes.

Overall though, they are good insomuch that they provide a good primer to build off of information wise. A very good grasp of menswear history, little niches, and color combination advice.

>> No.17323194

I don’t like how often that guy wears yellow. It’s just something I noticed he wears yellow in most outfits.

>> No.17323233

Last time i watched an episode of He-Man was literally in 1986.

>> No.17323253

>They are unable to settle for just a plain navy suit, it must always be something more, a check, a stripe, gold buttons, slanted pockets, they cannot wear JUST a navy suit.
>They cannot be just a pair of black cap toe oxfords, they must be an oxblood or a quarter brogue or have red laces.
>They cannot wear just a regular pair of cufflinks, or a regular watch, or a regular hat. It's always osmething weird and unusual.
Hahaha so well put anon

>> No.17323255

I WILL wear comfy tweeds in earth tones
I WILL have shoes in multiple shades of brown
I WILL wear colored knits
And I WILL be happy

>> No.17323308

that plantation owner, holy kek

>> No.17323370

Why is everyone ITT SO MEAN lol

>> No.17323376

We're all very tired of Gentlemen's Gazette autism and in truth we wish they would develop better taste

>> No.17323397

Nerds like this are what ruined fedoras and old timey clothes in general.

>> No.17323408
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>> No.17323414

The way he wears colors is 100% problematic, maybe he's color blind.

>> No.17323436

the nord fears and cannot control the med sprezz

>> No.17324288

I like the lanklet. Sure he has a reviewbrah vibe to it all but it adds some charm to his fits.

>> No.17324438
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I did. Like you I enjoyed some aspects of it but the shoot day he booked on to seemed very awkward indeed. It seemed to totally lack the social side. It's like none of the guns knew each other or had agreed beforehand to show up looking especially smart for the sake of the video. The whole thing was off.

>> No.17324732

Exactly. I’m working class and a few of my working class friends mock me for being “posh” for wearing classic clothes (by their standards, chinos and a tucked in plaid cotton or linen shirt is “posh”) and liking some old fashioned things (e.g. log burners, which are actually quite useful given the current situation in UK and EU). I just don’t get it.

It’s very funny considering some of them will drop like £300 on trainers they can’t repair and I’ve got a pair of brown real leather derbies that can be repaired that cost me like £60.

>> No.17324734

black guy is the only one on that photo that pulls it off and doesn't look like a larper and massive cunt

>> No.17324744

Oh my god what a bunch of clowns, I need to check pini parma website to reset my eyes, everyone there mogs them infinitely

>> No.17324995

Confidence is extremely effay.

>> No.17325062


Hang on, who doesn't like log burners?

>> No.17325092

your mom

>> No.17325712
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I wanna see him in full rick.
It's not as fedorawank as it seems to be.

Enjoy them more as fashion historians appealing to the mfa to fountain pen pipeline fellas instead of...us.

>> No.17325718
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>> No.17325719

>Are they /fa/?
not in the slightest bit

>> No.17325721

What gets me is how fucking effortless it was for people back then. Even candid photos of random people on the street shows them in perfectly fitted clothes and color palettes.

>> No.17326196

They’re well dressed. Honestly better dressed than most of this board.

>> No.17326337
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these retards fail to understand that all those good looking guys of past eras wore those clothes because it was a contemporary attire for them, they were not larping in museum pieces, your grandpa looked good in his old fashioned coat and hat because it was authentic, he wasn't trying to imitate his ancestors
same applies for the shaving faggots, all the guys in WW1 used the same razor you do nowadays but only because that was the best technology at that era, if they had gillette mach 3 back then they would throw away all razors and just use that

>> No.17326392

Am I the only one that thinks wearing a suit outside of formal occasions is never positive? Rea' Preps/Ivies/Sloanes realized this 80 years ago.

>> No.17326432
File: 40 KB, 620x349, 8752eaad5fc9350cfb2a140571f35d24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is a formal occasion? What makes an occasion formal if not the collective decision of a bunch of people to deem it formal?
And furthermore what makes formal clothing formal if not the same reason that the occasion is deemed formal?

Why is visiting the opera any more formal than visiting the cinema? Why is visiting a restaurant any more formal than visiting a cafe?
What makes a dinner suit formal? It was once upon a time casual day wear, as were countless other garments today considered formal.

Of course society is important and what society considers to be normal is automatically normal by that very definition, even if it is objectively insane.
But open your eyes, society is not sane. The people telling you what's stylish or formal or good looking look like this. Why are you listening to them? Why do you care about their judgement?
I say to you, there is nothing wrong with wearing what you like, when you like,
but if you must follow someone elses fashion judgement, why not follow the judgement of those of the 1900s-1950s? I believe they are worth following, and the advice given by modern people is worthless.

>> No.17326447
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If you went up to a person today and asked them what you should wear for dinner, they would tell you to just wear a tshirt and jeans because it is comfortable.
If you went up to pic related and asked the same question they would prescribe a dinner suit

Whichever advice you follow, you will be molded by it. If you follow the advice of the modern man, you will have no reason to own a dinner suit because he also does not own one. You may not even have a reason to own a tie, but is that not why you are here?
To the modern man the suit is dead, he wants nothing to do with it either casually or formally. If you hope to ever wear a suit and look like the people you idolize you must wholly reject this modern mans notion of what is good looking, he does not have your best interests at heart.
Instead you must look back to the advice of men who came before. They look better and were more sane of mind.