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17271078 No.17271078 [Reply] [Original]

just learned that i'm pregnant. what brands should i look into for organic, cute maternity clothing? everything i've found so far is expensive, ugly, and made of polyester crap

>> No.17271085

torrid bro

>> No.17271093

Goodwill. First time huh? Target. Thank you for contributing to the continuation of planet earth. All mothers are absolute angles regardless of any prior bullshit. Sleep. avoid alcohol, and tell your husband to step it the fuck up if you're posting on 4chan. Congrats on the baby!

>> No.17271108

previous fetus here, wear a tshirt

>> No.17272024

Congratulations!!! Well as said already you can get stuff secondhand BUT you can get high quality maternity clothes for cheap from H&M as far as I'm aware

>> No.17272609


>> No.17273419
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>previous fetus here

>> No.17273879

Get an abortion, the last thing we need is someone's autistic underageb& kid shitting up this site from his phone in 7th grade Holocaust class

>> No.17273891

This is unavoidable, as pregnancy clothing is niche.

Debatable. You aren't going to find hip and trendy stuff but you will get some nice basic colours and I love the wrap around shirts.

>and made of polyester crap
Pregnancy clothing has to be stretchy, as you will be changing size constantly. Natural fibers aren't going to stretch. The best you can look for is a mumu or equiv that will just drape over whatever shape, but you won't have the shoulders to fill out a mumu large enough for your 3rd trimester belly.

If you're pregnant now, you will delivering in May/June, so you won't be able to do the let the nude belly hang out for the last trimester.

>> No.17274236
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I don't shop by brand. I found 100% organic cotton PJ tops and sweaters on eBay that have a mesh design that allow them to stretch; they work as maternity clothes. They cost me about $20 each after shipping. It's simply a matter of time investment, afraid. May have to invest in a sewing machine. With rising cost of tampons and diapers, I've opted for one. Will eventually just tailor thrift store clothes to my liking.

>> No.17274240

I dont have a husband and I'm most likely going to either break up with my bf or kill him

>> No.17274246
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Stop larping your fetish so proudly, Troon.

>> No.17274361
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>Going to breakup with him
having a baby in this fucking economy????
At least get him to help you financially

>> No.17274369

Yeah he at least has a good job so I can legally fuck him through child support