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File: 229 KB, 1080x1080, 24327989_723057881228217_1099078630648053760_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17264862 No.17264862 [Reply] [Original]

How do you call this core my friends?

>> No.17264871

mushroom hunting core

>> No.17264876

this is the one niche of women who are actually interested in me, so i am curious too. i always just called in crunchy-core or neo-hippie or something

>> No.17264878
File: 66 KB, 600x900, 1411223259601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cultural appropriation
she is literally female hitler.
probably has a stache of full automatic weapons under her bed and has a kkk membership card.

>> No.17264882

the 2010 hipster core

>> No.17264956

this is I am in love with her core

>> No.17264973

do you ever notice that the kind of women who are interested in you is the same? like the kinds of girls who are into me are bisexual asians and brunette jewish girls.

>> No.17264979

susceptible to heroin, may or may not have a past with it

>> No.17265009

>white with dreads

>> No.17265158

dreadlocks are of european origin you stupid fags

>> No.17265354
File: 825 KB, 869x939, ack_irl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fun fact dreadlocks used to be called Polish plaits because of almost everyone who wore them from Poland.

So every time some lefty tries to pull the 'muh appropriation' card over your T-kimono or whatever, please kindly remind them that black people are appropriating Polish culture on the regular.

>> No.17265394
File: 134 KB, 1080x1288, 308242420_436348308563266_4530577114783259359_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17265447

so are you going to put on some european origin warpaint or what

>A medical condition resulting from deficient hair care in which the uncombed hair becomes irreversibly entangled, forming a matted mass, which can become malodorous and encrusted or sticky.
thanks for confirming its grim

>> No.17265546

smelly hoe

>> No.17265559

Smelly hippy core
Don't do it, unless you're unemployed, living off your parents money while constantly complaining about boomers ruining your country.

>> No.17265588

European Green Party voter-core
She's cute though

>> No.17265605

like the same as me? yes i am a dirty hippy trash also altough my skin is not pale like the girl in OP

>> No.17265747

Was feeling extremely jealous of you until I noticed she has dreads

>> No.17266040

>muh unkept hair
you reek of neckbeard

>> No.17266249

id on jacket?

>> No.17266324

If that was true then why do white people need dirt and grease to lock their hair up?

>> No.17266337

Stupid americans

>> No.17266390

try bathing yourself

>> No.17266420

I've noticed I also get abnormally high amounts of jewish girls. No luck with bisexual asians like you unfortunately

>> No.17266755

Autistic, neurotic shut-in english major who is into you (and every other guy) core

>> No.17267071

fall shroomwhore core?

>> No.17267099

Girl I dated when I was in high school that I don't really remember core

>> No.17267200

Canadian gangster/thug

"I'm so sorry, but do you mind handing over your wallet, don't want to have to pull my chopper (hard R) out on you fine folk"

>> No.17267203

She's hot. Like not because she's super beautiful but like because she has good values

>> No.17267357

by picking up the phone and dialing the number
ESL retard

>> No.17268810

Thank you for the bump

>> No.17268819

Lol. I go shrooming and can confirm

>> No.17268825

Didn’t even notice dread locks.
Idk why anyone would commit to that. I helped a friend “comb” her shit and we basically had to cut it all off.
Dreadlocks smell weird.

>> No.17268838

We're the same person

>> No.17268955
