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17251657 No.17251657 [Reply] [Original]

How do you cope with the existential crisis and lack of motivation after achieving your fashion goals?

>> No.17251668

>dyel balding glasses cuck
Lol do people not own mirrors? You should care about how you look at least a tad

>> No.17251676

Do people really neglect their spirituality? This is level 1 of 4 in the gita like step one of how not to live is not being a materialist or think that knowledge on this plane is powerful or meaningful.

>> No.17251737

Have multiple goals in life, Anon. Be a well-rounded person with many skills and interests. If you had the income to achieve all your fashion goals, you probably have the income to take up another hobby and work toward that. Maybe that new hobby will even require specialized clothing which will provide you with new fashion goals, too. Hobbies that feed into eachother and let you put old knowledge to use in new ways are great... build new passions while keeping old ones fresh.

>> No.17251877

Average BMW driver

>> No.17252261

Why would a grown man ever make this? Seriously, I can't think of anything more embarrassing.

>> No.17252275

They took away his humanity. He was born in captivity. He lives in a box. He eats from a box. He travels in a box. He interacts with a box. Demonic entities have enslaved him.

>> No.17252300

a cry for help

>> No.17252302

This is what happens when you have no life outside of work, literal NPC

>> No.17252312

t. typed from a demon box

>> No.17252371

Find a purpose in life.


>> No.17252375

Imagine propping up your phone on your kitchen counter and recording yourself staring at the stove looking all depressed lmao. Fucking retard.

>> No.17252378

Lmao yeah just get drunk and play videogames hahahaha

>> No.17252381

No, absolutely not. Don't own a console and haven't gaymed in years + have never been drunk. Get off of fucking TikTok, for starters, and stop worrying so much about yourself. The answers are so fucking obvious but people do their best to ignore them.

>> No.17252382

t-teach me, master

>> No.17252383

What the hell? Who has a console and tick tock? I play 20 year old video games like morrowind and kotor on a gtx 3080 pc.

>> No.17252392

You people don't want help.
That's somehow even worse. You're still wasting your life but without the networking/social aspects. Good luck.

>> No.17252393

I want to die. Ever since I was a small child I was depressed and felt empty. I've been bored and alone my entire life. I hate everything in my life and the world as a whole. My bf just left me and he was the only thing that ever made me happy and feel like I had a future to live for. I don't want to live without him. I'm just tired of being alone all the time, what's the point in continuing?

>> No.17252397

I was sexually and physically abused by my father for the first 11 years of my life and had to deal with a life-threatening illness and 8 months of chemotherapy immediately after. This illness reemerged in my 20s and left me unable to work for an entire year, which reduced my hard earn savings to nearly 0. I'm happy, fulfilled and content. Fucking get over yourself, you dumb cunt.

>> No.17252398

>I had it harder! You don't have a right to be depressed!

You're a faggot.

>> No.17252399

lmao. get over yourself man. Life is what you make of it. that's it. Stop blaming shit on other people

>> No.17252400

>I had it harder! You don't have a right to be depressed!
>You're a faggot.

>> No.17252402

Depression isn't real.

>> No.17252403

I think I found the solution. I kill myself in order to traumatize my ex.

>> No.17252406

If you feel empty or depressed you need to find a way to connect with your soul.

>> No.17252410

>le answers are obvious but i won't tell you!
>le i made up this story of how hard my life was!
What do you trolls get out of posting this sort of stuff? There's pol and r9k for that, fuck off you dumb faggots.

>> No.17252429

Keep scrolling Tiktok, homo

>> No.17252433

Is Islam effay? I have been wanting to explore spiritually and it appeals to me only because I like cats and hate women

>> No.17252439

Pretty much this.
the world is now full of weak people who have no motivation to anything and just cry they want to die rather than make any sort of effort to make their lives better.

>> No.17252446

>I am sad thus you vill not be happy and you vill own nothing
I had a condition that ruined 4 years of the best years of my life and still effects me in sport and social life, doesn't mean everyone has to live like shit and I have to live it even shittier.
Fuck your victim complex, fuck you and I bet you are a homo too.

>> No.17252455
File: 399 KB, 1333x1333, 1626996739730.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every time I meet someone with that issue, it's an unbelievably dull individual. They are so boring, they are bored of themselves. At the same time they are at least kinda self-aware, so they know they are boring, but prefer to blame it on life. It's the ultimate midwit human being, not stupid enough to appreciate daily routine and small achievements, but so stodgy they can not entertain or change themselves to be someone greater. At least normies are contained with their retarded goals.

>> No.17252467


>> No.17252491

You must have loved getting fucked by your dad

>> No.17252495

that isn't what he posted you stupid cunt

>> No.17252502

Move to the forest and grapple with jaguars for food if you want excitement and meaning!

>> No.17252523

Hunter gatherers are unironically much happier. Almost like putting an apex predator in a cage will make it mentally unwell lol idk crazy right?

>> No.17252526

You are lying obviously because you have the option to be a hunter gatherer and you are not doing that.

>> No.17252533
File: 208 KB, 1280x853, Branch-Davidian-Compound-Waco-Siege-FBI-1280x853.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poaching is illegal goyim. So is squatting on public land. You will pay the taxes. You will not form a compound and educate your children outside of the states control.

>> No.17252564

Dude there are 200+ countries and lot of uncontrolled lands. Join some native tribe in Africa.

>> No.17252575


>> No.17252579

yet you post a reaction pic scraped right from one of the most popular shows in the brainless cattle normalfagosphere right now. do better.

>> No.17252593

Protip for you Mosche: crossbow with a nightvision optic for poaching

>> No.17252618

start by ironing your shirts retard

>> No.17252622

do psychaedelic drugs, talk to a professional

this board is full of 22 year olds who think the entire fields of psychology and psychiatry are fake dont come here for advice

>> No.17252651

Everything in psych outside of Jung is bullshit. Everything outside Mises in economics is bullshit. Hinduism is the best religion.

>> No.17252652

I started to working now. Now none of my clothes fit anymore and I have to hunt for new ones.

>> No.17253040

Wasting my life? I'm enjoying the pinnacle of civilization. Morrowind was the peak of humanity. It's all downhill from here.

>> No.17253126

>middle class white ppl being crybabies
i dont have any empathy for these types. so many ppl who work for minimum wage would kill to be in his position

quit your job and find something else. go volunteer in your local community. start a band, get a gf and have kids.
just literally do something with your life and help out your friends and family and local community. instead of whining about shit

>> No.17253168

low iq people are happier. many such cases

>> No.17253276

I don't watch tv shows, popular or not.

>> No.17253366

Based. Films only for me please. But it must be via projector in my private theater. (it's a barn with a dlp projector)

>> No.17253371

dont listen to them
depression is real

>> No.17253800
File: 748 KB, 1078x709, imagem_2022-09-19_011438103.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no it isn't

>> No.17254126
File: 33 KB, 442x558, 1625804925747.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone have the sauce for this video>???

>> No.17254352

Depression is the feeling of not being respected by society. People who live innawoods do not get depressed despite living outside society.

You thought fashion would earn you social respect but you forgot that you need to enter a social circle for that to happen.

>> No.17254461

>fiat funny money
>gmos sprayed with glyphosate
>no land ownership
>drinking floride
>using machines not free weights
>no spirituality
Ngmi. This won't fulfill you without also being a pillhead on zoloft or welbutrin something.

>> No.17254470

Have kids. I did when I was only 21, on purpose, and it was the best decision I ever made. Everytime I see people on their mid 20s or worse 30s with an existential crisis all I can see are big babies.

>> No.17254515

It's literally cotton squares and rectangles, get a fucking grip. If fashion is your life, then you need a new god.

>> No.17254606

I'm 27 years old and I've never had sex or even kissed a girl.

>> No.17254736


>> No.17254752

>I have to
>I need to
then stop you fucking moron

>> No.17254771
File: 47 KB, 387x701, Dorian-Yates-The-Shadow-29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get swole

>> No.17254795

seriously. Havent people been feeling this way for all of history? I bet the medieval peasants that were born into perpetual, inescapable poverty felt pretty shitty. Oh no this guy has a mundane corporate life and all the comforts in the world. take a hike and touch grass

>> No.17254801

Nah bruh back then you could just rape a chick and get slizzard on grog then if she gets mad call her a witch. Shit was way more cash back then.

>> No.17255188

This. Like he thought up this idea, propped up his phone, turned on/off specific lights to set the mood, had to edit all the cringey text in then after all that sat down watched it and thought "yup that captures my sadness alright and will totally get the attention I deserve on the internet"
It's so fucking pathetic and lame.

>> No.17255301


>> No.17255348

By pursuing other goals, obviously.
>What other goals?
I don't know, find your own, retard. Don't ask me, that depends on you. I always thought that people who really hate life should either: 1) Just fucking end it, or 2) Devote your sad, pathetic life helping others who actually care about theirs.

>> No.17256015
File: 34 KB, 600x600, pp,504x498-pad,600x600,f8f8f8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> I'm happy, fulfilled and content.