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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 358 KB, 750x377, brooklyn-bridge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17248052 No.17248052 [Reply] [Original]

>go to NYC for the first time
>nobody is actually /fa/ everyone dress like literally tiktok trends
>bunch of asians in manhattan
>bunch of hipsters in brooklyn
>bunch of blacks in the bronx
>bunch of latinos in queens

>> No.17248066

in winter ive seen tryhard coats tho

>> No.17248075

Being effay is cringe irl, it only works for pictures and online cred. No one normal actually wears it irl

>> No.17248076

nyc has been dead after aids killed off most of the interesting gays

>> No.17249109

Try going to a pride parade

>> No.17249160

Nyc is absolutely disgusting. I went there once and when I showered in the hotel a film of filth rolled off of my skin unlike anything I have ever seen and I have done multiday hikes in deserts. The pollution there is not fit for human occupation.

>> No.17249173

>bunch of asians in manhattan

Eww, I can't wait until we nuke China. I hate seeing those bug people in America, especially speaking that ching chong language. By 2100 we'll be speaking the King's in Shanghai

>> No.17249191

Blacks latinos and asians are a good thing.

>> No.17249869


>> No.17249873

how so?

>> No.17249878
File: 135 KB, 1196x1551, effay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought new yorkers actually dress like this fuckin kek so it's not true after all.

>> No.17249894

The pan handlers on the subway do

>> No.17250012

Good bait but you’d get more replies on >>>/tv/

>> No.17250125

You're a decade late at least. Covid was the final nail in the coffin for that outdoor shopping mall of a city

>> No.17250289

>t. tourist thread
lol next time you can afford to visit try leaving midtown

>> No.17250312
File: 775 KB, 3072x2048, gettyimages-53365997-1513630780.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ywn experience Christmas in New York during the 1980s

>> No.17250318

New York New York is just dirty and I wouldn’t move there if you paid me…..:liked Kelsey and that’s about it.

>> No.17250322
File: 30 KB, 474x344, 59E7964F-2B36-42B5-90EF-3A9827BE880D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whenever I see people trying to dress fashionably in public I have to hold in my laughter. You can dress well and appropriate for the setting. You don't have to look like a joke.

>> No.17250561
File: 227 KB, 1600x900, 1627232460293.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

keep trying whitoid cuck

>> No.17250562
File: 147 KB, 880x968, 1508804069826.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Expecting Amerimutt to be good-looking and /fa/. That was your first mistake you shithead

>> No.17250566

tell us how does it feel being molested every 2 weeks in the train by a negro

>> No.17250567

such is life in Burgenland

>> No.17250569

Try la. Then you’re in for something
You forgot about the kikes with the funny hats in Brooklyn

>> No.17250574

>Goes to touristic places, see people of different ethnicities
>Gets mad because he doesn't see white"people"
Why don't you visit a southern state or something if you want to be surrounded by just white people

>> No.17250591

Imagine living in a filthy bughive and being happy about it

>> No.17250593

The south is based.

>> No.17250594

yes all white people should visit and live there

>> No.17250597

Considering hipsters no longer exist and Queens isn’t a latino area, I’m pretty sure you pulled this story out of your ass, Anon.

>> No.17250600

>Gets mad because op doesn’t think multiculturalism is effay

>> No.17250604
File: 144 KB, 1024x768, 2712986388_30e3c433f2_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As long as eastoid retards stay on their designated reservations east of the mississippi it's perfect. Stay in your overpopulated hellscape.

>> No.17250613

why would I be mad at all? Just pointing out how retarded OP is ounds. Did he expect NY to be a white paradise full of white people? He shouldn't have visited NY in the first place if he doesn't like multiculturalism then. Nobody visits London or Toronto or Berlin to get surrounded by white people only.

>> No.17250614

op here, i didn't expect manhattan to be full of chinks and i'm not joking everyone else was whatever like the bronx full of blacks was pretty obvious

>> No.17250618

why don't you start a race war then instead of bitching like bitch on the internet?

>> No.17250620

There are children that take the train every day on their own. I can't believe you're such a coward.

>> No.17250621

i don't have the motivation non the desire it was just something that i pointed out
like when they say new york what do you think?
i used to think about blacks larping as jay z saying that the blueprint was goated or some shit
now i think of fucking 5'5 chinks with glasses and a backpack

>> No.17250626

Why don't you just say you hate Chinks then instead of the whole NY and i doubt their population is even higher than other races in NY

>> No.17250675

>chink hands wrote this

>> No.17250691

Literally who cares. It's a concrete shithole.

>> No.17250702

>mixes dark blue with black

>> No.17250708

>enforcing reddit fashion rules

>> No.17250767

When I mix navy and black I feel like I'm on a swat team about to FAUCK some cartel members up bro

>> No.17251384
File: 136 KB, 666x1000, 1649337680044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why so mad Amerimutt cuck?its true that whole Amerimuttland including NY is not /fa/ but keep blaming chinks for that

>> No.17251387


>> No.17251582

Nyc (and every other city) isn’t effay because it’s full of npc’s

>> No.17251592
File: 208 KB, 1280x853, Branch-Davidian-Compound-Waco-Siege-FBI-1280x853.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/fa/ is a bad thing. This is what any awakened soul strives for. A volentary community free from the oppressive thumb of statism, paying no taxes, operating their own food supply, weap ons stockpile, and education system. But ((((they)))) keep us from doing it.

>> No.17251627

They'll stop blaming chink when they stop being poor

>> No.17251629

The only fa people are the rich and orbiters of the very rich- wives, mistresses, models and also some gays. Most of the rich are also fugly so idk what they really can pull off

>> No.17251724

Nah thats gay.

>> No.17251982

Hipsters do exist, depending on your definition. If you mean people who pretend to like things for validation then tiktok kids are the new hipsters.

>> No.17251988

what is up with /fa/'s New York complex? Talk about other cities like Rome or Tokyo or something.

>> No.17251989

Not in cozy Queens.

>> No.17252105

>bronx full of blacks
shit LARP, you've clearly never been

>> No.17252294


>> No.17253184

lol gross

>> No.17253790

flyovers are so illiterate geographically that they can only complain about cali and NYC, no joke

>> No.17253820
File: 135 KB, 1125x1380, 20210901_164536.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that yugioh kid stands out and shines with personality, just like effay people irl

>> No.17253851

Imagine walking into that room in that moment, Ronald turning to you and greeting you. Unreal.

>> No.17253915

Feeling a bit lonely?

>> No.17254803

this is the most out of touch post I have read here in a long time. Not sure why you are mentioned random races and locations, but they arent even correct.

I have seen some out of the mind fits around NYC. Literally yesterday I saw a pudgy asian dude on the sub wearing a latex body suit with a zipper that extended from his throat to his asshole, with some weird russian sneakers that I didnt recognize on the bottom.

>> No.17254827
File: 42 KB, 600x406, rft434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

new york after the mid 90s is a fucking dumpy shithole with no culture. rudy killed off the culture and soul by shutting down clubs and ricoing all the mob

>> No.17254918

Imagine walking into that room in that moment, Ronald turning to you and greeting you as you take out your gun and shoot him twice in the chest. Unreal.

>> No.17255126
File: 907 KB, 3024x2016, F121028MH84.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Williamsburg, Crown Heights, & Borough Park are the most effay neighbourhoods in New York