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/fa/ - Fashion

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17243016 No.17243016 [Reply] [Original]

5'5"/165cm transman here. I have a serious question: How should I dress to avoid looking like picrel?

>> No.17243023

grow a beard (is that even possible?) have a little bit of muscle mass and dont wear extremely over sized suites

>> No.17243025

I CAN grow facial hair but quite honestly it's pathetically patchy and pube-like so I usually give up after 10 days and shave it off.

>> No.17243028

Try for some stubble, then? And IMHO Eliot is fine, just needs better hair styling.

>> No.17243044

you'd rather be a 5'5" man than a 5'5" woman? nigga are you fucking mental?

>> No.17243048

Not responding to this because it has nothing to do with fashion advice

>> No.17243060
File: 62 KB, 750x525, big torso.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy clothes that fit properly and adjust your outfit to accomodate more unconventional items.
The problem with that outfit has nothing to do with the wearer being trans, it's just that if you're going to wear a relatively baggy jacket, like in the pic, then wear relatively baggy trousers too, else you're gonna look like picrelated. Wearing an oversized jacket is a fine fashion choice, wearing it together with skinny trousers just looks bad and viceversa. And on top of that, there's also the sneakers with a suit. If any of these seperate items were worn within a more conventional outfit, it could work, but because it's all thrown together there's just too many things going on.

>> No.17243062

and then they complain how their life is shit lol, like have you ever heard of a concept called responsibility?

>> No.17243069
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>> No.17243096
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I'm not even saying this to be mean, you will always look like that. Don't go on weird hormones, they will destroy you and you will regret it. You'll never have a masculine frame or face. Even if you grow facial hair it'll just look patchy and gross. At best you'll get a Mexican pedo stache. I have seen multiple girls do this and they always just end up looking like weird incels. Just be a tomboy.

>> No.17243164

Too late :)

>> No.17243166


>> No.17243172

Lol bro you aren't a man and you'll be over this phase in 2 years and have euined your body for life. You have been psyopped

>> No.17243178


>> No.17243193

Proof that you're mentally unstable: you're on /fa/

>> No.17243203

slit your throat you disgusting oxygen thieving creature, utterly vile.

>> No.17243204

Don’t think I will

>> No.17243222

are you into men or women?

>> No.17243232

>How should I dress to avoid looking like picrel?
Pretty easy. Elliot is trying to go for the oversized look, but his jacket just looks like it's too big. It makes him look tiny/like he's wearing his big brother's suit.
In general it's easiest to wear clothes that fit in general, but when going for oversized it's important to wear stuff that looks like it is worn like this on purpose. An actual good fit on the shoulders (jacket too wide) or the cuffs or waist (jacket too long) would have already gone a long way in doing that.
He could also have worn exactly this jacket with the sleeves rolled up and unbuttoned to make the point that this is not an attempt to wear something that fits.
Side note: I really don't like the shoes. It's not bad for the fit, but I personally don't like how they look.

>> No.17243703

Well, for starters, wear clothes that fit. The jacket is too large, and the sleeves on both it and the shirt are too long. And don't wear sneakers with a fucking suit. That said: put on some muscle. Elliot looks like a twelve year old on a good day, build up your musculature so you don't look so scrawny,
You realize you just responded to it, right?

>> No.17243717

good advice. elliot looks like Some Dude most of the time, idk how you would end up looking like him on accident unless you were specifically trying to ape his style or something.

>> No.17243814
File: 221 KB, 288x534, 57vh3iR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being a woman and transition into a male. You'll lose all your privileges and will get treated like an actual man. Respect through hard work.
Dunno if a transman survives this.

>> No.17243859

>Dunno if a transman survives this.
They do and they are happier that way.
This should tell you everything about being trans you need to know. It's a really bad move on paper, but for them it's even more painful to not be who they are.

>> No.17243910

you ungodly abomination deserve to suffer

>> No.17243911

but why

>> No.17243915
File: 65 KB, 960x540, pizza hut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You ever see the classic pizza hut buildings? The iconic roof and solid brick-work make the buildings stand out even if they are sold and repurposed. Sure they can paint it, put decorations on it, rename it, hell you can even put a giant sign on it that says "not a pizza hut!", but in the end everyone knows that used to be a pizza hut. The building could even change from the food industry entirely and the first thought on their mind will be "wow it's weird that the pizza hut is a bank now". That's what you are, tranny.

>> No.17243916

Lmao it isn't real. It's the same retard chicks who cut themselves or go bulimic. It's a late adolescent socially acquired behavioral disorder. She'll grow out of it after having fucked up her body. Many such cases.

>> No.17243959
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>They do and they are happier that way.

Do they? I actually like to see some masculine lesbian females or transmales, because they mostly larp as over the top males. Drive gaudy mercedes, have pitbulls, over the top bodybuilding fashion. But you still can feel the cock envy and the daily struggle for getting laid with females and build something meaningful.
I literally feel it's almost impossible for a lesbian female or transmale to make it in this day and age, because you have to be a 9/10 male to make it. And a natural born male have many advantages over a transman.
At the end females created this environment by choice. It's like modern females hate the so called patriarchy, but are the biggest beneficiary of it.

>> No.17243972

Just wear super basic stuff, man.

The sad thing about fashion is that any deviation from "the norm" will make you look less like your gender. Women who don't put as much effort into makeup and clothes will look masculine, and men who put more effort into their clothes (and maybe put on makeup) will be perceived as effeminate, gay or whatever.

If you are trans, chances are that you don't particularly want to look androgynous and instead would like to just be perceived as "a man" by people who don't know you. And this means that the simplest way for you to achieve that is to just dress super basic and not very well, like most men do.

Jeans, tshirts, hoodies, depending on where you live maybe the occasional polo or button up, etc. Just look at how men of your age and socioeconomic background dress and try to emulate that as best as you can. Don't try to overcompensate for whatever by wearing baggy or skinny clothes or whatever, that usually only makes things worse.

You can obviously be more adventurous with your fashion as time goes on, but honestly for the first couple of years I'd really recommend dressing super basic, maybe even a bit like shit. At least, get used to putting way less effort into your fits as you did when you presented as a woman.

>> No.17243995

Uhh sweaty... have sex

>> No.17244003
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>> No.17244159

you realize that you're not ever going to look like an actual man, zippertits

>> No.17244282

I feel much better since I transitioned and am living as the gender I feel.

>> No.17244291

you do not beling here. KYS

>> No.17244543

Lol no you are on a drug that makes you feel better.