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File: 64 KB, 383x720, np.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17242857 No.17242857 [Reply] [Original]

Why do otherwise "normal" looking nerds on Youtube now put on nail polish? It's not even like they're trying to look fashionable or anything. Just an average look but with garish nail polish on.

>> No.17242861

They do it specifically to piss you off.

>> No.17242864

Why not putting a red dot on the nose tip?

>> No.17242872

Who cares? Of all the things to get upset about, being annoyed by average guys wearing nail polish is very silly. You are essentially turning into your dad anon.

>> No.17242874

>t. nailpolish enjoyer

>> No.17242893

>Why do otherwise "normal" looking nerds on Youtube now put on nail polish?

they see attractive twinks do it and think they will get the same attraction, but they are old bald and ugly

>> No.17242898
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>> No.17242900
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its just what lefty fags do now
I imagine it started in LA

>> No.17242933

I’m not a nail polish enjoyer. But I appreciate that I live in a time and a place that dudes can wear nail polish and nobody really thinks anything of it. I think it looks a bit silly but I acknowledge that everybody has the right regardless of gender to wear nail polish because it’s ok to look a bit silly..

>> No.17242942
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cause it's not a fashion thing it's something else idk

>> No.17242954

It depends on the man style but usually man with black nail polish are kinda hot

>> No.17242998

>and nobody really thinks anything of it

>> No.17243018

>we want the zoomer audience

>> No.17243031

That's next year's trend

>> No.17243880


>> No.17243885

>I love that I live in a time where I can be tepid on all stances and pretend I’m making the world better because I’m not a meanie

Also this >>17242998. My gf regularly ridicules this trend even if ostensibly supportive about it in mixed company

>> No.17243897

warmup to let their fetishes control their lifes and become trannies

>> No.17243909

Firstly, your girlfriend seems mentally unstable if something so petty upsets her.

Secondly, why would you misquote what I said? That doesn’t make sense anon. If something as innocuous as men wearing nail polish gets your panties all up in a twist, then you are very shortminded. Like I said, I think it looks silly but I don’t care ever way if dudes wear nail polish because I have my own life and hobbies and shit like shitposting on 4chan

It’s true, maybe if you live in a small American town, but I live in the big city roo, the only people that men wearing polish would upset is maybe refugees from Middle East and old people but their opinions are irrelevant.

>> No.17243914

laughing at something doesn't mean it upsets you, it means you think its ridiculous

>> No.17243928

Well, it does upset you a little bit if it makes you so emotionally evolved and that’s ok. But you should ask yourself where this comes from. Maybe you just want to feel like a bully. Maybe you want to belong to a group.. I mean you are not actually contributing anything to a discussion besides spreading hate.

Yeah I know it looks ridiculous, but they are not hurting anybody with their behaviour. I think the real issue at hand is not that these dudes look silly, the real issue at hand is that you need to learn to just let go. There are a lot of things worse with the world to get upset about, something as petty as nail varnish isn’t one of them.

>> No.17243930

no, it's just laughing at something ridiculous like someone looking like carrot top or someone with a ton of cosmetic surgeries

i couldn't care less about your "hate" and bullying tirade

>> No.17243934

I’m not sure why you are arguing with me because we essentially agree with each other. Yes it looks ridiculous, but it just seems like a very low brow kind of humour to laugh at these people. It’s not that funny… If you stopped letting all these people living rent free in your head and instead concentrate on improving your self and spending your time with more noble pursuits, you will be a more well rounded individual.

>> No.17243937

Lmao this fucking NPC.

>> No.17243941

No anon, you are the NPC if you unable to entertain a novel thought. You are essentially an NPC that is running a script.

>> No.17243943

you sound absolutely retarded, you know nothing about me, for all you know I could be rich and hyper succesful, rich people laugh at other people dumb decisions too

>> No.17243945

ridiculing aesthetic choices is not hate you dumb fuck, its not the same as ridiculing things people can't control like heigh or deformities

>> No.17243947


>> No.17243948

Judging by the way you write, I really doubt this. I can see you are in a dark place. People who are happy with themselves don’t feel the need to resort to petty insults anon. If you insult me, it says more about the person you are than it does about me. I see there is a bigger issue at hand.. Who hurt you?

>> No.17243950

You need to calm down, anon.

>> No.17243953

antipsychotics have worked very well curing autogynephilia

>> No.17243962

>You are essentially an NPC that is running a script.

> People who are happy with themselves don’t feel the need to resort to petty insults anon. If you insult me, it says more about the person you are than it does about me. I see there is a bigger issue at hand.. Who hurt you?

Literally running a 14 year old online NPC script.

>> No.17243965

No, you are literally the NPC if you are unable to entertain the thought that there is truth in my statements. Do you actually have any novel thoughts? It feels like I’m communicating with a preprogrammed bot or an NPC if you will.

>> No.17243973

no u
who hurt you sweaty?

>> No.17243975

I’m the one trying to help you anon. Who hurt you..?

>> No.17243979

I checked a few youtubers I used to watch years ago and half of them were troons now, not the semi-passable kind, will check in a few years to see how many killed themsleves

>> No.17243980

>asks others for novel thoughts
>uses npc tier repetitive statements over and over
>who hurt you
>you must be upset
>you must be unhappy in life


Go fucking flush yourself, you low IQ NPC little turd.

>> No.17243981

>Who cares? Of all the things to get upset about, being annoyed by average guys wearing a dress is very silly. You are essentially turning into your dad anon.

>Who cares? Of all the things to get upset about, being annoyed by average guys pretending to be women is very silly. You are essentially turning into your dad anon.

>Who cares? Of all the things to get upset about, being annoyed by average guys teaching drag stories to little kids is very silly. You are essentially turning into your dad anon.

>Who cares? Of all the things to get upset about, being annoyed by average guys putting tampons up their asshole is very silly. You are essentially turning into your dad anon.

>> No.17243983

Little npc doesn't know the indifference of people is a root of evil.

If you're a male wearing nail polish you are a fag. Period. You should be ridiculed, shamed, and beat. Simple fucking as.

>> No.17243984

I kneel

>> No.17243987

because it's youtube, looking ridiculous is part of it
same reason they make retarded faces in the thumbnails or will dye their hair, you get clicks by looking like a clown

>> No.17244010

>and half of them
What the fuck.
What fucking genre are you interested in that the quota is that high

>> No.17244030

it was videogame channels I watched when I was younger

>> No.17244037

grim stuff
the troonpocalypse will take many

>> No.17244039

Who knew sitting on your ass playing gaymen all day for years would have an influence on your mental health

>> No.17244041

im pretty sure twitter and discord have a bigger impact on this than videogames, you can see how their twitter evolves in a very similar way when they're getting closer to the tranny shit

>> No.17244054
File: 27 KB, 400x510, 1655907388987.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dress in the most generic bland way possible
>but then wear nail polish
this is what annoys me
i don't have any issue with guys wearing nail polish but when you look like pic related it is ridiculous
generally speaking i don't think it suits guys but sometimes it does if the rest of their style is congruent with it
where do you think you are?

>> No.17244077

>where do you think you are?

Oh don't remind me.

>> No.17244079

I never paid it any mind until they painted my nephew's nails. I'm not opposed to it in some homophobic or traditionalist sense, it just looks bad aesthetically. If you like it do it but it does not look good. The entire style of women just goes well with painted nails but men just look terrible and out of place with them. You can tell this is true by the fact that most just paint it black and leave it on until it's coming off because color and neatness would look even worse. I think the most a man would look good with is one painted nail because that doesn't clash with what a man wears.

tldr: the aesthetic of a man with painted nails is just terrible

>> No.17244121

>I'm not opposed to it in some homophobic or traditionalist sense, it just looks bad aesthetically.

Lmfao, you are so ultra pc, your balls are in a vice. It looks faggy. Just fucking say it, you coward.

>no nooo traditionalist is a naughty word like i am soo progressive but uh, it just doesn't look great, erm, aesthetically

Imagine having to think like that while telling yourself you live in a free society, and as I stated, evil festers when good men do fucking NOTHING.

>> No.17244123

Ignore everyone else, here's the real reason. They hear girls say that guys should be "more in touch with their feminine side" (they don't actually mean this, they're just virtue signalling), so they paint their nails in hopes of getting attention and a crumb of pussy. Alternatively if they're not complete beta males like in OP then they do it so girls will let their guard down so they can manipulate them. Either way it's the mark of a sex pervert.

>> No.17244148

Jesus Christ this anon is off his rocker. You have a lot of work to do, I wish you all the best.
Well you have clearly put a lot of thought into this, so I guess you win this “argument” buddy haha

>> No.17244236

that image, kek

>> No.17244239

>Either way it's the mark of a sex pervert.
That post escalated quickly

>> No.17244609

>You should be ridiculed, shamed, and beat
By whom, bitch boy? You? Doubt it
>N-No, I mean socially and...
Shut the fuck up, little cuck

>> No.17244641

As some other anons stated its primarily a lefty thing to do, but not for any good reason. Basically lefties do this because it is an easy way to get with lefty femoids by pretending to be bi or some other sexuality, essentially an easy way to pretend to cross dress. It has 0 stylistic i fluence.

>> No.17244693

This, anon is a little chud that probably got mogged by a chad with nail polish.

>> No.17244916

>but not for any good reason
how surprising lol

>> No.17245175

pretty sure at least the bottom one is a jew.

>> No.17245196

Painted nails was a trend in the 80s with the Goth thing -- or Cure whatever. Then again during the Emo/Scene shit in the 00s.

This isn't new and is a rehashed trend.

>> No.17245212

nail polish compliments dainty female hands
on brutish male hands it looks perverse

>> No.17245230

It's like the neckbeards that got wearing "fedoras" with t-shirts

>> No.17245669

>Painted nails was a trend in the 80s with the Goth thing -- or Cure whatever.
But they dressed accordingly.

>> No.17245932
File: 333 KB, 554x473, holt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>forgets to put it on for a day

>> No.17245966

>I live in a time and a place that dudes can wear nail polish and nobody really thinks anything of it

>> No.17246019

nah anon if you look ridiculous im gonna laugh at you, and if you have multicolored fingernails as a man im gonna laugh at it wearing black nail polish or blue can maybe work as a punk look or all black look but thats still silly and outdated which is then funny

>> No.17246036

they are faggots

>> No.17246299

Gays are attracted to nailpolish?

>> No.17247815

why did it take so long for someone to answer op’s question

>> No.17247824

All these are true.

>> No.17247828
File: 45 KB, 620x930, 3DCDC013-6396-4818-9DB3-7247B86CB513.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17247829
File: 180 KB, 800x1131, 08E235D6-2357-4BFC-8786-2C02B143C1B2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can’t believe /effay/ doesn’t know this, it’s modern fag take on hanky code

>> No.17247832

Based. I knew something was fruity about this. Nothing against it but it is 100% faggy.

>> No.17247850

Literally it is just bait for girls who like soft men. If girls weren't into it they wouldn't do it.

>> No.17247866

Interesting. Every woman I know finds dudes with nail polish repulsive with some rare exceptions (like buff metal bass guitarists and shit)

>> No.17247935

Haha fag

>> No.17248459


>> No.17248464

>it's bad because it doesn't give me a boner

>> No.17248674

Are you seriously gonna tell me the fags in dark, dingy-ass clubs made distinctions between fucking mustard, yellow, and pale yellow? And dark pink, magenta, fuschia, etc?
The basics of this concept are true but this chart was 100% embellished by some college faggot in the university LGBTQa+ alliance club

Actually no I bet some gender studies professor published this as "research"

>> No.17249606


>> No.17249666

Typical self absorbed faggot from a big city. You realize 99% of the planet doesnt live in NYC/LA/SF/LONDON/PARIS/BERLIN and they think these men look like absolute morons?

>> No.17249675


>> No.17249681


>> No.17249753

Anytime anything or person makes a concerted effort to look less threatening than they naturally are, it is usually a manipulative and sinister ploy. And that sub conscious feeling people get about iit is present in many stories around the world, e.g., the big bad wolf in granny's clothes.

>> No.17249783

You zoomers are too young to remember ut but painting your nails was a common tip for PUA grifters to mention. It's an "eyecatch" for "peacocking".

>> No.17249883

nail polish is applied to signal that they're a pedophile

>> No.17249911 [DELETED] 

I started nothing guys do it in highschool couple years back. I really hate it, it looks uncouth and I say this as someone who regularly buffs their nails.

>> No.17249915

I started noticing guys do it in highschool couple years back. I really hate it, it looks uncouth and I say this as someone who regularly buffs their nails.

>> No.17249920

nail polish makes them look gay, so the youtube algorithm boosts their popularity. Because youtube promotes homosexuality and punishes people for being straight.

>> No.17249996
File: 15 KB, 214x210, 1485874547821.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a mega MAGA Trump supporter, I hate non-whites and non-straight people to a degree you can't even comprehend. I used to paint my nails with my ex because she liked it. I couldn't believe the amount of compliments I'd get from girls. Same when I wear dangly earrings. However, I noticed that most guys who do one or the other always come across as a bit faggy to me, even if I know they're probably straight. That, coupled with the fact that just because women like something doesn't mean they respect it (maybe they were complimenting me because they thought I was gay, and women love the gays and were trying to support me living my truth) so I haven't painted them in a while. I think I'd only do it again if my next girlfriend wanted to do a nail painting session.

>> No.17250470

it's to get you to comment

>> No.17250471

helll yeah gorguts enjoyer

>> No.17250571

a coworker of mine does this too and Im pretty sure hes neither gay nor a tranny
whats up with that?

>> No.17250602

The algorithm doesn’t give you gay content unless you click on gay content. Sounds like you should quit being a faggot.

>> No.17250638

it gives them leftist points

>> No.17250660

>Maybe you feel this
>Maybe you feel that
You're not his fucking therapist, just read what he writes if you want to know. Anything beyond that is not your problem.

>> No.17250663
File: 262 KB, 2048x2048, 1644149895682.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a male and I want to wear nail polish but it becoming a trend has ruined it for me. One of the major things that irks me about it as a trend is that all of the men partaking in it have no idea how to look after their nails or paint them properly. They clip their nails, do not file or do any kind of cuticle management, then apply a messy single layer of low quality nail polish with no basecoat or top coat. The result is what you see here >>17242900 - Black also looks particularly bad because of this.

To anyone reading this who wants to paint their nails, do the following:
-NEVER clip your nails or use them as tools. File only, have multiple files of different grit, do not use metal files. Use a nail buffer on the surface. Push your cuticles back with a pusher and apply cuticle oil or moisturizer if necessary.
-Immediately prior to painting, use your nail buffer then ensure your nails are free of any dust, grit, etc. Use alcohol wipes and ensure they are fully dry before continuing.
-Apply a clear basecoat ensuring you do not cover the cuticle or any part of your skin.
-After waiting for the clear basecoat to fully cure, you can then do a second layer of it if it was very thin, or start with your first colour layer.
-After waiting for this layer to cure, you can then apply a second and a third if necessary, waiting for it to cure each time.
-Apply a clear topcoat layer - usually you can use the same polish that you used for the base layer for this.

Also, you are going to look ridiculous if you do this while you have any sort of facial hair or notably hairy skin exposed, both arms and legs.

>> No.17250673

Should I not use a metal cuticle pusher either? Damn now I regret buying that all metal manicure kit.

>> No.17250679

A metal cuticle pusher is fine as long as the edge isn't sharp at all. You don't want it to force the cuticle back harshly or scrape the nail. Wooden ones are probably safer if you can't find a suitable metal one. I also forgot to mention to obviously clean under your nails regularly and prior to painting.

>> No.17250686

I won't paint, that's too extr3me for moi. Besides there's nothing I wear that can be complimented with the addition of colored nails. My fingers are not as long as they could be either so there's also that BUT I suppose you can never go wrong with a clear shellac coat, It's subtle and doesn't scream LOOK AT MY NAILS. :^)

>> No.17250699

probably this

>> No.17251096

They want a more alt fashion, but are too cowardly to commit. If you see an average dude with nail polish there is a very high chance they wish they were an emo mall goth twink, but simply can't pull off that aesthetic.

>> No.17251119

>what fucked up disease or strain of anal HIV would you like from this community

>> No.17251460

They're faggots
simple as

>> No.17251507

bc they get compliments from women who think it somehow makes them different from other stright yt guys lmao

>> No.17251830

I laugh at videos of animals falling off things. This does not mean that it upsets me.

>> No.17251876

The fact that all the 4chans insult you means your thought is decent.

>> No.17251887

Lack of testosterone in modern men. They've all become faggots.

>> No.17253308

at least try to do it on the nail, not everywhere else.

>> No.17253418

You are just jealous because you don’t live in the big city roo. I live in Berlin. It’s pretty good, you could literally wear anything and it doesn’t bother anybody here.

>> No.17253845
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they started doing it back when the McElroys were still relevant. it's basically the mark of being a beta orbiter.

>> No.17253893

I hope they will keep this up and do it even more. It's hilarious how silly those numales get.

>> No.17254326
File: 646 KB, 576x512, 78b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Men can paint their nails
>Men growing them out is looked down upon
Explain this shit

>> No.17254415
File: 24 KB, 623x492, images (24).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love nail polish on quite long nails on feminine hands but those are just cringey man hands.
Disgusting as fuck. At least make the nails longer and have feminine hands.
Pic related is what these fags should aim for. Doesnt matter if its gel or the classic nail polish.

>> No.17254423

I don't even care if you are a beautiful woman. Pic related. If you keep yoir nails short then polish have no business on them let alone seeing them chipped. Ugly as hell and unkempt. Totally un/fa/

All those beta soi men wearing nail polish have ugly as fuck man hands so obviously the polish look disgusting. Not to mention they easily chipped the polish making it over 9000 times shittier. Totally not /fa/

>> No.17254429
File: 33 KB, 554x554, images (25).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot the pic

>> No.17254438

I don't have a youtube account and any cookies I get from watching youtube automatically delete themselves. What gets recommended to me is pure default normie youtube, which is fine because I don't ever click on recommended videos.

>> No.17255064

because it's gay