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File: 67 KB, 627x783, 301160253_468505934892928_2444775799926507659_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17236953 No.17236953 [Reply] [Original]

Mustaches are not creepy. Being a 25+ year old man is creepy.

>> No.17236957

Women hate older men.

>> No.17236970

lol cope, im 42 and my gf is turning 19 this month
>inb4 it's because you're rich
im broke
>inb4 larp
its not

>> No.17236980

What did you name her?

>> No.17236986


>> No.17236987

she's not a tulpa either cope and seethe zoomie

>> No.17236990

Dude everyone knows you're larping just quit it. By the time you're 42 you'll have a daughter and you'll be livid at the idea of older men wanting to date her age.

>> No.17237018
File: 37 KB, 758x426, quicksilver-mcu-758x426.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's Aaron Taylor Johnson he would get more pussy than you even if he was 70, OP (not like you care about pussy since your gay)

>> No.17237437
File: 457 KB, 683x1024, d54j47c-fa8cc132-fa4b-4c20-ada1-984a703c9ab1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Livid with jealousy

For the history of humanity the highest quality and status males have taken younger brides and continued having children well into old age. The "same age" couple is a pretty recent standard, age gaps would not raise an eye for most of our ancestors.
Monogamy is also relatively new, shown by how much humans struggle to remain faithful. Even across Northern Europe (seen as the originators of romantic monogamy) for thousands of years men would have kept multiple wives of varying ages, or concubines/slaves, and sired bastards (loved and raised within the family) and heirs with multiple women within the familial unit. Think how a small, intimate tribe of 50-100 people would organise its relationships, age gaps and breeding. A good man doesn't stop being a great prospect as a husband and mate because he's in his 30s

btw I'm early 20s with Oneitis, no oldcel cope here, just objectivity

>> No.17237440

Bel Ami in the flesh

>> No.17237447

Time makes boomers of us all, fren.

>> No.17237488

This guy is literally a 10/10, that's not how 99% of guys will look like.

>> No.17237604

He's just pretty. In a fat bald old man it would look creepy

>> No.17237655
File: 176 KB, 1110x647, M0ddypX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oof yikes bad vibes

>> No.17237687

Only if you're ugly. Average man and woman hit the wall hard. Pitt looked great at 40 with a buzzcut, but that is 0.00001% of men. So generally speaking you are correct because most people get fat, boring and ugly.

>> No.17237696

I think it's some crazy foid posting this shit. Where I grew up it wasn't unusual to see 15 year old dates guys in their 20's, even as old as 30 because they had cars, some money and looked better than the average 17 y.o. (acne ridden, insecure, beta faggot). In general you're the age you look like, so it doesn't matter if you're 22 on paper, but look like shit, i.e. much older, or you're 35 and you look much younger. Pitt was dating a 15 year old when he was like 26. I think it is mostly a thing online where people pretend age gaps aren't that common or normal. Men used to marry at youngest at 25 or something, their wives were at least 10 years younger. Puberty was the rite of adulthood, not a number. People need to stop pretending 20 year old girls fucking guys 10+ older than them are children.

>> No.17237926
File: 450 KB, 1977x2048, fat_millennial.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most millennials are delusional and think they still look young.

>> No.17237950


How did you pull that? Youre just good looking?

>> No.17237954

I want to grow my mustache really long. How do I keep it from curling into my lips?

>> No.17237968

That's most people, i.e., fat lazy retards who let themselves go very early. I'm early zoomer and I dread thinking about my age cohort that was eating xannies and all kinds of shit c. 2017. Most of them must be completely brain dead by now.

>> No.17238007 [DELETED] 

What kind of paedo cope is this
Try not living in a third world shithole

>> No.17238083

who is this hottie

>> No.17238092 [DELETED] 
File: 51 KB, 480x720, actor-tom-selleck-poses-for-a-portrait-in-1980-in-los-news-photo-1612209501_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tom Selleck

>> No.17238094
File: 1.29 MB, 750x1334, 5122eea06bc5a203ddfc757f0acc370f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Weak cope/bait/faggotry

>> No.17238113

>op pic versus your pic
Extremely obvious decline as he got older. He's only 32 and hitting the wall. He was 21 in the op pic.

>> No.17238124

I can't tell you how obvious it is you're lying. Literally nowhere in the West is it normal for girls to date older guys. An exterme minority with severe daddy issues do that. You're kidding yourself if you think girls want someone their uncle's ages instead of the cute hot popular boy at their school. Delusional beyond belief.
And no it was never normal in the past to have age gaps. In fact most love stories specifically specified that the lovers were the same age becauswe that was desirable back then (Dante for example).

>> No.17238130

Keira Knightley (his love interest) was 6 years older than him while filming this movie. Older woman/younger man is very common if you just bother to check. In my monkey brain, bigger = older, so I always assume the man is older, but it's about half and half the woman is older.

>> No.17238154

You're talking about extreme age gaps, IRL it's not uncommon for girls in their early 20's date or fuck guys that are in their late 20's or early 30's. I don't know why it makes you seethe so much. Both my girlfriends were born in the same year as me, but I've had countless girls flirt with me even though they are like 7 years younger. When I was in HS, it wasn't uncommon for guys in early 20's date girls in HS. I worked at a student accommodation and they'd send us interns, usually 18 or 19 years old, and they would ask me to go out and flirt with me. I'm not old obviously, but you're a retard if you think a good looking guy will get turned down because muh age gap as long as it isn't absurd, like +10 years, but even then status>face>height>everything.

At the end of it, why are you seething?

>> No.17238167

>And no it was never normal in the past to have age gaps. In fact most love stories specifically specified that the lovers were the same age becauswe that was desirable back then (Dante for example).
Except that is incredibly wrong. My dad is like 9 years older than my mum. Age gaps in older people are much higher than nowadays. It used to be normal to date a girl in HS if you were mid twenties. Also traditional marriage usually had a big gap. You have no idea what you are talking about.

>> No.17238172
File: 424 KB, 1462x2048, gettyimages-129934430-2048x2048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pitt was like 24 and she was 14 or 15. That was before he was well known and famous, which didn't really happen until he was 30.

>> No.17238179 [DELETED] 

>Hollywood actor is a dirty nonce

>> No.17238182

You said it wasn't the norm, but trust me, this way more common. Now cope and seethe as you've been BTFO.

>> No.17238199

Mustaches work, but it needs to be with stubble; and you need a certain face to pull it off.

>> No.17238203

I'm 7 years older than my boyfriend. He's 16 lol. Who cares about anecdotes.

>> No.17238224

They acted on a tv show together. They were LITERALLY set up. By Hollywood pedophiles. Their relationship wasn't real. She was 16 and he 22, which doesn't make it any better, but it's not as exaggerated as what you said. She was a model since age 9 (read as: raped by Jews since she was 9). A young Brad Pitt was probably a relief for a traumatized girl like that.

>> No.17238228

There's research about this. Also real life experience. This age spam is extremely retarded and unhealthy. I'm assuming you have some mental issues.

>> No.17238229


>> No.17238230

I'm more ok with older girl younger guy, because men are always bigger, muscular, dominant, and older looking anyway. Older guy is such an imbalance. An early 20s girl looks and giggles like a teenager and is probably on the same level as a 16 year old male. They're equals.

>> No.17238239

I've never even heard a friend of a friend of a friend who is an early 20s woman dating a 30~ year old man. It legit does not happen in real life. Early 20s women are super social and always dating some young social guy in their friend group.

>> No.17238244

All of your friends might be faggots, if you don't mind me being frank.

>> No.17238261 [DELETED] 


>> No.17238294

idk when I was your guys' age we all wanted to be 20-somethings in coffee shops that chainsmoked and had insomnia with multiple sexual partners per week

I notice you guys are really into being teenagers and really don't like the idea you'll turn 25 soon. I'm sorry but anime and boba tea is just pathetic after 18.

>> No.17238490

Women under age 16 and over age 40 love me though.

>> No.17238518 [DELETED] 

>Women under age 16
you mean children you sick fuck, kill yourself

>> No.17238522
File: 51 KB, 800x596, 1637244209863.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ha-ha, very funny anon

>> No.17238533

You'd be amazed how common it was 30+ years ago for adults to date 14-18 year-olds. It wasn't just celebrities. It's only recently become taboo.

>> No.17238544
File: 87 KB, 800x450, Girls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Literally nowhere in the West is it normal for girls to date older guys.

>> No.17238549

Tom selleck in the 80s

>> No.17238626

Anon, you are male.

>> No.17238635

Brad Pitt is gay so them dating isn't too big of a deal.

>> No.17238674

Same with Leo.

>> No.17238718

Aaron is obviously wearing make up in "Anna Karelina." Like I said he's probably gonna look better at 50 than most /fa/ does in their 20s.

>> No.17238721

Holy fuck you live in a fantasy land.

>> No.17238726

Been browsing /fa/ longer than you been alive fagget.

>> No.17238745

women hate all men who do not have face, fame, height, status, or frame

>> No.17238768

Your mind has been corrupted.

>> No.17238772

It happened to me. It happened to both sets of my grand parents.

>> No.17238776

Dude, you need to get over yourself. The mother of one of my friends was dating this dude who was younger then my friend. Super fucked up. My friend is super fucked up (not because of the "step father", that happened when my friend was an adult). When they started "going out" we all rolled our eyes and put on our best faces. That was >20 years ago. They are still together.

Another of my friends had both her parents divorce so they could date people they met through their daughter's circle of friends. Her father stayed with his GF for years, until his death. Her mother is still with her BF.

(Dating is the wrong word. Common law marriage would be a better term.)

And I will be clear here - all the above relationships were between adults. 16+31 is squick. 20+35 isn't.

>> No.17238797

Both sets of my grandparents have my grandmas older, by 5 and 8 years.

>> No.17238801

Like all 30 year old male celebrities are not wearing makeup.

>> No.17238805

This is like the opposite of true lol

>> No.17238809

This'll probably blow your mind but every actor and actress in every film or TV show or even a TV interview, has make up on.

>> No.17238924

they literally don’t stop spreading your libbie propaganda lies

>> No.17238999

It's 16 or 15 in most of Europe as far as legality goes.

>> No.17239009

Why is this board full of badly dressed 14 year olds with retarded opinions

>> No.17239450


>> No.17239454

picturing someone my dads age posting 'lol cope' on fa
jesus wept

>> No.17239458

because you're on 4chan

>> No.17239482

>in their friend group.

>> No.17239534

I don't know if "friend" group is the right word for it. More like peer group. Dating your friend is weird while you're dating, and awkward when you break up.

>> No.17239543

You do realize the only men who had multiple sex partners/wives were literally rapists, right? And the men who had 12 year old brides were literally kidnapping and raping children, right? There is no "history of polygamy." There's a history of mongamy or rape. Humans are a monogamous species, and polygamy causes and is caused by mental illness.

>> No.17239549

>Guys look better when they make themselves look younger with makeup

>> No.17239551

Pitt with his buzzcut was abyss Pitt.
I don't know the word for opposite of peak. Worst Pitt. Pit Pitt if you will.
But you're right he is the extreme exception. Most men hit the wall by 18.

>> No.17239565

Actually, if you look at ancient man, pre civilization stuff, most men didn't have children. It means some men had more partners while vast majority had absolutely none. Even now you can use patrilineal genetics to trace lineages of people, from where they came, to where they went, to what people they met.

>> No.17239732


>21 year old coomer angry women don't kneel because he's a man
>45 year old "you're very attractive, let me spoil you"

>> No.17239780

>everything I dont like is rape
>Most men hit the wall by 18.

Spot the mentally ill vagina

>> No.17239863

>My father was a pedophile
weird think to flex about but go off

>> No.17239867

the complete opposite is reality

>> No.17239877


>> No.17239919

Stop samefagging already.

>> No.17239964

I'm an American who's friends, hopefully more soon, with a German/British girl (she had family from both countries and moved back and forth) and she's told me over and over again that large age gaps were very common when she was growing up there, that the vast majority of girls she knew in high school were dating 20-something guys, and that her mind is completely blown by Americans thinking it's weird. It's her belief that women mature faster than men and that a guy has to be in his 30s to be emotionally compatible with a girl in her early 20s and so on. We're gradually creeping toward having a relationship and one of the big things slowing the process down has been the fact that I'm only a bit over four years older than her, it's taken her quite a while to believe that a guy that close to her own age can actually be mature and responsible enough to be a good partner and give her the support she's looking for.

>> No.17239970

Also, I guess I should add that she's 31 and I'm 36, so high school and early 20s dating was quite a while ago for her and things may have changed in Europe/the UK in the last decade or so. I'll also add that 20 years ago when I was in high school the same thing was reasonably common here in the US, most of my female friends were dating college or post-college guys and we all knew it was illegal (AoC is 18 in my state) but nobody gave a fuck or acted like it was unusual.

>> No.17239979

>It's her belief that women mature faster than men and that a guy has to be in his 30s to be emotionally compatible with a girl in her early 20s and so on.
LOL a girl with a sense of humor.
I know women that are 60 and still not "mature" in the head.
The whole notion of women being life long children is also not familiar to her.
>only a bit over four years older than her, it's taken her quite a while to believe that a guy that close to her own age can actually be mature and responsible enough
>Also, I guess I should add that she's 31 and I'm 36
>my egg carton is empty, but I'm not sure if this 36 year old is mature enough for me
she sounds like a retard, the mature thing for her would have been to be married by 22-24 and have kids by 24-26
The fact she she is going to give her kid autism due to her irresponsiblity is just the cherry on the top while she talks about guys being immature.

>> No.17240020

She's lying because she personally wants a large gap due to her daddy issues, and she tries to justify it by saying it's common. It's not common and she knows it. My brother is German and lives there. Age gaps are not common in any country except Pakistan. Girls are on the same level as *younger* boys in terms of personality, hyperness, giggliness, etc. A lot of girls would be happier with a younger boyfriend.

>> No.17240023

I only know two couples right now who are one in college one in high school, and both of them the girl is older. Older girl younger guy is super common in America. It's getting increasingly common as zoomer girls want cute/cool/tiktok/twink pretty boys. In fact the majority of relationships I know the girl is slightly older (by like 6 months or something - they'll be in the same grade but girl older.)

>> No.17240035
File: 64 KB, 701x626, Screenshot 2022-09-10 at 16-17-29 Age disparity in sexual relationships - Wikipedia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's not common and she knows it.
It's actually quite common. The husband is at least 4 years older 31.6% of the time in the US.

>> No.17240083

She DID get married at 22, it just went badly and they broke up last year. The dude was a real loser and got abusive toward the end, and that's not just me taking her word for it, I have solid verification of a lot of what went down. They never had kids because 7 years into their marriage they were still living in his parents' apartment, if that gives you an idea of the kind of loser he was.

I wouldn't exactly call them daddy issues, at least not in the normal sense - usually that refers to girls with an absent or shitty dad who are looking to fill that emotional hole, in this case she was (and still kind of is) a total daddy's girl and really wants to be with a guy like her dad and be the loyal submissive tradwife that her mom, who bailed when she was only 3, never was. On one hand that attitude makes her extremely appealing but it also leaves her really open to exploitation and abuse and I'll admit that a big part of why I so badly want to have a relationship with her is that, thanks to past relationships of my own, I feel like I'm uniquely suited to understand her, appreciate her, and give her the emotional support she desperately needs and I don't really think she's gonna find anybody else like me before she runs out of time, or worse she'll end up with yet another guy who treats her the same way previous ones have.

>> No.17240091

>She DID get married at 22, it just went badly and they broke up last year.
Oh that's perfectly reasonable then.
>The dude was a real loser and got abusive toward the end
That's what they always say anon.
>I have solid verification of a lot of what went down.
Do you now?
>They never had kids because 7 years into their marriage they were still living in his parents' apartment, if that gives you an idea of the kind of loser he was.
And you know they lived those 7 years at his parents how?

>> No.17240104

I know other people who knew them both while they were together (I didn't meet her until after, though) and she actually recorded some of the incidents of him going psycho on her and has shown me the videos, as well as texts and audio recordings where he either admits it and apologizes or makes excuses (you MADE me do it kind of shit) depending on what mood he was in, domestic violence police reports, etc.

>> No.17240114

Now either she is a innocent victim. Or a psychopathic manipulator that drove her husband to the edge and just calmly recorded it to get footage of her being right and the victim. For your sake I hope it's the former.
But from experience, I'v seen the latter do their work and it works on majority of people.
You have to be real critical and talk to all sides on what the situation is, so neither side can give only their story. Because out of context, it's very easy to bait and gotcha people.
Think of the annoying kid that acts like an asshole and breaks all boundries people set up, then when people finally had enough of it and decide to kick his ass, he runs to his parents and cries "MOM they are bullying me for literally no reason, save me from these meanies"
Same thing, only one is used by kids, the other by adults.

Currently there is a real possibility you were just fed the "relevant" facts of a narrative and all the things that run contrary to that story were omitted.

>> No.17240166

I don't really think she's entirely either. I've spent a solid month with her almost 24/7 and I think I have a pretty good read on her, and it's a combo of being passive and reticent to the point where only assholes are willing to persist to the point where she gets into a relationship, and having a personality that really brings their rage out, she's quite neurotic and definitely some kind of autistic. I'm a really patient and calm guy, but I wasn't always that way and there are a lot of times when I know the younger version of me would have lashed out at her, and most guys I know are more like the younger me than the current one.

>> No.17240168
File: 66 KB, 189x262, 1659559701137.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and having a personality that really brings their rage out, she's quite neurotic and definitely some kind of autistic.
>I know the younger version of me would have lashed out at her

>videos, as well as texts and audio recordings where he either admits it and apologizes or makes excuses (you MADE me do it kind of shit)
it all comes together.

>> No.17240184

>>Guys look better when they make themselves look younger with makeup
More like when they remove lines on their faces the actor is 20-23 and does not look much younger than that.

>> No.17240198

Impressive that you could string together 5 statements, all of which are false.

>> No.17240240

Turning 30 virgin next month. Never worn a suit or tie. Hair is a psuedo mullet/undercut. All my clothes are my police uniform. I want to be cool and fa for one day to see if I could get a girl

>> No.17240244

This is absolutely the truth. Im 24, keep a sick porn stache all the time. Women will claim they hate it, but will SEETHE when you shave it off. My current gf (17, Senior in HS, this is legal where I am) fucking hates me when I dont have my stache. My last girl (19) pretended she hated it, but too got very upset when I would shave it.

>> No.17240264

Female fingers typed this post

>> No.17240293

Most people are introduced through friends. My last two exes and this one were all introduced by people we knew.

>> No.17240294

You think fa is bad, look at those same people on mu

>> No.17240450

yeah kinda
have you ever seen a love story music video where the woman goes for the older man over the younger and it's not portrayed as tragic?

>> No.17240455


>> No.17240540


>> No.17240850

music videos are made for teenage girls you deluded retard.

>> No.17241160

I don't quite know what you're talking about but every romance that involves cheating is about a woman leaving her tall, rich, stable, handsome older man for a young, pretty, bubbly boy. Titanic is the most famous movie of all time because Rose left old rich successful Cal for young boyish Jack. If they switched the male actors and made the female lead go after the older man, the movie would have flopped.
Some women only tolerate older men for money. They genuinely want a fun young hot guy. Most women don't even think it's worth it for the money. This is blindingly obvious but older men screech and cope. It's a no brainer that women want a virile fun young hot boy over some boring receding hairline. Just get a nice woman while you're young and be a good husband/dad and she'll still love you when you're older. I don't see what the problem is.

>> No.17241555

I'm not even following this discussion, but having read the spam you have been obsessively posting on /fa/, you have some serious mental issues. Just take a break.

>> No.17241734

like I said, its legal. Shes very much not prepubescent. Thats why I like her and shes still fresh. Best tasting pussy in the world

>> No.17241740

Based. More for me, then!

>> No.17241742

The older men, I mean.

>> No.17242968

based homosexual

>> No.17243033

This isn't my thread. I posted a couple times. Why do you care if you're not follwing

>> No.17243043
File: 46 KB, 300x168, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lol cope
>im 42

>> No.17243061

He's a 19 year old zoomer who wishes he can get the girl he currently likes when he's 19. It's a weird fetish idk.

>> No.17243063

*when he'd old, and she's magically still 19
Maybe his mom left him.

>> No.17243667

im in my early 30s and older or same age people like me still call me their son. what im saying is that if youre lucky and have decent genes plus have taken care of yourself spiritually, mentally, and physically and on top have a career youre gmi. if you look like an orc and bald, its over.

>> No.17244971

all of what you said, is just what men tell women but you replaced men and women.

>> No.17245213

A small age gap is normal, but you'll realize that once you graduate from highschool lol

>> No.17247215
File: 36 KB, 400x600, beckham-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

beardstache or van dyke? Tired of beard and tired of clean shaven/stubble

>> No.17247774

>a small, intimate tribe
no thats just called incest

>> No.17248495

daddy, sorry... daddy, sorry... daddy, sorry...

>> No.17249746

both options are based if you can pull it off. More interesting than a full beard on most I'd say

>> No.17250217

Unironically not attractive. He looks better than the average guy but only because the average guy is a fat slob with a $30 haircut. He has millions to spend on his beauty and still looks like a wrinkly skeleton with wiry straw head/facial hair.