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17218991 No.17218991 [Reply] [Original]

Do you REALLY need anything other than moisturizer and sunscreen everyday?

>> No.17218996

cleanser, for starters.
but honestly that will set you up good enough.

>> No.17219022

You don’t really need either of those either, just wash you face with cold water and dry with a clean towel

>> No.17219182

if you have normal, healthy skin with no skin issues that you would need to treat with active ingredients, all you need to skinmaxx is a mild cleanser, moisturizer, and a spf 30+ sunscreen that you wear every day.

>> No.17219188

>Sunscreen morning
>Cleanser then moisturizer in evening
Simple as.

>> No.17220990

wots a good recommendation for daily-use sunscreen?

>> No.17221042


>> No.17221061

Vitamin-c and hyaluronic acid
t. oldfag

>> No.17221068


the moisturizer will probably include HA already. Is there a benefit of getting a HA serum in addition to something like that?

>> No.17221088

Just concentration. First the HA, then the moisturizer. At least that's what a friend who works in a pharmacy told me

>> No.17221120

>literally putting acidics on your skin
There needs to be skincare version of nopoo

>> No.17221140

Water rinsing, toner, serum, moisturizer, eye cream/roll on and sunscreen in the morning

Cleansing, retinol serum, moisturizer in the evening.

Physical exfoliation and chemical exfoliation once a week, 3/4 days between the two.

Snail mucin mask once a week.

>> No.17221204

Lol. You will die smelly and poor.

>> No.17221350

I just can't stop my face from getting "porey" and pimpley. I'm not sure if it's considered acne because it's definitely not as bad as the typical acne cases I've seen, but it still annoys me how no matter what products I apply I still get pimples and my skin is barely smooth. I even tried 16-8 fasting, helped a little but not as much as I hoped. I also have been drinking 2-3 litres of water every single day for years as well as no soda, very little effect as far as I can tell. I have been using retinol 2.5% for two weeks, no results so far but I read it takes time so let's see. I'm really frustrated with this whole routine thing honestly, I've probably wasted so much money on this for no reason. I will probably have to see a derm. Fingers crossed he won't tell me to buy some super expensive shit because I'm honestly done with this shit.

>> No.17221853

depends on skin type, Im in my late 20s and I still get acne so I need something to keep it at bay.

>> No.17222055

I moisturise my cock and ballsack almost every night but it ends up looking quite dry by the end of the day.

Am I supposed to be doing that? I just don't like my dick and nut sack to look dry. (Before you ask, yes I'm cut).
And yeah its not like anyone is gonna see my sack, but like I just don't like seeing it that way.

>> No.17222988

think you might have a fungal infection, sweaty

>> No.17223131


>> No.17223285
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How is this for anti aging and maintaining clear skin
>AM: La Roche Busay cleanser, vitamin c serum, azelaic acid, spf 50+ sunscreen
cleanse sweaty face again mid-day after gym or else my acne flares up
>PM: La roche cleanser, tretinoin, azelaic acid

>> No.17223378

You need a gentle cleanser, a moisturiser, a sunscreen and tretinoin. Everything else is memes.

>> No.17223401

there is, it's called the "caveman regimen"

>> No.17224521

It depends on the person. Back in the day, I was deep into Korean skincare only to realize that I had developed a shit ton of allergies (BG, PEG, phenoxyethanol, and others) and that HA triggered breakouts for me. I think repeated exposure to BG and other glycols may have caused my allergies. I keep things a lot simpler now.
It all comes down to what ingredients work for you. Smartskincare has some great advice about actives.
As someone with sensitive skin, this is triggering. Please censor tr*tin*in and try to be more inclusive.

>> No.17224526

Did you guys know the skincare industry is one of the biggest in the world? Ever try Epiduo, Proactiv, or any of those brand name “acne healing kits” and find your skin even more dry or just not correcting whatsoever? It’s because it’s bullshit. These products are filled with lab - produced chemicals that your skin, the largest organ you have, directly absorbs. I had acne my entire life, ENTIRE.. until I started deep diving my own health and figuring out what works / doesn’t for my body.
Here’s a TLDR on what I’ve implemented that cleared my skin rapidly.
- Eliminating “inflammatory” foods, everyone’s body is different but the BIGGEST culprits that a majority if not all people should remove are; seed oils, processed foods, dairy, & artificial sweeteners. Elimination based diets are a great place to start (AIP, Carnivore, are the two I used)
- Intermittently Fast / Take breaks from food
- Healing the gut, as soon as I did this my skin cleared instantly (collagen, bone broth, BEEF LIVER)
- QUALITY sleep (7 hours of true deep sleep minimum, consistently)
- A LOT of water, a gallon a day preferred.
- DAILY sweat sessions (either sauna or gym.. SWEAT)
- Cold Immersion to help quell additional inflammation (showers or tubs)
- Limit caffeine
- MANAGE stress
- Optimize Vitamin D / Hormone levels (blood work) daily Sunlight / vitamin D
And yes, I understand some people have chronic cystic acne and harsh medications are sometimes recommended to destroy / speed up the process of getting rid of acne.. if that’s you than by all means do what you must, however I’ve seen many anecdotal evidence / stories on complete remission of cystic acne through lifestyle & dietary changes as well.

>> No.17224527

Why is sunscreen so important?

>> No.17224661

Yeah I’d like to know as well. Is sunscreen really needed if you barely go outside?

>> No.17224926

The premise is essentially UVA and UVB rays damage and mutate your skin over the course of many years causing ageing and wrinkles.

Having a high spf sunscreen prevents that if your spending more than 10 -15 minutes outside. That's the general idea.

>> No.17225690

What is the best over the counter retinol? I was on tretinoin for a couple of months but since my skin is clear now i don't get a prescription anymore

>> No.17225733

This might not be related but anyone know any treatments for acne that won't require me to go to the derma? I don't want to wait weeks just to get my skin checked. The acne is mostly on the forehead and the pimples aren't that big the skin is mostly reddish. I've had this shit since High school.

>> No.17225742

if you're a boomer, alternating tretinoin and an acid (i use glycolic + vitamin c) make a huge difference

of course it's pointless if you eat like shit, drink and smoke

>> No.17225749

ps: never buy boutique cosmetics, that shit is just stupid tax for women, cerave + just the chemicals are all you need

>> No.17226083

just go to an urgent care doc

>> No.17226088

Keep using tret.
What's the benefit of alternating with acid? I used glycolic but dropped it once I discovered tret.

>> No.17226097

>What's the benefit of alternating with acid? I used glycolic but dropped it once I discovered tret.

according to my doc the glycolic acid works more on a surface level (it's like a chemical scrub basically), while the tret acts deeper, so they're complementary.

>> No.17226294

just discovered that I kind of hate the tret glow. what are some effective anti-acne remedies that won't make my skin look super oily?

>> No.17226414

just use any matte product

>> No.17226474

>since my skin is clear now i don't get a prescription anymore

Well get the prescription, shit is the greatest thing to come out of dermatology in the last 40 years

>> No.17226523
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>> No.17227263

If I live in England where it is permanently overcast, is this really that important for me?

>> No.17227294

not that anon but yes, the UV rays penetrate the clouds so it is still just as damaging as a clear day

>> No.17227343
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Which if the 2 retinol do I get?

>> No.17227362
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buy tretinoin, its strongers and better. You can get it at thebeautybliss.com. I bought some at it is legit, only place you can get it without prescription

>> No.17227511

my bad, i meant my derm does not want to prescribe it to anymore
i live in the EU so buying tret online is not an option sadly

>> No.17227807

anyone using Buffet from The Ordinary? I like the idea of having one product that does little bit of everything but I am a bit skeptic

>> No.17227840

>- A LOT of water, a gallon a day preferred.
Nice meme, there's zero evidence that forcing yourself to chug water has any benefits.

>> No.17227962

Stop ingesting caffeine completely, or any diuretics for that matter and make sure you drink enough water. This will make you look 5-10 years younger in a week, I guarantee it.

>> No.17227977

>use nizora psoriasis shampoo
>it clears up psoriasis
>still get build up on scalp after shower
>like stuck on dandruff instead of loose
>this shampoo said it was good for dandruff
so what should I buy now? I don't want to feel gunk on my scalp after getting out. It's always there

>> No.17227978

>tfw drink a two cup size amount of coffee at least on average 2-3 times a week
fug.............. I really don't want to give up caffeine but I know I must

>> No.17228113
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but honestly interchangeable with a moisturizer

>> No.17228295


hey guys
which moisturizer should i use under tret?
i have sensitive oily skin

cerave gives me acne unfortunately

>> No.17228638

>Do you REALLY need anything other than moisturizer and sunscreen everyday?
A good cleanser, plus I use a weaker PHA in the morning, with BHA afterwards (against acne), and then I use retinoid (retinal) at night. Since I have blackheads and the occasional acne, BHA is a must. I even use it on my neck area, my upper arms and my ass sometimes. PHA is also a must (or AHA, if your skin ain't sensitive), it helps with all the misc damage of your skin. Lastly, retinoids are the single most important weapon against ageing. It is a must, if you want to appear 10 years younger by the time you're 45.

>> No.17228646

Last I read certain dairy products e.g. kefir should not be a problem. In fact they may help fighting against inflammation.
>Intermittently Fast
Last I read that's not working, especially if your goal is to lose weight. Losing weight is still easy: eat less calories, while burning more calories. All it matters is the deficit. Then again, I'd say that having 5 smaller meals instead of 3 larger meals (plus unhealthy snacks) helps against inflammation and gut problems in generals.
Otherwise, it's a good summary. Yes, fixing the gut is an absolute must for everyone who wants to live a healthy life and e.g. avoid shit like diabetes, arthritis, etc...

>> No.17229166

you don't wear spf?

>> No.17229179

can never really understand how someone can be so 'into' skincare but miss all the memes in the community like eyecream being a scam & physical exfoliation being really bad

>> No.17229310

>eyecream being a scam
I'm not sure about this one. If anything, its a tossup. Some say its a scam, some say it may have benefit. At the end of the day, if you like it, you should do it. Why not? Some people use cold spoons in the morning and/or used tea bags. Why not? If they feel better that way, we shouldn't discourage it. Otoh physical exfoliation is clearly bad for you, so of course it's not in the same league as eye cream. The latter is, at worst, doesn't do anything.

>> No.17229346

moisturizer, tretinoin, sunscreen and staying healthy is all you need

>> No.17229804
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Guys I just found out that avene tolerance extreme emulsion was discontinued and I'm freaking the fuck out. Should I buy MAKEPREM's Safe Me Relief Moisture Cream or Eucerin's UltraSensitive Soothing Care instead?