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File: 249 KB, 713x714, Kazan_moscow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17214839 No.17214839 [Reply] [Original]

What's the most effay religion?

>> No.17214875

Catholics unironically

>> No.17214877
File: 334 KB, 1080x1350, 3441742A-8195-499B-8E6A-BC07576C9CAA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You already know

>> No.17214889
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>> No.17214920
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>> No.17214949

Religion is gay

>> No.17214971
File: 103 KB, 1200x800, nihang-sikhs-16343109173x2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17215084

the most effay religious belief is one that strips down all beliefs to a core thought, that Existence is divine and energy is eternal. no uniform, no strict guides, no tax exemption. just a pure love of Being as a divine act

>> No.17215385
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1. Eastern Orthodoxy
2. Sedevacantism

>> No.17215633


>> No.17215643
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>> No.17215687
File: 162 KB, 640x501, arch.lefebvre-4éveques-sspx_sacres_1988_ecône.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Traditional Catholicism

>> No.17215704

Most effay is believing in God but not having any religion in particular.

>> No.17215782

This. Orthodox in close second

>> No.17215865
File: 203 KB, 1024x1024, Shia LaBeouf Conversion Catholicism 222182310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Traditional Catholicism

Shia LeBeouf has become Catholic with deep attachment to Traditional Latin Mass (TLM) after prepping and acting in soon to be released movie "Padre Pio." Pio was 20th century Italian Capuchin priest, mystic and saint who miraculously received bloody physical wounds of crucified Christ on his body and his intercession wrought many miracles.

>> No.17215886
File: 463 KB, 1280x1079, 1280px-Antonio_della_Corna_-_Christ_Before_Caiaphas_-_Walters_37481_-_Detail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Esoteric (Mystic) Christianity

Edgy enough to be avant-garde and with an attachment to tradition that transcends normal tradfaggery

Second choice is Folk Catholicism

>> No.17215898
File: 84 KB, 600x900, pagans-druids-mark-winter-solstice-stonehenge-druid-looks-as-revellers-celebrate-stonhenge-december-uk-several-64085352.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17216320

FLDS fuckin rules

>> No.17216450
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>What's the most effay religion?

>> No.17216492
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>> No.17216668
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>> No.17216714

Got a good chuckle outta that one.

>> No.17216716
File: 320 KB, 1363x2048, nft.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17217018
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Everything that isn't Orthodox Christianity.

>> No.17217025
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ok glowie.

>> No.17217526

depends where you live

>> No.17217535
File: 68 KB, 636x501, 3562e5339df45bd136e01a787b3987c5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17217558

Worshipping the chaos gods.

>> No.17218166

based Italian fascism

what's that

>> No.17218418

sedevacantism is the future retard

>> No.17219704
File: 96 KB, 615x480, CARD. J. ZEN - SOLEMN PONTIFICAL MASS - TLM .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Traditional Catholicism

Captcha: P88 V8K

>> No.17219722


>> No.17219743
File: 218 KB, 1100x1100, cath.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rad trad catholicism
evangelical/ protestant

>> No.17219753


>> No.17219763

Lenny B is based as fuck fr fr no cap on God

>> No.17219768

So jews?

>> No.17219772

real proud of that one huh?

>> No.17219776

They're all Abrahamic faiths, so they're derivatives of Judaism. But please have a little pissy fit like the Media taught you when you see "Jews"

>> No.17219780

youre so mad lol

>> No.17219783

Isn't it late in Tel Aviv?

>> No.17219788

absolutley delusional.
take a break
captcha: M2WM00

>> No.17219791
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>no u

>> No.17219794 [DELETED] 

goofy aah nigga

>> No.17219801

on some real shit tho judaism was created after Christianity. Christianity is continuation of the faith of the Biblical Hebrews. while judaism is ethno-religious group who worships the "holocaust" rather than the God of Abraham, and larps as Hebrews while being more racially similar to turks. stop browsing pol and start using your head

>> No.17219809

Real talk, Christianity is a slave religion and foreign to the native peoples of Europe and should be avoided by anyone of European ancestry

>> No.17219824

was the main religion of all europe for about 1000 years. was the official religion of Rome starting about 1700 years ago, has been in Europe for almost 2000 years. kindof unreasonable to say its foreign. the average euro would find the original pagan faiths foreign in comparison

>> No.17219827

Christianity is not a native religion of Europe nor is it tied ethnically to the native peoples of Europe. It doesn't matter if a parasite has been feeding on a host for one day or a million days, it's still a parasite and should be removed.

>> No.17219840

how is it not tied to them if it has existed in it for 1000+ years while paganism is gone and dead? you dont really believe in the "original" religions of europe, so it doesnt matter to you either way

>> No.17219846

Hmm, I wonder why native European paganism isn't prevalent anymore, could it be that during the 1000+ years that Christianity was around it sought to systematically eradicate its competition through murder and intimation? It's a cancer on Europe, plain and simple. Rome declined the moment it embraced Christianity and Europe's renaissance began the moment it moved away from Christianity.

>> No.17219871
File: 1.15 MB, 1728x2304, FAA949A6-8821-4B0B-A208-4A1D45D1F03C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>xenophobic paganfag

>> No.17219872

yeah man idk if youre worried about this shit youre better than 90% of people alive. im guessing youre just young and dumb or whatever. i was too. i still am. you really should get off pol tho and 4chan in general because its for the mentally ill...not revolutionaries. i guess i just come on this board every couple days hoping itll have new waywt or whatever. im kinda tired and think ill go to bed. dont know what time it is in tel aviv tho. i assume its super early but i dont know how time zones work. like i mean its along latitude lines or some shit but id have to look at a map. anyways get off pol seriously its been pozzed since like 2016. just get basic redpills and dont linger long. if you are not fat or brown we could probably be friends. maybe ive seen you in real life and didnt know it. hlw crazy would that be? whatever. find Christ. He loves you whether you believe in Him or not. paganism is neat i guess but i just dont get it. it would make more sense if you were a spiteful atheist or something, which you probably are, no insult just facts.

>> No.17219886
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Yeah, so I don't have an argument or anything, but like just believe the religion that I say is right because like, LOVE and HEAVEN are GOOD, ok? Don't think about it or read anything about history or Platonism or the First Council of Nicaea or Roman history. Heck, don't even read the Bible or think critically about Esau and Jacob, It's all racist chud stuff and your better off just thinking what we've convinced your fathers to believe ever since we killed your ancestor that didn't blindly obey...yawn...I better go to sleep so I don't get raped and gaped so much in this discussion ...

>> No.17219887

yeah i didnt read all that but you are very silly. also you save reaction images on your computer for 4channel dot org. kinda goofy. listening to music rn and just typing dumb bullshit i got no time to think or make arguments cause thats gay lol. i dont really love anyone irl just like in theory cause people suck in practice. i hope you are doing something other than typing and refreshing page rn by thee way. also lurk more. also i hate you lol owned

>> No.17219891
File: 22 KB, 476x358, 1639132005007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yeah i didnt read all that but you are very silly. also you save reaction images on your computer for 4channel dot org. kinda goofy. listening to music rn and just typing dumb bullshit i got no time to think or make arguments cause thats gay lol. i dont really love anyone irl just like in theory cause people suck in practice. i hope you are doing something other than typing and refreshing page rn by thee way. also lurk more. also i hate you lol owned

>> No.17219892

Christ still loves you by the way even though you are annoying and kindof dumb. also its funnier if you think im hippy so im just going to roll with it and see how long you reply. maybe go to bed in like 30 minutes who knows. you should just wait 30 minutes then reply and see if i reply back. if so please post another basedjack reaction image that would be kekalicious lol owned i hate you ahhaha

>> No.17219896

oh i see you posted a silly reaction image that you searched for and then downloaded to your computer lol. thats like the jew from that funny video or someyhing right that shit was kek when he cried about thr holocaist but thats what im talking about man thats their religion. jews be wild ong. hey you ever listened to thr mixup song where its "i ran" mixed with "blinding lights" by weekend it works really well

>> No.17219899

that video kinda shocked me before i knew about jews. like i felt a lil bad for the crying guy or whatever even tho he a bitch. black isrealites are ight. youre ight. love you. kisses

>> No.17219901
File: 125 KB, 644x1024, 1639132515777.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really working overtime tonight, huh?

>> No.17219905

you are saving the white race rn by the way

>> No.17219908

if i was a jew by the way what im doing is literally working because you are hyperfocused on this single thing right now. while im just a tired guy listening to music you are a goofy dude who thinks he is white race warrior (probably brown) and giving up your vril to jewish psyops

>> No.17219912

save the white race by replying to this. if you dont reply you lose. you dont want to lose so please reply. thats an order. im ordering you to reply

>> No.17219947

Heaven's Gate just for their kicks

>> No.17220031

Sunni Islam and it's not even close

>> No.17220035
File: 336 KB, 2121x1414, the-traditional-annual-slavic-holiday-of-ivan-kupala-in-the-open-air-on-a-large-field--1161707659-34cefdd6f5f843ecafbbb87cac8ce115.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Slavic paganism

>> No.17220104

The number of towels they're wearing is their power level

>> No.17220116
File: 113 KB, 1232x1232, p05yvkrw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17220162

imagine getting railed by all these daddies that would be so bad

>> No.17220171

i hope not (as in i hope that the state of sedevacante doesn't last much longer)

>> No.17220224

orthodox here
folk catholicism, sufi islam and pajeet
orthodoxy is very pretty but its not /fa/ pretty

>> No.17220329

Esoteric hitlerism (Serranoist)

>> No.17220367
File: 225 KB, 800x1326, 800px-Gandhara_Buddha_(tnm).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17220370
File: 1.43 MB, 1024x683, sangha.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17220485

so cute Judaic ethno-religion sooo based

>> No.17220700

Only right answer ITT

>> No.17220725
File: 82 KB, 495x795, C2jYheSUoAAhkTo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ether orthodox Christianity or aryan mysticism

>> No.17220728
File: 1.99 MB, 1815x1366, 1600085401067.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17220729
File: 88 KB, 800x533, https __hypebeast.com_image_2018_07_rick-owens-venice-apartment-inside-look-mr-porter-13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you think he will be burning in hell?

>> No.17220831
File: 160 KB, 600x400, 23754440662_978ea58ba3_z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Back to the roots

>> No.17220836

I like Pelevin's occultism desu

>> No.17220837 [DELETED] 

He is primitive trash nowadays. He did have a few cool books in the 1990's

>> No.17221117

Looks nice.

>> No.17221246

Rick Owens' hypebeast creations, like 'geobaskets', are infernally based, so definitely yeahh.

>> No.17221260

If you hide that mirror on the side of the pic, his book collection looks really smol

>> No.17221342

bigger doesn't necessarily mean better and that's one of the oldest and simplest ways of creating the illusion of more space than is actually present, time tested good interior design

>> No.17221430
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They take Catholic looks and kick it up a notch

>> No.17221440
File: 86 KB, 640x514, cd8c743b7d1ace898e9de403a57b9226.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Turbo-TradCath Sedevacantism

uhhh ... aren't you like forgetting the falda and papal red slippers dude :|

>> No.17221443
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>> No.17221459

Even cooler than that. They're a Trad Cath Mormon type hybrid and said the Holy Spirit talked to them all the time and they wrote their own version of the Bible from visions and words from the Holy Spirit. They have stuff like Palmarian aliens on other planets, a planet of Mary, a planet of Satan, Jesus was created and so was Mary in the Palmarian faith but were husband and wife in another lifeline. Mary helped in creation. They plan to Jihad and force convert the world in the end times.


>> No.17221462

Here's some Palmarian rules:

1. Woman may not wear trousers.
2. Shorts are banned
3. It is forbidden to wear any shirt or similar garment with short sleeves.
4. Sleeves can only be rolled up for the duration of any work such as washing dishes etc.
5. Females must wear skirts no shorter than two fingers width below the knee.
6. Tights are banned as they are classed as mens attire. Female teens and adults may only wear stockings, female children only socks.
7. Female babies cannot wear all in one baby suits.
8. Shirts and blouses must be buttoned to the neck.
9. You cannot play any sport that requires you to wear short sleeves or shorts.
10. Visiting beaches is banned.
11. All voting banned. e.g. Local and general elections, referendums etc.
12. Visiting and using swimming pools is banned.
13. Visiting night clubs is banned
14. Denim cloth is banned, therefore wearing jeans is banned.
15. Listening to popular / modern music is banned.
16. Watching boxing matches is banned.
17. Attending non-Palmarian religious services such as weddings, funerals, christenings etc is banned, for all non Palmarians even family.

>> No.17221466

More Palmarian rules:

18. Males are banned from dying or bleaching hair
19. Males cannot wear ear jewelry or other face jewelry.
20. Receiving organ transplants is banned.
21. Leaving or providing organs for transplant is banned.
22. All contraception is banned.
23. Disco’s are banned.
24. Later introduced in addition to rule 16, All functions associated with non Palmarian religious services such as wedding breakfasts, evening functions, i.e. social functions before or after, christenings, weddings, funerals etc are banned you cannot attend even if function is family or relatives.
25. Later above rule no. 5 was changed to increase the length of skirts below the knee from 2 to 4 or 5 fingers width.
26. Children must be told Christmas presents are from parents and not Santa Claus as he doesn’t exist
27. New Bible introduced, any copies of any other bibles must be burnt. This bible was authored in Spain and has many changes in comparison to the standard bible.
28. TV programs that have people or cartoon characters outside the Palmarian dress code may not be watched. In effect this is most television, it would encompass news, documentaries, etc. etc.
29. No social contact with any persons not dressed to the Palmarian dress code. This in effect means virtually all non-Palmarians.
30. Nobody allowed in the home if not dressed to Palmarian dress code except workmen.

>> No.17221467

also this:

31. In work, contact with non-palmarian co-workers must be kept to a minimum, i.e. only talk to when necessary to carry out the job and no social chat.
32. Only religious books approved by Palmar are allowed all others banned and must be burnt. This in effect means virtually any non Palmarian authored book is banned.
33. Any photos/images with priests who have left the order must be burn/destroyed.
34. Religious films are banned.
35. All prayers and hymns not contained in the Palmarian missal are banned
36. Birthday candles on birthday cakes are banned.
37. Contact with anyone including relatives who are living with partners and not married is banned. This would include all marriages outside the Palmarian Church since the early 1980's as these marriages are considered invalid.
38. Throwing coins in a fountain/well/water is banned.
39. Children must be removed to another room from their classes where non palmarian religious instruction is given.
40. Horoscopes are banned
41. Movies containing references to magic are banned.
42. The neckline of a shirt or blouse etc must when worn be at least 2 fingers width above the breast bone.
43. Christmas trees are banned.
44. Images of Santa Claus are banned
45. Giving or opening presents on Christmas day (25th December) is banned.
46. Christmas presents must be given and opened on the feast of the Epiphany

>> No.17221482

Hellenistic Paganism
It's literally Versace as a religion

>> No.17221525

amen it is

>> No.17221527
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himalayan naga babas

>> No.17221529
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>> No.17221607
File: 952 KB, 3000x1989, pope_benedict_162827507.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>remember the eremetic Sovereign Pontiff
Omg like another possible totally cool alternative to the Jesuit "Chaos of (Anti-)Pope Bergoglio" :0

>> No.17221658
File: 448 KB, 2048x1536, effay Amish trad wives at home 7850883.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

amish fundamentalism

>> No.17221737
File: 210 KB, 296x534, unknown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so true bestie

>> No.17221746


>> No.17221798

>sedevacantism is retard
fixed that for you

>> No.17221800
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>> No.17221803

I've noticed a difference between the Sedes who believe there will never be a Papacy again and the ones who think there will be and it's just temporary. The churches with the first opinion have a very different approach to things.

>> No.17221991

trad cath

>> No.17222723

quick rundown?

>> No.17222828

this is porn right?

>> No.17223286

Bento wrote a few books that I enjoyed. Recomend. Also he was/is fa

>> No.17223423
