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/fa/ - Fashion

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17205439 No.17205439 [Reply] [Original]

"Sneakerheads" are consumerist losers. Bragging about having the "freshest" or coolest or best sneakers is a huge red flag that you are
>white trash
>don't have a real job
>your idea of going out involves fist pumping with your guido douchebag friends

I don't know anyone that is moderately successful that collects sneakers or uses sneakers/jogging shoes/running shoes/tennis shoes (whatever you want to call them) as anything other than sneakers.

I'm not saying if you're successful you can't wear sneakers, but you probably aren't a 'sneakerhead'. Its nothing more than collecting funky-pops. Congrats you have the 2005 Jordans, you never wear them and they sit in a box in your closet and you might be able to sell them on eBay for 40$.

I buy sneakers for the following reasons
>Mow lawn in
>wear with jeans when I don't go into the office and wear dress shoes with jeans, like if I'm going to the grocery store or playing in the lawn with my kids
>some other activity that is best served in tennis shoes

Never once have I thought "wow I"m going out on the town tonight, better get my best Nikes!"

Sorry if I ruffled feathers, but I'm new to this board and if one of you are one of these people. You really need to explain to me the psychology behind it. Because I don't fucking get it

>> No.17205440

There's a sneaker general for this

>> No.17205458

I figured sneaker general would be full of people who love sneakers so I didn't want to jack up their thread.

>> No.17205478

There's literally nothing wrong with being black

>> No.17205506

nigger's delusion

>> No.17205543


Thread sheriff.

>> No.17205547

>You really need to explain to me the psychology behind it. Because I don't fucking get it
you don't get it because you're jumped up cunt with a superiority complex.

>> No.17205564

there was no reason for you to make this thread

>> No.17205629

I think my question was pretty clear. Help me understand you Nike AIr Jordan and New Balance collectors

I just don't understand why you would waste thousands of dollars on articles of clothing you never wear. Why wouldn't you buy a house or something

>> No.17205696


Black tranny

>> No.17205700

Big, BIG difference between /fa/ sneaker threads and "sneakerheads". There aren't really any sneakerheads on /fa/ in general because it isn't really about fashion.

>> No.17205730


>> No.17205733

literally not one person i see on here is collecting sneakers
if they were they would be laughed, insulted, and mocked back to redd*t

>> No.17205737

Figured I'd find at least one on the fashion board.

>> No.17205738
File: 556 KB, 500x375, naruto.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>caring what shoes other people wear
get a life

>> No.17205766

Freudnigger is that you?

>> No.17205769

Sir, this is a fashion board.

>> No.17205844

that one anon would be as misguided as you are

>> No.17206070

My stepbrothers' dad insists on buying expensive sneakers for them because he says it's "embarrassing" if they don't wear overpriced shit. Little does he know that they sell nearly all of that garbage on Instagram to consoomer sneakerheads.

>> No.17206090

i agree, but by this logic aren't we all shithead consumerists for buying nice things? i dont get the love for sneakers at all, but i also dont get why people buy super cars, designer belts, etc.

>> No.17206159
File: 1.01 MB, 360x568, 1655142570229.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sneakertards really spend half a grand on foam and still have no fucking idea how to dress.

Black hoodies aren't nearly as versatile as people think

>> No.17206178
File: 755 KB, 4387x3133, 1 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>aren't we all shithead consumerists for buying nice things?
We all are consumerists and like to have nice things to some degree, but some nice things are really not worth the money.

Hyped up sneakers are stupid because these are mostly made by multi billion dollar companies and all they do is
>take a sneaker that you've been manufacturing for fucking 30 years
>change the colors
>market it and sell it as an exclusive batch of a couple thousand sneakers so it sells like hot cakes
>repeat previous step once or twice and discontinue
Most of these hyped up sneakers are soulless cashgrabs. Also, you probably won't manage to buy these in retail, so you'll have to get these from a scalper and the prices can get really fucking inflated, so you're paying up to 25x retail.
Worst part, you are usually paying that much for garbage quality shoes, like Nike Dunks which should not be worth 100$ retail. Cheap fakes of these are usually better quality.
If you like how some hype sneakers look literally go and buy good quality fakes, nobody is going to call you out on the street.

>> No.17206311

I don’t buy any of those

>> No.17206477
File: 18 KB, 282x529, DF150D06-47D2-4599-B22F-D7738CDCC7E1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its well known among the initiated that ‘sneakerheads’ are no different than man-children that are into capeshit, play vidya, and have a sick obsession with collecting vinyl figurines like anime characters and funko pops, that they insist aren't toys. Its one of life pleasures to see a fully grown adult man wearing the latest supreme outfit and his ‘clean ass jays’ like a little school girl while pushing 35. I’d say if you’re 25 or older, and still wearing ‘jawns’ and streetwear, you are not taken serious by the majority of people that have any influence or power in society. Trust me, do yourselves a favor, and look like you get SOME pussy.

>> No.17206512


>> No.17206549

sounds like something a nigger would say

>> No.17206570

sneaker culture is literally just like any collection obsessed subculture among white middleclass teens that want worship hood life. you wouldnt get it because youre poor, your circle of successful acquaintances is very insular or your idea of success is narrow, and maybe a tinge racist.

>> No.17206598

"You guys care about fashion???"

>> No.17206639

Sneakerfags all look like poor kids and blend in the crowd like no-ones business.
I really don't know what they see in sportwear outside a fucking gym.

>> No.17206887


Dangerously based.

>> No.17207007


I agree but holy shit who cares. Stop being so narcissist to think this really needed its own thread.

>> No.17207029

you're speaking to genuine disabled people literally do not bother their minds are too far gone

>> No.17207038

>i agree, but by this logic aren't we all shithead consumerists for buying nice things?

sneaker "hobby" is like a min-maxed grift like lottery tickets or cigarettes.

a guy that smokes cigarettes or plays the lottery is just a fucking retard, right?
but you could probably respect a guy that enjoys a fine cigar or plays poker to some extent, right?

these shoes are priced and marketed and timed to suck up all the disposable income out of the pockets of a dude that really should be saving that for better things.

>> No.17207043

People that care about fashion?! On a fashion board?! It's more common than you think! Stay tuned for at 11

>> No.17207073

Op here Why do you infer that I’m poor?

>> No.17207112


>> No.17207115

/fa/ has a lot of thread policemen

Calm your briches fellas