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File: 395 KB, 600x600, imagen_2022-08-09_215941446.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17180323 No.17180323 [Reply] [Original]

It's starting bros... Post balding coping mechanisms

>> No.17180333
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It works for cancer patients and it can work for you.

>> No.17181396
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>> No.17181398

Just take Finasteride man, cmon

>> No.17181612
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>> No.17181625
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that's where I'm going

>> No.17181642

They didn't have those hairstyles because they were bald you fucking mongoloid.

>> No.17181659

>they purposely chose to look bad
ok, fag surely it wasn't because they were larping as bald jomon warriors

>> No.17181662
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guys, guys, guys ... hear me out

If you have a strong receding hairline but your hair is fine in the middle.

Is this the coolest shit you can pull?

>> No.17181668
File: 238 KB, 656x370, imagen_2022-08-10_144551329.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now, let me show you this

>> No.17181671

Hair transplant

>> No.17181672


this is only cringe because he let it grow far to long (also the mustache doesn't help)

>> No.17181709

It was to keep their helmets secure and became a status symbol/tradition among samurai, but remain willfully ignorant for all i care.

>> No.17181720

both of these genuinely look like the worst possible haircuts a man could get in his lifetime

>> No.17181730


>> No.17181738

what the fuck is wrong with the buzzcut, what a fucking tragedy,- actually i should cry about this, because if i would wanted to go 0-ed my huge wart would be exposed, and i personally know people who prefer only buzzcut even having this disgusting warts, like fuck, get over it, get yourself a kickass glasses or whatever

>> No.17181741

or a hat, hat would be a killer, I am raging from the fact i can't handle a hat in my wardrobe

>> No.17181752
File: 112 KB, 777x1000, ExcX4MmWgAAqOyT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take the custodian pill

A balding guy in tshirt in jeans looks pathetic,
A balding guy in a suit looks dignified

>> No.17181754
File: 32 KB, 400x267, eddie-lenihan2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you have two choices

>> No.17181787

>let's make a retarded helmet only to justify our retarded haircuts!! SUUUUU
that's even more stupid than I though

>> No.17181963

I don't like anime
The helmet obviously came first you berk. You are looking at something from history from a alien culture from a modern perspective, that's why you are ignorant. It was perfectly normal to them and a sign of status. If people in the past could see how we dress and what we do now they would think we were weird as fuck.

>> No.17181969

>noooo, don't redesign the helmet!! that would make our rad baldy haircuts absurd!!!

>> No.17182150

There aren't any. Just go for bald n beard like Kratos from God of War.

>> No.17182264

thought of shaving everything off and wearing a burger king crown everywhere I go

>> No.17182833

I never really cared about this but people kept harassing me when I was walking on the street, and also harassing you if you wear a hat or whatever too. I was going through a rather rough time back then too and just really wanted to be alone. Looking back though, I never had any inclination at all in my whole life to be aggressive to random pedestrians, not when I was hungry, sleep-deprived, 12 years old, on drugs or had an inflamed ass-rash. So nowadays I do presume that kind of thick hair they seems so proud of also grows on the inside of their skulls.

>> No.17182953
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The Chad Embrace or a close buzzcut. There is no other way besides Soi tier shave it all, or hair transplants.

I either have a mature hairline+baby fine blond hair or Norwood 1.5ish. I'm going lawfag, so I'll have the dough to eventually get transplants before it gets worse.


High and Tights would work if you're jacked.

>> No.17182958

Unrelated but in documentaries of the Tupinamba in Brazil I noticed they also shaved a Norwood 7 into their heads. I wonder the reason for that.

>> No.17183372
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>> No.17183756

The best cope is by not coping and keeping your hair style.

>> No.17183910
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>> No.17184403

I have a friend, early-mid 20's that has a hairline receded to the top of his cranium, but otherwise keeps the sides tidy.

I honestly don't even notice it anymore, since he otherwise wears well fitting clothes.

An obvious bald spot raises the lower threshold a bit, but as long as you aren't letting yourself get fat or look sloppy, you'll be fine.

>> No.17184541

>want to be beautiful man
>receeding hairline
Is finasteride my only option? I feel like you can't really be truly beautiful with a receeding hairline. I refuse to go for the shave it all off cope, because even if you end up looking good, you look good in a more rugged way.

>> No.17184576

>be fit
>be well groomed
>be well dressed
>be skillfull

>> No.17184989

most anons on here have fallen for the fearmongering memes about it instantly, irreversibly, killing your dick, despite the wide availability of information about side effects.

>> No.17185025

That kind of a haircut, as a regular thing, is most effectively worn by an ethnically Japanese man who is an historical re-enactor (probably by their job working at an historic site in Japan) or somebody eccentric yet successful in their self-employment. Even historical re-enactors don't as a rule have such haircuts by personal choice through their regular lives. I would imagine most wear wigs in that style, and maybe either a bald cap, or they are bald in real life.

>> No.17185180
File: 119 KB, 1920x1280, DFCEDCCA-DAB7-4F5D-A6CB-BD81656D03B4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take the hair system pill

>> No.17185673

You mean wig, fucking ''hair system'' hilarious.

>> No.17186734

Ok why don’t you take the wig pill anon?
Also I’ve noticed the only people that criticize wigs are shaved baldies
>post hairline

>> No.17186782
File: 414 KB, 484x483, truetrue.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The best cope is by not coping and keeping your hair

>> No.17186789


>> No.17186806

I have a full head of hair, i just find you calling a fucking wig a ''hair system'' hilarious. Call it for what it is, a fucking wig.

>> No.17186808

Fuck off kicked doctor.

>> No.17186829

I agree the name is retarded, I can imagine someone somewhere screaming “it’s not a wig! It’s a hair system!” Lmao but why are you in a bald cope thread post hairline

>> No.17186854

How’s that watery semen, limp dick?

>> No.17186919

i dont have sex so why would i care about semen consistency ?
i think its the same as before taking 0.5mg fin a day

>> No.17186937

>I don’t have sex
It’s hard out here for a Norwooda fr fr
Any other sides tho? Have you seen results?

>> No.17186962
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Take the Combover pill

>> No.17186968

I appreciate your concern over my cum and cock, lover boy

>> No.17186971

im not losing any hair anymore, been on it for a year now. no regrowth but no more hairloss either

>> No.17186991
File: 777 KB, 2987x2336, 88n0uebx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17186992

I can imagine someone somewhere screaming “it’s not a wig! It’s a hair system!”
>but why are you in a bald cope thread
I don't know, i am going senile, i regularly shit myself and i'm losing my mind.

>> No.17186997

idec so long as you don't get a hair system, that's for faggots. I am kinda lucky in that my hair refuses to grow long and you can see it thinning in the light but indoors it looks normalish, but my hairline is still there, so I just shave it to a number zero fade or whatever you wanna call it. it looks like I shave it on purpose lol

>> No.17187043

>tfw i'm the "fuck it"

>> No.17187077

If you're not good with a buzzcut you're not good with anything

>> No.17187144

I’m getting a wig just because you faggots keep whining about it

>> No.17187223

>you can see it thinning in the light
what does this mean? post a pic of what it looks like. I can't tell if the whole top of my head is thinning or if I just have thin hair. it doesn't seem to be getting worse but for the last year or so my scalp is visible

>> No.17187233


>> No.17187236



>> No.17187298


>> No.17187575

It's really true anon, it's also all about your presence and personality. They originally wanted Picard in a hair piece but we all know they made the right decision. Instantly goes from goofy sitcom dad to stalwart and resolute commanding officer immediately

>> No.17187581

>Hair system

Wigs are fine but only if you're honest about them. Switch your wigs whenever you feel like, have different colors and styles and lengths and shit. Have no shame removing them in front of others. Unironically this is how black women treat wigs and nobody cares, it's completely accepted because they aren't hiding anything, they are just openly choosing wigs like one might choose a hat

If you get a wig and try to pretend you're not wearing a wig, what will you do when/if you ever fuck? I know the chances are very slim for most of us here, but what if it happens? What will you do? She can't run her hands through your hair or touch your head at all, you better not sweat too much or it'll slip out of place. Better not sleep over either, she'll find out lmao

You may think you look better with the wig and maybe you do. Maybe you do. But the wig has to come off sooner or later, may as well be up front about it from the very start otherwise it's going to cause you misery.

You'll never get a cute trad wife wearing a wig anon

>> No.17187710

everyone deserves a healthy load

>> No.17188322

same here anon, it's the only non-schizo route honestly

>> No.17188368

Zinc will solve that. It makes your semen so chunky it hurts your dick when it comes out.

>> No.17188373

Having curly hair and letting it fall on your forehead. Then mousse and hairspray.

>> No.17189815
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wait, im the normal adult male? wew

>> No.17190035
File: 485 KB, 720x1280, imagen_2022-08-14_140441461.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]