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/fa/ - Fashion

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17179036 No.17179036 [Reply] [Original]

I don't wear suits, can someone explain to me what is wrong with this picture? I know it looks off, but I can't exactly pinpoint why.

>> No.17179053

Nothing is wrong. This picture is perfect.

>> No.17179054

shoes look like shit.

>> No.17179093

No belt.
Actually pretty good for reviewbrah, most of his fits are way too big for him.

>> No.17179153

it's old style

>> No.17179197

if some tiktoker with small tattoos posted this and said the suit was vintage CDG homme plus and the shoes were guidi u would all think its sick

>> No.17179278

its more sick that its some goofy looking dude who still looks fire because he owns that shit

>> No.17179282

The drapey looking suits like those were big in the 30s and 40s but look antiquated nowadays.

>> No.17179580

Literally nothing is wrong with this suit, this is exactly what would be considered a good fit (for an off the rack suit) 30-35 years ago. Still is, although not perfect - the tie is too long (hence the tie tuck, which really is more of a 1950's thing not so acceptable even 35 years ago) and he's missing a belt. People who believe he dresses "1940s" are clueless.

>> No.17179582

Nothing is wrong here, just ReviewBrah being drippy as always

>> No.17179584

I think it's the tie. It doesn't really go well with the rest of the suit.

>> No.17179593

Posture could be improve. He needs to hit the gym

>> No.17179602

Did he tuck the tie into his pants?

>> No.17179633

He wears the particular style that he wants to pretty well - It's just not a particularly popular style, and looks a little cartoony to the modern viewer.

>> No.17179654

Looks /fa/ as fuck.

>> No.17179667
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>> No.17179687

Nah, he wears them pretty well. The thing is a lot of his suits are power suits from the 80s. I actually think a wider cut is the best look, but more like from the 50s for example. 80s power suits had ridiculous padding in the shoulders that make you look like you have the shoulders of a golem. Anything can be pulled of with confidence, so it's no problem though. Also they're easier to get than real vintage suits from the 50s or 40s.

>> No.17180157

Whether you like it or not, that's what peak male performance looks like.

>> No.17180170

The pants are looser fitting than most contemporary suits

>> No.17180183
File: 128 KB, 650x400, NapoleonDynamite.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually think that him being a skinny nerdy-looking dude fits the style perfectly, if it were some generic Tik Tok prettyboy it wouldn't work nearly as well

>> No.17180408

His frame can’t pull off that silhouette. He needs a larger torso and shoulders, maybe he should lift if he wants to dress in baggy

>> No.17180411
File: 99 KB, 1242x1538, 354654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17180446

>hard 3 button
>lifeless lapel
>ugly shoes
>outward facing pleats
>too much shoulder padding
you are poor and dont own any tailoring lol

>> No.17182053

This faggot will always look “amateur” and cheap to me. Maybe it’s because the early exposure of him making low quality videos?

>> No.17182180

Very nice

>> No.17182204
File: 2.45 MB, 426x240, MakingFlippyFloppy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is not his beautiful house
This is not his beautiful wife
How did he get there?
Fucker beat me to it

>> No.17182821

It's a fucking 80s suit plus ugly shoes, that's what is wrong.

>> No.17182861

I think his stance is just throwing me off a bit. I wish he'd raise his head, he looks ashamed. Other than that, I think the tucked-in tie is a bit tacky. But he presentable. Nice drape on the pants, he overall has a nice silhouette. The colors are not offensive.

>> No.17182948

The only problem I have with this fit is the tie and lack of belt, otherwise I think it fits him decently.

>> No.17182952

The 80s suits were specifically modeled after earlier 1940s suits that draped like that. Same with the re-emergence of suspenders in office settings. 1940s were pretty much the only decade visible suspenders were allowed.

>> No.17183943

>implying something looks wrong about reviewbrah

>> No.17183950

first of all he is obviously hormonally stunted and looks like a kid -- the suit is oversized, outdated and doesn't fit around his scrawny prepubescent body

he basically looks like a character in an 80s movie who was an adult but got turned into a child by a witch and he shrank down while wearing his office clothes

he's still based though -- old fashion poor fitting suits are the uniform to his success, if he showed up one day with a fully developed body wearing a slick form-fitting suit, his viewership would tank

>> No.17183989

The pants look somehow too short or too long but I can’t figure out which

>> No.17184080

the pants fit and theyre matched with the suit pants, no belt needed for such case unlsess personal preference

>> No.17184997

nothing wrong with the clothes
he is just severely lacking testosterone
it would be a nice picture if he was in his teens
however, that is not the case, buddy here doesn't even have pubes

>> No.17185000

well put
basically, the clothes are fine, he is lacking physical development

>> No.17185958

it's not about fit, a belt breaks up an outfit and adds contrast, especially if you're wearing all one color. also without a belt your shoes stick out too much, as reviewbrah's do here

>> No.17186002

kek its the opposite, good try retard

>> No.17186082

>wearing used clothing

>> No.17187208

>he basically looks like a character in an 80s movie who was an adult but got turned into a child by a witch and he shrank down while wearing his office clothes

This is such a great description of him.

>> No.17187336

The suit been made for a guy much taller than this kid.

>> No.17187338

No it isn't

>> No.17187342

>hormonally stunted
No he's not
It's not.

>> No.17187648
File: 980 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20220813-173022_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats good to hear

>> No.17187649
File: 1.80 MB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20220807-132052_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot trip

>> No.17187653

his outfit is actually fine

>> No.17187748

He looks like a kid making the suit look like cosplay.
If you look too young, you need to change up wearing a suit a bit or you´ll look like a kid playing dressup.

>> No.17187893


Wow, you're so wrong.

>> No.17187903

He looks like a 34 year old who still lives in a studio apartment just trying to "make it" in the outskirts of a semi-major city

>> No.17188496

He needs to stand up straight for one thing

>> No.17188722

Its in line with Reviewbrah. I enjoy his comfy 80s powersuits thoroughly. In terms of actually having a decent look, this isnt too far off. First things, two piece no belt. Not a hard rule like three piece and suspenders, but its more that he isnt wearing wither a belt or suspenders with a two piece.
Second, the tie is wicked loud and dated. A nice knit tie offers visusal interest without clashing. If it was simply that light green with the black and silver stripes, it could work, but the pattern is too much.
Third, tie length is too much. If you have to tuck the wide part of the tie in, its too long. Thats also apparently somewhat contentious for no reason.
Fourth and final, lack of appropriate accessories. The pen is dorky and makes him look too much like a highschooler shopping for his first thrift store suit. This nice charcoal tweed would go well with gold, preferably a tie bar, lapel pin, or watch.
Honestly the only two MAJOR issues are the tie and lack of belt/suspenders. Thats it. Even then the entire thing is 'on brand' for reviewbrah

>> No.17188728


>> No.17188747

>shirt is too big. his neck is swimming in the collar. wrist is swimming in the cuff
>jacket is too big. his arm is swimming in the sleeve
>jacket is too long. not enough shirt cuff is showing
>tie too long. tucked into his pant waist. looks sloppy / out of this era
>tie is ugly. it is a sickly looking thing that reminds one of a dead fish. the design is busy and confuses the eyes. the light tone at the top and the darker tone at the bottom adds too much weight to the bottom of the tie, making the outfit bottom heavy and pear shaped, rather than the upside down pyramid shape that is ideal for suits. the tie is also too close in shade / "lightness" (i forget the color theory or fashion term) to the shirt-- there is not enough contrast between the tie and the shirt so it almost gives the illusion of a big stain on his shirt
>wearing an ugly mass produced pen in the shirt pocket makes it look sloppy and out of touch
>the shoes are plasticky/cheap looking and too shiny. they're too skinny and streamlined looking for the wide fit of the trousers. they make the feet look dainty and silly

all of that is just looking at it with his head cropped out.. at the end of the day aesthetics and style, fashion, etc. depend a lot on the person wearing it and the message they're sending, the type of person inside the clothes. it's like a symbiotic relationship, as much as we'd sometimes prefer anyone could pull off anything. reviewbrah just looks too young to be wearing a suit like that. seeing his face you just crave seeing him in a more youthful outfit... idk might just be me. also seeing an "old school" style suit inside a contemporary salvation army with printed out comic sans font, and the photo being taken with a digital camera / with tech that didn't exist when a suit like that was in style, it's just incongruous, and makes you say huh... it's like seeing those software developers from 2014 who were really into dressing like lumberjacks and construction workers

>> No.17189039

wow, this is the most autistic critique i've ever fucking heard

>> No.17189149

For accessories, the suit could use a gold or silver tie clip and a Cartier Tank wristwatch. Also change the shoes to something not cheap.

>> No.17189559

For cheap shoes, it’s not the worst thing I’ve ever seen. The colors don’t clash, they look a bit worn, but with a ‘vintage’ look, it’s acceptable. The shine could be distracting, but when worn with the full break it’s mostly hidden anyway. Though, therin lies the problem. If you have small feet, the classic full break looks a bit odd. Overall the shoes are completely inoffensive unless you really look at them.

>> No.17189567

Forgot to mention anything about accessories. Yea both are great options, the watch especially. With the tie as it sits, putting a tie bar on it is the best bet, a clip would be too much with the pattern. Sooo much going on with that tie. Keep the jacket buttoned and cover that fucker up. The bar will hopefully keep eyes up and away from where the pattern picks up and closer to where it’s more paletteable.