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17150116 No.17150116 [Reply] [Original]

Whats it like buying a suit?
I have never owned a suit before but need to buy one this week. I am planning on going down to mens warehouse since thats the only place I know that sells suits. I have a rough outline of what I want:
>navy blue suit
>white/light blue dress shirt with striped or checkered pattern
>black or light blue tie
>brown belt and shoes

When I walk in there will someone be available to help take my measurements and pull inventory from the back?
Is it typical to need a suit hemmed or tailored? How long does that take?
Anything else I should know?

thx frens

>> No.17150121

Men’s wearhouse is shit OP, just thrift if you don’t have the money.

>> No.17150124

>Men’s wearhouse is shit OP, just thrift if you don’t have the money.
Money is not really an issue. Can I walk out with a suit same day or is there some kind of wait?

>> No.17150127

If you want to get measured, check in with your local tailor. You can buy suits online, used, for big discounts. Men’s Warehouse makes some of the worst suits sold in America.

>> No.17150130

You can get a suit off the rack, but they’re known to sell low-quality stuff. An off-the-rack suit might fit you well, but don’t count on it. Even if you have a suit that fits okay, you still may need alterations. What other options are around you?

>> No.17150135

Men’s Wearhouse is like the Walmart of suits.

>> No.17150141

This, and know your measurements in inches or centimeters. I have got quality vintage suits for very little in the past.

>> No.17150145

I just bought a suit in my size on ebay. You can always get it tailored after purchase if necessary.

>> No.17150144

>If you want to get measured, check in with your local tailor
I hear you but heres the thing, I need a suit asap, like right now. Does mens warehouse make suits? I was hoping to pickup a navy blue tommy hilfiger suit.

>What other options are around you?
not sure. what am I looking for here? I go to google and type in my zipcode followed by "suits" and dont get much results other than nordstrom, macys, mens warehouse, DXL, express, and several tux rental companies

>> No.17150149

>You can always get it tailored after purchase if necessary.
How long does tailoring usually take? About a week or so?

>> No.17150159

I will always reccomend SuitSupply. Off the rack fits gooed and only minimal tailoring needed, which they do in house and is finished in like an hour. Also, buy black shoes not brown

>> No.17150160

Why do you need a suit in a rush? You should except to look like shit getting an unaltered off-the-rack suit. Department stores like Nordstrom are better Men’s Wearhouse, but don’t expect to find anything world class.

>> No.17150165

>Why do you need a suit in a rush?
Biggest interview of my life is next monday. One of those moments that will decide what the rest of my life will look like

>Also, buy black shoes not brown
noted, thank you

>> No.17150167

Talk to your local tailor and find out. I don’t know their schedule. Nordstrom and some other department stores usually have a free alterations service and a tailor that can guide you. They even have a style advisor or something like available if you want to set up an appointment.

>> No.17150168

Blue is pleb and it does not go with brown.

Get a grey suit and brown leathers.

>> No.17150172

Don’t expect magic when you’re this rushed, but maybe a tailor can work within your time-frame. Look around at your options and see what you like.

>> No.17150175

Leatherfag, I love your humor, but OP is not wearing leather to an important interview.

>> No.17150195

Don't use black, use blue preferably but if you have brown make sure it's a shade that works well, but avoid black at all cost

>> No.17150199

He’s not going to go to an interview in blue shoes. I agree that he should go with black if he wants to be taken seriously in an interview.

>> No.17150203

Alright I'm heading out to see a tailor to get my measurements. Then I'm gonna stop by nordstroms and see if a style advisor is available. If that fails then I'm heading to mens warehouse to see what they can do.

Thanks everyone

>> No.17150211


>> No.17150214

You can set up the style appointment online dude

>> No.17150222


>> No.17150266

I once dated a friend qt lawyer and mentioned i wanted to buy a suit from them and she laughed, said they were cheap af. Either save or thrift around.

>> No.17150285

I agree, but OP didn’t think things through and now he’s in a rush.

>> No.17150292

As someone who works at Nordstrom / Rack, let me tell you how it goes.

>you go in, locate the Men's Department
>find the suit's section / "men's tailored" and ask for an associate
>since you already know exactly what you want, you don't have to waste your or their time browsing the selection; give them your shopping list in print after explaining what you want in speech; tell them why you need/want this suit and how soon you need it; if they know off the top of their head they've got everything you need accessible, proceed
>if it's Nordstrom, get them to measure you fully---shoulders, arms, torso, waist, hell legs even---no reason not to; have them write it all down for you for future reference; you need to know your suit size, dress shirt size, belt size, and pants sizing
>if it's Nordstrom Rack, the in-house tailor will do it; you will also need to consult them if the stock is small and does have what you want but in inconvenient sizes, to see if they can adjust whatever's available to your need
>then the associate gathers your options and you give an initial yay or nay based on look
>whatever you like, you go try on, assess how it looks and feel yourself and consult with who's helping you
>if you've got everything, you're good to go; just checkout with them (Nordstrom) / head to the registers (Rack)
>if something isn't right, you'll put an order for the alteration needed with a tailor, or the associate will look up stock across stores online and put in an order for you for whatever you're missing

As for what to buy, there is Nordstrom branded suits, dress shirts, belts, ties, and shoes that will all be your cheapest option generally speaking, but it's all chinkshit and looks low quality.

I don't necessarily have any recommendations, as stock differs store to store. Just tell the associate your budget / the most you're willing to pay and how you want something that doesn't look low quality. Ted Baker London is an acceptable default.

>> No.17150297

Nordstrom has tailors...

>> No.17150338
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If money is not an issue, and you live in a decently big city, find yourself a local menswear store. Any medium sized city will have at least one or two hole-in-a-wall place that will give you a functional suit for about a thousand.

I got an entry level Navy one for about $800 on sale at mine. Tropical wool, tailoring included, free alterations for the life of the suit at the location.

Use Nordstrom/Macy's for belts, shoes, shirts and ties. As long as they fit and are not Boomer-tier (Polyester, Boxy, etc).

>> No.17150436

I don’t think OP has the IQ to pull it off. He needs to be babied.

>> No.17150539

why did they misspelled they’re own brand name

>> No.17150560

Can confirm, Nordstrom's would be best bet in your situation. It will be a one stop shop, with knowledgeable associates

>> No.17150621 [DELETED] 

Hey bro, give it to me straight, if I'm over weight will I look good in a suit? I've seen fat people and they look like shit and think i will too. but i have hopes a suit will magically make me look at least decent.

>> No.17150638

How fat are you? A suit, especially a 3-piece suit, can hide some of your weight and you can end up looking fine, but don’t expect to look like a sexy, slim sprezz Italian.

>> No.17150708
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OP here
sorry bros, I went with mens warehouse. I'm simply too autistic to dress myself. I tried nordstrom but it felt cheap. So I went to mens warehouse and was immediately greeted by a tailor that took all my measurements, helped me pick out a full wardrobe and was able to get me speedy alterations. All in all I spent about $650 minus the shoes
But hey, I look good

>> No.17150713

I called it. OP dropped his spaghetti and got a cheap, Chinese suit. Lel.

>> No.17150716

I got some tommy hilfiger in there

>> No.17150720

Do you have pics?

>> No.17150726

nah I didnt take any and I cant take any now because they are doing alterations

>> No.17151034

Nordstrom Rack sells Tommy Hilfiger suits.

>> No.17151039

You are going to look back at that suit in a few months and deeply regret it.

>> No.17151040

>You are going to look back at that suit in a few months and deeply regret it.

>> No.17151050

>Nordstrom Rack sells Tommy Hilfiger suits.
very limited sizes and selection. I'd rather pay more to have the experience of some tailor follow me around, take my measurements and provide color matching advise.
I'm starting to think you guys hate mens warehouse because your too poor to shop there...

>> No.17151121

Mens wearhouse is cheap chink made fused garbage for clueless boomers who wear dress shoes with rubber soles

>> No.17151127

I got a cheap polyester suit from JCPenny because it said it was sporty breathable or something. It was also too small when I bought it because I’m regarded and did it without any research about how it should fit so the jacket is way too short

What are the benefits of a wool suit?

>> No.17151133

If people wanted a quality suit, Men’s Wearhouse would be one the last places we’d go. Just like this anon said >>17151121
It’s all fused shit from China, made as cheaply as possible. The reason we recommended thrifting and buying used is because we can reasonably get full-canvassed, or at least half-canvassed, suits at a reasonable price. If we wanted quality with no budget we would all go bespoke. If we wanted a new suit but were on a budget we’d got Made-To-Order or higher-end Off-The-Rack. You can cope about buying from there all you want. You made a bad purchasing decision.

>> No.17151134

>When I walk in there will someone be available to help take my measurements and pull inventory from the back?
>Is it typical to need a suit hemmed or tailored? How long does that take?
I mean, if you want it tailored and hemmed to fit you. Mens warehouse isn't the type of place you just go in and pick off the rack, try it on, and leave. Go to Goodwill for that. Mens warehouse is supposed to be this palce you go into, tell a nigga what you want and she/he finds you the suit, tailors/hemms it, yadda yadda yadda to fit you more perfectly. As for how long that takes, it's pretty much an all day affair. At least it was for me anyway, if you know what you want it makes things faster.
>Anything else I should know?

>> No.17151136

Wool suits breath better, last longer, are more comfortable, and look nicer.

>> No.17151150
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>All in all I spent about $650 minus the shoes

>> No.17151152

He hit his wallet with a stunner for a rubber suit.

>> No.17151255
File: 1.37 MB, 1170x2336, E70E2A8D-15BD-45C6-9A89-7F1EDDFAFB65.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would this be an alright option for a first suit? Looking to get something for the fall season. I’ve looked at getting a bespoke suit made and a half canvas suit would run me $1300 going through that route. They’ve got an extra 20% off sale on the one in the pic.

>> No.17151261

just my opinion but navy and grey seem like more versatile colors. that color suit looks like something an accountant would wear

>> No.17151263

It’ll be primarily for church while I build up my wardrobe with even more suits, I was wondering more the quality moreso than the color. It’ll suit my current pair of oxfords quite well.

>> No.17151302

>something for the fall
Get grey

>> No.17151309
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Nigga my sport coat cost twice that.

>> No.17151314
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>> No.17151322

Good starter. Instead of a fucking blue.

>> No.17151325

These French shoulders look stupid on grey. French are too relaxed for such a formal color.
Get British shoulders on a grey suit.
Get French shoulders with fancy colors.

>> No.17151351

I have a few suits that I got bespoke from some of the high-end tailors of Southeast Asia from 1-2k. While I’m not rich, $650 is expensive for the quality that Men’s Wearhouse offers. He could got a few decent full-canvas suits that fit reasonably well and tailored them with that money if he bought used online and thrifted. He also could have went MTO and got a better suit from Spier and McKay, Indochino, or the MTO suit brand of his choice. Instead he got a fused monkey suit that I wouldn’t pay $200 dollars for.

>> No.17151358

I like it, but it’s not a bad option for a first suit. >>17151261
He’s right. Navy and gray are great colors for a first suit. I’ve never seen an accountant dress like this and I like the look though.>>17151263
That color you picked isn’t really a fall church suit color, and it might work better as a sports coat.>>17151302
Not bad. Good first pick, but >>17151325
he’s right.

>> No.17151444

> not knowing each and every one of your measurements and ratios and how many heads and hands tall you are and proportions so you can obsess over decimal places as to why you don't look like a perfect mathematical model and that is the true reason, and nothing else, that you are undesirable and unlovable in the eyes of others




>> No.17151472

Nothing beats a cheap off the rack suit

>> No.17151480

There is literally no reason to get a full canvassed suit except to tell people that don't care that you own one

>> No.17151485

Men's wearhouse is fine for what you need. They will measure you etc but I'm not sure you'll get it same day

>> No.17151556

Most anons have never been to Mens Warehouse and are just parroting what they heard on Reddit.

>> No.17151584

>OP is not wearing leather to an important interview.
Who doesn't wear leather shoes to an interview?

>> No.17151783


>> No.17151800

Cope. Have you ever owned a full-canvassed suit? Not my fault you’re too lazy and get stuck with cheap chinese fused garbage. Who the fuck asks about canvassing? I’ve never heard a real person talk about canvassing once outside a tailor, clothing store or online forums. It looks better, lasts longer, and conforms to the body better over time. No need to tell everyone this when it’s obvious you have a good suit. You would know this if you ever owned one.
I’ve seen enough shitty suits from them on friends and family and through thrifting to know how shit they are. I’m sure other anons can attest to having the same experience. No need to justify getting suckered into buying a shit suit. Live and learn. We all make mistakes.