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17145760 No.17145760 [Reply] [Original]

There’s no point in buying clothes when it’s all plastic crap. Fuck Jews and boomers for doing this and every other way they’ve destroyed society and the Earth. Fashion is dead because culture is dead. I don’t want to see plastic. I don’t want to wear plastic. I don’t want plastic in the water. I don’t want plastic in my blood. I don’t want low testosterone. I don’t want to be infertile. I don’t want to wear shitty stinky sweaty evil jewish chinese plastic. I don’t want to do it anymore. I want to [redacted] jews and boomers and chinese and neoliberals. I can’t do this shit anymore. I can’t live my whole life in plastic. We are killing ourselves and every fucking thing on this earth so jews’ quarterly profits can be 0.2 higher. I hate plastic. I hate jews. I hate boomers. I hate Chinese. I hate neoliberals. I hate plastic.

>> No.17145762

go bespoke suit and become eternal

>> No.17145764

Nice copypasta. Just don’t buy plastic.

>> No.17145766

>just spend $200 on a shirt bro

>> No.17145767

So many bespoke tailors try to push viscose and rayon though.

>> No.17145768

>I’m not willing to pay more for higher quality products
Nigga really?

>> No.17145770

Be a pleb and buy plastic then, poornigger.

>> No.17145772

And the plastic in your shoes? In your house? In your brain? In your stomach? In the ocean? I’m every single fucking thing you can possibly think of. Jews and boomers founded neoliberalism which is a cult of oil. The boomer-Jewish neoliberal order is all in the service of oil. The jew bankers bathe in oil every night and use it as lube to rape kids.

>> No.17145776

You can buy shoes without plastic, poornigger.

>> No.17145778

Oh. Thanks, Mr Shekelberg!

>> No.17145779

You can consciously consume to highly reduce your exposure to plastics if you have an IQ over 80. You’re both a poornigger and a dumbnigger.

>> No.17145782

then fuck them up, write some feedbacks pointing at this, it's not cheap anyway, you can't wear natural cotton or linen clothes every day, no more than two days in a row and preferably once a week or they will be dead in very short time, that's why most consumer grade clothes add some synthetic fibers to enhance durability, but viscose and rayon? if they push for synthetics they wont make you a proper bespoke not pursuing professionalism

>> No.17145784

You’re a fucking kike apologist. I shouldn’t have to consciously try to limit my exposure to plastic as much as humanly possible just to not go infertile. Which is bullshit anyway because plastic is in every single fucking thing on Earth you kike-defending chink boomer-loving neoliberal nigger. Scum. Faggot. Plastic in your brain. I will kill you. I will kill you.

>> No.17145790

I don’t know if pay attention to fabric prices, but synthetics and semi-synthetics are almost always way cheaper than natural fabrics, with the only exception being natural cotton muslin.

>> No.17145797

I don’t like plastics either. I wish they were banned outside of needed function like disposable medical supplies and industrial uses that make them absolutely necessary. You can literally buy a cotton gildan shirt for $4. Natural latex beds are expensive but a must. Don’t use plastic ware and buy from your local farmers market. Do your research, dumb poornigger.

>> No.17145802

You are ignorant of the true scope of the plastic problem. You CANNOT live without be exposed to harmful amounts of plastic in the modern Jewish boomer world. I already try to avoid it as much as I can. You are blaming me for noticing the problem which only serves your Jewish masters.

>> No.17145803

I honestly just go unlined since it’s hot where I live and silk for winter months. If you’re going to spend that much on a suit, might as well use decent materials. Rayon should be banned and those that wear it should be sent to force labor camps to pick cotton.

>> No.17145811

Polyester-wearers should of course be sent to ‘rehabilitation centers’ and work with bakers to cleans the earth of their filthy flesh.

>> No.17145817

Honestly this is such a fixable problem is laughable you are so mad at it, it just takes regulation from the government, but you are too retarded and underage to do something about it anyway.

>> No.17145824

You are a jewslave. Politics has never solved anything. To fix this society needs to go back to traditional localist towns and beating women.

>> No.17145826

This is why dumbnigger OP is mad. He has no power to do anything. I realize this and don’t doompost or complain. What am I going to do? Join Extinction Rebellion and protest for ‘renewable energy access for persons of color’?

>> No.17145829

Violence in Minecraft is the answer.

>> No.17145830

depends if you care about the suit thing, if not polyester is a tank for office, for example, but in the summer you will feel like a boiling egg

>> No.17145831

True, but not going to happen. What’s stopping Chang from sticking his yellow robo-dick up your ass? There’s no use of trad LARPing because competition from outgroups will just outcompete you.

>> No.17145837

Polyester is never the answer. No person should be forced to wear plastic.

>> No.17145840

are we talking about 100% plastics or adequate portions of it?

>> No.17145844

Any plastic is too much plastic.

>> No.17145845

see >>17145782

>> No.17145849

No amount of individual choices will ever cancel out the plastic pollutions of boomer jew corporations and neoliberal governments, jewslave.

>> No.17145853

Unfortunately true. Big oil has too much lobbying power for any anti-plastic legislation to get passed.

>> No.17145859

so what are we talking about?

>> No.17145903

the thing i can't understand about you whining about plastic is you express concern but actually not expressing concern with your actions, if we strip plastics off we will loose many utilities, people would not be able to afford many things, the gap between classes will become bigger, natural things require a care, after you will be whining about the crowd looking shitty and poor in every way?

>> No.17145914

I disagree. A lot of plastic products are made as cheaply as possible. Forcing manufacturers to use alternatives and the competition for that will lower prices of products made of higher quality. Consumers still might pay more in the short term, but they’ll be buying less and spending less in on the long-term. I don’t think I need to go on about plastics pollution and it’s consequences on sea-life, which lowers the quality of seafood we eat and has terrible fallouts in regards to public health.

>> No.17145920

I’m assuming you love stretch fabrics and polyester jeans that tear apart in couple weaks

>> No.17145921

A couple weeks

>> No.17145936

Also, if a country banned synthetics in textiles, their products would probably be seen as higher-quality internationally.

>> No.17145965

>muh joos
>da joos did it!!
Ask me know I know youre 12

>> No.17145980

Yes, OP is an underaged faggot. What else is new?

>> No.17146392


>> No.17146606
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checked and fuck the Jews
We gave up the stars for the world and they killed us for it

>> No.17146612
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>> No.17146780

How do you think the world functioned before the fifties, you stupid fucking jewslave?

>> No.17146785
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>> No.17146790

>calling OP a fag is Reddit
Nigga, you new?

>> No.17146799


>> No.17146817

I'm going to grow my own clothes one day

>> No.17146848

no way this nigga isn't schizo

>> No.17146849

The crazy people are the ones who don’t go crazy living in this unnatural jew world.

>> No.17146857

He’s not a schizo. He’s just a fed.

>> No.17146868

my bad

>> No.17146917

You can order used 100% cotton (or wool) clothing for <$50 very easily. Less than $10 in a thrift store, but that's more of a crapshoot in terms of actually finding something good.

>> No.17147007

It's actually cotton.

>> No.17147011

Infinitely better than wearing animals.

>> No.17147017

yeah that's true yeah

>> No.17147020

>Synthetics = Poor Quality
>Nothing to do with the fact most things are Made in China
Low IQ.

>> No.17147023

>only one thing in front of me can be true

>> No.17147026

Howso? Animal fabrics are renewable, breathable, and have less health side effects.

>> No.17147034

You’re a selfish fool. A few quality clothes made of natural materials that last a lifetime is a million times better than buying tonnes of plastic crap constantly. You’re putting your stupid sense of guilt ahead of actually making the world better. The current evil jewish neoliberal treatment of animals isn’t the only way to get animal products. Look to your ancestors for answers.

>> No.17148215

What's worse is even 100% cotton shirts use polyester on the seams and they'll never admit it, no matter how many shirts I burn.

>> No.17148225

Making your own clothes is the answer.

>> No.17148228

I have never done anything like that before.

>> No.17148596

Community college usually have sewing, apparel construction, and/or fashion design classes available. You can join a local knitting group if you’re into that.

>> No.17148761

I'll have to find it. I want to start with a simple button up shirt.

>> No.17149415
File: 529 KB, 1334x694, Female brains.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Denounce the Talmud rn
Fuck Jews and Jannies