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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 849 KB, 576x1024, 1638917204903.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17118787 No.17118787 [Reply] [Original]

Why is /thinspo/ a permanent fixture on this board but there's no corresponding /thiccspo/ to balance it out?

>> No.17118796

Clothes are made to look good on clothes hangers. Thin people are the only people with the clothe-hanger physique.

When you have some thickness you get all sorts of different bodies and curves here and there. Nobody carries weight exactly the same. Which is why even if something looks good on one big person it wouldn't look good on another. That is why being thin is a standard in fashion.

>> No.17118800

most skeletons look the same so the skeletal look is achievable for those people. your webm is 100% genetics and most people with that bodyfat look nothing like that

>> No.17118802

everyone is fat anyway

>> No.17118824

sauce now

>> No.17118888

/thiccspo/ isn't /fa/ it's /breed/

>> No.17118939

These are accurate. Most chubby people look like shit. There are a few who have gifted fat distribution like in OPs webm.

>> No.17118946

Because fat people are ugly

>> No.17118948

Don't mix your coomer brain with fashion.
Clothes look better on skinny people, so there's nothing wrong with the thinspo threads.
But go ahead making thickspo/coomer threads, simply you don't have to trash skinny legends.

>> No.17118974
File: 399 KB, 654x710, 1645990700831.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fat people are ugly
source: i am fat guy

>> No.17118979

You need a legitimately mental illness to maintain a general

>> No.17119077

cause you don't understand how the chans work

if you're autistic enough you can keep a thread going 24/7

>> No.17119100

Oink oink piggy, eat some greasy fries to calm yourself idiot

Regards, thinspo chad

>> No.17119116

lmao human gigapuddi

i wish i was disgusting enough to just stuff myself with shitty food and never move

>> No.17119306

cuz theyre fat


>> No.17119321

Let's see the back

>> No.17119331

the problem is nothing looks good on a skeleton, and thats what all thinspo ends up being.

>> No.17119353

cute and would nappy on her lappy

except this is not even close to what fat people are. she got good genetics unlike 90% of the board

>> No.17119390

It's called /fatso/ not /thiccspo/, fat people aren't "thicc" they're fat

>> No.17119412
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>> No.17119414

my guy, i enjoy thicc women. i like looking at big titted curvy women. i've fucked my fair share of thick thighed big breasted amazingly assed women.

but your thread makes zero sense on the fashion board. take it to /gif/, i don't give a shit, might even contribute myself but on the fashion board i want to discuss beautiful clothes worn by thinspo models, not distorted silhouettes on some slampigs who can't dress themselves

>> No.17119424
File: 63 KB, 481x868, the_future_of_female_bodybuilding___by_tbone023_de61suf-fullview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because the trannies have not embraced the final truth.
the best way to pass as a woman is to look like this.
no one thinks this is actually a man: they think it's a woman that looks like a man.

>> No.17119429

being "thick" (fat) is mainstream, what with the kardashians and fat positivity movement and the rise of obesity

right now being thin is cool and underground

>> No.17119661
File: 219 KB, 2036x1146, D207538E-6AC4-44BE-B3C8-5D42858D1066.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who is she??

>> No.17119668

Fat is gross.

>> No.17119671

because nobody wants to be fat, fat is a cope, while thin is a goal.

>> No.17119797

Land whales would just take it over OP

>> No.17119817

lose weight fat ass, fats disgust everyone in their immediate vicinity.

>> No.17119982

Picrel isn't really fat, sure she's heavier but unlike truly fat people all of her features are still recognizable and she doesn't look like an amorphous sack of dough

>> No.17120057

Thinspo comes from a time before it was okay to have more fat on your body than not. Decades ago, being slim was a prerequisite to being fashionable; but with the casualization and vulgarization of the market, anti-body positivity became a no-no and now it's no longer outwardly shamed, even though this particular "thicc" weight has only sexual value, no recognized fashionable merit whatsoever---and so it is for that reason you see no threads, because on 4chan this is nothing but in one camp's mind being a fatass, and the other camp's coombait.kytnaw

>> No.17120089


>> No.17120094

Eating everything in your vicinity and having no self-control just isn't very effay

>> No.17120096

Yes.... But those gifted girls >rest

>> No.17120098

fat bitch

>> No.17120531

>Be mentally damaged skeleton
>Starve yourself to match other mentally deranged people
>Base your entire identity on the disease you contracted from a fashion magazine
>See people pay attention to fuller women
>Have a mental breakdown and deny everything instead of thinking that maybe (just maybe) everyone outside your cult thinks you are disgusting and all your work is for nothing

>> No.17120956

Be the change u wanna see

>> No.17120967

My bmi is in a healthy range, seeth if you must

>> No.17121387

chubby women look a thousand times better than chubby men

>> No.17121405

sexist and untrue

>> No.17121591


>> No.17121595

fat people are gross duh

>> No.17121617

you're just mad cause they're telling the truth, OP

>> No.17121627

Lol /fatspo/

>> No.17121661

shawty could GET IT

>> No.17121665

lel@the jealous trannies in this thread.
you will never be a woman and never have her neotenous eyes and and precum-inducing fat distro.

>> No.17121749

Thin will always be more fashionable.
There's less fabric you need to work with, like think about it is it easier to make a cute dress for a whale or a snake?

>> No.17121999
File: 514 KB, 800x1407, 1342463563567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Modern clothing is not made with fat people in mind. your best bet is getting a tailor who can make you custom clothing that is made specifically for you.

>> No.17122152

Oh my god... how do I architect this.

>> No.17122219

thicc isn't good for men and there's one or two girls in here if you're lucky

>> No.17122264
File: 1.79 MB, 1004x1335, thicc inspiration.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I could get thicc I've been stuck at 130lbs forever, we really could use a thiccspo with help and information

>> No.17122265

Nobody is attracted to thiccness; some men like it because the only women they can land is chubby shortstacks. The moment a thin, athletic women shows a chubby chaser any attention at all is the moment he suddenly becomes a thin chaser.

>> No.17122310

I bet she would feel amazing to mating press

>> No.17122343

Fat women will always be superior to thin women. If you prefer thin women you are genuinely a closested fag. Not that there's anything wrong with that but you do have homosexual tendacies so you might as well admit it. Women exist primarily for sexual pleasure and breeding purposes.

Fat men are disgusting though, that should never be allowed.

>> No.17122350

true this

>> No.17122351

I feel physically ill when looking at a skinny woman

>> No.17122355
File: 172 KB, 612x612, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

drink your calories. Picrel is almost 200 calories a cup.

>> No.17122357

Lots and lots of milk, butter, yogurt, ice cream and other high fat milk products. Basically 1/2 to full 1 gallon of milk/other substitute a day for 6 months and you'll be 30 lbs heavier ezpz.

>> No.17122532

>people still saying 'thicc' instead of thick (or other words
grow the fuck up your redditing fags

>> No.17122635

I'll try that! Thank you! I cut out dairy and sugars as a kid to fight acne which I bet is part of why I stayed skinny, hopefully it doesn't come back

>> No.17122657

Wow yeah, all those tips to gain weight. Seems like an epic thread:
>just eat as a pig lmao
Done. Plus, fatties are kinda gross not gonna lie.

>> No.17122887

>51 posters
>no sauce

>> No.17122896
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>> No.17122901

Dios mio

>> No.17122937

because getting fat is not attractive.

>> No.17122949

fat girls are fucking disgusting kys

>> No.17122952
File: 1.88 MB, 1126x1001, Diet Examples 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look for calorie dense foods, like peanut butter at 5.7 kcal/g can add a lot of calories from just a few spoonfuls – though try to stick to actually nutritious foods and don’t just opt for junk food for the calories alone. You’ll still want a balanced diet

Alternatively, try to drink calories like the other anon said. Protein powder / mass gainer powder in milk - esp whole (3.25%) milk are great ways to squeeze in more calories, since it's quick to take in, isn't as filling as solid foods, but still nutrient dense. If you don’t handle dairy well, use onions milk. It’s 2/3 the calories, but almost the same protein

Tl;dr the slower you gain weight while exercising, the more of the new weight will be muscle. The faster you rush it, the more of it will be fat
Idk if you’d care for more info from a /fit/fag, but lemme know

>> No.17122983

That seems certainly indepth enough, thank you! I wouldn't say no to hearing more though if you did want to keep going!

>> No.17122994

oh god

>> No.17123013
File: 111 KB, 759x414, 1346557708023 - Copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'll def wanna read the /fit/ sticky, esp if you're planning on making any exercise / diet changes http://liamrosen.com/fitness.html
A very simplified way of thinking about it is, "diet determines size, exercise determines shape."
So how you decide to work out - or what kind of lifting routine or w/e you decide to follow - will end up determining the proportional sizes of the muscles in your body
For example here, sprinters use tons of overall lower body, and build a good all-rounded lower body. Swimmers on the other hand develop fantastic hamstrings, but with the limited range of motion of their kicks, don't build as much of a butt - so you see the differences in their overall looks/shape like the picture here

BUT ultimately find a form of exercise you enjoy. One sport might give you your dream body, but if you hate it, you won't stick with it long term, and never reach that dram bod in the first place

If you want a lifting routine or more diet info like figuring out your macros, DM me JS#7977

>> No.17123242


>> No.17123277
File: 515 KB, 541x768, 1-_9cEh2Kn1xZAfcjg3tXcBMSDw3njn9QYdl3FBVmI8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Replying to myself

>> No.17123288

how the fuck has no one destroyed her with multiple pregnancies by now?
you could stuff her into the trunk of your car easily.

>> No.17123290 [DELETED] 


>> No.17123522
File: 137 KB, 423x408, apu does not consent binge eating.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be mentally damaged bag of fats
>binge yourself to match other mentally deranged people
>base your entire identity on the disease you contracted from websites
>see people pay attention to skinnier women
>have a mental breakdown and deny everything instead of thinking that maybe (just maybe) everyone outside your cult thinks you are disgusting and all your work is for nothing
this also apply to fattiess, unsurprisingly.

>> No.17123573

>people still saying thicc instead of whale or hambeast

>> No.17123660

Whale or hamplanets are an advanced stage far beyond what is considered thicc.

>> No.17123730
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>> No.17123744


>> No.17124404
File: 303 KB, 480x854, videoplayback.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was beginning to think I was the last straight man left on this board. Then I found this thread. You have restored my /fa/ith, borther.

>> No.17124547
File: 46 KB, 700x545, 1631822652135330539.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My new gf is quite thick 155/68 but she wears size S clothes

>> No.17124553

How many height reveals does one woman need

>> No.17124646
File: 1.95 MB, 480x320, When VTEC kicks in.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>her instagram

>> No.17124698

none of you are women

>> No.17124727
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>> No.17124745

if you trannies weren't autistic you'd realize other people have minds and that we can see what you're doing - no one that isn't a tranny has enough incentive to make these memes.

>> No.17125022

this cured my shemale addiction

>> No.17125024

bros I think Im straight again

>> No.17125027

what cured me was watching a bailey jay joi video and it being the most gross shit i have ever seen.
so basically he got me into it and then out of it again.

>> No.17125256

No shit retard, we're here to look at thick ladies

>> No.17125257
File: 21 KB, 480x471, cries in fat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17125451

this isn't "smol" this is just growth hormone deficiency

>> No.17125470

If you want to see fat people you can just go outside, there's an obesity pandemic and it's killing more than covid

>> No.17125493

Well here is how I think about it

>Skinny women look good in clothes and are beautiful and aesthetic in fashion

>But I would absolutely slam that pig with ease

>> No.17125698

what a fat slut

>> No.17126772
File: 1.79 MB, 1156x650, 1444398199324 (1).webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The best kind of slut

>> No.17126818

this isn't even fat she's just a child machine

>> No.17126962

The real problem is being skinny doesn’t mean you have the frame for drapes. I advise every single one of you to be at the gym 4-5 times a week. Even if you don’t put on much mass, you need the broad frame for it to look good.

>> No.17126994
File: 278 KB, 1363x2045, nxncuekexidi8383.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the gym 4-5 times a week!? Man I got a life to lead

>> No.17127020

dont have to, i have almost comically wide shoulders even at 18.5bmi

>> No.17127025

Bone structure is not fat, she should lose a few kg tho

>> No.17127041

honestly as a /thinspo/ poster no she shouldn't. some people just wouldn't look better skinnier. she's got breeding hips, might as well have the rest of the figure to go with it. hard to carry children without some excess fat

>> No.17127061

whats her name again? she reminds me of a childhood crush

>> No.17127120

If you added a bit of shoulder mass you would look effay + masculine. Being physically stronger makes you all around better. You’ll be confident in your look and what your capable of. If you really want a social edge over other guys, get some physical contact from sparring or hitting pads with a mate. You can start to tell who’s no afraid of a scrap just from your first impressions after this. Generally men will respect you automatically. It’s preprogrammed in us. Guys just know who’s initiated. It’s instinctive.

>> No.17127133

I hate women

>> No.17127162

They don't even know you exist

>> No.17127222

Because landwhales are not effay

>> No.17127812

so is thiccspo literally just girls with big thighs but normal body? kinda boring if you ask me

>> No.17127843
File: 2.39 MB, 576x1024, asianslampig (1).webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The problem with a thiccspo would be that there's a spectrum between thicc and fat. The thread would be filled with people debating about whether a certain girl posted was actually obese and not thicc, or how she's not obese in my opinion. Thinspo is easy because everyone agrees on what thin is.

Nah there are plenty of girls out there with a thick everything, not just legs.

>> No.17127890

Is she trying to say she goes out in public like that or something. Also sauce?

>> No.17128049

no, it's something roasties do so that other roasties don't abuse them for being attentionwhores.
they tie it to body positivity or feminism so they can claim they're victims rather than showing off.

>> No.17128274

Because /thinspo/ plebs have nothing better to do

>> No.17128275
File: 36 KB, 286x335, GettyImages-1197847839.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgotten pic

>> No.17128358

defiant panda

>> No.17128361
File: 46 KB, 474x711, th-2403674812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17128472

I like chubby girls when it all goes to their stomach desu

>> No.17128486

One is a lifestyle where everything they do revolves around their self image of being a skinny faggot, the other is just fat people. And being fat takes no effort.

>> No.17128843
File: 893 KB, 300x167, 1639796821456.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she should gain more you coward

>> No.17128861
File: 2.79 MB, 590x344, 1578435564207 (1).webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She did

>> No.17128876

That's called being fat and we have enough of it.
Anything to get people to stop eating so much and being fatties is a good thing

>> No.17128891

being fat isn't /fa/

>> No.17128894
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>> No.17128926
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>> No.17129062

/fatspo/ is disgusting, fat people are disgusting

>> No.17129075
File: 137 KB, 350x350, 1407980869608.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are other boards for that. This is inspo.

This board is ruined.

>> No.17129112

true but here we get to look at "fashionable" fat bitches