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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 2.56 MB, 4032x3024, 1646553067177.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17111575 No.17111575 [Reply] [Original]

latest /fa/ meetup in boston

>> No.17111594

wtf why is Dahmer there i thought he died like 30 years ago

>> No.17111612

Too many t-shirts desu.

>> No.17111622

How come at every /fa/ meetup everyone is typically wearing the most basic shit? You would think if you're meeting up with other people that are into fashion you would wear something slightly interesting.

>> No.17111624

>How come at every /fa/ meetup everyone is typically wearing the most basic shit?
Americans think wearing a dress-shirt, to go to a diner, is 'too formal'. That they'd be breaking social conventions by doing so.
I kid you not.

>> No.17111625

Only two of the people in this image are effay

>> No.17111629

all guys that get pussy

>> No.17111630 [DELETED] 

Looks more like a r9k meet-up

>> No.17111631

I'm American and this clearly isn't a formal event you fucking autist. It would genuinely be weird if someone wore a dress shirt to this. Just because American culture is different doesn't mean its flat out incorrect. Become a relativist. It wouldn't be weird if the dress shirt was worn as an over shirt on top of a t-shirt.
There's nothing outright wrong with these fits, it's just if I were to do a meetup, which I wouldn't, I would wear something more interesting. Not a fucking dress shirt.

>> No.17111644 [DELETED] 

Starting from right
1. Literally a gym attire
2. German Mr Beast with mismatching shoes
3. Looks normal
4. This would've looked better he didn't have that protruding ugly beer belly
5. Nice but you look too insecure
6. Antisocial MtF repressor

>> No.17111648


>> No.17111650
File: 1.38 MB, 719x1000, PrinceofWales.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Americans genuinly consider a simple dress-shirt too formal

>> No.17111656

Yes, because the standards of a different country across an entire ocean can determine whether the customs of a different country are valid.
God, Europeans are genuinely so fucking stupid it's insane. A lot of Americans are brain dead as hell, but I would rather be borderline retarded than have my head all the way up my ass.
>Anything that's different than my norm is cringe

>> No.17111659

>because the standards of a different country across an entire ocean can determine whether the customs of a different country are valid.
Isn't that what America does with its military since 1900s?
>no, you can't have dictatorships, you MUST have democracy or we will blow you up

>> No.17111668

It's not like I have a say in what my country on that scale does. I agree, my country has done some cringe shit with it's power. We're talking culture here though, nice try at trying to deflect. Just embarrassing, get off your high horse.
Again, become a relativist. There's clearly a reason my country is more culturally significant than yours which explains why so many Europeans get butthurt over American culture being different. I genuinely think the entirety of Europe is more autistic than America.

>> No.17111672

yeah this is hopeless

>> No.17111673

Jesus Christ the guy 2nd to right looks like he just barely survived the Irish potato famine

>> No.17111677
File: 133 KB, 1000x1258, H18799-L172875680.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We're talking culture here though
System of government isn't culture? bruh.

>his country goes around telling the WHOLE WORLD that they MUST use democracy because it's the ABSOLUTE BEST SYSTEM BECAUSE WE SAID SO
>oh, btw, it's not a choice, you WILL use it or we WILL BLOW YOU UP
>we do this because we are absolutely convinced we are right and you are wrong

>'get off your high horse'
Oh, Americans, so fucking stupid.

>> No.17111681
File: 219 KB, 1251x1415, 1652718355443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There's clearly a reason my country is more culturally significant than yours which explains why so many Europeans get butthurt over American culture being different

'They really believe that Europeans are eagerly waiting to hear from them and heed their advice. They took our strategic decision not to discuss their shallow culture before the war as a sign of admiration.
They cannot believe that there are cultural values that are the result of centuries of historical development, which cannot simply be bought. It was no bad joke when, after the war, they bought the ruins of German castles and moved them stone by stone to the U.S.A. They really thought that they had purchased a piece of national history embodied in stone, and were naive enough to think that mocking laughter from Europe was respect for the wealth that enabled them to buy what their own tradition and culture lacked'.

>> No.17111684

Yes the system of government is culture, but literally everything is culture. You can't name a single thing that exists that hasn't be cultivated by culture. I think it should be very clear that we're talking about a very specific sect of culture here, and not government you fucking swine. I'm talking about how it's different in America to wear a dress shirt when compared to Europe, which is the truth and norms are defined by the culture they reside in, and you're over there like "WELL THE AMERICAN GOVERNMENT IS BAD!"

Fucking genius. I'm so glad to be enlightened by your superiority. God I'm so jealous that I don't live in a shit hole country.

>> No.17111687

Your government is made of your people, dumbass.
They are not a seperate species; they share your mannerisms.

>> No.17111688
File: 96 KB, 500x500, 1656948250696.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone have a pic of one of the very first meetups? Would have been ~2010.
Bunch of hipsters and a few og tripfags on an NYC rooftop? Low res photo like it was taken on a cheap digital camera.
feeling nostalgic for more innocent times

>> No.17111698

>It's not like I have a say in what my country on that scale does
You literally vote for it, that WAS the entire point of democracy.

Also, your own generals don't think like you, that government and citizens should be differentiated:
'There are no innocent civilians. It is their government and you are fighting a people, you are not trying to fight an armed force anymore. So it doesn't bother me so much to be killing the so-called innocent bystanders'.
- Curtis LeMay, General of the USAF

>> No.17111699

When you have a country as massive as America shit like this is inevitable. Again, I'm not defending American politics, I'm talking about how it's different in America to wear certain kinds of shirts when compared to Europe. Not trying to talk politics, that's not why I'm here.
Truly moronic. You literally can't conversate with a European online without them divulging into how they hate the American government. Me too man, we agree, but that's not why I'm talking to you in the first place you fucking retard.
No, I didn't. Didn't vote. None of the options reflected my views, I disagreed with them all. I think we're kind of on the same page that American politics suck. Again though, that's not why I'm having this conversation. I just wanted to talk about shirts.

Go to /pol/

>> No.17111705
File: 219 KB, 1135x1258, 1651240642068.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Culture is the very essence of civilisation, it encompasses government to clothes.
Your government is shit ergo your fashion is shit.

Come on bro, Philosophy 101 here.

>> No.17111707

Oh it's you, that guy that read Hegel once. Cool. I had a suspicion.
Alright, cheerio. I have literally no reason to continue.

>> No.17111708

infinite jest reader (evil)
will not shut the fuck about bladee
what listening to parquet courts once will do to a mf
any one of my friends in hs

>> No.17111712

'I know of no country in which there is so little independence of mind and real freedom of discussion as in America'.
- Alexis de Tocqueville, 'De La Démocratie en Amérique'

>> No.17111714


>> No.17111720

Also that quote is from literally 200 years ago. Very relevant and poignant, so impressive.

>> No.17111722
File: 176 KB, 959x652, 1656318638042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Switzerland — 9.11
New Zealand — 9.01
Denmark — 8.98
Estonia — 8.91
Ireland — 8.90
Canada — 8.85
Finland — 8.85
Australia — 8.84
Sweden — 8.83
Luxembourg — 8.80

Would you look at that, nintey percent European in the top ten.

That wasn't even what the quote means, btw. Try thinking a tad bit harder.

>> No.17111724

And America is 15th. Pretty happy about that.
I'm not thinking too hard about what you say at this point because I genuinely don't value your input. I've spoken with you before and you've proven to me that you're literally braindead. I'm closing this thread.

>> No.17111725

>Also that quote is from literally 200 years ago
'I am obliged to confess that I do not regard the abolition of slavery as a means of warding off the struggle of the two races in the Southern states. The Negroes may long remain slaves without complaining; but if they are once raised to the level of freemen, they will soon revolt at being deprived of almost all their civil rights; and as they cannot become the equals of the whites, they will speedily show themselves as enemies'.
- Alexis de Tocqueville, 'De La Démocratie en Amérique'

>> No.17111729

I didn't say it; Alexis de Tocqueville said it.
So, go on, think.
If you don't, you literally prove him correct.

>> No.17111805

So this is it, huh. 2022 "fashion" is fucken printed Ts, basketball shorts and hiking shoes.

Who is responsible for this?

>> No.17111843

>Australia — 8.84
After covid concentration camps and forced detention?

>> No.17111929

what a bunch of whitoid cucks

>> No.17111933

Notice how none of them aren’t wearing Jordan’s

>> No.17111955

why do i still come to this website?

>> No.17112209

kek brutal

>> No.17112242

What are you talking about? That white t shirt is hilarious.

>> No.17112246
File: 1.99 MB, 213x243, bqtITjW.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>American culture

>> No.17112247

You made the mistake of thinking anyone on here actually has any sense of style or fashion.

>> No.17112266
File: 23 KB, 677x453, 1631488451863.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the first time I have browsed this board in years. I entered this thread because I thought it was going to be a humour thread. Everyone is taking this picture seriously and even defending some of these outfits/bodies. Do you people acctually look like this? Their outfits don't matter they all look frail, sickly or disabled. No clothes will fix this, if they were handsome or in Good shape they still could only wear half the items shown.
Please for the love of God if you are reading this work out, you could dress these guys anything and they would still look like a Meetup for autism awareness.

>> No.17112271

very cool guys

>> No.17112288

> How come at every /fa/ meetup everyone is typically wearing the most basic shit?

Have you seen the WAYWT threads? No one here knows shit about fashion. It's just a board for people who have no followers or friends on other platforms to post their every day wear.

>> No.17112298

gotta agree on the WAYWT threads..really gone downhill since I first started lurking

>inb4 old, 'back in my day' jokes

>> No.17112316
File: 427 B, 22x39, 2022-07-04.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17112326

beige guy looks straight out of 1905

>> No.17112328

ID on blue shirt guy's pants and shoes

>> No.17112333
File: 5 KB, 200x202, 98765432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it true that during one of the meetups someone brought semen dipped donuts for the group kek?

>> No.17112345

>wearing a dress-shirt, to go to a diner
A diner? Like a crappy place you'd get breakfast or something soaked in grease? Yeah that wouldn't be my first choice of clothes

>> No.17112346

who expected talking about dress shirts would turn into europeans being retarded talking about how US gov't bad to philosophy and how america is not free.

>>/pol/ is where you folk belong because no one cares

>> No.17112355

which one of these is you?

>> No.17112367

Can we not let stupid side conversations subtract from how these "fits" are literally just throwing on a shirt and pair of pants from the closet.

>> No.17112368

Proof? This looks like a teenagers virgin incel antifa robot meetup.

>> No.17112369
File: 416 KB, 320x623, effay lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17112399

Everyone who used this board and knew anything about fashion left a long time ago and probably moved on from fashion overall.

>> No.17112435

once you get a job you'll realize dress shirts aren't formal, even here

>> No.17112528

somehow still dressed better than the majority of bostonians

>> No.17112563

It is if you're hanging out with friends and you know that's different. Yeah of course wearing a button up shirt for work isn't formal, but it is if you're doing basically anything else.

>> No.17112573
File: 139 KB, 960x960, 3174635-4ri80.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I really gonna have to be the one to say it...

>> No.17112589

Not trying to be dismissive, but what exactly is "normal" for a meetup of people from a dying online fashion forum on a dying website? I don't think there are really established rules for what's "weird" to wear to something like that, and given that it's a meetup of people from a fashion forum, personally I'd expect at least a couple people to come wearing something more adventurous (or even just well put together) than this.

>> No.17112605

When I was talking to that guy earlier today in this thread he was just annoying me, I don't think wearing a button up shirt would be "too formal," but he has a weird perception. I've talked to him in other threads before and he genuinely thinks everyone should wear suits and button ups every day. To be fair though, wearing the type of button up he's implying one should wear on a day-to-day basis would be autistic here in America to wear when hanging out with friends.
I agree though, the guys in the meet up could've tried a bit more and it wouldn't have been weird at all for one of them to wear a button up shirt if that's their style. It would be weird if they dressed the way that guy wants them to dress.

>> No.17112617
File: 309 KB, 217x857, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

weird stance but pretty good overall, best color choice in the group by far

>> No.17112632

>meetup for the "fashion" board
>half of the attendees are wearing graphic tees
even the australian one wasn't this bad

>> No.17112641

yes, even after that, that shithole is STILL more free than the US.

>> No.17112647

>this is fashionable now
Literally how incels dressed from 2010-2019. How do incels dress now?

>> No.17112796

*tips fedora*

>> No.17112862

none of your clothes fit and you wear autism shoes

>> No.17112901

like ZOINKS scoob

>> No.17112957

you posted the worst dressed one

>> No.17112984

>these are the people giving you fasion advice

>> No.17112987

absolute state of your taste

>> No.17112990

If that dude didn't have the full soi 0% muscle mass feminized gyno physique he would be effay. But his body shape makes me physically ill the guy must consume nothing but mountain dew and cheese doodles

>> No.17113044
File: 324 KB, 1920x1048, Nighthawks_by_Edward_Hopper_1942.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17113224

America is 15th in the world, above about 180 different countries including Germany, Italy, Spain, and France.
I feel like people that say America isn't free haven't actually been to America nor do they know any people living in America. I'm by no means a patriot, but to say we aren't living in one of the genuinely most free and prosperous countries on earth is simply ignorant. I genuinely don't know how to make it clear that I'm not an ignorant ass southern American preaching about our freedom and prosperity, but that's actually the truth. America is a great place to live by many metrics while still requiring work in several aspects such as health care, prison reform, and reduction of military spending.

>> No.17113269

'In America the majority raises formidable barriers around the liberty of opinion; within these barriers an author may write what he pleases, but woe to him if he goes beyond them'.
- Alexis de Tocqueville, 'De La Démocratie en Amérique'

>> No.17113276

Ok, give me an example of this concept in modern America please.

>> No.17113277

Also I'm not saying this doesn't happen, this is a core concept in sociology with ingroups and outgroups which is consistent among all cultures, but please go ahead and give me a relevant example.

>> No.17113280
File: 510 KB, 1500x2045, 1654608166749.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try writing a book about fucking lolis and try talk about it in public.

Heck, just try posting loli on Twitter.
The Japanese do it all the time but, if you tried in the Americansphere of Twitter, well, you can guess what happens.

>> No.17113281

what drives a man to post catty put-downs about a picture of other men on an anime support group?

>> No.17113286
File: 1.00 MB, 1920x800, Dieter_Hellstrom_with_the_King_Kong_cardI.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>which is consistent among all cultures
>every country in the world is the same (id est: like America)

>> No.17113293

Alright, bad example but I'll bite.
This wouldn't be permissible in Europe either. The only place you can actually get away with this is in Japan where the age of consent is much younger and the sexualization of young teens in normalized to a certain extent. Do this in Germany and you'll get shitty reactions as well you fucking dumbshit, this is not specifically an American thing. Give me a better example because apparently you're so fucking smart you should be able to get a better example.
In groups and out groups are consistent among all cultures. Simple reading ability is all I ask. You can find in groups and out groups in populations as small as three people. It's a core concept of sociology.

>> No.17113295

>give me a relevant example.

Would Americans ever dare, publicly, protest against the raising of the age of consent to 18 (thereby admiting they maybe want to fuck lolis)?
lol, of course not.

>> No.17113297

>This wouldn't be permissible in Europe either

>The manuscript was turned down, with more or less regret, by Viking, Simon & Schuster, New Directions, Farrar, Straus, and Doubleday (ALL AMERICAN).[32] After these refusals and warnings, he finally resorted to publication in France

>> No.17113299

jesus christ how does this board get worse every time

>> No.17113301

They lowered the age of consent to our age of consent. We now have the same age of consent at the age of 18. Some states allow you to fuck 16 year old here in America.
Are you're only grievances against America that you can't fuck children here? No one wants to fuck you anyway, it doesn't even matter in your case. Do you have any examples of American culture raising barriers, creating in groups and out groups, in which the out group is specifically characterized in a uniquely American way? I'm almost positive there are examples of this happening, but please Mr. "I read Hagel once", give me an example unrelated to having sex with children.
Culturally speaking, in the west it isn't permissible to depict children in a sexual light. Can we stop pointing out examples of sexualizing children? You can do this.

>> No.17113302

>They lowered the age of consent to our age of consent
That's not what the petition was, you fucking idiot.
The petition was against ANY age of consent.
Fucking read.

>> No.17113306


>> No.17113308

>Culturally speaking, in the west it isn't permissible to depict children in a sexual light
In the English speaking West, you mong. Go look at the European threads in /int/ from time to time, they'll often post loli as well.
Of course, the eternal Anglo applies his morals to the entire planet earth.

>> No.17113311
File: 1.34 MB, 1973x1446, 1652702165611.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

'In America the majority raises formidable barriers around the liberty of opinion; within these barriers an author may write what he pleases, but woe to him if he goes beyond them'.
- Alexis de Tocqueville, 'De La Démocratie en Amérique'

Thanks for proving him right.

>> No.17113313

Yeah man, there are Americans who like loli as well, that isn't unique. That's definitely a thing here in America and I'm almost positive it's a similar population.
Once again, let's stray away from specifically this subject. Your point fall flat if you have only one example, regardless of the subject matter.
I don't give a fuck if you want to have sex with children, I truly don't. I just want a different example. I feel like this is a genuinely bad example that doesn't prove your point.

>> No.17113315

Also to that point, this is an incredibly niche subject matter that doesn't really speak to American culture as a whole. Again, this isn't uniquely American.
This is truly insane. Is this what I'm doing before class?

>> No.17113323
File: 942 KB, 1000x1200, 1649994166727.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

'No one talks more passionately about his rights than he who in the depths of his soul doubts whether he has any. By enlisting passion on his side he wants to stifle his reason and its doubts: thus he will acquire a good conscience and with it success among his fellow men'.
- Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche, 'Menschliches, Allzumenschliches: Ein Buch für freie Geister'

>> No.17113329

I'm passionate about you giving me another example that truly speaks to American culture. There are so many examples you could give me its unreal.
If you're so anti American, you surely have to understand how it differs from European/eastern cultures in ways unrelated to this one subject in which you're passionate about. The main point is that this point does not speak to American culture as a whole, and speaks to many different western cultures in tandem. I understand that you're legitimately autistic, not insulting you for your autism, just stating what you said in a previous thread, but you simply can't be this simple and narrow minded.

>> No.17113334

Hell, give me an example of one (1) right that those in European cultures enjoy that isn't related to health care or lolis. This should be easy.

>> No.17113343

'Moving the goalposts is an informal fallacy in which evidence presented in response to a specific claim is dismissed and some other (often greater) evidence is demanded'.

You've done this ever since we began.

>> No.17113346

So you critique American culture specifically for only it's stance on age of consent? You legitimately have no other grievances of American culture?
I'll put that one to the side regardless of my views. Sure, we have different views on age of consent, whatever. My retort was that it was an incredibly niche thing to criticize us for and that there are an abundance of other flaws in American culture. Please oh wise one, gift me with your critique of American culture.

>> No.17113349
File: 342 KB, 430x393, OCD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17113355

You really can't understand. You've reached your limit with that response; your mind can't go any further.

'Though thou shouldst bray a fool in the mortar, as when a pestle striketh upon sodden barley, his folly would not be taken from him'.
- Proverbs 27:22

>> No.17113359

So basically you critiqued American culture, to which I basically asked why, and then you moved the goal post by making the conversation revolve around lolis and age of consent. Then I tried to reel it all back into critiquing American culture, to which you claim I moved the goal post? I'm moving it back to where it was, and I retorted your argument by saying it isn't uniquely American. My point is objectively valid as views on that subject matter aren't uniquely American and you can find that viewpoint in much of the western world.
All I'm asking is that you give a critique of specifically American culture. It's very simple.

>> No.17113363

>and you can find that viewpoint in much of the western world.
Did you already forget the French petition to remove age of consent?

I'm even going to bother with your dumb arse anymore.

>> No.17113369

That's one example which doesn't represent the whole of European culture as a whole, which only represents the views of those involved in that petition, not representing the views of the French public as a whole as it did not pass. While it may speak to a fundamental aspect of freedom of speech, it does not speak to the issue as to whether the French as a whole agree with what is proposed here. Even if we do assume that this is emblematic of French culture as a whole, this would only be representative of French culture and not European culture, and to justify this point of view being wildly held by Europeans as a whole you would need more evidence than a petition in one country.
Simply put, this petition does not constitute a genuine critique of what would be considered uniquely American culture no matter how you try to spin it. It's actually largely irrelevant if I'm being honest.

Look man, I need to leave in 5 minutes to go to class. If you can't figure a means of critiquing American culture for something unrelated to age of consent and health care then your point is largely dismissed. There are so many things to critique America for other than that, but for whatever reason you've decided to narrow your view to only be conducive in relation to this one specific, niche viewpoint, and I can once again verify that your input isn't actually valuable.

>> No.17113372


>> No.17113374

Oh, I thought you were a scholar. I figured with your reading comprehension it would take you a mere 5 seconds to scurry through my ramblings.
Alright, I'll go ahead and deem your views invaluable and consider myself the winner.
America - 1
Europoors - 0

ggs, I'm going to class now.

>> No.17113376

'Not one of these nobly equipped young men has escaped the restless, exhausting, confusing, debilitating crisis of education. ... He feels that he cannot guide himself, cannot help himself—and then he dives hopelessly into the world of everyday life and daily routine, he is immersed in the most trivial activity possible, and his limbs grow weak and weary'.
- Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzche, 'Gedanken über die Zukunft unserer Bildungsanstalten'

>> No.17113381

What’s going on on the shirt near his dick? Piss? Cum stains?

>> No.17113388

nice try, this is actually a meetup from a reddit thread on /r/RegisteredSexOffenders

>> No.17113528

kek how embarassing

>> No.17113736

and somehow none of them are in the least bit /fa/

>> No.17113821
File: 4 KB, 300x168, bombburnham.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he looks like he wants to tell me how to build a bomb

>> No.17113967

Its over

>> No.17114019

So... Is this the master race?

>> No.17114242

alright but where can i cop that platos cave shirt

>> No.17114250

My thoughts exactly. The absolute state of /fashion/ in current year.

>> No.17114269

Is this real?im laughing

>> No.17114282

you're below australia, you daft bastard, it's a fucking prison colony.

>> No.17114284

I don't know if I understand the relevance considering it hasn't been a prison colony since 1868. A lot of countries still had slaves at that point.
Maybe you know more than me and can expand on why this point is relevant.

>> No.17114364

Keep in mind /fa/ isn't fashionable and it's filled with losers. I had to pick up like 3 dudes from the bus stop/subway/their school campus because so many of these fucks didn't have cars or driver's licenses in their late 20s

There was only one chick there who worked at taco bell and ended up fucking 3 of the dudes

>> No.17114369

Why do they all dress like shit? Most of these guys dress like me.

>> No.17114371

was she cute? it's funny that the only guy here whose facial genetics aren't a disaster is tied for worst dressed/least effort

>> No.17114404

From what I remember she wasn't anything special. But wasn't ugly. Typical average fuck that you'd forget about

>> No.17114469

>”America doesn’t let you express your opinion!!”

Yeah kind of true

>”for example: I can’t talk about my insatiable pedophilic lust!!”

You should kill yourself NOW! Your life served ZERO purpose.

>> No.17114571

jesus so the people who post here are even worse looking than the average redditor, that's an accomplishment

>> No.17115032

Just raise the percentage of blacks in the population vs the percent that commit violent crimes. Raise the fact that the disparity exists even when controlling for income and education. Point out that the homicide rate of black America is on par with Sub Saharan Africa while White America's is closer to Switzerland. Do any of those things in 'polite' society and see how long you last. Or better yet, ask why 2.4% of the population runs close to 100% of the news and entertainment and see if you can keep your job.

>> No.17115034

the only guy dressed kind of cool is the guy in all tan
what is this from for real though?

>> No.17115093

2nd from the right came straight out of a coal mine from the 1920s. wheres the time machine at?

>> No.17115099

I'll never again take advice from anyone here, not even children are dressed that badly in yurp

>> No.17115101

guy in the beige is KINO. none of them have nice shoes. :(

>> No.17115105
File: 126 KB, 1000x772, GettyImages-3278169.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

think you need to look at more pictures of people from that time period, nothing about that is old fashioned

>> No.17115112

Sounds like you have a faggy job for richboy fops. I drive a forklift and the only rule is wear leather shoes

>> No.17115123

meh i am working class and wear button up/dress shirts all the time, i don't consider them formal either they were the norm once upon a time. Being working class doesn't mean you have to dress like shit.

>> No.17115187
File: 49 KB, 513x449, 1645884470023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he was just annoying me
'We often contradict an opinion for no other reason than that we do not like the tone in which it is expressed'.
- Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche, 'Menschliches, Allzumenschliches: Ein Buch für freie Geister'

>> No.17115206

They forgot to dress up for the meetup.

>> No.17115264

These are the people giving you advice, kek

>> No.17115277

If you call niggerisation a culture sure

>> No.17115861
File: 2.02 MB, 1346x781, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn, even compared to early meetups that is utterly sad.

>> No.17115870

I'm not falling for your bait. This is a meetup for some other thing. None of those people are into fashion at all.

>> No.17115884
File: 212 KB, 960x959, fa-sweden-meetup-2019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

depends on where it's held

>> No.17115948

This is the correct answer. There are very few exceptions, but if not a complete breakaway, then anyone who's properly made it would at least minimize their posts on here, let alone go to any prospective meetups. This reduction of 4chan use goes for all hobby boards except for /fit/ and maybe /p/.

>> No.17116181

You can tell that under his clothes he’s very skinny-fat

>> No.17116186
File: 266 KB, 990x1500, E6B8624C-304F-4F86-BFFF-42DA2211A742.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2nd from the right

>> No.17116208

the extended neck and d roof had me rollin, thanks anon

>> No.17116277

Do you even think for yourself? Is it only possible for you to communicate using quotes in order to feed your egoism? Are your opinions outside of pedophilia even your own? is it possible for you to even construct an original thought, or are you so entirely reliant on what you've read others say in order to express yourself?
You're clearly reading over my replies because that's a pretty old reply. Kind of a weird and cringe thing to do. It seems I truly did strike a cord.
I think this can be explained through a cultural lens with the understanding that poverty is the underlying issue rather than an actual racial issue, albeit crime is culturally ingrained into the black community on multiple levels. Again though, it's ingrain due to a long history of poverty.
Poor people as a whole commit crimes in urban areas, this is just a fact of modern life regardless of where you live so long as the punishment for crime is just, and race has little to do with it. Modern black people have been raised by people who have experienced overt racism in the workplace, diminishing their ability to gain success and wealth, so therefore its much more likely that a black person is going to be born into a poor culture in which crime is rampant, because again poverty breeds crime. It's a vicious cycle but it seems like its self correcting itself over time as black crime rates drop considering black people have been getting more opportunity through cultural homeostasis.

>> No.17116282

dahmer and baseball cap?

>> No.17116284


im still here but i don't post. There comes a time when keeping weight off is much harder than it used to be and nothing looks good on you anymore.

>> No.17116287

the opposite of wypipo

>> No.17116306

How old are you?

>> No.17116541

>I think this can be explained through a cultural lens with the understanding that poverty is the underlying issue rather than an actual racial issue, albeit crime is culturally ingrained into the black community on multiple levels. Again though, it's ingrain due to a long history of poverty.
Why is it then that whites from intergenerationally poor communities commit violent crimes at a lower rate than wealthier blacks?
Why is it that in the pre-civil rights era, when separate but equal was the law of the land, when racism was far worse than it is today, and when poverty was material and not relative (ie. no running water or electricity vs a last generation iphone) did blacks have higher rates of 2-parent households, higher rates labor market participation, higher rates of entrepreneurship, and why did have their rates of home ownership only dropped since the 1960s?

>> No.17116542

Baseline BMR barely drops as you age. You've just become more sedentary and have probably lost muscle as a result which drives your overall energy needs down

>> No.17116545

At last 4 of them look like they have some kind of disability.

>> No.17116549

People asking for advices here are Omegas. They are the Alpha M crowd.

The only good advices i'd get here is probably about fragrances.

>> No.17116715

Well not only is it hard to find counter research on these topics, but it's hard to find research on these topics. Not to be that guy, but some sources on that shit would make this discussion easier so that not only can I see the data, but counter research is easier to find with the initial research.
Taking these stats at face value however, I'd still argue there's unseen nuance. An intergenerationally poor white person is not only poor for different reasons, but their race is never a factor when they consider their circumstances, nor when others consider their circumstances. Black people are often told that their circumstance is due to their racial nature, which can be internalized, and therefore potentially justifying certain acts that they themselves already know are wrong. Also they come from a specific type of urban culture in which crime has been partially glorified due to it being a partial necessity, much more so in the past, in order to get by, and over time those who have done crime to get by have succeeded and have been deemed people who the younger generation want to mirror the actions of in order to gain success for themselves, creating a cycle, however this cycle all comes down to the initial discrimination that created the cultural environment for these conditions to be met.
I can't fully explain the phenomenon of why black fathers often leave their kids because that's a very true thing, however I can say that a child will often do as their parents do, or don't do, so maybe these kids grow up without fathers and when parenthood presents itself they do as their fathers do and dip. Maybe due to growing up without a father they aren't mentally prepared to actually take on the tolls of parenthood due to not knowing anything about the dynamic themselves.
Again though, very hard to find studies on this not only because I'm likely not using the right words, but racial studies are notoriously difficult to find through Google.

>> No.17116717

I ran out of characters.
It should also be mentioned that finding a job as a black person is inherently harder due to preconceived notions about their race regardless of whether the employer is racist or not. It's been found that the exact same resume being presented to different companies will get more call backs if the name sounds white. Fewer opportunities when mobility is desired can create an environment in which people lash out to some extent.

>> No.17116763

>Well not only is it hard to find counter research on these topics, but it's hard to find research on these topics.
This is true, and goes back to the original intent of my post which was to highlight that there are things which can't be discussed (or even studied) in polite society. That being said I appreciate your thoughtful responses. I think there's something to the cultural component (some of the smartest people I've met have been African immigrants), though I vehemently disagree with 'racism' as the root cause.
Anyway, to answer your question, a solid overall source on race as a predictor of crime can be found here:
If you're inclined to dismiss it out of hand I would urge you to look at the data and the methodology first.
He has links in there to published research that backs the idea up as well, so feel free to dig through those (ex. Pratt and Cullen 2005; Land, McCall, and Cohen 1990; Templer and Rushton 2011).
>Black people are often told that their circumstance is due to their racial nature, which can be internalized, and therefore potentially justifying certain acts that they themselves already know are wrong.
I would disagree with this entirely. The narrative for the past decade at least, and ESPECIALLY post 2016 has been that blacks are where they are because whites/the system/etc keeps them down. Ergo when they lash out everyone (yourself seemingly included) is quick to remove their personal agency and place the blame in society's lap
>in order to get by, and over time those who have done crime to get by have succeeded and have been deemed people who the younger generation want to mirror
And yet many others have come out through non-criminal means and they're often disparaged by the people they left behind (armchair psych but probably because they show there is a non-criminal way out that the rest are too lazy to take)

>> No.17116790

>maybe these kids grow up without fathers and when parenthood presents itself they do as their fathers do and dip. Maybe due to growing up without a father they aren't mentally prepared to actually take on the tolls of parenthood
Again, you're removing the locus of control from the individual. Is it harder to be a father if you've never had one? Undoubtably. But if you want to be a father at all, you'll stick it out once you have a kid and learn as you go.
Slightly related to that, an article discussing the post-Great Society decline of the black community with stats linked throughout
Another one, again, stats and studies referenced throughout
And for the flatline in black home ownership:
>It should also be mentioned that finding a job as a black person is inherently harder due to preconceived notions about their race
Are they preconcieved notions or are they patterns borne out by data? If you know that people with X background are, on average, less intelligent and more violent, why would you, as a business owner, roll the dice when you can get the same skills from a "known quantity" (ie. not black)

>> No.17116791

Thanks man, this is incredibly thorough. I definitely don't have time to read much of it today, but I favorited it and I'll come back around to it on occasion. If you use a statistic that's relevant and on that page let me know so I can counter it.

The thing is that I don't entirely remove personal agency from black people in this instance, I just think that there are predetermined circumstances that land black people in the situations that they find themselves, most commonly being birthed into it, but also being denied jobs and social mobility due to their race. The way they react is on them as individuals, however I can't say what my reaction would be if I were found in a similar circumstance. The main thing is that personal agency isn't specifically relevant when discussing these issues. I would say on average more people are going to be reactive rather than meditate on their options, so on a larger scale you need to take on a consequential point of view when viewing issues effecting large populous like this, especially considering we aren't able to accurately determine generalized intent of action on the larger scale here.

To be fair with your second point, Occam's razor. People as a whole want the easiest solution. Especially when considering black people are in circumstances in which opportunity is stifled when compared to the opportunity white people have enjoyed, a larger portion of their population is rightfully going to resort to unethical means.

>> No.17116810

Well to elaborate on my father point, it's a kin to when someone is abused they are likely to become an abuser later in life. Or maybe that you become what raised you over time and you'll see it in your actions. I'm sure a lot of black men are fully aware that leaving their family is unethical, but people in general are pretty simple. They were raised without a father figure, and generally not much of a family structure, so they naturally abandon the idea in adulthood. There could be more reasonable explanation such as individual ego issues such as inability to provide due to less opportunity once again. Explanations here are going to be largely individualistic from person to person so it would be hard to pin point a genuine answer to the issue here, but I don't think something biologically within black men makes them prone to leaving their families. I'd actually be curious about black family structures in different parts of the world. Maybe I'll look into that later.

With your second point, you are 100% correct here. Crime and lack of personal responsibility are two things that are clearly rampant in black communities in America. As an employer, why the fuck would you hire a black person? To appease other white people? To not be labeled a racist? This is sound reasoning, but viewing it from the lens that black people were raised by people growing up in an overtly racist era breeds a certain kind of off spring. I hate to repeat myself here, but their parents had less opportunity which forced their kids to grow up under certain conditions, breeding a type of kid that wouldn't otherwise be bred if not for racism in America pre-civil rights.

I've got things I need to get done with my day, so if you have a quick response here just know that I'll have a late response.

>> No.17116816

Oh, before I go, I should point out that removing personal agency doesn't actually remove personal agency in a discussion like this, it just explains the actions of the individual from a non-biased view giving us the ability to view the reactionary actions of the individual from a non-consequential point of view in order to explain their consequential actions. I hope that make sense, it's the best I can do right now, I've only have half my coffee.

>> No.17116836

>most commonly being birthed into it, but also being denied jobs and social mobility due to their race.
And yet, especially recently, major institutions have been tripping over themselves to bring in more black people, going so far as to discriminate against other races (though hopefully the SC will overturn affirmative action later this year). Yet despite this, blacks are still underrepresented in college education, an education gap which carries over directly into hiring.
>a larger portion of their population is rightfully going to resort to unethical means
This is a contradiction in terms. You cannot rightfully resort to unethical means. Not when we're talking homicide and aggravated assault. This isn't Jean Valjean stealing a loaf of bread.
>their parents had less opportunity which forced their kids to grow up under certain conditions, breeding a type of kid that wouldn't otherwise be bred if not for racism in America pre-civil rights.
And yet blacks were better off economically and socially BEFORE civil rights. Almost as if self-reliance on a mass scale (mass scale here being what it always is- the sum of individual choices, many at that time forced by circumstances far worse than those facing blacks today) creates better outcomes for all parties involved.
I see where you're coming from, but I think when you're looking at a cultural and economic decline precipitated by paternalization, its not possible to act as though the environment which you say constrains behaviour is not a direct product of the individuals' diminished view of their own agency.
But anyway, I also need to do actual work. If this thread is still up tonight I'll hop back on. Enjoy your coffee m8

>> No.17116986

>original thought
'The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun'.
- Ecclesiastes 1:9

You Americans need to realise civilisation has existed for over 10,000 years.

>> No.17117861

Generally I agree that affirmative action isn't a means of correcting issues. Poor public schooling in inner cities doesn't exactly produce kids with aspirations, and a larger portion of black kids populate inner city schools. Generally due to funding in lower income areas the schooling is going to be worse, and regardless of current economic band aids black kids often have parents that are products of poverty, who are also products of poverty, who are also products of poverty. In a capitalist society (which I'm in favor of, I'm not advocating for communism) economic upwards mobility is unlikely, even more so for those that are living in poverty.

It's hard to find statistics on whether black people were doing better before civil rights as the link you provided doesn't seem to cover a relevant statistic, but I might be wrong it's fairly expansive. Admittedly though, I'm unable to read the majority of the actual data presented here. I can the idea and can inference some shit out of it, but I don't understand the metrics used in the graphs as I'm uneducated. Regardless, I can't exactly refute your point due to that fact that I only have your word on that issue, and it's extremely hard to find statistics on black success metrics pre-civil rights.

I think we'll agree to disagree in the case of learned paternal absence, as this phenomenon seems pretty clearly to be a learned trait perpetuated by lack of perceived ability to act as a parent due to upbringing. I think their personal agency is lost through cultural normalization of the issue, and it does seem to be multi layered. I'm not saying I take away their personal agency, I'm saying they have psychologically dismissed it.

I'd like to point out that through the source you gave me I noticed that while American born black people have much higher incarceration rates, black immigrants have similar rates to native white people, which I can infer means these issues are largely cultural rather than biological.

>> No.17117864

Also, for the record, I'm using reddit spacing due to necessity.

>> No.17118060


>> No.17118067

Dude in the shades mogs

>> No.17118106

At least none of them are trannies or black

>> No.17118123

they all look like their mom dressed them up and forced them to go outside

>> No.17118138

literally none of them look /fa/
they all look like they were dressed by a blind dementia patient with autism

>> No.17118160

Wow what a thread full of garbage conversation. Shout out to goog for providing the back drop for your picture

>> No.17118361

sounds accurate to me

>> No.17118373

literally the worst outfits possible

>> No.17118485

they all need aviatorx.myshopify.com and some stockx. they look like fucking gta npcs.

>> No.17118608
File: 383 KB, 1079x1071, 1606573199343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

okay first off i duno what the fuck the dudes all the way to the right and left are doing there. look like tourists from other boards found the meet up. literally nothing fa about them.

other guys are fine but they all need to work on fit and getting their clothes sized and tailored.

>> No.17118745

this board is literally shit. none of you have personal style and thats why you come here. at least go on pinterest or some shit...gosh

>> No.17118748

this is what men look like and expect to have perfect, interesting women with awesome outfits. try a little, fellas, would ya?

>> No.17118793

Bro first of all these guys need to take a fucking SHOWER.


>> No.17118814


>> No.17119137
File: 59 KB, 183x644, ss (2022-07-08 at 04.17.07).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this man looks like a professional rapist

>> No.17119148 [DELETED] 

looks based

>> No.17119151

dude looks quite based

>> No.17120241
File: 191 KB, 900x1200, 1630903021010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

apparently he gives a mean foot massage

>> No.17120258
File: 149 KB, 1028x675, Village-People.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

YMCA no longer rents rooms
the dream has died


>> No.17120332

It's fun to stay at the Y-M-C-A, excellent tune

>> No.17120402

Lmfao. Oh yeah my family really appreciates the police stopping them while they are outside demanding a what they are doing outside. Dude that list is fucked when we’re these “results” finalized and who the fuck made it?

>> No.17121227

>These are the “people” calling you not /fa/

>> No.17121235

US doesn't blow countries because of dictatorships. They invade country for resources (oil, bananas, etc)

>> No.17121255

Post better fits there then.
People like to bitch around the WAYWT thread but none of you has the stones to actually post fits. Pathetic.

>> No.17121333

>No, I didn't. Didn't vote
But you did
Not voting IS functionally the same as voting because it means your choice helped the winner.

If a politician won by like 15 votes, but 100 people didn't vote, that means that those 100 non votes are 100 LESS votes for the losing side which could have helped them win.

>> No.17121356

based /fit/

>> No.17122029


>> No.17122102

Sounds poor and boring, nice underachievment

>> No.17122162
File: 141 KB, 1400x840, crying laughter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Americans consider wearing a dress shirt as taboo

>> No.17122554

i've seen better /fa/ meet ups at the minions rise of the gru premiere.

>> No.17122562

So wich one will be the next crowd or school shooter?

>> No.17123379

>fashion meetup
>none of them are fashionable
you'd think that people who spend majority of their spare time shitposting on a fashion forum would atleast put some effort into their appearance. All of these dudes are completely unremarkable at best, and at worst they have no sense of color coordination, proportions or personal style. Remember, everytime someone talks shit on this board this is what they look like.

>> No.17123385

I'm confused, why do they look so malformed and malnourished, not only that but they are all dressed like the unironically autistic kids in school that have no friends.

>> No.17123404

Don't tell me that's a /fa/ meet up.

>> No.17124373

Where did you find this? JFL.

>> No.17124509


>wearing a tucked in shirt is "formal"

This is the epitome of nigger culture cannibalizing your common sense

>> No.17124516
File: 978 KB, 396x1358, Screen Shot 2022-07-11 at 6.54.50 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Only one with any sense of style and he looks like he got cancelled for raping skater girls

>> No.17124539
File: 53 KB, 500x500, 0B307A64-76A2-4675-87BA-1F26C8E1A930.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Attention everyone, lift weights

>> No.17124896


>> No.17124904


>> No.17124961

Seethe more.

>> No.17125129

>Only one with any sense of style

>> No.17125169

>Clothes matching hair color
Not a good look.

>> No.17125170

>these are the people who give me fashion advice

>> No.17125175

of course not it's actually a /sverigetråden/ meet up

>> No.17125550

Lol even wearing the most basic shit and they still fail to pull it off. Barely even look like ppl desu I don't know how thats possible. Look like maybe slightly better than average dressed npc normies and even that is a stretch

>> No.17125759

Is this real? It's not, right?